def plot_venn_de_directions(
    set_labels=('Hypo', 'Hyper'),
    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5., 3.3))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    vv, vs, vc = venn.venn_diagram(
        *[logfc[k].index[logfc[k]['consistent'].astype(bool)] for k in set_labels],
        set_colors=[set_colours_dict[t] for t in set_labels],

    # modify labels based on direction
    this_members = collections.OrderedDict()
    for k in set_labels:
        this_res = logfc[k]
        this_ix = this_res['consistent'].astype(bool)
        this_res = np.sign(this_res.loc[this_ix].astype(float).mean(axis=1))
        this_members["%s up" % k] = this_res.index[this_res > 0].difference(vs['11'])
        this_members["%s down" % k] = this_res.index[this_res < 0].difference(vs['11'])
        # get the corresponding label
        lbl = vv.get_label_by_id(setops.specific_sets(set_labels)[k])
        ## FIXME: font family seems to change from old text to new - related to LaTeX rendering?
            + '\n'
            + r'$%d\uparrow$' % len(this_members["%s up" % k])
            + '\n'
            + r'$%d\downarrow$' % len(this_members["%s down" % k]),
    plt.setp(common.get_children_recursive(ax, type_filt=plt.Text), fontsize=fontsize)

    return ax
Ejemplo n.º 2
    # DE

    pids = consts.PIDS
    outdir = output.unique_output_dir()
    # load previously generated DE results
    fn = os.path.join(HGIC_LOCAL_DIR, 'current', 'core_pipeline', 'rnaseq',
    de_res = pd.read_excel(fn, header=0, index_col=0)
    all_ens = de_res.index[(de_res[pids] == 'Y').any(axis=1)]

    de_per_pat = {pid: de_res.index[de_res[pid] == 'Y'] for pid in pids}
    n_tot = {pid: de_per_pat[pid].size for pid in pids}

    vs, vc = setops.venn_from_arrays(*[de_per_pat[pid] for pid in pids])
    pp = setops.specific_sets(pids)
    n_ps = {pid: vc[pp[pid]] for pid in pids}

    # perms
    n_all = len(all_ens)
    n_spec = run_patient_specific_permutations(n_tot, n_all, n_perm=n_perm)

    fig, axs = plot_perms_kde_vs_obs(
        n_spec, n_ps, xlabel='Number of patient-specific DE genes', order=pids)
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, "patient_specific_de.png"), dpi=200)
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, "patient_specific_de.tiff"), dpi=200)
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, "patient_specific_de.pdf"))

    fn = os.path.join(HGIC_LOCAL_DIR, 'current', 'core_pipeline',
                      'methylation', 'full_dmr_syngeneic_only.xlsx')
    dm_res = pd.read_excel(fn)
                              for t in joint_de_dmr_s1.values()]))
    dgi_all = druggable_genome.dgidb_lookup_drug_gene_interactions(all_genes)

    # manually resolve a few known ambiguities
    ambig = {'ELTD1': 'ADGRL4', 'ODZ3': 'TENM3'}
    for k, v in ambig.items():
        x = [t for t in dgi_all['ambiguous'][k] if t['geneName'] == v][0]
        dgi_all['interactions'][k] = x['interactions']

    de_dmr_by_member = [joint_de_dmr_s1[pid].index for pid in pids]
    venn_set, venn_ct = setops.venn_from_arrays(*de_dmr_by_member)

    # define short and long list

    # long list
    ss = setops.specific_sets(pids)
    ps_de_dm_long = collections.OrderedDict([(pid, venn_set[ss[pid]])
                                             for pid in pids])

    ps_de_dm_long_list = setops.reduce_union(*ps_de_dm_long.values())

    # short list
    vs_dm, vc_dm = setops.venn_from_arrays(
        *[dmr_res_s1[pid].results_significant.keys() for pid in pids])
    vs_de, vc_de = setops.venn_from_arrays(
        *[de_res_s1[pid]['Gene Symbol'].dropna() for pid in pids])

    ps_dm = {pid: vs_dm[v] for pid, v in ss.items()}
    ps_dm_genes = {}
    for pid, cids in ps_dm.items():
        ps_dm_genes[pid] = sorted(