def getCompositions(diffs): lst = [] for pair in diffs: if not pair[0] in lst: lst.append(pair[0]) diffSums = {} totals = None for m in lst: diffSum = cloneZeros(diffs[m, m]) if not totals: totals = cloneZeros(diffs[m, m]) for n in lst: addBtoA(diffSum, diffs[n, m], noBelowZero=True) diffSums[m] = diffSum for m in lst: invertAllEntries(diffSums[m], nanToZero=True) for m in lst: addBtoA(totals, diffSums[m]) for m in lst: divideAbyB(diffSums[m], totals, ignoreZero=True) return diffSums
def getmBinResolvedDiffs(methodMap): params = {} selfEvals = {} for m in methodMap: params[m] = methodMap[m].getZeroModeParametersForMode() selfEvals[m] = methodMap[m].evaluateResolvedZeroModeParametersForMode( params[m]) diff = {} # for m in params: # print m, params[m] # raise Exception for m in methodMap: for n in methodMap: evals = methodMap[m].evaluateResolvedZeroModeParametersForMode( params[n]) diff[m, n] = cloneZeros(evals) makeStructureDiff(evals, selfEvals[m], diff[m, n]) return diff
def doAllComparisons(methodMap, startBin, methodBinRanges={}, noBelowZero=False): """ Does everything theo toher methods do, bit with the possibility of restricted ranged for several methods Start bin has to be given to match the bin ranges, parameters are just counted in the methods """ params = {} evals = {} for m in methodMap: params[m] = methodMap[m].getZeroModeParametersForMode() # for mb in params[m][0]: # print len(mb), # print "<-----",m for n in methodMap: evals[n, m] = methodMap[n].evaluateResolvedZeroModeParametersForMode( params[m]) diffs = {} resolvedDiffs = {} for m in methodMap: for n in methodMap: sumM = 0. sumN = 0. resolvedDiffs[m, n] = [] for tBin in range(len(evals[m, n])): resolvedDiffs[m, n].append([]) for mBin in range(len(evals[m, n][tBin])): nBin = mBin + startBin if m in methodBinRanges: if nBin < methodBinRanges[m][ 0] or nBin >= methodBinRanges[m][1]: resolvedDiffs[m, n][tBin].append(float('nan')) continue if n in methodBinRanges: if nBin < methodBinRanges[n][ 0] or nBin >= methodBinRanges[n][1]: resolvedDiffs[m, n][tBin].append(float('nan')) continue resolvedDiffs[m, n][tBin].append( (evals[m, n][tBin][mBin] - evals[m, m][tBin][mBin]) / evals[m, m][tBin][mBin]) sumM += evals[m, m][tBin][mBin] sumN += evals[m, n][tBin][mBin] diffs[m, n] = (sumN - sumM) / sumM for m in methodMap: resolvedWA = cloneZeros(params[m]) nonResolvedWA = cloneZeros(params[m]) break compositions = {} for m in methodMap: compositions[m] = [[0.] * len(resolvedWA[i]) for i in range(len(resolvedWA))] for tBin in range(len(resolvedWA)): for mBin in range(len(resolvedWA[tBin])): totalWeight = 0. totalWeightNon = 0. for m in methodMap: nBin = mBin + startBin if m in methodBinRanges: if nBin < methodBinRanges[m][0] or nBin >= methodBinRanges[ m][1]: continue totalDiff = 0. totalDiffNon = 0. for n in methodMap: if n in methodBinRanges: if nBin < methodBinRanges[n][ 0] or nBin >= methodBinRanges[n][1]: continue toadd = (evals[n, m][tBin][mBin] - evals[n, n][tBin][mBin]) / evals[n, n][tBin][mBin] if not toadd < 0. or not noBelowZero: totalDiff += toadd totalDiffNon += diffs[n, m] for i in range(len(resolvedWA[tBin][mBin])): resolvedWA[tBin][mBin][ i] += params[m][tBin][mBin][i] / totalDiff nonResolvedWA[tBin][mBin][ i] += params[m][tBin][mBin][i] / totalDiffNon totalWeight += 1. / totalDiff totalWeightNon += 1. / totalDiffNon compositions[m][tBin][mBin] = 1. / totalDiff for i in range(len(resolvedWA[tBin][mBin])): resolvedWA[tBin][mBin][i] /= totalWeight nonResolvedWA[tBin][mBin][i] /= totalWeightNon for m in methodMap: compositions[m][tBin][mBin] /= totalWeight resolvedWAdiffs = {} nonResovledWAdiffs = {} noCorrDiffs = {} for m in methodMap: resEvals = methodMap[m].evaluateResolvedZeroModeParametersForMode( resolvedWA) nonEvals = methodMap[m].evaluateResolvedZeroModeParametersForMode( nonResolvedWA) zerEvals = methodMap[m].evaluateResolvedZeroModeParametersForMode( cloneZeros(nonResolvedWA)) aSumRes = 0. aSumNon = 0. aSumZer = 0. oSum = 0. resolvedDiffs[m, "WAres"] = [] resolvedDiffs[m, "WAnon"] = [] for tBin in range(len(resolvedWA)): resolvedDiffs[m, "WAres"].append([]) resolvedDiffs[m, "WAnon"].append([]) for mBin in range(len(resolvedWA[tBin])): nBin = mBin + startBin if m in methodBinRanges: if nBin < methodBinRanges[m][0] or nBin >= methodBinRanges[ m][1]: resolvedDiffs[m, "WAres"][tBin].append(float('nan')) resolvedDiffs[m, "WAnon"][tBin].append(float('nan')) continue resolvedDiffs[m, "WAres"][tBin].append( (resEvals[tBin][mBin] - evals[m, m][tBin][mBin]) / evals[m, m][tBin][mBin]) resolvedDiffs[m, "WAnon"][tBin].append( (nonEvals[tBin][mBin] - evals[m, m][tBin][mBin]) / evals[m, m][tBin][mBin]) aSumRes += resEvals[tBin][mBin] aSumNon += nonEvals[tBin][mBin] aSumZer += zerEvals[tBin][mBin] oSum += evals[m, m][tBin][mBin] resolvedWAdiffs[m] = (aSumRes - oSum) / oSum nonResovledWAdiffs[m] = (aSumNon - oSum) / oSum noCorrDiffs[m] = (aSumZer - oSum) / oSum return diffs, resolvedWA, nonResolvedWA, compositions, resolvedWAdiffs, nonResovledWAdiffs, resolvedDiffs, noCorrDiffs
def main(): checkLaTeX() style = modernplotting.mpplot.PlotterStyle() # style.p2dColorMap = 'ocean_r' # style.p2dColorMap = 'YlOrRd' style.p2dColorMap = 'Reds' # inFileName = "/nfs/mds/user/fkrinner/extensiveFreedIsobarStudies/results_MC.root" inFileName = "/nfs/mds/user/fkrinner/extensiveFreedIsobarStudies/results_bigger2pp.root" zeroFileName = "/nfs/mds/user/fkrinner/extensiveFreedIsobarStudies/zeroModes_bigger2pp.root" sectors = ["2++1+[pi,pi]1--PiD", "2++1+[pi,pi]2++PiP"] tBin = int(sys.argv[1]) if tBin < 0 or tBin > 3: raise ValueError("Invalid t' bin: " + str(tBin)) tBins = [tBin] startBin = 11 stopBin = 50 methodBinRanges = { "fitF2": (22, 50), "fitBothF2": (22, 50), "fitRhoF": (22, 50), "fixedShapeF2": (22, 50) } # methodBinRanges = {} # Override here allMethods = {} methodStrings = {} shortlabels = { "fixedShapeF0": r"$\text{fix}_{f_0}^{~}$", "fixedShapeRhoP": r"$\text{fix}_\rho^{P}$", "fixedShapeRhoF": r"$\text{fix}_\rho^{F}$", "fixedShapeBothRho": r"$\text{fix}_\rho^{2}$", "fixedShapeF2": r"$\text{fix}_{f_2}$", "fixedShapes": r"$\text{fix}_\text{all}^{~}$", "pipiS": r"$\phi_{[\pi\pi]_S}^{~}$", "fitRho": r"$\text{fit}_\rho$", "fitRhoP": r"$\text{fit}_\rho^{P}$", "fitRhoF": r"$\text{fit}_\rho^{F}$", "fitBothRho": r"$\text{fit}_\rho^{2}$", "fitBothF2": r"$\text{fit}_{f_2}^{2}$", "fitF2": r"$\text{fit}_{f_2}$", "smooth": r"smooth" } print "Starting with fixed shapes" fixedShapes = doFixedShapes(inFileName, zeroFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave=referenceWave) allMethods["fixedShapes"] = fixedShapes print "Finished with fixed shapes" fullSig = fixedShapes.getZeroModeSignature() totalHists = fixedShapes.getTotalHists( cloneZeros(fixedShapes.getZeroModeParametersForMode())) with root_open("./totals_bigger2pp_noCorr.root", "UPDATE") as outFileRoot: for t in totalHists: for m in t: m.Write() return print "Starting with fitting rho" fitRho = doFitRho(inFileName, zeroFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave=referenceWave) allMethods["fitRho"] = fitRho print "Finished with fitting rho" print "Starting with fitting f2" fitF2 = doFitF2( inFileName, zeroFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave=referenceWave, writeResultToFile="rhoMassesAndWidths_bigger2++1+1++_global.dat") allMethods["fitF2"] = fitF2 print "Finished with fitting f2" if stopBin - startBin > 1: print "Starting with smooth" smooth = doSmooth(inFileName, zeroFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave=referenceWave) allMethods["smooth"] = smooth print "Finished with smooth" if "fixedShapeF0" in allMethods: allMethods["fixedShapeF0"].setZeroModeSignature(fullSig, 1) diffsFull, resolvedWA, nonResolvedWA, comps, resDiffs, nonResDiffs, resolvedDiffsFull, noCorrDiffs = cu.doAllComparisons( allMethods, startBin, methodBinRanges) # print resolvedDiffsFull from math import isnan for pair in resolvedDiffsFull: with modernplotting.toolkit.PdfWriter( './resolvedDiffPlots/bigger2pp_' + pair[0] + "_" + pair[1] + "_" + str(tBin) + ".pdf") as pdfOutput: plot = style.getPlot1D() line = [0.000000001] * len(resolvedDiffsFull[pair][0]) line2 = [0.000000001] * len(resolvedDiffsFull[pair][0]) one = [1.] * len(resolvedDiffsFull[pair][0]) xAxis = [ .5 + 0.04 * (startBin + i) for i in range(len(resolvedDiffsFull[pair][0])) ] for i, v in enumerate(resolvedDiffsFull[pair][0]): if not isnan(v) and not v <= 0.: line[i] = v else: line[i] = 0.000000001 if not pair[1] == "WAres" and not pair[1] == "WAnon": for i, v in enumerate(resolvedDiffsFull[pair[1], pair[0]][0]): if not isnan(v) and not v <= 0.: line2[i] = v else: line2[i] = 0.000000001 plot.setYlog() plot.plot(xAxis, line) plot.plot(xAxis, one) plot.plot(xAxis, line2) plot.setYlim(0.00001, 10000) pdfOutput.savefigAndClose() studyList = [] for m in allMethods: studyList.append(m) studyList.sort() style.titleRight = r"$2^{++}1^+$" style.titleLeft = LaTeX_strings.tBins[tBin] with modernplotting.toolkit.PdfWriter("compositions_bigger2pp_" + str(tBin) + ".pdf") as pdfOutput: plot = style.getPlot1D() for m in studyList: line = [0.] * len(comps[m][0]) xAxis = [ .5 + 0.04 * (startBin + i) for i in range(len(comps[m][0])) ] break count = 0 for m in studyList: newLine = line[:] for i in range(len(comps[m][0])): newLine[i] += comps[m][0][i] plot.axes.fill_between( xAxis, line, newLine, facecolor=modernplotting.colors.makeColorLighter(, 0.1 * count)) count += 1 line = newLine plot.setYlim(0., 1.) plot.setXlim(xAxis[0], xAxis[-1]) pdfOutput.savefigAndClose() hist = pyRootPwa.ROOT.TH2D("hist", "hist", len(studyList) + 2, 0, len(studyList) + 2, len(studyList), 0, len(studyList)) for i, m in enumerate(studyList): for j, n in enumerate(studyList): hist.SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, diffsFull[n, m]) for i, m in enumerate(studyList): hist.SetBinContent(len(studyList) + 1, i + 1, noCorrDiffs[m]) hist.SetBinContent(len(studyList) + 2, i + 1, resDiffs[m]) axolotl = [] for i, study in enumerate(studyList): axolotl.append(shortlabels[study]) # axolotl.append(alphabet[i]) with modernplotting.toolkit.PdfWriter("studies_bigger2pp_" + str(tBin) + ".pdf") as pdfOutput: plot = style.getPlot2D() plot.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([(i + 0.5) for i in range(len(studyList) + 2)]) plot.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([(i + 0.5) for i in range(len(studyList))]) studyPlotter.makeValuePlot(plot, hist) plot.axes.set_yticklabels(axolotl) axolotl.append(unCorrected_string) axolotl.append(weightedAVG_string) plot.axes.set_xticklabels(axolotl, rotation=90) plot.setZlim((0., 1.)) pdfOutput.savefigAndClose() with open("studies_bigger2pp_" + str(tBin) + ".txt", 'w') as out: for axl in axolotl: out.write(axl + ' ') out.write("\n") for i in range(hist.GetNbinsX()): for j in range(hist.GetNbinsY()): out.write(str(hist.GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1)) + ' ') out.write('\n') doF2Fits = False if doF2Fits: with open("f2MassesAndWidths_bigger2pp_" + str(tBin) + ".dat", 'w') as outFile: for i in range(stopBin - startBin): binIndex = i + startBin outFile.write( str(binIndex) + ' ' + str(0.52 + 0.04 * binIndex) + ' ') startValueOffset = 0.01 exceptCount = 0 while True: try: # if True: x, err, c2, ndf = fitF2.fitShapeParametersForBinRange( [mF2 + startValueOffset, GF2 + startValueOffset], [0], [i], zeroModeParameters=resolvedWA) break except: print "Fitter exception encountered" startValueOffset += 0.001 exceptCount += 1 if exceptCount > 3: print "Too many failed attempts in bin " + str( i) + ": " + str(exceptCount) # raise Exception x, err = [0., 0.], [0., 0.] break outFile.write( str(x[0]) + ' ' + str(err[0]) + ' ' + str(x[1]) + ' ' + str(err[1])) outFile.write(' ' + str(c2 / ndf) + '\n') return ##### Writing starts here fileNames = {} for stu in allMethods: print "Writing for '" + stu + "'" for s, sect in enumerate(allMethods[stu].sectors): if stu == "pipiS": rv = allMethods[stu].produceResultViewer( allMethods[stu].getZeroModeParametersForMode(), s, plotTheory=True) rv = allMethods[stu].produceResultViewer( allMethods[stu].getZeroModeParametersForMode(), s, noRun=True) for bin in range(startBin, stopBin): fileName = "./collectedMethods/" + stu + "_" + sect + "_bigger2pp_" + str( bin) if not (sect, bin) in fileNames: fileNames[sect, bin] = [] fileNames[sect, bin].append(fileName) rv.writeAmplFiles(bin, fileName=fileName) totalHists = fixedShapes.getTotalHists(resolvedWA) with root_open("./totals_bigger2pp.root", "UPDATE") as out: for t in totalHists: for m in t: m.Write() # return plotFolder = "./comparisonResultsBigger2pp/" for s, sect in enumerate(allMethods['fixedShapes'].sectors): allMethods['fixedShapes'].removeZeroModeFromComa() allMethods['fixedShapes'].removeGlobalPhaseFromComa() rv = allMethods['fixedShapes'].produceResultViewer(resolvedWA, s, noRun=True, plotTheory=True) rv.writeBinToPdf(startBin, stdCmd=[ plotFolder + sect + "_data_2D_" + str(tBin) + ".pdf", "", [], "", [] ]) for b in range(startBin, stopBin): intensNames = [name + ".intens" for name in fileNames[sect, b]] argandNames = [name + ".argand" for name in fileNames[sect, b]] rv.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd=[ "", plotFolder + sect + "_data_intens_" + str(b) + "_" + str(tBin) + ".pdf", intensNames, plotFolder + sect + "_data_argand_" + str(b) + "_" + str(tBin) + ".pdf", argandNames ]) print studyList
def main(): checkLaTeX() style = modernplotting.mpplot.PlotterStyle() # style.p2dColorMap = 'ocean_r' # style.p2dColorMap = 'YlOrRd' style.p2dColorMap = 'Reds' style.titleRight = r"$0^{-+}0^+$" style.titleLeft = r"Monte-Carlo" inFileName = "/nfs/mds/user/fkrinner/extensiveFreedIsobarStudies/results_MC_corrected.root" # inFileName = "/nfs/mds/user/fkrinner/extensiveFreedIsobarStudies/results_std11.root" sectors = ["0-+0+[pi,pi]0++PiS", "0-+0+[pi,pi]1--PiP"] tBins = [0] startBin = 12 stopBin = 50 allMethods = {} methodStrings = {} shortlabels = { "fixedShapeF0": r"$\text{fix}_{f_0}^{~}$", "fixedShapeRho": r"$\text{fix}_\rho^{~}$", "fixedShapeRho1G": r"$\text{fix}_\rho^{1\Gamma}$", "fixedShapeRho2G": r"$\text{fix}_\rho^{2\Gamma}$", "fixedShapes": r"$\text{fix}_\text{all}^{~}$", "pipiS": r"$\phi_{[\pi\pi]_S}^{~}$", "fitRho": r"$\text{fit}_\rho^{~}$", "fitRho1G": r"$\text{fit}_\rho^{1\Gamma}$", "fitRho2G": r"$\text{fit}_\rho^{2\Gamma}$", "smooth": r"smooth" } print "Starting with fixed shape f0" fixedShapeF0 = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors[:1], startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave=referenceWave) allMethods["fixedShapeF0"] = fixedShapeF0 print "Finished with fixed shape f0" # print "Starting with fixed shape rho" # fixedShapeRho = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors[1:], startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fixedShapeRho"] = fixedShapeRho # print "Finished with fixed shape rho" # print "Starting with restricted rho (1 Gamma)" # fixedShapeRho1G = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors[1:], startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap = {"0-+0+[pi,pi]1--PiP":(mRho - Grho, mRho+Grho)}, referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fixedShapeRho1G"] = fixedShapeRho1G # print "Finished with restricted rho (1 Gamma)" # print "Starting with restricted rho (2 Gammas)" # fixedShapeRho2G = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors[1:], startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap = {"0-+0+[pi,pi]1--PiP":(mRho -2*Grho, mRho+2*Grho)}, referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fixedShapeRho2G"] = fixedShapeRho2G # print "Finished with restricted rho (2 Gammas)" print "Starting with fixed shapes" fixedShapes = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave=referenceWave) allMethods["fixedShapes"] = fixedShapes print "Finished with fixed shapes" # print "Starting with phase" # fitPiPiSshape = doF0phase(inFileName, sectors[:1], startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["pipiS"] = fitPiPiSshape # print "Finished with phase" print "Starting with fitting rho" fitRho = doFitRho(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave=referenceWave) allMethods["fitRho"] = fitRho print "Finished with fitting rho" # fitRho.setZeroModeParameters(fixedShapes.getZeroModeParametersForMode()) # for i in range(10): # x,err = fitRho.fitShapeParametersForBinRange([mRho,Grho], [0], [i,i+1]) # print x,err # print "Finished with fitting rho" # return # print "Starting with fitting restricted rho (1 Gamma)" # fitRho1G = doFitRho(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap = {"0-+0+[pi,pi]1--PiP":(mRho - Grho, mRho+Grho)}, referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fitRho1G"] = fitRho1G # print "Finished with fitting restricted rho (1 Gamma)" # print "Starting with fitting restricted rho (2 Gammas)" # fitRho2G = doFitRho(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap = {"0-+0+[pi,pi]1--PiP":(mRho -2*Grho, mRho+2*Grho)}, referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fitRho2G"] = fitRho2G # print "Finished with fitting restricted rho (2 Gammas)" if stopBin - startBin > 1: print "Starting with smooth" smooth = doSmooth(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave=referenceWave) allMethods["smooth"] = smooth print "Finished with smooth" ndfs = {} params = {} for m in allMethods: ndfs[m] = allMethods[m].getNDFforMode() params[m] = allMethods[m].getZeroModeParametersForMode() print m, sumUp(allMethods[m].evaluateZeroModeParametersForMode( params[m])).real / ndfs[m] diffs = cu.getmBinResolvedDiffs(allMethods) comps = cu.getCompositions(diffs) with modernplotting.toolkit.PdfWriter("compositions_0mp.pdf") as pdfOutput: plot = style.getPlot1D() for m in comps: line = [0.] * len(comps[m][0]) xAxis = [ .5 + 0.04 * (startBin + i) for i in range(len(comps[m][0])) ] break count = 0 for m in comps: print m newLine = line[:] for i in range(len(comps[m][0])): newLine[i] += comps[m][0][i] plot.axes.fill_between( xAxis, line, newLine, facecolor=modernplotting.colors.makeColorLighter(, 0.1 * count)) count += 1 line = newLine plot.setYlim(0., 1.) plot.setXlim(xAxis[0], xAxis[-1]) pdfOutput.savefigAndClose() studyList = [] for m in allMethods: studyList.append(m) studyList.sort() selfEvals = {} for m in allMethods: selfEvals[m] = sumUp( allMethods[m].evaluateResolvedZeroModeParametersForMode( params[m])).real hist = pyRootPwa.ROOT.TH2D("hist", "hist", len(params) + 2, 0, len(params) + 2, len(params), 0, len(params)) cumulWeights = {} resovedWeightedSum = [[]] # Assumes one t' bin for i in range(stopBin - startBin): dim = len(params[m][0][i]) prrs = [0.] * dim for m in params: weight = comps[m][0][i] if not m in cumulWeights: cumulWeights[m] = 0. cumulWeights[m] += weight for j in range(dim): # print dim,i,j,params[m][0] # print prrs prrs[j] += weight * params[m][0][i][j] resovedWeightedSum[0].append(prrs) evals = {} for i, m in enumerate(studyList): # print "-------------------------------" for j, n in enumerate(studyList): evl = sumUp( allMethods[n].evaluateResolvedZeroModeParametersForMode( params[m])).real evals[n, m] = evl diff = (evl - selfEvals[n]) / selfEvals[n] # allMethods["fixedShapes"].removeZeroModeFromComa() # print "------------------------------------IN---------------------------------" # print params[m], params[n] # diff = sumUp(allMethods["fixedShapes"].compareTwoZeroModeCorrections(params[m], params[n])) # print diff # print "------------------------------------OUT---------------------------------" # print m,'in',n,":",diff hist.SetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1, diff) # return weightedSum = weightedParametersSum(evals, selfEvals, params) for i, m in enumerate(studyList): evl = sumUp(allMethods[m].evaluateZeroModeParametersForMode( cloneZeros(weightedSum))).real diff = (evl - selfEvals[m]) / selfEvals[m] evl2 = sumUp(allMethods[m].evaluateZeroModeParametersForMode( resovedWeightedSum)).real diff2 = (evl2 - selfEvals[m]) / selfEvals[m] print m, diff, ";:;:;;>>>??" hist.SetBinContent(len(studyList) + 1, i + 1, diff) hist.SetBinContent(len(studyList) + 2, i + 1, diff2) axolotl = [] for i, study in enumerate(studyList): axolotl.append(shortlabels[study]) # axolotl.append(alphabet[i]) style.titleRight = r"$0^{-+}0^+$" style.titleLeft = r"Monte Carlo" with modernplotting.toolkit.PdfWriter("studies_0mp.pdf") as pdfOutput: plot = style.getPlot2D() plot.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([(i + 0.5) for i in range(len(studyList) + 2)]) plot.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([(i + 0.5) for i in range(len(studyList))]) studyPlotter.makeValuePlot(plot, hist) plot.axes.set_yticklabels(axolotl) axolotl.append(unCorrected_string) axolotl.append(weightedAVG_string) plot.axes.set_xticklabels(axolotl, rotation=90) plot.setZlim((0., 1.)) pdfOutput.savefigAndClose() return with open("studies_0mp.txt", 'w') as out: for axl in axolotl: out.write(axl + ' ') out.write("\n") for i in range(hist.GetNbinsX()): for j in range(hist.GetNbinsY()): out.write(str(hist.GetBinContent(i + 1, j + 1)) + ' ') out.write('\n') ##### Writing starts here fileNames = {} for stu in allMethods: print "Writing for '" + stu + "'" for s, sect in enumerate(allMethods[stu].sectors): if stu == "pipiS": rv = allMethods[stu].produceResultViewer( allMethods[stu].getZeroModeParametersForMode(), s, plotTheory=True) rv = allMethods[stu].produceResultViewer( allMethods[stu].getZeroModeParametersForMode(), s, noRun=True) for bin in range(startBin, stopBin): fileName = "./collectedMethods/" + stu + "_" + sect + "_0mpMC_" + str( bin) if not (sect, bin) in fileNames: fileNames[sect, bin] = [] fileNames[sect, bin].append(fileName) rv.writeAmplFiles(bin, fileName=fileName) for s, sect in enumerate(allMethods['fixedShapes'].sectors): allMethods['fixedShapes'].removeZeroModeFromComa() allMethods['fixedShapes'].removeGlobalPhaseFromComa() rv = allMethods['fixedShapes'].produceResultViewer(resovedWeightedSum, s, noRun=True, plotTheory=True) rv.writeBinToPdf(startBin, stdCmd=[ "./comparisonResults/" + sect + "_MC_2D.pdf", "", [], "", [] ]) for b in range(startBin, stopBin): if not b == 32: continue intensNames = [name + ".intens" for name in fileNames[sect, b]] argandNames = [name + ".argand" for name in fileNames[sect, b]] rv.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd=[ "", "./comparisonResults/" + sect + "_MC_intens_" + str(b) + ".pdf", intensNames, "./comparisonResults/" + sect + "_MC_argand_" + str(b) + ".pdf", argandNames ]) print studyList print cumulWeights
def main(): checkLaTeX() style = modernplotting.mpplot.PlotterStyle() # style.p2dColorMap = 'ocean_r' # style.p2dColorMap = 'YlOrRd' style.p2dColorMap = 'Reds' # referenceWave = "" rhoRange = None for a in sys.argv: if a.startswith("range"): rhoRange = float(a[5:]) # rhoRange = None if rhoRange is None: sectorRangeMap = {} rhoRangeString = "" else: sectorRangeMap = {"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS":(0.,rhoRange)} rhoRangeString = "_range"+str(rhoRange) tBin = int(sys.argv[1]) if tBin < 0 or tBin > 3: raise ValueError("Invalid t' bin: " + str(tBin)) if len(sys.argv) == 3: study = sys.argv[2] studyAdder = "_"+study else: study = "std11" studyAdder = "" print "Study: "+study inFileName = fileNameMap[study] sectors = ["1++0+[pi,pi]0++PiP", "1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS"] tBins = [tBin] startBin = 13 stopBin = 50 # startBin = 35 # stopBin = 36 if len(sys.argv) > 3: startBin = int(sys.argv[2]) stopBin = int(sys.argv[3]) plotDataType = '.pdf' # startBin = 30 # stopBin = 34 allMethods = {} methodStrings = {} shortlabels = { "fixedShapeF0" : r"$\text{fix}_{f_0}^{~}$", "fixedShapeRho" : r"$\text{fix}_\rho^{~}$", "fixedShapeRho1G" : r"$\text{fix}_\rho^{1\Gamma}$", "fixedShapeRho2G" : r"$\text{fix}_\rho^{2\Gamma}$", "fixedShapes" : r"$\text{fix}_\text{all}^{~}$", "pipiS" : r"$\phi_{[\pi\pi]_S}^{~}$", "fitRho" : r"$\text{fit}_\rho^{~}$", "fitRhoPrime" : r"$\text{fit}_{\rho^\prime}^{~}$", "fitRho1G" : r"$\text{fit}_\rho^{1\Gamma}$", "fitRho2G" : r"$\text{fit}_\rho^{2\Gamma}$", "smooth" : r"smooth"} # # - - - - --- Start here with the model builting --- - - - - # # params = [ptc.parameter( .36674e-01, "lambP" ), ptc.parameter( .31230e-02, "lambPP"), ptc.parameter( .83386 , "M" ), ptc.parameter( .19771 , "G" ), ptc.parameter(1.4974 , "MP" ), ptc.parameter( .78518 , "GP" ), ptc.parameter(1.6855 , "MPP" ), ptc.parameter( .80109 , "GPP" ), ptc.parameter( .17254 , "alP" ), ptc.parameter(-.97591 , "phP" ), ptc.parameter( .23374 , "alPP" ), ptc.parameter(2.1982 , "phPP" )] vff = vectorFormFactor(params) vff.allowSubThr = True seedint = randint(0,10000) model = [vff] acv = None # print "Start with fixed shape rho" # fitRho = doFitRho(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave, writeResultToFile = "rhoMassesAndWidths_1++0+1--_global"+rhoRangeString+".dat", sectorRangeMap = {"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS":(0.,1.12)}) # fixedShapes = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave) # fixedShapeRho = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors[1:], startBin, stopBin, tBins,referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fixedShapeRho"] = fixedShapeRho # print "Finished with fixed shape rho" # RV = fixedShapes.produceResultViewer(fitRho.getZeroModeParametersForMode(),"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS", noRun = True, plotTheory = True) # RV.plotData = True # for b in range(startBin, stopBin): # RV.connectTheoPoints = range(100) # plotNameBase = "./fit_rho_plots/1pp0p1mmPiS_<mode>_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf" # RV.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","intens"), [], plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","argand"), []]) # RV = fixedShapes.produceResultViewer(fitRho.getZeroModeParametersForMode(),"1++0+[pi,pi]0++PiP", noRun = True, plotTheory = False) # RV.plotData = True # for b in range(startBin, stopBin): # RV.connectTheoPoints = range(100) # plotNameBase = "./fit_rho_plots/1pp0p0ppPiP_<mode>_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf" # RV.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","intens"), [], plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","argand"), []]) # return # # - - - - --- Stop the model building here --- - - - - # # # zeroModeParameters = None # fixZeroMode = False # sectorRangeMapFix = {"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS":(0.,1.12)} # if fixZeroMode: # fixedShapes = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave, sectorRangeMap = sectorRangeMapFix) # zeroModeParameters = fixedShapes.getZeroModeParametersForMode() # RV = fixedShapes.produceResultViewer(zeroModeParameters,"1-+1+[pi,pi]1--PiP", noRun = True, plotTheory = True) # RV.plotData = True # for b in range(startBin, stopBin): # plotNameBase = "./Kmatrix_plots/1mp1p1mmPiP_<mode>_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf" # RV.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","intens"), [], plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","argand"), []]) # return # if rhoRange is None: # rrs = "" # else: # rrs = "range"+str(rhoRange)+'_' # # resultFile = "./vectorFormFactorResults_subThresh/1pp_vff_t"+str(tBin)+"_m"+str(startBin)+'-'+str(stopBin)+'_'+str(seedint)+".dat" # fitter = doFunctionFit(inFileName, model, startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap, referenceWave = referenceWave, acv = acv, zeroModeParameters = zeroModeParameters, writeResultToFile = resultFile) # print " - - - - - - tro - - - - - - " # print fitter.model.bestChi2UpToNow # print fitter.model.bestPar # print " - - - - - - lolo - - - - - - " # if not fixZeroMode: # fitter.calculateNonShapeParameters() # zeroModeParameters = fitter.getZeroModeParametersForMode() # # - - - - --- Start the evaluations here --- - - - - # # # nBinsPlot = 1000 # def fPlot(v): # return v.imag # Kmatrix.secondSheet = True # # res = scipy.optimize.minimize(Kmatrix.absInverse,[rhoRe0,rhoIm0]) # print res.x,"pole position" # mfv = # resSting = str( " function value should be zero" # print resSting # BWstring = "BW par: "+str(abs(res.x[0])**.5)+" "+str(abs(res.x[1])/abs(res.x[0])**.5)+" (all absolute values)" # print BWstring # print "Starting BW error ersimation" # nPoints = 1000 # poleMean = res.x # poleSamples = [] # for i in range(nPoints): # pts = np.random.multivariate_normal(fitter.fitParameters, fitter.MINUITcoma) # fitter.MINUIT_function(pts) # Call the function once to set parameters inside ## fitter.model[0].setParametersAndErrors(pts, fitter.MINUITerrs) # res = scipy.optimize.minimize(Kmatrix.absInverse,poleMean) # if abs( > 100*mfv: # raise ValueError("No more pole found: fval = "+str( # poleSamples.append(res.x) # print i # meanPole = [0.,0.] # for p in poleSamples: # meanPole[0] += p[0] # meanPole[1] += p[1] # meanPole[0] /= len(poleSamples) # meanPole[1] /= len(poleSamples) # poleComa = [[0.,0.],[0.,0.]] # for p in poleSamples: # poleComa[0][0] += (p[0]-meanPole[0])**2 # poleComa[0][1] += (p[0]-meanPole[0])*(p[1]-meanPole[1]) # poleComa[1][0] += (p[1]-meanPole[1])*(p[0]-meanPole[0]) # poleComa[1][1] += (p[1]-meanPole[1])**2 # poleComa[0][0] /= len(poleSamples)-1 # poleComa[0][1] /= len(poleSamples)-1 # poleComa[1][0] /= len(poleSamples)-1 # poleComa[1][1] /= len(poleSamples)-1 # print " - - - - - - le compaire pramaitre - - - - - - " # print meanPole, poleMean # print " - - - - - - le compaire pramaitre - - - - - - " # print poleComa # jac = [] # delta = 1.e-7 # delPars = fitter.fitParameters[:] # for i in range(len(delPars)): # delPars[i] += delta # fitter.MINUIT_function(delPars) # res = scipy.optimize.minimize(Kmatrix.absInverse,poleMean) # delPars[i] -= delta # if abs( > 100*mfv: # raise ValueError("No more pole found: fval = "+str( # jac.append([(res.x[0]-poleMean[0])/delta,(res.x[1]-poleMean[1])/delta]) # poleComaJac = [[0.,0.],[0.,0.]] # for i in range(2): # for j in range(len(jac)): # for k in range(len(jac)): # for l in range(2): # poleComaJac[i][l] += jac[j][i]*jac[k][l]*fitter.MINUITcoma[j][k] # print " - - - - - - le compaire coma - - - - - - " # print poleComaJac, poleComa # print " - - - - - - le compaire coma - - - - - - " # # with open(resultFile,'a') as outFile: # outFile.write('\n'+BWstring+" "+resSting) # # res = scipy.optimize.minimize(Kmatrix.absInverse,[mPrime**2,mPrime*Gprime]) # print res.x,"pole position" # resSting = str( " function value should be zero" # print resSting # BWstring = "BW' par: "+str(abs(res.x[0])**.5)+" "+str(abs(res.x[1])/abs(res.x[0])**.5)+" (all absolute values)" # print BWstring # with open(resultFile,'a') as outFile: # outFile.write('\n'+BWstring+" "+resSting) # # - - - - --- Start the evaluations here --- - - - - # # # doPlots = True # if doPlots: # RV = fitter.produceResultViewer(zeroModeParameters,"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS", noRun = True, plotTheory = True) # RV.plotData = True # for b in range(startBin, stopBin): # RV.connectTheoPoints = range(100) # plotNameBase = "./vectorFormFactor_plots/1pp0p1mmPiS_<mode>_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf" # RV.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","intens"), [], plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","argand"), []]) # RV = fitter.produceResultViewer(zeroModeParameters,"1++0+[pi,pi]0++PiP", noRun = True, plotTheory = False) # RV.plotData = True # for b in range(startBin, stopBin): # RV.connectTheoPoints = range(100) # plotNameBase = "./vectorFormFactor_plots/1pp0p0ppPiP_<mode>_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf" # RV.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","intens"), [], plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","argand"), []]) # # raw_input("press <enter> to exit") # return ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # fit1500 = doFit1500(inFileName, sectors[:1], startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave, writeResultToFile = "1pp_f0_1500_massesAndWidths_global.dat") print "Start with fixed shape f0" fixedShapeF0 = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors[:1], startBin, stopBin, tBins,referenceWave = referenceWave) allMethods["fixedShapeF0"] = fixedShapeF0 print "Finished with fixed shape f0" print "Start with fixed shape rho" fixedShapes = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave) fixedShapeRho = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors[1:], startBin, stopBin, tBins,referenceWave = referenceWave) allMethods["fixedShapeRho"] = fixedShapeRho print "Finished with fixed shape rho" RV = fixedShapeRho.produceResultViewer(fixedShapes.getZeroModeParametersForMode(),"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS", noRun = True, plotTheory = True) RV.plotData = True RV.writeBinToPdf(startBin, stdCmd = ["1pp0p1mmS_2D_"+str(tBin)+".pdf","", [], "", []]) return for b in range(startBin, stopBin): RV.connectTheoPoints = range(100) plotNameBase = "./fixed_rho_plots/1pp0p1mmPiS_<mode>_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf" RV.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","intens"), [], plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","argand"), []]) RV = fitter.produceResultViewer(fixedShapes.getZeroModeParametersForMode(),"1++0+[pi,pi]0++PiP", noRun = True, plotTheory = False) RV.plotData = True for b in range(startBin, stopBin): RV.connectTheoPoints = range(100) plotNameBase = "./fixed_rho_plots/1pp0p0ppPiP_<mode>_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf" RV.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","intens"), [], plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","argand"), []]) # print "Start with restricted rho (1 Gamma)" # fixedShapeRho1G = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors[1:], startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap = {"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS":(mRho - Grho, mRho+Grho)},referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fixedShapeRho1G"] = fixedShapeRho1G # print "Finished with restricted rho (1 Gamma)" # print "Start with restricted rho (2 Gammas)" # fixedShapeRho2G = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors[1:], startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap = {"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS":(mRho -2*Grho, mRho+2*Grho)},referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fixedShapeRho2G"] = fixedShapeRho2G # print "Finished with restricted rho (2 Gammas)" print "Start with fixed shapes" fixedShapes = doFixedShapes(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave) allMethods["fixedShapes"] = fixedShapes print "Finished with fixed shapes" # totalHists = fixedShapes.getTotalHists(fixedShapeRho.getZeroModeParametersForMode()) # with root_open("./totals_1pp_onlyFixedRho.root", "UPDATE") as outFileRoot: # for t in totalHists: # for m in t: # m.Write() # return # totalHists = fixedShapes.getTotalHists(cloneZeros(fixedShapes.getZeroModeParametersForMode())) # with root_open("./totals_1pp_noCorr.root", "UPDATE") as outFileRoot: # for t in totalHists: # for m in t: # m.Write() # return # print "Start with phase" # fitPiPiSshape = doF0phase(inFileName, sectors[:1], startBin, stopBin, tBins,referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["pipiS"] = fitPiPiSshape # print "Finished with phase" print "Start with fitting rho" fitRho = doFitRho(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave, writeResultToFile = "rhoMassesAndWidths_1++0+1--_global"+rhoRangeString+".dat", sectorRangeMap = sectorRangeMap) allMethods["fitRho"] = fitRho print "Finished with fitting rho" # print "Start with fitting rho'" # fitRhoPrime = doFitRhoPrime(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins,referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fitRhoPrime"] = fitRhoPrime # print "Finished with fitting rho'" # print "Start with fitting restricted rho (1 Gamma)" # fitRho1G = doFitRho(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap = {"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS":(mRho - Grho, mRho+Grho)},referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fitRho1G"] = fitRho1G # print "Finished with fitting restricted rho (1 Gamma)"lsd # print "Start with fitting restricted rho (2 Gammas)" # fitRho2G = doFitRho(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap = {"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS":(mRho -2*Grho, mRho+2*Grho)},referenceWave = referenceWave) # allMethods["fitRho2G"] = fitRho2G # print "Finished with fitting restricted rho (2 Gammas)" if stopBin - startBin > 1: print "Start with smooth" smooth = doSmooth(inFileName, sectors, startBin, stopBin, tBins,referenceWave = referenceWave) allMethods["smooth"] = smooth print "Finished with smooth" ndfs = {} params = {} for m in allMethods: ndfs[m]= allMethods[m].getNDFforMode() params[m] = allMethods[m].getZeroModeParametersForMode() print m,sumUp(allMethods[m].evaluateZeroModeParametersForMode(params[m])).real/ndfs[m] diffs = cu.getmBinResolvedDiffs(allMethods) comps = cu.getCompositions(diffs) # with modernplotting.toolkit.PdfWriter("compositions_1pp_data"+str(tBin)+studyAdder+plotDataType) as pdfOutput: # plot = style.getPlot1D() # for m in comps: # line = [0.]*len(comps[m][0]) # xAxis = [ .5 + 0.04*(startBin + i) for i in range(len(comps[m][0]))] # break # count = 0 # for m in comps: # print m # # newLine = line[:] # for i in range(len(comps[m][0])): # newLine[i] += comps[m][0][i] # plot.axes.fill_between(xAxis, line, newLine, facecolor = modernplotting.colors.makeColorLighter(, 0.1*count)) # count += 1 # line = newLine # plot.setYlim(0.,1.) # plot.setXlim(xAxis[0], xAxis[-1]) # pdfOutput.savefigAndClose() studyList = [] for m in allMethods: studyList.append(m) studyList.sort() selfEvals = {} for m in allMethods: selfEvals[m] = sumUp(allMethods[m].evaluateResolvedZeroModeParametersForMode(params[m])).real hist = ROOT.TH2D("hist","hist", len(params)+2, 0, len(params)+2, len(params), 0, len(params)) cumulWeights = {} resolvedWeightedSum = [[]] # Assumes one t' bin for i in range(stopBin - startBin): dim = len(params[m][0][i]) prrs = [0.] * dim for m in params: weight = comps[m][0][i] if not m in cumulWeights: cumulWeights[m] = 0. cumulWeights[m] += weight for j in range(dim): # print dim,i,j,params[m][0] # print prrs prrs[j] += weight * params[m][0][i][j] resolvedWeightedSum[0].append(prrs) # b = 40 # sect = "1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS" # s = 1 # allMethods['fixedShapes'].removeAllCorrelations() # allMethods['fixedShapes'].calculateNonShapeParametersForZeroModeParameters(resolvedWeightedSum) # rv = allMethods['fixedShapes'].produceResultViewer(resolvedWeightedSum,s, noRun = True, plotTheory = True, removeZM = False) # rv.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", sect + "_data_intens_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf", [], sect + "_data_argand_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf", []]) # rv.wiriteReImToPdf(b, sect + "_data_<ri>_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf" ) # return evals = {} for i,m in enumerate(studyList): # print "-------------------------------" for j,n in enumerate(studyList): evl = sumUp(allMethods[n].evaluateResolvedZeroModeParametersForMode(params[m])).real evals[n,m] = evl diff = (evl-selfEvals[n])/selfEvals[n] # allMethods["fixedShapes"].removeZeroModeFromComa() # print "------------------------------------IN---------------------------------" # print params[m], params[n] # diff = sumUp(allMethods["fixedShapes"].compareTwoZeroModeCorrections(params[m], params[n])) # print diff # print "------------------------------------OUT---------------------------------" # print m,'in',n,":",diff hist.SetBinContent(i+1, j+1, diff) # return weightedSum = weightedParametersSum(evals, selfEvals, params) for i,m in enumerate(studyList): evl = sumUp(allMethods[m].evaluateZeroModeParametersForMode(cloneZeros(weightedSum))).real diff = (evl - selfEvals[m])/selfEvals[m] evl2 = sumUp(allMethods[m].evaluateZeroModeParametersForMode(resolvedWeightedSum)).real diff2 = (evl2 - selfEvals[m])/selfEvals[m] print m,diff,";:;:;;>>>??" hist.SetBinContent(len(studyList)+1, i+1, diff) hist.SetBinContent(len(studyList)+2, i+1, diff2) axolotl = [] for i,study in enumerate(studyList): axolotl.append(shortlabels[study]) # axolotl.append(alphabet[i]) style.titleRight = r"$1^{++}0^+$" style.titleLeft = LaTeX_strings.tBins[tBin] # with modernplotting.toolkit.PdfWriter("studies_1pp_data"+str(tBin)+studyAdder+plotDataType) as pdfOutput: # plot = style.getPlot2D() # plot.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([(i + 0.5) for i in range(len(studyList)+2)]) # plot.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([(i + 0.5) for i in range(len(studyList))]) # studyPlotter.makeValuePlot(plot, hist) # # plot.axes.set_yticklabels(axolotl) # axolotl.append(unCorrected_string) # axolotl.append(weightedAVG_string) # plot.axes.set_xticklabels(axolotl, rotation = 90) # plot.setZlim((0.,1.)) # # pdfOutput.savefigAndClose() # return # with open("studies_1pp_data"+str(tBin)+studyAdder+".txt",'w') as outFile: # for axl in axolotl: # outFile.write(axl + ' ') # outFile.write("\n") # for i in range(hist.GetNbinsX()): # for j in range(hist.GetNbinsY()): # outFile.write(str(hist.GetBinContent(i+1, j+1)) + ' ') # outFile.write('\n') doF0fitGlobal = False doF0Fits = False doFits1500 = False doOmnesFit = False doRhoFits = False doRhoPrimeFits = False if doF0fitGlobal: deg = 1 # f0fit = doF0Fit(inFileName, sectors[:1], startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap = {"1++0+[pi,pi]0++PiP":(0.9,1.1)}, referenceWave = referenceWave, deg = deg) f0fit = doF0Fit(inFileName, sectors[:1], startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave, deg = deg) startPars = [mF0,g1,g2] for _ in range(deg): startPars.append(0.) startPars.append(0.) x,err = f0fit.fitShapeParametersForBinRange(startPars,[0],range(stopBin-startBin), zeroModeParameters = resolvedWeightedSum) # x,err = f0fit.fitShapeParametersForBinRange([mF0],[0],range(stopBin-startBin), zeroModeParameters = resolvedWeightedSum) print x f0fit.setShapeParameters(x,err,resolvedWeightedSum) s = 0 # only one sector?? rv = f0fit.produceResultViewer(resolvedWeightedSum,s, noRun = True, plotTheory = True) for b in range(startBin, stopBin): intensName = "./f0fits/1pp_intens_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+plotDataType argandName = "./f0fits/1pp_argand_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+plotDataType rv.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", intensName, [], argandName, []]) return if doF0Fits: f0fit = doF0Fit(inFileName, sectors[:1], startBin, stopBin, tBins, sectorRangeMap = {"1++0+[pi,pi]0++PiP":(0.9,1.1)}, referenceWave = referenceWave, writeResultToFile = "f0MassesAndWidths_1++0+0++_global.dat") with open("./f0MassesAndWidths_1pp_"+str(tBin)+".dat",'w') as outFile: for i in range(stopBin-startBin): binIndex = i+startBin outFile.write(str(binIndex)+' '+str(0.52 + 0.04*binIndex)+' ') startValueOffset = 0.00 exceptCount = 0 while True: try: startPars = [mF0+startValueOffset,g1+startValueOffset,g2+startValueOffset] # for _ in range(deg): # startPars.append(startValueOffset) # startPars.append(startValueOffset) x,err,c2,ndf = f0fit.fitShapeParametersForBinRange(startPars, [0],[i], zeroModeParameters = resolvedWeightedSum) break except: print "Fitter exception encountered" startValueOffset += 0.001 exceptCount += 1 if exceptCount > 3: raise Exception("Too many failed attempts: "+str(exceptCount)) outFile.write(str(x[0]) + ' ' + str(err[0]) + ' ' + str(x[1]) + ' ' + str(err[1])+ ' ' + str(x[2]) + ' ' + str(err[2])) # for i in range(deg): # outFile.write( ' ' + str(x[3+i]) + ' ' + str(err[3+i]) + ' ' + str(x[4+i]) + ' ' +str(err[4+i])) outFile.write(' ' +str(c2/ndf)+'\n') return if doFits1500: with open("./1pp_f0_1500massesAndWidths_"+str(tBin)+".dat",'w') as outFile: for i in range(stopBin-startBin): binIndex = i + startBin outFile.write(str(binIndex)+' '+str(0.52 + 0.04*binIndex)+' ') startValueOffset = 0.00 exceptCount = 0 try: # if True: startPars = [m1500+startValueOffset,G1500+startValueOffset] # for _ in range(deg): # startPars.append(startValueOffset) # startPars.append(startValueOffset) x,err,c2,ndf = fit1500.fitShapeParametersForBinRange(startPars, [0],[i], zeroModeParameters = resolvedWeightedSum) except: print "Fitter exception encountered" startValueOffset += 0.001 exceptCount += 1 if exceptCount > 3: raise Exception("Too many failed attempts: "+str(exceptCount)) outFile.write(str(x[0]) + ' ' + str(err[0]) + ' ' + str(x[1]) + ' ' + str(err[1])) # for i in range(deg): # outFile.write( ' ' + str(x[3+i]) + ' ' + str(err[3+i]) + ' ' + str(x[4+i]) + ' ' +str(err[4+i])) outFile.write(' ' +str(c2/ndf)+'\n') return if doOmnesFit: deg = 1 omnes = doOmnes(inFileName, sectors[1:], startBin, stopBin, tBins, referenceWave = referenceWave, deg = deg, sectorRangeMap = {"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS":(0.,1.3)}) startPars = [0.]*deg if len(startPars) > 0: x,err = omnes.fitShapeParametersForBinRange(startPars,[0],range(stopBin-startBin), zeroModeParameters = resolvedWeightedSum) # x,err = f0fit.fitShapeParametersForBinRange([mF0],[0],range(stopBin-startBin), zeroModeParameters = resolvedWeightedSum) else: x,err = [],[] print x omnes.setShapeParameters(x,err,resolvedWeightedSum) s = 0 # only one sector?? rv = omnes.produceResultViewer(resolvedWeightedSum,s, noRun = True, plotTheory = True) rv.plotData = False for b in range(startBin, stopBin): intensName = "./omnesFits/1pp_intens_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+plotDataType argandName = "./omnesFits/1pp_argand_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+plotDataType rv.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", intensName, [], argandName, []]) return if doRhoPrimeFits and not doRhoFits: raise RuntimeError("rho' fits only after rho fits possible") if doRhoPrimeFits: rhoPrimeFileName = "1pp_rhoPrimeMassesAndWidths_"+str(tBin)+".dat" try: os.remove(rhoPrimeFileName) except: pass if doRhoFits: with open("rhoMassesAndWidths_1pp_"+str(tBin)+rhoRangeString+".dat",'w') as outFile: for i in range(stopBin-startBin): binIndex = i+startBin outFile.write(str(binIndex)+' '+str(0.52 + 0.04*binIndex)+' ') startValueOffset = 0.01 exceptCount = 0 while True: # try: if True: x,err,c2,ndf = fitRho.fitShapeParametersForBinRange([mRho+startValueOffset,Grho+startValueOffset], [0],[i], zeroModeParameters = resolvedWeightedSum) break # except: # print "Fitter exception encountered" # startValueOffset += 0.001 # exceptCount += 1 # if exceptCount > 3: # print "Too many failed attempts in bin "+str(i)+": "+str(exceptCount) ## raise Exception # x, err = [0.,0.],[0.,0.] # break outFile.write(str(x[0]) + ' ' + str(err[0]) + ' ' + str(x[1]) + ' ' + str(err[1])) outFile.write(' ' + str(c2/ndf) + '\n') fitRho.calculateNonShapeParametersForZeroModeParameters(resolvedWeightedSum) rhoRV = fitRho.produceResultViewer(resolvedWeightedSum,"1++0+[pi,pi]1--PiS", noRun = True, plotTheory = True) rhoRV.plotData = True plotNameBase = "./rhoFitPlots/1pp0p1mmPiS_<mode>_"+str(binIndex)+"_"+str(tBin)+".pdf" rhoRV.writeBinToPdf(binIndex, stdCmd = ["", plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","intens"), [], plotNameBase.replace("<mode>","argand"), []]) if doRhoPrimeFits: fitRhoPrime(i,rhoPrimeFileName, inFileName, startBin, stopBin, tBins, [x[0], x[1]], resolvedWeightedSum, referenceWave = referenceWave, plotNameBase = "./rhoPrimeFitPlots/"+str(binIndex)+"_"+str(tBin)+"_<mode>"+plotDataType) # ) return ##### Writing starts here fileNames = {} for stu in allMethods: print "Writing for '" + stu + "'" for s, sect in enumerate(allMethods[stu].sectors): if stu == "pipiS": rv = allMethods[stu].produceResultViewer(allMethods[stu].getZeroModeParametersForMode(),s, plotTheory = True) rv = allMethods[stu].produceResultViewer(allMethods[stu].getZeroModeParametersForMode(),s, noRun = True) for bin in range(startBin, stopBin): fileName = "./collectedMethods/"+stu+"_"+sect+"_1ppData_"+str(bin)+studyAdder if not (sect,bin) in fileNames: fileNames[sect,bin] = [] fileNames[sect,bin].append(fileName) rv.writeAmplFiles(bin, fileName = fileName) totalHists = fixedShapes.getTotalHists(resolvedWeightedSum) with root_open("./totals_1pp"+studyAdder+".root", "UPDATE") as outFileRoot: for t in totalHists: for m in t: m.Write() # return folder = "./comparisonResultsData"+studyAdder+"/" for s, sect in enumerate(allMethods['fixedShapes'].sectors): allMethods['fixedShapes'].removeZeroModeFromComa() allMethods['fixedShapes'].removeGlobalPhaseFromComa() rv = allMethods['fixedShapes'].produceResultViewer(resolvedWeightedSum,s, noRun = True, plotTheory = True) rv.writeBinToPdf(startBin, stdCmd = [folder + sect + "_data_2D_"+str(tBin)+plotDataType, "", [], "", []]) rv.plotData = True continue for b in range(startBin, stopBin): intensNames = [name+".intens" for name in fileNames[sect,b]] argandNames = [name+".argand" for name in fileNames[sect,b]] # intensNames = [] # argandNames = [] rv.writeAmplFiles(b,0,"./filesForMisha/"+sect+"_m"+str(b)+"_t"+str(tBin)+"_corrected") rv.writeAmplFiles(b,1,"./filesForMisha/"+sect+"_m"+str(b)+"_t"+str(tBin)+"_uncorrect") continue rv.writeBinToPdf(b, stdCmd = ["", folder + sect + "_data_intens_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+plotDataType, intensNames, folder + sect + "_data_argand_"+str(b)+"_"+str(tBin)+plotDataType, argandNames]) print studyList print cumulWeights