Ejemplo n.º 1
    def update(self, char):
        Updates the puzzle given the character.

        :param char:    the character to emulate.
        y, x = self.cursor_pos
        if char == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
            x += 1

        elif char == curses.KEY_LEFT:
            x -= 1

        elif char == curses.KEY_UP:
            y -= 1

        elif char == curses.KEY_DOWN:
            y += 1

        elif char in (ord(' '), ord('z')):
            self.mark(x, y)

        elif char == ord('x'):
            self.discard(x, y)

        elif char == ord('c'):
            self.count_distance = not self.count_distance
            self.count_origin = tuple(self.cursor_pos)

        x = utils.clamp(x, 0, self.level.width - 1)
        y = utils.clamp(y, 0, self.level.height - 1)

        self.cursor_pos = (y, x)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def tick(self, dtime):
        selectedEnt2 = self.ent.engine.selectionMgr.selectedEnts[1]

        if self.toggle >= 0:
            self.toggle -= dtime

        if self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_W):
            self.toggle = 0.15
            selectedEnt2.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(
                selectedEnt2.desiredSpeed + selectedEnt2.deltaSpeed, 0,

            # Slower
        if self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_S):
            self.toggle = 0.15
            selectedEnt2.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(
                selectedEnt2.desiredSpeed - selectedEnt2.deltaSpeed / 5.5, 0,

            # turn left
        if self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_A):
            self.toggle = 0.15
            selectedEnt2.desiredHeading += selectedEnt2.deltaYaw
            #print "Control: ", str(selectedEnt), str(selectedEnt.desiredHeading)

            # turn right
        if self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_D):
            self.toggle = 0.15
            selectedEnt2.desiredHeading -= selectedEnt2.deltaYaw
            #print "Control: ", str(selectedEnt), str(selectedEnt.desiredHeading)

        selectedEnt2.desiredHeading = utils.fixAngle(
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def handle_yt_sphere_update(self, request, session, data):
        user = self.flaskserver.get_user_by_request(request, session)
        if user.room is None:

        # does not work well with peer-sync mode, only allow in host-sync mode
        if not user.room.is_creator(user):

        yaw = self.getval(
            data, 'properties.yaw',
            lambda x: isinstance(x, float) and x >= 0 and x < 360,
            lambda x: clamp(float(x), 0, 360), 0)
        pitch = self.getval(
            data, 'properties.pitch',
            lambda x: isinstance(x, float) and x >= -90 and x <= 90,
            lambda x: clamp(float(x), -90, 90), 0)
        roll = self.getval(
            data, 'properties.roll',
            lambda x: isinstance(x, float) and x >= -180 and x <= 180,
            lambda x: clamp(float(x), -180, 180), 0)
        fov = self.getval(
            data, 'properties.fov',
            lambda x: isinstance(x, float) and x >= 30 and x <= 120,
            lambda x: clamp(float(x), 30, 120), 100)

        user.room.emit(EVENT_YT_SPHERE_UPDATE, {
            'properties': {
                'yaw': yaw,
                'pitch': pitch,
                'roll': roll,
                'fov': fov
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _optimal_midfielder_pos(state) -> Coordinate:
    side = 1 if state.world_view.side == 'l' else -1
    if not state.world_view.ball.is_value_known():
        return state.get_global_play_pos()
    ball: Coordinate = state.world_view.ball.get_value().coord
    play_position = state.get_global_play_pos()
    ball_delta_y = ball.pos_y - play_position.pos_y
    ball_delta_x = ball.pos_x - play_position.pos_x

    # Position player according to their starting position and the current ball position
    if side * ball.pos_x > 0:
        # Attacking
        optimal_x = clamp(
            play_position.pos_x + ball_delta_x * 0.4 + ball.pos_x * 0.6, -45,
        # Defending
        optimal_x = clamp(play_position.pos_x + ball.pos_x * 0.4, -45, 45)

    # Used to make players position themselves closer to the goal on the y-axis when far up/down the field
    y_goal_factor = 1 - (abs(optimal_x) -
                         35) * 0.05 if abs(optimal_x) > 35 else 1.0
    optimal_y = clamp(
        play_position.pos_y + ball_delta_y * 0.2 + ball.pos_y * 0.2, -25,
        25) * y_goal_factor

    if state.world_view.team_has_ball(state.team_name, max_data_age=4):
        opt_coord = Coordinate(optimal_x + (10 * side), optimal_y)
        free_pos = state.get_closest_free_position(opt_coord)
        if state.is_test_player():
            debug_msg("Free position:{0}".format(free_pos), "FREE_POSITION")
        return opt_coord if free_pos is None else free_pos

    return Coordinate(optimal_x, optimal_y)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def faceDetected(boxes):
    if isFlagRaised("Camera track") and not isFlagRaised("Body track"):
        face_left = boxes.faces[0].top_left.x
        face_top = boxes.faces[0].top_left.y
        face_width = boxes.faces[0].width_height.x
        face_height = boxes.faces[0].width_height.y

        # Calculate correction
        ideal_left = 0.5 - face_width / 2.0
        correction_pan = (ideal_left - face_left) * 2.5

        ideal_top = 0.5 - face_height / 2.0
        correction_tilt = (ideal_top - face_top) * 2.5

        temp1=angles["pan"][-1] + correction_pan
        temp2=angles["tilt"][-1]- correction_tilt

        # Clamp pan and tilt angles
        angles["pan"].append(clamp(0, temp1, 90))
        angles["tilt"].append(clamp(0, temp2, 90))

        # Publish new_angles
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_surrounding_pixels(source,pixels_shape, radius=5):
    x,y = source
    x_flr = int(x)
    y_flr = int(y)
    offset = radius + 1

    radius_squared = radius**2

    y_min = clamp(y_flr - offset, 0, pixels_shape[0] - 1)
    y_max = clamp(y_flr + offset, 0, pixels_shape[0] - 1)

    x_min = clamp(x_flr - offset, 0, pixels_shape[1] - 1)
    x_max = clamp(x_flr + offset, 0, pixels_shape[1] - 1)
    subgrid_shape = (y_max - y_min + 1, x_max - x_min + 1)

    indices = numpy.empty((81,), dtype=[('x', int), ('y', int)])

    idx = 0

    #print(f"S shape {subgrid_shape[0], subgrid_shape[1]}")

    for pixel_y in range(0, subgrid_shape[0]):
        for pixel_x in range(0, subgrid_shape[1]):
            img_y = y_min + pixel_y + 0.5
            img_x = x_min + pixel_x + 0.5
            dist_squared = (img_x - x)**2 + (img_y - y)**2
            if dist_squared <= radius_squared:
                indices[idx] = (img_x - 0.5, img_y -0.5)
                idx += 1
    return indices[:idx]
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def tick(self, dt):
    	# Update the toggle timer.
        if self.toggle >= 0:
            self.toggle -= dt

        import utils
        entList = self.selMgr.getSelected()
        if entList:
            for selectedEnt in entList:
                #change desired speed and current direction
                # Speed Up
                if  self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_UP):
                    selectedEnt.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(selectedEnt.desiredSpeed + selectedEnt.deltaSpeed, 0, selectedEnt.maxSpeed)
                    print "Speeding UP", selectedEnt.desiredSpeed

                # Slow down
                if  self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_DOWN):
                    selectedEnt.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(selectedEnt.desiredSpeed - selectedEnt.deltaSpeed, 0, selectedEnt.maxSpeed)
                    print "Slowing down", selectedEnt.desiredSpeed

                # Turn Left.
                if  self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_LEFT):
                    selectedEnt.desiredHeading += selectedEnt.deltaYaw
                    selectedEnt.desiredHeading = utils.fixAngle(selectedEnt.desiredHeading)
                    print "Turn left", selectedEnt.desiredHeading

                # Turn Right.
                if  self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_RIGHT):
                    selectedEnt.desiredHeading -= selectedEnt.deltaYaw
                    selectedEnt.desiredHeading = utils.fixAngle(selectedEnt.desiredHeading)
                    print "Turn right", selectedEnt.desiredHeading
            if self.toggle < 0:
                toggle = 0.2
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get_output(self, current_input: float, setpoint: float) -> float:
        '''Get PID output for process

            The current PID input
            Desired output of process/input to PID

        # Current time in seconds
        current_time = Timer.getFPGATimestamp()

        # Time elapsed since last update
        time_change = current_time - self._previous_time

        # The current error
        current_error = self._get_continuous_error(setpoint - current_input)

        self._integral_term += self._coefs.i * (current_error * time_change)
        self._integral_term = clamp(self._integral_term, self._output_max,

        # Protect againsts ZeroDivisionError caused
        #  by time resolution in simulator
        if time_change <= 0.0:
            time_change = 0.005

        derivative = (current_input - self._previous_input) / time_change

        self._previous_input = current_input
        self._previous_time = current_time

        output = ((self._coefs.p * current_error) + self._integral_term +
                  (self._coefs.d * derivative))
        return clamp(output, self._output_max, self._output_min)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_next_cell(w, state, action):

    sx = int(state % w.width)
    sy = int(state / w.width)

    oldx = sx
    oldy = sy

    if action == world.ACTION_DOWN:
        sy += 1
    elif action == world.ACTION_LEFT:
        sx -= 1
    elif action == world.ACTION_RIGHT:
        sx += 1
    elif action == world.ACTION_UP:
        sy -= 1

    sx = clamp(sx, 0, w.width - 1)
    sy = clamp(sy, 0, w.height - 1)

    if w.get_cell(sx, sy).type == world.CELL_WALL:
        sx = oldx
        sy = oldy

    return sy * w.width + sx
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def tick(self, dt):
        if self.engine.keepRunning == True:
            if self.toggle >= 0:
                self.toggle -= dt

            if self.toggle < 0:
                self.toggle = 0.1
                for entity in self.engine.selectionMgr.selectedEnts:
                    if  self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_UP):
                        entity.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(entity.desiredSpeed + entity.deltaSpeed, 0, entity.maxSpeed)
                        print "Speeding UP", entity.desiredSpeed
                    if  self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_DOWN):
                        entity.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(entity.desiredSpeed - entity.deltaSpeed, 0, entity.maxSpeed)
                        print "Slowing DOWN", entity.desiredSpeed
                    if  self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_LEFT):
                        entity.desiredHeading += entity.deltaYaw
                        entity.desiredHeading = utils.fixAngle(entity.desiredHeading)
                        print "Turn left", ogre.Radian(entity.desiredHeading).valueDegrees()
                    if  self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_RIGHT):
                        entity.desiredHeading -= entity.deltaYaw
                        entity.desiredHeading = utils.fixAngle(entity.desiredHeading)
                        print "Turn right", ogre.Radian(entity.desiredHeading).valueDegrees()
                    if self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_SPACE):
                        entity.desiredSpeed = 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def update(self, delta_time, scene):

        # Move to the left
        if self.key_left:
            # Move the shooter
            self.arc_angle = clamp(self.arc_angle + 0.09 * delta_time, self.min_angle, self.max_angle)

            # Move the gear
            if self.arc_angle < self.max_angle:
                self.polygon_smooth += 0.25 * delta_time
        # Move to the right
        elif self.key_right:
            # Move the shooter
            self.arc_angle = clamp(self.arc_angle - 0.09 * delta_time, self.min_angle, self.max_angle)

            # Move the gear
            if self.arc_angle > self.min_angle:
                self.polygon_smooth -= 0.25 * delta_time
        # Shoot
        if self.key_shoot and not scene.score and self.cooldown == 0:
            # Reset cooldown
            self.cooldown = self.max_cooldown

            # Instantiate the projectile
            scene.projectiles.add(Projectile(self.x, self.y, self.color, -(self.arc_angle + 13.5), 20))
            # Play a shooting sound
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def tick(self, dtime):
        selectedEnt2 = self.ent.engine.selectionMgr.selectedEnts[1]

        if self.toggle >= 0: 
            self.toggle -= dtime

        if self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_W):
            self.toggle = 0.15
            selectedEnt2.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(selectedEnt2.desiredSpeed + selectedEnt2.deltaSpeed, 0, selectedEnt2.maxSpeed)

            # Slower
        if self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_S):
            self.toggle = 0.15
            selectedEnt2.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(selectedEnt2.desiredSpeed - selectedEnt2.deltaSpeed/5.5, 0, selectedEnt2.maxSpeed)

            # turn left
        if self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_A):
            self.toggle = 0.15
            selectedEnt2.desiredHeading += selectedEnt2.deltaYaw
                #print "Control: ", str(selectedEnt), str(selectedEnt.desiredHeading)

            # turn right
        if self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_D):
            self.toggle = 0.15
            selectedEnt2.desiredHeading -= selectedEnt2.deltaYaw
                #print "Control: ", str(selectedEnt), str(selectedEnt.desiredHeading)
       	selectedEnt2.desiredHeading = utils.fixAngle(selectedEnt2.desiredHeading)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def setPixelColor(self, pixel, red, green, blue):
     """ Set specified LED to RGB value """
     if pixel < LEDShow.LED_COUNT:
         red = utils.clamp(red, 0, 255)
         green = utils.clamp(green, 0, 255)
         blue = utils.clamp(blue, 0, 255)
         self.strip.setPixelColorRGB(pixel, green, red, blue)  #GRB to RGB
    def _process(self, delta):
        velocity = Vector2()

        if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
            velocity.x += 1
        if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
            velocity.x -= 1
        if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_down"):
            velocity.y += 1
        if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):
            velocity.y -= 1

        animated_sprite = self.get_node("AnimatedSprite")
        if velocity.length() > 0:
            velocity = velocity.normalized() * self.speed

        self.position += velocity * delta

        # NOTE: It seems you can't set the self.position's x and y values
        # so you'll need to assign a new vector instead.
        self.position = Vector2(
            clamp(self.position.x, 0, self.screen_size.x),
            clamp(self.position.y, 0, self.screen_size.y),

        if velocity.x != 0:
            animated_sprite.animation = "walk"
            animated_sprite.flip_v = False
            animated_sprite.flip_h = velocity.x < 0
        elif velocity.y != 0:
            animated_sprite.animation = "up"
            animated_sprite.flip_v = velocity.y > 0
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def tick(self, dtime):
        timeScaledAcceleration = self.ent.acceleration * (dtime * 100)
        self.ent.speed += utils.clamp(self.ent.desiredSpeed - self.ent.speed,

        #self.ent.vel.x = math.cos(-self.ent.heading) * self.ent.speed
        #self.ent.vel.z = math.sin(-self.ent.heading) * self.ent.speed
        #self.ent.vel.y = 0

        self.ent.vel = Vector3(self.ent.speed * math.cos(-self.ent.heading), 0,
                               self.ent.speed * math.sin(-self.ent.heading))

        self.ent.pos = self.ent.pos + (self.ent.vel * dtime)


        timeScaledRotation = self.ent.turningRate * (dtime * 20)
        angleDiff = utils.diffAngle(self.ent.desiredHeading, self.ent.heading)
        dheading = utils.clamp(angleDiff, -timeScaledRotation,
        print self.ent.desiredHeading
        print "meow"
        print self.ent.heading
        self.ent.heading += dheading
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def set_velocity(self, linear_speed, angular_speed):
        Registers a robot velocity command. Since the actuation system is delayed, the command may not be
        immediately executed.

        :param linear_speed: the robot's linear speed.
        :type linear_speed: float
        :param angular_speed: the robot's angular speed.
        :type angular_speed: float
        right_speed, left_speed = self.unicycle_to_wheels(
            linear_speed, angular_speed)
        right_speed = clamp(right_speed, -self.max_wheel_speed,
        left_speed = clamp(left_speed, -self.max_wheel_speed,
        linear, angular = self.wheels_to_unicycle(right_speed, left_speed)
        if len(self.linear_speed_commands) >= self.delay:
            self.reference_linear_speed = self.linear_speed_commands[-self.
        if len(self.angular_speed_commands) >= self.delay:
            self.reference_angular_speed = self.angular_speed_commands[-self.
        if len(self.linear_speed_commands) > self.delay:
        if len(self.angular_speed_commands) > self.delay:
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _optimal_defender_pos(state) -> Coordinate:
    side = 1 if state.world_view.side == 'l' else -1
    ball: Coordinate = state.world_view.ball.get_value().coord
    play_position = state.get_global_play_pos()
    ball_delta_y = ball.pos_y - play_position.pos_y
    ball_delta_x = ball.pos_x - play_position.pos_x

    # Position player according to their starting position and the current ball position
    optimal_x = play_position.pos_x + ball_delta_x * 0.4 + ball.pos_x * 0.4
    if side > 0:
        optimal_x = clamp(optimal_x, -45, -3)
        optimal_x = clamp(optimal_x, 3, 45)

    # Used to make players position themselves closer to the goal on the y-axis when far up/down the field
    y_goal_factor = 1 - (abs(optimal_x) -
                         35) * 0.05 if abs(optimal_x) > 35 else 1.0
    optimal_y = clamp(
        play_position.pos_y + ball.pos_y * 0.4 + ball_delta_y * 0.1, -25,
        25) * y_goal_factor

    if state.world_view.team_has_ball(state.team_name, max_data_age=4):
        return Coordinate(optimal_x + (10 * side), optimal_y)

    return Coordinate(optimal_x, optimal_y)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def train_step(
        scheduler,  # generic 
        criterion  # experiment-specific
    """TRADES algorithm [https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.08573].
    ### adversarial perturbation
    # init perturbation
    delta = torch.zeros_like(X)
    for i in range(len(epsilon)):
        delta[:, i, :, :].uniform_(-epsilon[i][0][0].item(),
    delta.data = clamp(delta, lower_limit - X, upper_limit - X)

    # find approx optimal perturbation
    criterion_kl = nn.KLDivLoss(reduction='sum')
    with toggle_eval(model):  # turn off batchnorm stat tracking
        for _ in range(attack_iters):
            with toggle_requires_grad(delta, True):
                grad = torch.autograd.grad(outputs=criterion_kl(
                    F.log_softmax(model(X + delta), dim=1),
                    F.softmax(model(X), dim=1)),
            delta = project(delta + alpha * grad.sign(),
            delta = clamp(delta, lower_limit - X, upper_limit - X)

    ### adversarial loss
    # disable batchnorm stat tracking to avoid distribution shift from adversarial examples
    with disable_batchnorm_tracking(model):
        loss = criterion_kl(F.log_softmax(model(X + delta), dim=1),
                            F.softmax(model(X), dim=1))
        loss *= (reg_weight / X.shape[0])

    ### clean loss
    # batchnorm stat tracking is fine here
    output = model(X)
    loss = criterion(output, y)

    ### update model

    return loss, output
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, 
                 source, target, 
                 source_toworld, target_toworld,
                 source_th=0, target_th=0,  
                 source_mask=None, target_mask=None,
                 source_bins=256, target_bins=256):

        IconicMatcher class for intensity-based image registration. 
        ## FIXME: test that input images are 3d

        # Source image binning
        self.source = source
        self.source_clamped, s_bins = clamp(source, th=source_th, mask=source_mask, bins=source_bins)

        # Target image padding + binning
        self.target = target 
        self.target_clamped = -np.ones(np.array(target.shape)+2, dtype=CLAMP_DTYPE)
        aux, t_bins = clamp(target, th=target_th, mask=target_mask, bins=target_bins)
        self.target_clamped[1:target.shape[0]+1:, 1:target.shape[1]+1:, 1:target.shape[2]+1:] = aux
        # Histograms
        self.joint_hist = np.zeros([s_bins, t_bins])
        self.source_hist = np.zeros(s_bins)
        self.target_hist = np.zeros(t_bins)
        # Image-to-world transforms 
        self.source_toworld = source_toworld
        self.target_fromworld = np.linalg.inv(target_toworld)

        # Set default registration parameters
Ejemplo n.º 20
def objectDetected(tracked_object):
    object_left  = tracked_object.x
    object_top   = tracked_object.y
    object_width = tracked_object.width
    object_height = tracked_object.height   
    if object_left > 5 and object_top > 5:
        # Calculate correction
        ideal_left = 320 - object_width / 2.0
        correction_pan = (ideal_left - object_left) / 50.00

        ideal_top = 240 - object_height / 2.0
        correction_tilt = (ideal_top - object_top)/ 50.00

        angles["pan"] += correction_pan
        angles["tilt"] -= correction_tilt

        # Clamp pan and tilt angles
        angles["pan"] = clamp(0, angles["pan"], 90)
        angles["tilt"] = clamp(0, angles["tilt"], 90)

        # Publish new values

    # Move body
    if (angles["pan"] < 40): # Move body to left
    elif (angles["pan"] > 50): # Move body to the right
    elif (getSonarDistance > 50):
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def voxelize(self, px: ti.template(), world: ti.f32, n_grid: ti.i32,
                 bound_grid: ti.i32, npar: ti.i32):
        dx = world / n_grid
        bound = bound_grid * dx
        space_x = dx / npar

        for i, j, k in ti.ndrange(n_grid, n_grid, n_grid):
            x = (i + 0.5) * dx
            y = (j + 0.5) * dx
            z = (k + 0.5) * dx

            if (x - self.c_x)**2 + (y - self.c_y)**2 + (
                    z - self.c_z)**2 - self.r**2 < 0:
                for ix in range(npar):
                    for jx in range(npar):
                        for kx in range(npar):
                            xp = clamp(
                                i * dx + (ix + random.random()) * space_x,
                                bound + 1e-4, world - bound - 1e-4)
                            yp = clamp(
                                j * dx + (jx + random.random()) * space_x,
                                bound + 1e-4, world - bound - 1e-4)
                            zp = clamp(
                                k * dx + (kx + random.random()) * space_x,
                                bound + 1e-4, world - bound - 1e-4)

                            px[particle_idx(i, j, k, ix, jx, kx, n_grid,
                                            npar)] = vec3(xp, yp, zp)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def voxelize(self, px: ti.template(), world: ti.f32, n_grid: ti.i32,
                 bound_grid: ti.i32, npar: ti.i32):
        dx = world / n_grid
        bound = bound_grid * dx
        space_x = dx / npar

        for i, j, k in ti.ndrange(n_grid, n_grid, n_grid):
            x = (i + 0.5) * dx
            y = (j + 0.5) * dx
            z = (k + 0.5) * dx

            if self.x_start < x < self.x_end and self.y_start < y < self.y_end and self.z_start < z < self.z_end:
                for ix in range(npar):
                    for jx in range(npar):
                        for kx in range(npar):
                            xp = clamp(
                                i * dx + (ix + random.random()) * space_x,
                                bound + 1e-4, world - bound - 1e-4)
                            yp = clamp(
                                j * dx + (jx + random.random()) * space_x,
                                bound + 1e-4, world - bound - 1e-4)
                            zp = clamp(
                                k * dx + (kx + random.random()) * space_x,
                                bound + 1e-4, world - bound - 1e-4)

                            px[particle_idx(i, j, k, ix, jx, kx, n_grid,
                                            npar)] = vec3(xp, yp, zp)
def objectDetected(tracked_object):
    object_left = tracked_object.x
    object_top = tracked_object.y
    object_width = tracked_object.width
    object_height = tracked_object.height

    if object_left > 5 and object_top > 5:
        # Calculate correction
        ideal_left = 320 - object_width / 2.0
        correction_pan = (ideal_left - object_left) / 50.00

        ideal_top = 240 - object_height / 2.0
        correction_tilt = (ideal_top - object_top) / 50.00

        angles["pan"] += correction_pan
        angles["tilt"] -= correction_tilt

        # Clamp pan and tilt angles
        angles["pan"] = clamp(0, angles["pan"], 90)
        angles["tilt"] = clamp(0, angles["tilt"], 90)

        # Publish new values

    # Move body
    if (angles["pan"] < 40):  # Move body to left
    elif (angles["pan"] > 50):  # Move body to the right
    elif (getSonarDistance > 50):
Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_pixels_in_range(source, bound, pixels_shape):
    x, y = source

    x_flr = int(source[0])
    y_flr = int(source[1])

    lo_bound, hi_bound = bound

    lo_squared, hi_squared = lo_bound**2, hi_bound**2

    offset = hi_bound + 1
    y_min = clamp(y_flr - offset, 0, pixels_shape[0] - 1)
    y_max = clamp(y_flr + offset, 0, pixels_shape[0] - 1)

    x_min = clamp(x_flr - offset, 0, pixels_shape[1] - 1)
    x_max = clamp(x_flr + offset, 0, pixels_shape[1] - 1)

    subgrid_shape = (y_max - y_min + 1, x_max - x_min + 1)

    indices = numpy.empty((448, ), dtype=[('x', int), ('y', int)])

    idx = 0

    for pixel_y in range(0, subgrid_shape[0]):
        for pixel_x in range(0, subgrid_shape[1]):
            img_y = y_min + pixel_y
            img_x = x_min + pixel_x
            dist_squared = (img_x + 0.5 - x)**2 + (img_y + 0.5 - y)**2
            if dist_squared <= hi_squared and dist_squared >= lo_squared:
                indices[idx] = (img_x, img_y)
                idx += 1

    return indices[:idx]
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def sample(self, qf, u, v):
        # assure integer
        i, j = int(u), int(v)
        # clamp
        i = clamp(i, 0, self.cfg.res[0] - 1)
        j = clamp(j, 0, self.cfg.res[1] - 1)

        return qf[i, j]
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def limit_velocity(self):
     linvel = self.body.linear_velocity
     angvel = self.body.angular_velocity
     maxlinvel = self.max_linear_velocity
     maxangvel = self.max_angular_velocity
     vx = clamp(linvel.x, -maxlinvel, maxlinvel)
     vy = clamp(linvel.y, -maxlinvel, maxlinvel)
     self.body.linear_velocity = Vec2(vx, vy)
     self.body.angular_velocity = clamp(angvel, -maxangvel, maxangvel)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def drawSquareAtCenter(self, x, y, size, color):
     midpoint = int(size / 2)
     for w in range(size):
         for h in range(size):
                 utils.clamp(x + w - midpoint, 0, 7),
                 utils.clamp(y - h + midpoint, 0,
                             self.leds.getRowCount() - 1), color[0],
                 color[1], color[2])
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def __init__(self):
     self.x = clamp(
         random.normalvariate(.5, .28) * settings.WIDTH - 50, 0,
         settings.WIDTH - 50)
     self.y = clamp(
         random.normalvariate(.5, .28) * settings.HEIGHT - 50, 0,
         settings.HEIGHT - 50)
     self.edible = True
     self.energy = settings.FOOD_ENERGY
Ejemplo n.º 29
def pos_to_stagger_idx(pos, stagger):
    pos[0] = clamp(pos[0], stagger[0] * grid_x,
                   w - 1e-4 - grid_x + stagger[0] * grid_x)
    pos[1] = clamp(pos[1], stagger[1] * grid_y,
                   h - 1e-4 - grid_y + stagger[1] * grid_y)
    p_grid = pos / vec2(grid_x, grid_y) - stagger
    I = ti.cast(ti.floor(p_grid), ti.i32)

    return I, p_grid
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def draw_point(self, x, y, color=None, wait_time=3, is_print_info=False):
        if color is None:
            color = clamp(x, 0, 1), random.random(), clamp(y, 0, 1)

        if is_print_info:
            print("color = {}".format(color))

        self.go_to_position(x, y, is_print_info=is_print_info)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def move(self, x, y, twist=0):
   ''' Attemps to move in the direction given by x, y. '''
   x, y = utils.clamp(x, -1.0, 1.0), utils.clamp(y, -1.0, 1.0)
   twist = utils.clamp(twist, -1.0, 0.0)
   left = (y + x) 
   right = (y - x)
   left = utils.clamp(left, -1.0, 1.0)
   right = utils.clamp(right, -1.0, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def lerp(x, x0, x1, c0, c1):
    """Linear interpolation of 24-bit color values.  Given a value x within
    the range x0, x1 and colors c0, c1 this will return a color c that is
    linearly interpolated within c0, c1 proportional to x within x0, x1.
    r0, g0, b0 = decompose(c0)
    r1, g1, b1 = decompose(c1)
    return compose(utils.clamp(int(utils.lerp(x, x0, x1, r0, r1)), 0, 255),
                   utils.clamp(int(utils.lerp(x, x0, x1, g0, g1)), 0, 255),
                   utils.clamp(int(utils.lerp(x, x0, x1, b0, b1)), 0, 255))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def attack_pgd(model: torch.nn.Module,
               X: torch.Tensor,
               y: torch.Tensor,
               epsilon: torch.Tensor,
               alpha: float,
               lower_limit: torch.Tensor,
               upper_limit: torch.Tensor,
               attack_iters: int,
               restarts: int,
               opt: torch.optim.Optimizer = None) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Adapted from: https://github.com/locuslab/fast_adversarial
    device = next(model.parameters()).device

    lower_limit = lower_limit.to(device)
    upper_limit = upper_limit.to(device)
    max_loss = torch.zeros(y.shape[0]).to(device)
    max_delta = torch.zeros_like(X).to(device)

    for zz in range(restarts):
        delta = torch.zeros_like(X)
        for i in range(len(epsilon)):
            delta[:, i, :, :].uniform_(-epsilon[i][0][0].item(),
        delta.data = clamp(delta, lower_limit - X, upper_limit - X)
        delta.requires_grad = True

        for _ in range(attack_iters):
            output = model(X + delta)
            index = torch.where(output.max(1)[1] == y)
            if len(index[0]) == 0:
            loss = F.cross_entropy(output, y)

            if opt is not None:
            grad = delta.grad.detach()

            d = delta[index[0], :, :, :]
            g = grad[index[0], :, :, :]
            d = clamp(d + alpha * torch.sign(g), -epsilon, epsilon)
            d = clamp(d, lower_limit - X[index[0], :, :, :],
                      upper_limit - X[index[0], :, :, :])
            delta.data[index[0], :, :, :] = d

        all_loss = F.cross_entropy(model(X + delta), y,
        max_delta[all_loss >= max_loss] = delta.detach()[all_loss >= max_loss]
        max_loss = torch.max(max_loss, all_loss)

    return max_delta
Ejemplo n.º 34
def simulate(net, config):
    robot, ball, goal = reset()
    global fitness, total_steps, MAX_STEPS, reset_sim
    for step in range(MAX_STEPS):
        # calculate new net inputs
        rotated_center = Vec2d(10.5, 0)
        rotated_center += robot.position

        goal_pos = utils.avg(goal.a, goal.b)
        ball_dist = utils.dist(rotated_center,
                               ball.position)  # robot -> ball dist
        goal_dist = utils.dist(ball.position, goal_pos)  # ball -> goal dist
        ball_dir, goal_dir = utils.get_angles(
            rotated_center, ball.position, goal_pos)  # inputs for neural net
        fitness = utils.calculate_fitness(ball_dist, goal_dist,

        # scale values for nn
        #ball_dir = np.interp(ball_dir, [0, 360], [0.0, 1.0])
        #goal_dir = np.interp(goal_dir, [0, 360], [0.0, 1.0])
        #ball_dist = np.interp(ball_dist, [0, 303.6], [0.0, 1.0])

        # get input from neural net here, need to calculate balldir and goaldir though
        # NEW INPJTS SHOULD BE: fixed ball dir, fixed ball dist, fix goal direction, fixed goal distance
        # need to subtract curent heading from the ball dir
        # goal dir should be robot to goal not bloody ball to goal
        # remove int touched ball
        # something else here?
        rotation, speed = net.activate(
            [ball_dir, ball_dist, goal_dir,
        rotation = utils.clamp(rotation, -1.0, 1.0)
        speed = utils.clamp(speed, -1.0, 1.0)
        rotation *= 10  # rotation will be in degrees
        speed *= 50  # max speed = 60

        robot.angle += math.radians(rotation)
        robot.velocity = (speed * math.cos(robot.angle - 1.5708),
                          speed * math.sin(robot.angle - 1.5708))

        # step sim based on input
        robot.angular_velocity = 0
        robot.center_of_gravity = (10.5, 10.5)
        space.step(1.0 / 60.0)

        total_steps += 1

        # session was ended from one of the callback listeners, so we know it's got the bonuses already
        if reset_sim:
            reset_sim = False
            return fitness

    # test failed to complete, still subtract total steps
    return fitness - (total_steps / 1.5) + total_steps_touching_ball
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def __init__(self):
        # how can we uniquely identify them?
        self._uuid = uuid.uuid4()
        # NOTE using this would be cheating :)

        # number of contacts they usually call
        self.num_contacts = math.ceil(random.normalvariate(10, 3))
        self.num_contacts = clamp(self.num_contacts, 1, 200)

        # who do they usually call?
        self.contacts = []

        # how habitual are they in their contacts?
        # 1 = always contacts the same set of contacts
        # 0 = completely uniform random contact for each call
        self.contact_regularity = random.normalvariate(.95, .01)

        # how often do they call people?
        # mean of 3 = 1/3 chance for average person to make call any given hour
        self.cell_usage = random.normalvariate(3, .30)
        if self.cell_usage < 0:
            self.cell_usage = .001

        # number of locations they usually call from
        self.num_cells = math.ceil(random.normalvariate(10, 3))
        self.num_cells = clamp(self.num_cells, 1, 200)

        # what cells (locations) do they commonly call from?
        self.cells = random.sample(range(num_cells), self.num_cells)

        # how habitual are they in their locations?
        # 1 = always uses the same set of locations
        # 0 = completely uniform random cell for each call
        self.cell_regularity = random.normalvariate(.8, .05)

        # how frequently (on average) does someone change phones?
        self.number_switch_frequency = 0
        while self.number_switch_frequency < 24:
            # stipulate that nobody change numbers more than once per day
            frequency = 1.0 / change_numbers_every
            self.number_switch_frequency = random.expovariate(frequency)

        prob_per_hour = 1 / self.number_switch_frequency
        # everybody "switches" at t=0
        self.switch_times = [0]
        for hour in range(end_time):
            if random.random() < prob_per_hour:

        self.numbers = []
        for time in self.switch_times:

        assert len(self.switch_times) == len(self.numbers)
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def collision(self, pipe: "Pipe"):
        closestX = clamp(self.position[0], pipe.position[0], pipe.position[0] + self.game.settings["pipeWidth"])
        closestY = clamp(self.position[1], pipe.position[1], pipe.position[1] + pipe.height)

        # Calculate the distance between the circle's center and this closest point
        distanceX = self.position[0] - closestX
        distanceY = self.position[1] - closestY

        # If the distance is less than the circle's radius, an intersection occurs
        distanceSquared = (distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY)
        return distanceSquared < (self.game.settings["birdRadius"] * self.game.settings["birdRadius"])
    def update_range(self, ranges):

        if not self.enabled:

        scan_points = scan_to_points(
            ranges, self.right_most_ray_degrees, -self.degrees_per_ray)
        self.last_obstacles = scan_points

        # if there are no obstacles.
        if len(scan_points) == 0:
            if self.requested_speed > 0:
                self.blocked = False
                self.actual_steer = clamp(-pi/9, pi/9, self.requested_steer)
                self.last_path = []
        else: # there are obstacles.
            self.blocked_paths = []
            for dev in [0,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-4,4,-6,6,-8,8]:
                # when there's obstacles around, don't allow the
                # heading control to turn sharply.
                req_steer = clamp(-pi/12, pi/12, self.requested_steer)
                steer = req_steer + dev*pi/9.0

                if abs(steer) > self.max_steer:

                path_length = min(self.requested_distance, 5)

                path_points = make_path(steer, 0.25, path_length)

                left_path = [Point(x-1.0, y) for x,y in path_points]
                right_path = [Point(x+1.0, y) for x,y in path_points]

                left_index = path_near_points(left_path, scan_points, 0.5)
                right_index = path_near_points(right_path, scan_points, 0.5)

                if left_index or right_index:
                    self.blocked_paths += path_points
                else: # path is clear
                    self.actual_steer = steer
                    if self.requested_speed > 0:
                    self.blocked = False
                    self.last_path = path_points
                # no path found
                self.blocked = True
                self.last_path = []
                if self.requested_speed > 0:
Ejemplo n.º 38
def write_colour(pixel_colour, samples_per_pixel):
    r = pixel_colour.x
    g = pixel_colour.y
    b = pixel_colour.z

    scale = 1.0 / samples_per_pixel
    r = math.sqrt(scale * r)
    g = math.sqrt(scale * g)
    b = math.sqrt(scale * b)

    return "%s %s %s" % (256 * utils.clamp(r, 0.0, 0.999), 256 * utils.clamp(
        g, 0.0, 0.999), 256 * utils.clamp(b, 0.0, 0.999))
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def tick(self, dtime):
        if not self.engine.overlayMgr.currentOverlay == "Game":
        if self.playerObject == None:
            self.playerObject = self.engine.entityMgr.playerObject
        self.screenWidth = self.engine.gfxMgr.viewPort.getActualWidth()
        self.screenHeight = self.engine.gfxMgr.viewPort.getActualHeight()
        # ---------- Mouse Orientation ----------
        deltaX = self.ms.X.abs
        deltaY = self.ms.Y.abs
        if not self.playerObject == None and not self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_LCONTROL):
            if (utils.distSquared2D(self.ms.X.abs, self.ms.Y.abs, self.screenWidth/2, self.screenHeight/2) > 350):
                self.playerObject.yawRate = -1*float(self.ms.X.abs) / (self.screenWidth/2) + 1
                self.playerObject.pitchRate = -1*float(self.ms.Y.abs) / (self.screenHeight/2) + 1
                self.playerObject.yawRate = 0
                self.playerObject.pitchRate = 0
        #----------make selected ent respond to keyboard controls-----------------------------------
        if self.toggle >= 0:
            self.toggle = self.toggle - dtime

        if not self.playerObject == None:
            # Speed Up
            if self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_W):
                self.toggle = self.toggleMax
                self.playerObject.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(self.playerObject.desiredSpeed + self.playerObject.acceleration, 0, self.playerObject.maxSpeed)
            # Slow down
            if  self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_S):
                self.toggle = self.toggleMax
                self.playerObject.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(self.playerObject.desiredSpeed - self.playerObject.acceleration, 0, self.playerObject.maxSpeed)
            # Strafe Left.
            if  self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_A):
            # Strafe Right.
            if  self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_D):
            # Roll Left.
            if  self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_Q):
                temp = ogre.Quaternion()
                temp.FromAngleAxis(self.playerObject.turningRate*dtime, ogre.Vector3(0, 0, 1))
                self.playerObject.orientation *= temp
            # Roll Right.
            if  self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_E):
                temp = ogre.Quaternion()
                temp.FromAngleAxis(-self.playerObject.turningRate*dtime, ogre.Vector3(0, 0, 1))
                self.playerObject.orientation *= temp
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def tick(self, dtime):
        # ---------- Mouse Orientation ----------
        deltaX = self.ms.X.abs
        deltaY = self.ms.Y.abs
        if not self.playerObject == None:
            if (utils.distSquared2D(self.ms.X.abs, self.ms.Y.abs, self.screenWidth/2, self.screenHeight/2) > 1000):
                self.playerObject.yawRate = -1*float(self.ms.X.abs) / (self.screenWidth/2) + 1
                self.playerObject.pitchRate = -1*float(self.ms.Y.abs) / (self.screenHeight/2) + 1
                self.playerObject.yawRate = 0
                self.playerObject.pitchRate = 0
        #----------make selected ent respond to keyboard controls-----------------------------------
        if self.toggle >= 0:
            self.toggle = self.toggle - dtime
        if self.toggleFire >= 0:
            self.toggleFire = self.toggleFire - dtime

        if  self.toggle < 0:
            if not self.playerObject == None:
                # Speed Up
                if self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_W):
                    self.toggle = self.toggleMax
                    self.playerObject.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(self.playerObject.desiredSpeed + self.playerObject.acceleration, 0, self.playerObject.maxSpeed)
                # Slow down
                if  self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_S):
                    self.toggle = self.toggleMax
                    self.playerObject.desiredSpeed = utils.clamp(self.playerObject.desiredSpeed - self.playerObject.acceleration, 0, self.playerObject.maxSpeed)
                # Turn Left.
                if  self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_A):
                # Turn Right.
                if  self.toggle < 0 and self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_D):
                # Turn Up.
                if  self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_Q):
                    temp = ogre.Quaternion()
                    temp.FromAngleAxis(ogre.Degree(-0.5), ogre.Vector3(1, 0, 0))
                    self.playerObject.orientation *= temp
                # Turn Down.
                if  self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_E):
                    temp = ogre.Quaternion()
                    temp.FromAngleAxis(ogre.Degree(0.5), ogre.Vector3(1, 0, 0))
                    self.playerObject.orientation *= temp
                # Fire button
                if  self.keyboard.isKeyDown(OIS.KC_SPACE) and self.toggleFire < 0:
                    self.toggleFire = self.toggleFireMax
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def update(self, char):
        y, x = self.cursor_pos

        if char == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
            x += 1

        elif char == curses.KEY_LEFT:
            x -= 1

        elif char == curses.KEY_UP:
            y -= 1

        elif char == curses.KEY_DOWN:
            y += 1

        elif char in (ord(' '), ord('z')):
            self.mark(x, y)

        elif char == ord('x'):
            self.discard(x, y)

        elif char == ord('s'):

        x = utils.clamp(x, 0, self.level.width - 1)
        y = utils.clamp(y, 0, self.level.height - 1)

        self.cursor_pos = (y, x)

        # Update rows side.
        types, groups = self.get_marks_row(y)


        marks = 0
        for i, group in enumerate(groups[-1::-1]):
            if types[-(i + 1)] == self.MARK:
                marks += 1
                self.level.add_to_left(self.level.left_margin - marks, y, group)

        # Update cols side.
        types, groups = self.get_marks_col(x)


        marks = 0
        for i, group in enumerate(groups[-1::-1]):
            if types[-(i + 1)] == self.MARK:
                marks += 1
                self.level.add_to_top(x, self.level.top_margin - marks, group)
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def update(self):
        current_speed = self.vstate.speed
        dt = self.vstate.time - self.last_update_time
        assert(current_speed >= 0)

        if self.stopping and abs(current_speed) < 0.1:
            self.stopping = False

        if self.stopping or self.target_speed == 0:
            integral = 0
            error = 0
            throttle = 0
            brake = 2
            error = abs(self.target_speed) - current_speed
            integral = self.last_integral + error*dt
            derivative = (error - self.last_error)/dt

            throttle = self.Kp*error + self.Ki*integral + self.Kd*derivative

            throttle = clamp(0, 40, throttle)
            brake = 0

            if self.target_speed < 0:
                throttle = -throttle

        self.last_error = error
        self.last_integral = integral

        self.controls.throttle = throttle
        self.controls.brake = brake
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def scale(self, app_def, rule_manager):
        """ Take scale action
        :param app_def: dict of marathon application settings
        :param rule_manager: object of scaling properties.
        :return: marathon response
        if not app_def.is_app_participating:

        scale_factor = int(rule_manager.last_triggered_criteria.get("scale_factor"))
        min_instances = int(rule_manager.min_instances)
        max_instances = int(rule_manager.max_instances)

        scale_to = app_def.instances + scale_factor
        scale_to_size = clamp(scale_to, min_instances, max_instances)

        if app_def.instances == scale_to_size:
            msg = "{app_name}: application already scaled to {size}"

        self.marathon_client.scale_app(app_def.id, scale_to_size)
        msg = "{app_name}: scaled to {size}"
Ejemplo n.º 44
  def short_tags(self):
    s = self.page_html

    s = s.replace('{{sn}}', config.site_name) # site name
    s = s.replace('{{st}}', config.site_tag) # site tag
    # galleries
    gallery_re = re.compile('\{\{gallery=".*"\}\}')
    for gal in gallery_re.findall(s):
      gallery_address = gal.split('"')[1]
      s = s.replace(gal, gallery.make_gallery(gallery_address))

    # social networks
    s = s.replace('{{social_small}}', pages.social_small())
    s = s.replace('{{social_large}}', pages.social_large())
    s = s.replace('{{disable comments}}', '')
    s = s.replace('{{disable sidebar}}', '')
    s = s.replace('{{hidden}}', '')
    s = s.replace('{{ctime}}', time.ctime(time.time()))
    # In order to make the website as portable as possible, 
    # all links generated are relative to the root
    # rli = relative link index
    rli = utils.clamp(0, self.level, self.level - 1)
    s = s.replace('{{wr}}', '../'*rli)
    self.page_html = s
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy):
     """Change the rotation of the player when the mouse moves.
     x, y = self.rotation
     x, y = x + dx * self.rotation_speed, y + dy * self.rotation_speed
     y = clamp(-90, y, 90)
     self.rotation = (x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def menu_pos(self, value):
     oldpos = self._menu_pos
     newpos = clamp(value, 0, settings.LCD_ROWS - 1)
     self._menu_pos = newpos
     if oldpos != newpos:
         """self.lcd.cursor_pos = (oldpos, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 47
def texture(data, size=[3,3,3], method='drange', mask=None, th=0, bins=256):
    data_clamped, bins = clamp(data, th=th, mask=mask, bins=bins)
    hist = np.zeros(bins)
    _histogram(hist, data_clamped.flat)
    if method in texture_measures: 
        return _texture(data_clamped, hist, size, texture_measures[method])
        return _texture(data_clamped, hist, size, texture_measures['custom'], method)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def zoom(cont):
    global zoom_level, target_altitude
    own = cont.owner
    #zoom_level = own["zoom_level"]
    mouse_w_up = own.sensors['MouseWUp']
    mouse_w_down = own.sensors['MouseWDown']
    if mouse_w_up.positive:
        zoom_level = clamp(zoom_level-1, 0, 7)
        target_altitude = zoom_to_altitude(zoom_level)
    elif mouse_w_down.positive:
        zoom_level = clamp(zoom_level+1, 0, 7)
        target_altitude = zoom_to_altitude(zoom_level)
    own.worldPosition.z = lerp(own.worldPosition.z, target_altitude, .1)
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def tick(self, dtime):
     GenericShip.tick(self, dtime)
     self.energy = utils.clamp(self.energy + self.energyRechargeRate*dtime, 0, self.maxEnergy)
     if self.energy < self.fireEnergyCost:
         self.canFire = False
         self.canFire = True
Ejemplo n.º 50
def faceDetected(points):
    This is the callback function that is called when ever a ball is detected!
    It performs the PD controller task required to track the ball

    Inputs =>  geometry_msgs.points==>  points is a pair of (x,y) that is the top_left corner of the tracked ball
        It directly writes to the angles dictionary that is a dictionary of list of pan and tilt angles indepedently
        It Performs PD controller on the pan and tilt command then append it to the dictionary so that any function 
        interested can use them to publish the values.


    global tPrev
    # grab the top left corner as x-axis
    # gradthe top left corner as y-axis

    # Ideally the point should be at the center of the camera view (i.e (x,y)= (0.5,0.5))
    ideal_left = 0.5#.3
    ideal_top  = 0.45# .45
    # Find the derivative terms

    # Find the control signal using PD controller
    correction_pan = kx*(ideal_left - x)-kdx*(dx) 
    correction_tilt= ky*(ideal_top - y)-kdy*(dy)

    # prepare for clamping the values
    temp1=board["angles"]["pan"][-1] + correction_pan
    temp2=board["angles"]["tilt"][-1]- correction_tilt

    # #rospy.loginfo("This is pan and tilt correction %f   %f :  ",correction_pan, correction_tilt)
    # Clamp pan and tilt angles
    board["angles"]["pan"].append(90-clamp(0, temp1, 90))#
    board["angles"]["tilt"].append(90-clamp(0, temp2, 90))#90-
 def set_steer(self, angle):
     angle = clamp(-self.max_steer, self.max_steer, angle)
     # allow manual external steering control in reverse.
     if not self.enabled or self.requested_speed < 0:
         self.requested_steer = angle
         self.actual_steer = angle
         self.requested_steer = angle
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def menu_pos(self, value):
     oldpos = self._menu_pos
     newpos = clamp(value, 0, LCD_ROWS - 1)
     self._menu_pos = newpos
     if oldpos != newpos:
         self.lcd.cursor_pos = (oldpos, 0)
         self.lcd.cursor_pos = (newpos, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def tick(self, dtime):
        timeScaledAcceleration = self.ent.acceleration * dtime
        self.ent.speed += utils.clamp( self.ent.desiredSpeed - self.ent.speed, -timeScaledAcceleration, timeScaledAcceleration)

        self.ent.vel.x = math.cos(-self.ent.heading) * self.ent.speed
        self.ent.vel.z = math.sin(-self.ent.heading) * self.ent.speed
        self.ent.vel.y = 0
        self.ent.pos = self.ent.pos + (self.ent.vel * dtime)


        timeScaledRotation = self.ent.turningRate * dtime
        angleDiff = utils.diffAngle(self.ent.desiredHeading, self.ent.heading)
        dheading = utils.clamp(angleDiff, -timeScaledRotation, timeScaledRotation)

        self.ent.heading += dheading
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def update(self, all_mines):
     This is the real brains function. Takes an iterable of mines. It first
     takes sensor readings and feed these to the ANN of our minesweeper.
     The inputs are:
         1) A vector (Vector2D) to the closest mine,
         2) The "look at" vector (also a Vector2D).
     The brain(ANN) returns 2 outputs, ltrack and rtrack - which are forces
     applied on left and right tracks, respectively. Depending on these, the
     acceleration and/or the rotation is calculated and the position vector
     is updated accordingly.
     # Inputs to the brain.
     inputs = []
     # First input: vector to the closest mine.
     closest_mine = self.get_closest_mine(all_mines)
     # Place the inputs on the input list
     # Now, excite the brain and get the feedback
     output = self.brain.excite(inputs, settings.BIAS, filter_sigmoid=True)
     # Make sure we get back the expected number of outputs
     if len(output) != settings.NUM_OUTPUTS:
         raise Exception( 'An error occurred: The number of outputs from '
                         +'the ANN is not what was expected.')
     self.ltrack, self.rtrack = output
     rot_force = self.ltrack - self.rtrack
     rot_force = clamp(rot_force, 
     # New rotation and speed:
     self.rotation += rot_force
     self.speed = self.ltrack + self.rtrack
     # Get the new look at:
     self.look_at.x = -math.sin(self.rotation)
     self.look_at.y = math.cos(self.rotation)
     # Get the new position:
     self.position += (self.look_at * self.speed)
     # Wrap around the screen
     if self.position.x > settings.WINDOW_WIDTH:
         self.position.x = 0
     if self.position.x < 0:
         self.position.x = settings.WINDOW_WIDTH
     if self.position.y > settings.WINDOW_HEIGHT:
         self.position.y = 0
     if self.position.y < 0:
         self.position.y = settings.WINDOW_HEIGHT
Ejemplo n.º 55
def faceDetected(boxes):
    face_left = boxes.faces[0].top_left.x
    face_top = boxes.faces[0].top_left.y
    face_width = boxes.faces[0].width_height.x
    face_height = boxes.faces[0].width_height.y

    # Calculate correction
    ideal_left = 0.5 - face_width / 2.0
    correction_pan = (ideal_left - face_left) * 2.5

    ideal_top = 0.5 - face_height / 2.0
    correction_tilt = (ideal_top - face_top) * 2.5

    temp1=angles["pan"][-1] + correction_pan
    temp2=angles["tilt"][-1]- correction_tilt

    # Clamp pan and tilt angles
    board["angles"]["pan"].append(clamp(0, temp1, 90))
    board["angles"]["tilt"].append(clamp(0, temp2, 90))
Ejemplo n.º 56
def pan(cont):
    global edge_time, momentum
    own = cont.owner

    #mouse_sens = own.sensors['Mouse']
    #mouse = Vector(mouse_sens.position)
    mouse = Vector(bge.logic.mouse.position)
    contact = False
    if (mouse.x >= .95):
        contact = True
        edge_time += 1
    elif (mouse.x <= .05):
        contact = True
        edge_time += 1
    if (mouse.y >= .95):
        contact = True
        edge_time += 1
    elif (mouse.y <= .05):
        edge_time += 1
        contact = True
    if contact:
        target_momentum = (mouse - Vector((.5,.5))) * get_pan_speed(edge_time)
        target_momentum.y *= -1
        momentum = momentum.lerp(target_momentum, .1)
        edge_time = 0
    momentum *= damping
    own.worldPosition.x = clamp(own.worldPosition.x + momentum.x, -128, 128)
    own.worldPosition.y = clamp(own.worldPosition.y + momentum.y, -158, 108)
Ejemplo n.º 57
    def update(self, step_time):
        def change_dir_vel(entities, direction, velocity):
            for entity in entities:
                entity.body.direction = direction
        if(self.moving_left or self.moving_right):
            if self.moving_left:
                change_dir_vel(self.paddles, Vector2(-1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                    change_dir_vel(self.balls, Vector2(-1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)  
                change_dir_vel(self.paddles, Vector2(1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)
                if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                    change_dir_vel(self.balls, Vector2(1,0), PADDLE_VELOCITY)    
            change_dir_vel(self.paddles, ZERO2, magnitude(ZERO2))
            if self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:
                change_dir_vel(self.balls, ZERO2, magnitude(ZERO2))
        if self.push_balls and self.game_status == GameLayer.INITIALIZATION:                  
            for ball in self.balls:
                if ball.body.is_static:
                    ball.body.is_static = False
            v = Vector2(BALL_VELOCITY_X, BALL_VELOCITY_Y) 
            change_dir_vel(self.balls, normalize(v), magnitude(v))
            self.push_balls = False
            self.game_status = GameLayer.GAME_LOOP
        # Remove bricks that have been destroyed
        free_brick_list = []
        for brick in self.bricks:
            if brick.health_points == 0:
        self.bricks = [ b for b in self.bricks if free_brick_list.count(b) == 0 ] 
        for paddle in self.paddles:          
            # Integrate paddle
            paddle.body.rect.position = sum(paddle.body.rect.position,
                                            mul(paddle.body.direction, paddle.body.velocity * step_time))
            # Relocate paddle position to a valid position range
            paddle.body.rect.position.x = utils.clamp(paddle.body.rect.position.x, 0, 
                                                      WINDOW_WIDTH - PADDLE_WIDTH)
            paddle.body.rect.position.y = WINDOW_HEIGHT - PADDLE_HEIGHT - PADDLE_LINE_SPACING

        for ball in self.balls:
            if ball.body.is_static:
                pos_r = Vector2((PADDLE_WIDTH - BALL_WIDTH) * 0.5,  - BALL_HEIGHT)
                ball.body.rect.position = sum(self.paddles[0].body.rect.position, pos_r)
    def tick(self, dtime):
        ''' Updates Position, Yaw, Pitch, and Roll. '''
        # Position ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
        timeScaledAcceleration = self.ent.acceleration * dtime
        self.ent.speed += utils.clamp( self.ent.desiredSpeed - self.ent.speed, -timeScaledAcceleration, timeScaledAcceleration)
        self.ent.vel.y = self.ent.speed * math.sin( math.radians( self.ent.pitch ) )
        ## xz = self.ent.speed * math.cos( math.radians( self.ent.pitch ) )
        self.ent.vel.x = self.ent.speed * math.cos( math.radians( self.ent.yaw ) )
        self.ent.vel.z = self.ent.speed * -math.sin( math.radians( self.ent.yaw ) )
        self.ent.pos = self.ent.pos + ( self.ent.vel * dtime )

        # Yaw ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
        timeScaledYaw = self.ent.yawRate * dtime
        angleDiff = utils.diffAngle(self.ent.desiredYaw, self.ent.yaw)
        self.ent.deltaYaw = utils.clamp(angleDiff, -timeScaledYaw, timeScaledYaw)
        ## print '---' + self.ent.uiname + '---'
        ## print "angleDiff: %f, timeScaledYaw: %f,  deltaYaw: %f " % (angleDiff, timeScaledYaw, self.ent.deltaYaw )
        ## print "yaw: %f, desiredYaw: %f, yawRate: %f" % (self.ent.yaw, self.ent.desiredYaw, self.ent.yawRate)
        self.ent.yaw = utils.fixAngle( self.ent.yaw + self.ent.deltaYaw)
        # Pitch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
        timeScaledPitch = self.ent.pitchRate * dtime
        angleDiff = utils.diffAngle(self.ent.desiredPitch, self.ent.pitch)
        self.ent.deltaPitch = utils.clamp(angleDiff, -timeScaledPitch, timeScaledPitch)
        ## print "angleDiff: %f, timeScaledPitch: %f,  deltaPitch: %f " % (angleDiff, timeScaledPitch, self.ent.deltaPitch )
        ## print "pitch: %f, desiredPitch: %f, pitchRate: %f" % (self.ent.pitch, self.ent.desiredPitch, self.ent.pitchRate)
        self.ent.pitch = utils.fixAngle( self.ent.pitch + self.ent.deltaPitch)
        # Roll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
        if dtime > 0.001:
            self.ent.desiredRoll = -self.ent.deltaYaw / dtime * 0.75
        timeScaledRoll = self.ent.rollRate * dtime
        angleDiff = utils.diffAngle(self.ent.desiredRoll, self.ent.roll)
        self.ent.deltaRoll = utils.clamp(angleDiff, -timeScaledRoll, timeScaledRoll)
        ## print "angleDiff: %f, timeScaledRoll: %f,  dRoll: %f " % (angleDiff, timeScaledRoll, self.ent.deltaRoll )
        ## print "roll: %f, desiredRoll: %f, rollRate: %f" % (self.ent.roll, self.ent.desiredRoll, self.ent.rollRate)
        ## print "---"
        self.ent.roll = utils.fixAngle( self.ent.roll + self.ent.deltaRoll)
# Physics -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
Ejemplo n.º 59
    def tick(self, dtime):
        timeScaledAcceleration = self.ent.acceleration * (dtime * 100)
        self.ent.speed += utils.clamp( self.ent.desiredSpeed - self.ent.speed, -timeScaledAcceleration, timeScaledAcceleration)

        #self.ent.vel.x = math.cos(-self.ent.heading) * self.ent.speed
        #self.ent.vel.z = math.sin(-self.ent.heading) * self.ent.speed
        #self.ent.vel.y = 0

        self.ent.vel = Vector3(self.ent.speed * math.cos(-self.ent.heading), 0, self.ent.speed * math.sin(-self.ent.heading))
        self.ent.pos = self.ent.pos + (self.ent.vel * dtime)


        timeScaledRotation = self.ent.turningRate * (dtime*20)
        angleDiff = utils.diffAngle(self.ent.desiredHeading, self.ent.heading)
        dheading = utils.clamp(angleDiff, -timeScaledRotation, timeScaledRotation)
	print self.ent.desiredHeading
	print "meow"
	print self.ent.heading
        self.ent.heading += dheading