def dynamics(self, pos, rot, vel, cmd):

        # unpacking the control input
        roll_cmd, pitch_cmd, thrust_cmd, yaw_rate_cmd = cmd

        ea = uf.rot_to_ea(rot)

        # current yaw
        yaw = ea[2]

        # maximum yaw rate
        max_yaw_rate_deg = sp.max_yaw_rate_deg
        max_yaw_rate = max_yaw_rate_deg * numpy.pi / 180

        # maximum tilt
        max_tilt_deg = sp.max_tilt_deg
        max_tilt = max_tilt_deg * numpy.pi / 180

        # desired roll
        roll_des = (roll_cmd - 1500) * max_tilt / 500

        # desired pitch
        pitch_des = -(pitch_cmd - 1500) * max_tilt / 500

        # gain of the inner loop for attitude control
        ktt = sp.inner_loop_gain

        # desired thrust versor
        e3 = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        dtv = uf.ea_to_rot((roll_des, pitch_des, yaw)).dot(e3)

        # actual thrust versor
        atv =

        # angular velocity
        aux = ktt * uf.skew(atv).dot(dtv)
        rot_t = numpy.transpose(rot)
        omega =

        # yaw rate
        omega[2] = -(yaw_rate_cmd - 1500) * max_yaw_rate / 500

        # neutral thrust
        nt = sp.neutral_thrust

        # thrust gain
        kt = sp.quad_mass * sp.g / nt

        # thrust command adjustment
        # The thrust sent to the motors is automatically adjusted according to
        # the tilt angle of the vehicle (bigger tilt leads to bigger thrust)
        # to reduce the thrust compensation that the pilot must give.
        thrust_cmd = thrust_cmd /, e3)

        # dynamics
        dpos = vel
        dvel = kt * thrust_cmd * atv / sp.quad_mass - sp.g * e3
        drot =

        return dpos, drot, dvel
    def _dynamics(self, pos, rot, vel, cmd):
        """Reimplements the abstract method of the IrisSimulator class."""

        thrust, omega = self._cmd_to_thrust_omega(cmd, rot)
        acc = thrust / isp.quad_mass - isp.gravity * uf.e3
        # derivatives
        dpos = vel
        dvel = acc
        drot = uf.skew(omega).dot(rot)

        return dpos, drot, dvel