Ejemplo n.º 1
 def bytes2op(b, mode):
     type = chr(b[0])
     length = b[1]
     index = utils.bytes2int(b[2:length+2])
     if type == 'i':
         data = b[length+2:].decode()
         data = utils.bytes2int(b[length+2:])
     return operation(type, index, data)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def chopstring(message, key, n, funcref):
    Splits 'message' into chops that are at most as long as n,
    converts these into integers, and calls funcref(integer, key, n)
    for each chop.

    Used by 'encrypt' and 'sign'.
    msglen = len(message)
    mbits = msglen * 8
    nbits = int(math.floor(math.log(n, 2)))
    nbytes = nbits / 8
    blocks = msglen / nbytes

    if msglen % nbytes > 0:
        blocks += 1

    cypher = []

    for bindex in range(blocks):
        offset = bindex * nbytes
        block = message[offset:offset + nbytes]
        value = utils.bytes2int(block)
        cypher.append(funcref(value, key, n))

    return picklechops(cypher)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def chopstring(message, key, n, funcref):
    Splits 'message' into chops that are at most as long as n,
    converts these into integers, and calls funcref(integer, key, n)
    for each chop.

    Used by 'encrypt' and 'sign'.
    msglen = len(message)
    mbits = msglen * 8
    nbits = int(math.floor(math.log(n, 2)))
    nbytes = nbits / 8
    blocks = msglen / nbytes

    if msglen % nbytes > 0:
        blocks += 1

    cypher = []

    for bindex in range(blocks):
        offset = bindex * nbytes
        block = message[offset:offset+nbytes]
        value = utils.bytes2int(block)
        cypher.append(funcref(value, key, n))

    return picklechops(cypher)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def flags(flag_str):
    res = ''
    res = res + '%s\n\n' % utils.str2hex(flag_str)
    flags = utils.bytes2int(flag_str[0:2])
    res = res + '%s                   # flags\n' % (utils.int2hex_str(flags))
    res = res + 'Binary:\nlayout 87654321 87654321\n'
    res = res + '       %s %s\n' % (utils.byte2bin_str(flag_str[1]), utils.byte2bin_str(flag_str[0]))

    flags2 = utils.bytes2int(flag_str[2:4])
    res = res + '%s                   # more flags ???\n' % (utils.int2hex_str(flags2))
    res = res + 'Binary:\nlayout 87654321 87654321\n'
    res = res + '       %s %s\n' % (utils.byte2bin_str(flag_str[3]), utils.byte2bin_str(flag_str[2]))

    #res = res + '%s                   # delimiter ???\n' % m_hex[(cur + 2) * 2: (cur + 4) * 2]

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
def item(item_str):
    item = {}
    res = ''
    item['len1'] = utils.bytes2int(item_str[0:2])
    item['len2'] = utils.bytes2int(item_str[2:4])
    item['offset'] = utils.bytes2int(item_str[4:6])

    res = res + '%s\n\nlength (two times), offset, delimiter\n' % (utils.str2hex(item_str))

    res = res + '%s decimal: %3d    # length 1\n' % (utils.int2hex_str(item['len1']), item['len1'])
    res = res + '%s decimal: %3d    # length 2\n' % (utils.int2hex_str(item['len2']), item['len2'])
    res = res + '%s decimal: %3d    # offset\n' % (utils.int2hex_str(item['offset']), item['offset'])
    res = res + '%s                   # delimiter (two zeros)\n\n' % utils.str2hex(item_str[-2:])
    item['string'] = res

    return item
Ejemplo n.º 6
def read_random_int(nbits):
    Reads a random integer of approximately nbits bits rounded up
    to whole bytes.
    nbytes = ceil(nbits/8.)
    randomdata = os.urandom(nbytes)
    return utils.bytes2int(randomdata)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def read_random_int(nbits):
    Reads a random integer of approximately nbits bits rounded up
    to whole bytes.
    nbytes = ceil(nbits / 8.)
    randomdata = os.urandom(nbytes)
    return utils.bytes2int(randomdata)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def flags(flag_str):
    res = ''
    res = res + '%s\n\n' % utils.str2hex(flag_str)
    flags = utils.bytes2int(flag_str[0:2])
    res = res + '%s                   # flags\n' % (utils.int2hex_str(flags))
    res = res + 'Binary:\nlayout 87654321 87654321\n'
    res = res + '       %s %s\n' % (utils.byte2bin_str(
        flag_str[1]), utils.byte2bin_str(flag_str[0]))

    flags2 = utils.bytes2int(flag_str[2:4])
    res = res + '%s                   # more flags ???\n' % (
    res = res + 'Binary:\nlayout 87654321 87654321\n'
    res = res + '       %s %s\n' % (utils.byte2bin_str(
        flag_str[3]), utils.byte2bin_str(flag_str[2]))

    #res = res + '%s                   # delimiter ???\n' % m_hex[(cur + 2) * 2: (cur + 4) * 2]

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def bytes2oplist(self, b):
     pos = 0
     length = len(b)
     oplist = []
     while pos < length:
         ll = b[pos]
         pos += 1
         op_len = utils.bytes2int(b[pos:pos+ll])
         pos += ll
         oplist.append(operation.bytes2op(b[pos : pos + op_len], self.mode))
         pos += op_len
     return oplist
Ejemplo n.º 10
def item(item_str):
    item = {}
    res = ''
    item['len1'] = utils.bytes2int(item_str[0:2])
    item['len2'] = utils.bytes2int(item_str[2:4])
    item['offset'] = utils.bytes2int(item_str[4:6])

    res = res + '%s\n\nlength (two times), offset, delimiter\n' % (

    res = res + '%s decimal: %3d    # length 1\n' % (utils.int2hex_str(
        item['len1']), item['len1'])
    res = res + '%s decimal: %3d    # length 2\n' % (utils.int2hex_str(
        item['len2']), item['len2'])
    res = res + '%s decimal: %3d    # offset\n' % (utils.int2hex_str(
        item['offset']), item['offset'])
    res = res + '%s                   # delimiter (two zeros)\n\n' % utils.str2hex(
    item['string'] = res

    return item
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def handle_stream(self, stream, address):
        magic_number = yield stream.read_bytes(2)
        # gen_log.info('receive magic number success')
        if magic_number != '\xab\xcd':
        interface_len = yield stream.read_bytes(4)
        interface_len = bytes2int(interface_len)
        gen_log.info('interface len: %d', interface_len)
        interface = yield stream.read_bytes(interface_len)
        gen_log.info('get interface: [%s]', interface)
        method_len = yield stream.read_bytes(4)
        method_len = bytes2int(method_len)
        method = yield stream.read_bytes(method_len)
        pts_len = yield stream.read_bytes(4)
        pts_len = bytes2int(pts_len)
        pts = yield stream.read_bytes(pts_len)
        channel_key = (interface, method, pts)
        gen_log.info('get method: [%s]', method)
        gen_log.info('get pts: [%s]', pts)
        if channel_key in self.dubbo_channel_map:
            dubbo_client = self.dubbo_channel_map[channel_key]
            dubbo_client = DubboClient('localhost', 20880)
            self.dubbo_channel_map[channel_key] = dubbo_client

        def make_request(Id):
            ar = ActRequest()
            ar.interface = interface
            ar.method = method
            ar.parameter_types_string = pts
            ar.Id = Id
            return ar

        def make_dubbo_request(act_request):
            dr = DubboRequest()
            dr.Id = act_request.Id
            # dr.Id = random.randint(1, 2100000000)
            dr.interface_name = act_request.interface
            dr.method_name = act_request.method
            # dr.dubbo_version = ''
            # dr.version = ''
            dr.args = act_request.parameter
            return dr

        def make_act_response(dubbo_response):
            aresp = ActResponse()
            aresp.Id = dubbo_response.Id
            aresp.result = dubbo_response.result
            return aresp

        while True:
                Id = yield stream.read_bytes(4)
                request = make_request(bytes2int(Id))
                p_len = yield stream.read_bytes(4)
                request.parameter = yield stream.read_bytes(bytes2int(p_len))
                gen_log.info("get request %d %s", request.Id, request.parameter)

                def callback(dubbo_response):
                    # gen_log.info("get dubbo_resp %d [%s] \nstream write act resp", dubbo_response.Id, dubbo_response.result)

                dubbo_client.fetch(make_dubbo_request(request), callback=callback)
            except StreamClosedError:
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _on_rlen(self, data):
     self.stream.read_bytes(bytes2int(data), self._on_res_body)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def _on_id(self, data):
     resp = ActResponse()
     resp.Id = bytes2int(data)
     self.pepv_act_resp = resp
     self.stream.read_bytes(4, self._on_rlen)