Ejemplo n.º 1
 def set_priors(self):
     for baseline in self.baselines:
         self._lnpriors[baseline] = _function_wrapper(
             [-5, 5],
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def add_prior(self, **lnprior):
     Add prior for some parameters.
     :param lnprior:
         Kwargs with keys - name of the parameter and values - (callable,
         args, kwargs,) where args & kwargs - additional arguments to
         callable. Each callable is called callable(p, *args, **kwargs).
     {'flux': (scipy.stats.uniform, [0., 10.], dict(),),
      'bmaj': (scipy.stats.uniform, [0, 5.], dict(),),
      'e': (scipy.stats.beta.logpdf, [alpha, beta], dict(),)}
     First key will result in calling: scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(x, mu, s) as
     prior for ``flux`` parameter.
     for key, value in lnprior.items():
         if key in self._parnames:
             func, args, kwargs = value
                 {key: _function_wrapper(func, args, kwargs)})
             raise Exception("Uknown parameter name: " + str(key))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fit_model_with_nestle(uv_fits, model_file, components_priors, outdir=None,
    :param uv_fits:
        Path to uv-fits file with self-calibrated visibilities.
    :param model_file:
        Path to file with difmap model.
    :param components_priors:
        Components prior's ppf. Close to phase center component goes first.
        Iterable of dicts with keys - name of the parameter and values -
        (callable, args, kwargs,) where args & kwargs - additional arguments to
        callable. Each callable is called callable.ppf(p, *args, **kwargs).
        Thus callable should has ``ppf`` method.

        Example of prior on single component:
            {'flux': (scipy.stats.uniform.ppf, [0., 10.], dict(),),
             'bmaj': (scipy.stats.uniform.ppf, [0, 5.], dict(),),
             'e': (scipy.stats.beta.ppf, [alpha, beta], dict(),)}
        First key will result in calling: scipy.stats.uniform.ppf(u, 0, 10) as
        value from prior for ``flux`` parameter.
    :param outdir: (optional)
        Directory to output results. If ``None`` then use cwd. (default:
    :param nestle_kwargs: (optional)
        Any arguments passed to ``nestle.sample`` function.

        Results of ``nestle.sample`` work on that model.
    if outdir is None:
        outdir = os.getcwd()

    mdl_file = model_file
    uv_data = UVData(uv_fits)
    mdl_dir, mdl_fname = os.path.split(mdl_file)
    comps = import_difmap_model(mdl_fname, mdl_dir)

    # Sort components by distance from phase center
    comps = sorted(comps, key=lambda x: np.sqrt(x.p[1]**2 + x.p[2]**2))

    ppfs = list()
    labels = list()
    for component_prior in components_priors:
        for comp_name in ('flux', 'x', 'y', 'bmaj', 'e', 'bpa'):
            except KeyError:

    for ppf in ppfs:

    hypercube = hypercube_partial(ppfs)

    # Create model
    mdl = Model(stokes=stokes)
    # Add components to model
    loglike = LnLikelihood(uv_data, mdl)
    time0 = time.time()
    result = nestle.sample(loglikelihood=loglike, prior_transform=hypercube,
                           ndim=mdl.size, npoints=50, method='multi',
                           callback=nestle.print_progress, **nestle_kwargs)
    print("Time spent : {}".format(time.time()-time0))
    samples = nestle.resample_equal(result.samples, result.weights)
    # Save re-weighted samples from posterior to specified ``outdir``
    # directory
    np.savetxt(os.path.join(outdir, 'samples.txt'), samples)
    fig = corner.corner(samples, show_titles=True, labels=labels,
                        quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], title_fmt='.3f')
    # Save corner plot os samples from posterior to specified ``outdir``
    # directory
    fig.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, "corner.png"), bbox_inches='tight',

    return result