Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_d_gate(n_qbits):

    c_n_a_gate = create_controlled_n_a_gate_v1(n_qbits)
    #     print('\nc_n_a_gate')
    #     print(np.array(c_n_a_gate, dtype = float))

    x_tensor = apply_n_tensor_to(n_qbits, x)
    #     print('\nx_tensor')
    #     print(np.array(x_tensor, dtype = float))

    i_x_tensor = apply_tensor(apply_n_tensor_to(n_qbits - 1, i), x)
    #     print('\ni_x_tensor')
    #     print(np.array(i_x_tensor, dtype = float))

    d_gate = x_tensor

    d_gate = apply_gate_to_psi(c_n_a_gate, d_gate)

    d_gate = apply_gate_to_psi(i_x_tensor, d_gate)

    d_gate = apply_gate_to_psi(c_n_a_gate, d_gate)

    d_gate = apply_gate_to_psi(x_tensor, d_gate)

    d_gate = apply_gate_to_psi(c_n_a_gate, d_gate)

    d_gate = apply_gate_to_psi(i_x_tensor, d_gate)

    d_gate = apply_gate_to_psi(c_n_a_gate, d_gate)

    return d_gate
Ejemplo n.º 2
def testing_d_gate(n_qbits):
    n = n_qbits

    d_gate = create_d_gate(n)
    print('\nd_gate\n', d_gate)
    #     print(np.array(d_gate, dtype = float))

    psi = apply_n_tensor_to(n, qubit_one)
    print('\ninitial psi')

    psi = apply_gate_to_psi(d_gate, psi)
    print('\napplying d_gate to psi')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_controlled_n_a_gate_without_ancilla(n_qbits):
        Make a non unitary O gate
    Required Params:
        n_qbits: Number of qbits that algorithm will computer
    Optional Params:
    Return Value:
        A non unitary O gate

    a_row = a**(1 / 2**(n_qbits - 2))

    c_n_a_row_gate = np.identity(4, dtype=complex)
    c_n_a_row_gate[3][3] = a_row

    identity_tensor = apply_n_tensor_to(n_qbits - 2, i)

    identity_c_n_a_row_gate = apply_tensor(identity_tensor, c_n_a_row_gate)

    controlled_n_not_identity_tensor = apply_tensor(
        create_controlled_n_not(n_qbits - 2), i)

    controlled_n_a_gate_without_ancilla = apply_gate_to_psi(
        identity_c_n_a_row_gate, controlled_n_not_identity_tensor)

    c_n_1_a_row_gate = np.identity(4, dtype=complex)
    c_n_1_a_row_gate[3][3] = 1 / a_row

    identity_c_n_1_a_row_gate = apply_tensor(identity_tensor, c_n_1_a_row_gate)

    controlled_n_a_gate_without_ancilla = apply_gate_to_psi(
        identity_c_n_1_a_row_gate, controlled_n_a_gate_without_ancilla)

    controlled_n_a_gate_without_ancilla = apply_gate_to_psi(
        controlled_n_not_identity_tensor, controlled_n_a_gate_without_ancilla)

    matrix_size = 2**n_qbits
    c_n_a_row_2_gate = np.identity(matrix_size, dtype=complex)
    c_n_a_row_2_gate[matrix_size - 1][matrix_size - 1] = a_row
    c_n_a_row_2_gate[matrix_size - 3][matrix_size - 3] = a_row

    controlled_n_a_gate_without_ancilla = apply_gate_to_psi(
        c_n_a_row_2_gate, controlled_n_a_gate_without_ancilla)

    # Returning controlled_n_a_gate_with_ancilla
    return controlled_n_a_gate_without_ancilla

import numpy as np
from utils.gates import i, z, h
from utils.operations import apply_tensor, apply_n_tensor_to, \
apply_gate_to_psi, print_psi, apply_projective_operator, plot_psi
from utils.qbits import qubit_one, qubit_zero

####### Circuit Properties #################################
# Number of qbits that algorithm will computer
n = 4

# Item to search: |111....11>
item_to_search = apply_n_tensor_to(n + 1, qubit_one)

####### Circuit Gates ######################################
item_to_search_projector = np.dot(item_to_search, np.transpose(item_to_search))

# Creating Identity"s tensors to works qubits
tensor_i = np.identity(2**n, dtype=complex)

# Creating oracle
oracle = apply_tensor(tensor_i, i)
# On the article, in step 1, the oracle is defined as:
# u_t = I - 2 * items_to_search_projector
# oracle = tensor_i - (2 * items_to_search_projector)
# print("\noracle")
# print(oracle.real)
# Creating qwd. On the article it is defined as
# v in step 2
v = create_n_4_qwd_gate(n, m)
print("\nv operator")
# Creating Hadamard"s tensors, works
tensor_h = apply_n_tensor_to(n, h)
# Creating controled_u_0
# On the article is:
# u_s = 2 * items_to_search_projector - I
# controlled_u_0 = 2 * items_to_search_projector - tensor_i
controlled_u_0 = apply_tensor(tensor_i, i)
matrix_size = len(controlled_u_0)

for index in range(matrix_size - 2, matrix_size - 2 - (2 * m), -2):
    controlled_u_0[index + 1][index + 1] = -1
    o_gate_matrix = np.array([
        [0, 0],
        [0, np.power(2, n_qbits)],

    # Returning o_gate_matrix
    return o_gate_matrix

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Number of qbits that algorithm will computer
    n = 6

    # Creating Hadamard's tensors
    tensor_h = apply_n_tensor_to(n, h)

    # Creating Fredkin's tensors
    tensor_f = apply_n_tensor_to(int(n / 3), f)

    # Creating Indentity's tensors
    tensor_i = apply_n_tensor_to(n - 1, i)

    # Creating O operator
    tensor_o_i = apply_tensor(create_o_gate(n), tensor_i)

    # psi_0 - Creating tensor product between inputs: |000000>
    psi = apply_n_tensor_to(n, qubit_zero)
    print('\npsi_0 - Creating tensor product between inputs: |000000>')
Ejemplo n.º 7
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]  #15

    # Returning uf_gate_matrix
    return uf_gate_matrix

""" <<< MAIN >>> """
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Number of qbits that algorithm will computer
    n = 2

    # Creating Hadamard's tensors
    tensor_h = apply_n_tensor_to(n, h)

    # Creating Identity's tensors
    tensor_i = apply_n_tensor_to(n, i)

    # Creating tensor product between:
    # Hadamard's tensors and Identity's tensors
    tensor_h_i = apply_tensor(tensor_h, tensor_i)

    # Creating Uf gate matrix
    uf = create_uf_gate(n)

    # psi_0 - Creating tensor product between inputs: X1 = |0> and X2 = |0>
    psi = apply_n_tensor_to(2 * n, qubit_zero)

    # psi_1 - Applying tensor_h_i to psi_0