def test_resolvescreenname(self): response = api_call("resolveScreenName", screen_name="durov") self.assertEqual(response, {u"object_id": 1, u"type": u"user"}) # fail with VkontakteError, when call with integer screen_name with self.assertRaises(VkontakteError): response = api_call("resolveScreenName", screen_name="0x1337") instance = User.remote.get_by_slug("durov") self.assertEqual(instance.remote_id, 1) instance = User.remote.get_by_slug("0x1337") self.assertEqual(instance, None)
def api(request): search = request.GET.get('search', False) if not search: raise Http404 search = '{}%'.format(search) data = api_call('catalog_product.list', {'name': {'like': search}}) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype='application/json')
def get_hotspot_witnesses(self, address=None, name=None): h = None if name: h = self.get_hotspot_by_name(name) else: h = self.get_hotspot_by_addr(address) w = api_call(path=f"hotspots/{h['address']}/witnesses") return w.get('data')
def update_reference_hspot(self, name=None, address=None): if name: address = self.get_hotspot_by_name(name) hspot_info = api_call(path=f'/hotspots/{address}').get('data', None) if hspot_info: self.hspot_by_addr[hspot_info['address']] = hspot_info self.hspot_by_name[hspot_info['name']] = hspot_info
def get_block_date_time(block): path = f"blocks/{block}" result = api_call(path=path) print(result) time = result["data"]["time"] as_of_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(time) print(as_of_time) return as_of_time
def challenger_details(hotspot, chals, smry_only=False): haddr = hotspot['address'] H = Hotspots() H.update_reference_hspot(address=haddr) hotspot = H.get_hotspot_by_addr(haddr) print(f"Hotspot: {hotspot['name']}") if not smry_only: print(f"{'time':14} | {'block':7} | blck Δ | {'challengee':25} | scale | rct | wtns ") # print("=" * 82) vars = utils.api_call(path='vars')['data'] max_rct_age = vars['poc_v4_target_challenge_age'] unsuspected_lone_wolfs = 0 dense_challenges = 0 num_poc_rcts = 0 newest_block = 0 oldest_block = 1e8 prev_rct_block = None max_block_delta = 0 block_deltas = [] for c in chals: if c['challenger'] != hotspot['address']: continue newest_block = max(newest_block, c['height']) oldest_block = min(oldest_block, c['height']) transmitter = H.get_hotspot_by_addr(c['path'][0]['challengee']) num_poc_rcts += 1 # time, transmitter, distance, val/inval, RU, reason inval time_str = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(c['time']).isoformat()[5:19] time_str = time_str.replace('T', ' ') transmitter_name = transmitter['name'] num_ws = len(c['path'][0]['witnesses']) w_str = 'NONE' if num_ws == 0 else f'{num_ws} ' if transmitter['reward_scale'] <= 0.9: dense_challenges += 1 if num_ws == 0: unsuspected_lone_wolfs += 1 block_delta = 0 block_delta_str = 'N/A' if prev_rct_block: block_delta = prev_rct_block - c['height'] block_deltas.append(block_delta) block_delta_str = f"{block_delta}" + ('**' if block_delta > max_rct_age else '') max_block_delta = max(block_delta, max_block_delta) if not smry_only: print(f"{time_str:14} | {c['height']:7} | {block_delta_str:6} | {transmitter_name[:25]:25} | {transmitter['reward_scale']:5.2f} | {'YES' if c['path'][0]['receipt'] else 'no' :3} | {w_str:>4}") prev_rct_block = c['height'] print() print(f"summary stats") print(f"challenger address: {hotspot['address']}") print(f"challenger listening_addr: {hotspot['status']['listen_addrs'][0]}") # print(f'lone wolfs in dense areas: {unsuspected_lone_wolfs:<3d}/{dense_challenges:3d}') print(f"blocks between chalng avg: {(newest_block - oldest_block) / num_poc_rcts:.0f}") print(f" median: {statistics.median(block_deltas):.0f}") print(f" 75th-percentile: {statistics.quantiles(block_deltas)[-1]:.0f}") print(f" range (min - max): {min(block_deltas)} - {max(block_deltas)}")
def get_policy_data(patient_id, auth_header): forwarded_args = {} forwarded_args['_format'] = 'json' api_endpoint = 'Privacy/%s?%s' % (patient_id, urlencode(forwarded_args, doseq=True)) resp = api_call(PRIVACY_BASE,api_endpoint, auth_header) #print patient_id,resp._content try: return resp.json()['Resource'] except: # Did not find Privacy Resource return 'Nope'
def predict(self, text, a, b, pronoun_offset, a_offset, b_offset, id=None, debug=False, **kwargs): doc, tokens, pronoun_offset, a_offset, b_offset, a_span, b_span, pronoun_token, a_tokens, b_tokens = self.tokenize( text, a, b, pronoun_offset, a_offset, b_offset, **kwargs) clusters = [] props = { 'annotators': 'pos, lemma, ner, parse, coref', 'coref.statisical.pairwiseScoreThresholds': 1, 'coref.maxMentionDistance': 50 } props.update({ 'coref.algorithm': self.algo, 'coref.neural.greedyness': self.greedyness }) data = api_call(self.model, text, props) sents = [] for sent in data['sentences']: sents.append([]) for token in sent['tokens']: sents[-1].append(token['originalText']) assert sum(sents, []) == tokens, 'The tokens in coref dont match.' clusters = [] if data['corefs'] is not None: for num, mentions in data['corefs'].items(): clusters.append([]) for mention in mentions: start = np.cumsum([0] + list(map(len, sents)))[ mention['sentNum'] - 1] + mention['startIndex'] - 1 end = np.cumsum([0] + list(map(len, sents)))[ mention['sentNum'] - 1] + mention['endIndex'] - 2 clusters[-1].append([start, end]) return tokens, clusters, pronoun_offset, a_span, b_span
def load_api_hotspot_rewards_impl(address, min_time, max_time, num_rewards): cursor = None rewards = [] while len(rewards) < num_rewards: path = f"hotspots/{address}/rewards?max_time={max_time}&min_time={min_time}" #print(path) if cursor: path += f"&cursor={cursor}" result = api_call(path=path) #print(f"-I- loaded {len(result['data'])} rewards") cursor = result.get('cursor') rewards.extend(result['data']) if not cursor: break #print(rewards) return rewards
def load_api_account_transactions_impl(account, num_transactions): cursor = None transactions = [] while len(transactions) < num_transactions: path = f"accounts/{account}/pending_transactions" #print(path) if cursor: path += f"?cursor={cursor}" result = api_call(path=path) #print(f"-I- loaded {len(result['data'])} transactions") cursor = result.get('cursor') print(cursor) transactions.extend(result['data']) if not cursor: break return transactions
def book(book_id): # create review table is not exist db.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reviews (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, rating INT, content TEXT, book_id INT, user_id INT, time TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES users(id), FOREIGN KEY(book_id) REFERENCES books(id))" ) # get the user id user_id = session['user_id'] # query the db book = db.execute("SELECT * FROM books WHERE id= :id", { "id": book_id }).fetchone() # fetch the required data from the Goodread Api result = api_call(book['isbn']) # fetch the reviews from the db reviews = db.execute( "SELECT username, rating, content, time FROM reviews JOIN users ON reviews.user_id = WHERE book_id= :book_id ORDER BY time DESC", { "book_id": book_id }).fetchall() # get the book data if request.method == "GET": # if book does not exist if book is None: return render_template("search.html", error="No such book exist.") # if there is no review yet been posted. if reviews is None: return render_template("book.html", book=book, result=result) # render all return render_template("book.html", book=book, result=result, reviews=reviews) # post else: # create review table is not exist db.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reviews (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, rating INT, content TEXT, book_id INT, user_id INT, time TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES users(id), FOREIGN KEY(book_id) REFERENCES books(id))" ) if not request.form.get("rating_score"): return render_template("book.html", book=book, result=result, reviews=reviews, error="Please rate the book") # review contents content = request.form.get("content") rating = int(request.form.get("rating_score")) print(rating) db.execute( "INSERT INTO reviews (rating, content, book_id, user_id, time) VALUES (:rating, :content, :book_id, :user_id, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)", { "rating": rating, "content": content, "book_id": book_id, "user_id": user_id }) # commit to the db db.commit() # fetch the reviews from the db reviews = db.execute( "SELECT username, rating, content, time FROM reviews JOIN users ON reviews.user_id = WHERE book_id= :book_id ORDER BY time DESC", { "book_id": book_id }).fetchall() return render_template("book.html", book=book, result=result, reviews=reviews)
def witness_detail(hotspot, chals, smry_only=False): haddr = hotspot['address'] H = Hotspots() H.update_reference_hspot(address=haddr) hotspot = H.get_hotspot_by_addr(haddr) vars = utils.api_call(path='vars')['data'] print() print(f"Witnesses for: {hotspot['name']}") if not smry_only: print( f"{'time':14} | {'block':7} | {'transmitting hotspot':25} | dist km | valid? | snr | rssi | RUs | inval reason" ) tx_smry = dict() total_RUs = 0 for c in chals: p = c['path'][0] for w in p['witnesses']: if w['gateway'] == haddr: transmitter = H.get_hotspot_by_addr(p['challengee']) # time, transmitter, distance, val/inval, RU, reason inval time_str = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(w['timestamp'] / 1e9).isoformat()[5:19] time_str = time_str.replace('T', ' ') transmitter_name = transmitter['name'] reward_units = 0 valid = 'INVAL' reason = '' dist_km = utils.haversine_km(transmitter['lat'], transmitter['lng'], hotspot['lat'], hotspot['lng']) max_rssi = utils.max_rssi(dist_km) min_rssi = utils.snr_min_rssi(w['snr']) if w['is_valid']: valid = 'valid' hip15_rus = 1 if len(p['witnesses']) > vars['witness_redundancy']: hip15_rus = (vars['witness_redundancy'] - (1 - pow( vars['poc_reward_decay_rate'], len(p['witnesses']) - vars['witness_redundancy'])) ) / len(p['witnesses']) reward_units = transmitter['reward_scale'] * hip15_rus else: if dist_km < 0.3: reason = 'too close' elif w['signal'] > max_rssi: reason = f'rssi too high ({w["signal"]}dbm,{w["snr"]:.1f}snr)' elif w['signal'] < min_rssi: reason = f'snr too high (snr:{w["snr"]:.1f}, rssi: {w["signal"]}<{min_rssi})' else: reason = 'unknown' total_RUs += reward_units if not smry_only: print( f"{time_str:14} | {c['height']:7} | {transmitter_name[:25]:25} | {dist_km:6.1f} | {valid:6} | {w['snr']:5.1f} | {w['signal']:4d} | {reward_units:4.2f} | {reason}" ) if transmitter['address'] not in tx_smry: tx_smry[transmitter['address']] = dict(valid_cnt=0, invalid_cnt=0, RUs=0) tx_smry[transmitter['address']]['RUs'] += reward_units tx_smry[ transmitter['address']]['valid_cnt'] += valid == 'valid' tx_smry[ transmitter['address']]['invalid_cnt'] += valid != 'valid' if smry_only: idx_sort = [] for k in tx_smry.keys(): idx_sort.append((tx_smry[k]['RUs'], k)) idx_sort.sort() idx_sort = [x[1] for x in idx_sort[::-1]] print( f"{'transmitting hotspot':25} | scale | owner | dist km | heading | valids | invlds | RUs" ) earning_by_compass = dict() for addr in idx_sort: txer = H.get_hotspot_by_addr(addr) dist, heading = utils.haversine_km(hotspot['lat'], hotspot['lng'], txer['lat'], txer['lng'], return_heading=True) compass = utils.heading_to_compass(heading) if compass not in earning_by_compass: earning_by_compass[compass] = 0 earning_by_compass[compass] += tx_smry[addr]['RUs'] heading = round(heading / 5, 0) * 5 owner = 'same' if hotspot['owner'] != txer['owner']: owner = txer['owner'][-5:] heading_str = f"{heading:3.0f} {compass:3}" print( f"{txer['name'][:25]:25} | {txer['reward_scale']:5.2f} | {owner:5} | {dist:7.1f} | {heading_str:7} | {tx_smry[addr]['valid_cnt']:6} | {tx_smry[addr]['invalid_cnt']:6} | {tx_smry[addr]['RUs']:.2f}" ) print() print(f"Earnings by compass heading") print(f"heading | RUs | bar chart") max_compass = max(list(earning_by_compass.values())) if max_compass == 0: max_compass = 1 for h in utils.compass_headings: earnings = earning_by_compass.get(h, 0) print( f" {h:4} | {earnings:6.2f} | {'X' * round(32 * earnings / max_compass) }" ) print(f"total RUs earned: {total_RUs:.4f}") if has_mpl and show_plots: ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar') ax.set_theta_offset(math.pi / 2) ax.set_theta_direction(-1) width = 2 * math.pi / len(utils.compass_headings) theta = [ math.radians(utils.compass_to_heading(h)) for h in utils.compass_headings ] earnings = [ math.sqrt(earning_by_compass.get(h, 0)) for h in utils.compass_headings ] # earnings = [(earning_by_compass.get(h, 0)) for h in utils.compass_headings], earnings, width=width, bottom=0.0) ax.set_xticks(theta) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticklabels(utils.compass_headings) plt.title(f"{hotspot['name']} RUs by compass heading")
def transmit_details(hotspot, challenges, smry_only=False): """ Prints a list of all transmits, and number of valid / invalid witnesses :param hotspot: :param challenges: :return: """ results = [] vars = utils.api_call(path='vars').get('data', dict()) haddr = hotspot['address'] H = Hotspots() H.update_reference_hspot(address=haddr) hotspot = H.get_hotspot_by_addr(haddr) print(f"Beacons FROM: {hotspot['name']}") print(f"tx_reward_scale: {hotspot['reward_scale']:.3f}") if not smry_only: print(f"Individual Beacons ==========") print( f"{'Beacon Time':14} | {'block':7} | blck Δ | p2p port | Valid | inval | near | RU's | witness bar chart" ) block_deltas = [] last_block = None total_RUs = 0 by_receiver = dict() for c in challenges: if c['path'][0]['challengee'] != hotspot['address']: continue # I am not transmitter block_delta_str = 'N/A' if last_block: block_delta = last_block - c['height'] block_deltas.append(block_delta) block_delta_str = f"{block_delta}" last_block = c['height'] beacon = dict(date=None, height=c['height'], valid=0, invalid=0, close=0, RUs=0) if c['path'][0]['receipt']: ts = c['path'][0]['receipt']['timestamp'] / 1e9 elif c['path'][0]['witnesses']: # if receipt missing and witnesses use first witness ts ts = c['path'][0]['witnesses'][0]['timestamp'] / 1e9 # print(f"No challengee receipt") else: continue # should be unreachble, cant have a poc_receipt with no witness or challengee receipt beacon['date'] = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp( ts).isoformat()[5:19].replace('T', ' ') for w in c['path'][0]['witnesses']: w_hspot = H.get_hotspot_by_addr(w['gateway']) if not w_hspot: continue by_receiver.setdefault( w['gateway'], dict(dist_km=9999, valid=0, invalid=0, near=0)) dist_km = utils.haversine_km(w_hspot['lat'], w_hspot['lng'], hotspot['lat'], hotspot['lng']) by_receiver[w['gateway']]['dist_km'] = dist_km if w['is_valid']: beacon['valid'] += 1 by_receiver[w['gateway']]['valid'] += 1 else: if dist_km <= .32: beacon['close'] += 1 by_receiver[w['gateway']]['near'] += 1 else: beacon['invalid'] += 1 by_receiver[w['gateway']]['invalid'] += 1 tx = 0 if beacon['valid']: tx, _ = utils.hip15_rewards(beacon['valid'] + beacon['invalid'], vars) tx = tx * beacon['valid'] / ( beacon['valid'] + beacon['invalid']) * hotspot['reward_scale'] beacon['RUs'] = tx results.append(beacon) total_RUs += tx p2p_str = '????' challenger_addrs = H.get_hotspot_by_addr( c['challenger'])['status']['listen_addrs'] if challenger_addrs: if '/p2p-circuit/' in challenger_addrs[0]: p2p_str = 'circuit' elif 'tcp/' in challenger_addrs[0]: p2p_str = challenger_addrs[0].split('/')[-1] if not smry_only: print( f"{beacon['date']} | {beacon['height']:7} | {block_delta_str:6} | {p2p_str:>8} | {beacon['valid']:5} | {beacon['invalid']:5} | {beacon['close']:4} | {beacon['RUs']:4.2f} | {'V' * beacon['valid'] + 'i' * beacon['invalid'] + 'c' * beacon['close']}" ) # + '-' * (25 - beacon['valid'] - beacon['invalid'] - beacon['close'])}") #print(beacon) if (not smry_only) and results: print() print(f'Witness reliability ======') print(f"{'Witness name':25} | dist km | valid (%) | inval (%) ") sorted_keys = [] for k in by_receiver.keys(): sorted_keys.append((by_receiver[k]['valid'], k)) sorted_keys.sort() for item in sorted_keys[::-1]: k = item[1] wit = H.get_hotspot_by_addr(k) print( f"{wit['name'][:25]:25} | {by_receiver[k]['dist_km']:7.2f} | {by_receiver[k]['valid']:2d} ({by_receiver[k]['valid']*100/len(results):3.0f}%) | {by_receiver[k]['invalid']:2d} ({by_receiver[k]['invalid']*100/len(results):3.0f}%) " ) listen_addr = 'NONE' if hotspot['status']['listen_addrs']: listen_addr = hotspot['status']['listen_addrs'][0] print() print(f"summary stats") print(f"hotspot address: {hotspot['address']}") print(f"hotspot listening_addr: {listen_addr}") print( f"blocks between chalng avg: {statistics.mean(block_deltas) if block_deltas else -1:.0f}" ) print( f" median: {statistics.median(block_deltas) if block_deltas else -1:.0f}" ) print( f" 75th-percentile: {statistics.quantiles(block_deltas)[-1] if block_deltas else -1:.0f}" ) print( f" range (min - max): {min(block_deltas) if block_deltas else 0} - {max(block_deltas) if block_deltas else 0}" ) if smry_only: print() print(f" Beacons by Day ==========") print(f"note may be partial first and last day") day_dict = dict() for res in results: date = res['date'][:5] if date not in day_dict: day_dict[date] = dict(count=0, RUs=0, valid=0, invalid=0, close=0) day_dict[date]['count'] += 1 day_dict[date]['RUs'] += res['RUs'] day_dict[date]['valid'] += res['valid'] day_dict[date]['invalid'] += res['invalid'] day_dict[date]['close'] += res['close'] print( f"{'Date':5} | bcns | valid | inval | near | RU's | bcn bar chart" ) for k in day_dict.keys(): print( f"{k:5} | {day_dict[k]['count']:4} | {day_dict[k]['valid']:5} | {day_dict[k]['invalid']:5} | {day_dict[k]['close']:4} | {day_dict[k]['RUs']:5.2f} | {'X' * day_dict[k]['count']} " ) print() block_interval = 3000 print(f"Beacons by {block_interval} blocks ========") print(f"note may be partial last set of blocks") if results: start_block = results[0]['height'] block_dict = dict() for res in results: date = int((start_block - res['height']) / block_interval) if date not in block_dict: block_dict[date] = dict(count=0, RUs=0, valid=0, invalid=0, close=0) block_dict[date]['count'] += 1 block_dict[date]['RUs'] += res['RUs'] block_dict[date]['valid'] += res['valid'] block_dict[date]['invalid'] += res['invalid'] block_dict[date]['close'] += res['close'] print( f"{'Block age':9} | bcns | valid | inval | near | RU's | bcn bar chart" ) for k in block_dict.keys(): block_age = f"{k * block_interval:5}+" print( f"{block_age:>9} | {block_dict[k]['count']:4} | {block_dict[k]['valid']:5} | {block_dict[k]['invalid']:5} | {block_dict[k]['close']:4} | {block_dict[k]['RUs']:5.2f} | {'X' * block_dict[k]['count']} " ) print(f"total RU's earned: {total_RUs:.4f}")
def test_get_url_info(self): response = api_call('url.getInfo', url='') self.assertEqual(response, {u'objectId': GROUP_ID, u'type': u'GROUP'})
def test_requests_limit_per_sec(self, sleep, *args, **kwargs): for i in range(0,30): api_call('resolveScreenName', screen_name='durov')
def test_resolvescreenname(self): response = api_call('resolveScreenName', screen_name='durov') self.assertEqual(response, {u'object_id': 1, u'type': u'user'})
def transmit_details(hotspot, challenges, smry_only=False): """ Prints a list of all transmits, and number of valid / invalid witnesses :param hotspot: :param challenges: :return: """ results = [] vars = utils.api_call(path='vars').get('data', dict()) haddr = hotspot['address'] H = Hotspots() H.update_reference_hspot(address=haddr) hotspot = H.get_hotspot_by_addr(haddr) print(f"Beacons FROM: {hotspot['name']}") if not smry_only: print(f"Individual Beacons ==========") print(f"{'Beacon Time':14} | {'block':7} | blck Δ | Valid | inval | near | RU's | witness bar chart") block_deltas = [] last_block = None for c in challenges: if c['path'][0]['challengee'] != hotspot['address']: continue # I am not transmitter block_delta_str = 'N/A' if last_block: block_delta = last_block - c['height'] block_deltas.append(block_delta) block_delta_str = f"{block_delta}" last_block = c['height'] beacon = dict(date=None, height=c['height'], valid=0, invalid=0, close=0, RUs=0) ts = c['time'] if c['path'][0]['receipt']: ts = c['path'][0]['receipt']['timestamp'] / 1e9 elif c['path'][0]['witnesses']: # if receipt missing and witnesses use first witness ts ts = c['path'][0]['witnesses'][0]['timestamp'] / 1e9 # print(f"No challengee receipt") else: continue # should be unreachble, cant have a poc_receipt with no witness or challengee receipt beacon['date'] = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).isoformat()[5:19].replace('T', ' ') for w in c['path'][0]['witnesses']: w_hspot = H.get_hotspot_by_addr(w['gateway']) if not w_hspot: continue dist_km = utils.haversine_km(w_hspot['lat'], w_hspot['lng'], hotspot['lat'], hotspot['lng']) if w['is_valid']: beacon['valid'] += 1 else: if dist_km <= .32: beacon['close'] += 1 else: beacon['invalid'] += 1 tx = 0 if beacon['valid']: tx, _ = utils.hip15_rewards(beacon['valid'] + beacon['invalid'], vars) tx = tx * beacon['valid'] / (beacon['valid'] + beacon['invalid']) * hotspot['reward_scale'] beacon['RUs'] = tx results.append(beacon) if not smry_only: print(f"{beacon['date']} | {beacon['height']:7} | {block_delta_str:6} | {beacon['valid']:5} | {beacon['invalid']:5} | {beacon['close']:4} | {beacon['RUs']:4.2f} | {'V' * beacon['valid'] + 'i' * beacon['invalid'] + 'c' * beacon['close']}") # + '-' * (25 - beacon['valid'] - beacon['invalid'] - beacon['close'])}") #print(beacon) print() print(f"summary stats") print(f"challenger address: {hotspot['address']}") print(f"challenger listening_addr: {hotspot['status']['listen_addrs'][0]}") print(f"blocks between chalng avg: {statistics.mean(block_deltas):.0f}") print(f" median: {statistics.median(block_deltas):.0f}") print(f" 75th-percentile: {statistics.quantiles(block_deltas)[-1]:.0f}") print(f" range (min - max): {min(block_deltas)} - {max(block_deltas)}") if smry_only: print() print(f" Beacons by Day ==========") print(f"note may be partial first and last day") day_dict = dict() for res in results: date = res['date'][:5] if date not in day_dict: day_dict[date] = dict(count=0, RUs=0, valid=0, invalid=0, close=0) day_dict[date]['count'] += 1 day_dict[date]['RUs'] += res['RUs'] day_dict[date]['valid'] += res['valid'] day_dict[date]['invalid'] += res['invalid'] day_dict[date]['close'] += res['close'] print(f"{'Date':5} | bcns | valid | inval | near | RU's | bcn bar chart") for k in day_dict.keys(): print(f"{k:5} | {day_dict[k]['count']:4} | {day_dict[k]['valid']:5} | {day_dict[k]['invalid']:5} | {day_dict[k]['close']:4} | {day_dict[k]['RUs']:5.2f} | {'X' * day_dict[k]['count']} ") print() block_interval = 3000 print(f"Beacons by {block_interval} blocks ========") print(f"note may be partial last set of blocks") start_block = results[0]['height'] block_dict = dict() for res in results: date = int((start_block - res['height']) / block_interval) if date not in block_dict: block_dict[date] = dict(count=0, RUs=0, valid=0, invalid=0, close=0) block_dict[date]['count'] += 1 block_dict[date]['RUs'] += res['RUs'] block_dict[date]['valid'] += res['valid'] block_dict[date]['invalid'] += res['invalid'] block_dict[date]['close'] += res['close'] print(f"{'Block age':9} | bcns | valid | inval | near | RU's | bcn bar chart") for k in block_dict.keys(): block_age = f"{k * block_interval:5}+" print( f"{block_age:>9} | {block_dict[k]['count']:4} | {block_dict[k]['valid']:5} | {block_dict[k]['invalid']:5} | {block_dict[k]['close']:4} | {block_dict[k]['RUs']:5.2f} | {'X' * block_dict[k]['count']} ")
def test_requests_limit_per_sec(self, sleep, *args, **kwargs): for i in range(0, 20): api_call("resolveScreenName", screen_name="durov") print sleep.called, sleep.call_count
def test_requests_limit_per_sec(self, sleep, *args, **kwargs): for i in range(0, 30): api_call('resolveScreenName', screen_name='durov')