def test_05_delete_department(self, httpcode, success, code1, message): response_del = self.depart_api.delete_department( app.Headers, app.depat_id) # 打印日志"返回数据为:{}".format(response_del.json())) print("删除模块返回数据:", response_del.json()) # 断言 assert_test(httpcode, success, code1, message, response_del, self)
def test_03_check_department(self, httpcode, success, code1, message): response_check = self.depart_api.check_department( app.Headers, app.depat_id) # 打印日志"返回数据为:{}".format(response_check.json())) print("添加的员工信息为:", response_check.json()) # 断言 assert_test(httpcode, success, code1, message, response_check, self)
def test_02_add_department(self, name, code, manager, introduce, httpcode, success, code1, message): print("name={},code={},manager={},introduce={}".format( name, code, manager, introduce)) response_add = self.depart_api.add_department(app.Headers, name, code, manager, introduce) # 打印日志"返回数据为:{}".format(response_add.json())) print("添加部门返回的数据:", response_add.json()) # 断言 assert_test(httpcode, success, code1, message, response_add, self) # 通过全局变量获取添加员工的id,这样进行下面的操作才可以通过id进行访问 app.depat_id = response_add.json().get("data").get("id")
def test_01_login(self): json = {"mobile": "13800000002", "password": "******"} response = self.depart_api.login_ihrm(json) # 断言"返回数据为:{}".format(response.json())) print("输入数据为:", json) assert_test(200, True, 10000, "操作成功", response, self) # 获取令牌 token = response.json().get("data") # 通过全局变量来获取token,要导入app文件 app.Headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": token }
def test_routes(self, all_routes, verbose=True, global_fail=True): """ Check the presence of all optimal routes. """ result = True # Caution: all_routes directly relies on the layout of the netlab mesh. # # The routes are organized into a dictionary with nodes as keys and # the expected routes as values: # all_routes = { # <where_from>: [ # (<where_to>, <price>, <next_hop>), # [...] # ], # [...] # } for node, routes in all_routes.items(): for route in routes: desc = ( "Optimal route from node {} ({}) " + "to {} ({}) with next-hop {} ({}) and price {}").format(, node.revision, route[0].id, route[0].revision, route[2].id, route[2].revision, route[1]) result = result and assert_test(node.has_route( *route, verbose=verbose), desc, verbose=verbose, global_fail=global_fail) return result
def test_04_put_department(self, name, code, manager, introduce, httpcode, success, code1, message): # 修改的数据 json = { "name": name, "code": code, "manager": manager, "introduce": introduce } response_put = self.depart_api.put_department(app.Headers, app.depat_id, json) # 打印日志"返回数据为:{}".format(response_put.json())) print("修改的数据为:", json) print("修改返回数据", response_put.json()) # 断言 assert_test(httpcode, success, code1, message, response_put, self)
def test_reach_all(self, PING6, verbose=True, global_fail=True): for i in self.nodes.values(): for j in self.nodes.values(): if not assert_test(self.test_reach(i, j, PING6), "Reachability " + "from node {} ({}) to {} ({})".format(, i.revision,, j.revision), verbose=verbose, global_fail=global_fail): return False return True
def test_exit_reach_all(self, verbose=True, global_fail=True): exit_internal_ip = get_rita_settings( self.exit_id)["exit_network"]["own_internal_ip"] for node in self.nodes.values(): if == self.exit_id: continue if not assert_test( self.test_exit_reach(node, exit_internal_ip), "Exit Reachability " + "from node {} ({})".format(, node.revision), verbose=verbose, global_fail=global_fail): return False return True
def test_endpoints_all(self, VERBOSE): for node in self.nodes.values(): # We don't expect the exit to work the same as others if == self.exit_id: # Exit-specific stuff continue print( colored("====== Endpoints for node {} ======".format(, "green")) # /neighbors if VERBOSE: print(colored("Hitting /neighbors:", "green")) result = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split( "ip netns exec " + "netlab-{} curl -sfg6 [::1]:4877/neighbors".format(, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) assert_test(not result.wait(), "curl-ing /neighbors") stdout ='utf-8') try: print("Received neighbors:") if VERBOSE: neighbors = json.loads(stdout) pprint(neighbors) else: print(stdout) except ValueError as e: print('Unable to decode JSON {!r}: {}'.format(stdout, e)) assert_test(False, "Decoding the neighbors JSON") # /exits if VERBOSE: print(colored("Hitting /exits:", "green")) result = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split( "ip netns exec " + "netlab-{} curl -sfg6 [::1]:4877/exits".format(, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert_test(not result.wait(), "curl-ing /exits") stdout ='utf-8') try: print("Received exits:") if VERBOSE: exits = json.loads(stdout) pprint(exits) else: print(stdout) except ValueError as e: print('Unable to decode JSON {!r}: {}'.format(stdout, e)) assert_test(False, "Decoding the exits JSON") # /info if VERBOSE: print(colored("Hitting /info:", "green")) result = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split( "ip netns exec " + "netlab-{} curl -sfg6 [::1]:4877/info".format(, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert_test(not result.wait(), "curl-ing /info") stdout ='utf-8') try: print("Received info:") if VERBOSE: info = json.loads(stdout) pprint(info) else: print(stdout) except ValueError as e: print('Unable to decode JSON {!r}: {}'.format(stdout, e)) assert_test(False, "Decoding the info JSON") # /settings if VERBOSE: print(colored("Hitting /settings:", "green")) result = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split( "ip netns exec " + "netlab-{} curl -sfg6 [::1]:4877/settings".format(, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) assert_test(not result.wait(), "curl-ing /settings") stdout ='utf-8') try: print("Received settings:") if VERBOSE: settings = json.loads(stdout) pprint(settings) else: print(stdout) except ValueError as e: print('Unable to decode JSON {!r}: {}'.format(stdout, e)) assert_test(False, "Decoding the settings JSON")
def main(): if NODES is None or 'None' in NODES: nodes = 7 (COMPAT_LAYOUTS, all_routes, traffic_test_pairs, world, EXIT_NAMESPACE, EXIT_ID, GATEWAY_NAMESPACE, GATEWAY_ID) = setup_seven_node_config() else: nodes = int(NODES) (COMPAT_LAYOUTS, all_routes, traffic_test_pairs, world, EXIT_NAMESPACE, EXIT_ID, GATEWAY_NAMESPACE, GATEWAY_ID) = setup_arbitrary_node_config(nodes) COMPAT_LAYOUTS["random"] = [ 'a' if random.randint(0, 1) else 'b' for _ in range(7) ] if VERBOSE: print("Random compat test layout: {}".format(COMPAT_LAYOUTS["random"])) world.create(VERBOSE, COMPAT_LAYOUT, COMPAT_LAYOUTS, RITA, RITA_EXIT, DIR_A, DIR_B, RITA_A, RITA_EXIT_A, RITA_B, RITA_EXIT_B, NETWORK_LAB, BABELD, POSTGRES_DATABASE, POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_CONFIG, POSTGRES_BIN, INITDB_BIN, EXIT_NAMESPACE, EXIT_SETTINGS, dname) print("Waiting for network to stabilize") start_time = time.time() interval = INITIAL_POLL_INTERVAL if DEBUG: print("Debug mode active, examine the mesh and press y to continue " + "with the tests or anything else to exit") choice = input() if choice != 'y': sys.exit(0) # While we're before convergence deadline while (time.time() - start_time) <= CONVERGENCE_DELAY: all_reachable = world.test_reach_all(PING6, verbose=False, global_fail=False) routes_ok = world.test_routes(all_routes, verbose=False, global_fail=False) if all_reachable and routes_ok: break # We converged! time.sleep(interval) # Let's check again after a delay interval *= BACKOFF_FACTOR if VERBOSE is not None: print("%.2fs/%.2fs (going to sleep for %.2fs)" % (time.time() - start_time, CONVERGENCE_DELAY, interval)) print("Test reachabibility and optimum routes...") time.sleep(120) duration = time.time() - start_time # Test (and fail if necessary) for real and print stats on success if world.test_reach_all(PING6) and world.test_routes(all_routes): print(("Converged in " + colored("%.2f seconds", "green")) % duration) else: print( ("No convergence after more than " + colored("%d seconds", "red") + ", quitting...") % CONVERGENCE_DELAY) sys.exit(1) print("Waiting for clients to get info from exits") time.sleep(5) for k, v in world.nodes.items(): if k != world.exit_id: register_to_exit(v) print("waiting for emails to be sent") time.sleep(15) for k, v in world.nodes.items(): if k != world.exit_id: email_verif(v) time.sleep(15) world.test_endpoints_all(VERBOSE) if DEBUG: print("Debug mode active, examine the mesh and press y to continue " + "with the tests or anything else to exit") choice = input() if choice != 'y': sys.exit(0) world.test_exit_reach_all(global_fail=True) world.test_traffic(traffic_test_pairs, TIME, SPEED) # wait a few seconds after traffic generation for all nodes to update their debts time.sleep(10) traffic = world.get_debts() print("Test post-traffic blanace agreement...") world.test_debts_reciprocal_matching(traffic) world.test_debts_values(traffic_test_pairs, TIME, SPEED, traffic, all_routes, EXIT_ID, world.exit_price) print("Check that tunnels have not been suspended") for id in world.nodes: assert_test( not check_log_contains("rita-n{}.log".format(id), "suspending forwarding"), "Suspension of {}".format(id)) assert_test( check_log_contains("rita-n{}.log".format(GATEWAY_ID), "We are a gateway!, Acting accordingly"), "Successful gateway/exit detection") if DEBUG: print("Debug mode active, examine the mesh after tests and press " + "Enter to exit") input() teardown() print("done... exiting") if TEST_PASSES: print("All Rita tests passed!!") exit(0) else: print("Rita tests have failed :(") exit(1)