Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
  # Get Parameters.
  bvz_manifest = utils.GetMetadataAttribute(
      'bootstrap_vz_manifest', raise_on_not_found=True)
  bvz_version = utils.GetMetadataAttribute(
      'bootstrap_vz_version', raise_on_not_found=True)
  repo = utils.GetMetadataAttribute('google_cloud_repo',
  image_dest = utils.GetMetadataAttribute('image_dest',
  outs_path = utils.GetMetadataAttribute('daisy-outs-path',
  if repo not in REPOS:
    raise ValueError(
        'Metadata "google_cloud_repo" must be one of %s.' % REPOS)

  logging.info('Bootstrap_vz manifest: %s' % bvz_manifest)
  logging.info('Bootstrap_vz version: %s' % bvz_version)
  logging.info('Google Cloud repo: %s' % repo)

  # Download and setup bootstrap_vz.
  bvz_url = 'https://github.com/andsens/bootstrap-vz/archive/%s.zip'
  bvz_url %= bvz_version
  bvz_zip_dir = 'bvz_zip'
  logging.info('Downloading bootstrap-vz at commit %s' % bvz_version)
  urllib.urlretrieve(bvz_url, 'bvz.zip')
  with zipfile.ZipFile('bvz.zip', 'r') as z:
  logging.info('Downloaded and extracted %s to bvz.zip.' % bvz_url)
  bvz_zip_contents = [d for d in os.listdir(bvz_zip_dir)]
  bvz_zip_subdir = os.path.join(bvz_zip_dir, bvz_zip_contents[0])
  utils.Execute(['mv', bvz_zip_subdir, BVZ_DIR])
  logging.info('Moved bootstrap_vz from %s to %s.' % (bvz_zip_subdir, BVZ_DIR))
  bvz_bin = os.path.join(BVZ_DIR, 'bootstrap-vz')
  logging.info('Made %s executable.' % bvz_bin)
  bvz_manifest_file = os.path.join(BVZ_DIR, 'manifests', bvz_manifest)

  # Inject Google Cloud test repo plugin if using staging or unstable repos.
  # This is used to test new package releases in images.
  if repo != 'stable':
    logging.info('Adding Google Cloud test repos plugin for bootstrapvz.')
    repo_plugin_dir = '/files/google_cloud_test_repos'
    bvz_plugins = os.path.join(BVZ_DIR, 'bootstrapvz', 'plugins')
    shutil.move(repo_plugin_dir, bvz_plugins)

    with open(bvz_manifest_file, 'r+') as manifest_file:
      manifest_data = yaml.load(manifest_file)
      manifest_plugins = manifest_data['plugins']
      manifest_plugins['google_cloud_test_repos'] = {repo: True}
      manifest_yaml = yaml.dump(manifest_data, default_flow_style=False)

  # Run bootstrap_vz build.
  cmd = [bvz_bin, '--debug', bvz_manifest_file]
  logging.info('Starting build in %s with params: %s' % (BVZ_DIR, str(cmd)))
  utils.Execute(cmd, cwd=BVZ_DIR)

  # Upload tar.
  image_tar_gz = '/target/disk.tar.gz'
  if os.path.exists(image_tar_gz):
    logging.info('Saving %s to %s' % (image_tar_gz, image_dest))
    utils.UploadFile(image_tar_gz, image_dest)

  # Create and upload the synopsis of the image.
  logging.info('Creating image synopsis.')
  synopsis = {}
  packages = collections.OrderedDict()
  _, output = utils.Execute(['dpkg-query', '-W'], capture_output=True)
  for line in output.split('\n')[:-1]:  # Last line is an empty line.
    parts = line.split()
    packages[parts[0]] = parts[1]
  synopsis['installed_packages'] = packages
  with open('/tmp/synopsis.json', 'w') as f:
  logging.info('Uploading image synopsis.')
  synopsis_dest = os.path.join(outs_path, 'synopsis.json')
  utils.UploadFile('/tmp/synopsis.json', synopsis_dest)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # Get Parameters.
    BVZ_MANIFEST = utils.GetMetadataParam('bootstrap_vz_manifest',
    bvz_version = utils.GetMetadataParam('bootstrap_vz_version',
    build_files_gcs_dir = utils.GetMetadataParam('build_files_gcs_dir',
    repo = utils.GetMetadataParam('google_cloud_repo', raise_on_not_found=True)
    outs_path = utils.GetMetadataParam('daisy-outs-path',
    license_id = utils.GetMetadataParam('license_id', raise_on_not_found=True)
    if repo not in REPOS:
        raise ValueError('Metadata "google_cloud_repo" must be one of %s.' %
    release = utils.GetMetadataParam('release', raise_on_not_found=True)

    logging.info('Debian Builder')
    logging.info('Bootstrap_vz manifest: %s', BVZ_MANIFEST)
    logging.info('Bootstrap_vz version: %s', bvz_version)
    logging.info('Google Cloud repo: %s', repo)
    logging.info('Debian Builder Sources: %s', build_files_gcs_dir)

    # Download and setup bootstrap_vz.
    bvz_url = 'https://github.com/andsens/bootstrap-vz/archive/%s.zip'
    bvz_url %= bvz_version
    bvz_zip_dir = 'bvz_zip'
    logging.info('Downloading bootstrap-vz')
    urllib.urlretrieve(bvz_url, 'bvz.zip')
    with zipfile.ZipFile('bvz.zip', 'r') as z:
    logging.info('Downloaded and extracted %s to %s', bvz_url, 'bvz_zip')
    bvz_zip_contents = [d for d in os.listdir(bvz_zip_dir)]
    bvz_zip_subdir = os.path.join(bvz_zip_dir, bvz_zip_contents[0])
    utils.Execute(['mv', bvz_zip_subdir, BVZ_DIR])
    logging.info('Moved bootstrap_vz from %s to %s.', bvz_zip_subdir, BVZ_DIR)
    bvz_bin = os.path.join(BVZ_DIR, 'bootstrap-vz')
    logging.info('Made %s executable.', bvz_bin)

    # Run bootstrap_vz build.
    cmd = [
        bvz_bin, '--debug',
        os.path.join(BVZ_DIR, 'manifests', BVZ_MANIFEST)
    logging.info('Starting build in %s with params: %s', BVZ_DIR, str(cmd))
    utils.Execute(cmd, cwd=BVZ_DIR)

    # Setup tmpfs.
    tmpfs = '/mnt/tmpfs'
    utils.Execute(['mount', '-t', 'tmpfs', '-o', 'size=20g', 'tmpfs', tmpfs])

    # Create license manifest.
    license_manifest = os.path.join(tmpfs, 'manifest.json')
    logging.info('Creating license manifest for %s', license_id)
    manifest = '{"licenses": ["%s"]}' % license_id
    with open(license_manifest, 'w') as manifest_file:

    # Extract raw image.
    image = '/target/disk.tar.gz'
    logging.info('Creating licensed tar for %s', image)
    with tarfile.open(image, 'r:gz') as tar:

    # Create tar with license manifest included.
    image_tar_gz = os.path.join(tmpfs, os.path.basename(image))
    with tarfile.open(image_tar_gz, 'w:gz') as tar:
        tar_info = tarfile.TarInfo(name='disk.raw')
        tar_info.type = tarfile.GNUTYPE_SPARSE
        tar.add(license_manifest, arcname='manifest.json')
        tar.add(os.path.join(tmpfs, 'disk.raw'), arcname='disk.raw')

    # Upload tar.
    image_tar_gz_dest = os.path.join(outs_path, 'image.tar.gz')
    logging.info('Saving %s to %s', image_tar_gz, image_tar_gz_dest)
    utils.Gsutil(['cp', image_tar_gz, image_tar_gz_dest])

    # Create and upload the synopsis of the image.
    logging.info('Creating image synopsis.')
    synopsis = {}
    packages = collections.OrderedDict()
    _, output, _ = utils.Execute(['dpkg-query', '-W'], capture_output=True)
    for line in output.split('\n')[:-1]:  # Last line is an empty line.
        parts = line.split()
        packages[parts[0]] = parts[1]
    synopsis['installed_packages'] = packages
    with open('/tmp/synopsis.json', 'w') as f:
    logging.info('Uploading image synopsis.')
    synopsis_dest = os.path.join(outs_path, 'synopsis.json')
    utils.Gsutil(['cp', '/tmp/synopsis.json', synopsis_dest])