Ejemplo n.º 1
def is_feature_complete(cfg):
    """Checks if feature extraction is complete."""

    # is_complete = os.path.exists(get_kp_file(cfg)) and os.path.exists(
    #     get_desc_file(cfg))
    is_complete = os.path.exists(get_kp_file(cfg))
    return is_complete
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(cfg):
    '''Main function to compute matches.

    cfg: Namespace
        Configurations for running this part of the code.


    if os.path.exists(get_match_file(cfg)):
        print(' -- already exists, skipping match computation')

    # Get data directory
    data_dir = get_data_path(cfg)

    # Load pre-computed pairs with the new visibility criteria
    print('Reading list of all possible pairs')
    pairs = get_pairs_per_threshold(data_dir)['0.0']
    print('{} pre-computed pairs'.format(len(pairs)))

    # Load descriptors
    descriptors_dict = load_h5(get_desc_file(cfg))
    keypoints_dict = load_h5(get_kp_file(cfg))

    # Feature Matching
    print('Computing matches')
    num_cores = cfg.num_opencv_threads if cfg.num_opencv_threads > 0 else int(
        len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) * 0.9)
    if WITH_FAISS:
        num_cores = min(4, num_cores)
    result = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(
            '-')[0]]), np.asarray(descriptors_dict[pair.split(
                '-')[1]]), cfg, np.asarray(keypoints_dict[pair.split(
                    '-')[0]]), np.asarray(keypoints_dict[pair.split('-')[1]]))
        for pair in tqdm(pairs))

    # Make match dictionary
    matches_dict = {}
    timings_list = []
    for i, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        matches_dict[pair] = result[i][0]

    # Check match directory
    if not os.path.exists(get_match_path(cfg)):

    # Finally save packed matches
    save_h5(matches_dict, get_match_file(cfg))

    # Save computational cost
    save_h5({'cost': np.mean(timings_list)}, get_match_cost_file(cfg))
    print('Matching cost (averaged over image pairs): {:0.2f} sec'.format(
def compute_avg_num_keypoints(res_dict, cfg):
    '''Compute the average number of keypoints and add it to the dictionary.'''

    # Load keypoints file
    keypoints_dict = load_h5(get_kp_file(cfg))

    # Simply return average of all keypoints per image
    num_kp_list = []
    for key, values in keypoints_dict.items():
        num_kp_list += [len(values)]

    # Now compute average number of keypoints
    res_dict['avg_num_keypoints'] = float(np.mean(num_kp_list))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(cfg):
    '''Main function to compute model.

    cfg: Namespace
        Configurations for running this part of the code.


    if os.path.exists(get_geom_file(cfg)):
        print(' -- already exists, skipping model computation')

    # Get data directory
    keypoints_dict = load_h5(get_kp_file(cfg))

    # Load keypoints and matches
    matches_dict = load_h5(get_filter_match_file_for_computing_model(cfg))

    # Feature Matching
    print('Computing model')
    num_cores = cfg.num_opencv_threads if cfg.num_opencv_threads > 0 else int(
        len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) * 0.9)
    # Load camera information
    data_dir = get_data_path(cfg)
    images_list = get_fullpath_list(data_dir, 'images')
    image_names = get_item_name_list(images_list)

    calib_list = get_fullpath_list(data_dir, 'calibration')
    calib_dict = load_calib(calib_list)
    pairs_per_th = get_pairs_per_threshold(data_dir)

    # Get data directory
        desc_dict = defaultdict(list)
        desc_dict = load_h5(get_desc_file(cfg))
        for k, v in desc_dict.items():
            desc_dict[k] = v
    except Exception:
        desc_dict = defaultdict(list)

        aff_dict = defaultdict(list)
        aff_dict1 = load_h5(get_affine_file(cfg))
        for k, v in aff_dict1.items():
            aff_dict[k] = v
    except Exception:
        aff_dict = defaultdict(list)

        ori_dict = defaultdict(list)
        ori_dict1 = load_h5(get_angle_file(cfg))
        for k, v in ori_dict1.items():
            ori_dict[k] = v
    except Exception:
        ori_dict = defaultdict(list)
        scale_dict = defaultdict(list)
        scale_dict1 = load_h5(get_scale_file(cfg))
        for k, v in scale_dict1.items():
            scale_dict[k] = v
    except Exception:
        scale_dict = defaultdict(list)

    result = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(compute_model)(
        cfg, np.asarray(matches_dict[pair]),
        np.asarray(keypoints_dict[pair.split('-')[1]]), calib_dict[pair.split(
            '-')[0]], calib_dict[pair.split('-')[1]], images_list[
                image_names.index(pair.split('-')[0])], images_list[
                                        for pair in tqdm(pairs_per_th['0.0']))

    # Make model dictionary
    model_dict = {}
    inl_dict = {}
    timings_list = []
    for i, pair in enumerate(pairs_per_th['0.0']):
        model_dict[pair] = result[i][0]
        inl_dict[pair] = result[i][1]

    # Check model directory
    if not os.path.exists(get_geom_path(cfg)):

    # Finally save packed models
    save_h5(model_dict, get_geom_file(cfg))
    save_h5(inl_dict, get_geom_inl_file(cfg))

    # Save computational cost
    save_h5({'cost': np.mean(timings_list)}, get_geom_cost_file(cfg))
    print('Geometry cost (averaged over image pairs): {:0.2f} sec'.format(
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(cfg):
    '''Visualization of stereo keypoints and matches.

    cfg: Namespace
        Configurations for running this part of the code.


    # Files should not be named to prevent (easy) abuse
    # Instead we use 0, ..., cfg.num_viz_stereo_pairs
    viz_folder_hq, viz_folder_lq = get_stereo_viz_folder(cfg)

    print(' -- Visualizations, stereo: "{}/{}"'.format(cfg.dataset, cfg.scene))
    t_start = time()

    # Load deprecated images list
    deprecated_images_all = load_json(cfg.json_deprecated_images)
    if cfg.dataset in deprecated_images_all and cfg.scene in deprecated_images_all[
        deprecated_images = deprecated_images_all[cfg.dataset][cfg.scene]
        deprecated_images = []

    # Load keypoints, matches and errors
    keypoints_dict = load_h5_valid_image(get_kp_file(cfg), deprecated_images)
    matches_dict = load_h5_valid_image(get_match_file(cfg), deprecated_images)
    ransac_inl_dict = load_h5_valid_image(get_geom_inl_file(cfg),

    # Hacky: We need to recompute the errors, loading only for the keys
    data_dir = get_data_path(cfg)
    pairs_all = get_pairs_per_threshold(data_dir)['0.1']
    pairs = []
    for pair in pairs_all:
        if all([key not in deprecated_images for key in pair.split('-')]):
            pairs += [pair]

    # Create results folder if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(viz_folder_hq):
    if not os.path.exists(viz_folder_lq):

    # Sort alphabetically and pick different images
    sorted_keys = sorted(pairs)
    picked = []
    pairs = []
    for pair in sorted_keys:
        fn1, fn2 = pair.split('-')
        if fn1 not in picked and fn2 not in picked:
            picked += [fn1, fn2]
            pairs += [pair]
        if len(pairs) == cfg.num_viz_stereo_pairs:

    # Load depth maps
    depth = {}
    if cfg.dataset != 'googleurban':
        for pair in pairs:
            files = pair.split('-')
            for f in files:
                if f not in depth:
                    depth[f] = load_depth(
                        os.path.join(data_dir, 'depth_maps',

    # Generate and save the images
    for i, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        # load metadata
        fn1, fn2 = pair.split('-')
        calib_dict = load_calib([
            os.path.join(data_dir, 'calibration',
            os.path.join(data_dir, 'calibration',
        calc1 = calib_dict[fn1]
        calc2 = calib_dict[fn2]
        inl = ransac_inl_dict[pair]

        # Get depth for keypoints
        kp1 = keypoints_dict[fn1]
        kp2 = keypoints_dict[fn2]
        # Normalize keypoints
        kp1n = normalize_keypoints(kp1, calc1['K'])
        kp2n = normalize_keypoints(kp2, calc2['K'])

        # Get {R, t} from calibration information
        R_1, t_1 = calc1['R'], calc1['T'].reshape((3, 1))
        R_2, t_2 = calc2['R'], calc2['T'].reshape((3, 1))

        # Compute dR, dt
        dR = np.dot(R_2, R_1.T)
        dT = t_2 - np.dot(dR, t_1)

        if cfg.dataset == 'phototourism':
            kp1_int = np.round(kp1).astype(int)
            kp2_int = np.round(kp2).astype(int)

            kp1_int[:, 1] = np.clip(kp1_int[:, 1], 0, depth[fn1].shape[0] - 1)
            kp1_int[:, 0] = np.clip(kp1_int[:, 0], 0, depth[fn1].shape[1] - 1)
            kp2_int[:, 1] = np.clip(kp2_int[:, 1], 0, depth[fn2].shape[0] - 1)
            kp2_int[:, 0] = np.clip(kp2_int[:, 0], 0, depth[fn2].shape[1] - 1)
            d1 = np.expand_dims(depth[fn1][kp1_int[:, 1], kp1_int[:, 0]],
            d2 = np.expand_dims(depth[fn2][kp2_int[:, 1], kp2_int[:, 0]],

            # Project with depth
            kp1n_p, kp2n_p = get_projected_kp(kp1n, kp2n, d1, d2, dR, dT)
            kp1_p = unnormalize_keypoints(kp1n_p, calc2['K'])
            kp2_p = unnormalize_keypoints(kp2n_p, calc1['K'])

            # Re-index keypoints from matches
            kp1_inl = kp1[inl[0]]
            kp2_inl = kp2[inl[1]]
            kp1_p_inl = kp1_p[inl[0]]
            kp2_p_inl = kp2_p[inl[1]]
            kp1n_inl = kp1n[inl[0]]
            kp2n_inl = kp2n[inl[1]]
            kp1n_p_inl = kp1n_p[inl[0]]
            kp2n_p_inl = kp2n_p[inl[1]]
            d1_inl = d1[inl[0]]
            d2_inl = d2[inl[1]]

            # Filter out keypoints with invalid depth
            nonzero_index = np.nonzero(np.squeeze(d1_inl * d2_inl))
            zero_index = np.where(np.squeeze(d1_inl * d2_inl) == 0)[0]
            kp1_inl_nonzero = kp1_inl[nonzero_index]
            kp2_inl_nonzero = kp2_inl[nonzero_index]
            kp1_p_inl_nonzero = kp1_p_inl[nonzero_index]
            kp2_p_inl_nonzero = kp2_p_inl[nonzero_index]
            kp1n_inl_nonzero = kp1n_inl[nonzero_index]
            kp2n_inl_nonzero = kp2n_inl[nonzero_index]
            kp1n_p_inl_nonzero = kp1n_p_inl[nonzero_index]
            kp2n_p_inl_nonzero = kp2n_p_inl[nonzero_index]
            # Compute symmetric distance using the depth image
            d = get_truesym(kp1_inl_nonzero, kp2_inl_nonzero,
                            kp1_p_inl_nonzero, kp2_p_inl_nonzero)
            # All points are valid for computing the epipolar distance.
            zero_index = []

            # Compute symmetric epipolar distance for every match.
            kp1_inl_nonzero = kp1[inl[0]]
            kp2_inl_nonzero = kp2[inl[1]]
            kp1n_inl_nonzero = kp1n[inl[0]]
            kp2n_inl_nonzero = kp2n[inl[1]]
            # d = np.zeros(inl.shape[1])
            d = get_episym(kp1n_inl_nonzero, kp2n_inl_nonzero, dR, dT)

        # canvas
        im, v_offset, h_offset = build_composite_image(
                data_dir, 'images',
                fn1 + ('.png' if cfg.dataset == 'googleurban' else '.jpg')),
                data_dir, 'images',
                fn2 + ('.png' if cfg.dataset == 'googleurban' else '.jpg')),
            axis=1 if
            (not cfg.viz_composite_vert or cfg.dataset == 'googleurban'
             or cfg.dataset == 'pragueparks') else 0)

        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
        linewidth = 2

        # Plot matches on points without depth
        for idx in range(len(zero_index)):
                (kp1_inl[idx, 0] + h_offset[0], kp2_inl[idx, 0] + h_offset[1]),
                (kp1_inl[idx, 1] + v_offset[0], kp2_inl[idx, 1] + v_offset[1]),

        # Plot matches
        # Points are normalized by the focals, which are on average ~670.

        max_dist = 5
        if cfg.dataset == 'googleurban':
            max_dist = 2e-4
        if cfg.dataset == 'pragueparks':
            max_dist = 2e-4
        cmap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('summer')
        order = list(range(len(d)))
        for idx in order:
            if d[idx] <= max_dist:
                min_val = 0
                max_val = 255 - min_val
                col = cmap(
                    int(max_val * (1 - (max_dist - d[idx]) / max_dist) +
                # col = cmap(255 * (max_dist - d[idx]) / max_dist)
                col = 'r'
            plt.plot((kp1_inl_nonzero[idx, 0] + h_offset[0],
                      kp2_inl_nonzero[idx, 0] + h_offset[1]),
                     (kp1_inl_nonzero[idx, 1] + v_offset[0],
                      kp2_inl_nonzero[idx, 1] + v_offset[1]),

        viz_file_hq = os.path.join(viz_folder_hq, '{:05d}.png'.format(i))
        viz_file_lq = os.path.join(viz_folder_lq, '{:05d}.jpg'.format(i))
        plt.savefig(viz_file_hq, bbox_inches='tight')

        # Convert with imagemagick
        os.system('convert -quality 75 -resize \"500>\" {} {}'.format(
            viz_file_hq, viz_file_lq))


    print('Done [{:.02f} s.]'.format(time() - t_start))
def main(cfg):
    '''Main function to compute features.

    cfg: Namespace

    if os.path.exists(get_kp_file(cfg)) and os.path.exists(get_desc_file(cfg)):
        print(' -- already exists, skipping feature extraction')

    # Get data directory
    data_dir = get_data_path(cfg)

    # Get list of all images and visibility files in the 'set_100'
    images_list = get_fullpath_list(data_dir, 'images')

    # Also create a list which only contains the image names, so that it can be
    # used as keys in the dictionary later
    image_names = get_item_name_list(images_list)

    # Create folder
    save_dir = get_feature_path(cfg)
    if not os.path.exists(save_dir):

    # Compute and save keypoints and descriptors
    # Parallel processing actually slows down stuff, because opencv is already
    # using multiple threads. We just simply go through one by one without
    # parallel processing for now
    print('Extracting Keypoints and Descriptors:')
    result = []
    for img_path in tqdm(images_list):
        result.append(compute_per_img_file(img_path, cfg))

    # num_cores = int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 0.9)
    # print('Extracting Keypoints and Descriptors:')
    # result = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(compute_per_img_file)(
    #     img_path, cfg) for img_path in tqdm(images_list))

    # Save keypoints and descriptors
    kp_dict = {}
    scale_dict = {}
    angle_dict = {}
    score_dict = {}
    descs_dict = {}
    affine_dict = {}
    for _i in range(len(image_names)):
        assert 'kp' in result[_i], 'Must provide keypoints'
        assert 'descs' in result[_i], 'Must provide descriptors'
        if 'kp' in result[_i]:
            kp_dict[image_names[_i]] = result[_i]['kp']
        if 'scale' in result[_i]:
            scale_dict[image_names[_i]] = result[_i]['scale']
        if 'angle' in result[_i]:
            angle_dict[image_names[_i]] = result[_i]['angle']
        if 'affine' in result[_i]:
            affine_dict[image_names[_i]] = result[_i]['affine']
        if 'score' in result[_i]:
            score_dict[image_names[_i]] = result[_i]['score']
        if 'descs' in result[_i]:
            descs_dict[image_names[_i]] = result[_i]['descs']

    # Finally, save packed keypoints and descriptors
    save_h5(kp_dict, get_kp_file(cfg))
    save_h5(scale_dict, get_scale_file(cfg))
    save_h5(angle_dict, get_angle_file(cfg))
    save_h5(score_dict, get_score_file(cfg))
    save_h5(descs_dict, get_desc_file(cfg))
    save_h5(affine_dict, get_affine_file(cfg))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run_colmap_for_bag(cfg):
    '''Runs colmap to retrieve poses for each bag'''

    # Colmap pose file already exists, skip the session
    if os.path.exists(get_colmap_pose_file(cfg)):
        print(' -- already exists, skipping COLMAP eval')

    # Load keypoints and matches
    keypoints_dict = load_h5(get_kp_file(cfg))

    matches_dict = load_h5(get_filter_match_file(cfg))

    print('Running COLMAP on "{}", bagsize {} -- bag {}'.format(
        cfg.scene, cfg.bag_size, cfg.bag_id))

    # Additional sanity check to account for crash -- in this case colmap temp
    # directory can exist. This in an indication that you need to remove
    # results and rerun colmap.
    colmap_temp_path = get_colmap_temp_path(cfg)
    colmap_output_path = get_colmap_output_path(cfg)
    if os.path.exists(colmap_temp_path):
        print(' -- temp path exists - cleaning up from crash')
        if os.path.exists(colmap_output_path):
        if os.path.exists(get_colmap_pose_file(cfg)):

    # Check existance of colmap result and terminate if already exists.
    colmap_output_path = get_colmap_output_path(cfg)
    if os.path.exists(colmap_output_path):
        print(' -- already exists, skipping COLMAP session')

    # Create output directory

    # Create colmap temporary directory and copy files over. Remove anything
    # that might have existed.
    colmap_temp_path = get_colmap_temp_path(cfg)
    if os.path.exists(colmap_temp_path):

    # Make sure old data is gone and create a new temp folder
    assert (not os.path.exists(colmap_temp_path))

    # Create colmap-friendy structures
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(colmap_temp_path, 'images'))
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(colmap_temp_path, 'features'))

    # Get list of all images in this bag
    image_subset_list = get_colmap_image_path_list(cfg)

    subset_index = get_colmap_image_subset_index(cfg, image_subset_list)

    # Copy images
    for _src in image_subset_list:
        _dst = os.path.join(colmap_temp_path, 'images', os.path.basename(_src))
        copyfile(_src, _dst)

    # Write features to colmap friendly format
    for image_path in image_subset_list:
        # Retrieve image name, with and without extension
        image_name = os.path.basename(image_path)
        image_name_no_ext = os.path.splitext(image_name)[0]
        # Read keypoint
        keypoints = keypoints_dict[image_name_no_ext]
        # Keypoint file to write to
        kp_file = os.path.join(colmap_temp_path, 'features',
                               image_name + '.txt')
        # Open a file to write
        with open(kp_file, 'w') as f:
            # Retieve the number of keypoints
            len_keypoints = len(keypoints)
            f.write(str(len_keypoints) + ' ' + str(128) + '\n')
            for i in range(len_keypoints):
                kp = ' '.join(str(k) for k in keypoints[i][:4])
                desc = ' '.join(str(0) for d in range(128))
                f.write(kp + ' ' + desc + '\n')

    # Write matches to colmap friendly format
    # Read visibilties
    data_dir = get_data_path(cfg)
    vis_list = get_fullpath_list(data_dir, 'visibility')

    # Load matches and store them to a text file
    # TODO: This seems to be done multiple times. Do we need to do this?
    print('Generate list of all possible pairs')
    pairs = compute_image_pairs(vis_list, len(image_subset_list), cfg.vis_th,
    print('{} pairs generated'.format(len(pairs)))

    # Write to match file
    match_file = os.path.join(colmap_temp_path, 'matches.txt')
    with open(match_file, 'w') as f:
        for pair in pairs:
            image_1_name = os.path.basename(image_subset_list[pair[0]])
            image_2_name = os.path.basename(image_subset_list[pair[1]])
            image_1_name_no_ext = os.path.splitext(image_1_name)[0]
            image_2_name_no_ext = os.path.splitext(image_2_name)[0]

            # Load matches
            key = '-'.join([image_1_name_no_ext, image_2_name_no_ext])
            matches = np.squeeze(matches_dict[key])
            # only write when matches are given
            if matches.ndim == 2:
                f.write(image_1_name + ' ' + image_2_name + '\n')
                for _i in range(matches.shape[1]):
                        str(matches[0, _i]) + ' ' + str(matches[1, _i]) + '\n')

    # COLMAP runs -- wrapped in try except to throw errors if subprocess fails
    # and then clean up the colmap temp directory

        print('COLMAP Feature Import')
        cmd = ['colmap', 'feature_importer']
        cmd += [
            os.path.join(colmap_output_path, 'databases.db')
        cmd += ['--image_path', os.path.join(colmap_temp_path, 'images')]
        cmd += ['--import_path', os.path.join(colmap_temp_path, 'features')]
        colmap_res = subprocess.run(cmd)
        if colmap_res.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError(' -- COLMAP failed to import features!')

        print('COLMAP Match Import')
        cmd = ['colmap', 'matches_importer']
        cmd += [
            os.path.join(colmap_output_path, 'databases.db')
        cmd += [
            os.path.join(colmap_temp_path, 'matches.txt')
        cmd += ['--match_type', 'raw']
        cmd += ['--SiftMatching.use_gpu', '0']
        colmap_res = subprocess.run(cmd)
        if colmap_res.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError(' -- COLMAP failed to import matches!')

        print('COLMAP Mapper')
        cmd = ['colmap', 'mapper']
        cmd += ['--image_path', os.path.join(colmap_temp_path, 'images')]
        cmd += [
            os.path.join(colmap_output_path, 'databases.db')
        cmd += ['--output_path', colmap_output_path]
        cmd += ['--Mapper.min_model_size', str(cfg.colmap_min_model_size)]
        colmap_res = subprocess.run(cmd)
        if colmap_res.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError(' -- COLMAP failed to run mapper!')

        # Delete temp directory after working

    except Exception as err:
        # Remove colmap output path and temp path

        # Re-throw error
        raise RuntimeError('Parts of colmap runs returns failed state!')

    print('Checking validity of the colmap run just in case')

    # Check validity of colmap reconstruction for all of them
    is_any_colmap_valid = False
    idx_list = [
        os.path.join(colmap_output_path, _d)
        for _d in os.listdir(colmap_output_path)
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(colmap_output_path, _d))
    for idx in idx_list:
        colmap_img_file = os.path.join(idx, 'images.bin')
        if is_colmap_img_valid(colmap_img_file):
            is_any_colmap_valid = True
    if not is_any_colmap_valid:
        print('Error in reading colmap output -- '
              'removing colmap output directory')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main(cfg):
    '''Visualization of colmap points.

    cfg: Namespace
        Configurations for running this part of the code.


    bag_size_json = load_json(
        getattr(cfg, 'splits_{}_{}'.format(cfg.dataset, cfg.subset)))
    bag_size_list = [b['bag_size'] for b in bag_size_json]
    bag_size_num = [b['num_in_bag'] for b in bag_size_json]

    # # Do not re-run if files already exist -- off for now
    # skip = True
    # for _bag_size in bag_size_list:
    #     cfg_bag = deepcopy(cfg)
    #     cfg_bag.bag_size = _bag_size
    #     viz_folder_hq, viz_folder_lq = get_colmap_viz_folder(cfg_bag)
    #     for _bag_id in range(
    #             getattr(cfg_bag,
    #                     'num_viz_colmap_subsets_bagsize{}'.format(_bag_size))):
    #         if any([
    #                 not os.path.exists(
    #                     os.path.join(
    #                         viz_folder_lq,
    #                         'colmap-bagsize{:d}-bag{:02d}-image{:02d}.jpg'.
    #                         format(_bag_size, _bag_id, i)))
    #                 for i in range(_bag_size)
    #         ]):
    #             skip = False
    #             break
    #         if not os.path.exists(
    #                 os.path.join(
    #                     viz_folder_lq,
    #                     'colmap-bagsize{:d}-bag{:02d}.pcd'.format(
    #                         _bag_size, _bag_id))):
    #             skip = False
    #             break
    # if skip:
    #     print(' -- already exists, skipping colmap visualization')
    #     return

    print(' -- Visualizations, multiview: "{}/{}"'.format(
        cfg.dataset, cfg.scene))
    t_start = time()

    # Create results folder if it does not exist
    for _bag_size in bag_size_list:
        cfg_bag = deepcopy(cfg)
        cfg_bag.bag_size = _bag_size
        viz_folder_hq, viz_folder_lq = get_colmap_viz_folder(cfg_bag)
        if not os.path.exists(viz_folder_hq):
        if not os.path.exists(viz_folder_lq):

    # Load keypoints
    keypoints_dict = load_h5(get_kp_file(cfg))

    # Loop over bag sizes
    for _bag_size in bag_size_list:
        cfg_bag = deepcopy(cfg)
        cfg_bag.bag_size = _bag_size
        num_bags = getattr(
            cfg_bag, 'num_viz_colmap_subsets_bagsize{}'.format(_bag_size))
        for _bag_id in range(num_bags):
                ' -- Visualizations, multiview: "{}/{}", bag_size={}, bag {}/{}'
                .format(cfg.dataset, cfg.scene, _bag_size, _bag_id + 1,

            # Retrieve list of images
            cfg_bag.bag_id = _bag_id
            images_in_bag = get_colmap_image_path_list(cfg_bag)

            # Retrieve reconstruction
            colmap_output_path = get_colmap_output_path(cfg_bag)
            # is_colmap_valid = os.path.exists(
            #     os.path.join(colmap_output_path, '0'))
            best_index = get_best_colmap_index(cfg_bag)
            if best_index != -1:
                colmap_images = read_images_binary(
                    os.path.join(colmap_output_path, str(best_index),
            for i, image_path in enumerate(images_in_bag):
                # Limit to 10 or so, even for bag size 25
                if i >= cfg.max_num_images_viz_multiview:

                # Load image and keypoints
                im, _ = load_image(image_path,
                used = None
                key = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0]
                if best_index != -1:
                    for j in colmap_images:
                        if key in colmap_images[j].name:
                            # plot all keypoints
                            used = colmap_images[j].point3D_ids != -1
                if used is None:
                    used = [False] * keypoints_dict[key].shape[0]
                used = np.array(used)

                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
                plt.plot(keypoints_dict[key][~used, 0],
                         keypoints_dict[key][~used, 1],
                plt.plot(keypoints_dict[key][used, 0],
                         keypoints_dict[key][used, 1],

                # TODO Ideally we would save to pdf
                # but it does not work on 16.04, so we do png instead
                # https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imagemagick/+bug/1796563
                viz_folder_hq, viz_folder_lq = get_colmap_viz_folder(cfg_bag)
                viz_file_hq = os.path.join(
                        _bag_size, _bag_id, i))
                viz_file_lq = os.path.join(
                        _bag_size, _bag_id, i))
                plt.savefig(viz_file_hq, bbox_inches='tight')

                # Convert with imagemagick
                os.system('convert -quality 75 -resize \"400>\" {} {}'.format(
                    viz_file_hq, viz_file_lq))


            if best_index != -1:
                colmap_points = read_points3d_binary(
                    os.path.join(colmap_output_path, str(best_index),
                points3d = []
                for k in colmap_points:
                        colmap_points[k].xyz[0], colmap_points[k].xyz[1],
                points3d = np.array(points3d)
                points3d -= np.median(points3d, axis=0)[None, ...]
                points3d /= np.abs(points3d).max() + 1e-6
                pcd = os.path.join(
                        _bag_size, _bag_id))
                with open(pcd, 'w') as f:
                    f.write('# .PCD v.7 - Point Cloud Data file format\n')
                    f.write('VERSION .7\n')
                    f.write('FIELDS x y z\n')
                    f.write('SIZE 4 4 4\n')
                    f.write('TYPE F F F\n')
                    f.write('COUNT 1 1 1\n')
                    f.write('WIDTH {}\n'.format(len(colmap_points)))
                    f.write('HEIGHT 1\n')
                    f.write('VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0\n')
                    f.write('POINTS {}\n'.format(len(colmap_points)))
                    f.write('DATA ascii\n')
                    for p in points3d:
                        f.write('{:.05f} {:.05f} {:.05f}\n'.format(
                            p[0], p[1], p[2]))
                            _bag_size, _bag_id)),
                            _bag_size, _bag_id)))

    print('done [{:.02f} s.]'.format(time() - t_start))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main(cfg):
    '''Main function to compute matches.

    cfg: Namespace
        Configurations for running this part of the code.


    # Get data directory
    data_dir = get_data_path(cfg)

    # Load pre-computed pairs with the new visibility criteria
    pairs_per_th = get_pairs_per_threshold(data_dir)

    # Check if all files exist
    if is_stereo_complete(cfg):
        print(' -- already exists, skipping stereo eval')

    # Load keypoints and matches
    keypoints_dict = load_h5(get_kp_file(cfg))
    matches_dict = load_h5(get_match_file(cfg))
    geom_dict = load_h5(get_geom_file(cfg))
    geom_inl_dict = load_h5(get_geom_inl_file(cfg))

    filter_matches_dict = load_h5(get_filter_match_file(cfg))

    # Load visiblity and images
    images_list = get_fullpath_list(data_dir, 'images')
    vis_list = get_fullpath_list(data_dir, 'visibility')
    if cfg.dataset != 'googleurban':
        depth_maps_list = get_fullpath_list(data_dir, 'depth_maps')
    image_names = get_item_name_list(images_list)

    # Load camera information
    calib_list = get_fullpath_list(data_dir, 'calibration')
    calib_dict = load_calib(calib_list)

    # Generate all possible pairs
    print('Generating list of all possible pairs')
    pairs = compute_image_pairs(vis_list, len(image_names), cfg.vis_th)
    print('Old pairs with the point-based visibility threshold: {} '
          '(for compatibility)'.format(len(pairs)))
    for k, v in pairs_per_th.items():
        print('New pairs at visibility threshold {}: {}'.format(k, len(v)))

    # Evaluate each stereo pair in parallel
    # Compute it for all pairs (i.e. visibility threshold 0)
    print('Compute stereo metrics for all pairs')
    #num_cores = int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 0.9)
    num_cores = int(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) * 0.9)

    result = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(compute_stereo_metrics_from_E)(
        images_list[image_names.index(pair.split('-')[0])], images_list[
        depth_maps_list[image_names.index(pair.split('-')[0])] if cfg.
        dataset != 'googleurban' else None, depth_maps_list[image_names.index(
            pair.split('-')[1])] if cfg.dataset != 'googleurban' else None,
        np.asarray(keypoints_dict[pair.split('-')[1]]), calib_dict[pair.split(
            '-')[0]], calib_dict[pair.split('-')
                                 [1]], geom_dict[pair], matches_dict[pair],
        filter_matches_dict[pair], geom_inl_dict[pair], cfg)
                                        for pair in tqdm(pairs_per_th['0.0']))

    # Convert previous visibility list to strings
    old_keys = []
    for pair in pairs:

    # Extract scores, err_q, err_t from results
    all_keys = pairs_per_th['0.0']
    err_dict, rep_s_dict = {}, {}
    geo_s_dict_pre_match, geo_s_dict_refined_match, \
        geo_s_dict_final_match = {}, {}, {}
    true_s_dict_pre_match, true_s_dict_refined_match, \
        true_s_dict_final_match = {}, {}, {}
    for i in range(len(result)):
        if all_keys[i] in old_keys:
            if result[i][5]:
                    all_keys[i]] = result[i][0][0] if result[i][0] else None
                    all_keys[i]] = result[i][0][1] if result[i][0] else None
                    all_keys[i]] = result[i][0][2] if result[i][0] else None
                    all_keys[i]] = result[i][1][0] if result[i][1] else None
                    all_keys[i]] = result[i][1][1] if result[i][1] else None
                    all_keys[i]] = result[i][1][2] if result[i][1] else None
                err_q = result[i][2]
                err_t = result[i][3]
                rep_s_dict[all_keys[i]] = result[i][4]
                err_dict[all_keys[i]] = [err_q, err_t]
    print('Aggregating results for the old visibility constraint: '
          '{}/{}'.format(len(geo_s_dict_pre_match), len(result)))

    # Repeat with the new visibility threshold
    err_dict_th, rep_s_dict_th = {}, {}
    geo_s_dict_pre_match_th, geo_s_dict_refined_match_th, \
        geo_s_dict_final_match_th = {}, {}, {}
    true_s_dict_pre_match_th, true_s_dict_refined_match_th, \
        true_s_dict_final_match_th = {}, {}, {}
    for th, cur_pairs in pairs_per_th.items():
        _err_dict, _rep_s_dict = {}, {}
        _geo_s_dict_pre_match, _geo_s_dict_refined_match, \
            _geo_s_dict_final_match = {}, {}, {}
        _true_s_dict_pre_match, _true_s_dict_refined_match, \
            _true_s_dict_final_match = {}, {}, {}
        for i in range(len(all_keys)):
            if len(cur_pairs) > 0 and all_keys[i] in cur_pairs:
                if result[i][5]:
                        i]] = result[i][0][0] if result[i][0] else None
                        i]] = result[i][0][1] if result[i][0] else None
                        i]] = result[i][0][2] if result[i][0] else None
                        i]] = result[i][1][0] if result[i][1] else None
                        i]] = result[i][1][1] if result[i][1] else None
                        i]] = result[i][1][2] if result[i][1] else None
                    err_q = result[i][2]
                    err_t = result[i][3]
                        all_keys[i]] = result[i][4] if result[i][4] else None
                    _err_dict[all_keys[i]] = [err_q, err_t]
        geo_s_dict_pre_match_th[th] = _geo_s_dict_pre_match
        geo_s_dict_refined_match_th[th] = _geo_s_dict_refined_match
        geo_s_dict_final_match_th[th] = _geo_s_dict_final_match
        true_s_dict_pre_match_th[th] = _true_s_dict_pre_match
        true_s_dict_refined_match_th[th] = _true_s_dict_refined_match
        true_s_dict_final_match_th[th] = _true_s_dict_final_match
        err_dict_th[th] = _err_dict
        rep_s_dict_th[th] = _rep_s_dict
        print('Aggregating results for threshold "{}": {}/{}'.format(
            th, len(geo_s_dict_pre_match_th[th]), len(result)))

    # Create results folder if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(get_stereo_path(cfg)):

    # Finally, save packed scores and errors
    if cfg.dataset != 'googleurban':
        save_h5(geo_s_dict_pre_match, get_stereo_epipolar_pre_match_file(cfg))

        save_h5(rep_s_dict, get_repeatability_score_file(cfg))
    save_h5(err_dict, get_stereo_pose_file(cfg))

    for th in pairs_per_th:
        if cfg.dataset != 'googleurban':
                    get_stereo_epipolar_pre_match_file(cfg, th))
                    get_stereo_epipolar_refined_match_file(cfg, th))
                    get_stereo_epipolar_final_match_file(cfg, th))
                    get_stereo_depth_projection_pre_match_file(cfg, th))
                    get_stereo_depth_projection_refined_match_file(cfg, th))
                    get_stereo_depth_projection_final_match_file(cfg, th))
            save_h5(rep_s_dict_th[th], get_repeatability_score_file(cfg, th))
        save_h5(err_dict_th[th], get_stereo_pose_file(cfg, th))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main(cfg):
    '''Visualization of stereo keypoints and matches.

    cfg: Namespace
        Configurations for running this part of the code.


    # Files should not be named to prevent (easy) abuse
    # Instead we use 0, ..., cfg.num_viz_stereo_pairs
    viz_folder_hq, viz_folder_lq = get_stereo_viz_folder(cfg)

    # # Do not re-run if files already exist -- off for now
    # if os.path.exists(viz_folder_lq):
    #     if all([
    #             os.path.exists(
    #                 os.path.join(viz_folder_lq, 'stereo-{}.jpg'.format(i)))
    #             for i in range(cfg.num_viz_stereo_pairs)
    #     ]):
    #         print(' -- already exists, skipping stereo visualization')
    #         return

    print(' -- Visualizations, stereo: "{}/{}"'.format(cfg.dataset, cfg.scene))
    t_start = time()

    # Load keypoints, matches and errors
    keypoints_dict = load_h5(get_kp_file(cfg))
    matches_dict = load_h5(get_match_file(cfg))

    # Hacky: We need to recompute the errors, loading only for the keys
    errors_dict = load_h5(get_stereo_epipolar_final_match_file(cfg, th='0.1'))

    # Get data directory
    data_dir = get_data_path(cfg)

    # Create results folder if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(viz_folder_hq):
    if not os.path.exists(viz_folder_lq):

    # Sort alphabetically and pick different images
    sorted_keys = sorted(errors_dict)
    picked = []
    pairs = []
    for pair in sorted_keys:
        fn1, fn2 = pair.split('-')
        if fn1 not in picked and fn2 not in picked:
            picked += [fn1, fn2]
            pairs += [pair]
        if len(pairs) == cfg.num_viz_stereo_pairs:

    # Load all depth maps
    depth = {}
    for pair in pairs:
        files = pair.split('-')
        for f in files:
            if f not in depth:
                depth[f] = load_depth(
                    os.path.join(data_dir, 'depth_maps', '{}.h5'.format(f)))

    # Generate and save the images
    for i, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        # load metadata
        fn1, fn2 = pair.split('-')
        calib_dict = load_calib([
            os.path.join(data_dir, 'calibration',
            os.path.join(data_dir, 'calibration',
        calc1 = calib_dict[fn1]
        calc2 = calib_dict[fn2]
        matches = matches_dict[pair]
        ransac_inl_dict = load_h5(get_geom_inl_file(cfg))
        inl = ransac_inl_dict[pair]

        # Get depth for keypoints
        kp1 = keypoints_dict[fn1]
        kp2 = keypoints_dict[fn2]
        kp1_int = np.round(kp1).astype(int)
        kp2_int = np.round(kp2).astype(int)

        kp1_int[:, 1] = np.clip(kp1_int[:, 1], 0, depth[fn1].shape[0] - 1)
        kp1_int[:, 0] = np.clip(kp1_int[:, 0], 0, depth[fn1].shape[1] - 1)
        d1 = np.expand_dims(depth[fn1][kp1_int[:, 1], kp1_int[:, 0]], axis=-1)
        d2 = np.expand_dims(depth[fn2][kp2_int[:, 1], kp2_int[:, 0]], axis=-1)

        # Get {R, t} from calibration information
        R_1, t_1 = calc1['R'], calc1['T'].reshape((3, 1))
        R_2, t_2 = calc2['R'], calc2['T'].reshape((3, 1))

        # Compute dR, dt
        dR = np.dot(R_2, R_1.T)
        dT = t_2 - np.dot(dR, t_1)

        # Normalize keypoints
        kp1n = normalize_keypoints(kp1, calc1['K'])
        kp2n = normalize_keypoints(kp2, calc2['K'])

        # Project with depth
        kp1n_p, kp2n_p = get_projected_kp(kp1n, kp2n, d1, d2, dR, dT)
        kp1_p = unnormalize_keypoints(kp1n_p, calc2['K'])
        kp2_p = unnormalize_keypoints(kp2n_p, calc1['K'])

        # Re-index keypoints from matches
        kp1_inl = kp1[inl[0]]
        kp2_inl = kp2[inl[1]]
        kp1_p_inl = kp1_p[inl[0]]
        kp2_p_inl = kp2_p[inl[1]]
        kp1n_inl = kp1n[inl[0]]
        kp2n_inl = kp2n[inl[1]]
        kp1n_p_inl = kp1n_p[inl[0]]
        kp2n_p_inl = kp2n_p[inl[1]]
        d1_inl = d1[inl[0]]
        d2_inl = d2[inl[1]]

        # Filter out keypoints with invalid depth
        nonzero_index = np.nonzero(np.squeeze(d1_inl * d2_inl))
        zero_index = np.where(np.squeeze(d1_inl * d2_inl) == 0)[0]
        kp1_inl_nonzero = kp1_inl[nonzero_index]
        kp2_inl_nonzero = kp2_inl[nonzero_index]
        kp1_p_inl_nonzero = kp1_p_inl[nonzero_index]
        kp2_p_inl_nonzero = kp2_p_inl[nonzero_index]
        kp1n_inl_nonzero = kp1n_inl[nonzero_index]
        kp2n_inl_nonzero = kp2n_inl[nonzero_index]
        kp1n_p_inl_nonzero = kp1n_p_inl[nonzero_index]
        kp2n_p_inl_nonzero = kp2n_p_inl[nonzero_index]

        # Compute symmetric distance using the depth image
        true_d = get_truesym(kp1_inl_nonzero, kp2_inl_nonzero,
                             kp1_p_inl_nonzero, kp2_p_inl_nonzero)

        # canvas
        im, v_offset, h_offset = build_composite_image(
            os.path.join(data_dir, 'images', fn1 + '.jpg'),
            os.path.join(data_dir, 'images', fn2 + '.jpg'),
            axis=0 if cfg.viz_composite_vert else 1)

        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
        linewidth = 2

        # Plot matches on points without depth
        for idx in range(len(zero_index)):
            plt.plot((kp1[idx, 0] + h_offset[0], kp2[idx, 0] + h_offset[1]),
                     (kp1[idx, 1] + v_offset[0], kp2[idx, 1] + v_offset[1]),

        # Plot matches on points with depth
        max_dist = 5
        cmap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('summer')
        order = list(range(len(true_d)))
        for idx in order:
            if true_d[idx] <= max_dist:
                min_val = 0
                max_val = 255 - min_val
                col = cmap(
                    int(max_val * (1 - (max_dist - true_d[idx]) / max_dist) +
                # col = cmap(255 * (max_dist - true_d[idx]) / max_dist)
                col = 'r'
            plt.plot((kp1_inl_nonzero[idx, 0] + h_offset[0],
                      kp2_inl_nonzero[idx, 0] + h_offset[1]),
                     (kp1_inl_nonzero[idx, 1] + v_offset[0],
                      kp2_inl_nonzero[idx, 1] + v_offset[1]),

        viz_file_hq = os.path.join(viz_folder_hq, '{:05d}.png'.format(i))
        viz_file_lq = os.path.join(viz_folder_lq, '{:05d}.jpg'.format(i))
        plt.savefig(viz_file_hq, bbox_inches='tight')

        # Convert with imagemagick
        os.system('convert -quality 75 -resize \"500>\" {} {}'.format(
            viz_file_hq, viz_file_lq))


    print('done [{:.02f} s.]'.format(time() - t_start))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def make_xy(sfm_cfg):
    Messy conveniency function to re-format our data into that expected by the
    Context Networks release.

    xs = []
    ys = []
    Rs = []
    ts = []
    cx1s = []
    cy1s = []
    f1s = []
    cx2s = []
    cy2s = []
    f2s = []
    key_list = []

    data_dir = get_data_path(sfm_cfg)

    keypoints_dict = load_h5(get_kp_file(sfm_cfg))
    match_dict = load_h5(get_match_file(sfm_cfg))
    calib_list = get_fullpath_list(data_dir, 'calibration')
    calib_dict = load_calib(calib_list)

    print('Converting data to a CNe friendly format...')
    for image_pair, match_idx_pairs in tqdm(match_dict.items()):

        # Get image name and read image
        image_1, image_2 = image_pair.split('-')
        image1 = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, 'images', image_1 + '.jpg'))
        image2 = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, 'images', image_2 + '.jpg'))

        # Get dR
        R_1 = calib_dict[image_1]['R']
        R_2 = calib_dict[image_2]['R']
        dR = np.dot(R_2, R_1.T)

        # Get dt
        t_1 = calib_dict[image_1]['T'].reshape((3, 1))
        t_2 = calib_dict[image_2]['T'].reshape((3, 1))
        dt = t_2 - np.dot(dR, t_1)

        # Save R, t for evaluation
        Rs += [np.array(dR).reshape(3, 3)]

        # normalize t before saving
        dtnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(dt**2))
        assert (dtnorm > 1e-5)
        dt /= dtnorm
        ts += [np.array(dt).flatten()]

        # Save img1, center offset, f
        # img1s += [image1.transpose(2, 0, 1)]
        cx1 = (image1.shape[1] - 1.0) * 0.5
        cy1 = (image1.shape[0] - 1.0) * 0.5
        f1 = max(image1.shape[1] - 1.0, image1.shape[0] - 1.0)
        cx1s += [cx1]
        cy1s += [cy1]
        f1s += [f1]

        # Save img2, center offset, f
        # img2s += [image2.transpose(2, 0, 1)]
        cx2 = (image2.shape[1] - 1.0) * 0.5
        cy2 = (image2.shape[0] - 1.0) * 0.5
        f2 = max(image2.shape[1] - 1.0, image2.shape[0] - 1.0)
        cx2s += [cx2]
        cy2s += [cy2]
        f2s += [f2]

        # Get key points
        kp1 = np.asarray(keypoints_dict[image_1])
        kp1 = kp1[:, :2]
        kp2 = np.asarray(keypoints_dict[image_2])
        kp2 = kp2[:, :2]

        # Normalize Key points
        kp1 = (kp1 - np.asarray([cx1, cy1]).T) / np.asarray([f1, f1]).T
        kp2 = (kp2 - np.asarray([cx2, cy2]).T) / np.asarray([f2, f2]).T

        # Shuffle key points based on match index
        x1_index = match_idx_pairs[0, :]
        x2_index = match_idx_pairs[1, :]

        # Get shuffled key points for image 1
        x1 = kp1[x1_index, :]

        # Assume depth = 1
        z = np.ones((x1.shape[0], 1))

        # Construct 3D points
        y1 = np.concatenate([x1 * z, z], axis=1)

        # Project 3D points to image 2
        y1p = np.matmul(dR[None], y1[..., None]) + dt[None]

        # move back to the canonical plane
        x1p = y1p[:, :2, 0] / y1p[:, 2, 0][..., None]

        # Get shuffled key points for image 2
        x2 = kp2[x2_index, :]

        # make xs in NHWC
        xs += [
            np.concatenate([x1, x2], axis=1).T.reshape(4, 1, -1).transpose(
                (1, 2, 0))
        # Get the geodesic distance using with x1, x2, dR, dt
        geod_d = get_sampsons(x1, x2, dR, dt)

        # Get *rough* reprojection errors. Note that the depth may be noisy. We
        # ended up not using this...
        reproj_d = np.sum((x2 - x1p)**2, axis=1)

        # add to label list
        ys += [np.stack([geod_d, reproj_d], axis=1)]

    res_dict = {}
    res_dict['xs'] = xs
    res_dict['ys'] = ys
    res_dict['Rs'] = Rs
    res_dict['ts'] = ts
    res_dict['cx1s'] = cx1s
    res_dict['cy1s'] = cy1s
    res_dict['f1s'] = f1s
    res_dict['cx2s'] = cx2s
    res_dict['cy2s'] = cy2s
    res_dict['f2s'] = f2s

    return res_dict, key_list