Ejemplo n.º 1
def tabular_view(request, facility, report_type="exercise"):
    """Tabular view also gets data server-side."""

    # Get a list of topics (sorted) and groups
    topics = get_all_midlevel_topics()
    (groups, facilities) = get_accessible_objects_from_logged_in_user(request)
    context = plotting_metadata_context(request, facility=facility)
        "report_types": ("exercise", "video"),
        "request_report_type": report_type,
        "topics": topics,

    # get querystring info
    topic_id = request.GET.get("topic", "")
    # No valid data; just show generic
    if not topic_id or not re.match("^[\w\-]+$", topic_id):
        return context

    group_id = request.GET.get("group", "")
    if group_id:
        # Narrow by group
        users = FacilityUser.objects.filter(group=group_id,
                                                "last_name", "first_name")

    elif facility:
        # Narrow by facility
        search_groups = [
            dict["groups"] for dict in groups
            if dict["facility"] == facility.id
        assert len(search_groups) <= 1, "should only have one or zero matches."

        # Return groups and ungrouped
        search_groups = search_groups[
            0]  # make sure to include ungrouped students
        users = FacilityUser.objects.filter(
            Q(group__in=search_groups) | Q(group=None, facility=facility),
            is_teacher=False).order_by("last_name", "first_name")

        # Show all (including ungrouped)
        for groups_dict in groups:
            search_groups += groups_dict["groups"]
        users = FacilityUser.objects.filter(
            Q(group__in=search_groups) | Q(group=None),
            is_teacher=False).order_by("last_name", "first_name")

    # We have enough data to render over a group of students
    # Get type-specific information
    if report_type == "exercise":
        # Fill in exercises
        exercises = get_topic_exercises(topic_id=topic_id)
        exercises = sorted(exercises,
                           key=lambda e: (e["h_position"], e["v_position"]))
        context["exercises"] = exercises

        # More code, but much faster
        exercise_names = [ex["name"] for ex in context["exercises"]]
        # Get students
        context["students"] = []
        exlogs = ExerciseLog.objects \
            .filter(user__in=users, exercise_id__in=exercise_names) \
            .order_by("user__last_name", "user__first_name")\
            .values("user__id", "struggling", "complete", "exercise_id")

        exlog_idx = 0
        for user in users:
            log_table = {}
            while exlog_idx < exlogs.count(
            ) and exlogs[exlog_idx]["user__id"] == user.id:
                log_table[exlogs[exlog_idx]["exercise_id"]] = exlogs[exlog_idx]
                exlog_idx += 1

                "first_name": user.first_name,
                "last_name": user.last_name,
                "username": user.username,
                "id": user.id,
                "exercise_logs": log_table,

    elif report_type == "video":
        # Fill in videos
        context["videos"] = get_topic_videos(topic_id=topic_id)

        # More code, but much faster
        video_ids = [vid["youtube_id"] for vid in context["videos"]]
        # Get students
        context["students"] = []
        vidlogs = VideoLog.objects \
            .filter(user__in=users, youtube_id__in=video_ids) \
            .order_by("user__last_name", "user__first_name")\
            .values("user__id", "complete", "youtube_id", "total_seconds_watched", "points")

        vidlog_idx = 0
        for user in users:
            log_table = {}
            while vidlog_idx < vidlogs.count(
            ) and vidlogs[vidlog_idx]["user__id"] == user.id:
                          ["youtube_id"]] = vidlogs[vidlog_idx]
                vidlog_idx += 1

                "first_name": user.first_name,
                "last_name": user.last_name,
                "username": user.username,
                "id": user.id,
                "video_logs": log_table,

        raise Http404("Unknown report_type: %s" % report_type)

    return context
Ejemplo n.º 2
def student_view(request, xaxis="pct_mastery", yaxis="ex:attempts"):
    Student view: data generated on the back-end.

    Student view lists a by-topic-summary of their activity logs.
    user = get_user_from_request(request=request)

    topics = get_all_midlevel_topics()
    topic_ids = [t['id'] for t in topics]
    topics = filter(partial(lambda n, ids: n['id'] in ids, ids=topic_ids), topicdata.NODE_CACHE['Topic'].values())  # real data, like paths

    any_data = False  # whether the user has any data at all.
    exercise_logs = dict()
    video_logs = dict()
    exercise_sparklines = dict()
    stats = dict()
    topic_exercises = dict()
    for topic in topics:
        topic_exercises[topic['id']] = get_topic_exercises(path=topic['path'])
        n_exercises = len(topic_exercises[topic['id']])
        exercise_logs[topic['id']] = ExerciseLog.objects.filter(user=user, exercise_id__in=[t['name'] for t in topic_exercises[topic['id']]]).order_by("completion_timestamp")
        n_exercises_touched = len(exercise_logs[topic['id']])

        topic_videos = get_topic_videos(topic_id=topic['id'])
        n_videos = len(topic_videos)
        video_logs[topic['id']] = VideoLog.objects.filter(user=user, youtube_id__in=[tv['youtube_id'] for tv in topic_videos]).order_by("completion_timestamp")
        n_videos_touched = len(video_logs[topic['id']])

        exercise_sparklines[topic['id']] = [el.completion_timestamp for el in filter(lambda n: n.complete, exercise_logs[topic['id']])]

         # total streak currently a pct, but expressed in max 100; convert to
         # proportion (like other percentages here)
        stats[topic['id']] = {
            "ex:pct_mastery":      0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el.complete for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]) / float(n_exercises),
            "ex:pct_started":      0 if not n_exercises_touched else n_exercises_touched / float(n_exercises),
            "ex:average_points":   0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el.points for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]) / float(n_exercises_touched),
            "ex:average_attempts": 0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el.attempts for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]) / float(n_exercises_touched),
            "ex:average_streak":   0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el.streak_progress for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]) / float(n_exercises_touched) / 100.,
            "ex:total_struggling": 0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el.struggling for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]),
            "ex:last_completed": None if not n_exercises_touched else max([el.completion_timestamp or None for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]),

            "vid:pct_started":      0 if not n_videos_touched else n_videos_touched / float(n_videos),
            "vid:pct_completed":    0 if not n_videos_touched else sum([vl.complete for vl in video_logs[topic['id']]]) / float(n_videos),
            "vid:total_minutes":      0 if not n_videos_touched else sum([vl.total_seconds_watched for vl in video_logs[topic['id']]]) / 60.,
            "vid:average_points":   0. if not n_videos_touched else float(sum([vl.points for vl in video_logs[topic['id']]]) / float(n_videos_touched)),
            "vid:last_completed": None if not n_videos_touched else max([vl.completion_timestamp or None for vl in video_logs[topic['id']]]),
        any_data = any_data or n_exercises_touched > 0 or n_videos_touched > 0

    context = plotting_metadata_context(request)
    return {
        "form": context["form"],
        "groups": context["groups"],
        "facilities": context["facilities"],
        "student": user,
        "topics": topics,
        "topic_ids": topic_ids,
        "exercises": topic_exercises,
        "exercise_logs": exercise_logs,
        "video_logs": video_logs,
        "exercise_sparklines": exercise_sparklines,
        "no_data": not any_data,
        "stats": stats,
        "stat_defs": [  # this order determines the order of display
            {"key": "ex:pct_mastery",      "title": _("% Mastery"),        "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "ex:pct_started",      "title": _("% Started"),        "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "ex:average_points",   "title": _("Average Points"),   "type": "float"},
            {"key": "ex:average_attempts", "title": _("Average Attempts"), "type": "float"},
            {"key": "ex:average_streak",   "title": _("Average Streak"),   "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "ex:total_struggling", "title": _("Struggling"),       "type": "int"},
            {"key": "ex:last_completed",   "title": _("Last Completed"),   "type": "date"},
            {"key": "vid:pct_completed",   "title": _("% Completed"),      "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "vid:pct_started",     "title": _("% Started"),        "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "vid:total_minutes",   "title": _("Average Minutes Watched"),"type": "float"},
            {"key": "vid:average_points",  "title": _("Average Points"),   "type": "float"},
            {"key": "vid:last_completed",  "title": _("Last Completed"),   "type": "date"},
Ejemplo n.º 3
def student_view(request, xaxis="pct_mastery", yaxis="ex:attempts"):
    Student view: data generated on the back-end.

    Student view lists a by-topic-summary of their activity logs.
    user = get_user_from_request(request=request)

    topics = get_all_midlevel_topics()
    topic_ids = [t['id'] for t in topics]
    topics = filter(
        partial(lambda n, ids: n['id'] in ids, ids=topic_ids),
        topicdata.NODE_CACHE['Topic'].values())  # real data, like paths

    any_data = False  # whether the user has any data at all.
    exercise_logs = dict()
    video_logs = dict()
    exercise_sparklines = dict()
    stats = dict()
    topic_exercises = dict()
    for topic in topics:
        topic_exercises[topic['id']] = get_topic_exercises(path=topic['path'])
        n_exercises = len(topic_exercises[topic['id']])
        exercise_logs[topic['id']] = ExerciseLog.objects.filter(
            exercise_id__in=[t['name'] for t in topic_exercises[topic['id']]
        n_exercises_touched = len(exercise_logs[topic['id']])

        topic_videos = get_topic_videos(topic_id=topic['id'])
        n_videos = len(topic_videos)
        video_logs[topic['id']] = VideoLog.objects.filter(
            youtube_id__in=[tv['youtube_id'] for tv in topic_videos
        n_videos_touched = len(video_logs[topic['id']])

        exercise_sparklines[topic['id']] = [
            for el in filter(lambda n: n.complete, exercise_logs[topic['id']])

        # total streak currently a pct, but expressed in max 100; convert to
        # proportion (like other percentages here)
        stats[topic['id']] = {
            0 if not n_exercises_touched else
                 for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]) / float(n_exercises),
            0 if not n_exercises_touched else n_exercises_touched /
            0 if not n_exercises_touched else
            sum([el.points for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]) /
            0 if not n_exercises_touched else
            sum([el.attempts for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]) /
            0 if not n_exercises_touched else
            sum([el.streak_progress for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]) /
            float(n_exercises_touched) / 100.,
            0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum(
                [el.struggling for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]]),
            None if not n_exercises_touched else max_none([
                el.completion_timestamp or None
                for el in exercise_logs[topic['id']]
            0 if not n_videos_touched else n_videos_touched / float(n_videos),
            0 if not n_videos_touched else
                 for vl in video_logs[topic['id']]]) / float(n_videos),
            0 if not n_videos_touched else
                 for vl in video_logs[topic['id']]]) / 60.,
            0. if not n_videos_touched else float(
                sum([vl.points for vl in video_logs[topic['id']]]) /
            None if not n_videos_touched else max_none([
                vl.completion_timestamp or None
                for vl in video_logs[topic['id']]
        any_data = any_data or n_exercises_touched > 0 or n_videos_touched > 0

    context = plotting_metadata_context(request)
    return {
        not any_data,
        "stat_defs": [  # this order determines the order of display
                "key": "ex:pct_mastery",
                "title": _("% Mastery"),
                "type": "pct"
                "key": "ex:pct_started",
                "title": _("% Started"),
                "type": "pct"
                "key": "ex:average_points",
                "title": _("Average Points"),
                "type": "float"
                "key": "ex:average_attempts",
                "title": _("Average Attempts"),
                "type": "float"
                "key": "ex:average_streak",
                "title": _("Average Streak"),
                "type": "pct"
                "key": "ex:total_struggling",
                "title": _("Struggling"),
                "type": "int"
                "key": "ex:last_completed",
                "title": _("Last Completed"),
                "type": "date"
                "key": "vid:pct_completed",
                "title": _("% Completed"),
                "type": "pct"
                "key": "vid:pct_started",
                "title": _("% Started"),
                "type": "pct"
                "key": "vid:total_minutes",
                "title": _("Average Minutes Watched"),
                "type": "float"
                "key": "vid:average_points",
                "title": _("Average Points"),
                "type": "float"
                "key": "vid:last_completed",
                "title": _("Last Completed"),
                "type": "date"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def tabular_view(request, facility, report_type="exercise"):
    """Tabular view also gets data server-side."""

    # Get a list of topics (sorted) and groups
    topics = get_all_midlevel_topics()
    (groups, facilities) = get_accessible_objects_from_logged_in_user(request)
    context = plotting_metadata_context(request, facility=facility)
        "report_types": ("exercise", "video"),
        "request_report_type": report_type,
        "topics": topics,

    # get querystring info
    topic_id = request.GET.get("topic", "")
    # No valid data; just show generic
    if not topic_id or not re.match("^[\w\-]+$", topic_id):
        return context

    group_id = request.GET.get("group", "")
    if group_id:
        # Narrow by group
        users = FacilityUser.objects.filter(
            group=group_id, is_teacher=False).order_by("last_name", "first_name")

    elif facility:
        # Narrow by facility
        search_groups = [dict["groups"] for dict in groups if dict["facility"] == facility.id]
        assert len(search_groups) <= 1, "should only have one or zero matches."

        # Return groups and ungrouped
        search_groups = search_groups[0]  # make sure to include ungrouped students
        users = FacilityUser.objects.filter(
            Q(group__in=search_groups) | Q(group=None, facility=facility), is_teacher=False).order_by("last_name", "first_name")

        # Show all (including ungrouped)
        for groups_dict in groups:
            search_groups += groups_dict["groups"]
        users = FacilityUser.objects.filter(
            Q(group__in=search_groups) | Q(group=None), is_teacher=False).order_by("last_name", "first_name")

    # We have enough data to render over a group of students
    # Get type-specific information
    if report_type == "exercise":
        # Fill in exercises
        exercises = get_topic_exercises(topic_id=topic_id)
        exercises = sorted(exercises, key=lambda e: (e["h_position"], e["v_position"]))
        context["exercises"] = exercises

        # More code, but much faster
        exercise_names = [ex["name"] for ex in context["exercises"]]
        # Get students
        context["students"] = []
        exlogs = ExerciseLog.objects \
            .filter(user__in=users, exercise_id__in=exercise_names) \
            .order_by("user__last_name", "user__first_name")\
            .values("user__id", "struggling", "complete", "exercise_id")

        exlog_idx = 0
        for user in users:
            log_table = {}
            while exlog_idx < exlogs.count() and exlogs[exlog_idx]["user__id"] == user.id:
                log_table[exlogs[exlog_idx]["exercise_id"]] = exlogs[exlog_idx]
                exlog_idx += 1

                "first_name": user.first_name,
                "last_name": user.last_name,
                "username": user.username,
                "id": user.id,
                "exercise_logs": log_table,

    elif report_type == "video":
        # Fill in videos
        context["videos"] = get_topic_videos(topic_id=topic_id)

        # More code, but much faster
        video_ids = [vid["youtube_id"] for vid in context["videos"]]
        # Get students
        context["students"] = []
        vidlogs = VideoLog.objects \
            .filter(user__in=users, youtube_id__in=video_ids) \
            .order_by("user__last_name", "user__first_name")\
            .values("user__id", "complete", "youtube_id", "total_seconds_watched", "points")

        vidlog_idx = 0
        for user in users:
            log_table = {}
            while vidlog_idx < vidlogs.count() and vidlogs[vidlog_idx]["user__id"] == user.id:
                log_table[vidlogs[vidlog_idx]["youtube_id"]] = vidlogs[vidlog_idx]
                vidlog_idx += 1

                "first_name": user.first_name,
                "last_name": user.last_name,
                "username": user.username,
                "id": user.id,
                "video_logs": log_table,

        raise Http404("Unknown report_type: %s" % report_type)

    return context