def weixin_unbind_success(self):

        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)
        sql = 'select cust_id from customer where cust_id not in (select cust_id from customer_third_wechat) and cust_id>0 limit 1;'

        custid = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)


        localtime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())

        sql = 'insert into customer_third_wechat(cust_id,wx_union_id,cust_bind_type,wx_use_status,cust_status,creation_date,last_changed_date) ' \


        params_dict['custid'] = custid
        status_error_code = WeixinUnbindDeleteReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code

Ejemplo n.º 2
def teardown_module():

    PyMySQL().mysqldel('customer', 'cust_mobile',

    PyMySQL().mysqldel('customer_third_wechat', 'wx_union_id',
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def custid_parent_already_bind_qq(self):
        request_data = dict(self.initparams)
        thirdid = 6  #qq
        sql = "select cust_id from customer where cust_id in (" \
              " select cust_id from customer_third where third_id=6) and cust_mobile<>'' limit 1"
        request_data['custid_parent'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        sql = "select cust_id from customer where cust_id in (" \
              " select cust_id from customer_third where third_id=6) and cust_mobile='' limit 1"
        request_data['custid_child'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        status_error_code = CombineReturnCodeEnum.CUSTID_ALREADY_BIND_WEIXIN.value

        return request_data, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def custid_parent_already_bind_wechat(self):
        request_data = dict(self.initparams)
        sql = "select cust_id from customer where cust_id in (" \
              " select cust_id from customer_third_wechat where cust_bind_type=2) and cust_mobile<>'' limit 1"
        request_data['custid_parent'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        sql="select cust_id from customer where cust_id in (select cust_id from " \
            "customer_third_wechat where cust_bind_type=1)  and cust_mobile='' limit 1"
        request_data['custid_child'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        status_error_code = CombineReturnCodeEnum.CUSTID_ALREADY_BIND_WEIXIN.value

        return request_data, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 5
def teardown_module():
    combine = Combine()
    custidlist = [combine.custid, combine.custid_no_phone]
    for custid in custidlist:
        data = {'cust_id': custid}
        PyMySQL().mysqldel('customer_combine', data)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):

        sql="select cust_id,combine_cust_id from customer_combine where cust_id in (" \
            "select combine_cust_id from customer_combine) and combine_relation_type=1"

        custid, custid_child = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        self.initparams['custid'] = custid
        self.initparams['custid_child'] = custid_child

        sql="select cust_id,combine_cust_id from customer_combine where cust_id not in (" \
            "select combine_cust_id from customer_combine) and combine_relation_type=1"

        self.custid_unbind, self.custid_child_inbind = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def teardown_module():
    data = {
        'cust_id': SetCombineResult.initparams['custid'],
        'combine_cust_id': SetCombineResult.initparams['custid_child']
    # print(data)
    PyMySQL().mysqldel('customer_combine_process', data)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def teardown_module():

    PyMySQL().mysqldel('customer_third_wechat', 'wx_union_id',

    #to do,其他表
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def custid_parent_nophone(self):
        request_data = dict(self.initparams)

        sql = "select cust_id from customer where cust_id>0 and cust_mobile='' limit 1"
        request_data['custid_parent'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        status_error_code = CombineReturnCodeEnum.CUSTID_NOT_BIND_MOBILE.value

        return request_data, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def weixin_binded(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        sql = 'select cust_id from customer where cust_id not in (select cust_id from customer_third_wechat) and cust_id>0 limit 1;'
        custid = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        sql = 'select wx_union_id from customer_third_wechat where cust_bind_type=2 limit 1; '
        unionid = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        params_dict['custid'] = custid
        params_dict['union_id'] = unionid

        status_error_code = WeixinBindCustidReturnCodeEnum.WEIXIN_BINDED.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def unionid_exist_and_active(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)
        sql = "select wx_union_id from customer_third_wechat where " \
              "cust_status = 1 and wx_use_status = 1 and cust_bind_type!='' and wx_union_id !='' limit 1"

        params_dict['union_id'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        status_error_code = WeixinLoginReturnCodeEnum.LOGIN_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 12
def teardown_module():


    #to do,其他表
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def unionid_custid_cancel(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)
        sql ="select cust_id from customer where cust_id in(select cust_id from customer_third_wechat" \
             " where cust_status = 1 and cust_bind_type !='' and wx_union_id !='') and cust_status=-1 limit 1"

        params_dict['union_id'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        status_error_code = WeixinLoginReturnCodeEnum.LOGIN_STATUS_CODE_CUST_NOT_EXISTS.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
    def newemail_exist(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)
        params_dict['newPassword'] = ''  #密码置空

        sql = " select cust_email from customer where cust_email!='' limit 1"
        email = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        params_dict['newEmail'] = email

        status_error_code = ChangeEmailorPasswordReturnCodeEnum.EMAIL_EXISTS.value
        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def custid_child_bindphone(self):
        request_data = dict(self.initparams)

        sql = "select cust_id from customer where cust_id>0 and cust_mobile<>'' limit 5,1"
        request_data['custid_child'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        request_data['custid_parent'] = self.custid

        status_error_code = CombineReturnCodeEnum.CUSTID_ALREADY_BIND_MOBILE.value

        return request_data, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def dbcheckok(self,data):

        if data[1][0]==LoginSmsReturnCodeEnum.LOGIN_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS.value[0]:

            sql="select count(*) from customer_login_log where login_ip={} ".format('"'+data[0]['ip_address']+'"')

            return PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)>=1

        if data[1][0] in [LoginSmsReturnCodeEnum.LOGIN_STATUS_CODE_CUST_NOT_EXISTS.value[0]] :

            sql = "select count(*) from customer_login_log where login_ip={} and cust_id={}".format('"' + data[0]['ip_address'] + '"',-1)

            return PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql) >= 1


        return True
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def combine_doing(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        sql="select cust_id from customer_third_wechat where cust_id in (" \
            "select cust_id from customer_combine where combine_status=0) and cust_status!=-1 limit 1"

        params_dict['custid'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        status_error_code = CombineStatusReturnCodeEnum.COMBINE_DOING.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def custid_apply_cancel_deny(self):
        request_data = dict(self.initparams)

        # 注销申请的cust_id
        sql = "select cust_id from customer where cust_id in (select cust_id from " \
              "customer_cancel_apply where cust_mobile<>'' ) and cust_status!=-1 limit 1"
        request_data['custid_parent'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        request_data['custid_child'] = self.custid_no_phone

        status_error_code = CombineReturnCodeEnum.CUSTID_ALREADY_APPLY_CANCEL.value
        return request_data, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_WeixinBindCustid(pyfixture):

    url = Weixin_Bind_Custid.url
    data = pyfixture[0]
    res = request(url=url, data=data)
    assert res['statusCode'] == pyfixture[1][0]

    if res['statusCode'] == WeixinBindCustidReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS.value[0]:
        assert PyMySQL().checkdbok(
            'customer_third_wechat', 'wx_union_id',
            Weixin_Bind_Custid.initparams['union_id']), '''未写入数据库'''
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def thirdid_no_customerinfo(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        sql = "select cust_third_id,third_id from customer_third where cust_status=-1 order by cust_third_id desc limit 1"

        custthird = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        params_dict['cust_third_id'] = custthird[0]
        params_dict['third_id'] = custthird[1]

        status_error_code = LoginThirdReturnCodeEnum.LOGIN_STATUS_CODE_CUST_NOT_EXISTS.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def weixin_notbind_custid(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        sql = 'select wx_union_id from customer_third_wechat where cust_bind_type=2 limit 1; '

        unionid = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        params_dict['unionid'] = unionid

        status_error_code = GetWeixinBindCustidReturnCodeEnum.NOT_COMBINED.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def custid_child_already_combine(self):
        request_data = dict(self.initparams)

        request_data['custid_parent'] = self.custid
        # 发生过绑定的cust_id
        sql = "select cust_id from customer where cust_id in (select cust_id from " \
              "customer_combine )  and cust_mobile='' limit 1"
        request_data['custid_child'] = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        status_error_code = CombineReturnCodeEnum.CUSTID_COMBINE_REPEAT_VERIFY_FAIL.value

        return request_data, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def thirdid_success(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        sql = "select cust_third_id,third_id from customer_third where cust_status=1 and is_valid=1 order by cust_third_id desc limit 1"

        custthird = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        params_dict['cust_third_id'] = custthird[0]
        params_dict['third_id'] = custthird[1]

        status_error_code = LoginThirdReturnCodeEnum.LOGIN_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def combine_notdo(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        sql='select cust_id from customer_third_wechat where ' \
            'cust_bind_type=2 and cust_id not in (select cust_id from customer_combine where combine_relation_type=1 ) limit 1'

        custid = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        params_dict['custid'] = custid

        status_error_code = CombineStatusReturnCodeEnum.NOT_COMBINED.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def combine_notweixin(self):

        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        sql='select cust_id from customer where cust_id not in (select cust_id from customer_third_wechat union ' \
            ' select cust_id from customer_third) and cust_id>0 limit 1'

        custid = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        params_dict['custid'] = custid
        status_error_code = CombineStatusReturnCodeEnum.NOT_WEIXIN.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def weixin_binc_custid_success(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        # 1.从库里选择一个未绑定过微信的custid
        sql = 'select cust_id from customer where cust_id not in (select cust_id from customer_third_wechat)  and cust_id>0 limit 1 ;'
        custid = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        # 2.更新组合参数
        params_dict['custid'] = custid

        status_error_code = WeixinBindCustidReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
    def custid_already_combine(self):

        sql = 'select combine_cust_id from customer_combine where combine_cust_id in (select cust_id from customer_third_wechat) limit 1;'

        custid_combinded = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        params_dict['custid'] = custid_combinded
        status_error_code = WeixinUnbindDeleteReturnCodeEnum.COMBINE_DENY.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def verify_ok(self):
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        sql='select cust_id from customer_third_wechat where cust_id in (select cust_id from customer where  cust_mobile="" and ' \
            ' cust_email like "") ' \
            'and cust_bind_type=2 limit 1;'

        custid = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)
        params_dict['custid'] = custid

        status_error_code = WeixinVerifyReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def moible_bind_dangdang(self):
        '''mobile 未绑定'''
        params_dict = dict(self.initparams)

        sql=" select cust_mobile from customer where cust_id not in (select cust_id from customer_third_wechat ) " \
            " and cust_status!=-1 and length(cust_mobile)=11 limit 1"

        mobile = PyMySQL().mysqlget(sql)

        params_dict['mobile'] = mobile

        status_error_code = EnumMobileBindFlag.CUST_BIND.value

        return params_dict, status_error_code
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_SetCombineResult(pyfixture):

    url = SetCombineResult.url
    data = pyfixture[0]
    res = request(url=url, data=data)
    assert res['return_code'] == pyfixture[1][0]
    if res['return_code'] == SetCombineResultReturnCodeEnum.SUCCESS.value[0]:
        data = {
            'cust_id': SetCombineResult.initparams['custid'],
            'combine_cust_id': SetCombineResult.initparams['custid_child']
        assert PyMySQL().checkdbok('customer_combine_process',
                                   data), '''写入数据库失败'''