def build_spotify(self, member, embed=None): activity = member.activity if not embed: embed = utils.EvieeBed() embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) embed.set_footer(icon_url='', text=f'Listening with Spotify... {member}') embed.set_image(url=activity.album_cover_url) embed.title = f'{activity.title}' embed._colour = activity.color artists = ', '.join(activity.artists) embed.description = f'by **`{artists}`**.' embed.extra = f'{activity.title} {artists}' embed.add_field(name='Album', value=activity.album) embed.add_field(name='Duration', value=format_delta(delta=activity.duration, brief=True)) embed.add_field( name='Open in Spotify', value= f'[Play now!]({activity.track_id})') return embed
async def _profile(self, ctx, *, member: discord.Member = None): """Show profile information for a member. Includes activity, permissions and other info. Parameters ------------ member The member to get information from. This can be in the form of an ID, Name, or Mention. Examples ---------- <prefix>profile <prefix>profile Eviee {ctx.prefix}profile {ctx.prefix}profile Eviee """ if member is None: member = aembed = None activity = member.activity embed = utils.EvieeBed( title=f'Profile for {member}', colour=member.colour, description=f'```ini\n' f'ID : {}\n' f'CREATED : [{member.created_at.strftime("%d %b, %Y @ %H:%M")}]\n' f'JOINED : [{member.joined_at.strftime("%d %b, %Y @ %H:%M")}]\n' f'```') embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) embed.add_field(name='Display Name', value=member.display_name) embed.add_field( name='Status', value= f'{self.statuses.get(str(member.status))} **`{member.status}`**') embed.add_field(name='Top Role', value=member.top_role.mention) embed.add_field(name='Profile', value=member.mention) if activity: embed.set_footer(text='Current Activity Info >>') embed.add_field( name='Activity', value= f'**`{}` | **{}') aembed = await self.build_activity(member) previous = 'Current Activity Info' else: embed.set_footer(text='Channel Permissions >>') previous = 'Member Info' perms = await self.get_perms(ctx, member, previous=previous) pagey = utils.ProfilePaginator(extras=[embed, aembed, *perms], member=member, timeout=120)
async def build_activity(self, member, embed=None): activity = member.activity if activity.type == discord.ActivityType.unknown: return None if not embed: embed = utils.EvieeBed() embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) embed.set_footer(text='<< Member Info | Channel Permissions >>') if isinstance(activity, discord.Spotify): embed = self.build_spotify(member, embed) elif activity.type == discord.ActivityType.playing: embed = self.build_game(member, embed) return embed
async def guild_spotify(self, ctx, *, guild: int = None): """Show currently playing information from Spotify for your guild. Parameters ------------ guild: Optional This argument is not required. And defaults to your guild. An ID can be passed. Examples ---------- <prefix>spotify guild <prefix>spotify guild <guild_id> {ctx.prefix}spotify guild {ctx.prefix}spotify guild 352006920560967691 """ if not guild: guild = ctx.guild else: guild = if not guild: return await ctx.send('Could not find a guild with that ID.') members = [ m for m in guild.members if isinstance(m.activity, discord.Spotify) ] if not members: return await ctx.send( 'No one in your guild is listening to Spotify with Discord.') pages = [] for member in members: embed = utils.EvieeBed() embed.set_author(name=member.display_name, icon_url=member.avatar_url) embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) embed.set_footer(icon_url='', text=f'Listening with Spotify... {member}') pages.append(self.build_spotify(member, embed=embed)) pagey = utils.SpotifyPaginator(extras=pages)