def main(): """ Main program for ADI data reduction, configured with a call to adiparam.GetConfig(), which brings up a GUI to set parameters. The pipeline is currently designed for SEEDS data taken without an occulting mask. You must have scipy, numpy, pyephem, multiprocessing, and matplotlib installed to use this pipeline. """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__) parser.add_option("-p", "--prefix", dest="prefix", default="HICA", help="Specify raw file name prefix (default=%default)") opts, args = parser.parse_args() exec_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) filesetup, adipar, locipar = GetConfig(prefix=opts.prefix) nframes = len(filesetup.framelist) ngroup = 1 + int((nframes - 1) / locipar.max_n) flat = if filesetup.pixmask is not None: hotpix = else: hotpix = None dimy, dimx =[0])[-1].data.shape mem, ncpus, storeall = utils.config(nframes, dimy * dimx) if filesetup.scale_phot: x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(7) - 3, np.arange(7) - 3) window = (x**2 + y**2 < 2.51**2) * 1.0 window /= np.sum(window) ref_phot, ref_psf = photometry.calc_phot(filesetup, adipar, flat, hotpix, mem, window) else: ref_psf = None ref_phot = None ################################################################ # WCS coordinates are not reliable in HiCIAO data with the image # rotator off. Compute parallactic angle. Otherwise, trust the # WCS coordinates. ################################################################ if 'HICA' in filesetup.framelist[0]: pa = np.asarray([ transform.get_pa(frame) * -1 * np.pi / 180 for frame in filesetup.framelist ]) else: pa = np.ones(len(filesetup.framelist)) for i in range(len(filesetup.framelist)): cd2_1 =[i])[0].header['cd2_1'] cd2_2 =[i])[0].header['cd2_2'] pa[i] = -np.arctan2(cd2_1, cd2_2) fullframe = re.sub("-C.*fits", ".fits", filesetup.framelist[0]) try: objname =[0].header['OBJECT'] except: objname = "Unknown_Object" objname = re.sub(' ', '_', objname) np.savetxt(filesetup.output_dir + '/' + objname + '_palist.dat', pa) dr_rms = None #################################################################### # Default save/resume points: destriping, recentering, final files # Configuration gives the option to skip the destriping step (only # performing a flat-field), the dewarping, and the centering. #################################################################### if np.all(utils.check_files(filesetup, ext="_r")): print "\nResuming reduction from recentered files." if ngroup == 1: flux = utils.read_files(filesetup, ext="_r") else: flux = utils.read_files(filesetup, ext="_r") else: if storeall and np.all(utils.check_files(filesetup, ext="_ds")): flux = utils.read_files(filesetup, ext="_ds") elif not np.all(utils.check_files(filesetup, ext="_ds")): flux = parallel._destripe(filesetup, flat, hotpix, mem, adipar, write_files=True, storeall=storeall, full_destripe=adipar.full_destripe, do_horiz=adipar.full_destripe) else: flux = None if adipar.dewarp: flux = parallel._dewarp(filesetup, mem, flux=flux, storeall=storeall) if adipar.do_centroid: centers, dr_rms = centroid.fit_centroids(filesetup, flux, pa, storeall=storeall, objname=objname,, psf_dir=exec_path + '/psfref', ref_psf=ref_psf) #centers = np.ndarray((nframes, 2)) #centers[:, 0] = 1026 - 128 #centers[:, 1] = 949 + 60 #dr_rms = 30 np.savetxt(filesetup.output_dir + '/' + objname + '_centers.dat', centers) #################################################################### # Recenter the data onto a square array of the largest dimension # such that the entire array has data #################################################################### mindim = min(dimy - centers[:, 0].max(), centers[:, 0].min(), dimx - centers[:, 1].max(), centers[:, 1].min()) mindim = int(mindim) * 2 - 1 flux = parallel._rotate_recenter(filesetup, flux, storeall=storeall, centers=centers, newdimen=mindim, write_files=True) nframes = len(filesetup.framelist) #################################################################### # Perform scaled PCA on the flux array; alternatively, read in an # array of principal components. Neither is currently used. #################################################################### if False: pcapath = '/scr/wakusei1/users/tbrandt' flux, pca_arr = pca.pca(flux, ncomp=20, nread=2, dosub=True, pcadir=pcapath + '/psfref') for i in range(nframes): out = pyf.HDUList( pyf.PrimaryHDU(flux[i].astype(np.float32),[i])[0].header)) rootfile = re.sub('.*/', '', filesetup.framelist[i]) out.writeto(filesetup.reduce_dir + '/' + re.sub('.fits', '_r.fits', rootfile), clobber=True) if dr_rms is None: dr_rms = 20 elif False: pca_dir = '.' npca = 40 pca_arr = np.zeros((npca, flux.shape[1], flux.shape[2]), np.float32) for i in range(npca): tmp = + '/pcacomp_' + str(i) + '.fits')[0].data dy, dx = [tmp.shape[0] // 2, tmp.shape[1] // 2] pca_arr[i, yc - dy:yc + dy + 1, xc - dx:xc + dx + 1] = tmp else: pca_arr = None #################################################################### # Find the n closest matches to each frame. Not currently used. #################################################################### if False: corr = pca.allcorr(range(int(locipar.rmax)), flux, n=80) ngroup = 1 else: corr = None #################################################################### # Subtract a radial profile from each frame. Not currently used. #################################################################### if False: flux = parallel._radialsub(filesetup, flux, mode='median', center=None, rmax=None, smoothwidth=0) #################################################################### # Run LOCI if that ADI reduction method is chosen #################################################################### partial_sub = None full_pa = pa.copy() full_framelist = [frame for frame in filesetup.framelist] for igroup in range(ngroup): if ngroup > 1: filesetup.framelist = full_framelist[igroup::ngroup] if np.all(utils.check_files(filesetup, ext="_r")): flux = utils.read_files(filesetup, ext="_r") else: print "Unable to read recentered files for LOCI." sys.exit() pa = full_pa[igroup::ngroup] x = np.arange(flux.shape[1]) - flux.shape[1] // 2 x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) if adipar.adi == 'LOCI': ################################################################ # Set the maximum radius at which to perform LOCI ################################################################ deltar = np.sqrt(np.pi * locipar.fwhm**2 / 4 * locipar.npsf) rmax = int(flux.shape[1] // 2 - deltar - 50) locipar.rmax = min(locipar.rmax, rmax) if dr_rms is None: nf, dy, dx = flux.shape fluxmed = np.median(flux, axis=0)[dy // 2 - 100:dy // 2 + 101, dx // 2 - 100:dx // 2 + 101] sat = fluxmed > 0.7 * fluxmed.max() r2 = r[dy // 2 - 100:dy // 2 + 101, dx // 2 - 100:dx // 2 + 101]**2 dr_rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(r2 * sat) / np.sum(sat)) ################################################################ # This is regular LOCI ################################################################ if == 0: partial_sub = loci.loci(flux, pa, locipar, mem, mode='LOCI', pca_arr=None, r_ex=dr_rms, corr=corr, method='matrix', do_partial_sub=True, sub_dir=exec_path) ################################################################ # The next block runs LOCI once, de-rotates, takes the median, # and re-rotates to each frame's position angle. It then runs # LOCI again to over-correct the result. Not recommended for # SEEDS data with AO188. ################################################################ else: fluxref = np.ndarray(flux.shape, np.float32) fluxref[:] = flux loci.loci(fluxref, pca_arr, pa, locipar, mem, mode='LOCI', r_ex=dr_rms, pca_arr=pca_arr, corr=corr, method='matrix', do_partial_sub=False) for i in range(flux.shape[0]): np.putmask(fluxref[i], r > locipar.rmax - 1, 0) np.putmask(fluxref[i], r < dr_rms + 1, 0) locipar.rmax -= 100 fluxref = parallel._rotate_recenter(filesetup, fluxref, theta=pa) for i in range(flux.shape[0]): np.putmask(fluxref[i], r > locipar.rmax - 1, 0) np.putmask(fluxref[i], r < dr_rms + 1, 0) locipar.rmax -= 100 fluxmed = np.median(fluxref, axis=0) for i in range(flux.shape[0]): fluxref[i] = fluxmed * fluxref = parallel._rotate_recenter(filesetup, fluxref, theta=-pa) loci.loci(flux, pa, locipar, mem, mode='refine', fluxref=fluxref, pca_arr=pca_arr, rmin=dr_rms, r_ex=dr_rms) ################################################################ # Mask saturated areas (< dr_rms), do median subtraction at radii # beyond the limit of the LOCI reduction ################################################################ fluxmed = np.median(flux, axis=0) for i in range(flux.shape[0]): np.putmask(flux[i], r < dr_rms + 2, 0) np.putmask(flux[i], r > locipar.rmax - 1, flux[i] - fluxmed) #################################################################### # Alternative to LOCI: median PSF subtraction #################################################################### elif adipar.adi == 'median': medpsf = np.median(flux, axis=0) for i in range(flux.shape[0]): flux[i] -= medpsf else: print "Error: ADI reduction method " + adipar.adi + " not recognized." #sys.exit(1) #################################################################### # Derotate, combine flux array using mean/median hybrid (see # Brandt+ 2012), measure standard deviation at each radius #################################################################### if igroup == 0: newhead = utils.makeheader(flux[0],[0].header, full_framelist, adipar, locipar) flux = parallel._rotate_recenter(filesetup, flux, theta=pa) fluxtmp, noise = combine.meanmed(flux) fluxbest = fluxtmp / ngroup if partial_sub is not None: partial_sub_tot = partial_sub / ngroup else: flux = parallel._rotate_recenter(filesetup, flux, theta=pa) fluxtmp, noise = combine.meanmed(flux) fluxbest += fluxtmp / ngroup if partial_sub is not None: partial_sub_tot += partial_sub / ngroup filesetup.framelist = full_framelist if partial_sub is not None: partial_sub = partial_sub_tot #################################################################### # Rescale all arrays to 2001x2001 so that the center is pixel number # (1000, 1000) indexed from 0. Use NaN to pad arrays. #################################################################### fluxbest = utils.arr_resize(fluxbest) if partial_sub is not None: partial_sub = utils.arr_resize( partial_sub, newdim=fluxbest.shape[0]).astype(np.float32) fluxbest /= partial_sub out = pyf.HDUList(pyf.PrimaryHDU(partial_sub)) out.writeto('partial_sub2.fits', clobber=True) x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(7) - 3, np.arange(7) - 3) window = (x**2 + y**2 < 2.51**2) * 1.0 window /= np.sum(window) fluxbest = signal.convolve2d(fluxbest, window, mode='same') noise = combine.radprof(fluxbest, mode='std', smoothwidth=2, sigrej=4.5)[0] r = utils.arr_resize(r) if dr_rms is not None: np.putmask(fluxbest, r < dr_rms + 3, np.nan) np.putmask(fluxbest, r > locipar.rmax - 2, np.nan) fluxsnr = (fluxbest / noise).astype(np.float32) #################################################################### # 5-sigma sensitivity maps--just multiply by the scaled aperture # photometry of the central star #################################################################### if partial_sub is not None: sensitivity = noise * 5 / partial_sub #################################################################### # Photometry of the central star #################################################################### if filesetup.scale_phot: #ref_phot = photometry.calc_phot(filesetup, adipar, flat, # hotpix, mem, window)[0] sensitivity /= ref_phot fluxbest /= ref_phot noise /= ref_phot sig_sens = combine.radprof(sensitivity, mode='std', smoothwidth=0)[0] outfile = open( filesetup.output_dir + '/' + objname + '_5sigma_sensitivity.dat', 'w') for i in range(sig_sens.shape[0] // 2, sig_sens.shape[0]): iy = sig_sens.shape[0] // 2 if np.isfinite(sensitivity[iy, i]): outfile.write('%8d %12.5e %12.5e %12e\n' % (i - iy, sensitivity[iy, i], sig_sens[iy, i], partial_sub[iy, i])) outfile.close() else: np.savetxt(filesetup.output_dir + '/' + objname + '_noiseprofile.dat', noise[noise.shape[0] // 2, noise.shape[1] // 2:].T) #################################################################### # Write the output fits files. #################################################################### snr = pyf.HDUList(pyf.PrimaryHDU(fluxsnr.astype(np.float32), newhead)) final = pyf.HDUList(pyf.PrimaryHDU(fluxbest.astype(np.float32), newhead)) if partial_sub is not None: contrast = pyf.HDUList( pyf.PrimaryHDU(sensitivity.astype(np.float32), newhead)) name_base = filesetup.output_dir + '/' + objname snr.writeto(name_base + '_snr.fits', clobber=True) final.writeto(name_base + '_final.fits', clobber=True) if partial_sub is not None: contrast.writeto(name_base + '_5sigma_sensitivity.fits', clobber=True)
def main(): """ Main program for ADI data reduction, configured with a call to adiparam.GetConfig(), which brings up a GUI to set parameters. The pipeline is currently designed for SEEDS data taken without an occulting mask. You must have scipy, numpy, pyephem, multiprocessing, and matplotlib installed to use this pipeline. """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__) parser.add_option("-p", "--prefix", dest="prefix", default="HICA", help="Specify raw file name prefix (default=%default)") opts, args = parser.parse_args() exec_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) filesetup, adipar, locipar = GetConfig(prefix=opts.prefix) nframes = len(filesetup.framelist) ngroup = 1 + int((nframes - 1) / locipar.max_n) flat = if filesetup.pixmask is not None: hotpix = else: hotpix = None dimy, dimx =[0])[-1].data.shape mem, ncpus, storeall = utils.config(nframes, dimy * dimx) if filesetup.scale_phot: x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(7) - 3, np.arange(7) - 3) window = (x**2 + y**2 < 2.51**2) * 1.0 window /= np.sum(window) ref_phot, ref_psf = photometry.calc_phot(filesetup, adipar, flat, hotpix, mem, window) else: ref_psf = None ref_phot = None ################################################################ # WCS coordinates are not reliable in HiCIAO data with the image # rotator off. Compute parallactic angle. Otherwise, trust the # WCS coordinates. ################################################################ if 'HICA' in filesetup.framelist[0]: pa = np.asarray([transform.get_pa(frame) * -1 * np.pi / 180 for frame in filesetup.framelist]) else: pa = np.ones(len(filesetup.framelist)) for i in range(len(filesetup.framelist)): cd2_1 =[i])[0].header['cd2_1'] cd2_2 =[i])[0].header['cd2_2'] pa[i] = -np.arctan2(cd2_1, cd2_2) fullframe = re.sub("-C.*fits", ".fits", filesetup.framelist[0]) try: objname =[0].header['OBJECT'] except: objname = "Unknown_Object" objname = re.sub(' ', '_', objname) np.savetxt(filesetup.output_dir + '/' + objname + '_palist.dat', pa) dr_rms = None #################################################################### # Default save/resume points: destriping, recentering, final files # Configuration gives the option to skip the destriping step (only # performing a flat-field), the dewarping, and the centering. #################################################################### if np.all(utils.check_files(filesetup, ext="_r")): print "\nResuming reduction from recentered files." if ngroup == 1: flux = utils.read_files(filesetup, ext="_r") else: flux = utils.read_files(filesetup, ext="_r") else: if storeall and np.all(utils.check_files(filesetup, ext="_ds")): flux = utils.read_files(filesetup, ext="_ds") elif not np.all(utils.check_files(filesetup, ext="_ds")): flux = parallel._destripe(filesetup, flat, hotpix, mem, adipar, write_files=True, storeall=storeall, full_destripe=adipar.full_destripe, do_horiz=adipar.full_destripe) else: flux = None if adipar.dewarp: flux = parallel._dewarp(filesetup, mem, flux=flux, storeall=storeall) if adipar.do_centroid: centers, dr_rms = centroid.fit_centroids(filesetup, flux, pa, storeall=storeall, objname=objname,, psf_dir=exec_path+'/psfref', ref_psf=ref_psf) #centers = np.ndarray((nframes, 2)) #centers[:, 0] = 1026 - 128 #centers[:, 1] = 949 + 60 #dr_rms = 30 np.savetxt(filesetup.output_dir + '/' + objname + '_centers.dat', centers) #################################################################### # Recenter the data onto a square array of the largest dimension # such that the entire array has data #################################################################### mindim = min(dimy - centers[:, 0].max(), centers[:, 0].min(), dimx - centers[:, 1].max(), centers[:, 1].min()) mindim = int(mindim) * 2 - 1 flux = parallel._rotate_recenter(filesetup, flux, storeall=storeall, centers=centers, newdimen=mindim, write_files=True) nframes = len(filesetup.framelist) #################################################################### # Perform scaled PCA on the flux array; alternatively, read in an # array of principal components. Neither is currently used. #################################################################### if False: pcapath = '/scr/wakusei1/users/tbrandt' flux, pca_arr = pca.pca(flux, ncomp=20, nread=2, dosub=True, pcadir=pcapath + '/psfref') for i in range(nframes): out = pyf.HDUList(pyf.PrimaryHDU(flux[i].astype(np.float32),[i])[0].header)) rootfile = re.sub('.*/', '', filesetup.framelist[i]) out.writeto(filesetup.reduce_dir + '/' + re.sub('.fits', '_r.fits', rootfile), clobber=True) if dr_rms is None: dr_rms = 20 elif False: pca_dir = '.' npca = 40 pca_arr = np.zeros((npca, flux.shape[1], flux.shape[2]), np.float32) for i in range(npca): tmp = + '/pcacomp_' + str(i) + '.fits')[0].data dy, dx = [tmp.shape[0] // 2, tmp.shape[1] // 2] pca_arr[i, yc - dy:yc + dy + 1, xc - dx:xc + dx + 1] = tmp else: pca_arr = None #################################################################### # Find the n closest matches to each frame. Not currently used. #################################################################### if False: corr = pca.allcorr(range(int(locipar.rmax)), flux, n=80) ngroup = 1 else: corr = None #################################################################### # Subtract a radial profile from each frame. Not currently used. #################################################################### if False: flux = parallel._radialsub(filesetup, flux, mode='median', center=None, rmax=None, smoothwidth=0) #################################################################### # Run LOCI if that ADI reduction method is chosen #################################################################### partial_sub = None full_pa = pa.copy() full_framelist = [frame for frame in filesetup.framelist] for igroup in range(ngroup): if ngroup > 1: filesetup.framelist = full_framelist[igroup::ngroup] if np.all(utils.check_files(filesetup, ext="_r")): flux = utils.read_files(filesetup, ext="_r") else: print "Unable to read recentered files for LOCI." sys.exit() pa = full_pa[igroup::ngroup] x = np.arange(flux.shape[1]) - flux.shape[1] // 2 x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) if adipar.adi == 'LOCI': ################################################################ # Set the maximum radius at which to perform LOCI ################################################################ deltar = np.sqrt(np.pi * locipar.fwhm**2 / 4 * locipar.npsf) rmax = int(flux.shape[1] // 2 - deltar - 50) locipar.rmax = min(locipar.rmax, rmax) if dr_rms is None: nf, dy, dx = flux.shape fluxmed = np.median(flux, axis=0)[dy // 2 - 100:dy // 2 + 101, dx // 2 - 100:dx // 2 + 101] sat = fluxmed > 0.7 * fluxmed.max() r2 = r[dy//2 - 100:dy//2 + 101, dx//2 - 100:dx//2 + 101]**2 dr_rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(r2 * sat) / np.sum(sat)) ################################################################ # This is regular LOCI ################################################################ if == 0: partial_sub = loci.loci(flux, pa, locipar, mem, mode='LOCI', pca_arr=None, r_ex=dr_rms, corr=corr, method='matrix', do_partial_sub=True, sub_dir=exec_path) ################################################################ # The next block runs LOCI once, de-rotates, takes the median, # and re-rotates to each frame's position angle. It then runs # LOCI again to over-correct the result. Not recommended for # SEEDS data with AO188. ################################################################ else: fluxref = np.ndarray(flux.shape, np.float32) fluxref[:] = flux loci.loci(fluxref, pca_arr, pa, locipar, mem, mode='LOCI', r_ex=dr_rms, pca_arr=pca_arr, corr=corr, method='matrix', do_partial_sub=False) for i in range(flux.shape[0]): np.putmask(fluxref[i], r > locipar.rmax - 1, 0) np.putmask(fluxref[i], r < dr_rms + 1, 0) locipar.rmax -= 100 fluxref = parallel._rotate_recenter(filesetup, fluxref, theta=pa) for i in range(flux.shape[0]): np.putmask(fluxref[i], r > locipar.rmax - 1, 0) np.putmask(fluxref[i], r < dr_rms + 1, 0) locipar.rmax -= 100 fluxmed = np.median(fluxref, axis=0) for i in range(flux.shape[0]): fluxref[i] = fluxmed * fluxref = parallel._rotate_recenter(filesetup, fluxref, theta=-pa) loci.loci(flux, pa, locipar, mem, mode='refine', fluxref=fluxref, pca_arr=pca_arr, rmin=dr_rms, r_ex=dr_rms) ################################################################ # Mask saturated areas (< dr_rms), do median subtraction at radii # beyond the limit of the LOCI reduction ################################################################ fluxmed = np.median(flux, axis=0) for i in range(flux.shape[0]): np.putmask(flux[i], r < dr_rms + 2, 0) np.putmask(flux[i], r > locipar.rmax - 1, flux[i] - fluxmed) #################################################################### # Alternative to LOCI: median PSF subtraction #################################################################### elif adipar.adi == 'median': medpsf = np.median(flux, axis=0) for i in range(flux.shape[0]): flux[i] -= medpsf else: print "Error: ADI reduction method " + adipar.adi + " not recognized." #sys.exit(1) #################################################################### # Derotate, combine flux array using mean/median hybrid (see # Brandt+ 2012), measure standard deviation at each radius #################################################################### if igroup == 0: newhead = utils.makeheader(flux[0],[0].header, full_framelist, adipar, locipar) flux = parallel._rotate_recenter(filesetup, flux, theta=pa) fluxtmp, noise = combine.meanmed(flux) fluxbest = fluxtmp / ngroup if partial_sub is not None: partial_sub_tot = partial_sub / ngroup else: flux = parallel._rotate_recenter(filesetup, flux, theta=pa) fluxtmp, noise = combine.meanmed(flux) fluxbest += fluxtmp / ngroup if partial_sub is not None: partial_sub_tot += partial_sub / ngroup filesetup.framelist = full_framelist if partial_sub is not None: partial_sub = partial_sub_tot #################################################################### # Rescale all arrays to 2001x2001 so that the center is pixel number # (1000, 1000) indexed from 0. Use NaN to pad arrays. #################################################################### fluxbest = utils.arr_resize(fluxbest) if partial_sub is not None: partial_sub = utils.arr_resize(partial_sub, newdim=fluxbest.shape[0]).astype(np.float32) fluxbest /= partial_sub out = pyf.HDUList(pyf.PrimaryHDU(partial_sub)) out.writeto('partial_sub2.fits', clobber=True) x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(7) - 3, np.arange(7) - 3) window = (x**2 + y**2 < 2.51**2) * 1.0 window /= np.sum(window) fluxbest = signal.convolve2d(fluxbest, window, mode='same') noise = combine.radprof(fluxbest, mode='std', smoothwidth=2, sigrej=4.5)[0] r = utils.arr_resize(r) if dr_rms is not None: np.putmask(fluxbest, r < dr_rms + 3, np.nan) np.putmask(fluxbest, r > locipar.rmax - 2, np.nan) fluxsnr = (fluxbest / noise).astype(np.float32) #################################################################### # 5-sigma sensitivity maps--just multiply by the scaled aperture # photometry of the central star #################################################################### if partial_sub is not None: sensitivity = noise * 5 / partial_sub #################################################################### # Photometry of the central star #################################################################### if filesetup.scale_phot: #ref_phot = photometry.calc_phot(filesetup, adipar, flat, # hotpix, mem, window)[0] sensitivity /= ref_phot fluxbest /= ref_phot noise /= ref_phot sig_sens = combine.radprof(sensitivity, mode='std', smoothwidth=0)[0] outfile = open(filesetup.output_dir + '/' + objname + '_5sigma_sensitivity.dat', 'w') for i in range(sig_sens.shape[0] // 2, sig_sens.shape[0]): iy = sig_sens.shape[0] // 2 if np.isfinite(sensitivity[iy, i]): outfile.write('%8d %12.5e %12.5e %12e\n' % (i - iy, sensitivity[iy, i], sig_sens[iy, i], partial_sub[iy, i])) outfile.close() else: np.savetxt(filesetup.output_dir + '/' + objname + '_noiseprofile.dat', noise[noise.shape[0] // 2, noise.shape[1] // 2:].T) #################################################################### # Write the output fits files. #################################################################### snr = pyf.HDUList(pyf.PrimaryHDU(fluxsnr.astype(np.float32), newhead)) final = pyf.HDUList(pyf.PrimaryHDU(fluxbest.astype(np.float32), newhead)) if partial_sub is not None: contrast = pyf.HDUList(pyf.PrimaryHDU(sensitivity.astype(np.float32), newhead)) name_base = filesetup.output_dir + '/' + objname snr.writeto(name_base + '_snr.fits', clobber=True) final.writeto(name_base + '_final.fits', clobber=True) if partial_sub is not None: contrast.writeto(name_base + '_5sigma_sensitivity.fits', clobber=True)
def _cc_centroid(framelist, flux=None, ref_psf=None, psf_dir='psfref', usemask=True, side=None): """ Function _centroid reads in the reference PSF components and then calls the function cc_centroid on each frame. _centroid takes two arguments: 1. A list of HiCIAO frames (as filenames). Frames should be destriped, flat-fielded, and dewarped. 2. An array with all of the destriped HiCIAO data (optional) cc_centroid estimates the centroid by fitting the PSF components at many offsets, making a map of chi2 as a function of offset, and centroiding the chi2 map. """ nframes = len(framelist) #################################################################### # Read in reference data #################################################################### im = + '/pcacomp_0.fits')[0].data if ref_psf is None: refimage = np.ndarray((3, im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) else: refimage = np.ndarray((4, im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) refimage[-1] = utils.arr_resize(ref_psf, newdim=im.shape[0], padval=0) refimage[0] = im refimage[1] = + '/pcacomp_1.fits')[0].data refimage[2] = + '/pcacomp_2.fits')[0].data ###################################################################### # Set up ncpus workers, one for each thread. ###################################################################### tasks = multiprocessing.Queue() results = multiprocessing.Queue() ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() consumers = [Consumer(tasks, results) for i in range(ncpus)] for w in consumers: w.start() ###################################################################### # Submit the jobs with a poison pill for each thread. ###################################################################### for i in range(nframes): if flux is not None: tasks.put( Task(i, cc_centroid, (refimage, flux[i], framelist[i], usemask, side))) else: tasks.put( Task(i, cc_centroid, (refimage, flux, framelist[i], usemask, side))) for i in range(ncpus): tasks.put(None) ###################################################################### # Return centroids; first index is frame ID. ###################################################################### p = ProgressBar('green', width=30, block='=', lastblock='>', empty=' ') success = np.ndarray(nframes, bool) centers = np.ndarray((nframes, 2)) dr_rms = np.ndarray(nframes) for i in range(nframes): p.render((i + 1) * 100 / nframes, 'Centroid {0} of {1}'.format(i + 1, nframes)) index, result = results.get() if result is not None: centers[index, 0], centers[index, 1], dr_rms[index] = result success[index] = True else: centers[index] = [0, 0] success[index] = False print 'Successfully centroided {0} of {1} frames'.format( np.sum(success), len(success)) if np.sum(1 - success) > 0: print 'Algorithm failed on the following {0} frames:'.format( np.sum(1 - success)) for i in range(len(success)): if not success[i]: print framelist[i] return [success, centers, np.median(dr_rms)]
def _cc_centroid(framelist, flux=None, ref_psf=None, psf_dir='psfref', usemask=True, side=None): """ Function _centroid reads in the reference PSF components and then calls the function cc_centroid on each frame. _centroid takes two arguments: 1. A list of HiCIAO frames (as filenames). Frames should be destriped, flat-fielded, and dewarped. 2. An array with all of the destriped HiCIAO data (optional) cc_centroid estimates the centroid by fitting the PSF components at many offsets, making a map of chi2 as a function of offset, and centroiding the chi2 map. """ nframes = len(framelist) #################################################################### # Read in reference data #################################################################### im = + '/pcacomp_0.fits')[0].data if ref_psf is None: refimage = np.ndarray((3, im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) else: refimage = np.ndarray((4, im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) refimage[-1] = utils.arr_resize(ref_psf, newdim=im.shape[0], padval=0) refimage[0] = im refimage[1] = + '/pcacomp_1.fits')[0].data refimage[2] = + '/pcacomp_2.fits')[0].data ###################################################################### # Set up ncpus workers, one for each thread. ###################################################################### tasks = multiprocessing.Queue() results = multiprocessing.Queue() ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() consumers = [ Consumer(tasks, results) for i in range(ncpus) ] for w in consumers: w.start() ###################################################################### # Submit the jobs with a poison pill for each thread. ###################################################################### for i in range(nframes): if flux is not None: tasks.put(Task(i, cc_centroid, (refimage, flux[i], framelist[i], usemask, side))) else: tasks.put(Task(i, cc_centroid, (refimage, flux, framelist[i], usemask, side))) for i in range(ncpus): tasks.put(None) ###################################################################### # Return centroids; first index is frame ID. ###################################################################### p = ProgressBar('green', width=30, block='=', lastblock='>', empty=' ') success = np.ndarray(nframes, bool) centers = np.ndarray((nframes, 2)) dr_rms = np.ndarray(nframes) for i in range(nframes): p.render((i + 1) * 100 / nframes, 'Centroid {0} of {1}'.format(i+1, nframes)) index, result = results.get() if result is not None: centers[index, 0], centers[index, 1], dr_rms[index] = result success[index] = True else: centers[index] = [0, 0] success[index] = False print 'Successfully centroided {0} of {1} frames'.format(np.sum(success), len(success)) if np.sum(1 - success) > 0: print 'Algorithm failed on the following {0} frames:'.format(np.sum(1 - success)) for i in range(len(success)): if not success[i]: print framelist[i] return [success, centers, np.median(dr_rms)]