Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse_packet(packet):
    version = bin_to_dec(packet[:3])
    type_id = bin_to_dec(packet[3:6])

    # If Literal
    if type_id == 4:
        return get_literal_value(packet[6:])

    # If operator
    sub_packets = parse_operator(packet[6:])
    values = [parse_packet(sub_packet) for sub_packet in sub_packets]

    if type_id == 0:
        return sum(values)
    if type_id == 1:
        return prod(values)
    if type_id == 2:
        return min(values)
    if type_id == 3:
        return max(values)
    if type_id == 5:
        return 1 if values[0] > values[1] else 0
    if type_id == 6:
        return 1 if values[0] < values[1] else 0
    if type_id == 7:
        return 1 if values[0] == values[1] else 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bin_cardinality(signal, M, D):
    Computes delayed WHT observations and declares cardinality based on that.
    2 is a stand-in for any cardinality > 1. For debugging purposes.
    signal : InputSignal
    The input signal object.

    M : numpy.ndarray, shape (n, b)
    The subsampling matrix; takes on binary values.
    D : numpy.ndarray of ints, shape (num_delays, n).
    The delays matrix.

    cardinality : numpy.ndarray
    0 or 1 if the bin is a zeroton or singleton resp.; 2 if multiton.
    singleton_indices : list
    A list (in decimal form for compactness) of the k values of the singletons. 
    Length matches the number of 1s in cardinality.
    b = M.shape[1]
    U = compute_delayed_wht(signal, M, D)
    cardinality = np.ones((signal.n, ), dtype=np.int)  # vector of indicators
    singleton_indices = []
    cutoff = 2 * signal.noise_sd**2 * (2**(signal.n - b)) * D.shape[0]
    if signal.noise_sd > 0:
        K = binary_ints(signal.n)
        S = (-1)**(D @ K)
    for i, col in enumerate(U.T):
        sgn = 1
        print("Column:   ", col)
        # <col, col> = |col|^2 = |U|^2
        if np.inner(col, col) <= cutoff:
            cardinality[i] = 0
            if signal.noise_sd == 0:
                k = singleton_detection_noiseless(col)
                selection = np.where(
                    [bin_to_dec(row) == i for row in (M.T.dot(K)).T])[0]
                k, sgn = singleton_detection(col,
                                             S_slice=S[:, selection],
            rho = np.mean(np.abs(col))
            residual = col - sgn * rho * (-1)**np.dot(D, k)
            print("Residual: ", residual)
            if np.inner(residual, residual) > cutoff:
                cardinality[i] = 2
    return cardinality, singleton_indices
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parse_packet(packet):
    version = bin_to_dec(packet[:3])
    type_id = bin_to_dec(packet[3:6])

    # If Literal
    if type_id == 4:
        return version

    # If operator
    sub_packets = parse_operator(packet[6:])

    for sub_packet in sub_packets:
        version += parse_packet(sub_packet)
    return version
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_literal_value(packet):
    rest = packet
    result = ""
    while True:
        current = rest[:5]
        result += rest[1:5]
        rest = rest[5:]
        if current[-5] == "0":
            return bin_to_dec(result)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _transform(self, gene):
     if gene in self.genotype_dictionary:
         return self.genotype_dictionary[gene]
         # maximum depth
         depth = 30
         gene_index = 0
         expr = self._start_node
         # for each level
         level = 0
         while level < depth:
             i = 0
             new_expr = ''
             # parse every character in the expr
             while i < len(expr):
                 found = False
                 for key in self._grammar:
                     # if there is a keyword in the grammar, replace it with rule in production
                     if (expr[i:i + len(key)] == key):
                         found = True
                         # count how many transformation possibility exists
                         possibility = len(self._grammar[key])
                         # how many binary digit needed to represent the possibilities
                         digit_needed = utils.bin_digit_needed(possibility)
                         # if end of gene, then start over from the beginning
                         if (gene_index + digit_needed) > len(gene):
                             gene_index = 0
                         # get part of gene that will be used
                         used_gene = gene[gene_index:gene_index +
                         gene_index = gene_index + digit_needed
                         rule_index = utils.bin_to_dec(
                             used_gene) % possibility
                         new_expr += self._grammar[key][rule_index]
                         i += len(key) - 1
                 if not found:
                     new_expr += expr[i:i + 1]
                 i += 1
             expr = new_expr
             level = level + 1
         # add to cache for future usage
         self.genotype_dictionary[gene] = expr
         return ''
     return expr
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _transform(self, gene):
     if gene in self.genotype_dictionary:
         return self.genotype_dictionary[gene]
         # maximum depth
         depth = 30
         gene_index = 0
         expr = self._start_node
         # for each level
         level = 0
         while level < depth:
             new_expr = ''
             # parse every character in the expr
             while i<len(expr):                
                 found = False
                 for key in self._grammar:
                     # if there is a keyword in the grammar, replace it with rule in production
                     if (expr[i:i+len(key)] == key):
                         found = True
                         # count how many transformation possibility exists
                         possibility = len(self._grammar[key])
                         # how many binary digit needed to represent the possibilities
                         digit_needed = utils.bin_digit_needed(possibility)
                         # if end of gene, then start over from the beginning
                             gene_index = 0
                         # get part of gene that will be used
                         used_gene = gene[gene_index:gene_index+digit_needed]                        
                         gene_index = gene_index + digit_needed
                         rule_index = utils.bin_to_dec(used_gene) % possibility
                         new_expr += self._grammar[key][rule_index]
                         i+= len(key)-1
                 if not found:
                     new_expr += expr[i:i+1]
                 i += 1
             expr = new_expr
             level = level+1
         # add to cache for future usage
         self.genotype_dictionary[gene] = expr
         return ''
     return expr
Ejemplo n.º 7
def subsample_indices(M, d):
    Query generator: creates indices for signal subsamples.
    M : numpy.ndarray, shape (n, b)
    The subsampling matrix; takes on binary values.
    d : numpy.ndarray, shape (n,)
    The subsampling offset; takes on binary values.
    indices : numpy.ndarray, shape (B,)
    The (decimal) subsample indices. Mostly for debugging purposes.
    L = binary_ints(M.shape[1])
    inds_binary = np.mod(np.dot(M, L).T + d, 2).T
    return bin_to_dec(inds_binary)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def transform(self, signal, verbose=False, report=False):
        Full SPRIGHT encoding and decoding. Implements Algorithms 1 and 2 from [2].
        (numbers) in the comments indicate equation numbers in [2].
        signal : Signal object.
        The signal to be transformed / compared to.
        verbose : boolean
        Whether to print intermediate steps.

        wht : ndarray
        The WHT constructed by subsampling and peeling.
        # check the condition for p_failure > eps
        # upper bound on the number of peeling rounds, error out after that point
        num_peeling = 0
        result = []
        wht = np.zeros_like(signal.signal_t)
        b = get_b(signal, method=self.query_method)
        peeling_max = 2 ** b
        Ms = get_Ms(signal.n, b, method=self.query_method)
        Us, Ss = [], []
        singletons = {}
        multitons = []
        if report:
            used = set()
        if self.delays_method is not "nso":
            num_delays = signal.n + 1
            num_delays = signal.n * int(np.log2(signal.n)) # idk
        K = binary_ints(signal.n)
        # subsample, make the observation [U] and offset signature [S] matrices
        for M in Ms:
            D = get_D(signal.n, method=self.delays_method, num_delays=num_delays)
            if verbose:
                print("a delay matrix")
            U, used_i = compute_delayed_wht(signal, M, D)
            Ss.append((-1) ** (D @ K)) # offset signature matrix
            if report:
                used = used.union(used_i)
        cutoff = 2 * signal.noise_sd ** 2 * (2 ** (signal.n - b)) * num_delays # noise threshold
        if verbose:
            print('cutoff: {}'.format(cutoff))
        # K is the binary representation of all integers from 0 to 2 ** n - 1.
        select_froms = np.array([[bin_to_dec(row) for row in M.T.dot(K).T] for M in Ms])
        # `select_froms` is the collection of 'j' values and associated indices
        # so that we can quickly choose from the coefficient locations such that M.T @ k = j as in (20)
        # example: ball j goes to bin at "select_froms[i][j]"" in stage i
        # begin peeling
        # index convention for peeling: 'i' goes over all M/U/S values
        # i.e. it refers to the index of the subsampling group (zero-indexed - off by one from the paper).
        # 'j' goes over all columns of the WHT subsample matrix, going from 0 to 2 ** b - 1.
        # e.g. (i, j) = (0, 2) refers to subsampling group 0, and aliased bin 2 (10 in binary)
        # which in the example of section 3.2 is the multiton X[0110] + X[1010] + W1[10]
        # a multiton will just store the (i, j)s in a list
        # a singleton will map from the (i, j)s to the true (binary) values k.
        # e.g. the singleton (0, 0), which in the example of section 3.2 is X[0100] + W1[00]
        # would be stored as the dictionary entry (0, 0): array([0, 1, 0, 0]).
        there_were_multitons = True
        while there_were_multitons and num_peeling < peeling_max:
            if verbose:
                print('the measurement matrix')
                for U in Us:
            # first step: find all the singletons and multitons.
            singletons = {} # dictionary from (i, j) values to the true index of the singleton, k.
            multitons = [] # list of (i, j) values indicating where multitons are.
            for i, (U, S, select_from) in enumerate(zip(Us, Ss, select_froms)):
                for j, col in enumerate(U.T):
                    # note that np.inner(x, x) is used as norm-squared: marginally faster than taking norm and squaring
                    if np.inner(col, col) > cutoff:
                        selection = np.where(select_from == j)[0] # pick all the k such that M.T @ k = j
                        k, sgn = singleton_detection(
                            S_slice=S[:, selection], 
                        ) # find the best fit singleton
                        k_dec = bin_to_dec(k)
                        rho = np.dot(S[:,k_dec], col)*sgn/len(col)                    
                        residual = col - sgn * rho * S[:,k_dec] 
                        if verbose:
                            print((i, j), np.inner(residual, residual))
                        if np.inner(residual, residual) > cutoff:
                            multitons.append((i, j))
                        else: # declare as singleton
                            singletons[(i, j)] = (k, rho, sgn)
                            if verbose:
                                print('amplitude: {}'.format(rho))
            # all singletons and multitons are discovered
            if verbose:
                for ston in singletons.items():
                    print("\t{0} {1}\n".format(ston, bin_to_dec(ston[1][0])))

                print("Multitons : {0}\n".format(multitons))
            # raise RuntimeError("stop")
            # WARNING: this is not a correct thing to do
            # in the last iteration of peeling, everything will be singletons and there
            # will be no multitons
            if len(multitons) == 0: # no more multitons, and can construct final WHT
                there_were_multitons = False
            # balls to peel
            balls_to_peel = set()
            ball_values = {}
            ball_sgn = {}
            for (i, j) in singletons:
                k, rho, sgn = singletons[(i, j)]
                ball = bin_to_dec(k)
                ball_values[ball] = rho
                ball_sgn[ball] = sgn
            if verbose:
                print('these balls will be peeled')
            # peel
            for ball in balls_to_peel:
                num_peeling += 1
                k = dec_to_bin(ball, signal.n)
                potential_peels = [(l, bin_to_dec(M.T.dot(k))) for l, M in enumerate(Ms)]

                result.append((k, ball_sgn[ball]*ball_values[ball]))
                for peel in potential_peels:
                    signature_in_stage = Ss[peel[0]][:,ball]
                    to_subtract = ball_sgn[ball] * ball_values[ball] * signature_in_stage
                    Us[peel[0]][:,peel[1]] -= to_subtract
                    if verbose:
                        print('this is subtracted:')
                        print("Peeled ball {0} off bin {1}".format(bin_to_dec(k), peel))
        loc = set()
        for k, value in result: # iterating over (i, j)s
            idx = bin_to_dec(k) # converting 'k's of singletons to decimals
            if wht[idx] == 0:
                wht[idx] = value
                wht[idx] = (wht[idx] + value) / 2 
                # average out noise; e.g. in the example in 3.2, U1[11] and U2[11] are the same singleton,
                # so averaging them reduces the effect of noise.
        wht /= 2 ** (signal.n - b)
        if not report:
            return wht
            return wht, len(used), loc