Ejemplo n.º 1
 def align_face(im, src, size):
     # Refer to:
     # https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/blob/master/src/common/face_preprocess.py#L46
     dst = np.array(
         [[30.2946, 51.6963], [65.5318, 51.5014], [48.0252, 71.7366],
          [33.5493, 92.3655], [62.7299, 92.2041]],
     dst[:, 0] += 8.0
     M = umeyama(src, dst, True)[0:2]
     warped = cv2.warpAffine(im, M, (size, size), borderValue=0.0)
     return warped
Ejemplo n.º 2
def init_guess(setting, data, use_torso=False, **kwargs):
    model = setting['model']
    dtype = setting['dtype']
    keypoints = data['keypoints']
    batch_size = setting['batch_size']
    device = setting['device']
    est_scale = not setting['fix_scale']
    fixed_scale = 1. if setting['fixed_scale'] is None else setting['fixed_scale']
    joints3d = recompute3D(setting['extris'], setting['intris'], keypoints)

    # reset model
    init_t = torch.zeros((1,3), dtype=dtype)
    init_r = torch.zeros((1,3), dtype=dtype)
    init_s = torch.tensor(fixed_scale, dtype=dtype)
    init_shape = torch.zeros((1,10), dtype=dtype)
    model.reset_params(transl=init_t, global_orient=init_r, scale=init_s, betas=init_shape)

    init_pose = torch.zeros((1,69), dtype=dtype).cuda()
    model_output = model(return_verts=True, return_full_pose=True, body_pose=init_pose)
    verts = model_output.vertices[0]
    if kwargs.get('model_type') == 'smpllsp':
        J = torch.matmul(model.joint_regressor, verts)
        J = torch.matmul(model.J_regressor, verts)

    verts = verts.unsqueeze(0)
    J = J.unsqueeze(0)
    joints = model.vertex_joint_selector(verts, J)
    # Map the joints to the current dataset
    if model.joint_mapper is not None:
        joints = model.joint_mapper(joints).detach().cpu().numpy()[0]
    if use_torso:
        joints3d = joints3d[[5,6,11,12]]
        joints = joints[[5,6,11,12]]
    # get transformation
    rot, trans, scale = umeyama(joints, joints3d, est_scale)
    rot = cv2.Rodrigues(rot)[0]
    # apply to model
    if est_scale:
        init_s = torch.tensor(scale, dtype=dtype)
        init_s = torch.tensor(fixed_scale, dtype=dtype)
    init_t = torch.tensor(trans, dtype=dtype)
    init_r = torch.tensor(rot, dtype=dtype).reshape(1,3)
    model.reset_params(transl=init_t, global_orient=init_r, scale=init_s)

    if kwargs.get('use_vposer'):
        with torch.no_grad():   
Ejemplo n.º 3
def random_warp_64(image):
    assert image.shape == (256, 256, 3)
    range_ = np.linspace(128 - 120, 128 + 120, 5)
    mapx = np.broadcast_to(range_, (5, 5))
    mapy = mapx.T
    mapx = mapx + np.random.normal(size=(5, 5), scale=5)
    mapy = mapy + np.random.normal(size=(5, 5), scale=5)
    interp_mapx = cv2.resize(mapx, (80, 80))[8:72, 8:72].astype('float32')
    interp_mapy = cv2.resize(mapy, (80, 80))[8:72, 8:72].astype('float32')
    warped_image = cv2.remap(image, interp_mapx, interp_mapy, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
    src_points = np.stack([mapx.ravel(), mapy.ravel()], axis=-1)
    dst_points = np.mgrid[0:65:16, 0:65:16].T.reshape(-1, 2)
    mat = umeyama(src_points, dst_points, True)[0:2]
    target_image = cv2.warpAffine(image, mat, (64, 64))
    return warped_image, target_image
Ejemplo n.º 4
def random_warp_128(image):
    assert image.shape == (256, 256, 3), 'resize image to 256 256 first'
    range_ = np.linspace(128 - 120, 128 + 120, 9)
    mapx = np.broadcast_to(range_, (9, 9))
    mapy = mapx.T
    mapx = mapx + np.random.normal(size=(9, 9), scale=5)
    mapy = mapy + np.random.normal(size=(9, 9), scale=5)
    interp_mapx = cv2.resize(mapx, (144, 144))[8:136, 8:136].astype('float32')
    interp_mapy = cv2.resize(mapy, (144, 144))[8:136, 8:136].astype('float32')
    warped_image = cv2.remap(image, interp_mapx, interp_mapy, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
    src_points = np.stack([mapx.ravel(), mapy.ravel()], axis=-1)
    dst_points = np.mgrid[0:129:16, 0:129:16].T.reshape(-1, 2)
    mat = umeyama(src_points, dst_points, True)[0:2]
    target_image = cv2.warpAffine(image, mat, (128, 128))
    return warped_image, target_image
Ejemplo n.º 5
def random_warp(image):
    assert image.shape == (256, 256, 3)
    range_ = numpy.linspace(128 - 80, 128 + 80, 5)
    mapx = numpy.broadcast_to(range_, (5, 5))
    mapy = mapx.T

    mapx = mapx + numpy.random.normal(size=(5, 5), scale=5)
    mapy = mapy + numpy.random.normal(size=(5, 5), scale=5)

    interp_mapx = cv2.resize(mapx, (80, 80))[8:72, 8:72].astype('float32')
    interp_mapy = cv2.resize(mapy, (80, 80))[8:72, 8:72].astype('float32')

    # just crop the image, remove the top left bottom right 8 pixels (in order to get the pure face)
    warped_image = cv2.remap(image, interp_mapx, interp_mapy, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

    src_points = numpy.stack([mapx.ravel(), mapy.ravel()], axis=-1)
    dst_points = numpy.mgrid[0:65:16, 0:65:16].T.reshape(-1, 2)
    mat = umeyama(src_points, dst_points, True)[0:2]
    target_image = cv2.warpAffine(image, mat, (64, 64))
    return warped_image, target_image
Ejemplo n.º 6
def init_guess(setting, data, use_torso=False, **kwargs):
    model = setting['model']
    dtype = setting['dtype']
    keypoints = data['keypoints']
    batch_size = setting['batch_size']
    device = setting['device']
    est_scale = not setting['fix_scale']
    fixed_scale = 1. if setting['fixed_scale'] is None else setting[

    # reset model
    init_t = torch.zeros((1, 3), dtype=dtype)
    init_r = torch.zeros((1, 3), dtype=dtype)
    init_s = torch.tensor(fixed_scale, dtype=dtype)
    init_shape = torch.zeros((1, 10), dtype=dtype)

    init_pose = torch.zeros((1, 69), dtype=dtype).cuda()
    model_output = model(return_verts=True,
    verts = model_output.vertices[0]
    if kwargs.get('model_type') == 'smpllsp':
        J = torch.matmul(model.joint_regressor, verts)
        J = torch.matmul(model.J_regressor, verts)

    verts = verts.unsqueeze(0)
    J = J.unsqueeze(0)
    joints = model.vertex_joint_selector(verts, J)
    # Map the joints to the current dataset
    if model.joint_mapper is not None:
        joints = model.joint_mapper(joints).detach().cpu().numpy()[0]

    if len(keypoints) == 1:
        # guess depth for single-view input
        # 5 is L shoulder, 11 is L hip
        # 6 is R shoulder, 12 is R hip
        torso3d = joints[[5, 6, 11, 12]]
        torso2d = keypoints[0][0][[5, 6, 11, 12]]
        torso3d = np.insert(torso3d, 3, 1, axis=1).T
        torso3d = (np.dot(setting['extris'][0], torso3d).T)[:, :3]

        diff3d = np.array([torso3d[0] - torso3d[2], torso3d[1] - torso3d[3]])
        mean_height3d = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum(diff3d**2, axis=1)))

        diff2d = np.array([torso2d[0] - torso2d[2], torso2d[0] - torso2d[2]])
        mean_height2d = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum(diff2d**2, axis=1)))

        est_d = setting['intris'][0][0][0] * (mean_height3d / mean_height2d)
        # just set the z value
        cam_joints = np.dot(setting['extris'][0],
                            np.insert(joints.copy(), 3, 1, axis=1).T)
        cam_joints[2, :] += est_d
        joints3d = (np.dot(np.linalg.inv(setting['extris'][0]),
                           cam_joints).T)[:, :3]

        # trans = cal_trans(camcoord, keypoints[0][0][[5,6,11,12]], setting['intris'][0])
        # trans = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(setting['extris'][0]), np.insert(trans.reshape(3,1), 3, 1, axis=0)).reshape(1,-1)[:,:3]
        # joints3d = joints + trans
        joints3d = recompute3D(setting['extris'], setting['intris'], keypoints)
    if kwargs.get('use_3d') and data['3d_joint'] is not None:
        joints3d = data['3d_joint'][0][:, :3]

    if use_torso:
        joints3d = joints3d[[5, 6, 11, 12]]
        joints = joints[[5, 6, 11, 12]]
    # get transformation
    rot, trans, scale = umeyama(joints, joints3d, est_scale)
    rot = cv2.Rodrigues(rot)[0]
    # apply to model
    if est_scale:
        init_s = torch.tensor(scale, dtype=dtype)
        init_s = torch.tensor(fixed_scale, dtype=dtype)
    init_t = torch.tensor(trans, dtype=dtype)
    init_r = torch.tensor(rot, dtype=dtype).reshape(1, 3)
    model.reset_params(transl=init_t, global_orient=init_r, scale=init_s)

    if kwargs.get('use_vposer'):
        with torch.no_grad():

    # # load fixed parameters
    # init_s = torch.tensor(7., dtype=dtype)
    # init_shape = torch.tensor([2.39806, 0.678491, -1.38193, -0.966748, -1.29383,-0.795755, -0.303195, -1.1032, -0.197056, -0.102728 ], dtype=dtype)
    # model.reset_params(transl=init_t, global_orient=init_r, scale=init_s)
    # model.betas.requires_grad = False
    # model.scale.requires_grad = False

    # visualize
    if False:
        if kwargs.get('use_vposer'):
            vposer = setting['vposer']
            init_pose = vposer.decode(setting['pose_embedding'],
                                      output_type='aa').view(1, -1)
            init_pose = torch.zeros((1, 69), dtype=dtype).cuda()
        model_output = model(return_verts=True,
        joints = model_output.joints.detach().cpu().numpy()[0]
        verts = model_output.vertices.detach().cpu().numpy()[0]

        from utils.utils import joint_projection, surface_projection
        for i in range(1):
            joint_projection(joints3d, setting['extris'][i],
                             setting['intris'][i], data['img'][i][:, :, ::-1],
            surface_projection(verts, model.faces, joints,
                               setting['extris'][i], setting['intris'][i],
                               data['img'][i][:, :, ::-1], 5)