def validate(self): with open(self.options['config'], 'r') as f: self.config = json.load(f) self.config['ROOT_DIR'] = os.getcwd() missing = [] for item in self.validation_config: key = item['key'] required = item['required'] key_found = key in self.config or key in os.environ if not self.config.get(key): self.config[key] = os.environ.get(key, "") if (not key_found and required) or (key_found and required and not self.config[key]): missing.append(item) elif not required and not self.config[key]: warning = f"Config missing optional field: {key} - {Colors.WARNING}{item['description']}" if item.get('default-message'): warning += f" - {Colors.CYAN}{item['default-message']}" Prompt.notice(warning) if missing: missing_formatted = [ f"{x['key']}: {x['description']}" for x in missing ] Prompt.error( f"The following keys are missing/empty from your env or config file: {missing_formatted}", close=True) # Prepares build files if provided super().docker_tmp_file_handler(self.config, self.TMP_BUILD_FILES)
def signal_handler(self, sig, frame): Prompt.notice("\nCtrl-c captured. Executing teardown function.") if not self.kill_captured: self.kill_captured = True self.cleanup() self.on_sig_kill() sys.exit(0)
def run(self): self.config.setdefault('PERSIST_STACK') if not self.config['PERSIST_STACK']: self.FAIL_SUFFIX = "--remove-orphans --rmi all" del self.config['PERSIST_STACK'] self.check_if_docker_is_started() self.set_default('COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME', 'govready-q') # Prefix for all docker containers self.set_default('GIT_URL', "") self.set_default( 'ADMINS', [] if not self.config.get('ADMINS') else self.config.get('ADMINS')) self.set_default( 'OKTA', {} if not self.config.get('OKTA') else self.config.get('OKTA')) self.set_default( 'OIDC', {} if not self.config.get('OIDC') else self.config.get('OIDC')) self.set_default('MOUNT_FOLDER', os.path.abspath("../../volumes")) self.config['ALLOWED_HOSTS'] = ['app', self.config['HOST_ADDRESS']] + getattr( self.config, 'ALLOWED_HOSTS', []) self.set_default('DEBUG', "false") self.set_default('APP_DOCKER_PORT', "18000") if self.check_if_valid_uri(self.config['HOST_ADDRESS']): Prompt.error( f"HOST_ADDRESS cannot be a valid URI. It must be the domain only. " f"No protocol or path. {self.config['HOST_ADDRESS']} is invalid.", close=True) self.set_default('HEALTH_CHECK_GOVREADY_Q', f"http://*****:*****@postgres:5432/govready_q") self.set_default( 'DB_ENGINE', self.config['DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING'].split(':')[0]) docker_compose_file = "docker-compose.yaml" if using_internal_db: self.REQUIRED_PORTS.append(5432) else: docker_compose_file = 'docker-compose.external-db.yaml' self.execute( cmd= f"docker-compose -f {docker_compose_file} down {self.FAIL_SUFFIX}") self.REQUIRED_PORTS += [ int(self.config['HOST_PORT_HTTPS']), int(self.config['APP_DOCKER_PORT']) ] self.check_ports() self.execute(cmd=f"docker-compose -f {docker_compose_file} up -d", show_env=True)
def __docker_build_tmp_files_cleanup(self, base_path, file_path, tmp_build): if os.path.isdir(file_path): dest = os.path.join(base_path, f"{os.path.basename(file_path)}.zip") else: dest = os.path.join(base_path, os.path.basename(file_path)) os.remove(dest) Prompt.notice( f"Removed build artifact for image: {tmp_build['image']} - {dest}")
def __docker_build_tmp_files_copy(self, base_path, file_path, tmp_build, config, key): if os.path.isdir(file_path): dest = make_archive( os.path.join(base_path, os.path.basename(file_path)), 'zip', file_path) config[f"BUILD_FILE_{key}"] = f"{os.path.basename(file_path)}.zip" else: dest = os.path.join(base_path, os.path.basename(file_path)) copyfile(file_path, dest) config[f"BUILD_FILE_{key}"] = os.path.basename(dest) Prompt.notice( f"Copied build file for image: {tmp_build['image']} - {dest}")
def check_ports(self): Prompt.notice( f"Checking if ports are available for deployment: {self.REQUIRED_PORTS}" ) import socket ports_in_use = [] for port in self.REQUIRED_PORTS: with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock: if sock.connect_ex(('', port)) == 0: ports_in_use.append(port) if ports_in_use: Prompt.error( f"Cannot deploy. The following ports are in use: {ports_in_use}", close=True)
def docker_tmp_file_handler(self, config, docker_tmp_build_files, copy=True): for tmp_build in docker_tmp_build_files: for key in tmp_build['keys']: file_path = config[key] if file_path: if not os.path.exists(file_path): Prompt.error( f"{os.path.abspath(file_path)} does not exist.", close=True) base_path = os.path.join(config['ROOT_DIR'], 'images', tmp_build['image']) if copy: self.__docker_build_tmp_files_copy( base_path, file_path, tmp_build, config, key) else: self.__docker_build_tmp_files_cleanup( base_path, file_path, tmp_build)
def generate(self): skeleton = {} for row in self.validation_config_data: skeleton[row['key']] = "" with open("configuration.json", 'w') as f: json.dump(skeleton, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) Prompt.warning( f"Configuration created: {Colors.CYAN}configuration.json") Prompt.warning( f"Please set values in the configuration in line with your needs.") Prompt.warning( f"Once fully configured. Deploy by running: {Colors.CYAN}python deploy --type {self.options['type']} --config configuration.json" )
def on_complete(self): logs = self.execute(cmd=f"docker-compose logs", display_stdout=False) auto_admin = re.findall( 'Created administrator account \(username: (admin)\) with password: ([a-zA-Z0-9#?!@$%^&*-]+)', logs) print() if auto_admin: Prompt.warning( f"Created Administrator Account - {Colors.CYAN}{auto_admin[0][0]} / {auto_admin[0][1]} - {Colors.FAIL} This is the only time you will see this message so make sure to write this down!" ) Prompt.warning( f"Logs & Container Artifacts can be found in: {Colors.CYAN}{self.config['MOUNT_FOLDER']}" ) url = f"https://{self.config['HOST_ADDRESS']}" if self.config['HOST_PORT_HTTPS']: url += f":{self.config['HOST_PORT_HTTPS']}" Prompt.warning(f"Access application via Browser: {Colors.CYAN}{url}") if not self.FAIL_SUFFIX: Prompt.warning( f"WARNING: PERSIST_STACK is enabled. This may prevent configurations made since " f"the last creation of the stack. Persisting a stack will cache the container and won't " f"rebuild with your new configurations.")
def execute(self, cmd, env_dict, display_stdout=True, on_error_fn=None, show_env=False, display_stderr=True): env = os.environ.copy() normalized_dict = {} for key, value in env_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, (list, dict)): value = json.dumps(value) if value is None: value = "" normalized_dict[key] = value env.update(normalized_dict) output = "" Prompt.notice(f"Executing command: {Colors.WARNING}{cmd}") if show_env: Prompt.notice( f"Environment Variables: {json.dumps(env_dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True)}" ) args = dict(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=0, env=env, shell=True) if not display_stderr: args.update(dict(stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)) with subprocess.Popen(cmd, **args) as proc: for line in proc.stdout: formatted = line.rstrip().decode('utf-8', 'ignore') output += formatted if display_stdout: print(formatted) if proc.returncode != 0: if on_error_fn: on_error_fn() Prompt.error( f"[{cmd}] Failed [code:{proc.returncode}]- {proc.stderr}", close=True) return output
def get_deployment_type(deployment_type_list): Prompt.question_banner("Deployment Choices:", True) Prompt.banner(deployment_type_list, prevent_all_option=True) return deployment_type_list[Prompt.get_response("Choice: ", deployment_type_list) - 1]
def run(options): path = f"deployments.{options['type']}.{options['action']}" validator_config = os.path.join(f"{os.path.sep}".join(path.split('.')[:-1]), 'config-validator.json') importlib.import_module(path) if options['action'] == 'init': init_classes = Initialize.__subclasses__() if not init_classes: Prompt.error(f"Unable to find class inheriting `Initialize` in {path}", close=True) if not os.path.exists(validator_config): Prompt.error( f"File does not exist: {validator_config}. Each deployment type must have this file to validate required values for deployment.", close=True) init = init_classes[0](validator_config, options) init.generate() return Prompt.warning(f"Attempting to [{options['action']}] using the [{options['type']}] method") if options['action'] == 'deploy': if not options['config']: Prompt.error(f"Deployments require a configuration json that satisfies: [{validator_config}]. Please run: {Colors.CYAN}python init", close=True) deployment_classes = Deployment.__subclasses__() if not deployment_classes: Prompt.error(f"Unable to find class inheriting `Deployment` in {path}", close=True) if not os.path.exists(validator_config): Prompt.error( f"File does not exist: {validator_config}. Each deployment type must have this file to validate required values for deployment.", close=True) deployment = deployment_classes[0](options, validator_config) deployment.validate() os.chdir(f"deployments/{options['type']}") try: finally: deployment.cleanup() deployment.on_complete() Prompt.success(f"Deployment complete - using the [{options['type']}] method") else: deployment_classes = UnDeploy.__subclasses__() if not deployment_classes: Prompt.error(f"Unable to find class inheriting `UnDeploy` in {path}", close=True) remove_deployment = deployment_classes[0](options) os.chdir(f"deployments/{options['type']}") try: finally: remove_deployment.cleanup() remove_deployment.on_complete() Prompt.success(f"Deployment removed - using the [{options['type']}] method")
finally: remove_deployment.cleanup() remove_deployment.on_complete() Prompt.success(f"Deployment removed - using the [{options['type']}] method") if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Deploy/Undeploy GovReadyQ') parser.add_argument('action', help='The action to take (init, deploy, undeploy)') parser.add_argument('--config', help='Config file - used to deploy process', required=False) parser.add_argument('--type', help="(Optional) Deployment type; It will prompt you if you don't include.", required=False) args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() args = vars(args) args['extra'] = unknown valid_actions = ['deploy', 'undeploy', 'init'] if args['action'] not in valid_actions: Prompt.error(f"{args['action']} is not a valid choice. Choices: {valid_actions}", close=True) deployment_types = sorted([y for y in [x[0].split(os.path.sep)[-1] for x in os.walk('deployments')][1:] if not y.startswith('__')]) if not args['type']: args['type'] = get_deployment_type(deployment_types) if args['type'] not in deployment_types: Prompt.error(f"{args['type']} is not a valid choice. Choices: {deployment_types}", close=True) run(args)
def on_complete(self): print() Prompt.warning(f"If you're not using an external database and would like to wipe your DB, run: {Colors.CYAN}docker volume rm govready-q_postgres-data")
def on_complete(self): Prompt.notice( f"Next step: {Colors.CYAN}python deploy --type docker-compose --config configuration.json" )
def offline(): Prompt.error( "Docker Engine is offline. Please start before continuing.", close=True)