Ejemplo n.º 1
 def compute_parameter_loss(parameters_pred, parameters_gt,
                            matching_indices, angle_diff):
     axis = batched_gather(parameters_pred['cone_axis'],
     dot_abs = tf.abs(
         tf.reduce_sum(axis * parameters_gt['cone_axis'], axis=2))
     if angle_diff:
         return acos_safe(dot_abs)  # BxK
         return 1.0 - dot_abs  # BxK
Ejemplo n.º 2
def compute_miou_loss(W, I_gt, matching_indices):
    # W - BxNxK
    # I_gt - BxN
    W_reordered = batched_gather(W, indices=matching_indices, axis=2)  # BxNxK
    depth = tf.shape(W)[2]
    # notice in tf.one_hot, -1 will result in a zero row, which is what we want
    W_gt = tf.one_hot(I_gt, depth=depth, dtype=tf.float32)  # BxNxK
    dot = tf.reduce_sum(W_gt * W_reordered, axis=1)  # BxK
    denominator = tf.reduce_sum(W_gt, axis=1) + tf.reduce_sum(W_reordered,
                                                              axis=1) - dot
    mIoU = dot / (denominator + DIVISION_EPS)  # BxK
    return 1.0 - mIoU
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calculate_eval_stats(W, matching_indices, mask_gt, P_in, type_per_point,
                         T_gt, parameters, residue_losses, parameter_loss,
        Returns a dict containing:
            - stats : {
                per_instance_type_accuracy: B, average primitive type accuracy for a shape
                avg_residue_loss_without_gt: B, average residue loss using the predicted type
                parameter_loss_without_gt: B, average parameter loss using the predicted type (over only primitives with matched type)
            - null_mask: BxK, indicating which predicted primitives are null
            - mask_gt_nulled: BxK, indicated which ground truth primitive is not null and is matched with a predicted (non-null) primitive
            - instance_per_point: BxN, non-one-hot version of W
            - type_per_intance: BxK, type for predicted primitives
            - residue_gt_primitive: BxKxN', distance from sampled points on ground truth S_k to the predicted primitive matched with S_k
            - residue_to_closest: BxN, distance from each input point to the closest predicted primitive
    batch_size = tf.shape(W)[0]
    n_points = tf.shape(W)[1]
    n_max_instances = W.get_shape()[2]  # n_max_instances should not be dynamic
    n_registered_primitives = fitter_factory.get_n_registered_primitives()

    null_mask = tf.reduce_sum(W, axis=1) < 0.5  # BxK
    # null_mask indicates which predicted primitives are null
    I = tf.where(
        tf.reduce_sum(W, axis=2) > 0.5,
        tf.argmax(W, axis=2, output_type=tf.int32),
        tf.fill([batch_size, n_points], -1))  # BxN
    # I can have -1 entries, indicating unassigned points, just like I_gt, and tf.one_hot(I) == W

    per_point_type_one_hot = tf.one_hot(type_per_point,
                                        dtype=tf.float32)  # BxNxT
    instance_type_prob = tf.reduce_sum(
        tf.expand_dims(W, axis=3) *
        tf.expand_dims(per_point_type_one_hot, axis=2),
        axis=1)  # BxKxT
    instance_type = tf.argmax(instance_type_prob, axis=2,
                              output_type=tf.int32)  # BxK

    null_mask_gt = batched_gather(
        null_mask, matching_indices,
        axis=1)  # BxK, indicating which gt primitive is not matched
    mask_gt_nulled = tf.logical_and(mask_gt, tf.logical_not(
        null_mask_gt))  # only count these gt primitives towards some metrics
    residue_loss_without_gt = aggregate_loss_from_stacked(
        residue_losses, batched_gather(instance_type, matching_indices,
                                       axis=1))  # BxK
    avg_residue_loss_without_gt = reduce_mean_masked_instance(
        residue_loss_without_gt, mask_gt_nulled)  # B

    # for parameter loss w/o gt, only count when the predicted type matches the ground truth type
    instance_matched_mask = tf.equal(T_gt,
                                                    axis=1))  # BxK, boolean
    per_instance_type_accuracy = reduce_mean_masked_instance(
        tf.to_float(instance_matched_mask), mask_gt_nulled)  # B
    parameter_loss_without_gt = reduce_mean_masked_instance(
        parameter_loss, tf.logical_and(instance_matched_mask, mask_gt_nulled))

    result = {
        'stats': {
            'per_instance_type_accuracy': per_instance_type_accuracy,  # B
            'avg_residue_loss_without_gt': avg_residue_loss_without_gt,  # B
            'parameter_loss_without_gt': parameter_loss_without_gt,  # B

    residue_matrix = []
    identity_matching_indices = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.range(n_max_instances), axis=0),
        [batch_size, 1])  # BxK
    for fitter_cls in fitter_factory.get_all_fitter_classes():
        residue_per_point = fitter_cls.compute_residue_loss(
            tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(P_in, axis=1), [1, n_max_instances, 1, 1]),
            matching_indices=identity_matching_indices)  # BxKxN
    residue_matrix = tf.stack(residue_matrix,
                              axis=3)  # BxKxNxT, this matrix might be large!

    # residue_to_primitive[b,n,k] = residue_matrix[b, k, n, instance_type[b,k]]
    indices_0 = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), axis=1), axis=2),
        [1, n_points, n_max_instances])  # BxNxK
    indices_1 = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(n_max_instances), axis=0),
                       axis=1), [batch_size, n_points, 1])  # BxNxK
    indices_2 = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(n_points), axis=0), axis=2),
        [batch_size, 1, n_max_instances])  # BxNxK
    indices_3 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(instance_type, axis=1),
                        [1, n_points, 1])  # BxNxK
    residue_to_primitive = tf.gather_nd(
        indices=tf.stack([indices_0, indices_1, indices_2, indices_3],
                         axis=3))  # BxNxK
    # set null primitive residues to a large number
    null_mask_W_like = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(null_mask, axis=1),
                               [1, n_points, 1])  # BxNxK
    residue_to_primitive = tf.where(null_mask_W_like,
                                    1e8 * tf.ones_like(residue_to_primitive),
                                    residue_to_primitive)  # BxNxK
    residue_to_closest = tf.reduce_min(residue_to_primitive, axis=2)  # BxN

    residue_gt_primitive = aggregate_per_point_loss_from_stacked(
        batched_gather(instance_type, matching_indices,
                       axis=1))  # BxKxN', squared distance

    # Save information for downstream analysis
    result['null_mask'] = null_mask  # BxK
    result['mask_gt_nulled'] = mask_gt_nulled  # BxK
    result['instance_per_point'] = I  # BxN
    result['type_per_instance'] = instance_type  # BxK
    result['residue_gt_primitive'] = tf.sqrt(residue_gt_primitive)  # BxKxN'
    result['residue_to_closest'] = tf.sqrt(residue_to_closest)  # BxN

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_direct_regression_model(scope, P, n_max_instances, gt_dict,
                                is_training, bn_decay):
            - P: BxNx3 tensor, the input point cloud
            - K := n_max_instances
            - gt_dict: ground truth dictionary, needed since we are also computing the loss
        Outputs: (pred_dict, total_loss), where pred_dict contains
            - W: BxNxK, segmentation instances, binary
            - normal_per_point: BxNx3, normal per point, except in DPPN we don't predict normal, so all normals are constant
            - type_per_point: BxNxT, type per points, binary
            - parameters - a dict, each entry is a BxKx... tensor
    n_registered_primitives = fitter_factory.get_n_registered_primitives()
    batch_size = tf.shape(P)[0]
    n_points = tf.shape(P)[1]

    param_pair_list = get_param_dims_pair_list(n_max_instances)
    flattened_param_dims = [pr[1][0] * pr[1][1] for pr in param_pair_list]
    reg_result = build_pointnet2_cls('direct_reg_net',
    parameters = {}
    for idx, cls_result in enumerate(reg_result):
        param_name, param_dim = param_pair_list[idx]
        if param_dim[1] == 1:
            parameters[param_name] = cls_result  # BxK
            parameters[param_name] = tf.reshape(cls_result, [-1, *param_dim])
    # normalize quantities
    for fitter_cls in fitter_factory.get_all_fitter_classes():

    residue_losses = []
    for fitter_cls in fitter_factory.get_all_fitter_classes():
        residue_per_point = fitter_cls.compute_residue_loss_pairwise(
            parameters, gt_dict['points_per_instance'])  # BxKxKxN'
        residue_avg = tf.reduce_mean(residue_per_point, axis=3)  # BxKxK
        # residue_avg[b, k1, k2] is roughly the distance between gt instance k1 and predicted instance k2
    residue_matrix = tf.stack(residue_losses, axis=3)  # BxKxKxT
    residue_matrix_flattened = tf.reshape(
        residue_matrix, shape=[batch_size, n_max_instances, -1])  # BxKxKT
    n_instance_gt = tf.reduce_max(gt_dict['instance_per_point'], axis=1) + 1
    mask_gt = tf.sequence_mask(n_instance_gt, maxlen=n_max_instances)
    matching_indices = tf.stop_gradient(
                   [residue_matrix_flattened, n_instance_gt],
                   Tout=tf.int32))  # BxK
    matching_matrix = tf.reshape(
                   depth=n_max_instances * n_registered_primitives), [
                       batch_size, n_max_instances, n_max_instances,
                   ])  # BxKxKxT
    # only 1 element in matching_matrix[b, k, ..., ...] is nonzero
    direct_loss = tf.reduce_sum(matching_matrix * residue_matrix,
                                axis=[2, 3])  # BxK
    direct_loss = tf.reduce_sum(direct_loss, axis=1) / tf.to_float(
        n_instance_gt)  # B

    # reorder parameters
    matching_instance_id = tf.argmax(tf.reduce_sum(matching_matrix, axis=3),
                                     output_type=tf.int32)  # BxK
    matching_instance_type = tf.argmax(tf.reduce_sum(matching_matrix, axis=2),
                                       output_type=tf.int32)  # BxK
    for param in parameters:
        parameters[param] = batched_gather(parameters[param],
    # now kth instance has type matching_instance_type[b, k] with parameters[b, k,...]

    # next construct W: BxNxK
    residue_per_point_matrix = []
    identity_matching_indices = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.range(n_max_instances), axis=0),
        [batch_size, 1])  # BxK
    for fitter_cls in fitter_factory.get_all_fitter_classes():
        residue_per_point = fitter_cls.compute_residue_loss(
            tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(P, axis=1), [1, n_max_instances, 1, 1]),
            matching_indices=identity_matching_indices)  # BxKxN
    residue_per_point_matrix = tf.stack(residue_per_point_matrix,
                                        axis=3)  # BxKxNxT

    # dist(P[b,n], instance k) = residue_per_point_matrix[b, k, n, matching_instance_type[b, k]]
    indices_0 = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), axis=1), axis=1),
        [1, n_points, n_max_instances])  # BxNxK
    indices_1 = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(n_max_instances), axis=0),
                       axis=0), [batch_size, n_points, 1])  # BxNxK
    indices_2 = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(n_points), axis=0), axis=2),
        [batch_size, 1, n_max_instances])  # BxNxK
    indices_3 = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(matching_instance_type, axis=1),
                        [1, n_points, 1])  # BxNxK
    P_to_instance_dist = tf.gather_nd(
        indices=tf.stack([indices_0, indices_1, indices_2, indices_3],
                         axis=3))  # BxNxK
    instance_per_point = tf.argmin(P_to_instance_dist,
                                   output_type=tf.int32)  # BxN
    W = tf.one_hot(instance_per_point, depth=n_max_instances)  # BxNxK

    type_per_point = batched_gather(matching_instance_type,
    # we do not predict normal
    normal_per_point = tf.tile(
        tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(tf.constant([1, 0, 0], dtype=tf.float32),
                       axis=0), [batch_size, n_points, 1])  # BxNx3
    return {
        'W': W,
        'normal_per_point': normal_per_point,
        'type_per_point': tf.one_hot(type_per_point,
        'parameters': parameters,
    }, direct_loss
Ejemplo n.º 5
def adaptor_matching(param_list, matching_indices):
    return [tf.expand_dims(batched_gather(param, matching_indices, axis=1), axis=2) for param in param_list]