Ejemplo n.º 1
def init_scores_file(name, level, structure, split_id, sample_id):
    """The row and column log-likelihood scores for the model used as an initialization.
    Stored as a (row_log_likelihood, column_log_likelihood) pair, where each is a vector
    giving the performance on all the test rows/columns."""
    return storage.join(
        level_dir(name, level), 'init',
        'scores-%s-%d-%d.pk' % (md5(structure), split_id, sample_id))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def data_file(name):
    """The original data matrix, stored as an observations.DataMatrix instance."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'data.pk')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def experiment_dir(name):
    """Main directory used for all structure search results."""
    return storage.join(config.RESULTS_PATH, name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def running_time_file(name, level, structure, split_id, sample_id):
    """The running time for sampling from the posterior and computing predictive likelihood."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), md5(structure),
                        'time-%d-%d.pk' % (split_id, sample_id))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def collected_scores_file(name, level, structure):
    """The predictive log-likelihood scores for a given structure, collected over all CV
    splits and ordered by the indices in the original data matrix."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), md5(structure), 'collected-scores.pk')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def samples_file(name, level, structure, split_id, sample_id):
    """A posterior sample for a given structure."""
    return storage.join(config.CACHE_PATH,  name,
                        'level%d' % level, md5(structure), 'samples-%d-%d.pk' % (split_id, sample_id))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def structures_file(name, level):
    """The list of all structures to be evaluated in a given level of the search.
    Stored as a list of (init_structure, successor_structure) pairs."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), 'structures.pk')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def components_file(name):
    """The true decomposition, as a recursive.Decomp instance, if applicable."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'components.pk')
def collected_scores_file(name, level, structure):
    """The predictive log-likelihood scores for a given structure, collected over all CV
    splits and ordered by the indices in the original data matrix."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), md5(structure), 'collected-scores.pk')
def scores_file(name, level, structure, split_id, sample_id):
    """The predictive log-likelihood scores on held-out data for a given CV split."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), md5(structure), 'scores-%d-%d.pk' % (split_id, sample_id))
def samples_file(name, level, structure, split_id, sample_id):
    """A posterior sample for a given structure."""
    return storage.join(config.CACHE_PATH,  name,
                        'level%d' % level, md5(structure), 'samples-%d-%d.pk' % (split_id, sample_id))
def init_scores_file(name, level, structure, split_id, sample_id):
    """The row and column log-likelihood scores for the model used as an initialization.
    Stored as a (row_log_likelihood, column_log_likelihood) pair, where each is a vector
    giving the performance on all the test rows/columns."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), 'init',
                        'scores-%s-%d-%d.pk' % (md5(structure), split_id, sample_id))
def init_samples_file(name, level, structure, split_id, sample_id):
    """The decomposition to be used as the initialization for a given structure, i.e.
    one of the top performing structures from the previous level."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), 'init',
                        'samples-%s-%d-%d.pk' % (md5(structure), split_id, sample_id))
def structures_file(name, level):
    """The list of all structures to be evaluated in a given level of the search.
    Stored as a list of (init_structure, successor_structure) pairs."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), 'structures.pk')
def level_dir(name, level):
    """The directory containing the results of one level of the search."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'level%d' % level)
def components_file(name):
    """The true decomposition, as a recursive.Decomp instance, if applicable."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'components.pk')
Ejemplo n.º 17
def clean_data_file(name):
    """The observation matrix before noise was added, if applicable."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'clean-data.pk')
def winning_structure_file(name, level):
    """The highest performing structure at a given level of the search."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), 'winning-structure.pk')
Ejemplo n.º 19
def level_dir(name, level):
    """The directory containing the results of one level of the search."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'level%d' % level)
def running_time_file(name, level, structure, split_id, sample_id):
    """The running time for sampling from the posterior and computing predictive likelihood."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), md5(structure),
                        'time-%d-%d.pk' % (split_id, sample_id))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def init_samples_file(name, level, structure, split_id, sample_id):
    """The decomposition to be used as the initialization for a given structure, i.e.
    one of the top performing structures from the previous level."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), 'init',
                        'samples-%s-%d-%d.pk' % (md5(structure), split_id, sample_id))
def winning_samples_file(name, sample_id):
    """Posterior samples from each model in the sequence chosen by the structure search."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'winning-samples-%d.pk' % sample_id)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def scores_file(name, level, structure, split_id, sample_id):
    """The predictive log-likelihood scores on held-out data for a given CV split."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), md5(structure), 'scores-%d-%d.pk' % (split_id, sample_id))
def experiment_dir(name):
    """Main directory used for all structure search results."""
    return storage.join(config.RESULTS_PATH, name)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def winning_structure_file(name, level):
    """The highest performing structure at a given level of the search."""
    return storage.join(level_dir(name, level), 'winning-structure.pk')
def params_file(name):
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'params.pk')
Ejemplo n.º 27
def winning_samples_file(name, sample_id):
    """Posterior samples from each model in the sequence chosen by the structure search."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'winning-samples-%d.pk' % sample_id)
def data_file(name):
    """The original data matrix, stored as an observations.DataMatrix instance."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'data.pk')
Ejemplo n.º 29
def params_file(name):
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'params.pk')
def splits_file(name):
    """The cross-validation splits, stored as a list of (train_rows, train_cols,
    test_rows, test_cols) tuples."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'splits.pk')
Ejemplo n.º 31
def splits_file(name):
    """The cross-validation splits, stored as a list of (train_rows, train_cols,
    test_rows, test_cols) tuples."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'splits.pk')
def clean_data_file(name):
    """The observation matrix before noise was added, if applicable."""
    return storage.join(experiment_dir(name), 'clean-data.pk')