Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _setConnParam(self):
     #rc = _BaseFT._getFtpEnvVars(self)   
     rc = self._getFtpEnvVars()   
     if rc != 0 : return rc
     ftpVerb = su.toInt(self.ftpVerb)
     if ftpVerb is None: 
         self.log.error('FTP_VERB %s needs to be an integer. Setting to default %d' % (self.ftpVerb,FTP_VERBOSE))
         self.ftpVerb  = FTP_VERBOSE
         self.ftpVerb  = 0 if ( ftpVerb < 0 or ftpVerb > 2 ) else ftpVerb
         self.log.debug('FTP_VERB : %d ' % self.ftpVerb)
     ftpPort = su.toInt(self.ftpPort)
     if ftpPort is None: 
         self.log.error('FTP_PORT : %s needs to be an integer.Setting to Default %d ' % (self.ftpPort,FTP_PORT))
         self.ftpPort  = FTP_PORT                
         self.ftpPort = ftpPort
         self.log.debug('FTP_PORT : %s' % (self.ftpPort))
     ftpTimeout = su.toFloat(self.ftpTimeout)
     if ftpTimeout is None: 
         self.ftpTimeout = FTP_TIMEOUT
         self.log.error('FTP_TIMEOUT : %s needs to be a float .Setting to Default %s' % (self.ftpTimeout, FTP_TIMEOUT))              
         self.ftpTimeout = ftpTimeout
         self.log.debug('FTP_TIMEOUT : %s' % (self.ftpTimeout))
     return rc        
Ejemplo n.º 2
def start_load(args,table_list):
    for t in table_list:
       table_name = t.strip(' \t\n\r')
       export_script = os.path.join(args['script'],'exp_'+ args['gp_db_sche'] +  '.' + table_name + '.sql')
       data_filename = os.path.join(args['data'], args['gp_db_sche'] + '.' + table_name + '.csv')
       log_filename  = os.path.join(args['nzlog'], args['gp_db_sche'] + '.' + table_name + '.log')

       log.debug ('export_script = %s\ndata_filename = %s\ntable_name = %s\nlog_filename = %s log_filename' % (export_script,
       source_count = _getGPCnt(args,table_name)
       if su.toInt(source_count) < 1 : 
          log.warn('No rows to load from GP %s.%s ' % (args['gp_db_sche'],table_name))
       log.info('GP Source Table %s\tcount=%s' % (table_name,source_count))

       schema_script = os.path.join(args['script'],'schm_' + args['gp_db_sche'] + '.' + table_name + '.sql')
       rc =_crtSchemaScript(args,schema_script,table_name)
       if rc == 0 :
           log.debug('Created Schema script %s' % (schema_script))
       else :
           log.error('Creating Schema script %s' % (schema_script))

       rc = _runGPExpScript(args,schema_script,export_script,table_name) 

       nz_cnt = _getNZCnt(args,table_name)
       log.debug('Record count in Netezza (pre-import) = %s'%(nz_cnt))
       if su.toInt(nz_cnt)   > 0 :

           rc = _delNZRows(args,table_name)
           if rc == 0 : log.debug('Table %s has been truncated..' % table_name)
           else       : log.error('Table %s cannot be truncated..' % table_name)

           nz_cnt = _getNZCnt(args,table_name)
           log.debug('Record count in Netezza after delete = %s'%(nz_cnt))

       if export_script == '/infa/product/pc951/server/infa_shared_conv/SrcFiles/gp_nz_migration/script/exp_sdl.aps_stg_spcases.sql':
          export_script = '/infa/product/pc951/server/infa_shared_conv/SrcFiles/gp_nz_migration/script/exp_sdl.aps_stg_spcases_bkp.sql'

       log.debug('export_script = %s' % export_script) 
       rc = _runNZImpScript(args,export_script,table_name)

       target_count = _getNZCnt(args,table_name)
       log.info('NZ Target Table %s\tcount=%s'%(table_name,target_count))

       if source_count <> target_count:
         log.error('Loading %s. Please check log %s'%(args['gp_db_sche'] + table_name ,log_filename))
         log.debug('Loaded successfully')
    return 0    # EO Need to add .
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _setIBVarsInt():
    n = su.toInt(ib.GGS_lag)
    if n == None:
        log.error("GGS_LAG_MAX Needs to be an integer. Current setting %s" % ib.GGS_lag)
        return 1
    ib.GGS_lag = n

    n = su.toInt(ib.GGS_chkpt)
    if n == None:
        log.error("GGS_LAG_MAX Needs to be an integer. Current setting %s" % ib.GGS_lag)
        return 1
    ib.GGS_chkpt = n

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def delCarrPrompt(self):
        val = []
        rc = self._connToDB('NZODBC')
        if rc != 0 :
            self.log.error('Error Connecting to DB = %s' % rc)
            return rc
        self.log.info('Deleting records older than %s' % self.ib.numdays)

        sql = "delete from tis_fb_carr_pmpt_imprt where proc_flag = 1 and date_time < current_date - ?"        
        rc = self.dbh.exeQry(sql,val)
        self.log.debug('qry %s  rc= %s ' % (sql,rc))
        if rc < 0 :
            self.log.error('qry = %s rc = %s' % (sql,rc))
            return rc 
        #print "del records from tis_fb_carr_pmpt_imprt  rc ", rc
        sql = "delete from tis_fb_carr_pmpt_imprt_dtl where seqid > 0 and date_time < current_date - ?"
        rc = self.dbh.exeQry(sql,val)
        self.log.debug('qry %s  rc= %s ' % (sql,rc))

        if rc < 0 :
            self.log.error('qry = %s rc = %s' % (sql,rc))
            return rc 
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _checkIncWildFiles(fn):

    # Get file
    fnp = fu.getNewestFile(ib.landDir, fn)
    log.debug("Newest File ", fnp)
    if fnp is None:
        log.error("No files were found for %s/%s " % (ib.landDir, fn))
        return 1

    # Check file last modification time
    tm = fu.chkFileModTime(fnp)
    if float(tm) > float(ib.fileAge):
        log.error("file %s age %.1f secs is older than fileAge %s secs" % (fnp, tm, ib.fileAge))
        return 2

    log.info("file %s age  %.1f secs is newer than  fileAge %s secs" % (fnp, tm, ib.fileAge))

    fms = su.toInt(ib.fileMinSize)
    log.debug("fms = %s ib.fileMinSize %s" % (fms, ib.fileMinSize))
    if fms is None:
        return 3
    # Check File Size in bytes, only if fileMinSize > -1
    if fms > -1:
        fs = fu.getFilseSize(fnp)
        log.debug("size = %s minsize = %s fnp = %s " % (fs, fms, fnp))

        if fs < fms:
            log.error("File fnp %s %s(bytes) < %s fileMinSize" % (fnp, fs, fms))
            return 4

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def postCheck(self):
        rc = 0

        for fn,rcnt in self.srcCount.items():
            tblNm = self.ctlTbl[fn]
            if tblNm == '' : continue
            rs = self._getNZDS(da.selFinCntlRecCnt % (tblNm,tblNm))
            self.log.debug('tblNm=', tblNm ,'rs', rs)
            if rs is not None and len(rs) > 0:
                dbcnt = su.toInt(rs[0][0])
                self.log.debug ('File = %s Fcnt = %s Tbl = %s  Tcnt = %s' % (fn,rcnt,tblNm,dbcnt))
                if dbcnt is not None and dbcnt >= 0:
                    if rcnt - dbcnt == 0 :
                        self.log.info('Count for %s  %d Matches' % (fn,rcnt))
                    else :
                        self.log.error('Count for %s = %d  Does Not Match Table %s = %d' % (fn,rcnt,tblNm,dbcnt))
                    self.log.error("Count for File %s = Table %s Mismatch" % (fn, tblNm))
        return rc
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def dispExePlan(self):
        cb = self._configBean()
        self.log.debug('Config Bean = %s' % cb)
        pid = su.toInt(self.recPid)
        if pid is None : 
            self.error('Invalid PID %s' % pid)
            return -1
        if  pid == 0: 
            fxml = '%s/%s.xml' % (cb.confDir,cb.appName)
            self.log.info('Displaying Main Execution plan %s' % fxml) 
        else :
            fxml = '%s/%s/%s%s.xml' % (cb.recDir,self.recPid,cb.appName,self.recPid)
            self.log.info('Displaying Recovery Execution plan %s' % fxml) 
        pj = pjl.ProcessJobs(cb,self.log)
        grpbl = pj.loadExecPlan(fxml)
        if len(grpbl) < 1 : 
            self.log.error('Nothing to process!. Check Contents of %s' % fxml) 
            return 1

        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _chkIfValidLock(self):

        rc = True
        # Check if there is a lock file.
        if fu.fileExists(self.lckFn):
            sPid = fu.readFile(self.lckFn)
            pid = su.toInt(sPid)
            self.log.info('Lock File  %s EXISTS. sPid = %s , pid = %s' %
                          (self.lckFn, sPid, pid))
            # Check if file has a valid PID (number)
            if pid is None:
                rc = fu.delFile(self.lckFn)
                if rc == 0:
                    self.log.info('Removed File  %s' % (self.lckFn))
                    self.log.error('Could not removed File  %s' % (self.lckFn))
                return False

            # If pid is a valid number, check if the process is running ...
            rc = ps.isProcRunning(pid, self.log)
            self.log.debug('isProcRunning returned %s' % (rc))
            return rc

        # No lock file exists.
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 9
def setEnvDir(options):
    args = {}
    tbl_samp_row = 0
    tbl_samp_pct = 0
    # Env vars.
        args['gp_nz_home'] = os.environ['GP_NZ_HOME' ]
        # GP
        args['gp_db_host'] = os.environ['GP_DB_HOST' ]
        args['gp_db_user'] = os.environ['GP_DB_USER' ]
        args['gp_db_port'] = os.environ['GP_DB_PORT' ]
        args['gp_db_env' ] = os.environ['GP_DB_ENV'  ] 
        args['gp_db_sche'] = os.environ['GP_DB_SCHE' ] 
        args['nz_db_env' ] = os.environ['NZ_DB_ENV'  ]
        args['nz_db_host'] = os.environ['NZ_DB_HOST' ]
        args['nz_db_user'] = os.environ['NZ_DB_USER' ]
        args['nz_db_pwd' ] = os.environ['NZ_DB_PWD'  ]
        args['nz_db_port'] = os.environ['NZ_DB_PORT' ]

        #Verification of result sets
        if os.environ.has_key('TBL_SAMP_PCT'): tbl_samp_pct = su.toInt(os.environ['TBL_SAMP_PCT'])
        args['tbl_samp_pct'] = tbl_samp_pct
        if os.environ.has_key('TBL_SAMP_ROW'): tbl_samp_row = su.toInt(os.environ['TBL_SAMP_ROW'])
        args['tbl_samp_row'] = tbl_samp_row
        if tbl_samp_pct > 0 and tbl_samp_row:
            log.error('TBL_SAMP_PCT = %s TBL_SAMP_ROW = %s are Mutually exclusive param.\nWill do sampling :  %s %% .' % (tbl_samp_pct,tbl_samp_row,tbl_samp_pct))

        if options.config != None:
            args['config'] = options.config
            args['config'] = '%s/config/gp_table.ini'%(args['gp_nz_home'])
        # Directory settings.   
        args['data'      ] = '%s/data'   %(args['gp_nz_home'])
        args['log'       ] = '%s/log'    %(args['gp_nz_home'])
        args['script'    ] = '%s/script' %(args['gp_nz_home'])
        args['nzlog'     ] = '%s/nzlog'  %(args['gp_nz_home'])
        args['nzbad'     ] = '%s/nzbad'  %(args['gp_nz_home'])
       log.error("ENV var not set %s %s\n" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_info()[1]))
       log.debug('args %s ' % args)
       return args
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def procXMLFiles(self): 
        rc = 0; r = False ; x = [] ; cdrRes = [] # List that contains all the responses.
        if len(self.cdrFilestoProc) < 1 :
            self.log.error('No incoming CDR files to process : cdrFilestoProc')
            return 1
        pxmlCDR = pxml.ProcXMLCDR(self.log)
        self.log.debug("Files to process %s"  % ''.join(self.cdrFilestoProc))
        for fn in self.cdrFilestoProc:
            self.log.debug("processing %s" % fn)
            r = pxmlCDR.isValidXML(fn)
            if r == False: rc+=1
                x = pxmlCDR.parseCDR(fn)
                ftn = fu.getFileBaseName(fn)
                if x is None or len(x) != 3:
                    self.log.error('Error Parsing %s ' % fn)
                    tgt = '%s/%s.%s' % (self.ib.badDir,ftn,self.ts) 
                    self.log.debug('fn=%s rfId=%s rCode=%s desc=%s' % (fn,x[0],x[1],x[2]))
                    r = su.toInt(x[1])
                    if r != 0 :
                        self.log.error('fn=%s rfId=%s rCode=%s desc=%s' % (fn,x[0],x[1],x[2]))
                        tgt = '%s/%s.%s' % (self.ib.badDir,ftn,self.ts) 
                    else :
                        cdrRes.append('%s %s %s\n' % (x[0],self.ib.FS,x[1]))  
                        tgt = '%s/%s.%s' % (self.ib.archDir,ftn,self.ts)  
                # Move files
                r  = fu.moveFile(fn, tgt)
                if r == 0 : self.log.info( 'mv %s to %s' % (fn,tgt))
                else      : self.log.error('mv %s to %s r = %s ' % (fn,tgt,r))  
        self.log.debug("cdrRes No of elements %d " % len(cdrRes))  
        if len(cdrRes) < 1:
            self.lo.error('cdrRes Did not find any valid element !')
            return 2

        fn = '%s/CDR_%s.txt' % (self.ib.cdrOutDir, self.ts)
        r = fu.createFile(fn,cdrRes)
        if r == 0: self.log.info('Created file %s with CDR responses' % fn)
        else     : 
            self.log.error('Could not create file %s with CDR responses' % fn)     
        return rc