def reset_cov(self, big: bool = False):
     Reset the covariance matrix with initial values
     if not big:
         self.cov = diag_matrix(
             [1 / WX, 1 * VSLP, 1 / WY, 1 * VSLP, 1 / WT, 1 * VSLN])
         self.cov = diag_matrix(
             [5 / WX, 50 * VSLP, 5 / WY, 50 * VSLP, 5 / WT, 10 * VSLN])
    def __init__(self, root_inp: Union[np.array, None] = None,
                 mdet_inp: Union[np.array, None] = None,
                 fit_tracks: bool = False):
        --- TrackFinding class ---

        Finds tracks for hits on any TRASGO-like detector

        :param root_inp: ROOT input with values
            trbnum, cell, col, row, x, y, z, time, charge
        :param mdet_inp: Input with our own format
        :param fit_tracks: Check if use or not TrackFitting class by Tim Track method
            after use TrackFitting class by Kalman Filter Method

        # ------- Kalman Filter variables ------- #
        self.r = np.zeros([NPLAN, NPAR])  # Vector (parameters); dimension -> Number of
        # Planes x maximum hits x parameters
        self.C = np.zeros([NPLAN, NPAR, NPAR])  # Error Matrices

        self.rp = np.zeros(self.r.shape)  # Projected vector and matrices
        self.Cp = np.zeros(self.C.shape)

        self.rn = np.zeros(self.r.shape)  # UNUSED projected vectors with noises
        self.Cn = np.zeros(self.C.shape)

        self.C0 = diag_matrix(NPAR, [5 / WX, 50 * VSLP, 5 / WY, 50 * VSLP, 5 / WT, 10 * VSLN])  # Error matrix
        self.V = diag_matrix(NDAC, [SIGX ** 2, SIGY ** 2, SIGT ** 2])

        reco_dim = 1 + 3 * NPLAN + NPAR + 1  # Dimension (at axis 1) of reconstructed data matrix
        self.m_stat = np.zeros([0, reco_dim])
        self.mtrec = np.zeros([0, reco_dim])

        self.lower_plane_id = NPLAN - 1
        # --------------------------------------- #

        self.mdet = mdet_inp
        self.mdet_xy = None

        if fit_tracks:
            self.fit_tracks = TrackFitting()
            self.fit_tracks = None
    def set_transport_func(ks: float, dz: int) -> np.array:
        It sets the transport k_mat between both planes separated by dz

        :param ks: Slope -> sqrt( 1 + XP**2 + YP**2)
        :param dz: Distance between planes
        :return: Transport function (k_mat | Numpy array)
        F = diag_matrix([1] * NPAR)  # Identity 6x6
        F[0, 1] = dz
        F[2, 3] = dz
        F[4, 5] = ks * dz  # - ks * dz
        return F
    def transport(self, dz: float):
        Displace the saeta and its covariance matrix.

        Move to KFSaeta

        transport_matrix = diag_matrix([1] * NPAR)  # Identity 6x6
        transport_matrix[0, 1] = dz
        transport_matrix[2, 3] = dz
        transport_matrix[4, 5] = self.ks * dz  # - ks * dz

        self.cov = transport_matrix @ self.cov @ transport_matrix.T
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def cov(self):
     Move to KFHit
     return diag_matrix([SIGX**2, SIGY**2, SIGT**2])
    def tim_track_fit(self, state_vec: Union[np.array, None] = None,
                      cells_path: Union[np.array, None] = None,
                      vstat_fcut: Union[np.array, None] = None):
        Tim Track Fitting Method

        :param state_vec: State vector (SAETA)
        :param cells_path: Array with parameters of sorted hits
        :param vstat_fcut: Complete array with SAETAs and cell paths.

        # Assign saeta and cells safely
        if state_vec is None and cells_path is None:
            if vstat_fcut is not None:
                k_dim = 1 + NDAC * NPLAN
                self.saeta = vstat_fcut[k_dim:-1]
                self.k_vector = vstat_fcut[:k_dim]
                raise Exception("All input values undefined!")
        elif state_vec is not None and cells_path is not None:
            if vstat_fcut is not None:
                print("Variable vstat_cutf defined but unused, used state_vec and cells_path instead")
            self.saeta = state_vec
            self.k_vector = cells_path

        vw = np.array([WX, WY, WT])  # Vector of Weights
        mvw = diag_matrix(3, vw)  # Wieght Matrix (inverse of the V diagonal k_mat)

        # saeta = v_stat[13:-1]
        # k_vector = v_stat[:13]

        vs = self.saeta  # all_reco_saetas[it, 13:-1]  # State vector
        mK = np.zeros([NPAR, NPAR])  # K k_mat initialization
        va = np.zeros(NPAR)  # Final state vector initialization
        so = 0  # So (Store soi values on loop)

        for ip in range(NPLAN):  # Loop over hits in each track from TOP
            zi = VZ1[ip]  # [0, 522, 902, 1739] mm
            ii = ip * 3 + 1  # Initial index to search values
            dxi = self.k_vector[ii] * WCX
            dyi = self.k_vector[ii + 1] * WCY
            dti = self.k_vector[ii + 2]
            vdat = np.array([dxi, dyi, dti])  # Measured data

            mKi = self.set_K(vs, zi, mvw)
            mG = self.set_mG(vs, zi)
            vg0 = self.set_g0(vs, zi)
            vai = self.set_vstat(mG, mvw, vdat, vg0)

            mK += mKi
            va += vai

            so += - vg0).T,, (vdat - vg0)))  # soi values

        mK = np.asmatrix(mK)  # K k_mat (symmetric)
        mErr = mK.I  # Error k_mat (symmetric)

        va = np.asmatrix(va).T  # Vertical Measurement Vector
        vsol =, va)  # SEA equation

        sks = float(,, vsol)))  # s'·K·s
        sa = float(, va))  # s'·a
        S = sks - 2 * sa + so  # S = s'·K·s - 2s'·a + So

        DoF = NPLAN * NDAC - NPAR  # Degrees of Freedom
        prob = stats.chi2.sf(S, DoF)

        vsol = np.asarray(vsol.T)[0]  # Make it a normal array again
        return vsol, prob