def test_synthetic_data():
	""" Generate the synthetic data """
	X, y, x_control = generate_synthetic_data(plot_data=False)
	ut.compute_p_rule(x_control["s1"], y) # compute the p-rule in the original data

	""" Classify the data without any constraints """
	apply_fairness_constraints = 0
	apply_accuracy_constraint = 0
	sep_constraint = 0

	loss_function = lf._logistic_loss
	X = ut.add_intercept(X) # add intercept to X before applying the linear classifier
	test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = ut.compute_cross_validation_error(X, y, x_control, NUM_FOLDS, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, ['s1'], [{} for i in range(0,NUM_FOLDS)])
	print "== Unconstrained (original) classifier =="
	ut.print_classifier_fairness_stats(test_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, "s1")

	""" Now classify such that we achieve perfect fairness """
	apply_fairness_constraints = 1
	cov_factor = 0
	test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = ut.compute_cross_validation_error(X, y, x_control, NUM_FOLDS, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, ['s1'], [{'s1':cov_factor} for i in range(0,NUM_FOLDS)])		
	print "== Constrained (fair) classifier =="
	ut.print_classifier_fairness_stats(test_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, "s1")

	""" Now plot a tradeoff between the fairness and accuracy """
	ut.plot_cov_thresh_vs_acc_pos_ratio(X, y, x_control, NUM_FOLDS, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, ['s1'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_synthetic_data():
    """ Generate the synthetic data """
    X, y, x_control = generate_synthetic_data(plot_data=False)
    ut.compute_p_rule(x_control["s1"], y)  # compute the p-rule in the original data

    """ Classify the data without any constraints """
    apply_fairness_constraints = 0
    apply_accuracy_constraint = 0
    sep_constraint = 0

    loss_function = lf._logistic_loss
    X = ut.add_intercept(X)  # add intercept to X before applying the linear classifier
    test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = ut.compute_cross_validation_error(
        X, y, x_control, NUM_FOLDS, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint,
        sep_constraint, ['s1'], [{} for i in range(0, NUM_FOLDS)])
    print "== Unconstrained (original) classifier =="
    ut.print_classifier_fairness_stats(test_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, "s1")

    """ Now classify such that we achieve perfect fairness """
    apply_fairness_constraints = 1
    cov_factor = 0
    test_acc_arr, train_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, correlation_dict_train_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_train_arr = ut.compute_cross_validation_error(
        X, y, x_control, NUM_FOLDS, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint,
        sep_constraint, ['s1'], [{'s1': cov_factor} for i in range(0, NUM_FOLDS)])
    print "== Constrained (fair) classifier =="
    ut.print_classifier_fairness_stats(test_acc_arr, correlation_dict_test_arr, cov_dict_test_arr, "s1")

    """ Now plot a tradeoff between the fairness and accuracy """
    ut.plot_cov_thresh_vs_acc_pos_ratio(X, y, x_control, NUM_FOLDS, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints,
                                        apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, ['s1'])
def test_adult_data():

	""" Load the adult data """
	X, y, x_control = load_adult_data(load_data_size=10000) # set the argument to none, or no arguments if you want to test with the whole data -- we are subsampling for performance speedup
	ut.compute_p_rule(x_control["sex"], y) # compute the p-rule in the original data

	""" Split the data into train and test """
	X = ut.add_intercept(X) # add intercept to X before applying the linear classifier
	train_fold_size = 0.7
	x_train, y_train, x_control_train, x_test, y_test, x_control_test = ut.split_into_train_test(X, y, x_control, train_fold_size)

	apply_fairness_constraints = None
	apply_accuracy_constraint = None
	sep_constraint = None

	loss_function = lf._logistic_loss
	sensitive_attrs = ["sex"]
	sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {}
	gamma = None

	def train_test_classifier():
		w = ut.train_model(x_train, y_train, x_control_train, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma)
		train_score, test_score, correct_answers_train, correct_answers_test = ut.check_accuracy(w, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, None, None)
		distances_boundary_test = (, w)).tolist()
		all_class_labels_assigned_test = np.sign(distances_boundary_test)
		correlation_dict_test = ut.get_correlations(None, None, all_class_labels_assigned_test, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs)
		cov_dict_test = ut.print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(None, x_test, distances_boundary_test, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs)
		p_rule = ut.print_classifier_fairness_stats([test_score], [correlation_dict_test], [cov_dict_test], sensitive_attrs[0])	
		return w, p_rule, test_score

	""" Classify the data while optimizing for accuracy """
	print "== Unconstrained (original) classifier =="
	# all constraint flags are set to 0 since we want to train an unconstrained (original) classifier
	apply_fairness_constraints = 0
	apply_accuracy_constraint = 0
	sep_constraint = 0
	w_uncons, p_uncons, acc_uncons = train_test_classifier()
	""" Now classify such that we optimize for accuracy while achieving perfect fairness """
	apply_fairness_constraints = 1 # set this flag to one since we want to optimize accuracy subject to fairness constraints
	apply_accuracy_constraint = 0
	sep_constraint = 0
	sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {"sex":0}
	print "== Classifier with fairness constraint =="
	w_f_cons, p_f_cons, acc_f_cons  = train_test_classifier()


	""" Classify such that we optimize for fairness subject to a certain loss in accuracy """
	apply_fairness_constraints = 0 # flag for fairness constraint is set back to0 since we want to apply the accuracy constraint now
	apply_accuracy_constraint = 1 # now, we want to optimize fairness subject to accuracy constraints
	sep_constraint = 0
	gamma = 0.5 # gamma controls how much loss in accuracy we are willing to incur to achieve fairness -- increase gamme to allow more loss in accuracy
	print "== Classifier with accuracy constraint =="
	w_a_cons, p_a_cons, acc_a_cons = train_test_classifier()	

	Classify such that we optimize for fairness subject to a certain loss in accuracy 
	In addition, make sure that no points classified as positive by the unconstrained (original) classifier are misclassified.

	apply_fairness_constraints = 0 # flag for fairness constraint is set back to0 since we want to apply the accuracy constraint now
	apply_accuracy_constraint = 1 # now, we want to optimize accuracy subject to fairness constraints
	sep_constraint = 1 # set the separate constraint flag to one, since in addition to accuracy constrains, we also want no misclassifications for certain points (details in demo
	gamma = 1000.0
	print "== Classifier with accuracy constraint (no +ve misclassification) =="
	w_a_cons_fine, p_a_cons_fine, acc_a_cons_fine  = train_test_classifier()

def test_synthetic_data():
	""" Generate the synthetic data """
	X, y, x_control = generate_synthetic_data(plot_data=True) # set plot_data to False to skip the data plot
	ut.compute_p_rule(x_control["s1"], y) # compute the p-rule in the original data

	""" Split the data into train and test """
	X = ut.add_intercept(X) # add intercept to X before applying the linear classifier
	train_fold_size = 0.7
	x_train, y_train, x_control_train, x_test, y_test, x_control_test = ut.split_into_train_test(X, y, x_control, train_fold_size)

	apply_fairness_constraints = None
	apply_accuracy_constraint = None
	sep_constraint = None

	loss_function = lf._logistic_loss
	sensitive_attrs = ["s1"]
	sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {}
	gamma = None

	def train_test_classifier():
		w = ut.train_model(x_train, y_train, x_control_train, loss_function, apply_fairness_constraints, apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint, sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh, gamma)
		train_score, test_score, correct_answers_train, correct_answers_test = ut.check_accuracy(w, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, None, None)
		distances_boundary_test = (, w)).tolist()
		all_class_labels_assigned_test = np.sign(distances_boundary_test)
		correlation_dict_test = ut.get_correlations(None, None, all_class_labels_assigned_test, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs)
		cov_dict_test = ut.print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(None, x_test, distances_boundary_test, x_control_test, sensitive_attrs)
		p_rule = ut.print_classifier_fairness_stats([test_score], [correlation_dict_test], [cov_dict_test], sensitive_attrs[0])	
		return w, p_rule, test_score

	def plot_boundaries(w1, w2, p1, p2, acc1, acc2, fname):

		num_to_draw = 200 # we will only draw a small number of points to avoid clutter
		x_draw = X[:num_to_draw]
		y_draw = y[:num_to_draw]
		x_control_draw = x_control["s1"][:num_to_draw]

		X_s_0 = x_draw[x_control_draw == 0.0]
		X_s_1 = x_draw[x_control_draw == 1.0]
		y_s_0 = y_draw[x_control_draw == 0.0]
		y_s_1 = y_draw[x_control_draw == 1.0]
		plt.scatter(X_s_0[y_s_0==1.0][:, 1], X_s_0[y_s_0==1.0][:, 2], color='green', marker='x', s=30, linewidth=1.5)
		plt.scatter(X_s_0[y_s_0==-1.0][:, 1], X_s_0[y_s_0==-1.0][:, 2], color='red', marker='x', s=30, linewidth=1.5)
		plt.scatter(X_s_1[y_s_1==1.0][:, 1], X_s_1[y_s_1==1.0][:, 2], color='green', marker='o', facecolors='none', s=30)
		plt.scatter(X_s_1[y_s_1==-1.0][:, 1], X_s_1[y_s_1==-1.0][:, 2], color='red', marker='o', facecolors='none', s=30)

		x1,x2 = max(x_draw[:,1]), min(x_draw[:,1])
		y1,y2 = ut.get_line_coordinates(w1, x1, x2)
		plt.plot([x1,x2], [y1,y2], 'c-', linewidth=3, label = "Acc=%0.2f; p%% rule=%0.0f%% - Original"%(acc1, p1))
		y1,y2 = ut.get_line_coordinates(w2, x1, x2)
		plt.plot([x1,x2], [y1,y2], 'b--', linewidth=3, label = "Acc=%0.2f; p%% rule=%0.0f%% - Constrained"%(acc2, p2))

		plt.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', labelbottom='off') # dont need the ticks to see the data distribution
		plt.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelleft='off')
		plt.legend(loc=2, fontsize=15)

	""" Classify the data while optimizing for accuracy """
	print "== Unconstrained (original) classifier =="
	# all constraint flags are set to 0 since we want to train an unconstrained (original) classifier
	apply_fairness_constraints = 0
	apply_accuracy_constraint = 0
	sep_constraint = 0
	w_uncons, p_uncons, acc_uncons = train_test_classifier()
	""" Now classify such that we optimize for accuracy while achieving perfect fairness """
	apply_fairness_constraints = 1 # set this flag to one since we want to optimize accuracy subject to fairness constraints
	apply_accuracy_constraint = 0
	sep_constraint = 0
	sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {"s1":0}
	print "== Classifier with fairness constraint =="
	w_f_cons, p_f_cons, acc_f_cons  = train_test_classifier()
	plot_boundaries(w_uncons, w_f_cons, p_uncons, p_f_cons, acc_uncons, acc_f_cons, "img/f_cons.png")

	""" Classify such that we optimize for fairness subject to a certain loss in accuracy """
	apply_fairness_constraints = 0 # flag for fairness constraint is set back to0 since we want to apply the accuracy constraint now
	apply_accuracy_constraint = 1 # now, we want to optimize fairness subject to accuracy constraints
	sep_constraint = 0
	gamma = 0.5 # gamma controls how much loss in accuracy we are willing to incur to achieve fairness -- increase gamme to allow more loss in accuracy
	print "== Classifier with accuracy constraint =="
	w_a_cons, p_a_cons, acc_a_cons = train_test_classifier()	
	plot_boundaries(w_uncons, w_a_cons, p_uncons, p_a_cons, acc_uncons, acc_a_cons, "img/a_cons.png")

	Classify such that we optimize for fairness subject to a certain loss in accuracy 
	In addition, make sure that no points classified as positive by the unconstrained (original) classifier are misclassified.

	apply_fairness_constraints = 0 # flag for fairness constraint is set back to0 since we want to apply the accuracy constraint now
	apply_accuracy_constraint = 1 # now, we want to optimize accuracy subject to fairness constraints
	sep_constraint = 1 # set the separate constraint flag to one, since in addition to accuracy constrains, we also want no misclassifications for certain points (details in demo
	gamma = 2000.0
	print "== Classifier with accuracy constraint (no +ve misclassification) =="
	w_a_cons_fine, p_a_cons_fine, acc_a_cons_fine  = train_test_classifier()
	plot_boundaries(w_uncons, w_a_cons_fine, p_uncons, p_a_cons_fine, acc_uncons, acc_a_cons_fine, "img/a_cons_fine.png")

def test_adult_data():
    """ Load the adult data """
    X, y, x_control = load_adult_data(
    )  # set the argument to none, or no arguments if you want to test with the whole data -- we are subsampling for performance speedup
                      y)  # compute the p-rule in the original data
    """ Split the data into train and test """
    X = ut.add_intercept(
        X)  # add intercept to X before applying the linear classifier
    train_fold_size = 0.7
    x_train, y_train, x_control_train, x_test, y_test, x_control_test = ut.split_into_train_test(
        X, y, x_control, train_fold_size)

    apply_fairness_constraints = None
    apply_accuracy_constraint = None
    sep_constraint = None

    loss_function = lf._logistic_loss
    sensitive_attrs = ["sex"]
    sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {}
    gamma = None

    def train_test_classifier():
        w = ut.train_model(x_train, y_train, x_control_train, loss_function,
                           apply_accuracy_constraint, sep_constraint,
                           sensitive_attrs, sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh,
        train_score, test_score, correct_answers_train, correct_answers_test = ut.check_accuracy(
            w, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, None, None)
        distances_boundary_test = (, w)).tolist()
        all_class_labels_assigned_test = np.sign(distances_boundary_test)
        correlation_dict_test = ut.get_correlations(
            None, None, all_class_labels_assigned_test, x_control_test,
        cov_dict_test = ut.print_covariance_sensitive_attrs(
            None, x_test, distances_boundary_test, x_control_test,
        p_rule = ut.print_classifier_fairness_stats([test_score],
        eq_op_acc, chance_bin_zero, chance_bin_one = ut.get_eq_op_acc(
            w, x_train, y_train, x_control_train, None)
        eq_odds_acc = ut.get_eq_odds_acc(w, x_train, y_train, x_control_train,
        pred_rate_par_acc = ut.get_pred_rate_par_acc(w, x_train, y_train,
                                                     x_control_train, None)
        demo_par_acc_f_cons = ut.get_dem_par_acc(w, x_train, y_train,
                                                 x_control_train, None)
        return w, p_rule, test_score, eq_op_acc, eq_odds_acc, pred_rate_par_acc, demo_par_acc_f_cons

    """ Classify the data while optimizing for accuracy """
    print("== Unconstrained (original) classifier ==")
    # all constraint flags are set to 0 since we want to train an unconstrained (original) classifier
    apply_fairness_constraints = 0
    apply_accuracy_constraint = 0
    sep_constraint = 0
    w_uncons, p_uncons, acc_uncons, eq_op_acc_uncons, eq_odds_acc_uncons, pred_rate_par_acc_uncons, demo_par_acc_uncons = train_test_classifier(

    temp_eq_op_acc_f = []
    temp_eq_odds_acc_f = []
    temp_pred_rate_par_acc_f = []
    temp_demo_par_acc_f = []
    """ Now classify such that we optimize for accuracy while achieving perfect fairness """
    apply_fairness_constraints = 1  # set this flag to one since we want to optimize accuracy subject to fairness constraints
    apply_accuracy_constraint = 0
    sep_constraint = 0
    for num in np.arange(0, 0.51, 0.1):
        sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {"sex": num}
        print("== Classifier with fairness constraint, cov: ", num, " ==")
        w_f_cons, p_f_cons, acc_f_cons, eq_op_acc_f_cons, eq_odds_acc_f_cons, pred_rate_par_acc_f_cons, demo_par_acc_f_cons = train_test_classifier(

    sensitive_attrs_to_cov_thresh = {"sex": 1}
    print("== Classifier with fairness constraint, cov: 1 ==")
    w_f_cons, p_f_cons, acc_f_cons, eq_op_acc_f_cons, eq_odds_acc_f_cons, pred_rate_par_acc_f_cons, demo_par_acc_f_cons = train_test_classifier(

    return eq_op_acc_uncons, eq_odds_acc_uncons, pred_rate_par_acc_uncons, demo_par_acc_uncons, temp_eq_op_acc_f, temp_eq_odds_acc_f, temp_pred_rate_par_acc_f, temp_demo_par_acc_f