def BuildDesugaredLibrary(checkout_dir, variant): if (variant != 'jdk8' and variant != 'jdk11'): raise Exception('Variant ' + variant + 'is not supported') with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(checkout_dir): bazel = os.path.join(utils.BAZEL_TOOL, 'lib', 'bazel', 'bin', 'bazel') cmd = [ bazel, 'build', 'maven_release' + ('_jdk11' if variant == 'jdk11' else '') ] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) cmd = [bazel, 'shutdown'] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) # Locate the library jar and the maven zip with the jar from the # bazel build. if variant == 'jdk8': library_jar = os.path.join(checkout_dir, 'bazel-bin', 'src', 'share', 'classes', 'java', 'libjava.jar') else: library_jar = os.path.join(checkout_dir, 'bazel-bin', 'jdk11', 'src', 'java_base_selected.jar') maven_zip = os.path.join( checkout_dir, 'bazel-bin', LIBRARY_NAME + ('_jdk11' if variant != 'jdk11' else '') + '.zip') return (library_jar, maven_zip)
def sign(unsigned_apk, signed_apk, keystore): print 'Signing (ignore the warnings)' cmd = ['zip', '-d', unsigned_apk, 'META-INF/*'] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) cmd = [ 'jarsigner', '-sigalg', 'SHA1withRSA', '-digestalg', 'SHA1', '-keystore', keystore, '-storepass', 'android', '-signedjar', signed_apk, unsigned_apk, 'androiddebugkey' ] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def main(): args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 0: gradle.RunGradle(['r8lib']) r8lib = utils.R8LIB_JAR r8map = utils.R8LIB + '.map' elif len(args) == 2: r8lib = args[0] r8map = args[1] elif len(args) == 1 and args[0] == '--help': print( 'Usage: [<path-to-r8lib-jar> <path-to-r8lib-map]' ) print('If the path is missing the script builds and uses ' + utils.R8LIB_JAR) return else: raise Exception("Only two argument allowed, see '--help'.") # Run 'r8 --help' which throws an exception. cmd = [ jdk.GetJavaExecutable(), '-cp', r8lib, '', '--help' ] os.environ["R8_THROW_EXCEPTION_FOR_TESTING_RETRACE"] = "1" utils.PrintCmd(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) _, stacktrace = p.communicate() assert (p.returncode != 0) assert (EXCEPTION_LINE in stacktrace) # r8lib must be minified, original class names must not be present. assert ('SelfRetraceTest' not in stacktrace) # Run the retrace tool. cmd = [jdk.GetJavaExecutable(), '-jar', utils.RETRACE_JAR, r8map] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) retrace_stdout, _ = p.communicate(stacktrace) assert p.returncode == 0 retrace_lines = retrace_stdout.splitlines() line_index = -1 for line in retrace_lines: if line_index < 0: if 'java.lang.RuntimeException' in line: assert (EXCEPTION_LINE in line) line_index = 0 else: assert EXPECTED_LINES[line_index] in line line_index += 1 if line_index >= len(EXPECTED_LINES): break assert (line_index >= 0)
def RunGradleInGetOutput(gradleCmd, args, cwd, env=None): EnsureDeps() cmd = [gradleCmd] cmd.extend(args) utils.PrintCmd(cmd) with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(cwd): return subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=GetJavaEnv(env))
def ExtractMarker(apk, temp_dir, options): r8_jar = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'r8.jar') r8lib_jar = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'r8lib.jar') # Use the copy of r8.jar or r8lib.jar if one is there. if os.path.isfile(r8_jar): cmd = [ jdk.GetJavaExecutable(), '-ea', '-jar', r8_jar, 'extractmarker', apk ] elif os.path.isfile(r8lib_jar): cmd = [ jdk.GetJavaExecutable(), '-ea', '-cp', r8lib_jar, '', apk ] else: script = os.path.join(utils.TOOLS_DIR, '') cmd = ['python', script, apk] utils.PrintCmd(cmd, quiet=options.quiet) stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd) # Return the last line. lines = stdout.strip().splitlines() assert len(lines) >= 1 return lines[-1]
def generate_jar_with_desugar_configuration(configuration, implementation, conversions, destination): with utils.TempDir() as tmp_dir: # Add conversion classes. with zipfile.ZipFile(conversions, 'r') as conversions_zip: conversions_zip.extractall(tmp_dir) # Add configuration configuration_dir = join(tmp_dir, 'META-INF', 'desugar', 'd8') makedirs(configuration_dir) copyfile(configuration, join(configuration_dir, 'desugar.json')) # Add lint configuartion. lint_dir = join(configuration_dir, 'lint') makedirs(lint_dir) cmd = [ jdk.GetJavaExecutable(), '-cp', utils.R8_JAR, '', configuration, implementation, lint_dir ] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) make_archive(destination, 'zip', tmp_dir) move(destination + '.zip', destination)
def run(dexfile, oatfile=None, version='default', verbose=[]): # dex2oat accepts non-existent dex files, check here instead if not os.path.exists(dexfile): raise Exception('DEX file not found: "{}"'.format(dexfile)) with utils.TempDir() as temp: if not oatfile: oatfile = os.path.join(temp, "out.oat") base = os.path.join(LINUX_DIR, DIRS[version]) product = PRODUCTS[version] arch = ARCHS[version] cmd = [ os.path.join(base, 'bin', 'dex2oat'), '--android-root=' + os.path.join(base, 'product', product, 'system'), '--runtime-arg', '-Xnorelocate', '--dex-file=' + dexfile, '--oat-file=' + oatfile, '--instruction-set=' + arch, ] for flag in verbose: cmd += ['--runtime-arg', '-verbose:' + flag] env = {"LD_LIBRARY_PATH": os.path.join(base, 'lib')} utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env)
def run_retrace(options, temp): if options.download_benchmarks: download_benchmarks() if options.retracer == 'r8': retracer_args = [ '-cp', utils.R8LIB_JAR, '' ] elif options.retracer == 'proguard': retracer_args = ['-jar', proguard.getRetraceJar()] elif options.retracer == 'remapper': retracer_args = [ '-jar', os.path.join(utils.THIRD_PARTY, 'remapper', 'remapper_deploy.jar') ] else: assert False, "Unexpected retracer " + options.retracer retrace_args = [jdk.GetJavaExecutable()] + retracer_args + [ os.path.join(utils.THIRD_PARTY, 'retrace_benchmark', ''), os.path.join(utils.THIRD_PARTY, 'retrace_benchmark', 'stacktrace.txt') ] utils.PrintCmd(retrace_args) t0 = time.time() subprocess.check_call(retrace_args) t1 = time.time() if options.print_runtimeraw: print('{}(RunTimeRaw): {} ms'.format(options.print_runtimeraw, 1000.0 * (t1 - t0)))
def Main(): utils.check_java_version() args = parse_arguments() output_dir = args.output if args.golem: golem.link_third_party() with utils.TempDir() as temp_dir: if not output_dir: output_dir = temp_dir xmx = None if args.tool == 'dx': tool_file = DX_JAR tool_args = [ '--dex', '--output=' + output_dir, '--multi-dex', '--min-sdk-version=' + MIN_SDK_VERSION ] xmx = '-Xmx1600m' else: tool_file = utils.D8_JAR tool_args = ['--output', output_dir, '--min-api', MIN_SDK_VERSION] if args.tool == 'd8-release': tool_args.append('--release') xmx = '-Xmx600m' cmd = [] track_memory_file = None if args.print_memoryuse: track_memory_file = os.path.join(output_dir, utils.MEMORY_USE_TMP_FILE) cmd.extend(['tools/', track_memory_file]) if tool_file.endswith('.jar'): assert xmx is not None cmd.extend(['java', xmx, '-jar']) cmd.extend([tool_file] + tool_args + [FRAMEWORK_JAR]) utils.PrintCmd(cmd) t0 = time.time() subprocess.check_call(cmd) dt = time.time() - t0 if args.print_memoryuse: print('{}-Total(MemoryUse): {}'.format(, utils.grep_memoryuse(track_memory_file))) dex_files = [f for f in glob(os.path.join(output_dir, '*.dex'))] code_size = 0 for dex_file in dex_files: code_size += os.path.getsize(dex_file) print('{}-Total(RunTimeRaw): {} ms'.format(, 1000.0 * dt)) print('{}-Total(CodeSize): {}'.format(, code_size)) utils.print_dexsegments(, dex_files)
def execute(cmd, archive, env=None): utils.PrintCmd(cmd) with utils.TempDir() as temp: try: stderr_fd = None stdout_fd = None exitcode = 0 stderr = os.path.join(temp, 'stderr') stderr_fd = open(stderr, 'w') stdout = os.path.join(temp, 'stdout') stdout_fd = open(stdout, 'w') popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, bufsize=1024 * 1024 * 10, stdout=stdout_fd, stderr=stderr_fd, env=env) begin = time.time() timed_out = False while popen.poll() == None: if time.time() - begin > RUN_TIMEOUT: popen.terminate() timed_out = True time.sleep(2) exitcode = popen.returncode finally: if stderr_fd: stderr_fd.close() if stdout_fd: stdout_fd.close() if exitcode != 0: handle_output(archive, stderr, stdout, popen.returncode, timed_out, ' '.join(cmd)) return exitcode
def Main(): args = parse_arguments() if args.golem: golem.link_third_party() utils.check_java_version() with utils.TempDir() as temp_dir: cmd_prefix = [] output_dir = args.output if args.output else temp_dir temp_dir = os.path.join(args.output, 'tmp') if args.output else temp_dir track_memory_file = None if args.print_memoryuse: track_memory_file = os.path.join(output_dir, utils.MEMORY_USE_TMP_FILE) cmd_prefix.extend(['tools/', track_memory_file]) name = 'CompileHelloExample' tool = args.tool output_mode = args.output_mode lib = None if output_mode == 'dex': name += 'Dex' lib = utils.get_android_jar(28) else: lib = utils.RT_JAR extra = [] if args.large: name += 'Large' extra = EXTRA_INPUTS if args.noopt: name += 'NoOpt' cmds = Compile( tool, output_mode, lib, extra, output_dir, args.noopt, temp_dir, ) t0 = time.time() for cmd in cmds: fullcmd = cmd_prefix + cmd utils.PrintCmd(fullcmd) subprocess.check_output(fullcmd) dt = time.time() - t0 if args.print_memoryuse: print('{}(MemoryUse): {}'.format( name, utils.grep_memoryuse(track_memory_file))) print('{}(RunTimeRaw): {} ms'.format(name, 1000.0 * dt))
def run(args, track_memory_file=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): cmd = [] if track_memory_file: cmd.extend(['tools/', track_memory_file]) cmd.extend(['java', '-jar', PROGUARD_JAR]) cmd.extend(args) utils.PrintCmd(cmd), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
def write_sorted_lines(cmd_args, output_path): utils.PrintCmd(cmd_args) output_lines = subprocess.check_output(cmd_args).splitlines(True) print("Write output to %s" % output_path) output_lines.sort() with open(output_path, 'w') as fp: for line in output_lines: fp.write(line)
def run_adb(args, ignore_exit=False): command = ['adb'] command.extend(args) utils.PrintCmd(command) # On M adb install-multiple exits 1 but succeed in installing. if ignore_exit: else: subprocess.check_call(command)
def split(app): split_spec = os.path.join(get_sample_dir(app), 'split.spec') command = [ DEFAULT_DEXSPLITTER, '--input', get_dex_path(app), '--output', get_bin_path(app), '--feature-splits', split_spec ] utils.PrintCmd(command) subprocess.check_call(command)
def sign_with_apksigner(build_tools_dir, unsigned_apk, signed_apk, keystore, password): cmd = [ os.path.join(build_tools_dir, 'apksigner'), 'sign', '-v', '--ks', keystore, '--ks-pass', 'pass:'******'--min-sdk-version', '19', '--out', signed_apk, unsigned_apk ] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd)
def run(tool, args, build=None, debug=True, profile=False, track_memory_file=None, extra_args=None, stderr=None, stdout=None, return_stdout=False, timeout=0, quiet=False, cmd_prefix=None): cmd = [] if cmd_prefix: cmd.extend(cmd_prefix) if build is None: build, args = extract_build_from_args(args) if build: gradle.RunGradle(['r8lib' if tool.startswith('r8lib') else 'r8']) if track_memory_file: cmd.extend(['tools/', track_memory_file]) cmd.append(jdk.GetJavaExecutable()) if extra_args: cmd.extend(extra_args) if debug: cmd.append('-ea') if profile: cmd.append('-agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples,interval=1,depth=8') if tool == 'r8lib-d8': cmd.extend(['-cp', utils.R8LIB_JAR, '']) elif tool == 'r8lib-r8': cmd.extend(['-cp', utils.R8LIB_JAR, '']) else: cmd.extend(['-jar', utils.R8_JAR, tool]) lib, args = extract_lib_from_args(args) if lib: cmd.extend(["--lib", lib]) cmd.extend(args) utils.PrintCmd(cmd, quiet=quiet) if timeout > 0: kill = lambda process: process.kill() proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) timer = Timer(timeout, kill, [proc]) try: timer.start() stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() finally: timer.cancel() return stdout if return_stdout else proc.returncode else: if return_stdout: return subprocess.check_output(cmd) return, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
def RunGradle(args, throw_on_failure=True): EnsureGradle() cmd = [GRADLE] cmd.extend(args) utils.PrintCmd(cmd) with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(utils.REPO_ROOT): return_value = if throw_on_failure and return_value != 0: raise return return_value
def RunGradleIn(gradleCmd, args, cwd, throw_on_failure=True, env=None): EnsureDeps() cmd = [gradleCmd] cmd.extend(args) utils.PrintCmd(cmd) with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(cwd): return_value =, env=GetJavaEnv(env)) if throw_on_failure and return_value != 0: raise Exception('Failed to execute gradle') return return_value
def Main(): args = parse_arguments() with utils.TempDir() as temp_dir: if args.tool in ['dx', 'goyt']: tool_args = ['--dex', '--output=' + temp_dir, '--multi-dex', '--min-sdk-version=' + MIN_SDK_VERSION] if args.tool == 'goyt': tool_file = GOYT_EXE tool_args = ['--num-threads=4'] + tool_args elif args.tool == 'dx': tool_file = DX_JAR else: tool_file = D8_JAR tool_args = ['--output', temp_dir, '--min-api', MIN_SDK_VERSION] if args.tool == 'd8-release': tool_args.append('--release') cmd = [] track_memory_file = None if args.print_memoryuse: track_memory_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, utils.MEMORY_USE_TMP_FILE) cmd.extend(['tools/', track_memory_file]) if tool_file.endswith('.jar'): cmd.extend(['java', '-jar']) cmd.extend([tool_file] + tool_args + [FRAMEWORK_JAR]) utils.PrintCmd(cmd) t0 = time.time() subprocess.check_call(cmd) dt = time.time() - t0 if args.print_memoryuse: print('{}(MemoryUse): {}' .format(, utils.grep_memoryuse(track_memory_file))) dex_files = [f for f in glob(os.path.join(temp_dir, '*.dex'))] code_size = 0 for dex_file in dex_files: code_size += os.path.getsize(dex_file) print('{}-Total(RunTimeRaw): {} ms' .format(, 1000.0 * dt)) print('{}-Total(CodeSize): {}' .format(, code_size)) utils.print_dexsegments(, dex_files)
def run(args, version=DEFAULT, track_memory_file=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): cmd = [] if track_memory_file: cmd.extend(['tools/', track_memory_file]) cmd.extend(getCmd(args, version)) utils.PrintCmd(cmd), stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
def IsBuiltWithR8(apk, temp_dir, options): r8_jar = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'r8.jar') # Use the copy of r8.jar if it is there. if os.path.isfile(r8_jar): cmd = ['java', '-ea', '-jar', r8_jar, 'extractmarker', apk] else: script = os.path.join(utils.TOOLS_DIR, '') cmd = ['python', script, apk] utils.PrintCmd(cmd, quiet=options.quiet) return '~~R8' in subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip()
def generate_proto_apks(apks, options): proto_apks = [] for apk in apks: proto_apk = apk + '.proto' cmd = [ options.aapt2, 'convert', '-o', proto_apk, '--output-format', 'proto', apk ] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) proto_apks.append(proto_apk) return proto_apks
def test_d8sample(paths): with utils.TempDir() as path: args = ['java', '-cp', '%s:%s' % (SAMPLE_JAR, ":".join(paths)), '', '--output', path, '--min-api', str(API_LEVEL), '--lib', utils.get_android_jar(API_LEVEL), '--classpath', utils.R8_JAR, '--main-dex-list', '/dev/null', os.path.join(utils.BUILD, 'test/examples/hello.jar')] utils.PrintCmd(args) subprocess.check_call(args)
def compile_with_javac(api, app): with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(get_sample_dir(app)): files = glob.glob(SRC_LOCATION.format(app=app)) classpath = '%s:%s' % (utils.get_android_jar(api), get_guava_jar()) command = [ DEFAULT_JAVAC, '-classpath', classpath, '-sourcepath', '%s:%s:%s' % (get_src_path(app), get_gen_path(app), get_guava_jar()), '-d', get_bin_path(app) ] command.extend(files) utils.PrintCmd(command) subprocess.check_call(command)
def repack(processed_out, original_apk, temp): processed_apk = os.path.join(temp, 'processed.apk') shutil.copyfile(original_apk, processed_apk) if not processed_out: print 'Using original APK as is' return processed_apk print 'Repacking APK with dex files from', processed_apk with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(temp): cmd = ['zip', '-d', 'processed.apk', '*.dex'] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) if processed_out.endswith('.zip') or processed_out.endswith('.jar'): cmd = ['unzip', processed_out, '-d', temp] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) processed_out = temp with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(processed_out): dex = glob.glob('*.dex') cmd = ['zip', '-u', '-9', processed_apk] + dex utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd) return processed_apk
def test_r8cfcommand(paths): with utils.TempDir() as path: # SAMPLE_JAR and LIB_JAR should not have any classes in common, since e.g. # R8CommandParser should have been minified in LIB_JAR. # Just in case R8CommandParser is also present in LIB_JAR, we put # SAMPLE_JAR first on the classpath to use its version of R8CommandParser. args = ['java', '-cp', '%s:%s' % (SAMPLE_JAR, ":".join(paths)), '', '--classfile', '--output', path + "/output.jar", '--lib', utils.RT_JAR, os.path.join(utils.BUILD, 'test/examples/hello.jar')] utils.PrintCmd(args) subprocess.check_call(args)
def run(args, build=True): if build: gradle.RunGradle(['copyMavenDeps']) cmd = [] cmd.append('java') cp = ":".join([os.path.join(utils.REPO_ROOT, 'build/deps/asm-6.2.1.jar'), os.path.join(utils.REPO_ROOT, 'build/deps/asm-util-6.2.1.jar')]) cmd.extend(['-cp', cp]) cmd.append('org.objectweb.asm.util.ASMifier') cmd.extend(args) utils.PrintCmd(cmd) result = subprocess.check_output(cmd) print(result) return result
def prepare_wrapper(dist, temp): wrapper_file = os.path.join( utils.REPO_ROOT, 'src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/utils/') cmd = [ jdk.GetJavacExecutable(), wrapper_file, '-d', temp, '-cp', dist, ] utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_output(cmd) return temp
def run(args, build=True, debug=True, profile=False, track_memory_file=None): if build: gradle.RunGradle(['D8']) cmd = [] if track_memory_file: cmd.extend(['tools/', track_memory_file]) cmd.append('java') if debug: cmd.append('-ea') if profile: cmd.append('-agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples,interval=1,depth=8') cmd.extend(['-jar', D8_JAR]) cmd.extend(args) utils.PrintCmd(cmd) subprocess.check_call(cmd)