def MCC_calc(dataPath_true, dataPath_pred, NFFT):
    STFT_OVERLAP = 0.5

    feat_pred, fs = utils.wavToSamples(dataPath_pred)

    feat_true, fs = utils.wavToSamples(dataPath_true)

    lenPred = len(feat_pred)
    lenRef = len(feat_true)
    if lenRef < lenPred:
        feat_true = np.concatenate((feat_true, np.zeros(lenPred - lenRef)))
    elif lenPred < lenRef:
        feat_pred = np.concatenate((feat_pred, np.zeros(lenRef - lenPred)))

    feat_pred, _, _, _ = utils.STFT(feat_pred, fs, NFFT,
                                    int(NFFT * STFT_OVERLAP))
    feat_pred = np.float32(feat_pred)

    feat_true, _, _, _ = utils.STFT(feat_true, fs, NFFT,
                                    int(NFFT * STFT_OVERLAP))
    feat_true = np.float32(feat_true)

    #feat_true = np.array(feat_true)

    #feat_pred = np.array(feat_pred)

    # Calculate the spectral MCC
    xx_true = np.subtract(feat_true,
                          np.mean(feat_true, 1).reshape(feat_true.shape[0], 1))
    denom_true = np.sqrt(np.sum(xx_true**2, 1)).reshape(feat_true.shape[0], 1)
    xx_true = np.divide(xx_true, denom_true)

    xx_pred = np.subtract(feat_pred,
                          np.mean(feat_pred, 1).reshape(feat_pred.shape[0], 1))
    denom_pred = np.sqrt(np.sum(xx_pred**2, 1)).reshape(feat_pred.shape[0], 1)
    xx_pred = np.divide(xx_pred, denom_pred)

    segMCC = np.sum(np.multiply(xx_true, xx_pred), 1)
    segMCC = segMCC.reshape(feat_pred.shape[0], 1)
    MCC = np.mean(segMCC)

    freq = np.linspace(0, fs / 2, np.size(segMCC, 0))

    #    plt.plot(freq,segMCC, linewidth=2)
    #    plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]")
    #    plt.ylabel("Magnitude Correlation")
    #    plt.title("MCC")
    #    plt.grid(linestyle='--')

    return MCC, segMCC, freq
def featureExtraction(filePathFeat, AUDIO_dB_SPL, NFFT, STFT_OVERLAP, numBin,
                      featMean, featStd):
    #  Feature Extraction function
    #   filePathFeat   : filepath name [string]
    #   AUDIO_dB_SPL   : dB SPL value to adjust SNR level
    #   NFFT           : Number of frequency bins
    #   STFT_OVERLAP   : frame overlab [0 - 1]
    #   numBin         : number of frequency bins you want to use. [0 Hz - ..]
    #   featMean       : features mean value for standardization
    #   featStd        : features standard deviation value for standardization

    x, fs = utils.wavToSamples(filePathFeat)
    x = utils.adjustSNR(x, AUDIO_dB_SPL)

    features, feature_phi, _, _ = utils.STFT(x, fs, NFFT,
                                             int(NFFT * STFT_OVERLAP))
    features = np.float32(features)
    features = np.log10(features + 1e-7)

    features = features - featMean
    features = features / featStd
    features = np.transpose(features)

    features = features[:, 0:numBin]

    return features, feature_phi
	allFiles = os.listdir(dataPath)
	allFiles = allFiles[:NUM_FILES]
	#averageOld = 0
	#stdOld = 0
	count = 0

	featMean = 0
	featStd = 0

	for file in allFiles:
		count += 1

		filePath = dataPath + file

		x, fs = utils.wavToSamples(filePath)
		x = utils.adjustSNR(x,60)

		features,feature_phi,_,_ = utils.STFT(x,fs,NFFT,int(NFFT*STFT_OVERLAP))
		features = np.float32(features)
		features = np.log10(features + 1e-7)

		if BIN_WIZE:
			featMean = np.asarray(np.mean(features,1))
			featStd = np.asarray(np.std(features,1))
			featMean = featMean + np.mean(features)
			featStd =  featStd 	+ np.std(features)

		#print((featMean + averageOld)/count)
		#averageOld = averageOld + (featMean + averageOld)/count
		#stdOld = stdOld + (featStd + stdOld)/count
	featMean = featMean/count
	featStd = featStd/count

	#averageNew = averageOld
	#stdNew = stdOld

	return featMean, featStd
x = x[0:int(fs * 6)]
#x = signal.decimate(x,3)
#fs = 16000
#x = x/np.max(np.abs(x))

fs2, x_ref =

#x_ref, fs2 = utils.wavToSamples(filePath2)
x_ref = x_ref[0:int(fs2 * 6)]
#x_ref = signal.decimate(x_ref,3)
#fs2 = 16000
#x_ref = x_ref/np.max(np.abs(x_ref))

wL = 512

features, X_phi, t, f = utils.STFT(x, fs, wL, int(wL * 0.75))

labels, L_phi, t2, f2 = utils.STFT(x_ref, fs2, wL, int(wL * 0.75))

#### MODEL ####
features = np.float32(features)
labels = np.float32(labels)

#cond1 = np.std(features,axis=1) > 0
#features = features[cond1,:]

#cond2 = features == 0
#features[cond2] += np.finfo(float).eps