Ejemplo n.º 1
def _get_ids(**kwargs):
    resc_id = kwargs.get('id')
    if resc_id:
        return [resc_id]
    name = kwargs.get('name')
    if not name:
        raise utils.InnerException('Neither resource id nor name is passed.')
    ids = _get_ids_by_name(**kwargs)
    if not ids:
        raise utils.InnerException('No resource found with give name')
    return ids
Ejemplo n.º 2
def list_listener(**kwargs):
    base = "neutron lbaas-listener-list"
    if kwargs['lb'] is None:
        raise utils.InnerException(
            'ERROR: arguments missed, try use -h to find them')
    lb_id = kwargs['lb'] and '--loadbalancer_id=%s' % kwargs['lb'] or ''
    return ' '.join([base, lb_id])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def list_sg_rule(**kwargs):
    base = "neutron security-group-rule-list"
    if kwargs['sg'] is None:
        raise utils.InnerException(
            'ERROR: arguments missed, try use -h to find them')
    sg_id = kwargs['sg'] and '--security_group_id=%s' % kwargs['sg'] or ''
    return ' '.join([base, sg_id])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def list_portv2(**kwargs):
    if kwargs['id']:
        filters = {}
        if kwargs['owner']:
            if kwargs['owner'] in const.DEVICE_OWNERS:
                filters['device_owner'] = const.DEVICE_OWNERS[kwargs['owner']]
                raise utils.InnerException(
                    'Unknown device_owner. Support list: %r' %
        if kwargs['host']:
            filters['binding:host_id'] = kwargs['host']
        if kwargs['net']:
            filters['network_id'] = kwargs['net']
        if kwargs['snet']:
            filters['fixed_ips=subnet_id'] = kwargs['snet']
        if kwargs['ip']:
            filters['fixed_ips=ip_address'] = kwargs['ip']
        if kwargs['device']:
            filters['device_id'] = kwargs['device']
        data = api_cmd.get_resources('ports', filters)
        for d in data:
            for k in d:
                fmt = "{:<25} | {:<15}"
                print fmt.format(k, d[k])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def api(**kwargs):
    token = kwargs.get('token') or kwargs['env_token']
    if not token:
        raise utils.InnerException(
            'ERROR: The api command need X-Auth-Token, use -t to assign or '
            'set OCEANA_OS_TOKEN to use it.\n'
            'We cannot get token automatically by openstackclient, since it '
            'is not installed, or we have no permission to run it.')
    api_ip = kwargs.get('server_ip') or kwargs['env_api_ip']
    if not api_ip:
        raise utils.InnerException(
            'ERROR: The api command need API service IP, use -s to assign or '
            ' set OCEANA_OS_API_IP to use it')
    kwargs.update({'token': token, 'api_ip': api_ip})
    action = kwargs['action']
    return getattr(os.sys.modules[__name__], action + '_api')(**kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_br_node_ex_intf_info():
    pi = inner_call(
        **{'cmd': 'ovsdb-client dump Open_vSwitch Interface name ofport'})[0]
    intf_dict = {}
    inner_ofp = re.search(re.compile('"2-br-ex"\s+(\w+)'), pi)
    if is_net_node():
        if not inner_ofp:
            raise utils.InnerException(
                'Interface 2-br-ex not exists, try to rerun with -i and -p first.'
        intf_dict['inner'] = inner_ofp.groups()[0]
    for intf, ofp in re.findall(re.compile('"(\d+-\d+-\d+-\d+)"\s+(\d+)'), pi):
        intf_dict[intf.replace('-', '.')] = ofp
    if len(intf_dict) == 1:
        raise utils.InnerException(
            'No formatted interface found, try to rerun with -i and -p first.')
    return intf_dict
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ping_fip(**kwargs):
    fip_ip = kwargs['sub_resource']
    if not netaddr.valid_ipv4(fip_ip):
        raise utils.InnerException('%s is not a valid IPv4 address' % fip_ip)

    filters = {'floating_ip_address': fip_ip}
    fip_data = api_cmd.get_resources('floatingips', filters)[0]
    router = api_cmd.get_resource('routers', fip_data['router_id'])
    router_gw_ip = router['external_gateway_info'].get(
    router_host = api_cmd.get_resource('router_host', router['id'])
    print router_host
Ejemplo n.º 8
def delete_api(**kwargs):
    kwargs.update({'action': 'DELETE'})
    resc_ids = _get_ids(**kwargs)
    if len(resc_ids) > 1 and not kwargs.get('force', False):
        raise utils.InnerException(
            'Multiple resources found by given name, use -f to force delete')
    curl = curl_base + '/%(resc_id)s.json'
    ret = []
    for id in resc_ids:
        kwargs.update({'resc_id': id})
        ret.append(curl % kwargs)
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 9
def build_fakenet(**kwargs):
    if kwargs['o']:
    elif kwargs['i']:
        if kwargs['p']:
            for peer_ip in kwargs['p']:
                if not na.valid_ipv4(peer_ip):
                    raise utils.InnerException('Invalid peer IP %s' % peer_ip)
                reach = subprocess.Popen('ping -c1 -w1 %s -I %s ' %
                                         (peer_ip, kwargs['i']),
                                         stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).wait() == 0
                if not reach:
                    raise utils.InnerException(
                        'Peer IP %s is unreachable from %s' %
                        (peer_ip, kwargs['i']))
        raise utils.InnerException(
            'ERROR: arguments missed, try use -h to find them')
Ejemplo n.º 10
def list_port(**kwargs):
    debug = kwargs['debug'] and ' --debug ' or ' '
    base = "neutron" + debug + "port-list"
    host = kwargs['host'] and '--binding:host_id=%s' % kwargs['host'] or ''
    net = kwargs['net'] and '--network_id=%s' % kwargs['net'] or ''
    snet = kwargs['snet'] and 'subnet_id=%s' % kwargs['snet'] or ''
    ip = kwargs['ip'] and 'ip_address=%s' % kwargs['ip'] or ''
    fixed_ip = ' '.join([i for i in (snet, ip) if i])
    fixed_ip = '--fixed_ips %s' % fixed_ip if fixed_ip else ''
    device = kwargs['device'] and '--device_id=%s' % kwargs['device'] or ''
    owner = kwargs['owner']
    if owner:
        if owner in const.DEVICE_OWNERS:
            owner = '--device_owner=%s' % const.DEVICE_OWNERS[owner]
            raise utils.InnerException(
                'Unknown device_owner. Support list: %r' %
    ret = ' '.join(
        [i for i in (base, host, net, fixed_ip, device, owner) if i])
    if base == ret:
        raise utils.InnerException(
            'ERROR: arguments missed, try use -h to find them')
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 11
def hosting_mq_queue(sub_resource, **kwargs):
    base = (
        'rabbitmqctl list_queues --online pid name synchronised_slave_pids '
        '| egrep ')
    neutron = '"(lbaas|l3|dhcp|metering|q-agent|q-plugin|q-reports|ipsec)"'
    queues = {
        "nova": base + '"(cert|conductor|console|consoleauth| scheduler)"',
        "neutron": base + neutron,
        "cinder": base + 'cinder',
        "glance": base + 'notifications',
    queue = queues.get(sub_resource)
    if not queue:
        raise utils.InnerException('Unknown resource, or not supported yet...')
    return queue
Ejemplo n.º 12
def api_examples_help(**kwargs):
    action = kwargs['action']
    if action not in ('create', 'update'):
        raise utils.InnerException(
            'Show example (-e) and list attributes (-l) '
            'only work for create and update action')
    action = {'create': 'post', 'update': 'put'}[action]
    resource = kwargs['resource'].replace('-', '_')
    if kwargs['list']:
        for k, v in api_examples.get_attrs(resource, action).items():
            print "%s\t\t%s" % (k, v)
    if kwargs['example']:
        data = str(api_examples.get_example(resource,
                                            action)).replace("'", '"')
            'action': action.upper(),
            'api_ip': 'localhost',
            'token': 'TOKEN',
            'data': data
        curl = (curl_base + ".json -d '%(data)s'") % kwargs
        print curl