Ejemplo n.º 1
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line[0:4] == "etot":
            # Get SCF convergence information
            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []
                self.scftargets = [[5E-5, 5E-6]]
            values = []
            while line[0:4] == "etot":
                # Jaguar 4.2
                # etot   1  N  N  0  N  -382.08751886450           2.3E-03  1.4E-01
                # etot   2  Y  Y  0  N  -382.27486023153  1.9E-01  1.4E-03  5.7E-02
                # Jaguar 6.5
                # etot   1  N  N  0  N    -382.08751881733           2.3E-03  1.4E-01
                # etot   2  Y  Y  0  N    -382.27486018708  1.9E-01  1.4E-03  5.7E-02
                temp = line.split()[7:]
                if len(temp) == 3:
                    denergy = float(temp[0])
                    denergy = 0  # Should really be greater than target value
                    # or should we just ignore the values in this line
                ddensity = float(temp[-2])
                maxdiiserr = float(temp[-1])
                if not self.geoopt:
                    values.append([denergy, ddensity])
                line = inputfile.next()

        # Hartree-Fock energy after SCF
        if line[1:18] == "SCFE: SCF energy:":
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            temp = line.strip().split()
            scfenergy = float(temp[temp.index("hartrees") - 1])
            scfenergy = utils.convertor(scfenergy, "hartree", "eV")

        # Energy after LMP2 correction
        if line[1:18] == "Total LMP2 Energy":
            if not hasattr(self, "mpenergies"):
                self.mpenergies = [[]]
            lmp2energy = float(line.split()[-1])
            lmp2energy = utils.convertor(lmp2energy, "hartree", "eV")

        if line[2:14] == "new geometry" or line[
                1:21] == "Symmetrized geometry" or line.find(
                    "Input geometry") > 0:
            # Get the atom coordinates
            if not hasattr(
                    "atomcoords") or line[1:21] == "Symmetrized geometry":
                # Wipe the "Input geometry" if "Symmetrized geometry" present
                self.atomcoords = []
            p = re.compile("(\D+)\d+")  # One/more letters followed by a number
            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []
            angstrom = inputfile.next()
            title = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                temp = line.split()
                element = p.findall(temp[0])[0]
                atomcoords.append(map(float, temp[1:]))
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")
            self.natom = len(atomcoords)

        # Extract charge and multiplicity
        if line[2:22] == "net molecular charge":
            self.charge = int(line.split()[-1])
            self.mult = int(inputfile.next().split()[-1])

        if line[2:24] == "start of program geopt":
            if not self.geoopt:
                # Need to keep only the RMS density change info
                # if this is a geoopt
                self.scftargets = [[self.scftargets[0][0]]]
                if hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                    self.scfvalues[0] = [[x[0]] for x in self.scfvalues[0]]
                self.geoopt = True

        if line[2:28] == "geometry optimization step":
            # Get Geometry Opt convergence information
            if not hasattr(self, "geovalues"):
                self.geovalues = []
                self.geotargets = numpy.zeros(5, "d")
            gopt_step = int(line.split()[-1])
            energy = inputfile.next()
            # quick hack for messages of the sort:
            #   ** restarting optimization from step    2 **
            # as found in regression file ptnh3_2_H2O_2_2plus.out
            if inputfile.next().strip():
                blank = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            values = []
            target_index = 0
            if gopt_step == 1:
                # The first optimization step does not produce an energy change
                target_index = 1
            while line.strip():
                if len(line) > 40 and line[41] == "(":
                    # A new geo convergence value
                    self.geotargets[target_index] = float(line[43:54])
                    target_index += 1
                line = inputfile.next()

        if line.find("number of occupied orbitals") > 0:
            # Get number of MOs
            occs = int(line.split()[-1])
            line = inputfile.next()
            virts = int(line.split()[-1])
            self.nmo = occs + virts
            self.homos = numpy.array([occs - 1], "i")

            self.unrestrictedflag = False

        if line.find("number of alpha occupied orb") > 0:
            # Get number of MOs for an unrestricted calc

            aoccs = int(line.split()[-1])
            line = inputfile.next()
            avirts = int(line.split()[-1])
            line = inputfile.next()
            boccs = int(line.split()[-1])
            line = inputfile.next()
            bvirt = int(line.split()[-1])

            self.nmo = aoccs + avirts
            self.homos = numpy.array([aoccs - 1, boccs - 1], "i")
            self.unrestrictedflag = True

        # MO energies and symmetries.
        # Jaguar 7.0: provides energies and symmetries for both
        #   restricted and unrestricted calculations, like this:
        #     Alpha Orbital energies/symmetry label:
        #     -10.25358 Bu  -10.25353 Ag  -10.21931 Bu  -10.21927 Ag
        #     -10.21792 Bu  -10.21782 Ag  -10.21773 Bu  -10.21772 Ag
        #     ...
        # Jaguar 6.5: prints both only for restricted calculations,
        #   so for unrestricted calculations the output it looks like this:
        #     Alpha Orbital energies:
        #     -10.25358  -10.25353  -10.21931  -10.21927  -10.21792  -10.21782
        #     -10.21773  -10.21772  -10.21537  -10.21537   -1.02078   -0.96193
        #     ...
        # Presence of 'Orbital energies' is enough to catch all versions.
        if "Orbital energies" in line:

            # Parsing results is identical for restricted/unrestricted
            #   calculations, just assert later that alpha/beta order is OK.
            spin = int(line[2:6] == "Beta")

            # Check if symmetries are printed also.
            issyms = "symmetry label" in line

            if not hasattr(self, "moenergies"):
                self.moenergies = []
            if issyms and not hasattr(self, "mosyms"):
                self.mosyms = []

            # Grow moeneriges/mosyms and make sure they are empty when
            #   parsed multiple times - currently cclib returns only
            #   the final output (ex. in a geomtry optimization).
            if len(self.moenergies) < spin + 1:
            self.moenergies[spin] = []
            if issyms:
                if len(self.mosyms) < spin + 1:
                self.mosyms[spin] = []

            line = inputfile.next().split()
            while len(line) > 0:
                if issyms:
                    energies = [
                        float(line[2 * i]) for i in range(len(line) / 2)
                    syms = [line[2 * i + 1] for i in range(len(line) / 2)]
                    energies = [float(e) for e in line]
                energies = [
                    utils.convertor(e, "hartree", "eV") for e in energies
                if issyms:
                    syms = [self.normalisesym(s) for s in syms]
                line = inputfile.next().split()

            # There should always be an extra blank line after all this.
            line = inputfile.next()

        if line.find("Occupied + virtual Orbitals- final wvfn") > 0:

            blank = inputfile.next()
            stars = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()

            if not hasattr(self, "mocoeffs"):
                if self.unrestrictedflag:
                    spin = 2
                    spin = 1

                self.mocoeffs = []

            aonames = []
            lastatom = "X"

            readatombasis = False
            if not hasattr(self, "atombasis"):
                self.atombasis = []
                for i in range(self.natom):
                readatombasis = True

            offset = 0

            for s in range(spin):
                mocoeffs = numpy.zeros((len(self.moenergies[s]), self.nbasis),

                if s == 1:  #beta case
                    stars = inputfile.next()
                    blank = inputfile.next()
                    title = inputfile.next()
                    blank = inputfile.next()
                    stars = inputfile.next()
                    blank = inputfile.next()
                    blank = inputfile.next()

                for k in range(0, len(self.moenergies[s]), 5):

                    numbers = inputfile.next()
                    eigens = inputfile.next()
                    line = inputfile.next()

                    for i in range(self.nbasis):

                        info = line.split()

                        # Fill atombasis only first time around.
                        if readatombasis and k == 0:
                            orbno = int(info[0])
                            atom = info[1]
                            if atom[1].isalpha():
                                atomno = int(atom[2:])
                                atomno = int(atom[1:])
                            self.atombasis[atomno - 1].append(orbno - 1)

                        if not hasattr(self, "aonames"):
                            if lastatom != info[1]:
                                scount = 1
                                pcount = 3
                                dcount = 6  #six d orbitals in Jaguar

                            if info[2] == 'S':
                                aonames.append("%s_%i%s" %
                                               (info[1], scount, info[2]))
                                scount += 1

                            if info[2] == 'X' or info[2] == 'Y' or info[
                                    2] == 'Z':
                                aonames.append("%s_%iP%s" %
                                               (info[1], pcount / 3, info[2]))
                                pcount += 1

                            if info[2] == 'XX' or info[2] == 'YY' or info[2] == 'ZZ' or \
                               info[2] == 'XY' or info[2] == 'XZ' or info[2] == 'YZ':

                                aonames.append("%s_%iD%s" %
                                               (info[1], dcount / 6, info[2]))
                                dcount += 1

                            lastatom = info[1]

                        for j in range(len(info[3:])):
                            mocoeffs[j + k, i] = float(info[3 + j])

                        line = inputfile.next()

                    if not hasattr(self, "aonames"):
                        self.aonames = aonames

                    offset += 5

        if line[2:6] == "olap":
            if line[6] == "-":
                # This was continue (in loop) before parser refactoring.
                # continue # avoid "olap-dev"
            self.aooverlaps = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")

            for i in range(0, self.nbasis, 5):
                blank = inputfile.next()
                header = inputfile.next()
                for j in range(i, self.nbasis):
                    temp = map(float, inputfile.next().split()[1:])
                    self.aooverlaps[j, i:(i + len(temp))] = temp
                    self.aooverlaps[i:(i + len(temp)), j] = temp

        if line[1:28] == "number of occupied orbitals":
            self.homos = numpy.array([float(line.strip().split()[-1]) - 1],

        if line[2:27] == "number of basis functions":
            self.nbasis = int(line.strip().split()[-1])

        # IR output looks like this:
        #   frequencies        72.45   113.25   176.88   183.76   267.60   312.06
        #   symmetries       Au       Bg       Au       Bu       Ag       Bg
        #   intensities         0.07     0.00     0.28     0.52     0.00     0.00
        #   reduc. mass         1.90     0.74     1.06     1.42     1.19     0.85
        #   force const         0.01     0.01     0.02     0.03     0.05     0.05
        #   C1       X     0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 -0.05707 -0.06716  0.00000
        #   C1       Y     0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00909 -0.02529  0.00000
        #   C1       Z     0.04792 -0.06032 -0.01192  0.00000  0.00000  0.11613
        #   C2       X     0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 -0.06094 -0.04635  0.00000
        #   ... etc. ...
        # This is a complete ouput, some files will not have intensities,
        #   and older Jaguar versions sometimes skip the symmetries.
        if line[2:23] == "start of program freq":

            self.vibfreqs = []
            self.vibdisps = []
            forceconstants = False
            intensities = False
            blank = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                if "force const" in line:
                    forceconstants = True
                if "intensities" in line:
                    intensities = True
                line = inputfile.next()
            freqs = inputfile.next()

            # The last block has an extra blank line after it - catch it.
            while freqs.strip():

                # Number of modes (columns printed in this block).
                nmodes = len(freqs.split()) - 1

                # Append the frequencies.
                self.vibfreqs.extend(map(float, freqs.split()[1:]))
                line = inputfile.next().split()

                # May skip symmetries (older Jaguar versions).
                if line[0] == "symmetries":
                    if not hasattr(self, "vibsyms"):
                        self.vibsyms = []
                    self.vibsyms.extend(map(self.normalisesym, line[1:]))
                    line = inputfile.next().split()
                if intensities:
                    if not hasattr(self, "vibirs"):
                        self.vibirs = []
                    self.vibirs.extend(map(float, line[1:]))
                    line = inputfile.next().split()
                if forceconstants:
                    line = inputfile.next()

                # Start parsing the displacements.
                # Variable 'q' holds up to 7 lists of triplets.
                q = [[] for i in range(7)]
                for n in range(self.natom):
                    # Variable 'p' holds up to 7 triplets.
                    p = [[] for i in range(7)]
                    for i in range(3):
                        line = inputfile.next()
                        disps = [float(disp) for disp in line.split()[2:]]
                        for j in range(nmodes):
                    for i in range(nmodes):

                blank = inputfile.next()
                freqs = inputfile.next()

            # Convert new data to arrays.
            self.vibfreqs = numpy.array(self.vibfreqs, "d")
            self.vibdisps = numpy.array(self.vibdisps, "d")
            if hasattr(self, "vibirs"):
                self.vibirs = numpy.array(self.vibirs, "d")

        # Parse excited state output (for CIS calculations).
        # Jaguar calculates only singlet states.
        if line[2:15] == "Excited State":
            if not hasattr(self, "etenergies"):
                self.etenergies = []
            if not hasattr(self, "etoscs"):
                self.etoscs = []
            if not hasattr(self, "etsecs"):
                self.etsecs = []
                self.etsyms = []
            etenergy = float(line.split()[3])
            etenergy = utils.convertor(etenergy, "eV", "cm-1")
            # Skip 4 lines
            for i in range(5):
                line = inputfile.next()
            # Jaguar calculates only singlet states.
            while line.strip() != "":
                fromMO = int(line.split()[0]) - 1
                toMO = int(line.split()[2]) - 1
                coeff = float(line.split()[-1])
                self.etsecs[-1].append([(fromMO, 0), (toMO, 0), coeff])
                line = inputfile.next()
            # Skip 3 lines
            for i in range(4):
                line = inputfile.next()
            strength = float(line.split()[-1])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line[1:22] == "total number of atoms":
            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.natom = int(line.split()[-1])

        if line[3:44] == "convergence threshold in optimization run":
            # Assuming that this is only found in the case of OPTXYZ
            # (i.e. an optimization in Cartesian coordinates)
            self.geotargets = [float(line.split()[-2])]

        if line[32:61] == "largest component of gradient":
            # This is the geotarget in the case of OPTXYZ
            if not hasattr(self, "geovalues"):
                self.geovalues = []

        if line[37:49] == "convergence?":
            # Get the geovalues and geotargets for OPTIMIZE
            if not hasattr(self, "geovalues"):
                self.geovalues = []
                self.geotargets = []
            geotargets = []
            geovalues = []
            for i in range(4):
                temp = line.split()
                if not self.geotargets:
                line = inputfile.next()
            if not self.geotargets:
                self.geotargets = geotargets
        if line[40:58] == "molecular geometry":
            # Only one set of atomcoords is taken from this section
            # For geo-opts, more coordinates are taken from the "nuclear coordinates"
            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
            self.atomnos = []
            stop = " "*9 + "*"*79
            line = inputfile.next()
            while not line.startswith(stop):
                line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while not line.startswith(stop):
                line = inputfile.next()
            empty = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            empty = inputfile.next()
            while not empty.startswith(stop):
                line = inputfile.next().split() # the coordinate data
                while line!=empty:
                    line = inputfile.next()
                # at this point, line is an empty line, right after
                # 1 or more lines containing basis set information
                empty = inputfile.next()
                # empty is either a row of asterisks or the empty line
                # before the row of coordinate data
            self.atomnos = numpy.array(self.atomnos, "i")

        if line[40:59] == "nuclear coordinates":
            # We need not remember the first geometry in the geo-opt as this will
            # be recorded already, in the "molecular geometry" section
            # (note: single-point calculations have no "nuclear coordinates" only
            # "molecular geometry")
            if self.firstnuccoords:
                self.firstnuccoords = False
                # This was continue (in loop) before parser refactoring.
                # continue
            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
                self.atomnos = []
            asterisk = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            colmname = inputfile.next()
            equals = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != equals:
                temp = line.strip().split()
                atomcoords.append([utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom") for x in temp[0:3]])
                if not hasattr(self, "atomnos") or len(self.atomnos) == 0:
                line = inputfile.next()

            if not hasattr(self, "atomnos") or len(self.atomnos) == 0:
                self.atomnos = atomnos

        if line[1:32] == "total number of basis functions":
            self.nbasis = int(line.split()[-1])
            while line.find("charge of molecule")<0:
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.charge = int(line.split()[-1])
            self.mult = int(inputfile.next().split()[-1])

            alpha = int(inputfile.next().split()[-1])-1
            beta = int(inputfile.next().split()[-1])-1
            if self.mult==1:
                self.homos = numpy.array([alpha], "i")
                self.homos = numpy.array([alpha,beta], "i")

        if line[37:69] == "s-matrix over gaussian basis set":
            self.aooverlaps = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")

            minus = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            i = 0
            while i < self.nbasis:
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                header = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()

                for j in range(self.nbasis):
                    temp = map(float, inputfile.next().split()[1:])
                    self.aooverlaps[j,(0+i):(len(temp)+i)] = temp
                i += len(temp)

        if line[18:43] == 'EFFECTIVE CORE POTENTIALS':
            self.coreelectrons = numpy.zeros(self.natom, 'i')
            asterisk = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line[15:46]!="*"*31:
                if line.find("for atoms ...")>=0:
                    atomindex = []
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    while line.find("core charge")<0:
                        broken = line.split()
                        atomindex.extend([int(x.split("-")[0]) for x in broken])
                        line = inputfile.next()
                    charge = float(line.split()[4])
                    for idx in atomindex:
                        self.coreelectrons[idx-1] = self.atomnos[idx-1] - charge
                line = inputfile.next()
        if line[3:27] == "Wavefunction convergence":
            self.scftarget = float(line.split()[-2])
            self.scftargets = []

        if line[11:22] == "normal mode":
            if not hasattr(self, "vibfreqs"):
                self.vibfreqs = []
                self.vibirs = []
            units = inputfile.next()
            xyz = inputfile.next()
            equals = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line!=equals:
                temp = line.split()
                line = inputfile.next()
            # Use the length of the vibdisps to figure out
            # how many rotations and translations to remove
            self.vibfreqs = self.vibfreqs[-len(self.vibdisps):]
            self.vibirs = self.vibirs[-len(self.vibdisps):]

        if line[44:73] == "normalised normal coordinates":
            self.vibdisps = []
            equals = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            freqnum = inputfile.next()
            while freqnum.find("=")<0:
                blank = inputfile.next()
                equals = inputfile.next()
                freqs = inputfile.next()
                equals = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                header = inputfile.next()
                equals = inputfile.next()
                p = [ [] for x in range(9) ]
                for i in range(len(self.atomnos)):
                    brokenx = map(float, inputfile.next()[25:].split())
                    brokeny = map(float, inputfile.next()[25:].split())            
                    brokenz = map(float, inputfile.next()[25:].split())
                    for j,x in enumerate(zip(brokenx, brokeny, brokenz)):
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                freqnum = inputfile.next()                    

        if line[26:36] == "raman data":
            self.vibramans = []

            stars = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()

            blank = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line[1]!="*":
                blank = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
            # Use the length of the vibdisps to figure out
            # how many rotations and translations to remove
            self.vibramans = self.vibramans[-len(self.vibdisps):]
        if line[3:11] == "SCF TYPE":
            self.scftype = line.split()[-2]
            assert self.scftype in ['rhf', 'uhf', 'gvb'], "%s not one of 'rhf', 'uhf' or 'gvb'" % self.scftype

        if line[15:31] == "convergence data":
            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []
            self.scftargets.append([self.scftarget]) # Assuming it does not change over time
            while line[1:10] != "="*9:
                line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            tester = line.find("tester") # Can be in a different place depending
            assert tester>=0
            while line[1:10] != "="*9: # May be two or three lines (unres)
                line = inputfile.next()
            scfvalues = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                if line[2:6]!="****":
            # e.g. **** recalulation of fock matrix on iteration  4 (examples/chap12/pyridine.out)
                line = inputfile.next()

        if line[10:22] == "total energy" and len(line.split()) == 3:
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            scfenergy = utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "hartree", "eV")
        # Total energies after Moller-Plesset corrections
        # Second order correction is always first, so its first occurance
        #   triggers creation of mpenergies (list of lists of energies)
        # Further corrections are appended as found
        # Note: GAMESS-UK sometimes prints only the corrections,
        #   so they must be added to the last value of scfenergies
        if line[10:32] == "mp2 correlation energy" or \
           line[10:42] == "second order perturbation energy":
            if not hasattr(self, "mpenergies"):
                self.mpenergies = []
            self.mp2correction = self.float(line.split()[-1])
            self.mp2energy = self.scfenergies[-1] + self.mp2correction
            self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(self.mp2energy, "hartree", "eV"))
        if line[10:41] == "third order perturbation energy":
            self.mp3correction = self.float(line.split()[-1])
            self.mp3energy = self.mp2energy + self.mp3correction
            self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(self.mp3energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        if line[40:59] == "molecular basis set":
            self.gbasis = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.find("contraction coefficients")<0:
                line = inputfile.next()
            equals = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            atomname = inputfile.next()
            basisregexp = re.compile("\d*(\D+)") # Get everything after any digits
            shellcounter = 1
            while line!=equals:
                gbasis = [] # Stores basis sets on one atom
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
                shellno = int(line.split()[0])
                shellgap = shellno - shellcounter
                shellsize = 0
                while len(line.split())!=1 and line!=equals:
                    if line.split():
                        shellsize += 1
                    coeff = {}
                    # coefficients and symmetries for a block of rows
                    while line.strip() and line!=equals:
                        temp = line.strip().split()
                    # temp[1] may be either like (a) "1s" and "1sp", or (b) "s" and "sp"
                    # See GAMESS-UK 7.0 distribution/examples/chap12/pyridine2_21m10r.out
                    # for an example of the latter
                        sym = basisregexp.match(temp[1]).groups()[0]
                        assert sym in ['s', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'sp'], "'%s' not a recognized symmetry" % sym
                        if sym == "sp":
                            coeff.setdefault("S", []).append( (float(temp[3]), float(temp[6])) )
                            coeff.setdefault("P", []).append( (float(temp[3]), float(temp[10])) )
                            coeff.setdefault(sym.upper(), []).append( (float(temp[3]), float(temp[6])) )
                        line = inputfile.next()
                    # either a blank or a continuation of the block
                    if coeff:
                        if sym == "sp":
                            gbasis.append( ('S', coeff['S']))
                            gbasis.append( ('P', coeff['P']))
                            gbasis.append( (sym.upper(), coeff[sym.upper()]))
                    if line==equals:
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    # either the start of the next block or the start of a new atom or
                    # the end of the basis function section (signified by a line of equals)
                numtoadd = 1 + (shellgap / shellsize)
                shellcounter = shellno + shellsize
                for x in range(numtoadd):

        if line[50:70] == "----- beta set -----":
            self.betamosyms = True
            self.betamoenergies = True
            self.betamocoeffs = True
            # betamosyms will be turned off in the next
            # SYMMETRY ASSIGNMENT section
        if line[31:50] == "SYMMETRY ASSIGNMENT":
            if not hasattr(self, "mosyms"):
                self.mosyms = []

            multiple = {'a':1, 'b':1, 'e':2, 't':3, 'g':4, 'h':5}
            equals = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != equals: # There may be one or two lines of title (compare mg10.out and duhf_1.out)
                line = inputfile.next()

            mosyms = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != equals:
                temp = line[25:30].strip()
                if temp[-1]=='?':
                    # e.g. e? or t? or g? (see example/chap12/na7mg_uhf.out)
                    # for two As, an A and an E, and two Es of the same energy respectively.
                    t = line[91:].strip().split()
                    for i in range(1,len(t),2):
                        for j in range(multiple[t[i][0]]): # add twice for 'e', etc.
                    for j in range(multiple[temp[0]]):
                        mosyms.append(self.normalisesym(temp)) # add twice for 'e', etc.
                line = inputfile.next()
            assert len(mosyms) == self.nmo, "mosyms: %d but nmo: %d" % (len(mosyms), self.nmo)
            if self.betamosyms:
                # Only append if beta (otherwise with IPRINT SCF
                # it will add mosyms for every step of a geo opt)
                self.betamosyms = False
            elif self.scftype=='gvb':
                # gvb has alpha and beta orbitals but they are identical
                self.mosysms = [mosyms, mosyms]
                self.mosyms = [mosyms]

        if line[50:62] == "eigenvectors":
        # Mocoeffs...can get evalues from here too
        # (only if using FORMAT HIGH though will they all be present)                
            if not hasattr(self, "mocoeffs"):
                self.aonames = []
                aonames = []
            minus = inputfile.next()

            mocoeffs = numpy.zeros( (self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d")
            readatombasis = False
            if not hasattr(self, "atombasis"):
                self.atombasis = []
                for i in range(self.natom):
                readatombasis = True

            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            evalues = inputfile.next()

            p = re.compile(r"\d+\s+(\d+)\s*(\w+) (\w+)")
            oldatomname = "DUMMY VALUE"

            mo = 0
            while mo < self.nmo:
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                nums = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                for basis in range(self.nbasis):
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    # Fill atombasis only first time around.
                    if readatombasis:
                        orbno = int(line[1:5])-1
                        atomno = int(line[6:9])-1
                    if not self.aonames:
                        pg = p.match(line[:18].strip()).groups()
                        atomname = "%s%s%s" % (pg[1][0].upper(), pg[1][1:], pg[0])
                        if atomname!=oldatomname:
                            aonum = 1
                        oldatomname = atomname
                        name = "%s_%d%s" % (atomname, aonum, pg[2].upper())
                        if name in aonames:
                            aonum += 1
                        name = "%s_%d%s" % (atomname, aonum, pg[2].upper())
                    temp = map(float, line[19:].split())
                    mocoeffs[mo:(mo+len(temp)), basis] = temp
                # Fill atombasis only first time around.
                readatombasis = False
                if not self.aonames:
                    self.aonames = aonames

                line = inputfile.next() # blank line
                while line==blank:
                    line = inputfile.next()
                evalues = line
                if evalues[:17].strip(): # i.e. if these aren't evalues
                    break # Not all the MOs are present
                mo += len(temp)
            mocoeffs = mocoeffs[0:(mo+len(temp)), :] # In case some aren't present
            if self.betamocoeffs:
                self.mocoeffs = [mocoeffs]

        if line[7:12] == "irrep":
            ########## eigenvalues ###########
            # This section appears once at the start of a geo-opt and once at the end
            # unless IPRINT SCF is used (when it appears at every step in addition)
            if not hasattr(self, "moenergies"):
                self.moenergies = []

            equals = inputfile.next()
            while equals[1:5] != "====": # May be one or two lines of title (compare duhf_1.out and mg10.out)
                equals = inputfile.next()

            moenergies = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            if not line.strip(): # May be a blank line here (compare duhf_1.out and mg10.out)
                line = inputfile.next()

            while line.strip() and line != equals: # May end with a blank or equals
                temp = line.strip().split()
                moenergies.append(utils.convertor(float(temp[2]), "hartree", "eV"))
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.nmo = len(moenergies)
            if self.betamoenergies:
                self.betamoenergies = False
            elif self.scftype=='gvb':
                self.moenergies = [moenergies, moenergies]
                self.moenergies = [moenergies]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        # Number of atoms.
        # Example:          THE COORDINATES OF    20 ATOMS ARE READ IN.
        if line[0:28] == "          THE COORDINATES OF":

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.fupdate)
            natom = int(line.split()[-5])  # fifth to last component should be number of atoms
            if hasattr(self, "natom"):
                assert self.natom == natom
                self.natom = natom

        # Extract the atomic numbers and coordinates from the optimized (final) geometry

        # Example:
        #           ATOM          X           Y           Z      TYPE
        #         C(    1)    -3.21470    -0.22058     0.00000   (  1)
        #         H(    2)    -3.30991    -0.87175     0.89724   (  5)
        #         H(    3)    -3.30991    -0.87174    -0.89724   (  5)
        #         H(    4)    -4.08456     0.47380     0.00000   (  5)
        #         C(    5)    -1.88672     0.54893     0.00000   (  1)
        #         H(    6)    -1.84759     1.21197    -0.89488   (  5)
        #         H(    7)    -1.84759     1.21197     0.89488   (  5)
        #         C(    8)    -0.66560    -0.38447     0.00000   (  1)
        #         H(    9)    -0.70910    -1.04707    -0.89471   (  5)
        #         H(   10)    -0.70910    -1.04707     0.89471   (  5)
        #         C(   11)     0.66560     0.38447     0.00000   (  1)
        #         H(   12)     0.70910     1.04707     0.89471   (  5)
        #         H(   13)     0.70910     1.04707    -0.89471   (  5)
        #         C(   14)     1.88672    -0.54893     0.00000   (  1)
        #         H(   15)     1.84759    -1.21197    -0.89488   (  5)
        #         H(   16)     1.84759    -1.21197     0.89488   (  5)
        #         C(   17)     3.21470     0.22058     0.00000   (  1)
        #         H(   18)     3.30991     0.87174     0.89724   (  5)
        #         H(   19)     4.08456    -0.47380     0.00000   (  5)
        #         H(   20)     3.30991     0.87175    -0.89724   (  5)

        if line[0:29] == "      FINAL ATOMIC COORDINATE":

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.cupdate)

            self.inputcoords = []
            self.inputatoms = []

            headerline = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while len(line.split()) > 0:
                broken = line.split()
                xc = float(line[17:29])
                yc = float(line[29:41])
                zc = float(line[41:53])
                atomcoords.append([xc, yc, zc])
                line = inputfile.next()


            if not hasattr(self, "atomnos"):
                self.atomnos = numpy.array(self.inputatoms, "i")
            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.natom = len(self.atomnos)

        # read energy (in kcal/mol, converted to eV)
        #       Example:     HEAT OF FORMATION (HFN) AT  298.2 K       =       -42.51 KCAL/MOLE
        if line[0:31] == "     HEAT OF FORMATION (HFN) AT":
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
                utils.convertor(self.float(line.split()[-2]) / 627.5095, "hartree", "eV")
            )  # note conversion from kcal/mol to hartree

        # molecular mass parsing (units will be amu); note that this can occur multiple times in the file, but all values should be the same
        # Example:               FORMULA WEIGHT   :     86.112
        if line[0:33] == "               FORMULA WEIGHT   :":
            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.fupdate)
            molmass = self.float(line.split()[-1])
            if hasattr(self, "molmass"):
                assert self.molmass == molmass  # check that subsequent occurences match the original value
                self.molmass = molmass

        # rotational constants (converted to GHZ)
        # Example:
        #                  (also from R(e), R(alpha), R(s) VALUES)
        #         Note: (1) All calculations are based on principle isotopes.
        #               (2) R(z) values include harmonic vibration (Coriolis)
        #                   contribution indicated in parentheses.
        #   (1)  UNIT = 10**(-39) GM*CM**2
        #                    IX                   IY                   IZ
        #   R(e)         5.7724              73.4297              76.0735
        #   R(z)         5.7221(-0.0518)     74.0311(-0.0285)     76.7102(-0.0064)
        #   (2)  UNIT = AU A**2
        #                    IX                   IY                   IZ
        #   R(e)        34.7661             442.2527             458.1757
        #   R(z)        34.4633(-0.3117)    445.8746(-0.1714)    462.0104(-0.0385)
        # moments of inertia converted into rotational constants via rot cons= h/(8*Pi^2*I)
        # we will use the equilibrium values (R(e)) in units of 10**-39 GM*CM**2 (these units are less precise (fewer digits) than AU A**2 units but it is simpler as it doesn't require use of Avogadro's number
        # ***even R(e) may include temperature dependent effects, though, and maybe the one I actually want is r(mm4) (not reported)
        if line[0:33] == "   (1)  UNIT = 10**(-39) GM*CM**2":
            dummyline = inputfile.next()
            dummyline = inputfile.next()
            dummyline = inputfile.next()
            rotinfo = inputfile.next()
            if not hasattr(self, "rotcons"):
                self.rotcons = []
            broken = rotinfo.split()
            h = (
            )  # Planck constant in 10^-37 J-s = 10^-37 kg m^2/s cf. http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?h#mid
            a = h / (8 * math.pi * math.pi * float(broken[1]))
            b = h / (8 * math.pi * math.pi * float(broken[2]))
            c = h / (8 * math.pi * math.pi * float(broken[3]))
            self.rotcons.append([a, b, c])

            # Start of the IR/Raman frequency section.
        # Example:
        #                ( THEORETICALLY  54 VALUES )
        #             Frequency :  in 1/cm
        #             A(i)      :  IR intensity (vs,s,m,w,vw,-- or in 10**6 cm/mole)
        #             A(i) = -- :  IR inactive
        #             no       Frequency   Symmetry      A(i)
        #             1.          2969.6     (Bu  )        s
        #             2.          2969.6     (Bu  )        w
        #             3.          2967.6     (Bu  )        w
        #             4.          2967.6     (Bu  )        s
        #             5.          2931.2     (Au  )       vs
        #             6.          2927.8     (Bg  )       --
        #             7.          2924.9     (Au  )        m
        #             8.          2923.6     (Bg  )       --
        #             9.          2885.8     (Ag  )       --
        #            10.          2883.9     (Bu  )        w
        #            11.          2879.8     (Ag  )       --
        #            12.          2874.6     (Bu  )        w
        #            13.          2869.6     (Ag  )       --
        #            14.          2869.2     (Bu  )        s
        #            15.          1554.4     (Ag  )       --
        #            16.          1494.3     (Bu  )        w
        #            17.          1449.7     (Bg  )       --
        #            18.          1449.5     (Au  )        w
        #            19.          1444.8     (Ag  )       --
        #            20.          1438.5     (Bu  )        w
        #            21.          1421.5     (Ag  )       --
        #            22.          1419.3     (Ag  )       --
        #            23.          1416.5     (Bu  )        w
        #            24.          1398.8     (Bu  )        w
        #            25.          1383.9     (Ag  )       --
        #            26.          1363.7     (Bu  )        m
        #            27.          1346.3     (Ag  )       --
        #            28.          1300.2     (Au  )       vw
        #            29.          1298.7     (Bg  )       --
        #            30.          1283.4     (Bu  )        m
        #            31.          1267.4     (Bg  )       --
        #            32.          1209.6     (Au  )        w
        #            33.          1132.2     (Bg  )       --
        #            34.          1094.4     (Ag  )       --
        #            35.          1063.4     (Bu  )        w
        #            36.          1017.8     (Bu  )        w
        #            37.          1011.6     (Ag  )       --
        #            38.          1004.2     (Au  )        w
        #            39.           990.2     (Ag  )       --
        #            40.           901.8     (Ag  )       --
        #            41.           898.4     (Bg  )       --
        #            42.           875.9     (Bu  )        w
        # 	     43.           795.4     (Au  )        w
        #            44.           725.0     (Bg  )       --
        #            45.           699.6     (Au  )        w
        #            46.           453.4     (Bu  )        w
        #            47.           352.1     (Ag  )       --
        #            48.           291.1     (Ag  )       --
        #            49.           235.9     (Au  )       vw
        #            50.           225.2     (Bg  )       --
        #            51.           151.6     (Bg  )       --
        #            52.           147.7     (Bu  )        w
        #            53.           108.0     (Au  )       vw
        #            54.            77.1     (Au  )       vw
        #            55.     (       0.0)    (t/r )
        #            56.     (       0.0)    (t/r )
        #            57.     (       0.0)    (t/r )
        #            58.     (       0.0)    (t/r )
        #            59.     (       0.0)    (t/r )
        #            60.     (       0.0)    (t/r )

        if line[0:52] == "             no       Frequency   Symmetry      A(i)":
            blankline = inputfile.next()
            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Frequency Information", self.fupdate)

            if not hasattr(self, "vibfreqs"):
                self.vibfreqs = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line[15:31].find("(") < 0:  # terminate once we reach zero frequencies (which include parentheses)
                freq = self.float(line[15:31])
                line = inputfile.next()
        # parsing of final steric energy in eV (for purposes of providing a baseline for possible subsequent hindered rotor calculations)
        # example line:"    FINAL STERIC ENERGY IS                0.8063 KCAL/MOL."
        if line[6:28] == "FINAL STERIC ENERGY IS":
            stericenergy = utils.convertor(
                self.float(line.split()[4]) / 627.5095, "hartree", "eV"
            )  # note conversion from kcal/mol to hartree
            if hasattr(self, "stericenergy"):
                assert self.stericenergy == stericenergy  # check that subsequent occurences match the original value
                self.stericenergy = stericenergy
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""
        # Number of atoms.
        # Example:          THE COORDINATES OF    20 ATOMS ARE READ IN.
        if line[0:28] == '          THE COORDINATES OF':

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.fupdate)       
            natom = int(line.split()[-5]) #fifth to last component should be number of atoms
            if hasattr(self, "natom"):
                assert self.natom == natom
                self.natom = natom
        # Extract the atomic numbers and coordinates from the optimized (final) geometry
        # Example:
#           ATOM          X           Y           Z      TYPE
#         C(    1)    -3.21470    -0.22058     0.00000   (  1)
#         H(    2)    -3.30991    -0.87175     0.89724   (  5)
#         H(    3)    -3.30991    -0.87174    -0.89724   (  5)
#         H(    4)    -4.08456     0.47380     0.00000   (  5)
#         C(    5)    -1.88672     0.54893     0.00000   (  1)
#         H(    6)    -1.84759     1.21197    -0.89488   (  5)
#         H(    7)    -1.84759     1.21197     0.89488   (  5)
#         C(    8)    -0.66560    -0.38447     0.00000   (  1)
#         H(    9)    -0.70910    -1.04707    -0.89471   (  5)
#         H(   10)    -0.70910    -1.04707     0.89471   (  5)
#         C(   11)     0.66560     0.38447     0.00000   (  1)
#         H(   12)     0.70910     1.04707     0.89471   (  5)
#         H(   13)     0.70910     1.04707    -0.89471   (  5)
#         C(   14)     1.88672    -0.54893     0.00000   (  1)
#         H(   15)     1.84759    -1.21197    -0.89488   (  5)
#         H(   16)     1.84759    -1.21197     0.89488   (  5)
#         C(   17)     3.21470     0.22058     0.00000   (  1)
#         H(   18)     3.30991     0.87174     0.89724   (  5)
#         H(   19)     4.08456    -0.47380     0.00000   (  5)
#         H(   20)     3.30991     0.87175    -0.89724   (  5)

        if line[0:29] == '      FINAL ATOMIC COORDINATE':

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.cupdate)
            self.inputcoords = []
            self.inputatoms = []
            headerline = inputfile.next()
            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while len(line.split()) > 0:
                broken = line.split()
                xc = float(line[17:29])
                yc = float(line[29:41])
                zc = float(line[41:53])
                line = inputfile.next()


	    if not hasattr(self, "atomnos"):
		self.atomnos = numpy.array(self.inputatoms, 'i')
            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.natom = len(self.atomnos)

#read energy (in kcal/mol, converted to eV)
#       Example:     HEAT OF FORMATION (HFN) AT  298.2 K       =       -42.51 KCAL/MOLE
        if line[0:31] == '     HEAT OF FORMATION (HFN) AT':
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(self.float(line.split()[-2])/627.5095, "hartree", "eV")) #note conversion from kcal/mol to hartree

        #molecular mass parsing (units will be amu); note that this can occur multiple times in the file, but all values should be the same
        #Example:               FORMULA WEIGHT   :     86.112
        if line[0:33] == '               FORMULA WEIGHT   :':
            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.fupdate)
	    molmass = self.float(line.split()[-1])
	    if hasattr(self, "molmass"):
                assert self.molmass == molmass #check that subsequent occurences match the original value
                self.molmass = molmass
	  #rotational constants (converted to GHZ)
#                  (also from R(e), R(alpha), R(s) VALUES)
#         Note: (1) All calculations are based on principle isotopes.
#               (2) R(z) values include harmonic vibration (Coriolis)
#                   contribution indicated in parentheses.
#   (1)  UNIT = 10**(-39) GM*CM**2
#                    IX                   IY                   IZ
#   R(e)         5.7724              73.4297              76.0735
#   R(z)         5.7221(-0.0518)     74.0311(-0.0285)     76.7102(-0.0064)
#   (2)  UNIT = AU A**2
#                    IX                   IY                   IZ
#   R(e)        34.7661             442.2527             458.1757
#   R(z)        34.4633(-0.3117)    445.8746(-0.1714)    462.0104(-0.0385)
        #moments of inertia converted into rotational constants via rot cons= h/(8*Pi^2*I)
	#we will use the equilibrium values (R(e)) in units of 10**-39 GM*CM**2 (these units are less precise (fewer digits) than AU A**2 units but it is simpler as it doesn't require use of Avogadro's number
        #***even R(e) may include temperature dependent effects, though, and maybe the one I actually want is r(mm4) (not reported)
	if line[0:33] == '   (1)  UNIT = 10**(-39) GM*CM**2':
	    dummyline = inputfile.next();
	    dummyline = inputfile.next();
	    dummyline = inputfile.next();
            if not hasattr(self, "rotcons"):
                self.rotcons = []
            broken = rotinfo.split()
	    h = 6.62606896E3 #Planck constant in 10^-37 J-s = 10^-37 kg m^2/s cf. http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?h#mid
            a = h/(8*math.pi*math.pi*float(broken[1]))
            b = h/(8*math.pi*math.pi*float(broken[2]))
            c = h/(8*math.pi*math.pi*float(broken[3]))
            self.rotcons.append([a, b, c]) 

        # Start of the IR/Raman frequency section.
#                ( THEORETICALLY  54 VALUES )
#             Frequency :  in 1/cm
#             A(i)      :  IR intensity (vs,s,m,w,vw,-- or in 10**6 cm/mole)
#             A(i) = -- :  IR inactive
#             no       Frequency   Symmetry      A(i)
#             1.          2969.6     (Bu  )        s
#             2.          2969.6     (Bu  )        w
#             3.          2967.6     (Bu  )        w
#             4.          2967.6     (Bu  )        s
#             5.          2931.2     (Au  )       vs
#             6.          2927.8     (Bg  )       --
#             7.          2924.9     (Au  )        m
#             8.          2923.6     (Bg  )       --
#             9.          2885.8     (Ag  )       --
#            10.          2883.9     (Bu  )        w
#            11.          2879.8     (Ag  )       --
#            12.          2874.6     (Bu  )        w
#            13.          2869.6     (Ag  )       --
#            14.          2869.2     (Bu  )        s
#            15.          1554.4     (Ag  )       --
#            16.          1494.3     (Bu  )        w
#            17.          1449.7     (Bg  )       --
#            18.          1449.5     (Au  )        w
#            19.          1444.8     (Ag  )       --
#            20.          1438.5     (Bu  )        w
#            21.          1421.5     (Ag  )       --
#            22.          1419.3     (Ag  )       --
#            23.          1416.5     (Bu  )        w
#            24.          1398.8     (Bu  )        w
#            25.          1383.9     (Ag  )       --
#            26.          1363.7     (Bu  )        m
#            27.          1346.3     (Ag  )       --
#            28.          1300.2     (Au  )       vw
#            29.          1298.7     (Bg  )       --
#            30.          1283.4     (Bu  )        m
#            31.          1267.4     (Bg  )       --
#            32.          1209.6     (Au  )        w
#            33.          1132.2     (Bg  )       --
#            34.          1094.4     (Ag  )       --
#            35.          1063.4     (Bu  )        w
#            36.          1017.8     (Bu  )        w
#            37.          1011.6     (Ag  )       --
#            38.          1004.2     (Au  )        w
#            39.           990.2     (Ag  )       --
#            40.           901.8     (Ag  )       --
#            41.           898.4     (Bg  )       --
#            42.           875.9     (Bu  )        w
#	     43.           795.4     (Au  )        w
#            44.           725.0     (Bg  )       --
#            45.           699.6     (Au  )        w
#            46.           453.4     (Bu  )        w
#            47.           352.1     (Ag  )       --
#            48.           291.1     (Ag  )       --
#            49.           235.9     (Au  )       vw
#            50.           225.2     (Bg  )       --
#            51.           151.6     (Bg  )       --
#            52.           147.7     (Bu  )        w
#            53.           108.0     (Au  )       vw
#            54.            77.1     (Au  )       vw
#            55.     (       0.0)    (t/r )
#            56.     (       0.0)    (t/r )
#            57.     (       0.0)    (t/r )
#            58.     (       0.0)    (t/r )
#            59.     (       0.0)    (t/r )
#            60.     (       0.0)    (t/r )

        if line[0:52] == '             no       Frequency   Symmetry      A(i)':
	    blankline = inputfile.next()
            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Frequency Information", self.fupdate)
            if not hasattr(self, 'vibfreqs'):
                self.vibfreqs = []
	    line = inputfile.next()
	    while(line[15:31].find('(') < 0):#terminate once we reach zero frequencies (which include parentheses)
		    freq = self.float(line[15:31])
		    line = inputfile.next()
	#parsing of final steric energy in eV (for purposes of providing a baseline for possible subsequent hindered rotor calculations)
	#example line:"    FINAL STERIC ENERGY IS                0.8063 KCAL/MOL."
	if line[6:28] == 'FINAL STERIC ENERGY IS':
            stericenergy = utils.convertor(self.float(line.split()[4])/627.5095, "hartree", "eV") #note conversion from kcal/mol to hartree
	    if hasattr(self, "stericenergy"):
                assert self.stericenergy == stericenergy #check that subsequent occurences match the original value
                self.stericenergy = stericenergy
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        # Number of atoms. (I think this section of code may be redundant and not needed)
        # Example:            Empirical Formula: C H2 O  =     4 atoms
        if line.find("Empirical Formula:") > -1:

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.fupdate)
            #locate the component that beg
            natom = int(
            )  #second to last component should be number of atoms (last element is "atoms" (or possibly "atom"?))
            if hasattr(self, "natom"):
                assert self.natom == natom
                self.natom = natom

        # Extract the atomic numbers and coordinates from the optimized geometry
        # note that cartesian coordinates section occurs multiple times in the file, and we want to end up using the last instance
        # also, note that the section labeled cartesian coordinates doesn't have as many decimal places as the one used here
        # Example 1 (not used):
#    NO.       ATOM               X         Y         Z
#     1         O                  4.7928   -0.8461    0.3641
#     2         O                  5.8977   -0.3171    0.0092
#     3         C                  3.8616    0.0654    0.8629
#     4         O                  2.9135    0.0549   -0.0719
#     5        Si                 -0.6125   -0.0271    0.0487
#     6         O                  0.9200    0.2818   -0.6180
#     7         O                 -1.3453   -1.2462   -0.8684
#     8         O                 -1.4046    1.4708    0.0167
#     9         O                 -0.5716   -0.5263    1.6651
#    10         C                  1.8529    1.0175    0.0716
#    11         C                 -1.5193   -1.0359   -2.2416
#    12         C                 -2.7764    1.5044    0.2897
#    13         C                 -0.0136   -1.7640    2.0001
#    14         C                  2.1985    2.3297   -0.6413
#    15         C                 -2.2972   -2.2169   -2.8050
#    16         C                 -3.2205    2.9603    0.3151
#    17         C                  1.2114   -1.5689    2.8841
#    18         H                  4.1028    0.8832    1.5483
# ...
# Example 2 (used):
#   ATOM   CHEMICAL          X               Y               Z
#     1       O          4.79280259  *  -0.84610232  *   0.36409474  *
#     2       O          5.89768035  *  -0.31706418  *   0.00917035  *
#     3       C          3.86164836  *   0.06535206  *   0.86290800  *
#     4       O          2.91352871  *   0.05485130  *  -0.07194851  *
#     5      Si         -0.61245484  *  -0.02707117  *   0.04871188  *
#     6       O          0.91999240  *   0.28181302  *  -0.61800545  *
#     7       O         -1.34526429  *  -1.24617340  *  -0.86844046  *
#     8       O         -1.40457125  *   1.47080489  *   0.01671181  *
#     9       O         -0.57162101  *  -0.52628027  *   1.66508989  *
#    10       C          1.85290140  *   1.01752620  *   0.07159039  *
#    11       C         -1.51932072  *  -1.03592573  *  -2.24160046  *
#    12       C         -2.77644395  *   1.50443941  *   0.28973441  *
#    13       C         -0.01360776  *  -1.76397803  *   2.00010724  *
#    14       C          2.19854080  *   2.32966388  *  -0.64131311  *
#    15       C         -2.29721668  *  -2.21688022  *  -2.80495545  *
#    16       C         -3.22047132  *   2.96028967  *   0.31511890  *
#    17       C          1.21142471  *  -1.56886315  *   2.88414255  *
#    18       H          4.10284938  *   0.88318846  *   1.54829483  *
#    19       H          1.60266809  *   1.19314394  *   1.14931859  *
#    20       H         -2.06992519  *  -0.08909329  *  -2.41564011  *
#    21       H         -0.53396028  *  -0.94280520  *  -2.73816125  *
#    22       H         -2.99280631  *   1.01386560  *   1.25905636  *
#    23       H         -3.32412961  *   0.94305635  *  -0.49427315  *
#    24       H         -0.81149878  *  -2.30331548  *   2.54543351  *
#    25       H          0.24486568  *  -2.37041735  *   1.10943219  *
#    26       H          2.46163770  *   2.17667287  *  -1.69615441  *
#    27       H          1.34364456  *   3.01690600  *  -0.61108044  *
#    28       H          3.04795301  *   2.82487051  *  -0.15380555  *
#    29       H         -1.76804185  *  -3.16646015  *  -2.65234745  *
#    30       H         -3.28543199  *  -2.31880074  *  -2.33789659  *
#    31       H         -2.45109195  *  -2.09228197  *  -3.88420787  *
#    32       H         -3.02567427  *   3.46605770  *  -0.63952294  *
#    33       H         -4.29770055  *   3.02763638  *   0.51281387  *
#    34       H         -2.70317481  *   3.53302115  *   1.09570604  *
#    35       H          2.01935375  *  -1.03805729  *   2.35810565  *
#    36       H          1.60901654  *  -2.53904354  *   3.20705714  *
#    37       H          0.97814118  *  -0.98964976  *   3.78695207  *
        if (line.find(
                "NUMBER    SYMBOL      (ANGSTROMS)     (ANGSTROMS)     (ANGSTROMS)"
        ) > -1 or line.find(
                "NUMBER   SYMBOL      (ANGSTROMS)     (ANGSTROMS)     (ANGSTROMS)"
        ) > -1):

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.cupdate)

            self.inputcoords = []
            self.inputatoms = []

            blankline = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            # while line != blankline:
            while len(
            ) > 6:  # MOPAC Version 14.019L 64BITS suddenly appends this block with  "CARTESIAN COORDINATES" block with no blank line.
                broken = line.split()
                xc = float(broken[2])
                yc = float(broken[4])
                zc = float(broken[6])
                atomcoords.append([xc, yc, zc])
                line = inputfile.next()


            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.atomnos = numpy.array(self.inputatoms, 'i')
                self.natom = len(self.atomnos)

#read energy (in kcal/mol, converted to eV)
#       Example:           FINAL HEAT OF FORMATION =       -333.88606 KCAL =   -1396.97927 KJ
        if line[0:35] == '          FINAL HEAT OF FORMATION =':
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
                    self.float(line.split()[5]) / 627.5095, "hartree",
                    "eV"))  #note conversion from kcal/mol to hartree

        #molecular mass parsing (units will be amu)
        #Example:          MOLECULAR WEIGHT        =
        if line[0:35] == '          MOLECULAR WEIGHT        =':
            self.molmass = self.float(line.split()[3])

#rotational constants (converted to GHZ)

#          A =    0.01757641   B =    0.00739763   C =    0.00712013
#could also read in moment of inertia, but this should just differ by a constant: rot cons= h/(8*Pi^2*I)
#note that the last occurence of this in the thermochemistry section has reduced precision, so we will want to use the 2nd to last instance
        if line[0:40] == '          ROTATIONAL CONSTANTS IN CM(-1)':
            blankline = inputfile.next()
            rotinfo = inputfile.next()
            if not hasattr(self, "rotcons"):
                self.rotcons = []
            broken = rotinfo.split()
            sol = 29.9792458  #speed of light in vacuum in 10^9 cm/s, cf. http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?c|search_for=universal_in!
            a = float(broken[2]) * sol
            b = float(broken[5]) * sol
            c = float(broken[8]) * sol
            self.rotcons.append([a, b, c])

        # Start of the IR/Raman frequency section.

# FREQ.        15.08        C 12 --  C 16           +7.9% (999.0%)     0.0%
# T-DIPOLE    0.2028        C 16 --  H 34           +5.8% (999.0%)    28.0%
# TRAVEL      0.0240        C 16 --  H 32           +5.6% (999.0%)    35.0%
# RED. MASS   1.7712        O  1 --  O  4           +5.2% (999.0%)     0.4%
# EFF. MASS7752.8338
# FREQ.        42.22        C 11 --  C 15           +9.0% (985.8%)     0.0%
# T-DIPOLE    0.1675        C 15 --  H 31           +6.6% (843.6%)     3.3%
# TRAVEL      0.0359        C 15 --  H 29           +6.0% (802.8%)    24.5%
# RED. MASS   1.7417        C 13 --  C 17           +5.8% (792.7%)     0.0%
# EFF. MASS1242.2114
        if line[1:10] == 'VIBRATION':
            line = inputfile.next()
            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Frequency Information",

            if not hasattr(self, 'vibfreqs'):
                self.vibfreqs = []
            freq = self.float(line.split()[1])
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line[3:11]=="nbf(AO)=":
        if line[3:9]=="nshell":

        if line[0:6] == "$basis":
            print "Found basis"
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            while line[0] != '*' and line[0] != '$':
                line = inputfile.next()
                while line[0]=="#":
                    line = inputfile.next()
                self.basis_lib.append(AtomBasis(temp[0], temp[1], inputfile))
                line = inputfile.next()
        if line == "$ecp\n":
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line[0] != '*' and line[0] != '$':
                line = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
                ncore = int(fields[2])

                while line[0] != '*':
                    line = inputfile.next()
                self.ecp_lib.append([atname, ecpname, ncore])
        if line[0:6] == "$coord":
            if line[0:11] == "$coordinate":
#                print "Breaking"

#            print "Found coords"
            self.atomcoords = []
            self.atomnos = []
            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            if line[0:5] == "$user":
#                print "Breaking"

            while line[0] != "$":
                temp = line.split()
                atomcoords.append([utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom")
                                   for x in temp[0:3]])
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")

        if line[14:32] == "atomic coordinates":
            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            while len(line) > 2:
                temp = line.split()
                atsym = temp[3].capitalize()
                atomcoords.append([utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom")
                                    for x in temp[0:3]])
                line = inputfile.next()

            if not hasattr(self,"atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []

            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")

        if line[0:6] == "$atoms":
            print "parsing atoms"
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line[0]!="$":
                while atnosstr[-1] == ",":
                    line = inputfile.next()
#                print "Debug:", atnosstr

                line = inputfile.next()

#                print "Debug basisname (temp):",temp
                line = inputfile.next()
                while(line.find('jbas')!=-1 or line.find('ecp')!=-1 or
                    if line.find('ecp')!=-1:
                    line = inputfile.next()

                self.atomlist.append( (at, basisname, ecpname, atlist))

# I have no idea what this does, so "comment" out
        if line[3:10]=="natoms=":
#        if 0:



            for i in range(0, self.natom, 1):
                for j in range(0, len(self.atomlist), 1):
                    for k in range(0, len(self.atomlist[j][3]), 1):
                        if self.atomlist[j][3][k]==i:
            for a, b, c in basistable:
                if len(c) > 0:
                    for i in range(0, len(self.ecp_lib), 1):
                        if self.ecp_lib[i][0]==a and \
                for i in range(0, len(self.basis_lib), 1):
                    if self.basis_lib[i].atname==a and self.basis_lib[i].basis_name==b:

# this is a really ugly piece of code to assign the right labels to
# basis functions on atoms with an ecp
                        if ncore == 2:
                        elif ncore == 10:
                        elif ncore == 18:
                        elif ncore == 28:
                        elif ncore == 36:
                        elif ncore == 46:
                        for j in range(0, len(basis.symmetries), 1):
                            if basis.symmetries[j]=='s':
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                              (pa, counter, s_counter, "S"))
                            elif basis.symmetries[j]=='p':
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                              (pa, counter, p_counter, "PX"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                              (pa, counter, p_counter, "PY"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                              (pa, counter, p_counter, "PZ"))
                            elif basis.symmetries[j]=='d':
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D 0"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D+1"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D-1"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D+2"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D-2"))
                            elif basis.symmetries[j]=='f':
                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F 0"))
                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F+1"))
                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F-1"))
                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F+2"))
                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F-2"))
                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F+3"))
                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                        (pa, counter, f_counter, "F-3"))
                            elif basis.symmetries[j]=='g':
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "G 0"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "G+1"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "G-1"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                        (pa, counter, g_counter, "G+2"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, g_counter, "G-2"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, g_counter, "G+3"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                          (pa, counter, g_counter, "G-3"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                          (pa, counter, g_counter, "G+4"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                          (pa, counter, g_counter, "G-4"))
        if line=="$closed shells\n":
            line = inputfile.next()
            temp = line.split()
            occs = int(temp[1][2:])
            self.homos = numpy.array([occs-1], "i")

        if line == "$alpha shells\n":
            line = inputfile.next()
            temp = line.split()
            occ_a = int(temp[1][2:])
            line = inputfile.next() # should be $beta shells
            line = inputfile.next() # the beta occs
            temp = line.split()
            occ_b = int(temp[1][2:])
            self.homos = numpy.array([occ_a-1,occ_b-1], "i")

        if line[12:24]=="OVERLAP(CAO)":
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            self.aooverlaps=numpy.zeros( (self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")
            while line != "       ----------------------\n":
                overlaparray.extend(map(float, temp))
                line = inputfile.next()

            for i in range(0, self.nbasis, 1):
                for j in range(0, i+1, 1):

        if ( line[0:6] == "$scfmo" or line[0:12] == "$uhfmo_alpha" ) and line.find("scf") > 0:
            temp = line.split()

            if temp[1][0:7] == "scfdump":
#                self.logger.warning("SCF not converged?")
                print "SCF not converged?!"

            if line[0:12] == "$uhfmo_alpha": # if unrestricted, create flag saying so
                unrestricted = 1
                unrestricted = 0


            for spin in range(unrestricted + 1): # make sure we cover all instances
                title = inputfile.next()
                while(title[0] == "#"):
                    title = inputfile.next()

#                mocoeffs = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")
                moenergies = []

                if spin == 1 and title[0:11] == "$uhfmo_beta":
                    title = inputfile.next()
                    while title[0] == "#":
                        title = inputfile.next()

                while(title[0] != '$'):


                        energy = float(temp[2][11:].replace("D", "E"))
                    except ValueError:
                        print spin, ": ", title

                    orb_en = utils.convertor(energy,"hartree","eV")

                    single_mo = []
                        self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Coefficients", self.cupdate)
                        title = inputfile.next()
                    title = inputfile.next()

#                for i in range(0, len(moarray), 1):
#                    for j in range(0, self.nbasis, 1):
#                        try:
#                            mocoeffs[i][j]=moarray[i][j]
#                        except IndexError:
#                            print "Index Error in mocoeffs.", spin, i, j
#                            break

                mocoeffs = numpy.array(moarray,"d")

        if line[26:49] == "a o f o r c e - program":
            self.vibirs = []
            self.vibfreqs = []
            self.vibsyms = []
            self.vibdisps = []

#            while line[3:31] != "****  force : all done  ****":

        if line[12:26] == "ATOMIC WEIGHTS":
#begin parsing atomic weights
           line=inputfile.next() # lines =======
           line=inputfile.next() # notes
           line=inputfile.next() # start reading
           while(len(temp) > 0):

        if line[5:14] == "frequency":
            if not hasattr(self,"vibfreqs"):
                self.vibfreqs = []
                self.vibfreqs = []
                self.vibsyms = []
                self.vibdisps = []
                self.vibirs = []


            freqs = [self.float(f) for f in temp[1:]]



            irs = [self.float(f) for f in temp[2:]]



            while len(line) > 1:
                x.append(map(float, temp[3:]))

                y.append(map(float, temp[1:]))

                z.append(map(float, temp[1:]))

# build xyz vectors for each mode

            for i in range(0, len(x[0]), 1):
                for j in range(0, len(x), 1):
                    disp.append( [x[j][i], y[j][i], z[j][i]])
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""
        # Number of atoms.
        if line[1:8] == "NAtoms=":

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.fupdate)
            natom = int(line.split()[1])
            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.natom = natom

        # Catch message about completed optimization.
        if line[1:23] == "Optimization completed":
            self.optfinished = True
        # Extract the atomic numbers and coordinates from the input orientation,
        #   in the event the standard orientation isn't available.
        if not self.optfinished and line.find("Input orientation") > -1 or line.find("Z-Matrix orientation") > -1:

            # If this is a counterpoise calculation, this output means that
            #   the supermolecule is now being considered, so we can set:
            self.counterpoise = 0

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.cupdate)
            if not hasattr(self, "inputcoords"):
                self.inputcoords = []
            self.inputatoms = []
            hyphens = inputfile.next()
            colmNames = inputfile.next()
            colmNames = inputfile.next()
            hyphens = inputfile.next()
            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != hyphens:
                broken = line.split()
                atomcoords.append(map(float, broken[3:6]))
                line = inputfile.next()


            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.atomnos = numpy.array(self.inputatoms, 'i')
                self.natom = len(self.atomnos)

        # Extract the atomic numbers and coordinates of the atoms.
        if not self.optfinished and line.strip() == "Standard orientation:":

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.cupdate)

            # If this is a counterpoise calculation, this output means that
            #   the supermolecule is now being considered, so we can set:
            self.counterpoise = 0

            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
            hyphens = inputfile.next()
            colmNames = inputfile.next()
            colmNames = inputfile.next()
            hyphens = inputfile.next()
            atomnos = []
            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != hyphens:
                broken = line.split()
                atomcoords.append(map(float, broken[-3:]))
                line = inputfile.next()
            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, 'i')
                self.natom = len(self.atomnos)

        # Find the targets for SCF convergence (QM calcs).
        if line[1:44] == 'Requested convergence on RMS density matrix':

            if not hasattr(self, "scftargets"):
                self.scftargets = []

            scftargets = []
            # The RMS density matrix.
            line = inputfile.next()
            # The MAX density matrix.
            line = inputfile.next()
            # For G03, there's also the energy (not for G98).
            if line[1:10] == "Requested":


        # Extract SCF convergence information (QM calcs).
        if line[1:10] == 'Cycle   1':
            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []

            scfvalues = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.find("SCF Done") == -1:
                self.updateprogress(inputfile, "QM convergence", self.fupdate)
                if line.find(' E=') == 0:

                #  RMSDP=3.74D-06 MaxDP=7.27D-05 DE=-1.73D-07 OVMax= 3.67D-05
                # or
                #  RMSDP=1.13D-05 MaxDP=1.08D-04              OVMax= 1.66D-04
                if line.find(" RMSDP") == 0:

                    parts = line.split()
                    newlist = [self.float(x.split('=')[1]) for x in parts[0:2]]
                    energy = 1.0
                    if len(parts) > 4:
                        energy = parts[2].split('=')[1]
                        if energy == "":
                            energy = self.float(parts[3])
                            energy = self.float(energy)
                    if len(self.scftargets[0]) == 3: # Only add the energy if it's a target criteria

                    line = inputfile.next()
                # May be interupted by EOF.
                except StopIteration:


        # Extract SCF convergence information (AM1 calcs).
        if line[1:4] == 'It=':
            self.scftargets = numpy.array([1E-7], "d") # This is the target value for the rms
            self.scfvalues = [[]]

            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.find(" Energy") == -1:
                if self.progress:
                    step = inputfile.tell()
                    if step != oldstep:
                        self.progress.update(step, "AM1 Convergence")
                        oldstep = step
                if line[1:4] == "It=":
                    parts = line.strip().split()
                line = inputfile.next()

        # Note: this needs to follow the section where 'SCF Done' is used
        #   to terminate a loop when extracting SCF convergence information.
        if line[1:9] == 'SCF Done':

            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []

            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(self.float(line.split()[4]), "hartree", "eV"))
        #gmagoon 5/27/09: added scfenergies reading for PM3 case where line begins with Energy=
        #example line: " Energy=   -0.077520562724 NIter=  14."
        if line[1:8] == 'Energy=':
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(self.float(line.split()[1]), "hartree", "eV"))
        #gmagoon 6/8/09: added molecular mass parsing (units will be amu)
        #example line: " Molecular mass:   208.11309 amu."
        if line[1:16] == 'Molecular mass:':
            self.molmass = self.float(line.split()[2])

	  #gmagoon 5/27/09: added rotsymm for reading rotational symmetry number
	  #it would probably be better to read in point group (or calculate separately with OpenBabel, and I probably won't end up using this
        #example line: " Rotational symmetry number  1."
        if line[1:27] == 'Rotational symmetry number':
            self.rotsymm = int(self.float(line.split()[3]))
	  #gmagoon 5/28/09: added rotcons for rotational constants (at each step) in GHZ
        #example line:  Rotational constants (GHZ):     17.0009421      5.8016756      4.5717439
        #could also read in moment of inertia, but this should just differ by a constant: rot cons= h/(8*Pi^2*I)
        #note that the last occurence of this in the thermochemistry section has reduced precision, so we will want to use the 2nd to last instance
        if line[1:28] == 'Rotational constants (GHZ):':
            if not hasattr(self, "rotcons"):
                self.rotcons = []

            # self.rotcons.append(self.float(line.split()[3:6])) #record last 3 numbers (words)
            self.rotcons.append(map(float, line.split()[3:6]))

        # Total energies after Moller-Plesset corrections.
        # Second order correction is always first, so its first occurance
        #   triggers creation of mpenergies (list of lists of energies).
        # Further MP2 corrections are appended as found.
        # Example MP2 output line:
        #  E2 =    -0.9505918144D+00 EUMP2 =    -0.28670924198852D+03
        # Warning! this output line is subtly different for MP3/4/5 runs
        if "EUMP2" in line[27:34]:

            if not hasattr(self, "mpenergies"):
                self.mpenergies = []
            mp2energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
            self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Example MP3 output line:
        #  E3=       -0.10518801D-01     EUMP3=      -0.75012800924D+02
        if line[34:39] == "EUMP3":

            mp3energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
            self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp3energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Example MP4 output lines:
        #  E4(DQ)=   -0.31002157D-02        UMP4(DQ)=   -0.75015901139D+02
        #  E4(SDQ)=  -0.32127241D-02        UMP4(SDQ)=  -0.75016013648D+02
        #  E4(SDTQ)= -0.32671209D-02        UMP4(SDTQ)= -0.75016068045D+02
        # Energy for most substitutions is used only (SDTQ by default)
        if line[34:42] == "UMP4(DQ)":

            mp4energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
            line = inputfile.next()
            if line[34:43] == "UMP4(SDQ)":
              mp4energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
              line = inputfile.next()
              if line[34:44] == "UMP4(SDTQ)":
                mp4energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
            self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp4energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Example MP5 output line:
        #  DEMP5 =  -0.11048812312D-02 MP5 =  -0.75017172926D+02
        if line[29:32] == "MP5":
            mp5energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
            self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp5energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Total energies after Coupled Cluster corrections.
        # Second order MBPT energies (MP2) are also calculated for these runs,
        #  but the output is the same as when parsing for mpenergies.
        # First turn on flag for Coupled Cluster runs.
        if line[1:23] == "Coupled Cluster theory" or line[1:8] == "CCSD(T)":

            self.coupledcluster = True
            if not hasattr(self, "ccenergies"):
                self.ccenergies = []

        # Now read the consecutive correlated energies when ,
        #  but append only the last one to ccenergies.
        # Only the highest level energy is appended - ex. CCSD(T), not CCSD.
        if self.coupledcluster and line[27:35] == "E(CORR)=":
            self.ccenergy = self.float(line.split()[3])
        if self.coupledcluster and line[1:9] == "CCSD(T)=":
            self.ccenergy = self.float(line.split()[1])
        # Append when leaving link 913
        if self.coupledcluster and line[1:16] == "Leave Link  913":
            self.ccenergies.append(utils.convertor(self.ccenergy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Geometry convergence information.
        if line[49:59] == 'Converged?':

            if not hasattr(self, "geotargets"):
                self.geovalues = []
                self.geotargets = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "d")

            newlist = [0]*4
            for i in range(4):
                line = inputfile.next()
                parts = line.split()
                    value = self.float(parts[2])
                except ValueError:
                    self.logger.error("Problem parsing the value for geometry optimisation: %s is not a number." % parts[2])
                    newlist[i] = value
                self.geotargets[i] = self.float(parts[3])


        # Gradients.
        # Read in the cartesian energy gradients (forces) from a block like this:
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Center     Atomic                   Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)
        # Number     Number              X              Y              Z
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # 1          1          -0.012534744   -0.021754635   -0.008346094
        # 2          6           0.018984731    0.032948887   -0.038003451
        # 3          1          -0.002133484   -0.006226040    0.023174772
        # 4          1          -0.004316502   -0.004968213    0.023174772
        #           -2          -0.001830728   -0.000743108   -0.000196625
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
        # The "-2" line is for a dummy atom
        # Then optimization is done in internal coordinates, Gaussian also
        # print the forces in internal coordinates, which can be produced from 
        # the above. This block looks like this:
        # Variable       Old X    -DE/DX   Delta X   Delta X   Delta X     New X
        #                                 (Linear)    (Quad)   (Total)
        #   ch        2.05980   0.01260   0.00000   0.01134   0.01134   2.07114
        #   hch        1.75406   0.09547   0.00000   0.24861   0.24861   2.00267
        #   hchh       2.09614   0.01261   0.00000   0.16875   0.16875   2.26489
        #         Item               Value     Threshold  Converged?
        if line[37:43] == "Forces":

            if not hasattr(self, "grads"):
                self.grads = []

            header = inputfile.next()
            dashes = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            forces = []
            while line != dashes:
                broken = line.split()
                Fx, Fy, Fz = broken[-3:]
                line = inputfile.next()

        # Charge and multiplicity.
        # If counterpoise correction is used, multiple lines match.
        # The first one contains charge/multiplicity of the whole molecule.:
        #   Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1 in supermolecule
        #   Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1 in fragment  1.
        #   Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1 in fragment  2.
        if line[1:7] == 'Charge' and line.find("Multiplicity")>=0:

            regex = ".*=(.*)Mul.*=\s*(\d+).*"
            match = re.match(regex, line)
            assert match, "Something unusual about the line: '%s'" % line
            self.charge = int(match.groups()[0])
            self.mult = int(match.groups()[1])

        # Orbital symmetries.
        if line[1:20] == 'Orbital symmetries:' and not hasattr(self, "mosyms"):

            # For counterpoise fragments, skip these lines.
            if self.counterpoise != 0: return

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "MO Symmetries", self.fupdate)
            self.mosyms = [[]]
            line = inputfile.next()
            unres = False
            if line.find("Alpha Orbitals") == 1:
                unres = True
                line = inputfile.next()
            i = 0
            while len(line) > 18 and line[17] == '(':
                if line.find('Virtual') >= 0:
                    self.homos = numpy.array([i-1], "i") # 'H**O' indexes the H**O in the arrays
                parts = line[17:].split()
                for x in parts:
                    i += 1 
                line = inputfile.next()
            if unres:
                line = inputfile.next()
                # Repeat with beta orbital information
                i = 0
                while len(line) > 18 and line[17] == '(':
                    if line.find('Virtual')>=0:
			if (hasattr(self, "homos")):#if there was also an alpha virtual orbital (here we consider beta) we will store two indices in the array
			    self.homos.resize([2]) # Extend the array to two elements
			    self.homos[1] = i-1 # 'H**O' indexes the H**O in the arrays
			else:#otherwise (e.g. for O triplet) there is no alpha virtual orbital, only beta virtual orbitals, and we initialize the array with one element
			    self.homos = numpy.array([i-1], "i") # 'H**O' indexes the H**O in the arrays
                    parts = line[17:].split()
                    for x in parts:
                        i += 1
                    line = inputfile.next()

        # Alpha/Beta electron eigenvalues.
        if line[1:6] == "Alpha" and line.find("eigenvalues") >= 0:

            # For counterpoise fragments, skip these lines.
            if self.counterpoise != 0: return

            # For ONIOM calcs, ignore this section in order to bypass assertion failure.
            if self.oniom: return

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Eigenvalues", self.fupdate)
            self.moenergies = [[]]
            H**O = -2

            while line.find('Alpha') == 1:
                if line.split()[1] == "virt." and H**O == -2:

                    # If there aren't any symmetries, this is a good way to find the H**O.
                    # Also, check for consistency if homos was already parsed.
                    H**O = len(self.moenergies[0])-1
                    if hasattr(self, "homos"):
                        assert H**O == self.homos[0]
                        self.homos = numpy.array([H**O], "i")

                part = line[28:]
                i = 0
                while i*10+4 < len(part):
                    x = part[i*10:(i+1)*10]
                    self.moenergies[0].append(utils.convertor(self.float(x), "hartree", "eV"))
                    i += 1
                line = inputfile.next()
            # If, at this point, self.homos is unset, then there were not
            # any alpha virtual orbitals
            if not hasattr(self, "homos"):
                H**O = len(self.moenergies[0])-1
                self.homos = numpy.array([H**O], "i")

            if line.find('Beta') == 2:

            H**O = -2
            while line.find('Beta') == 2:
                if line.split()[1] == "virt." and H**O == -2:

                    # If there aren't any symmetries, this is a good way to find the H**O.
                    # Also, check for consistency if homos was already parsed.
                    H**O = len(self.moenergies[1])-1
                    if len(self.homos) == 2:
                        assert H**O == self.homos[1]
                        self.homos[1] = H**O

                part = line[28:]
                i = 0
                while i*10+4 < len(part):
                    x = part[i*10:(i+1)*10]
                    self.moenergies[1].append(utils.convertor(self.float(x), "hartree", "eV"))
                    i += 1
                line = inputfile.next()

            self.moenergies = [numpy.array(x, "d") for x in self.moenergies]
        # Gaussian Rev <= B.0.3 (?)
        # AO basis set in the form of general basis input:
        #  1 0
        # S   3 1.00       0.000000000000
        #      0.7161683735D+02  0.1543289673D+00
        #      0.1304509632D+02  0.5353281423D+00
        #      0.3530512160D+01  0.4446345422D+00
        # SP   3 1.00       0.000000000000
        #      0.2941249355D+01 -0.9996722919D-01  0.1559162750D+00
        #      0.6834830964D+00  0.3995128261D+00  0.6076837186D+00
        #      0.2222899159D+00  0.7001154689D+00  0.3919573931D+00
        if line[1:16] == "AO basis set in":
            # For counterpoise fragment calcualtions, skip these lines.
            if self.counterpoise != 0: return
            self.gbasis = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                gbasis = []
                line = inputfile.next()
                while line.find("*")<0:
                    temp = line.split()
                    symtype = temp[0]
                    numgau = int(temp[1])
                    gau = []
                    for i in range(numgau):
                        temp = map(self.float, inputfile.next().split())
                    for i,x in enumerate(symtype):
                        newgau = [(z[0],z[i+1]) for z in gau]
                        gbasis.append( (x,newgau) )
                    line = inputfile.next() # i.e. "****" or "SP ...."
                line = inputfile.next() # i.e. "20 0" or blank line

        # Start of the IR/Raman frequency section.
        # Caution is advised here, as additional frequency blocks
        #   can be printed by Gaussian (with slightly different formats),
        #   often doubling the information printed.
        # See, for a non-standard exmaple, regression Gaussian98/test_H2.log
        if line[1:14] == "Harmonic freq":

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Frequency Information", self.fupdate)

            # The whole block should not have any blank lines.
            while line.strip() != "":

                # Lines with symmetries and symm. indices begin with whitespace.
                if line[1:15].strip() == "" and not line[15:22].strip().isdigit():

                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibsyms'):
                        self.vibsyms = []
                    syms = line.split()
                if line[1:15] == "Frequencies --":
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibfreqs'):
                        self.vibfreqs = []
                    freqs = [self.float(f) for f in line[15:].split()]
                if line[1:15] == "IR Inten    --":
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibirs'):
                        self.vibirs = []
                    irs = [self.float(f) for f in line[15:].split()]

                if line[1:15] == "Raman Activ --":
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibramans'):
                        self.vibramans = []
                    ramans = [self.float(f) for f in line[15:].split()]
                # Block with displacement should start with this.
                # Remember, it is possible to have less than three columns!
                # There should be as many lines as there are atoms.
                if line[1:29] == "Atom AN      X      Y      Z":
                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibdisps'):
                        self.vibdisps = []
                    disps = []
                    for n in range(self.natom):
                        line = inputfile.next()
                        numbers = [float(s) for s in line[10:].split()]
                        N = len(numbers) / 3
                        if not disps:
                            for n in range(N):
                        for n in range(N):
                line = inputfile.next()

# Below is the old code for the IR/Raman frequency block, can probably be removed.
#            while len(line[:15].split()) == 0:
#                self.logger.debug(line)
#                self.vibsyms.extend(line.split()) # Adding new symmetry
#                line = inputfile.next()
#                # Read in frequencies.
#                freqs = [self.float(f) for f in line.split()[2:]]
#                self.vibfreqs.extend(freqs)
#                line = inputfile.next()
#                line = inputfile.next()
#                line = inputfile.next()
#                irs = [self.float(f) for f in line.split()[3:]]
#                self.vibirs.extend(irs)
#                line = inputfile.next() # Either the header or a Raman line
#                if line.find("Raman") >= 0:
#                    if not hasattr(self, "vibramans"):
#                        self.vibramans = []
#                    ramans = [self.float(f) for f in line.split()[3:]]
#                    self.vibramans.extend(ramans)
#                    line = inputfile.next() # Depolar (P)
#                    line = inputfile.next() # Depolar (U)
#                    line = inputfile.next() # Header
#                line = inputfile.next() # First line of cartesian displacement vectors
#                p = [[], [], []]
#                while len(line[:15].split()) > 0:
#                    # Store the cartesian displacement vectors
#                    broken = map(float, line.strip().split()[2:])
#                    for i in range(0, len(broken), 3):
#                        p[i/3].append(broken[i:i+3])
#                    line = inputfile.next()
#                self.vibdisps.extend(p[0:len(broken)/3])
#                line = inputfile.next() # Should be the line with symmetries
#            self.vibfreqs = numpy.array(self.vibfreqs, "d")
#            self.vibirs = numpy.array(self.vibirs, "d")
#            self.vibdisps = numpy.array(self.vibdisps, "d")
#            if hasattr(self, "vibramans"):
#                self.vibramans = numpy.array(self.vibramans, "d")
        # Electronic transitions.
        if line[1:14] == "Excited State":
            if not hasattr(self, "etenergies"):
                self.etenergies = []
                self.etoscs = []
                self.etsyms = []
                self.etsecs = []
            # Need to deal with lines like:
            # (restricted calc)
            # Excited State   1:   Singlet-BU     5.3351 eV  232.39 nm  f=0.1695
            # (unrestricted calc) (first excited state is 2!)
            # Excited State   2:   ?Spin  -A      0.1222 eV 10148.75 nm  f=0.0000
            # (Gaussian 09 ZINDO)
            # Excited State   1:      Singlet-?Sym    2.5938 eV  478.01 nm  f=0.0000  <S**2>=0.000
            p = re.compile(":(?P<sym>.*?)(?P<energy>-?\d*\.\d*) eV")
            groups = p.search(line).groups()
            self.etenergies.append(utils.convertor(self.float(groups[1]), "eV", "cm-1"))
            line = inputfile.next()

            p = re.compile("(\d+)")
            CIScontrib = []
            while line.find(" ->") >= 0: # This is a contribution to the transition
                parts = line.split("->")
                # Has to deal with lines like:
                #       32 -> 38         0.04990
                #      35A -> 45A        0.01921
                frommoindex = 0 # For restricted or alpha unrestricted
                fromMO = parts[0].strip()
                if fromMO[-1] == "B":
                    frommoindex = 1 # For beta unrestricted
                fromMO = int(p.match(fromMO).group())-1 # subtract 1 so that it is an index into moenergies
                t = parts[1].split()
                tomoindex = 0
                toMO = t[0]
                if toMO[-1] == "B":
                    tomoindex = 1
                toMO = int(p.match(toMO).group())-1 # subtract 1 so that it is an index into moenergies

                percent = self.float(t[1])
                # For restricted calculations, the percentage will be corrected
                # after parsing (see after_parsing() above).
                CIScontrib.append([(fromMO, frommoindex), (toMO, tomoindex), percent])
                line = inputfile.next()

# Circular dichroism data (different for G03 vs G09)

# G03

## <0|r|b> * <b|rxdel|0>  (Au), Rotatory Strengths (R) in
## cgs (10**-40 erg-esu-cm/Gauss)
##       state          X           Y           Z     R(length)
##         1         0.0006      0.0096     -0.0082     -0.4568
##         2         0.0251     -0.0025      0.0002     -5.3846
##         3         0.0168      0.4204     -0.3707    -15.6580
##         4         0.0721      0.9196     -0.9775     -3.3553

# G09

## 1/2[<0|r|b>*<b|rxdel|0> + (<0|rxdel|b>*<b|r|0>)*]
## Rotatory Strengths (R) in cgs (10**-40 erg-esu-cm/Gauss)
##       state          XX          YY          ZZ     R(length)     R(au)
##         1        -0.3893     -6.7546      5.7736     -0.4568     -0.0010
##         2       -17.7437      1.7335     -0.1435     -5.3845     -0.0114
##         3       -11.8655   -297.2604    262.1519    -15.6580     -0.0332

        if (line[1:52] == "<0|r|b> * <b|rxdel|0>  (Au), Rotatory Strengths (R)" or
            line[1:50] == "1/2[<0|r|b>*<b|rxdel|0> + (<0|rxdel|b>*<b|r|0>)*]"):

            self.etrotats = []
            inputfile.next() # Units
            headers = inputfile.next() # Headers
            Ncolms = len(headers.split())
            line = inputfile.next()
            parts = line.strip().split()
            while len(parts) == Ncolms:
                    R = self.float(parts[4])
                except ValueError:
                    # nan or -nan if there is no first excited state
                    # (for unrestricted calculations)
                line = inputfile.next()
                temp = line.strip().split()
                parts = line.strip().split()                
            self.etrotats = numpy.array(self.etrotats, "d")

        # Number of basis sets functions.
        # Has to deal with lines like:
        #  NBasis =   434 NAE=    97 NBE=    97 NFC=    34 NFV=     0
        # and...
        #  NBasis = 148  MinDer = 0  MaxDer = 0
        # Although the former is in every file, it doesn't occur before
        #   the overlap matrix is printed.
        if line[1:7] == "NBasis" or line[4:10] == "NBasis":

            # For counterpoise fragment, skip these lines.
            if self.counterpoise != 0: return

            # For ONIOM calcs, ignore this section in order to bypass assertion failure.
            if self.oniom: return

            # If nbasis was already parsed, check if it changed.
            nbasis = int(line.split('=')[1].split()[0])
            if hasattr(self, "nbasis"):
                assert nbasis == self.nbasis
                self.nbasis = nbasis
        # Number of linearly-independent basis sets.
        if line[1:7] == "NBsUse":

            # For counterpoise fragment, skip these lines.
            if self.counterpoise != 0: return

            # For ONIOM calcs, ignore this section in order to bypass assertion failure.
            if self.oniom: return

            # If nmo was already parsed, check if it changed.
            nmo = int(line.split('=')[1].split()[0])
            if hasattr(self, "nmo"):
                assert nmo == self.nmo
                self.nmo = nmo

        # For AM1 calculations, set nbasis by a second method,
        #   as nmo may not always be explicitly stated.
        if line[7:22] == "basis functions, ":
            nbasis = int(line.split()[0])
            if hasattr(self, "nbasis"):
                assert nbasis == self.nbasis
                self.nbasis = nbasis

        # Molecular orbital overlap matrix.
        # Has to deal with lines such as:
        #   *** Overlap ***
        #   ****** Overlap ******
        if line[1:4] == "***" and (line[5:12] == "Overlap"
                                 or line[8:15] == "Overlap"):

            self.aooverlaps = numpy.zeros( (self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")
            # Overlap integrals for basis fn#1 are in aooverlaps[0]
            base = 0
            colmNames = inputfile.next()
            while base < self.nbasis:
                self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Overlap", self.fupdate)
                for i in range(self.nbasis-base): # Fewer lines this time
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    parts = line.split()
                    for j in range(len(parts)-1): # Some lines are longer than others
                        k = float(parts[j+1].replace("D", "E"))
                        self.aooverlaps[base+j, i+base] = k
                        self.aooverlaps[i+base, base+j] = k
                base += 5
                colmNames = inputfile.next()
            self.aooverlaps = numpy.array(self.aooverlaps, "d")                    

        # Molecular orbital coefficients (mocoeffs).
        # Essentially only produced for SCF calculations.
        # This is also the place where aonames and atombasis are parsed.
        if line[5:35] == "Molecular Orbital Coefficients" or line[5:41] == "Alpha Molecular Orbital Coefficients" or line[5:40] == "Beta Molecular Orbital Coefficients":

            if line[5:40] == "Beta Molecular Orbital Coefficients":
                beta = True
                if self.popregular:
                    # This was continue before refactoring the parsers.
                    #continue # Not going to extract mocoeffs
                # Need to add an extra array to self.mocoeffs
                self.mocoeffs.append(numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d"))
                beta = False
                self.aonames = []
                self.atombasis = []
                mocoeffs = [numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d")]

            base = 0
            self.popregular = False
            for base in range(0, self.nmo, 5):
                self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Coefficients", self.fupdate)
                colmNames = inputfile.next()   

                if not colmNames.split():
                    self.logger.warning("Molecular coefficients header found but no coefficients.")

                if base==0 and int(colmNames.split()[0])!=1:
                    # Implies that this is a POP=REGULAR calculation
                    # and so, only aonames (not mocoeffs) will be extracted
                    self.popregular = True
                symmetries = inputfile.next()
                eigenvalues = inputfile.next()
                for i in range(self.nbasis):
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    if base == 0 and not beta: # Just do this the first time 'round
                        # Changed below from :12 to :11 to deal with Elmar Neumann's example
                        parts = line[:11].split()
                        if len(parts) > 1: # New atom
                            if i>0:
                            atombasis = []
                            atomname = "%s%s" % (parts[2], parts[1])
                        orbital = line[11:20].strip()
                        self.aonames.append("%s_%s" % (atomname, orbital))

                    part = line[21:].replace("D", "E").rstrip()
                    temp = [] 
                    for j in range(0, len(part), 10):
                    if beta:
                        self.mocoeffs[1][base:base + len(part) / 10, i] = temp
                        mocoeffs[0][base:base + len(part) / 10, i] = temp
                if base == 0 and not beta: # Do the last update of atombasis
                if self.popregular:
                    # We now have aonames, so no need to continue
            if not self.popregular and not beta:
                self.mocoeffs = mocoeffs

        # Natural Orbital Coefficients (nocoeffs) - alternative for mocoeffs.
        # Most extensively formed after CI calculations, but not only.
        # Like for mocoeffs, this is also where aonames and atombasis are parsed.
        if line[5:33] == "Natural Orbital Coefficients":

            self.aonames = []
            self.atombasis = []
            nocoeffs = numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d")

            base = 0
            self.popregular = False
            for base in range(0, self.nmo, 5):
                self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Coefficients", self.fupdate)
                colmNames = inputfile.next()   
                if base==0 and int(colmNames.split()[0])!=1:
                    # Implies that this is a POP=REGULAR calculation
                    # and so, only aonames (not mocoeffs) will be extracted
                    self.popregular = True

                # No symmetry line for natural orbitals.
                # symmetries = inputfile.next()
                eigenvalues = inputfile.next()

                for i in range(self.nbasis):
                    line = inputfile.next()

                    # Just do this the first time 'round.
                    if base == 0:

                        # Changed below from :12 to :11 to deal with Elmar Neumann's example.
                        parts = line[:11].split()
                        # New atom.
                        if len(parts) > 1:
                            if i>0:
                            atombasis = []
                            atomname = "%s%s" % (parts[2], parts[1])
                        orbital = line[11:20].strip()
                        self.aonames.append("%s_%s" % (atomname, orbital))

                    part = line[21:].replace("D", "E").rstrip()
                    temp = [] 

                    for j in range(0, len(part), 10):

                    nocoeffs[base:base + len(part) / 10, i] = temp

                # Do the last update of atombasis.
                if base == 0:

                # We now have aonames, so no need to continue.
                if self.popregular:

            if not self.popregular:
                self.nocoeffs = nocoeffs

        # Pseudopotential charges.
        if line.find("Pseudopotential Parameters") > -1:

            dashes = inputfile.next()
            label1 = inputfile.next()
            label2 = inputfile.next()
            dashes = inputfile.next()

            line = inputfile.next()
            if line.find("Centers:") < 0:
                # This was continue before parser refactoring.
                # continue

            centers = map(int, line.split()[1:])
            centers.sort() # Not always in increasing order
            self.coreelectrons = numpy.zeros(self.natom, "i")

            for center in centers:
                line = inputfile.next()
                front = line[:10].strip()
                while not (front and int(front) == center):
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    front = line[:10].strip()
                info = line.split()
                self.coreelectrons[center-1] = int(info[1]) - int(info[2])

        # This will be printed for counterpoise calcualtions only.
        # To prevent crashing, we need to know which fragment is being considered.
        # Other information is also printed in lines that start like this.
        if line[1:14] == 'Counterpoise:':
            if line[42:50] == "fragment":
                self.counterpoise = int(line[51:54])

        # This will be printed only during ONIOM calcs; use it to set a flag
        # that will allow assertion failures to be bypassed in the code.
        if line[1:7] == "ONIOM:":
            self.oniom = True
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line[1:19] == "ATOMIC COORDINATES":
            if not hasattr(self,"atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
                self.atomnos = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                temp = line.strip().split()
                atomcoords.append([utils.convertor(float(x),"bohr","Angstrom") for x in temp[3:6]]) #bohrs to angs
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")
            self.natom = len(self.atomnos)
        # Use BASIS DATA to parse input for aonames and atombasis.
        # This is always the first place this information is printed, so no attribute check is needed.
        if line[1:11] == "BASIS DATA":
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            self.aonames = []
            self.atombasis = []
            self.gbasis = []
            for i in range(self.natom):
            line = "dummy"
            while line.strip() != "":
                line = inputfile.next()
                funcnr = line[1:6]
                funcsym = line[7:9]
                funcatom_ = line[11:14]
                functype_ = line[16:22]
                funcexp = line[25:38]
                funccoeffs = line[38:]

                # If a new function type is printed or the BASIS DATA block ends,
                #   then the previous functions can be added to gbasis.
                # When translating the Molpro function type name into a gbasis code,
                #   note that Molpro prints all components, and we want to add
                #   only one to gbasis, with the proper code (S,P,D,F,G).
                # Warning! The function types differ for cartesian/spherical functions.
                # Skip the first printed function type, however (line[3] != '1').
                if (functype_.strip() and line[1:4] != '  1') or line.strip() == "":
                    funcbasis = None
                    if functype in ['1s', 's']:
                        funcbasis = 'S'
                    if functype in ['x', '2px']:
                        funcbasis = 'P'
                    if functype in ['xx', '3d0']:
                        funcbasis = 'D'
                    if functype in ['xxx', '4f0']:
                        funcbasis = 'F'
                    if functype in ['xxxx', '5g0']:
                        funcbasis = 'G'
                    if funcbasis:

                        # The function is split into as many columns as there are.
                        for i in range(len(coefficients[0])):
                            func = (funcbasis, [])
                            for j in range(len(exponents)):

                # If it is a new type, set up the variables for the next shell(s).
                if functype_.strip():
                    exponents = []
                    coefficients = []
                    functype = functype_.strip()
                    funcatom = int(funcatom_.strip())

                # Add exponents and coefficients to lists.
                if line.strip():
                    funcexp = float(funcexp)
                    funccoeffs = [float(s) for s in funccoeffs.split()]

                # If the function number is there, add to atombasis and aonames.
                if funcnr.strip():
                    funcnr = int(funcnr.split('.')[0])
                    element = self.table.element[self.atomnos[funcatom-1]]
                    aoname = "%s%i_%s" %(element, funcatom, functype)

        if line[1:23] == "NUMBER OF CONTRACTIONS":
            nbasis = int(line.split()[3])
            if hasattr(self, "nbasis"):
                assert nbasis == self.nbasis
                self.nbasis = nbasis

        # This is used to signalize whether we are inside an SCF calculation.
        if line[1:8] == "PROGRAM" and line[14:18] == "-SCF":

            self.insidescf = True

        # Use this information instead of 'SETTING ...', in case the defaults are standard.
        # Note that this is sometimes printed in each geometry optimization step.
        if line[1:20] == "NUMBER OF ELECTRONS":
            spinup = int(line.split()[3][:-1])
            spindown = int(line.split()[4][:-1])
            # Nuclear charges (atomnos) should be parsed by now.
            nuclear = numpy.sum(self.atomnos)
            charge = nuclear - spinup - spindown
            mult = spinup - spindown + 1
            # Copy charge, or assert for exceptions if already exists.
            if not hasattr(self, "charge"):
                self.charge = charge
                assert self.charge == charge
            # Copy multiplicity, or assert for exceptions if already exists.
            if not hasattr(self, "mult"):
                self.mult = mult
                assert self.mult == mult
        # Convergenve thresholds for SCF cycle, should be contained in a line such as:
        #   CONVERGENCE THRESHOLDS:    1.00E-05 (Density)    1.40E-07 (Energy)
        if self.insidescf and line[1:24] == "CONVERGENCE THRESHOLDS:":

            if not hasattr(self, "scftargets"):
                self.scftargets = []

            scftargets = map(float, line.split()[2::2])
            # Usually two criteria, but save the names this just in case.
            self.scftargetnames = line.split()[3::2]

        # Read in the print out of the SCF cycle - for scfvalues. For RHF looks like:
        # ITERATION    DDIFF          GRAD             ENERGY        2-EL.EN.            DIPOLE MOMENTS         DIIS
        #     1      0.000D+00      0.000D+00      -379.71523700   1159.621171   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    0
        #     2      0.000D+00      0.898D-02      -379.74469736   1162.389787   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    1
        #     3      0.817D-02      0.144D-02      -379.74635529   1162.041033   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    2
        #     4      0.213D-02      0.571D-03      -379.74658063   1162.159929   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    3
        #     5      0.799D-03      0.166D-03      -379.74660889   1162.144256   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    4
        if self.insidescf and line[1:10] == "ITERATION":
            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            energy = 0.0
            scfvalues = []
            while line.strip() != "":
                if line.split()[0].isdigit():
                    ddiff = float(line.split()[1].replace('D','E'))
                    newenergy = float(line.split()[3])
                    ediff = newenergy - energy
                    energy = newenergy

                    # The convergence thresholds must have been read above.
                    # Presently, we recognize MAX DENSITY and MAX ENERGY thresholds.
                    numtargets = len(self.scftargetnames)
                    values = [numpy.nan]*numtargets
                    for n,name in zip(range(numtargets),self.scftargetnames):
                        if "ENERGY" in name.upper():
                            values[n] = ediff
                        elif "DENSITY" in name.upper():
                            values[n] = ddiff

                line = inputfile.next()

        # SCF result - RHF/UHF and DFT (RKS) energies.
        if line[1:5] in ["!RHF", "!UHF", "!RKS"] and line[16:22] == "ENERGY":
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            scfenergy = float(line.split()[4])
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(scfenergy, "hartree", "eV"))
            # We are now done with SCF cycle (after a few lines).
            self.insidescf = False

        # MP2 energies.
        if line[1:5] == "!MP2":
            if not hasattr(self, 'mpenergies'):
                self.mpenergies = []
            mp2energy = float(line.split()[-1])
            mp2energy = utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV")
        # MP2 energies if MP3 or MP4 is also calculated.
        if line[1:5] == "MP2:":
            if not hasattr(self, 'mpenergies'):
                self.mpenergies = []
            mp2energy = float(line.split()[2])
            mp2energy = utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV")
        # MP3 (D) and MP4 (DQ or SDQ) energies.
        if line[1:8] == "MP3(D):":
            mp3energy = float(line.split()[2])
            mp2energy = utils.convertor(mp3energy, "hartree", "eV")
            line = inputfile.next()
            if line[1:9] == "MP4(DQ):":
                mp4energy = float(line.split()[2])
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line[1:10] == "MP4(SDQ):":
                    mp4energy = float(line.split()[2])
                mp4energy = utils.convertor(mp4energy, "hartree", "eV")

        # The CCSD program operates all closed-shel coupled cluster runs.
        if line[1:15] == "PROGRAM * CCSD":
            if not hasattr(self, "ccenergies"):
                self.ccenergies = []
            while line[1:20] != "Program statistics:":
                # The last energy (most exact) will be read last and thus saved.
                if line[1:5] == "!CCD" or line[1:6] == "!CCSD" or line[1:9] == "!CCSD(T)":
                    ccenergy = float(line.split()[-1])
                    ccenergy = utils.convertor(ccenergy, "hartree", "eV")
                line = inputfile.next()

        # Read the occupancy (index of H**O s).
        # For restricted calculations, there is one line here. For unrestricted, two:
        #   Final alpha occupancy:  ...
        #   Final beta  occupancy:  ...
        if line[1:17] == "Final occupancy:":
            self.homos = [int(line.split()[-1])-1]
        if line[1:23] == "Final alpha occupancy:":
            self.homos = [int(line.split()[-1])-1]
            line = inputfile.next()

        # From this block atombasis, moenergies, and mocoeffs can be parsed.
        # Note that Molpro does not print this by default, you must add this in the input:
        # What's more, this prints only the occupied orbitals. To get virtuals, add also:
        #   ORBPTIN,NVIRT
        #   where NVIRT is how many to print (can be some large number, like 99999, to print all).
        # The block is in general flipped when compared to other programs (GAMESS, Gaussian), and
        #   MOs in the rows. Also, it does not cut the table into parts, rather each MO row has
        #   as many lines as it takes to print all the coefficients, as shown below:
        # =================
        #   Orb  Occ    Energy  Couls-En    Coefficients
        #                                   1 1s      1 1s      1 2px     1 2py     1 2pz     2 1s   (...)
        #                                   3 1s      3 1s      3 2px     3 2py     3 2pz     4 1s   (...)
        # (...)
        #   1.1   2   -11.0351  -43.4915  0.701460  0.025696 -0.000365 -0.000006  0.000000  0.006922 (...)
        #                                -0.006450  0.004742 -0.001028 -0.002955  0.000000 -0.701460 (...)
        # (...)
        # For unrestricted calcualtions, ELECTRON ORBITALS is followed on the same line
        # For examples, see data/Molpro/basicMolpro2006/dvb_sp*.
        if line[1:18] == "ELECTRON ORBITALS" or self.electronorbitals:
            # Detect if we are reading beta (negative spin) orbitals.
            spin = 0
            if line[19:36] == "FOR NEGATIVE SPIN" or self.electronorbitals[19:36] == "FOR NEGATIVE SPIN":
                spin = 1
            if not self.electronorbitals:
                dashes = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            headers = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            # Parse the list of atomic orbitals if atombasis or aonames is missing.
            line = inputfile.next()
            if not hasattr(self, "atombasis") or not hasattr(self, "aonames"):
                self.atombasis = []
                for i in range(self.natom):
                self.aonames = []
                aonum = 0
                while line.strip():
                    for s in line.split():
                        if s.isdigit():
                            atomno = int(s)
                            aonum += 1
                            functype = s
                            element = self.table.element[self.atomnos[atomno-1]]
                            aoname = "%s%i_%s" %(element, atomno, functype)
                    line = inputfile.next()
                while line.strip():
                    line = inputfile.next()

            # Now there can be one or two blank lines.
            while not line.strip():
                line = inputfile.next()
            # Create empty moenergies and mocoeffs if they don't exist.
            if not hasattr(self, "moenergies"):
                self.moenergies = [[]]
                self.mocoeffs = [[]]
            # Do the same if they exist and are being read again (spin=0),
            #   this means only the last print-out of these data are saved,
            #   which consistent with current cclib practices.
            elif len(self.moenergies) == 1 and spin == 0:
                self.moenergies = [[]]
                self.mocoeffs = [[]]
            while line.strip() and not "ORBITALS" in line:
                coeffs = []
                while line.strip() != "":
                    if line[:30].strip():
                        moenergy = float(line.split()[2])
                        moenergy = utils.convertor(moenergy, "hartree", "eV")
                    line = line[31:]
                    # Each line has 10 coefficients in 10.6f format.
                    num = len(line)/10
                    for i in range(num):
                            coeff = float(line[10*i:10*(i+1)])
                        # Molpro prints stars when coefficients are huge.
                        except ValueError, detail:
                            self.logger.warn("Set coefficient to zero: %s" %detail)
                            coeff = 0.0
                    line = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
            # Check if last line begins the next ELECTRON ORBITALS section.
            if line[1:18] == "ELECTRON ORBITALS":
                self.electronorbitals = line
                self.electronorbitals = ""
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line.find("INPUT FILE") >= 0:
        #check to make sure we aren't parsing Create jobs
            while line:

                self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Unsupported Information", self.fupdate)

                if line.find("INPUT FILE") >=0 and hasattr(self,"scftargets"):
                #does this file contain multiple calculations?
                #if so, print a warning and skip to end of file
                    self.logger.warning("Skipping remaining calculations")

                if line.find("INPUT FILE") >= 0:
                    line2 = inputfile.next()
                    line2 = None

                if line2 and len(line2) <= 2:
                #make sure that it's not blank like in the NiCO4 regression
                    line2 = inputfile.next()

                if line2 and (line2.find("Create") < 0 and line2.find("create") < 0):

                line = inputfile.next()

        if line[1:10] == "Symmetry:":
            info = line.split()
            if info[1] == "NOSYM":
                self.nosymflag = True

        # Use this to read the subspecies of irreducible representations.
        # It will be a list, with each element representing one irrep.
        if line.strip() == "Irreducible Representations, including subspecies":
            dashes = inputfile.next()
            self.irreps = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip() != "":
                line = inputfile.next()

        if line[4:13] == 'Molecule:':
            info = line.split()
            if info[1] == 'UNrestricted':
                self.unrestrictedflag = True

        if line[1:6] == "ATOMS":
        # Find the number of atoms and their atomic numbers
        # Also extract the starting coordinates (for a GeoOpt anyway)
            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.cupdate)

            self.atomnos = []
            self.atomcoords = []
            self.coreelectrons = []

            underline = inputfile.next()  #clear pointless lines
            label1 = inputfile.next()     # 
            label2 = inputfile.next()     #
            line = inputfile.next()
            atomcoords = []
            while len(line)>2: #ensure that we are reading no blank lines
                info = line.split()
                element = info[1].split('.')[0]
                atomcoords.append(map(float, info[2:5]))
                self.coreelectrons.append(int(float(info[5]) - float(info[6])))
                line = inputfile.next()

            self.natom = len(self.atomnos)
            self.atomnos = numpy.array(self.atomnos, "i")

        if line[1:10] == "FRAGMENTS":
            header = inputfile.next()

            self.frags = []
            self.fragnames = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            while len(line) > 2: #ensure that we are reading no blank lines
                info = line.split()

                if len(info) == 7: #fragment name is listed here
                    self.frags[-1].append(int(info[2]) - 1)

                elif len(info) == 5: #add atoms into last fragment
                    self.frags[-1].append(int(info[0]) - 1)

                line = inputfile.next()

        # Extract charge
        if line[1:11] == "Net Charge":
            self.charge = int(line.split()[2])
            line = inputfile.next()
            if len(line.strip()):
                #  Spin polar: 1 (Spin_A minus Spin_B electrons)
                self.mult = int(line.split()[2]) + 1
                 # (Not sure about this for higher multiplicities)
                self.mult = 1

        if line[1:22] == "S C F   U P D A T E S":
        # find targets for SCF convergence

            if not hasattr(self,"scftargets"):
                self.scftargets = []

            #underline, blank, nr
            for i in range(3):

            line = inputfile.next()
            self.SCFconv = float(line.split()[-1])
            line = inputfile.next()
            self.sconv2 = float(line.split()[-1])

        if line[1:11] == "CYCLE    1":

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "QM convergence", self.fupdate)

            newlist = []
            line = inputfile.next()

            if not hasattr(self,"geovalues"):
                # This is the first SCF cycle
                self.scftargets.append([self.sconv2*10, self.sconv2])
            elif self.finalgeometry in [self.GETLAST, self.NOMORE]:
                # This is the final SCF cycle
                self.scftargets.append([self.SCFconv*10, self.SCFconv])
                # This is an intermediate SCF cycle
                oldscftst = self.scftargets[-1][1]
                grdmax = self.geovalues[-1][1]
                scftst = max(self.SCFconv, min(oldscftst, grdmax/30, 10**(-self.accint)))
                self.scftargets.append([scftst*10, scftst])

            while line.find("SCF CONVERGED") == -1 and line.find("SCF not fully converged, result acceptable") == -1 and line.find("SCF NOT CONVERGED") == -1:
                if line[4:12] == "SCF test":
                    if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                        self.scfvalues = []

                    info = line.split()
                    newlist.append([float(info[4]), abs(float(info[6]))])
                    line = inputfile.next()
                except StopIteration: #EOF reached?
                    self.logger.warning("SCF did not converge, so attributes may be missing")

            if line.find("SCF not fully converged, result acceptable") > 0:
                self.logger.warning("SCF not fully converged, results acceptable")

            if line.find("SCF NOT CONVERGED") > 0:
                self.logger.warning("SCF did not converge! moenergies and mocoeffs are unreliable")

            if hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):

        # Parse SCF energy for SP calcs from bonding energy decomposition section.
        # It seems ADF does not print it earlier for SP calcualtions.
        # If it does (does it?), parse that instead.
        # Check that scfenergies does not exist, becuase gopt runs also print this,
        #   repeating the values in the last "Geometry Convergence Tests" section.
        if "Total Bonding Energy:" in line:
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                energy = utils.convertor(float(line.split()[3]), "hartree", "eV")
                self.scfenergies = [energy]            

        if line[51:65] == "Final Geometry":
            self.finalgeometry = self.GETLAST

        if line[1:24] == "Coordinates (Cartesian)" and self.finalgeometry in [self.NOTFOUND, self.GETLAST]:
            # Get the coordinates from each step of the GeoOpt
            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
            equals = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            title = inputfile.next()
            title = inputfile.next()
            hyphens = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != hyphens:
                atomcoords.append(map(float, line.split()[5:8]))
                line = inputfile.next()
            if self.finalgeometry == self.GETLAST: # Don't get any more coordinates
                self.finalgeometry = self.NOMORE

        if line[1:27] == 'Geometry Convergence Tests':
        # Extract Geometry convergence information
            if not hasattr(self, "geotargets"):
                self.geovalues = []
                self.geotargets = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "d")
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            equals = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            temp = inputfile.next().strip().split()
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(float(temp[-1]), "hartree", "eV"))
            for i in range(6):
                line = inputfile.next()
            values = []
            for i in range(5):
                temp = inputfile.next().split()
                self.geotargets[i] = float(temp[-3])

        if line[1:27] == 'General Accuracy Parameter':
            # Need to know the accuracy of the integration grid to
            # calculate the scftarget...note that it changes with time
            self.accint = float(line.split()[-1])

        if line.find('Orbital Energies, per Irrep and Spin') > 0 and not hasattr(self, "mosyms") and self.nosymflag and not self.unrestrictedflag:
        #Extracting orbital symmetries and energies, homos for nosym case
        #Should only be for restricted case because there is a better text block for unrestricted and nosym

            self.mosyms = [[]]

            self.moenergies = [[]]

            underline = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            underline = inputfile.next()
            label = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            info = line.split()

            if not info[0] == '1':
                self.logger.warning("MO info up to #%s is missing" % info[0])

            #handle case where MO information up to a certain orbital are missing
            while int(info[0]) - 1 != len(self.moenergies[0]):

            homoA = None

            while len(line) > 10:
                info = line.split()
                self.moenergies[0].append(utils.convertor(float(info[2]), 'hartree', 'eV'))
                if info[1] == '0.000' and not hasattr(self, 'homos'):
                    self.homos = [len(self.moenergies[0]) - 2]
                line = inputfile.next()

            self.moenergies = [numpy.array(self.moenergies[0], "d")]
            self.homos = numpy.array(self.homos, "i")

        if line[1:29] == 'Orbital Energies, both Spins' and not hasattr(self, "mosyms") and self.nosymflag and self.unrestrictedflag:
        #Extracting orbital symmetries and energies, homos for nosym case
        #should only be here if unrestricted and nosym

            self.mosyms = [[], []]

            moenergies = [[], []]

            underline = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            underline = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            homoa = 0
            homob = None

            while len(line) > 5:
                info = line.split()
                if info[2] == 'A': 
                    moenergies[0].append(utils.convertor(float(info[4]), 'hartree', 'eV'))
                    if info[3] != '0.00':
                        homoa = len(moenergies[0]) - 1
                elif info[2] == 'B':
                    moenergies[1].append(utils.convertor(float(info[4]), 'hartree', 'eV'))
                    if info[3] != '0.00':
                        homob = len(moenergies[1]) - 1
                    print "Error reading line: %s" % line

                line = inputfile.next()

            self.moenergies = [numpy.array(x, "d") for x in moenergies]
            self.homos = numpy.array([homoa, homob], "i")

        if line[1:29] == 'Orbital Energies, all Irreps' and not hasattr(self, "mosyms"):
        #Extracting orbital symmetries and energies, homos
            self.mosyms = [[]]
            self.symlist = {}

            self.moenergies = [[]]

            underline = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            underline2 = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            homoa = None
            homob = None

            #multiple = {'E':2, 'T':3, 'P':3, 'D':5}
            # The above is set if there are no special irreps
            names = [irrep[0].split(':')[0] for irrep in self.irreps]
            counts = [len(irrep) for irrep in self.irreps]
            multiple = dict(zip(names, counts))
            irrepspecies = {}
            for n in range(len(names)):
                indices = range(counts[n])
                subspecies = self.irreps[n]
                irrepspecies[names[n]] = dict(zip(indices, subspecies))

            while line.strip():
                info = line.split()
                if len(info) == 5: #this is restricted
                    #count = multiple.get(info[0][0],1)
                    count = multiple.get(info[0],1)
                    for repeat in range(count): # i.e. add E's twice, T's thrice
                        self.moenergies[0].append(utils.convertor(float(info[3]), 'hartree', 'eV'))

                        sym = info[0]
                        if count > 1: # add additional sym label
                            sym = self.normalisedegenerates(info[0],repeat,ndict=irrepspecies)

                        except KeyError:

                    if info[2] == '0.00' and not hasattr(self, 'homos'):
                        self.homos = [len(self.moenergies[0]) - (count + 1)] #count, because need to handle degenerate cases
                    line = inputfile.next()
                elif len(info) == 6: #this is unrestricted
                    if len(self.moenergies) < 2: #if we don't have space, create it
#                    count = multiple.get(info[0][0], 1)
                    count = multiple.get(info[0], 1)
                    if info[2] == 'A':
                        for repeat in range(count): # i.e. add E's twice, T's thrice
                            self.moenergies[0].append(utils.convertor(float(info[4]), 'hartree', 'eV'))

                            sym = info[0]
                            if count > 1: #add additional sym label
                                sym = self.normalisedegenerates(info[0],repeat)

                            except KeyError:

                        if info[3] == '0.00' and homoa == None:
                            homoa = len(self.moenergies[0]) - (count + 1) #count because degenerate cases need to be handled

                    if info[2] == 'B':
                        for repeat in range(count): # i.e. add E's twice, T's thrice
                            self.moenergies[1].append(utils.convertor(float(info[4]), 'hartree', 'eV'))

                            sym = info[0]
                            if count > 1: #add additional sym label
                                sym = self.normalisedegenerates(info[0],repeat)

                            except KeyError:

                        if info[3] == '0.00' and homob == None:
                            homob = len(self.moenergies[1]) - (count + 1)

                    line = inputfile.next()

                else: #different number of lines
                    print "Error", info

            if len(info) == 6: #still unrestricted, despite being out of loop
                self.homos = [homoa, homob]

            self.moenergies = [numpy.array(x, "d") for x in self.moenergies]
            self.homos = numpy.array(self.homos, "i")

        if line[1:28] == "Vibrations and Normal Modes":
            # Section on extracting vibdisps
            # Also contains vibfreqs, but these are extracted in the
            # following section (see below)
            self.vibdisps = []
            equals = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()

            freqs = inputfile.next()
            while freqs.strip()!="":
                minus = inputfile.next()
                p = [ [], [], [] ]
                for i in range(len(self.atomnos)):
                    broken = map(float, inputfile.next().split()[1:])
                    for j in range(0, len(broken), 3):
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                freqs = inputfile.next()
            self.vibdisps = numpy.array(self.vibdisps, "d")

        if line[1:24] == "List of All Frequencies":
        # Start of the IR/Raman frequency section
            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Frequency information", self.fupdate)

        #                 self.vibsyms = [] # Need to look into this a bit more
            self.vibirs = []
            self.vibfreqs = []
            for i in range(8):
                line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next().strip()
            while line:
                temp = line.split()
                self.vibirs.append(float(temp[2])) # or is it temp[1]?
                line = inputfile.next().strip()
            self.vibfreqs = numpy.array(self.vibfreqs, "d")
            self.vibirs = numpy.array(self.vibirs, "d")
            if hasattr(self, "vibramans"):
                self.vibramans = numpy.array(self.vibramans, "d")

        #delete this after new implementation using smat, eigvec print,eprint?
        if line[1:49] == "Total nr. of (C)SFOs (summation over all irreps)":
        # Extract the number of basis sets
            self.nbasis = int(line.split(":")[1].split()[0])

        # now that we're here, let's extract aonames

            self.fonames = []
            self.start_indeces = {}

            blank = inputfile.next()
            note = inputfile.next()
            symoffset = 0

            blank = inputfile.next() 
            blank = inputfile.next()
            if len(blank) > 2: #fix for ADF2006.01 as it has another note
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()

            self.nosymreps = []
            while len(self.fonames) < self.nbasis:

                symline = inputfile.next()
                sym = symline.split()[1]
                line = inputfile.next()
                num = int(line.split(':')[1].split()[0])

                #read until line "--------..." is found
                while line.find('-----') < 0:
                    line = inputfile.next()

                line = inputfile.next() # the start of the first SFO

                while len(self.fonames) < symoffset + num:
                    info = line.split()

                    #index0 index1 occ2 energy3/4 fragname5 coeff6 orbnum7 orbname8 fragname9
                    if not sym in self.start_indeces.keys():
                    #have we already set the start index for this symmetry?
                        self.start_indeces[sym] = int(info[1])

                    orbname = info[8]
                    orbital = info[7] + orbname.replace(":", "")

                    fragname = info[5]
                    frag = fragname + info[9]

                    coeff = float(info[6])

                    line = inputfile.next()
                    while line.strip() and not line[:7].strip(): # while it's the same SFO
                        # i.e. while not completely blank, but blank at the start
                        info = line[43:].split()
                        if len(info)>0: # len(info)==0 for the second line of dvb_ir.adfout
                            frag += "+" + fragname + info[-1]
                            coeff = float(info[-4])
                            if coeff < 0:
                                orbital += '-' + info[-3] + info[-2].replace(":", "")
                                orbital += '+' + info[-3] + info[-2].replace(":", "")
                        line = inputfile.next()
                    # At this point, we are either at the start of the next SFO or at
                    # a blank line...the end

                    self.fonames.append("%s_%s" % (frag, orbital))
                symoffset += num

                # blankline blankline
                inputfile.next(); inputfile.next()

        if line[1:32] == "S F O   P O P U L A T I O N S ,":
        #Extract overlap matrix

            self.fooverlaps = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")

            symoffset = 0

            for nosymrep in self.nosymreps:

                line = inputfile.next()
                while line.find('===') < 10: #look for the symmetry labels
                    line = inputfile.next()
                #blank blank text blank col row
                for i in range(6):

                base = 0
                while base < nosymrep: #have we read all the columns?

                    for i in range(nosymrep - base):

                        self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Overlap", self.fupdate)
                        line = inputfile.next()
                        parts = line.split()[1:]
                        for j in range(len(parts)):
                            k = float(parts[j])
                            self.fooverlaps[base + symoffset + j, base + symoffset +i] = k
                            self.fooverlaps[base + symoffset + i, base + symoffset + j] = k

                    #blank, blank, column
                    for i in range(3):

                    base += 4

                symoffset += nosymrep
                base = 0

# The commented code below makes the atombasis attribute based on the BAS function in ADF,
#   but this is probably not so useful, since SFOs are used to build MOs in ADF.
#        if line[1:54] == "BAS: List of all Elementary Cartesian Basis Functions":
#            self.atombasis = []
#            # There will be some text, followed by a line:
#            #       (power of) X  Y  Z  R     Alpha  on Atom
#            while not line[1:11] == "(power of)":
#                line = inputfile.next()
#            dashes = inputfile.next()
#            blank = inputfile.next()
#            line = inputfile.next()
#            # There will be two blank lines when there are no more atom types.
#            while line.strip() != "":
#                atoms = [int(i)-1 for i in line.split()[1:]]
#                for n in range(len(atoms)):
#                    self.atombasis.append([])
#                dashes = inputfile.next()
#                line = inputfile.next()
#                while line.strip() != "":
#                    indices = [int(i)-1 for i in line.split()[5:]]
#                    for i in range(len(indices)):
#                        self.atombasis[atoms[i]].append(indices[i])
#                    line = inputfile.next()
#                line = inputfile.next()

        if line[48:67] == "SFO MO coefficients":

            self.mocoeffs = [numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")]
            spin = 0
            symoffset = 0
            lastrow = 0

            # Section ends with "1" at beggining of a line.
            while line[0] != "1":
                line = inputfile.next()

                # If spin is specified, then there will be two coefficient matrices. 
                if line.strip() == "***** SPIN 1 *****":
                    self.mocoeffs = [numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d"),
                                     numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")]

                # Bump up the spin.
                if line.strip() == "***** SPIN 2 *****":
                    spin = 1
                    symoffset = 0
                    lastrow = 0

                # Next symmetry.
                if line.strip()[:4] == "=== ":
                    sym = line.split()[1]
                    if self.nosymflag:
                        aolist = range(self.nbasis)
                        aolist = self.symlist[sym][spin]
                    # Add to the symmetry offset of AO ordering.
                    symoffset += lastrow

                # Blocks with coefficient always start with "MOs :".
                if line[1:6] == "MOs :":
                    # Next line has the MO index contributed to.
                    monumbers = [int(n) for n in line[6:].split()]
                    occup = inputfile.next()
                    label = inputfile.next()
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    # The table can end with a blank line or "1".
                    row = 0
                    while not line.strip() in ["", "1"]:
                        info = line.split()

                        if int(info[0]) < self.start_indeces[sym]:
                        #check to make sure we aren't parsing CFs
                            line = inputfile.next()

                        self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Coefficients", self.fupdate)
                        row += 1
                        coeffs = [float(x) for x in info[1:]]
                        moindices = [aolist[n-1] for n in monumbers]
                        # The AO index is 1 less than the row.
                        aoindex = symoffset + row - 1
                        for i in range(len(monumbers)):
                            self.mocoeffs[spin][moindices[i],aoindex] = coeffs[i]
                        line = inputfile.next()
                    lastrow = row

        if line[4:53] == "Final excitation energies from Davidson algorithm":

            # move forward in file past some various algorthm info

            # *   Final excitation energies from Davidson algorithm                    *
            # *                                                                        *
            # **************************************************************************

            #     Number of loops in Davidson routine     =   20                    
            #     Number of matrix-vector multiplications =   24                    
            #     Type of excitations = SINGLET-SINGLET 

            inputfile.next(); inputfile.next(); inputfile.next()
            inputfile.next(); inputfile.next(); inputfile.next()
            inputfile.next(); inputfile.next()

            symm = self.normalisesym(inputfile.next().split()[1])

            # move forward in file past some more txt and header info

            # Excitation energies E in a.u. and eV, dE wrt prev. cycle,
            # oscillator strengths f in a.u.

            # no.  E/a.u.        E/eV      f           dE/a.u.
            # -----------------------------------------------------

            inputfile.next(); inputfile.next(); inputfile.next()
            inputfile.next(); inputfile.next(); inputfile.next()

            # now start parsing etenergies and etoscs

            etenergies = []
            etoscs = []
            etsyms = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            while len(line) > 2:
                info = line.split()
                etenergies.append(utils.convertor(float(info[2]), "eV", "cm-1"))
                line = inputfile.next()

            # move past next section
            while line[1:53] != "Major MO -> MO transitions for the above excitations":
                line = inputfile.next()

            # move past headers

            #  Excitation  Occupied to virtual  Contribution                         
            #   Nr.          orbitals           weight        contribibutions to      
            #                                   (sum=1) transition dipole moment   
            #                                             x       y       z       

            inputfile.next(), inputfile.next(), inputfile.next()
            inputfile.next(), inputfile.next(), inputfile.next()

            # before we start handeling transitions, we need
            # to create mosyms with indices
            # only restricted calcs are possible in ADF

            counts = {}
            syms = []
            for mosym in self.mosyms[0]:
                if counts.keys().count(mosym) == 0:
                    counts[mosym] = 1
                    counts[mosym] += 1

                syms.append(str(counts[mosym]) + mosym)

            import re
            etsecs = []
            printed_warning = False 

            for i in range(len(etenergies)):
                etsec = []
                line = inputfile.next()
                info = line.split()
                while len(info) > 0:

                    match = re.search('[^0-9]', info[1])
                    index1 = int(info[1][:match.start(0)])
                    text = info[1][match.start(0):]
                    symtext = text[0].upper() + text[1:]
                    sym1 = str(index1) + self.normalisesym(symtext)

                    match = re.search('[^0-9]', info[3])
                    index2 = int(info[3][:match.start(0)])
                    text = info[3][match.start(0):]
                    symtext = text[0].upper() + text[1:]
                    sym2 = str(index2) + self.normalisesym(symtext)

                        index1 = syms.index(sym1)
                    except ValueError:
                        if not printed_warning:
                            self.logger.warning("Etsecs are not accurate!")
                            printed_warning = True

                        index2 = syms.index(sym2)
                    except ValueError:
                        if not printed_warning:
                            self.logger.warning("Etsecs are not accurate!")
                            printed_warning = True

                    etsec.append([(index1, 0), (index2, 0), float(info[4])])

                    line = inputfile.next()
                    info = line.split()


            if not hasattr(self, "etenergies"):
                self.etenergies = etenergies
                self.etenergies += etenergies

            if not hasattr(self, "etoscs"):
                self.etoscs = etoscs
                self.etoscs += etoscs

            if not hasattr(self, "etsyms"):
                self.etsyms = etsyms
                self.etsyms += etsyms

            if not hasattr(self, "etsecs"):
                self.etsecs = etsecs
                self.etsecs += etsecs
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        # Number of atoms.
        if line[1:8] == "NAtoms=":

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.fupdate)

            natom = int(line.split()[1])
            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.natom = natom

        # Catch message about completed optimization.
        if line[1:23] == "Optimization completed":
            self.optfinished = True

        # Extract the atomic numbers and coordinates from the input orientation,
        #   in the event the standard orientation isn't available.
        if not self.optfinished and line.find(
                "Input orientation") > -1 or line.find(
                    "Z-Matrix orientation") > -1:

            # If this is a counterpoise calculation, this output means that
            #   the supermolecule is now being considered, so we can set:
            self.counterpoise = 0

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.cupdate)

            if not hasattr(self, "inputcoords"):
                self.inputcoords = []
            self.inputatoms = []

            hyphens = inputfile.next()
            colmNames = inputfile.next()
            colmNames = inputfile.next()
            hyphens = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != hyphens:
                broken = line.split()
                atomcoords.append(map(float, broken[3:6]))
                line = inputfile.next()


            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.atomnos = numpy.array(self.inputatoms, 'i')
                self.natom = len(self.atomnos)

        # Extract the atomic numbers and coordinates of the atoms.
        if not self.optfinished and line.strip() == "Standard orientation:":

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.cupdate)

            # If this is a counterpoise calculation, this output means that
            #   the supermolecule is now being considered, so we can set:
            self.counterpoise = 0

            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []

            hyphens = inputfile.next()
            colmNames = inputfile.next()
            colmNames = inputfile.next()
            hyphens = inputfile.next()

            atomnos = []
            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != hyphens:
                broken = line.split()
                atomcoords.append(map(float, broken[-3:]))
                line = inputfile.next()
            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, 'i')
                self.natom = len(self.atomnos)

        # Find the targets for SCF convergence (QM calcs).
        if line[1:44] == 'Requested convergence on RMS density matrix':

            if not hasattr(self, "scftargets"):
                self.scftargets = []

            scftargets = []
            # The RMS density matrix.
            line = inputfile.next()
            # The MAX density matrix.
            line = inputfile.next()
            # For G03, there's also the energy (not for G98).
            if line[1:10] == "Requested":


        # Extract SCF convergence information (QM calcs).
        if line[1:10] == 'Cycle   1':

            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []

            scfvalues = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.find("SCF Done") == -1:

                self.updateprogress(inputfile, "QM convergence", self.fupdate)

                if line.find(' E=') == 0:

                #  RMSDP=3.74D-06 MaxDP=7.27D-05 DE=-1.73D-07 OVMax= 3.67D-05
                # or
                #  RMSDP=1.13D-05 MaxDP=1.08D-04              OVMax= 1.66D-04
                if line.find(" RMSDP") == 0:

                    parts = line.split()
                    newlist = [self.float(x.split('=')[1]) for x in parts[0:2]]
                    energy = 1.0
                    if len(parts) > 4:
                        energy = parts[2].split('=')[1]
                        if energy == "":
                            energy = self.float(parts[3])
                            energy = self.float(energy)
                    if len(
                    ) == 3:  # Only add the energy if it's a target criteria

                    line = inputfile.next()
                # May be interupted by EOF.
                except StopIteration:


        # Extract SCF convergence information (AM1 calcs).
        if line[1:4] == 'It=':

            self.scftargets = numpy.array(
                [1E-7], "d")  # This is the target value for the rms
            self.scfvalues = [[]]

            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.find(" Energy") == -1:

                if self.progress:
                    step = inputfile.tell()
                    if step != oldstep:
                        self.progress.update(step, "AM1 Convergence")
                        oldstep = step

                if line[1:4] == "It=":
                    parts = line.strip().split()
                line = inputfile.next()

        # Note: this needs to follow the section where 'SCF Done' is used
        #   to terminate a loop when extracting SCF convergence information.
        if line[1:9] == 'SCF Done':

            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []

                utils.convertor(self.float(line.split()[4]), "hartree", "eV"))
        #gmagoon 5/27/09: added scfenergies reading for PM3 case where line begins with Energy=
        #example line: " Energy=   -0.077520562724 NIter=  14."
        if line[1:8] == 'Energy=':
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
                utils.convertor(self.float(line.split()[1]), "hartree", "eV"))
        #gmagoon 6/8/09: added molecular mass parsing (units will be amu)
        #example line: " Molecular mass:   208.11309 amu."
        if line[1:16] == 'Molecular mass:':
            self.molmass = self.float(line.split()[2])

#gmagoon 5/27/09: added rotsymm for reading rotational symmetry number
#it would probably be better to read in point group (or calculate separately with OpenBabel, and I probably won't end up using this
#example line: " Rotational symmetry number  1."
        if line[1:27] == 'Rotational symmetry number':
            self.rotsymm = int(self.float(line.split()[3]))

#gmagoon 5/28/09: added rotcons for rotational constants (at each step) in GHZ
#example line:  Rotational constants (GHZ):     17.0009421      5.8016756      4.5717439
#could also read in moment of inertia, but this should just differ by a constant: rot cons= h/(8*Pi^2*I)
#note that the last occurence of this in the thermochemistry section has reduced precision, so we will want to use the 2nd to last instance
        if line[1:28] == 'Rotational constants (GHZ):':
            if not hasattr(self, "rotcons"):
                self.rotcons = []

#some linear cases (e.g. if linearity is not recognized) can have asterisks ****... for the first rotational constant; e.g.:
# Rotational constants (GHZ):      ************    12.73690    12.73690
# or:
# Rotational constants (GHZ):***************     10.4988228     10.4988223
# if this is the case, replace the asterisks with a 0.0
#we can also have cases like this:
# Rotational constants (GHZ):6983905.3278703     11.8051382     11.8051183
#if line[28:29] == '*' or line.split()[3].startswith('*'):
            if line[37:38] == '*':
                    [0.0] + map(float, line[28:].split()[-2:])
                )  #record last 0.0 and last 2 numbers (words) in the string following the prefix
                    map(float, line[28:].split()[-3:])
                )  #record last 3 numbers (words) in the string following the prefix

        # Total energies after Moller-Plesset corrections.
        # Second order correction is always first, so its first occurance
        #   triggers creation of mpenergies (list of lists of energies).
        # Further MP2 corrections are appended as found.
        # Example MP2 output line:
        #  E2 =    -0.9505918144D+00 EUMP2 =    -0.28670924198852D+03
        # Warning! this output line is subtly different for MP3/4/5 runs
        if "EUMP2" in line[27:34]:

            if not hasattr(self, "mpenergies"):
                self.mpenergies = []
            mp2energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
                utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Example MP3 output line:
        #  E3=       -0.10518801D-01     EUMP3=      -0.75012800924D+02
        if line[34:39] == "EUMP3":

            mp3energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
                utils.convertor(mp3energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Example MP4 output lines:
        #  E4(DQ)=   -0.31002157D-02        UMP4(DQ)=   -0.75015901139D+02
        #  E4(SDQ)=  -0.32127241D-02        UMP4(SDQ)=  -0.75016013648D+02
        #  E4(SDTQ)= -0.32671209D-02        UMP4(SDTQ)= -0.75016068045D+02
        # Energy for most substitutions is used only (SDTQ by default)
        if line[34:42] == "UMP4(DQ)":

            mp4energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
            line = inputfile.next()
            if line[34:43] == "UMP4(SDQ)":
                mp4energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line[34:44] == "UMP4(SDTQ)":
                    mp4energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
                utils.convertor(mp4energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Example MP5 output line:
        #  DEMP5 =  -0.11048812312D-02 MP5 =  -0.75017172926D+02
        if line[29:32] == "MP5":
            mp5energy = self.float(line.split("=")[2])
                utils.convertor(mp5energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Total energies after Coupled Cluster corrections.
        # Second order MBPT energies (MP2) are also calculated for these runs,
        #  but the output is the same as when parsing for mpenergies.
        # First turn on flag for Coupled Cluster runs.
        if line[1:23] == "Coupled Cluster theory" or line[1:8] == "CCSD(T)":

            self.coupledcluster = True
            if not hasattr(self, "ccenergies"):
                self.ccenergies = []

        # Now read the consecutive correlated energies when ,
        #  but append only the last one to ccenergies.
        # Only the highest level energy is appended - ex. CCSD(T), not CCSD.
        if self.coupledcluster and line[27:35] == "E(CORR)=":
            self.ccenergy = self.float(line.split()[3])
        if self.coupledcluster and line[1:9] == "CCSD(T)=":
            self.ccenergy = self.float(line.split()[1])
        # Append when leaving link 913
        if self.coupledcluster and line[1:16] == "Leave Link  913":
                utils.convertor(self.ccenergy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Geometry convergence information.
        if line[49:59] == 'Converged?':

            if not hasattr(self, "geotargets"):
                self.geovalues = []
                self.geotargets = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "d")

            newlist = [0] * 4
            for i in range(4):
                line = inputfile.next()
                parts = line.split()
                    value = self.float(parts[2])
                except ValueError:
                    value = -1.0
                    #self.logger.error("Problem parsing the value for geometry optimisation: %s is not a number." % parts[2])
#gmagoon 20111202: because the value can become **** (as shown below, I'm changing this to not report an error, and instead just set the value to -1.0
#         Item               Value     Threshold  Converged?
# Maximum Force            ********     0.000015     NO
# RMS     Force            1.813626     0.000010     NO
# Maximum Displacement     0.915407     0.000060     NO
# RMS     Displacement     0.280831     0.000040     NO
                    newlist[i] = value
                self.geotargets[i] = self.float(parts[3])


        # Gradients.
        # Read in the cartesian energy gradients (forces) from a block like this:
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Center     Atomic                   Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)
        # Number     Number              X              Y              Z
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # 1          1          -0.012534744   -0.021754635   -0.008346094
        # 2          6           0.018984731    0.032948887   -0.038003451
        # 3          1          -0.002133484   -0.006226040    0.023174772
        # 4          1          -0.004316502   -0.004968213    0.023174772
        #           -2          -0.001830728   -0.000743108   -0.000196625
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------
        # The "-2" line is for a dummy atom
        # Then optimization is done in internal coordinates, Gaussian also
        # print the forces in internal coordinates, which can be produced from
        # the above. This block looks like this:
        # Variable       Old X    -DE/DX   Delta X   Delta X   Delta X     New X
        #                                 (Linear)    (Quad)   (Total)
        #   ch        2.05980   0.01260   0.00000   0.01134   0.01134   2.07114
        #   hch        1.75406   0.09547   0.00000   0.24861   0.24861   2.00267
        #   hchh       2.09614   0.01261   0.00000   0.16875   0.16875   2.26489
        #         Item               Value     Threshold  Converged?
        if line[37:43] == "Forces":

            if not hasattr(self, "grads"):
                self.grads = []

            header = inputfile.next()
            dashes = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            forces = []
            while line != dashes:
                broken = line.split()
                Fx, Fy, Fz = broken[-3:]
                forces.append([float(Fx), float(Fy), float(Fz)])
                line = inputfile.next()

        # Charge and multiplicity.
        # If counterpoise correction is used, multiple lines match.
        # The first one contains charge/multiplicity of the whole molecule.:
        #   Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1 in supermolecule
        #   Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1 in fragment  1.
        #   Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1 in fragment  2.
        if line[1:7] == 'Charge' and line.find("Multiplicity") >= 0:

            regex = ".*=(.*)Mul.*=\s*(\d+).*"
            match = re.match(regex, line)
            assert match, "Something unusual about the line: '%s'" % line

            self.charge = int(match.groups()[0])
            self.mult = int(match.groups()[1])

        # Orbital symmetries.
        if line[1:20] == 'Orbital symmetries:' and not hasattr(self, "mosyms"):

            # For counterpoise fragments, skip these lines.
            if self.counterpoise != 0: return

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "MO Symmetries", self.fupdate)

            self.mosyms = [[]]
            line = inputfile.next()
            unres = False
            if line.find("Alpha Orbitals") == 1:
                unres = True
                line = inputfile.next()
            i = 0
            while len(line) > 18 and line[17] == '(':
                if line.find('Virtual') >= 0:
                    self.homos = numpy.array(
                        [i - 1], "i")  # 'H**O' indexes the H**O in the arrays
                parts = line[17:].split()
                for x in parts:
                    i += 1
                line = inputfile.next()
            if unres:
                line = inputfile.next()
                # Repeat with beta orbital information
                i = 0
                while len(line) > 18 and line[17] == '(':
                    if line.find('Virtual') >= 0:
                        if (
                                hasattr(self, "homos")
                        ):  #if there was also an alpha virtual orbital (here we consider beta) we will store two indices in the array
                                [2])  # Extend the array to two elements
                                1] = i - 1  # 'H**O' indexes the H**O in the arrays
                        else:  #otherwise (e.g. for O triplet) there is no alpha virtual orbital, only beta virtual orbitals, and we initialize the array with one element
                            self.homos = numpy.array(
                                [i - 1],
                                "i")  # 'H**O' indexes the H**O in the arrays
                    parts = line[17:].split()
                    for x in parts:
                        i += 1
                    line = inputfile.next()

        # Alpha/Beta electron eigenvalues.
        if line[1:6] == "Alpha" and line.find("eigenvalues") >= 0:

            # For counterpoise fragments, skip these lines.
            if self.counterpoise != 0: return

            # For ONIOM calcs, ignore this section in order to bypass assertion failure.
            if self.oniom: return

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Eigenvalues", self.fupdate)
            self.moenergies = [[]]
            H**O = -2

            while line.find('Alpha') == 1:
                if line.split()[1] == "virt." and H**O == -2:

                    # If there aren't any symmetries, this is a good way to find the H**O.
                    # Also, check for consistency if homos was already parsed.
                    H**O = len(self.moenergies[0]) - 1
                    if hasattr(self, "homos"):
                        assert H**O == self.homos[0]
                        self.homos = numpy.array([H**O], "i")

                part = line[28:]
                i = 0
                while i * 10 + 4 < len(part):
                    x = part[i * 10:(i + 1) * 10]
                        utils.convertor(self.float(x), "hartree", "eV"))
                    i += 1
                line = inputfile.next()
            # If, at this point, self.homos is unset, then there were not
            # any alpha virtual orbitals
            if not hasattr(self, "homos"):
                H**O = len(self.moenergies[0]) - 1
                self.homos = numpy.array([H**O], "i")

            if line.find('Beta') == 2:

            H**O = -2
            while line.find('Beta') == 2:
                if line.split()[1] == "virt." and H**O == -2:

                    # If there aren't any symmetries, this is a good way to find the H**O.
                    # Also, check for consistency if homos was already parsed.
                    H**O = len(self.moenergies[1]) - 1
                    if len(self.homos) == 2:
                        assert H**O == self.homos[1]
                        self.homos[1] = H**O

                part = line[28:]
                i = 0
                while i * 10 + 4 < len(part):
                    x = part[i * 10:(i + 1) * 10]
                        utils.convertor(self.float(x), "hartree", "eV"))
                    i += 1
                line = inputfile.next()

            self.moenergies = [numpy.array(x, "d") for x in self.moenergies]

        # Gaussian Rev <= B.0.3 (?)
        # AO basis set in the form of general basis input:
        #  1 0
        # S   3 1.00       0.000000000000
        #      0.7161683735D+02  0.1543289673D+00
        #      0.1304509632D+02  0.5353281423D+00
        #      0.3530512160D+01  0.4446345422D+00
        # SP   3 1.00       0.000000000000
        #      0.2941249355D+01 -0.9996722919D-01  0.1559162750D+00
        #      0.6834830964D+00  0.3995128261D+00  0.6076837186D+00
        #      0.2222899159D+00  0.7001154689D+00  0.3919573931D+00
        if line[1:16] == "AO basis set in":

            # For counterpoise fragment calcualtions, skip these lines.
            if self.counterpoise != 0: return

            self.gbasis = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                gbasis = []
                line = inputfile.next()
                while line.find("*") < 0:
                    temp = line.split()
                    symtype = temp[0]
                    numgau = int(temp[1])
                    gau = []
                    for i in range(numgau):
                        temp = map(self.float, inputfile.next().split())

                    for i, x in enumerate(symtype):
                        newgau = [(z[0], z[i + 1]) for z in gau]
                        gbasis.append((x, newgau))
                    line = inputfile.next()  # i.e. "****" or "SP ...."
                line = inputfile.next()  # i.e. "20 0" or blank line

        # Start of the IR/Raman frequency section.
        # Caution is advised here, as additional frequency blocks
        #   can be printed by Gaussian (with slightly different formats),
        #   often doubling the information printed.
        # See, for a non-standard exmaple, regression Gaussian98/test_H2.log
        if line[1:14] == "Harmonic freq":

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Frequency Information",

            # The whole block should not have any blank lines.
            while line.strip() != "":

                # Lines with symmetries and symm. indices begin with whitespace.
                if line[1:15].strip(
                ) == "" and not line[15:22].strip().isdigit():

                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibsyms'):
                        self.vibsyms = []
                    syms = line.split()

                if line[1:15] == "Frequencies --":

                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibfreqs'):
                        self.vibfreqs = []
                    freqs = [self.float(f) for f in line[15:].split()]

                if line[1:15] == "IR Inten    --":

                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibirs'):
                        self.vibirs = []
                    irs = [self.float(f) for f in line[15:].split()]

                if line[1:15] == "Raman Activ --":

                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibramans'):
                        self.vibramans = []
                    ramans = [self.float(f) for f in line[15:].split()]

                # Block with displacement should start with this.
                # Remember, it is possible to have less than three columns!
                # There should be as many lines as there are atoms.
                if line[1:29] == "Atom AN      X      Y      Z":

                    if not hasattr(self, 'vibdisps'):
                        self.vibdisps = []
                    disps = []
                    for n in range(self.natom):
                        line = inputfile.next()
                        numbers = [float(s) for s in line[10:].split()]
                        N = len(numbers) / 3
                        if not disps:
                            for n in range(N):
                        for n in range(N):
                            disps[n].append(numbers[3 * n:3 * n + 3])

                line = inputfile.next()

# Below is the old code for the IR/Raman frequency block, can probably be removed.
#            while len(line[:15].split()) == 0:
#                self.logger.debug(line)
#                self.vibsyms.extend(line.split()) # Adding new symmetry
#                line = inputfile.next()
#                # Read in frequencies.
#                freqs = [self.float(f) for f in line.split()[2:]]
#                self.vibfreqs.extend(freqs)
#                line = inputfile.next()
#                line = inputfile.next()
#                line = inputfile.next()
#                irs = [self.float(f) for f in line.split()[3:]]
#                self.vibirs.extend(irs)
#                line = inputfile.next() # Either the header or a Raman line
#                if line.find("Raman") >= 0:
#                    if not hasattr(self, "vibramans"):
#                        self.vibramans = []
#                    ramans = [self.float(f) for f in line.split()[3:]]
#                    self.vibramans.extend(ramans)
#                    line = inputfile.next() # Depolar (P)
#                    line = inputfile.next() # Depolar (U)
#                    line = inputfile.next() # Header
#                line = inputfile.next() # First line of cartesian displacement vectors
#                p = [[], [], []]
#                while len(line[:15].split()) > 0:
#                    # Store the cartesian displacement vectors
#                    broken = map(float, line.strip().split()[2:])
#                    for i in range(0, len(broken), 3):
#                        p[i/3].append(broken[i:i+3])
#                    line = inputfile.next()
#                self.vibdisps.extend(p[0:len(broken)/3])
#                line = inputfile.next() # Should be the line with symmetries
#            self.vibfreqs = numpy.array(self.vibfreqs, "d")
#            self.vibirs = numpy.array(self.vibirs, "d")
#            self.vibdisps = numpy.array(self.vibdisps, "d")
#            if hasattr(self, "vibramans"):
#                self.vibramans = numpy.array(self.vibramans, "d")

# Electronic transitions.
        if line[1:14] == "Excited State":

            if not hasattr(self, "etenergies"):
                self.etenergies = []
                self.etoscs = []
                self.etsyms = []
                self.etsecs = []
            # Need to deal with lines like:
            # (restricted calc)
            # Excited State   1:   Singlet-BU     5.3351 eV  232.39 nm  f=0.1695
            # (unrestricted calc) (first excited state is 2!)
            # Excited State   2:   ?Spin  -A      0.1222 eV 10148.75 nm  f=0.0000
            # (Gaussian 09 ZINDO)
            # Excited State   1:      Singlet-?Sym    2.5938 eV  478.01 nm  f=0.0000  <S**2>=0.000
            p = re.compile(":(?P<sym>.*?)(?P<energy>-?\d*\.\d*) eV")
            groups = p.search(line).groups()
                utils.convertor(self.float(groups[1]), "eV", "cm-1"))

            line = inputfile.next()

            p = re.compile("(\d+)")
            CIScontrib = []
            while line.find(
                    " ->") >= 0:  # This is a contribution to the transition
                parts = line.split("->")
                # Has to deal with lines like:
                #       32 -> 38         0.04990
                #      35A -> 45A        0.01921
                frommoindex = 0  # For restricted or alpha unrestricted
                fromMO = parts[0].strip()
                if fromMO[-1] == "B":
                    frommoindex = 1  # For beta unrestricted
                fromMO = int(p.match(fromMO).group(
                )) - 1  # subtract 1 so that it is an index into moenergies

                t = parts[1].split()
                tomoindex = 0
                toMO = t[0]
                if toMO[-1] == "B":
                    tomoindex = 1
                toMO = int(p.match(toMO).group(
                )) - 1  # subtract 1 so that it is an index into moenergies

                percent = self.float(t[1])
                # For restricted calculations, the percentage will be corrected
                # after parsing (see after_parsing() above).
                CIScontrib.append([(fromMO, frommoindex), (toMO, tomoindex),
                line = inputfile.next()

# Circular dichroism data (different for G03 vs G09)

# G03

## <0|r|b> * <b|rxdel|0>  (Au), Rotatory Strengths (R) in
## cgs (10**-40 erg-esu-cm/Gauss)
##       state          X           Y           Z     R(length)
##         1         0.0006      0.0096     -0.0082     -0.4568
##         2         0.0251     -0.0025      0.0002     -5.3846
##         3         0.0168      0.4204     -0.3707    -15.6580
##         4         0.0721      0.9196     -0.9775     -3.3553

# G09

## 1/2[<0|r|b>*<b|rxdel|0> + (<0|rxdel|b>*<b|r|0>)*]
## Rotatory Strengths (R) in cgs (10**-40 erg-esu-cm/Gauss)
##       state          XX          YY          ZZ     R(length)     R(au)
##         1        -0.3893     -6.7546      5.7736     -0.4568     -0.0010
##         2       -17.7437      1.7335     -0.1435     -5.3845     -0.0114
##         3       -11.8655   -297.2604    262.1519    -15.6580     -0.0332

        if (line[1:52] == "<0|r|b> * <b|rxdel|0>  (Au), Rotatory Strengths (R)"
                or line[1:50]
                == "1/2[<0|r|b>*<b|rxdel|0> + (<0|rxdel|b>*<b|r|0>)*]"):

            self.etrotats = []
            inputfile.next()  # Units
            headers = inputfile.next()  # Headers
            Ncolms = len(headers.split())
            line = inputfile.next()
            parts = line.strip().split()
            while len(parts) == Ncolms:
                    R = self.float(parts[4])
                except ValueError:
                    # nan or -nan if there is no first excited state
                    # (for unrestricted calculations)
                line = inputfile.next()
                temp = line.strip().split()
                parts = line.strip().split()
            self.etrotats = numpy.array(self.etrotats, "d")

        # Number of basis sets functions.
        # Has to deal with lines like:
        #  NBasis =   434 NAE=    97 NBE=    97 NFC=    34 NFV=     0
        # and...
        #  NBasis = 148  MinDer = 0  MaxDer = 0
        # Although the former is in every file, it doesn't occur before
        #   the overlap matrix is printed.
        if line[1:7] == "NBasis" or line[4:10] == "NBasis":

            # For counterpoise fragment, skip these lines.
            if self.counterpoise != 0: return

            # For ONIOM calcs, ignore this section in order to bypass assertion failure.
            if self.oniom: return

            # If nbasis was already parsed, check if it changed.
            nbasis = int(line.split('=')[1].split()[0])
            if hasattr(self, "nbasis"):
                assert nbasis == self.nbasis
                self.nbasis = nbasis

        # Number of linearly-independent basis sets.
        if line[1:7] == "NBsUse":

            # For counterpoise fragment, skip these lines.
            if self.counterpoise != 0: return

            # For ONIOM calcs, ignore this section in order to bypass assertion failure.
            if self.oniom: return

            # If nmo was already parsed, check if it changed.
            nmo = int(line.split('=')[1].split()[0])
            if hasattr(self, "nmo"):
                assert nmo == self.nmo
                self.nmo = nmo

        # For AM1 calculations, set nbasis by a second method,
        #   as nmo may not always be explicitly stated.
        if line[7:22] == "basis functions, ":

            nbasis = int(line.split()[0])
            if hasattr(self, "nbasis"):
                assert nbasis == self.nbasis
                self.nbasis = nbasis

        # Molecular orbital overlap matrix.
        # Has to deal with lines such as:
        #   *** Overlap ***
        #   ****** Overlap ******
        if line[1:4] == "***" and (line[5:12] == "Overlap"
                                   or line[8:15] == "Overlap"):

            self.aooverlaps = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")
            # Overlap integrals for basis fn#1 are in aooverlaps[0]
            base = 0
            colmNames = inputfile.next()
            while base < self.nbasis:

                self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Overlap", self.fupdate)

                for i in range(self.nbasis - base):  # Fewer lines this time
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    parts = line.split()
                    for j in range(len(parts) -
                                   1):  # Some lines are longer than others
                        k = float(parts[j + 1].replace("D", "E"))
                        self.aooverlaps[base + j, i + base] = k
                        self.aooverlaps[i + base, base + j] = k
                base += 5
                colmNames = inputfile.next()
            self.aooverlaps = numpy.array(self.aooverlaps, "d")

        # Molecular orbital coefficients (mocoeffs).
        # Essentially only produced for SCF calculations.
        # This is also the place where aonames and atombasis are parsed.
        if line[5:35] == "Molecular Orbital Coefficients" or line[
                5:41] == "Alpha Molecular Orbital Coefficients" or line[
                    5:40] == "Beta Molecular Orbital Coefficients":

            if line[5:40] == "Beta Molecular Orbital Coefficients":
                beta = True
                if self.popregular:
                    # This was continue before refactoring the parsers.
                    #continue # Not going to extract mocoeffs
                # Need to add an extra array to self.mocoeffs
                self.mocoeffs.append(numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d"))
                beta = False
                self.aonames = []
                self.atombasis = []
                mocoeffs = [numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d")]

            base = 0
            self.popregular = False
            for base in range(0, self.nmo, 5):

                self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Coefficients", self.fupdate)

                colmNames = inputfile.next()

                if not colmNames.split():
                        "Molecular coefficients header found but no coefficients."

                if base == 0 and int(colmNames.split()[0]) != 1:
                    # Implies that this is a POP=REGULAR calculation
                    # and so, only aonames (not mocoeffs) will be extracted
                    self.popregular = True
                symmetries = inputfile.next()
                eigenvalues = inputfile.next()
                for i in range(self.nbasis):

                    line = inputfile.next()
                    if base == 0 and not beta:  # Just do this the first time 'round
                        # Changed below from :12 to :11 to deal with Elmar Neumann's example
                        parts = line[:11].split()
                        if len(parts) > 1:  # New atom
                            if i > 0:
                            atombasis = []
                            atomname = "%s%s" % (parts[2], parts[1])
                        orbital = line[11:20].strip()
                        self.aonames.append("%s_%s" % (atomname, orbital))

                    part = line[21:].replace("D", "E").rstrip()
                    temp = []
                    for j in range(0, len(part), 10):
                        temp.append(float(part[j:j + 10]))
                    if beta:
                        self.mocoeffs[1][base:base + len(part) / 10, i] = temp
                        mocoeffs[0][base:base + len(part) / 10, i] = temp
                if base == 0 and not beta:  # Do the last update of atombasis
                if self.popregular:
                    # We now have aonames, so no need to continue
            if not self.popregular and not beta:
                self.mocoeffs = mocoeffs

        # Natural Orbital Coefficients (nocoeffs) - alternative for mocoeffs.
        # Most extensively formed after CI calculations, but not only.
        # Like for mocoeffs, this is also where aonames and atombasis are parsed.
        if line[5:33] == "Natural Orbital Coefficients":

            self.aonames = []
            self.atombasis = []
            nocoeffs = numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d")

            base = 0
            self.popregular = False
            for base in range(0, self.nmo, 5):

                self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Coefficients", self.fupdate)

                colmNames = inputfile.next()
                if base == 0 and int(colmNames.split()[0]) != 1:
                    # Implies that this is a POP=REGULAR calculation
                    # and so, only aonames (not mocoeffs) will be extracted
                    self.popregular = True

                # No symmetry line for natural orbitals.
                # symmetries = inputfile.next()
                eigenvalues = inputfile.next()

                for i in range(self.nbasis):

                    line = inputfile.next()

                    # Just do this the first time 'round.
                    if base == 0:

                        # Changed below from :12 to :11 to deal with Elmar Neumann's example.
                        parts = line[:11].split()
                        # New atom.
                        if len(parts) > 1:
                            if i > 0:
                            atombasis = []
                            atomname = "%s%s" % (parts[2], parts[1])
                        orbital = line[11:20].strip()
                        self.aonames.append("%s_%s" % (atomname, orbital))

                    part = line[21:].replace("D", "E").rstrip()
                    temp = []

                    for j in range(0, len(part), 10):
                        temp.append(float(part[j:j + 10]))

                    nocoeffs[base:base + len(part) / 10, i] = temp

                # Do the last update of atombasis.
                if base == 0:

                # We now have aonames, so no need to continue.
                if self.popregular:

            if not self.popregular:
                self.nocoeffs = nocoeffs

        # Pseudopotential charges.
        if line.find("Pseudopotential Parameters") > -1:

            dashes = inputfile.next()
            label1 = inputfile.next()
            label2 = inputfile.next()
            dashes = inputfile.next()

            line = inputfile.next()
            if line.find("Centers:") < 0:
                # This was continue before parser refactoring.
                # continue

            centers = map(int, line.split()[1:])
            centers.sort()  # Not always in increasing order

            self.coreelectrons = numpy.zeros(self.natom, "i")

            for center in centers:
                line = inputfile.next()
                front = line[:10].strip()
                while not (front and int(front) == center):
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    front = line[:10].strip()
                info = line.split()
                self.coreelectrons[center - 1] = int(info[1]) - int(info[2])

        # This will be printed for counterpoise calcualtions only.
        # To prevent crashing, we need to know which fragment is being considered.
        # Other information is also printed in lines that start like this.
        if line[1:14] == 'Counterpoise:':

            if line[42:50] == "fragment":
                self.counterpoise = int(line[51:54])

        # This will be printed only during ONIOM calcs; use it to set a flag
        # that will allow assertion failures to be bypassed in the code.
        if line[1:7] == "ONIOM:":
            self.oniom = True
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""
        if line[0:4] == "etot":
        # Get SCF convergence information
            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []
                self.scftargets = [[5E-5, 5E-6]]
            values = []
            while line[0:4] == "etot":
        # Jaguar 4.2
        # etot   1  N  N  0  N  -382.08751886450           2.3E-03  1.4E-01
        # etot   2  Y  Y  0  N  -382.27486023153  1.9E-01  1.4E-03  5.7E-02
        # Jaguar 6.5
        # etot   1  N  N  0  N    -382.08751881733           2.3E-03  1.4E-01
        # etot   2  Y  Y  0  N    -382.27486018708  1.9E-01  1.4E-03  5.7E-02
                temp = line.split()[7:]
                if len(temp)==3:
                    denergy = float(temp[0])
                    denergy = 0 # Should really be greater than target value
                                # or should we just ignore the values in this line
                ddensity = float(temp[-2])
                maxdiiserr = float(temp[-1])
                if not self.geoopt:
                    values.append([denergy, ddensity])
                line = inputfile.next()

        # Hartree-Fock energy after SCF
        if line[1:18] == "SCFE: SCF energy:":
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            temp = line.strip().split()
            scfenergy = float(temp[temp.index("hartrees") - 1])
            scfenergy = utils.convertor(scfenergy, "hartree", "eV")

        # Energy after LMP2 correction
        if line[1:18] == "Total LMP2 Energy":
            if not hasattr(self, "mpenergies"):
                self.mpenergies = [[]]
            lmp2energy = float(line.split()[-1])
            lmp2energy = utils.convertor(lmp2energy, "hartree", "eV")

        if line[2:14] == "new geometry" or line[1:21] == "Symmetrized geometry" or line.find("Input geometry") > 0:
        # Get the atom coordinates
            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords") or line[1:21] == "Symmetrized geometry":
                # Wipe the "Input geometry" if "Symmetrized geometry" present
                self.atomcoords = []
            p = re.compile("(\D+)\d+") # One/more letters followed by a number
            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []
            angstrom = inputfile.next()
            title = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                temp = line.split()
                element = p.findall(temp[0])[0]
                atomcoords.append(map(float, temp[1:]))
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")
            self.natom = len(atomcoords)

        # Extract charge and multiplicity
        if line[2:22] == "net molecular charge":
            self.charge = int(line.split()[-1])
            self.mult = int(inputfile.next().split()[-1])

        if line[2:24] == "start of program geopt":
            if not self.geoopt:
                # Need to keep only the RMS density change info
                # if this is a geoopt
                self.scftargets = [[self.scftargets[0][0]]]
                if hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                    self.scfvalues[0] = [[x[0]] for x in self.scfvalues[0]]
                self.geoopt = True

        if line[2:28] == "geometry optimization step":
        # Get Geometry Opt convergence information
            if not hasattr(self, "geovalues"):
                self.geovalues = []
                self.geotargets = numpy.zeros(5, "d")
            gopt_step = int(line.split()[-1])
            energy = inputfile.next()
            # quick hack for messages of the sort:
            #   ** restarting optimization from step    2 **
            # as found in regression file ptnh3_2_H2O_2_2plus.out
            if inputfile.next().strip():
                blank = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            values = []
            target_index = 0                
            if gopt_step == 1:
                # The first optimization step does not produce an energy change
                target_index = 1
            while line.strip():
                if len(line) > 40 and line[41] == "(":
                    # A new geo convergence value
                    self.geotargets[target_index] = float(line[43:54])
                    target_index += 1
                line = inputfile.next()

        if line.find("number of occupied orbitals") > 0:
        # Get number of MOs
            occs = int(line.split()[-1])
            line = inputfile.next()
            virts = int(line.split()[-1])
            self.nmo = occs + virts
            self.homos = numpy.array([occs-1], "i")

            self.unrestrictedflag = False

        if line.find("number of alpha occupied orb") > 0:
        # Get number of MOs for an unrestricted calc

            aoccs = int(line.split()[-1])
            line = inputfile.next()
            avirts = int(line.split()[-1])
            line = inputfile.next()
            boccs = int(line.split()[-1])
            line = inputfile.next()
            bvirt = int(line.split()[-1])

            self.nmo = aoccs + avirts
            self.homos = numpy.array([aoccs-1,boccs-1], "i")
            self.unrestrictedflag = True

        # MO energies and symmetries.
        # Jaguar 7.0: provides energies and symmetries for both
        #   restricted and unrestricted calculations, like this:
        #     Alpha Orbital energies/symmetry label: 
        #     -10.25358 Bu  -10.25353 Ag  -10.21931 Bu  -10.21927 Ag     
        #     -10.21792 Bu  -10.21782 Ag  -10.21773 Bu  -10.21772 Ag     
        #     ...
        # Jaguar 6.5: prints both only for restricted calculations,
        #   so for unrestricted calculations the output it looks like this:
        #     Alpha Orbital energies: 
        #     -10.25358  -10.25353  -10.21931  -10.21927  -10.21792  -10.21782
        #     -10.21773  -10.21772  -10.21537  -10.21537   -1.02078   -0.96193
        #     ...
        # Presence of 'Orbital energies' is enough to catch all versions.
        if "Orbital energies" in line:

            # Parsing results is identical for restricted/unrestricted
            #   calculations, just assert later that alpha/beta order is OK.
            spin = int(line[2:6] == "Beta")

            # Check if symmetries are printed also.
            issyms = "symmetry label" in line

            if not hasattr(self, "moenergies"):
                self.moenergies = []
            if issyms and not hasattr(self, "mosyms"):
                    self.mosyms = []
            # Grow moeneriges/mosyms and make sure they are empty when
            #   parsed multiple times - currently cclib returns only
            #   the final output (ex. in a geomtry optimization).
            if len(self.moenergies) < spin+1:
            self.moenergies[spin] = []
            if issyms:
                if len(self.mosyms) < spin+1:
                self.mosyms[spin] = []
            line = inputfile.next().split()
            while len(line) > 0:
                if issyms:
                    energies = [float(line[2*i]) for i in range(len(line)/2)]
                    syms = [line[2*i+1] for i in range(len(line)/2)]
                    energies = [float(e) for e in line]
                energies = [utils.convertor(e, "hartree", "eV") for e in energies]
                if issyms:
                    syms = [self.normalisesym(s) for s in syms]
                line = inputfile.next().split()
            # There should always be an extra blank line after all this.
            line = inputfile.next()

        if line.find("Occupied + virtual Orbitals- final wvfn") > 0:
            blank = inputfile.next()
            stars = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            if not hasattr(self,"mocoeffs"):
                if self.unrestrictedflag:
                    spin = 2
                    spin = 1

                self.mocoeffs = []
            aonames = []
            lastatom = "X"
            readatombasis = False
            if not hasattr(self, "atombasis"):
                self.atombasis = []
                for i in range(self.natom):
                readatombasis = True

            offset = 0

            for s in range(spin):
                mocoeffs = numpy.zeros((len(self.moenergies[s]), self.nbasis), "d")

                if s == 1: #beta case
                    stars = inputfile.next()
                    blank = inputfile.next()
                    title = inputfile.next()
                    blank = inputfile.next()
                    stars = inputfile.next()
                    blank = inputfile.next()
                    blank = inputfile.next()

                for k in range(0,len(self.moenergies[s]),5):

                    numbers = inputfile.next()
                    eigens = inputfile.next()
                    line = inputfile.next()

                    for i in range(self.nbasis):

                        info = line.split()
                        # Fill atombasis only first time around.
                        if readatombasis and k == 0:
                            orbno = int(info[0])
                            atom = info[1]
                            if atom[1].isalpha():
                                atomno = int(atom[2:])
                                atomno = int(atom[1:])

                        if not hasattr(self,"aonames"):
                            if lastatom != info[1]:
                                scount = 1
                                pcount = 3
                                dcount = 6 #six d orbitals in Jaguar

                            if info[2] == 'S':
                                aonames.append("%s_%i%s"%(info[1], scount, info[2]))
                                scount += 1
                            if info[2] == 'X' or info[2] == 'Y' or info[2] == 'Z':
                                aonames.append("%s_%iP%s"%(info[1], pcount / 3, info[2]))
                                pcount += 1
                            if info[2] == 'XX' or info[2] == 'YY' or info[2] == 'ZZ' or \
                               info[2] == 'XY' or info[2] == 'XZ' or info[2] == 'YZ':

                                aonames.append("%s_%iD%s"%(info[1], dcount / 6, info[2]))
                                dcount += 1

                            lastatom = info[1]

                        for j in range(len(info[3:])):
                            mocoeffs[j+k,i] = float(info[3+j])

                        line = inputfile.next()

                    if not hasattr(self,"aonames"):
                        self.aonames = aonames

                    offset += 5
        if line[2:6] == "olap":
            if line[6]=="-":
                # This was continue (in loop) before parser refactoring.
                # continue # avoid "olap-dev"
            self.aooverlaps = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")

            for i in range(0, self.nbasis, 5):
                blank = inputfile.next()
                header = inputfile.next()
                for j in range(i, self.nbasis):
                    temp = map(float, inputfile.next().split()[1:])
                    self.aooverlaps[j, i:(i+len(temp))] = temp
                    self.aooverlaps[i:(i+len(temp)), j] = temp
        if line[1:28] == "number of occupied orbitals":
            self.homos = numpy.array([float(line.strip().split()[-1])-1], "i")

        if line[2:27] == "number of basis functions":
            self.nbasis = int(line.strip().split()[-1])

        # IR output looks like this:
        #   frequencies        72.45   113.25   176.88   183.76   267.60   312.06
        #   symmetries       Au       Bg       Au       Bu       Ag       Bg      
        #   intensities         0.07     0.00     0.28     0.52     0.00     0.00
        #   reduc. mass         1.90     0.74     1.06     1.42     1.19     0.85
        #   force const         0.01     0.01     0.02     0.03     0.05     0.05
        #   C1       X     0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 -0.05707 -0.06716  0.00000
        #   C1       Y     0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00909 -0.02529  0.00000
        #   C1       Z     0.04792 -0.06032 -0.01192  0.00000  0.00000  0.11613
        #   C2       X     0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 -0.06094 -0.04635  0.00000
        #   ... etc. ...
        # This is a complete ouput, some files will not have intensities,
        #   and older Jaguar versions sometimes skip the symmetries.
        if line[2:23] == "start of program freq":

            self.vibfreqs = []
            self.vibdisps = []
            forceconstants = False
            intensities = False
            blank = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                if "force const" in line:
                    forceconstants = True
                if "intensities" in line:
                    intensities = True
                line = inputfile.next()
            freqs = inputfile.next()
            # The last block has an extra blank line after it - catch it.
            while freqs.strip():

                # Number of modes (columns printed in this block).
                nmodes = len(freqs.split())-1

                # Append the frequencies.
                self.vibfreqs.extend(map(float, freqs.split()[1:]))
                line = inputfile.next().split()
                # May skip symmetries (older Jaguar versions).
                if line[0] == "symmetries":
                    if not hasattr(self, "vibsyms"):
                        self.vibsyms = []
                    self.vibsyms.extend(map(self.normalisesym, line[1:]))
                    line = inputfile.next().split()                                
                if intensities:
                    if not hasattr(self, "vibirs"):
                        self.vibirs = []
                    self.vibirs.extend(map(float, line[1:]))
                    line = inputfile.next().split()                                
                if forceconstants:
                    line = inputfile.next()

                # Start parsing the displacements.
                # Variable 'q' holds up to 7 lists of triplets.
                q = [ [] for i in range(7) ]
                for n in range(self.natom):
                    # Variable 'p' holds up to 7 triplets.
                    p = [ [] for i in range(7) ]
                    for i in range(3):
                        line = inputfile.next()
                        disps = [float(disp) for disp in line.split()[2:]]
                        for j in range(nmodes):
                    for i in range(nmodes):

                blank = inputfile.next()
                freqs = inputfile.next()

            # Convert new data to arrays.
            self.vibfreqs = numpy.array(self.vibfreqs, "d")
            self.vibdisps = numpy.array(self.vibdisps, "d")
            if hasattr(self, "vibirs"):
                self.vibirs = numpy.array(self.vibirs, "d")
        # Parse excited state output (for CIS calculations).
        # Jaguar calculates only singlet states.
        if line[2:15] == "Excited State":
            if not hasattr(self, "etenergies"):
                self.etenergies = []
            if not hasattr(self, "etoscs"):
                self.etoscs = []
            if not hasattr(self, "etsecs"):
                self.etsecs = []
                self.etsyms = []
            etenergy = float(line.split()[3])
            etenergy = utils.convertor(etenergy, "eV", "cm-1")
            # Skip 4 lines
            for i in range(5):
                line = inputfile.next()
            # Jaguar calculates only singlet states.
            while line.strip() != "":
                fromMO = int(line.split()[0])-1
                toMO = int(line.split()[2])-1
                coeff = float(line.split()[-1])
                line = inputfile.next()
            # Skip 3 lines
            for i in range(4):
                line = inputfile.next()
            strength = float(line.split()[-1])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line[1:19] == "ATOMIC COORDINATES":

            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
                self.atomnos = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                temp = line.strip().split()
                    utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom")
                    for x in temp[3:6]
                ])  #bohrs to angs
                line = inputfile.next()

            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")
            self.natom = len(self.atomnos)

        # Use BASIS DATA to parse input for aonames and atombasis.
        # This is always the first place this information is printed, so no attribute check is needed.
        if line[1:11] == "BASIS DATA":

            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            self.aonames = []
            self.atombasis = []
            self.gbasis = []
            for i in range(self.natom):

            line = "dummy"
            while line.strip() != "":
                line = inputfile.next()
                funcnr = line[1:6]
                funcsym = line[7:9]
                funcatom_ = line[11:14]
                functype_ = line[16:22]
                funcexp = line[25:38]
                funccoeffs = line[38:]

                # If a new function type is printed or the BASIS DATA block ends,
                #   then the previous functions can be added to gbasis.
                # When translating the Molpro function type name into a gbasis code,
                #   note that Molpro prints all components, and we want to add
                #   only one to gbasis, with the proper code (S,P,D,F,G).
                # Warning! The function types differ for cartesian/spherical functions.
                # Skip the first printed function type, however (line[3] != '1').
                if (functype_.strip()
                        and line[1:4] != '  1') or line.strip() == "":
                    funcbasis = None
                    if functype in ['1s', 's']:
                        funcbasis = 'S'
                    if functype in ['x', '2px']:
                        funcbasis = 'P'
                    if functype in ['xx', '3d0']:
                        funcbasis = 'D'
                    if functype in ['xxx', '4f0']:
                        funcbasis = 'F'
                    if functype in ['xxxx', '5g0']:
                        funcbasis = 'G'
                    if funcbasis:

                        # The function is split into as many columns as there are.
                        for i in range(len(coefficients[0])):
                            func = (funcbasis, [])
                            for j in range(len(exponents)):
                                    (exponents[j], coefficients[j][i]))
                            self.gbasis[funcatom - 1].append(func)

                # If it is a new type, set up the variables for the next shell(s).
                if functype_.strip():
                    exponents = []
                    coefficients = []
                    functype = functype_.strip()
                    funcatom = int(funcatom_.strip())

                # Add exponents and coefficients to lists.
                if line.strip():
                    funcexp = float(funcexp)
                    funccoeffs = [float(s) for s in funccoeffs.split()]

                # If the function number is there, add to atombasis and aonames.
                if funcnr.strip():
                    funcnr = int(funcnr.split('.')[0])
                    self.atombasis[funcatom - 1].append(funcnr - 1)
                    element = self.table.element[self.atomnos[funcatom - 1]]
                    aoname = "%s%i_%s" % (element, funcatom, functype)

        if line[1:23] == "NUMBER OF CONTRACTIONS":

            nbasis = int(line.split()[3])
            if hasattr(self, "nbasis"):
                assert nbasis == self.nbasis
                self.nbasis = nbasis

        # This is used to signalize whether we are inside an SCF calculation.
        if line[1:8] == "PROGRAM" and line[14:18] == "-SCF":

            self.insidescf = True

        # Use this information instead of 'SETTING ...', in case the defaults are standard.
        # Note that this is sometimes printed in each geometry optimization step.
        if line[1:20] == "NUMBER OF ELECTRONS":

            spinup = int(line.split()[3][:-1])
            spindown = int(line.split()[4][:-1])
            # Nuclear charges (atomnos) should be parsed by now.
            nuclear = numpy.sum(self.atomnos)
            charge = nuclear - spinup - spindown
            mult = spinup - spindown + 1

            # Copy charge, or assert for exceptions if already exists.
            if not hasattr(self, "charge"):
                self.charge = charge
                assert self.charge == charge

            # Copy multiplicity, or assert for exceptions if already exists.
            if not hasattr(self, "mult"):
                self.mult = mult
                assert self.mult == mult

        # Convergenve thresholds for SCF cycle, should be contained in a line such as:
        #   CONVERGENCE THRESHOLDS:    1.00E-05 (Density)    1.40E-07 (Energy)
        if self.insidescf and line[1:24] == "CONVERGENCE THRESHOLDS:":

            if not hasattr(self, "scftargets"):
                self.scftargets = []

            scftargets = map(float, line.split()[2::2])
            # Usually two criteria, but save the names this just in case.
            self.scftargetnames = line.split()[3::2]

        # Read in the print out of the SCF cycle - for scfvalues. For RHF looks like:
        # ITERATION    DDIFF          GRAD             ENERGY        2-EL.EN.            DIPOLE MOMENTS         DIIS
        #     1      0.000D+00      0.000D+00      -379.71523700   1159.621171   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    0
        #     2      0.000D+00      0.898D-02      -379.74469736   1162.389787   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    1
        #     3      0.817D-02      0.144D-02      -379.74635529   1162.041033   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    2
        #     4      0.213D-02      0.571D-03      -379.74658063   1162.159929   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    3
        #     5      0.799D-03      0.166D-03      -379.74660889   1162.144256   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000    4
        if self.insidescf and line[1:10] == "ITERATION":

            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            energy = 0.0
            scfvalues = []
            while line.strip() != "":
                if line.split()[0].isdigit():

                    ddiff = float(line.split()[1].replace('D', 'E'))
                    newenergy = float(line.split()[3])
                    ediff = newenergy - energy
                    energy = newenergy

                    # The convergence thresholds must have been read above.
                    # Presently, we recognize MAX DENSITY and MAX ENERGY thresholds.
                    numtargets = len(self.scftargetnames)
                    values = [numpy.nan] * numtargets
                    for n, name in zip(range(numtargets), self.scftargetnames):
                        if "ENERGY" in name.upper():
                            values[n] = ediff
                        elif "DENSITY" in name.upper():
                            values[n] = ddiff

                line = inputfile.next()

        # SCF result - RHF/UHF and DFT (RKS) energies.
        if line[1:5] in ["!RHF", "!UHF", "!RKS"] and line[16:22] == "ENERGY":

            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            scfenergy = float(line.split()[4])
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(scfenergy, "hartree",

            # We are now done with SCF cycle (after a few lines).
            self.insidescf = False

        # MP2 energies.
        if line[1:5] == "!MP2":

            if not hasattr(self, 'mpenergies'):
                self.mpenergies = []
            mp2energy = float(line.split()[-1])
            mp2energy = utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV")

        # MP2 energies if MP3 or MP4 is also calculated.
        if line[1:5] == "MP2:":

            if not hasattr(self, 'mpenergies'):
                self.mpenergies = []
            mp2energy = float(line.split()[2])
            mp2energy = utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV")

        # MP3 (D) and MP4 (DQ or SDQ) energies.
        if line[1:8] == "MP3(D):":

            mp3energy = float(line.split()[2])
            mp2energy = utils.convertor(mp3energy, "hartree", "eV")
            line = inputfile.next()
            if line[1:9] == "MP4(DQ):":
                mp4energy = float(line.split()[2])
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line[1:10] == "MP4(SDQ):":
                    mp4energy = float(line.split()[2])
                mp4energy = utils.convertor(mp4energy, "hartree", "eV")

        # The CCSD program operates all closed-shel coupled cluster runs.
        if line[1:15] == "PROGRAM * CCSD":

            if not hasattr(self, "ccenergies"):
                self.ccenergies = []
            while line[1:20] != "Program statistics:":
                # The last energy (most exact) will be read last and thus saved.
                if line[1:5] == "!CCD" or line[1:6] == "!CCSD" or line[
                        1:9] == "!CCSD(T)":
                    ccenergy = float(line.split()[-1])
                    ccenergy = utils.convertor(ccenergy, "hartree", "eV")
                line = inputfile.next()

        # Read the occupancy (index of H**O s).
        # For restricted calculations, there is one line here. For unrestricted, two:
        #   Final alpha occupancy:  ...
        #   Final beta  occupancy:  ...
        if line[1:17] == "Final occupancy:":
            self.homos = [int(line.split()[-1]) - 1]
        if line[1:23] == "Final alpha occupancy:":
            self.homos = [int(line.split()[-1]) - 1]
            line = inputfile.next()
            self.homos.append(int(line.split()[-1]) - 1)

        # From this block atombasis, moenergies, and mocoeffs can be parsed.
        # Note that Molpro does not print this by default, you must add this in the input:
        # What's more, this prints only the occupied orbitals. To get virtuals, add also:
        #   ORBPTIN,NVIRT
        #   where NVIRT is how many to print (can be some large number, like 99999, to print all).
        # The block is in general flipped when compared to other programs (GAMESS, Gaussian), and
        #   MOs in the rows. Also, it does not cut the table into parts, rather each MO row has
        #   as many lines as it takes to print all the coefficients, as shown below:
        # =================
        #   Orb  Occ    Energy  Couls-En    Coefficients
        #                                   1 1s      1 1s      1 2px     1 2py     1 2pz     2 1s   (...)
        #                                   3 1s      3 1s      3 2px     3 2py     3 2pz     4 1s   (...)
        # (...)
        #   1.1   2   -11.0351  -43.4915  0.701460  0.025696 -0.000365 -0.000006  0.000000  0.006922 (...)
        #                                -0.006450  0.004742 -0.001028 -0.002955  0.000000 -0.701460 (...)
        # (...)
        # For unrestricted calcualtions, ELECTRON ORBITALS is followed on the same line
        # For examples, see data/Molpro/basicMolpro2006/dvb_sp*.
        if line[1:18] == "ELECTRON ORBITALS" or self.electronorbitals:
            # Detect if we are reading beta (negative spin) orbitals.
            spin = 0
            if line[19:36] == "FOR NEGATIVE SPIN" or self.electronorbitals[
                    19:36] == "FOR NEGATIVE SPIN":
                spin = 1

            if not self.electronorbitals:
                dashes = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            headers = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()

            # Parse the list of atomic orbitals if atombasis or aonames is missing.
            line = inputfile.next()
            if not hasattr(self, "atombasis") or not hasattr(self, "aonames"):
                self.atombasis = []
                for i in range(self.natom):
                self.aonames = []
                aonum = 0
                while line.strip():
                    for s in line.split():
                        if s.isdigit():
                            atomno = int(s)
                            self.atombasis[atomno - 1].append(aonum)
                            aonum += 1
                            functype = s
                            element = self.table.element[self.atomnos[atomno -
                            aoname = "%s%i_%s" % (element, atomno, functype)
                    line = inputfile.next()
                while line.strip():
                    line = inputfile.next()

            # Now there can be one or two blank lines.
            while not line.strip():
                line = inputfile.next()

            # Create empty moenergies and mocoeffs if they don't exist.
            if not hasattr(self, "moenergies"):
                self.moenergies = [[]]
                self.mocoeffs = [[]]
            # Do the same if they exist and are being read again (spin=0),
            #   this means only the last print-out of these data are saved,
            #   which consistent with current cclib practices.
            elif len(self.moenergies) == 1 and spin == 0:
                self.moenergies = [[]]
                self.mocoeffs = [[]]

            while line.strip() and not "ORBITALS" in line:
                coeffs = []
                while line.strip() != "":
                    if line[:30].strip():
                        moenergy = float(line.split()[2])
                        moenergy = utils.convertor(moenergy, "hartree", "eV")
                    line = line[31:]
                    # Each line has 10 coefficients in 10.6f format.
                    num = len(line) / 10
                    for i in range(num):
                            coeff = float(line[10 * i:10 * (i + 1)])
                        # Molpro prints stars when coefficients are huge.
                        except ValueError, detail:
                            self.logger.warn("Set coefficient to zero: %s" %
                            coeff = 0.0
                    line = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()

            # Check if last line begins the next ELECTRON ORBITALS section.
            if line[1:18] == "ELECTRON ORBITALS":
                self.electronorbitals = line
                self.electronorbitals = ""
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line [1:12] == "INPUT CARD>":

        # We are looking for this line:
        #           ...
        #           OPTTOL = 1.000E-04          RMIN   = 1.500E-03
        if line[10:18] == "OPTTOL =":
            if not hasattr(self, "geotargets"):
                opttol = float(line.split()[2])
                self.geotargets = numpy.array([opttol, 3. / opttol], "d")
        if line.find("FINAL") == 1:
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
        # Has to deal with such lines as:
        #  FINAL R-B3LYP ENERGY IS     -382.0507446475 AFTER  10 ITERATIONS
        #  FINAL ENERGY IS     -379.7594673378 AFTER   9 ITERATIONS
        # ...so take the number after the "IS"
            temp = line.split()
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(float(temp[temp.index("IS") + 1]), "hartree", "eV"))

        # Total energies after Moller-Plesset corrections
        if (line.find("RESULTS OF MOLLER-PLESSET") >= 0 or
            line[6:37] == "SCHWARZ INEQUALITY TEST SKIPPED"):
            # Output looks something like this:
            #         E(0)=      -285.7568061536
            #         E(1)=         0.0
            #         E(2)=        -0.9679419329
            #       E(MP2)=      -286.7247480864
            # where E(MP2) = E(0) + E(2)
            # with GAMESS-US 12 Jan 2009 (R3) the preceding text is different:
            ##      DIRECT 4-INDEX TRANSFORMATION 
            ##                     E(SCF)=       -76.0088477471
            ##                       E(2)=        -0.1403745370
            ##                     E(MP2)=       -76.1492222841            
            if not hasattr(self, "mpenergies"):
                self.mpenergies = []
            # Each iteration has a new print-out
            # GAMESS-US presently supports only second order corrections (MP2)
            # PC GAMESS also has higher levels (3rd and 4th), with different output
            # Only the highest level MP4 energy is gathered (SDQ or SDTQ)            
            while re.search("DONE WITH MP(\d) ENERGY", line) is None:
                line = inputfile.next()
                if len(line.split()) > 0:
                    # Only up to MP2 correction
                    if line.split()[0] == "E(MP2)=":
                        mp2energy = float(line.split()[1])
                        self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV"))
                    # MP2 before higher order calculations
                    if line.split()[0] == "E(MP2)":
                        mp2energy = float(line.split()[2])
                        self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV"))
                    if line.split()[0] == "E(MP3)":
                        mp3energy = float(line.split()[2])
                        self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp3energy, "hartree", "eV"))
                    if line.split()[0] in ["E(MP4-SDQ)", "E(MP4-SDTQ)"]:
                        mp4energy = float(line.split()[2])
                        self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp4energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Total energies after Coupled Cluster calculations
        # Only the highest Coupled Cluster level result is gathered
        if line[12:23] == "CCD ENERGY:":
            if not hasattr(self, "ccenergies"):
                self.ccenergies = []
            ccenergy = float(line.split()[2])
            self.ccenergies.append(utils.convertor(ccenergy, "hartree", "eV"))
        if line.find("CCSD") >= 0 and line.split()[0:2] == ["CCSD", "ENERGY:"]:
            if not hasattr(self, "ccenergies"):
                self.ccenergies = []
            ccenergy = float(line.split()[2])
            line = inputfile.next()
            if line[8:23] == "CCSD[T] ENERGY:":
                ccenergy = float(line.split()[2])
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line[8:23] == "CCSD(T) ENERGY:":
                    ccenergy = float(line.split()[2])
            self.ccenergies.append(utils.convertor(ccenergy, "hartree", "eV"))
        # Also collect MP2 energies, which are always calculated before CC
        if line [8:23] == "MBPT(2) ENERGY:":
            if not hasattr(self, "mpenergies"):
                self.mpenergies = []
            mp2energy = float(line.split()[2])
            self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Extract charge and multiplicity
        if line[1:19] == "CHARGE OF MOLECULE":
            self.charge = int(line.split()[-1])
            self.mult = int(inputfile.next().split()[-1])

        # etenergies (used only for CIS runs now)
        if "EXCITATION ENERGIES" in line and line.find("DONE WITH") < 0:
            if not hasattr(self, "etenergies"):
                self.etenergies = []
            header = inputfile.next().rstrip()
            get_etosc = False
            if header.endswith("OSC. STR."):
                # water_cis_dets.out does not have the oscillator strength
                # in this table...it is extracted from a different section below
                get_etosc = True
                self.etoscs = []
            dashes = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            broken = line.split()
            while len(broken) > 0:
                # Take hartree value with more numbers, and convert.
                # Note that the values listed after this are also less exact!
                etenergy = float(broken[1])
                self.etenergies.append(utils.convertor(etenergy, "hartree", "cm-1"))
                if get_etosc:
                    etosc = float(broken[-1])
                broken = inputfile.next().split()

        # Detect the CI hamiltonian type, if applicable.
        # Should always be detected if CIS is done.
            self.cihamtyp = "saps"
            self.cihamtyp = "dets"

        # etsecs (used only for CIS runs for now)
        if line[1:14] == "EXCITED STATE":
            if not hasattr(self, 'etsecs'):
                self.etsecs = []
            if not hasattr(self, 'etsyms'):
                self.etsyms = []
            statenumber = int(line.split()[2])
            spin = int(float(line.split()[7]))
            if spin == 0:
                sym = "Singlet"
            if spin == 1:
                sym = "Triplet"
            sym += '-' + line.split()[-1]
            # skip 5 lines
            for i in range(5):
                line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            CIScontribs = []
            while line.strip()[0] != "-":
                MOtype = 0
                # alpha/beta are specified for hamtyp=dets
                if self.cihamtyp == "dets":
                    if line.split()[0] == "BETA":
                        MOtype = 1
                fromMO = int(line.split()[-3])-1
                toMO = int(line.split()[-2])-1
                coeff = float(line.split()[-1])
                # With the SAPS hamiltonian, the coefficients are multiplied
                #   by sqrt(2) so that they normalize to 1.
                # With DETS, both alpha and beta excitations are printed.
                # if self.cihamtyp == "saps":
                #    coeff /= numpy.sqrt(2.0)
                line = inputfile.next()

        # etoscs (used only for CIS runs now)
            if not hasattr(self, "etoscs"):
                self.etoscs = []
            statenumber = int(line.split()[-1])
            # skip 7 lines
            for i in range(8):
                line = inputfile.next()
            strength = float(line.split()[3])

        # TD-DFT for GAMESS-US
        if line[14:29] == "LET EXCITATIONS": # TRIPLET and SINGLET
            self.etenergies = []
            self.etoscs = []
            self.etsecs = []
            etsyms = []
            minus = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            # Loop starts on the STATE line
            while line.find("STATE") >= 0:
                broken = line.split()
                self.etenergies.append(utils.convertor(float(broken[-2]), "eV", "cm-1"))
                broken = inputfile.next().split()
                sym = inputfile.next() # Not always present
                if sym.find("SYMMETRY")>=0:
                    header = inputfile.next()
                minus = inputfile.next()
                CIScontribs = []
                line = inputfile.next()
                while line.strip():
                    broken = line.split()
                    fromMO, toMO = [int(broken[x]) - 1 for x in [2, 4]]
                    CIScontribs.append([(fromMO, 0), (toMO, 0), float(broken[1])])
                    line = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
            if etsyms: # Not always present
                self.etsyms = etsyms
        # Maximum and RMS gradients.
        if "MAXIMUM GRADIENT" in line or "RMS GRADIENT" in line:

            if not hasattr(self, "geovalues"):
                self.geovalues = []

            parts = line.split()

            # Newer versions (around 2006) have both maximum and RMS on one line:
            #       MAXIMUM GRADIENT =  0.0531540    RMS GRADIENT = 0.0189223
            if len(parts) == 8:
                maximum = float(parts[3])
                rms = float(parts[7])
            # In older versions of GAMESS, this spanned two lines, like this:
            #       MAXIMUM GRADIENT =    0.057578167
            #           RMS GRADIENT =    0.027589766
            if len(parts) == 4:
                maximum = float(parts[3])
                line = inputfile.next()
                parts = line.split()
                rms = float(parts[3])

            # FMO also prints two final one- and two-body gradients (see exam37):
            #   (1) MAXIMUM GRADIENT =  0.0531540    RMS GRADIENT = 0.0189223
            if len(parts) == 9:
                maximum = float(parts[4])
                rms = float(parts[8])

            self.geovalues.append([maximum, rms])

        if line[11:50] == "ATOMIC                      COORDINATES":
            # This is the input orientation, which is the only data available for
            # SP calcs, but which should be overwritten by the standard orientation
            # values, which is the only information available for all geoopt cycles.
            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
                self.atomnos = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                temp = line.strip().split()
                atomcoords.append([utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom") for x in temp[2:5]])
                atomnos.append(int(round(float(temp[1])))) # Don't use the atom name as this is arbitary
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")

        if line[12:40] == "EQUILIBRIUM GEOMETRY LOCATED":
            # Prevent extraction of the final geometry twice
            self.geooptfinished = True
        if line[1:29] == "COORDINATES OF ALL ATOMS ARE" and not self.geooptfinished:
            # This is the standard orientation, which is the only coordinate
            # information available for all geometry optimisation cycles.
            # The input orientation will be overwritten if this is a geometry optimisation
            # We assume that a previous Input Orientation has been found and
            # used to extract the atomnos
            if self.firststdorient:
                self.firststdorient = False
                # Wipes out the single input coordinate at the start of the file
                self.atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            hyphens = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()                

            for i in range(self.natom):
                temp = line.strip().split()
                atomcoords.append(map(float, temp[2:5]))
                line = inputfile.next()
        # Section with SCF information.
        # The space at the start of the search string is to differentiate from MCSCF.
        # Everything before the search string is stored as the type of SCF.
        # SCF types may include: BLYP, RHF, ROHF, UHF, etc.
        # For example, in exam17 the section looks like this (note that this is GVB):
        #          ------------------------
        #          ROHF-GVB SCF CALCULATION
        #          ------------------------
        # GVB STEP WILL USE    119875 WORDS OF MEMORY.
        #     MAXIT=  30   NPUNCH= 2   SQCDF TOL=1.0000E-05
        #     NUCLEAR ENERGY=        6.1597411978
        # ITER EX     TOTAL ENERGY       E CHANGE        SQCDF       DIIS ERROR
        #   0  0      -38.298939963   -38.298939963   0.131784454   0.000000000
        #   1  1      -38.332044339    -0.033104376   0.026019716   0.000000000
        # ... and will be terminated by a blank line.
        if line.rstrip()[-16:] == " SCF CALCULATION":

            # Remember the type of SCF.
            self.scftype = line.strip()[:-16]

            dashes = inputfile.next()

            while line [:5] != " ITER":

                # GVB uses SQCDF for checking convergence (for example in exam17).
                if "GVB" in self.scftype and "SQCDF TOL=" in line:
                    scftarget = float(line.split("=")[-1])

                # Normally however the density is used as the convergence criterium.
                # Deal with various versions:
                #   (GAMESS VERSION = 12 DEC 2003)
                #     DENSITY MATRIX CONV=  2.00E-05  DFT GRID SWITCH THRESHOLD=  3.00E-04
                #   (GAMESS VERSION = 22 FEB 2006)
                #     DENSITY MATRIX CONV=  1.00E-05
                #   (PC GAMESS version 6.2, Not DFT?)
                #     DENSITY CONV=  1.00E-05
                elif "DENSITY CONV" in line or "DENSITY MATRIX CONV" in line:
                    scftarget = float(line.split()[-1])

                line = inputfile.next()

            if not hasattr(self, "scftargets"):
                self.scftargets = []


            if not hasattr(self,"scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []

            line = inputfile.next()

            # Normally the iteration print in 6 columns.
            # For ROHF, however, it is 5 columns, thus this extra parameter.
            if "ROHF" in self.scftype:
                valcol = 4
                valcol = 5

            # SCF iterations are terminated by a blank line.
            # The first four characters usually contains the step number.
            # However, lines can also contain messages, including:
            #   * * *   INITIATING DIIS PROCEDURE   * * *
            values = []
            while line.strip():
                    temp = int(line[0:4])
                except ValueError:
                line = inputfile.next()

        # GAMESS has...
        #     REDUCED MASSES IN AMU.
        #                          1           2           3           4           5
        #       FREQUENCY:        52.49       41.45       17.61        9.23       10.61  
        #    REDUCED MASS:      3.92418     3.77048     5.43419     6.44636     5.50693
        #    IR INTENSITY:      0.00013     0.00001     0.00004     0.00000     0.00003

        # ...or in the case of a numerical Hessian job...

        #     REDUCED MASSES IN AMU.
        #                          1           2           3           4           5
        #       FREQUENCY:         0.05        0.03        0.03       30.89       30.94  
        #    REDUCED MASS:      8.50125     8.50137     8.50136     1.06709     1.06709

        # whereas PC-GAMESS has...
        #                          1           2           3           4           5
        #       FREQUENCY:         5.89        1.46        0.01        0.01        0.01  
        #    IR INTENSITY:      0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000
        # If Raman is present we have (for PC-GAMESS)...
        #                          1           2           3           4           5
        #       FREQUENCY:         5.89        1.46        0.04        0.03        0.01  
        #    IR INTENSITY:      0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000
        # RAMAN INTENSITY:       12.675       1.828       0.000       0.000       0.000
        #  DEPOLARIZATION:        0.750       0.750       0.124       0.009       0.750

        # If PC-GAMESS has not reached the stationary point we have
        #     *******************************************************
        #     *     THE VIBRATIONAL ANALYSIS IS NOT VALID !!!       *
        #     *******************************************************
        #                          1           2           3           4           5

            self.vibfreqs = []
            self.vibirs = []
            self.vibdisps = []

            # Need to get to the modes line
            warning = False
            while line.find("MODES") == -1:
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line.find("THIS IS NOT A STATIONARY POINT")>=0:
                    warning = True
            startrot = int(line.split()[1])
            endrot = int(line.split()[3])
            blank = inputfile.next()

            line = inputfile.next() # FREQUENCIES, etc.
            while line != blank:
                line = inputfile.next()
            if warning: # Get past the second warning
                line = inputfile.next()
                while line!= blank:
                    line = inputfile.next()
                self.logger.warning("This is not a stationary point on the molecular"
                                    "PES. The vibrational analysis is not valid.")
            freqNo = inputfile.next()
            while freqNo.find("SAYVETZ") == -1:
                freq = inputfile.next().strip().split()[1:]
            # May include imaginary frequencies
            #       FREQUENCY:       825.18 I    111.53       12.62       10.70        0.89
                newfreq = []
                for i, x in enumerate(freq):
                    if x!="I":
                        newfreq[-1] = -newfreq[-1]
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line.find("REDUCED") >= 0: # skip the reduced mass (not always present)
                    line = inputfile.next()
                if line.find("IR INTENSITY") >= 0:
                    # Not present if a numerical Hessian calculation
                    irIntensity = map(float, line.strip().split()[2:])
                    self.vibirs.extend([utils.convertor(x, "Debye^2/amu-Angstrom^2", "km/mol") for x in irIntensity])
                    line = inputfile.next()
                if line.find("RAMAN") >= 0:
                    if not hasattr(self,"vibramans"):
                        self.vibramans = []
                    ramanIntensity = line.strip().split()
                    self.vibramans.extend(map(float, ramanIntensity[2:]))
                    depolar = inputfile.next()
                    line = inputfile.next()
                assert line == blank

                # Extract the Cartesian displacement vectors
                p = [ [], [], [], [], [] ]
                for j in range(len(self.atomnos)):
                    q = [ [], [], [], [], [] ]
                    for k in range(3): # x, y, z
                        line = inputfile.next()[21:]
                        broken = map(float, line.split())
                        for l in range(len(broken)):
                    for k in range(len(broken)):

                # Skip the Sayvetz stuff at the end
                for j in range(10):
                    line = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                freqNo = inputfile.next()
            # Exclude rotations and translations
            self.vibfreqs = numpy.array(self.vibfreqs[:startrot-1]+self.vibfreqs[endrot:], "d")
            self.vibirs = numpy.array(self.vibirs[:startrot-1]+self.vibirs[endrot:], "d")
            self.vibdisps = numpy.array(self.vibdisps[:startrot-1]+self.vibdisps[endrot:], "d")
            if hasattr(self, "vibramans"):
                self.vibramans = numpy.array(self.vibramans[:startrot-1]+self.vibramans[endrot:], "d")

        if line[5:21] == "ATOMIC BASIS SET":
            self.gbasis = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.find("SHELL")<0:
                line = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            atomname = inputfile.next()
            # shellcounter stores the shell no of the last shell
            # in the previous set of primitives
            shellcounter = 1
            while line.find("TOTAL NUMBER")<0:
                blank = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
                shellno = int(line.split()[0])
                shellgap = shellno - shellcounter
                gbasis = [] # Stores basis sets on one atom
                shellsize = 0
                while len(line.split())!=1 and line.find("TOTAL NUMBER")<0:
                    shellsize += 1
                    coeff = {}
                    # coefficients and symmetries for a block of rows
                    while line.strip():
                        temp = line.strip().split()
                        sym = temp[1]
                        assert sym in ['S', 'P', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'L']
                        if sym == "L": # L refers to SP
                            if len(temp)==6: # GAMESS US
                                coeff.setdefault("S", []).append( (float(temp[3]), float(temp[4])) )
                                coeff.setdefault("P", []).append( (float(temp[3]), float(temp[5])) )
                            else: # PC GAMESS
                                assert temp[6][-1] == temp[9][-1] == ')'
                                coeff.setdefault("S", []).append( (float(temp[3]), float(temp[6][:-1])) )
                                coeff.setdefault("P", []).append( (float(temp[3]), float(temp[9][:-1])) )
                            if len(temp)==5: # GAMESS US
                                coeff.setdefault(sym, []).append( (float(temp[3]), float(temp[4])) )
                            else: # PC GAMESS
                                assert temp[6][-1] == ')'
                                coeff.setdefault(sym, []).append( (float(temp[3]), float(temp[6][:-1])) )
                        line = inputfile.next()
                    # either a blank or a continuation of the block
                    if sym == "L":
                        gbasis.append( ('S', coeff['S']))
                        gbasis.append( ('P', coeff['P']))
                        gbasis.append( (sym, coeff[sym]))
                    line = inputfile.next()
                # either the start of the next block or the start of a new atom or
                # the end of the basis function section
                numtoadd = 1 + (shellgap / shellsize)
                shellcounter = shellno + shellsize
                for x in range(numtoadd):

        if line.find("EIGENVECTORS") == 10 or line.find("MOLECULAR OBRITALS") == 10:
            # The details returned come from the *final* report of evalues and
            #   the last list of symmetries in the log file.
            # Should be followed by lines like this:
            #           ------------
            #           EIGENVECTORS
            #           ------------
            #                       1          2          3          4          5
            #                   -10.0162   -10.0161   -10.0039   -10.0039   -10.0029
            #                      BU         AG         BU         AG         AG  
            #     1  C  1  S    0.699293   0.699290  -0.027566   0.027799   0.002412
            #     2  C  1  S    0.031569   0.031361   0.004097  -0.004054  -0.000605
            #     3  C  1  X    0.000908   0.000632  -0.004163   0.004132   0.000619
            #     4  C  1  Y   -0.000019   0.000033   0.000668  -0.000651   0.005256
            #     5  C  1  Z    0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
            #     6  C  2  S   -0.699293   0.699290   0.027566   0.027799   0.002412
            #     7  C  2  S   -0.031569   0.031361  -0.004097  -0.004054  -0.000605
            #     8  C  2  X    0.000908  -0.000632  -0.004163  -0.004132  -0.000619
            #     9  C  2  Y   -0.000019  -0.000033   0.000668   0.000651  -0.005256
            #    10  C  2  Z    0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
            #    11  C  3  S   -0.018967  -0.019439   0.011799  -0.014884  -0.452328
            #    12  C  3  S   -0.007748  -0.006932   0.000680  -0.000695  -0.024917
            #    13  C  3  X    0.002628   0.002997   0.000018   0.000061  -0.003608
            # and so forth... with blanks lines between blocks of 5 orbitals each.
            # Warning! There are subtle differences between GAMESS-US and PC-GAMES
            #   in the formatting of the first four columns.
            # Watch out for F orbitals...
            # PC GAMESS
            #   19  C   1 YZ   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
            #   20  C    XXX   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.002249
            #   21  C    YYY   0.000000   0.000000  -0.025555   0.000000   0.000000
            #   22  C    ZZZ   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.002249   0.000000
            #   23  C    XXY   0.000000   0.000000   0.001343   0.000000   0.000000
            # GAMESS US
            #   55  C  1 XYZ   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
            #   56  C  1XXXX  -0.000014  -0.000067   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
            # This is fine for GeoOpt and SP, but may be weird for TD and Freq.

            # This is the stuff that we can read from these blocks.
            self.moenergies = [[]]
            self.mosyms = [[]]
            if not hasattr(self, "nmo"):
                self.nmo = self.nbasis
            self.mocoeffs = [numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d")]
            readatombasis = False
            if not hasattr(self, "atombasis"):
                self.atombasis = []
                self.aonames = []
                for i in range(self.natom):
                self.aonames = []
                readatombasis = True

            dashes = inputfile.next()
            for base in range(0, self.nmo, 5):

                line = inputfile.next()
                # Make sure that this section does not end prematurely - checked by regression test 2CO.ccsd.aug-cc-pVDZ.out.
                if line.strip() != "":
                numbers = inputfile.next() # Eigenvector numbers.

                # Sometimes there are some blank lines here.
                while not line.strip():
                    line = inputfile.next()

                # Eigenvalues for these orbitals (in hartrees).
                    self.moenergies[0].extend([utils.convertor(float(x), "hartree", "eV") for x in line.split()])
                    self.logger.warning('MO section found but could not be parsed!')

                # Orbital symmetries.
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line.strip():
                    self.mosyms[0].extend(map(self.normalisesym, line.split()))
                # Now we have nbasis lines.
                # Going to use the same method as for normalise_aonames()
                # to extract basis set information.
                p = re.compile("(\d+)\s*([A-Z][A-Z]?)\s*(\d+)\s*([A-Z]+)")
                oldatom ='0'
                for i in range(self.nbasis):
                    line = inputfile.next()

                    # If line is empty, break (ex. for FMO in exam37).
                    if not line.strip(): break

                    # Fill atombasis and aonames only first time around
                    if readatombasis and base == 0:
                        aonames = []
                        start = line[:17].strip()
                        m = p.search(start)
                        if m:
                            g = m.groups()
                            aoname = "%s%s_%s" % (g[1].capitalize(), g[2], g[3])
                            oldatom = g[2]
                            atomno = int(g[2])-1
                            orbno = int(g[0])-1
                        else: # For F orbitals, as shown above
                            g = [x.strip() for x in line.split()]
                            aoname = "%s%s_%s" % (g[1].capitalize(), oldatom, g[2])
                            atomno = int(oldatom)-1
                            orbno = int(g[0])-1
                    coeffs = line[15:] # Strip off the crud at the start.
                    j = 0
                    while j*11+4 < len(coeffs):
                        self.mocoeffs[0][base+j, i] = float(coeffs[j * 11:(j + 1) * 11])
                        j += 1

            line = inputfile.next()
            # If it's restricted and no more properties:
            #  ...... END OF RHF/DFT CALCULATION ......
            # If there are more properties (DENSITY MATRIX):
            #               --------------
            # If it's unrestricted we have:
            #  ----- BETA SET ----- 
            #          ------------
            #          EIGENVECTORS
            #          ------------
            #                      1          2          3          4          5
            # ... and so forth.
            line = inputfile.next()
            if line[2:22] == "----- BETA SET -----":
                self.mocoeffs.append(numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d"))
                for i in range(4):
                    line = inputfile.next()
                for base in range(0, self.nmo, 5):
                    blank = inputfile.next()
                    line = inputfile.next() # Eigenvector no
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    self.moenergies[1].extend([utils.convertor(float(x), "hartree", "eV") for x in line.split()])
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    self.mosyms[1].extend(map(self.normalisesym, line.split()))
                    for i in range(self.nbasis):
                        line = inputfile.next()
                        temp = line[15:] # Strip off the crud at the start
                        j = 0
                        while j * 11 + 4 < len(temp):
                            self.mocoeffs[1][base+j, i] = float(temp[j * 11:(j + 1) * 11])
                            j += 1
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.moenergies = [numpy.array(x, "d") for x in self.moenergies]

        # Natural orbitals - presently support only CIS.
        # Looks basically the same as eigenvectors, without symmetry labels.
        if line[10:30] == "CIS NATURAL ORBITALS":

            self.nocoeffs = numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d")

            dashes = inputfile.next()
            for base in range(0, self.nmo, 5):

                blank = inputfile.next()
                numbers = inputfile.next() # Eigenvector numbers.

                # Eigenvalues for these natural orbitals (not in hartrees!).
                # Sometimes there are some blank lines before it.
                line = inputfile.next()
                while not line.strip():
                    line = inputfile.next()
                eigenvalues = line

                # Orbital symemtry labels are normally here for MO coefficients.
                line = inputfile.next()
                # Now we have nbasis lines with the coefficients.
                for i in range(self.nbasis):

                    line = inputfile.next()
                    coeffs = line[15:]
                    j = 0
                    while j*11+4 < len(coeffs):
                        self.nocoeffs[base+j, i] = float(coeffs[j * 11:(j + 1) * 11])
                        j += 1

        # We cannot trust this self.homos until we come to the phrase:
        # which either is followed by "ALPHA" or "BOTH" at which point we can say
        # for certain that it is an un/restricted calculations.
        # Note that MCSCF calcs also print this search string, so make sure
        #   that self.homos does not exist yet.
        if line[1:28] == "NUMBER OF OCCUPIED ORBITALS" and not hasattr(self,'homos'):
            homos = [int(line.split()[-1])-1]
            line = inputfile.next()
            self.homos = numpy.array(homos, "i")

            # Not unrestricted, so lop off the second index.
            # In case the search string above was not used (ex. FMO in exam38),
            #   we can try to use the next line which should also contain the
            #   number of occupied orbitals.
            if line.find("BOTH SET(S)") >= 0:
                nextline = inputfile.next()
                if "ORBITALS ARE OCCUPIED" in nextline:
                    homos = int(nextline.split()[0])-1
                    if hasattr(self,"homos"):
                            assert self.homos[0] == homos
                        except AssertionError:
                            self.logger.warning("Number of occupied orbitals not consistent. This is normal for ECP and FMO jobs.")
                        self.homos = [homos]
                self.homos = numpy.resize(self.homos, [1])

        # Set the total number of atoms, only once.
        # Normally GAMESS print TOTAL NUMBER OF ATOMS, however in some cases
        #   this is slightly different (ex. lower case for FMO in exam37).
        if not hasattr(self,"natom") and "NUMBER OF ATOMS" in line.upper():
            self.natom = int(line.split()[-1])
        if line.find("NUMBER OF CARTESIAN GAUSSIAN BASIS") == 1 or line.find("TOTAL NUMBER OF BASIS FUNCTIONS") == 1:
            # The first is from Julien's Example and the second is from Alexander's
            # I think it happens if you use a polar basis function instead of a cartesian one
            self.nbasis = int(line.strip().split()[-1])
            # Note that this line is present if ISPHER=1, e.g. for C_bigbasis
            self.nmo = int(line.strip().split()[-1])
        elif line.find("TOTAL NUMBER OF MOS IN VARIATION SPACE") == 1:
            # Note that this line is not always present, so by default
            # NBsUse is set equal to NBasis (see below).
            self.nmo = int(line.split()[-1])

        elif line.find("OVERLAP MATRIX") == 0 or line.find("OVERLAP MATRIX") == 1:
            # The first is for PC-GAMESS, the second for GAMESS
            # Read 1-electron overlap matrix
            if not hasattr(self, "aooverlaps"):
                self.aooverlaps = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")
                self.logger.info("Reading additional aooverlaps...")
            base = 0
            while base < self.nbasis:
                blank = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next() # Basis fn number
                blank = inputfile.next()
                for i in range(self.nbasis - base): # Fewer lines each time
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    temp = line.split()
                    for j in range(4, len(temp)):
                        self.aooverlaps[base+j-4, i+base] = float(temp[j])
                        self.aooverlaps[i+base, base+j-4] = float(temp[j])
                base += 5

        # ECP Pseudopotential information
        if "ECP POTENTIALS" in line:
            if not hasattr(self, "coreelectrons"):
                self.coreelectrons = [0]*self.natom
            dashes = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            while header.split()[0] == "PARAMETERS":
                name = header[17:25]
                atomnum = int(header[34:40])
                # The pseudopotnetial is given explicitely
                if header[40:50] == "WITH ZCORE":
                  zcore = int(header[50:55])
                  lmax = int(header[63:67])
                  self.coreelectrons[atomnum-1] = zcore
                # The pseudopotnetial is copied from another atom
                if header[40:55] == "ARE THE SAME AS":
                  atomcopy = int(header[60:])
                  self.coreelectrons[atomnum-1] = self.coreelectrons[atomcopy-1]
                line = inputfile.next()
                while line.split() <> []:
                    line = inputfile.next()
                header = inputfile.next()
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line.find("INPUT FILE") >= 0:
            #check to make sure we aren't parsing Create jobs
            while line:

                self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Unsupported Information",

                if line.find("INPUT FILE") >= 0 and hasattr(
                        self, "scftargets"):
                    #does this file contain multiple calculations?
                    #if so, print a warning and skip to end of file
                    self.logger.warning("Skipping remaining calculations")
                    inputfile.seek(0, 2)

                if line.find("INPUT FILE") >= 0:
                    line2 = inputfile.next()
                    line2 = None

                if line2 and len(line2) <= 2:
                    #make sure that it's not blank like in the NiCO4 regression
                    line2 = inputfile.next()

                if line2 and (line2.find("Create") < 0
                              and line2.find("create") < 0):

                line = inputfile.next()

        if line[1:10] == "Symmetry:":
            info = line.split()
            if info[1] == "NOSYM":
                self.nosymflag = True

        # Use this to read the subspecies of irreducible representations.
        # It will be a list, with each element representing one irrep.
        if line.strip() == "Irreducible Representations, including subspecies":
            dashes = inputfile.next()
            self.irreps = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip() != "":
                line = inputfile.next()

        if line[4:13] == 'Molecule:':
            info = line.split()
            if info[1] == 'UNrestricted':
                self.unrestrictedflag = True

        if line[1:6] == "ATOMS":
            # Find the number of atoms and their atomic numbers
            # Also extract the starting coordinates (for a GeoOpt anyway)
            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.cupdate)

            self.atomnos = []
            self.atomcoords = []
            self.coreelectrons = []

            underline = inputfile.next()  #clear pointless lines
            label1 = inputfile.next()  #
            label2 = inputfile.next()  #
            line = inputfile.next()
            atomcoords = []
            while len(line) > 2:  #ensure that we are reading no blank lines
                info = line.split()
                element = info[1].split('.')[0]
                atomcoords.append(map(float, info[2:5]))
                self.coreelectrons.append(int(float(info[5]) - float(info[6])))
                line = inputfile.next()

            self.natom = len(self.atomnos)
            self.atomnos = numpy.array(self.atomnos, "i")

        if line[1:10] == "FRAGMENTS":
            header = inputfile.next()

            self.frags = []
            self.fragnames = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            while len(line) > 2:  #ensure that we are reading no blank lines
                info = line.split()

                if len(info) == 7:  #fragment name is listed here
                    self.fragnames.append("%s_%s" % (info[1], info[0]))
                    self.frags[-1].append(int(info[2]) - 1)

                elif len(info) == 5:  #add atoms into last fragment
                    self.frags[-1].append(int(info[0]) - 1)

                line = inputfile.next()

        # Extract charge
        if line[1:11] == "Net Charge":
            self.charge = int(line.split()[2])
            line = inputfile.next()
            if len(line.strip()):
                #  Spin polar: 1 (Spin_A minus Spin_B electrons)
                self.mult = int(line.split()[2]) + 1
                # (Not sure about this for higher multiplicities)
                self.mult = 1

        if line[1:22] == "S C F   U P D A T E S":
            # find targets for SCF convergence

            if not hasattr(self, "scftargets"):
                self.scftargets = []

            #underline, blank, nr
            for i in range(3):

            line = inputfile.next()
            self.SCFconv = float(line.split()[-1])
            line = inputfile.next()
            self.sconv2 = float(line.split()[-1])

        if line[1:11] == "CYCLE    1":

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "QM convergence", self.fupdate)

            newlist = []
            line = inputfile.next()

            if not hasattr(self, "geovalues"):
                # This is the first SCF cycle
                self.scftargets.append([self.sconv2 * 10, self.sconv2])
            elif self.finalgeometry in [self.GETLAST, self.NOMORE]:
                # This is the final SCF cycle
                self.scftargets.append([self.SCFconv * 10, self.SCFconv])
                # This is an intermediate SCF cycle
                oldscftst = self.scftargets[-1][1]
                grdmax = self.geovalues[-1][1]
                scftst = max(self.SCFconv,
                             min(oldscftst, grdmax / 30, 10**(-self.accint)))
                self.scftargets.append([scftst * 10, scftst])

            while line.find("SCF CONVERGED") == -1 and line.find(
                    "SCF not fully converged, result acceptable"
            ) == -1 and line.find("SCF NOT CONVERGED") == -1:
                if line[4:12] == "SCF test":
                    if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                        self.scfvalues = []

                    info = line.split()
                    newlist.append([float(info[4]), abs(float(info[6]))])
                    line = inputfile.next()
                except StopIteration:  #EOF reached?
                        "SCF did not converge, so attributes may be missing")

            if line.find("SCF not fully converged, result acceptable") > 0:
                    "SCF not fully converged, results acceptable")

            if line.find("SCF NOT CONVERGED") > 0:
                    "SCF did not converge! moenergies and mocoeffs are unreliable"

            if hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):

        # Parse SCF energy for SP calcs from bonding energy decomposition section.
        # It seems ADF does not print it earlier for SP calcualtions.
        # If it does (does it?), parse that instead.
        # Check that scfenergies does not exist, becuase gopt runs also print this,
        #   repeating the values in the last "Geometry Convergence Tests" section.
        if "Total Bonding Energy:" in line:
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                energy = utils.convertor(float(line.split()[3]), "hartree",
                self.scfenergies = [energy]

        if line[51:65] == "Final Geometry":
            self.finalgeometry = self.GETLAST

        if line[1:24] == "Coordinates (Cartesian)" and self.finalgeometry in [
                self.NOTFOUND, self.GETLAST
            # Get the coordinates from each step of the GeoOpt
            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
            equals = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            title = inputfile.next()
            title = inputfile.next()
            hyphens = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != hyphens:
                atomcoords.append(map(float, line.split()[5:8]))
                line = inputfile.next()
            if self.finalgeometry == self.GETLAST:  # Don't get any more coordinates
                self.finalgeometry = self.NOMORE

        if line[1:27] == 'Geometry Convergence Tests':
            # Extract Geometry convergence information
            if not hasattr(self, "geotargets"):
                self.geovalues = []
                self.geotargets = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "d")
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            equals = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            temp = inputfile.next().strip().split()
                utils.convertor(float(temp[-1]), "hartree", "eV"))
            for i in range(6):
                line = inputfile.next()
            values = []
            for i in range(5):
                temp = inputfile.next().split()
                self.geotargets[i] = float(temp[-3])

        if line[1:27] == 'General Accuracy Parameter':
            # Need to know the accuracy of the integration grid to
            # calculate the scftarget...note that it changes with time
            self.accint = float(line.split()[-1])

        if line.find(
                'Orbital Energies, per Irrep and Spin') > 0 and not hasattr(
                    "mosyms") and self.nosymflag and not self.unrestrictedflag:
            #Extracting orbital symmetries and energies, homos for nosym case
            #Should only be for restricted case because there is a better text block for unrestricted and nosym

            self.mosyms = [[]]

            self.moenergies = [[]]

            underline = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            underline = inputfile.next()
            label = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            info = line.split()

            if not info[0] == '1':
                self.logger.warning("MO info up to #%s is missing" % info[0])

            #handle case where MO information up to a certain orbital are missing
            while int(info[0]) - 1 != len(self.moenergies[0]):

            homoA = None

            while len(line) > 10:
                info = line.split()
                    utils.convertor(float(info[2]), 'hartree', 'eV'))
                if info[1] == '0.000' and not hasattr(self, 'homos'):
                    self.homos = [len(self.moenergies[0]) - 2]
                line = inputfile.next()

            self.moenergies = [numpy.array(self.moenergies[0], "d")]
            self.homos = numpy.array(self.homos, "i")

        if line[1:29] == 'Orbital Energies, both Spins' and not hasattr(
                self, "mosyms") and self.nosymflag and self.unrestrictedflag:
            #Extracting orbital symmetries and energies, homos for nosym case
            #should only be here if unrestricted and nosym

            self.mosyms = [[], []]

            moenergies = [[], []]

            underline = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            underline = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            homoa = 0
            homob = None

            while len(line) > 5:
                info = line.split()
                if info[2] == 'A':
                        utils.convertor(float(info[4]), 'hartree', 'eV'))
                    if info[3] != '0.00':
                        homoa = len(moenergies[0]) - 1
                elif info[2] == 'B':
                        utils.convertor(float(info[4]), 'hartree', 'eV'))
                    if info[3] != '0.00':
                        homob = len(moenergies[1]) - 1
                    print "Error reading line: %s" % line

                line = inputfile.next()

            self.moenergies = [numpy.array(x, "d") for x in moenergies]
            self.homos = numpy.array([homoa, homob], "i")

        if line[1:29] == 'Orbital Energies, all Irreps' and not hasattr(
                self, "mosyms"):
            #Extracting orbital symmetries and energies, homos
            self.mosyms = [[]]
            self.symlist = {}

            self.moenergies = [[]]

            underline = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            underline2 = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            homoa = None
            homob = None

            #multiple = {'E':2, 'T':3, 'P':3, 'D':5}
            # The above is set if there are no special irreps
            names = [irrep[0].split(':')[0] for irrep in self.irreps]
            counts = [len(irrep) for irrep in self.irreps]
            multiple = dict(zip(names, counts))
            irrepspecies = {}
            for n in range(len(names)):
                indices = range(counts[n])
                subspecies = self.irreps[n]
                irrepspecies[names[n]] = dict(zip(indices, subspecies))

            while line.strip():
                info = line.split()
                if len(info) == 5:  #this is restricted
                    #count = multiple.get(info[0][0],1)
                    count = multiple.get(info[0], 1)
                    for repeat in range(
                            count):  # i.e. add E's twice, T's thrice
                            utils.convertor(float(info[3]), 'hartree', 'eV'))

                        sym = info[0]
                        if count > 1:  # add additional sym label
                            sym = self.normalisedegenerates(info[0],

                                len(self.moenergies[0]) - 1)
                        except KeyError:
                            self.symlist[sym] = [[]]
                                len(self.moenergies[0]) - 1)

                    if info[2] == '0.00' and not hasattr(self, 'homos'):
                        self.homos = [
                            len(self.moenergies[0]) - (count + 1)
                        ]  #count, because need to handle degenerate cases
                    line = inputfile.next()
                elif len(info) == 6:  #this is unrestricted
                    if len(self.moenergies
                           ) < 2:  #if we don't have space, create it
#                    count = multiple.get(info[0][0], 1)
                    count = multiple.get(info[0], 1)
                    if info[2] == 'A':
                        for repeat in range(
                                count):  # i.e. add E's twice, T's thrice
                                utils.convertor(float(info[4]), 'hartree',

                            sym = info[0]
                            if count > 1:  #add additional sym label
                                sym = self.normalisedegenerates(
                                    info[0], repeat)

                                    len(self.moenergies[0]) - 1)
                            except KeyError:
                                self.symlist[sym] = [[], []]
                                    len(self.moenergies[0]) - 1)

                        if info[3] == '0.00' and homoa == None:
                            homoa = len(self.moenergies[0]) - (
                                count + 1
                            )  #count because degenerate cases need to be handled

                    if info[2] == 'B':
                        for repeat in range(
                                count):  # i.e. add E's twice, T's thrice
                                utils.convertor(float(info[4]), 'hartree',

                            sym = info[0]
                            if count > 1:  #add additional sym label
                                sym = self.normalisedegenerates(
                                    info[0], repeat)

                                    len(self.moenergies[1]) - 1)
                            except KeyError:
                                self.symlist[sym] = [[], []]
                                    len(self.moenergies[1]) - 1)

                        if info[3] == '0.00' and homob == None:
                            homob = len(self.moenergies[1]) - (count + 1)

                    line = inputfile.next()

                else:  #different number of lines
                    print "Error", info

            if len(info) == 6:  #still unrestricted, despite being out of loop
                self.homos = [homoa, homob]

            self.moenergies = [numpy.array(x, "d") for x in self.moenergies]
            self.homos = numpy.array(self.homos, "i")

        if line[1:28] == "Vibrations and Normal Modes":
            # Section on extracting vibdisps
            # Also contains vibfreqs, but these are extracted in the
            # following section (see below)
            self.vibdisps = []
            equals = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()

            freqs = inputfile.next()
            while freqs.strip() != "":
                minus = inputfile.next()
                p = [[], [], []]
                for i in range(len(self.atomnos)):
                    broken = map(float, inputfile.next().split()[1:])
                    for j in range(0, len(broken), 3):
                        p[j / 3].append(broken[j:j + 3])
                self.vibdisps.extend(p[:(len(broken) / 3)])
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                freqs = inputfile.next()
            self.vibdisps = numpy.array(self.vibdisps, "d")

        if line[1:24] == "List of All Frequencies":
            # Start of the IR/Raman frequency section
            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Frequency information",

            #                 self.vibsyms = [] # Need to look into this a bit more
            self.vibirs = []
            self.vibfreqs = []
            for i in range(8):
                line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next().strip()
            while line:
                temp = line.split()
                self.vibirs.append(float(temp[2]))  # or is it temp[1]?
                line = inputfile.next().strip()
            self.vibfreqs = numpy.array(self.vibfreqs, "d")
            self.vibirs = numpy.array(self.vibirs, "d")
            if hasattr(self, "vibramans"):
                self.vibramans = numpy.array(self.vibramans, "d")

        #delete this after new implementation using smat, eigvec print,eprint?
        if line[1:49] == "Total nr. of (C)SFOs (summation over all irreps)":
            # Extract the number of basis sets
            self.nbasis = int(line.split(":")[1].split()[0])

            # now that we're here, let's extract aonames

            self.fonames = []
            self.start_indeces = {}

            blank = inputfile.next()
            note = inputfile.next()
            symoffset = 0

            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            if len(blank) > 2:  #fix for ADF2006.01 as it has another note
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()

            self.nosymreps = []
            while len(self.fonames) < self.nbasis:

                symline = inputfile.next()
                sym = symline.split()[1]
                line = inputfile.next()
                num = int(line.split(':')[1].split()[0])

                #read until line "--------..." is found
                while line.find('-----') < 0:
                    line = inputfile.next()

                line = inputfile.next()  # the start of the first SFO

                while len(self.fonames) < symoffset + num:
                    info = line.split()

                    #index0 index1 occ2 energy3/4 fragname5 coeff6 orbnum7 orbname8 fragname9
                    if not sym in self.start_indeces.keys():
                        #have we already set the start index for this symmetry?
                        self.start_indeces[sym] = int(info[1])

                    orbname = info[8]
                    orbital = info[7] + orbname.replace(":", "")

                    fragname = info[5]
                    frag = fragname + info[9]

                    coeff = float(info[6])

                    line = inputfile.next()
                    while line.strip(
                    ) and not line[:7].strip():  # while it's the same SFO
                        # i.e. while not completely blank, but blank at the start
                        info = line[43:].split()
                        if len(
                        ) > 0:  # len(info)==0 for the second line of dvb_ir.adfout
                            frag += "+" + fragname + info[-1]
                            coeff = float(info[-4])
                            if coeff < 0:
                                orbital += '-' + info[-3] + info[-2].replace(
                                    ":", "")
                                orbital += '+' + info[-3] + info[-2].replace(
                                    ":", "")
                        line = inputfile.next()
                    # At this point, we are either at the start of the next SFO or at
                    # a blank line...the end

                    self.fonames.append("%s_%s" % (frag, orbital))
                symoffset += num

                # blankline blankline

        if line[1:32] == "S F O   P O P U L A T I O N S ,":
            #Extract overlap matrix

            self.fooverlaps = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")

            symoffset = 0

            for nosymrep in self.nosymreps:

                line = inputfile.next()
                while line.find('===') < 10:  #look for the symmetry labels
                    line = inputfile.next()
                #blank blank text blank col row
                for i in range(6):

                base = 0
                while base < nosymrep:  #have we read all the columns?

                    for i in range(nosymrep - base):

                        self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Overlap", self.fupdate)
                        line = inputfile.next()
                        parts = line.split()[1:]
                        for j in range(len(parts)):
                            k = float(parts[j])
                            self.fooverlaps[base + symoffset + j,
                                            base + symoffset + i] = k
                            self.fooverlaps[base + symoffset + i,
                                            base + symoffset + j] = k

                    #blank, blank, column
                    for i in range(3):

                    base += 4

                symoffset += nosymrep
                base = 0

# The commented code below makes the atombasis attribute based on the BAS function in ADF,
#   but this is probably not so useful, since SFOs are used to build MOs in ADF.
#        if line[1:54] == "BAS: List of all Elementary Cartesian Basis Functions":
#            self.atombasis = []
#            # There will be some text, followed by a line:
#            #       (power of) X  Y  Z  R     Alpha  on Atom
#            while not line[1:11] == "(power of)":
#                line = inputfile.next()
#            dashes = inputfile.next()
#            blank = inputfile.next()
#            line = inputfile.next()
#            # There will be two blank lines when there are no more atom types.
#            while line.strip() != "":
#                atoms = [int(i)-1 for i in line.split()[1:]]
#                for n in range(len(atoms)):
#                    self.atombasis.append([])
#                dashes = inputfile.next()
#                line = inputfile.next()
#                while line.strip() != "":
#                    indices = [int(i)-1 for i in line.split()[5:]]
#                    for i in range(len(indices)):
#                        self.atombasis[atoms[i]].append(indices[i])
#                    line = inputfile.next()
#                line = inputfile.next()

        if line[48:67] == "SFO MO coefficients":

            self.mocoeffs = [numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")]
            spin = 0
            symoffset = 0
            lastrow = 0

            # Section ends with "1" at beggining of a line.
            while line[0] != "1":
                line = inputfile.next()

                # If spin is specified, then there will be two coefficient matrices.
                if line.strip() == "***** SPIN 1 *****":
                    self.mocoeffs = [
                        numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d"),
                        numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")

                # Bump up the spin.
                if line.strip() == "***** SPIN 2 *****":
                    spin = 1
                    symoffset = 0
                    lastrow = 0

                # Next symmetry.
                if line.strip()[:4] == "=== ":
                    sym = line.split()[1]
                    if self.nosymflag:
                        aolist = range(self.nbasis)
                        aolist = self.symlist[sym][spin]
                    # Add to the symmetry offset of AO ordering.
                    symoffset += lastrow

                # Blocks with coefficient always start with "MOs :".
                if line[1:6] == "MOs :":
                    # Next line has the MO index contributed to.
                    monumbers = [int(n) for n in line[6:].split()]
                    occup = inputfile.next()
                    label = inputfile.next()
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    # The table can end with a blank line or "1".
                    row = 0
                    while not line.strip() in ["", "1"]:
                        info = line.split()

                        if int(info[0]) < self.start_indeces[sym]:
                            #check to make sure we aren't parsing CFs
                            line = inputfile.next()

                        self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Coefficients",
                        row += 1
                        coeffs = [float(x) for x in info[1:]]
                        moindices = [aolist[n - 1] for n in monumbers]
                        # The AO index is 1 less than the row.
                        aoindex = symoffset + row - 1
                        for i in range(len(monumbers)):
                                                aoindex] = coeffs[i]
                        line = inputfile.next()
                    lastrow = row

        if line[4:53] == "Final excitation energies from Davidson algorithm":

            # move forward in file past some various algorthm info

            # *   Final excitation energies from Davidson algorithm                    *
            # *                                                                        *
            # **************************************************************************

            #     Number of loops in Davidson routine     =   20
            #     Number of matrix-vector multiplications =   24
            #     Type of excitations = SINGLET-SINGLET


            symm = self.normalisesym(inputfile.next().split()[1])

            # move forward in file past some more txt and header info

            # Excitation energies E in a.u. and eV, dE wrt prev. cycle,
            # oscillator strengths f in a.u.

            # no.  E/a.u.        E/eV      f           dE/a.u.
            # -----------------------------------------------------


            # now start parsing etenergies and etoscs

            etenergies = []
            etoscs = []
            etsyms = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            while len(line) > 2:
                info = line.split()
                etenergies.append(utils.convertor(float(info[2]), "eV",
                line = inputfile.next()

            # move past next section
            while line[
                    53] != "Major MO -> MO transitions for the above excitations":
                line = inputfile.next()

            # move past headers

            #  Excitation  Occupied to virtual  Contribution
            #   Nr.          orbitals           weight        contribibutions to
            #                                   (sum=1) transition dipole moment
            #                                             x       y       z

            inputfile.next(), inputfile.next(), inputfile.next()
            inputfile.next(), inputfile.next(), inputfile.next()

            # before we start handeling transitions, we need
            # to create mosyms with indices
            # only restricted calcs are possible in ADF

            counts = {}
            syms = []
            for mosym in self.mosyms[0]:
                if counts.keys().count(mosym) == 0:
                    counts[mosym] = 1
                    counts[mosym] += 1

                syms.append(str(counts[mosym]) + mosym)

            import re
            etsecs = []
            printed_warning = False

            for i in range(len(etenergies)):
                etsec = []
                line = inputfile.next()
                info = line.split()
                while len(info) > 0:

                    match = re.search('[^0-9]', info[1])
                    index1 = int(info[1][:match.start(0)])
                    text = info[1][match.start(0):]
                    symtext = text[0].upper() + text[1:]
                    sym1 = str(index1) + self.normalisesym(symtext)

                    match = re.search('[^0-9]', info[3])
                    index2 = int(info[3][:match.start(0)])
                    text = info[3][match.start(0):]
                    symtext = text[0].upper() + text[1:]
                    sym2 = str(index2) + self.normalisesym(symtext)

                        index1 = syms.index(sym1)
                    except ValueError:
                        if not printed_warning:
                            self.logger.warning("Etsecs are not accurate!")
                            printed_warning = True

                        index2 = syms.index(sym2)
                    except ValueError:
                        if not printed_warning:
                            self.logger.warning("Etsecs are not accurate!")
                            printed_warning = True

                    etsec.append([(index1, 0), (index2, 0), float(info[4])])

                    line = inputfile.next()
                    info = line.split()


            if not hasattr(self, "etenergies"):
                self.etenergies = etenergies
                self.etenergies += etenergies

            if not hasattr(self, "etoscs"):
                self.etoscs = etoscs
                self.etoscs += etoscs

            if not hasattr(self, "etsyms"):
                self.etsyms = etsyms
                self.etsyms += etsyms

            if not hasattr(self, "etsecs"):
                self.etsecs = etsecs
                self.etsecs += etsecs
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line[3:11] == "nbf(AO)=":
            nmo = int(line[11:])
            self.nbasis = nmo
            self.nmo = nmo
        if line[3:9] == "nshell":
            temp = line.split('=')
            homos = int(temp[1])

        if line[0:6] == "$basis":
            print "Found basis"
            self.basis_lib = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            while line[0] != '*' and line[0] != '$':
                temp = line.split()
                line = inputfile.next()
                while line[0] == "#":
                    line = inputfile.next()
                self.basis_lib.append(AtomBasis(temp[0], temp[1], inputfile))
                line = inputfile.next()
        if line == "$ecp\n":
            self.ecp_lib = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            while line[0] != '*' and line[0] != '$':
                fields = line.split()
                atname = fields[0]
                ecpname = fields[1]
                line = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
                fields = line.split()
                ncore = int(fields[2])

                while line[0] != '*':
                    line = inputfile.next()
                self.ecp_lib.append([atname, ecpname, ncore])

        if line[0:6] == "$coord":
            if line[0:11] == "$coordinate":
                #                print "Breaking"

#            print "Found coords"
            self.atomcoords = []
            self.atomnos = []
            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            if line[0:5] == "$user":
                #                print "Breaking"

            while line[0] != "$":
                temp = line.split()
                atsym = temp[3].capitalize()
                    utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom")
                    for x in temp[0:3]
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")

        if line[14:32] == "atomic coordinates":
            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []

            line = inputfile.next()

            while len(line) > 2:
                temp = line.split()
                atsym = temp[3].capitalize()
                    utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom")
                    for x in temp[0:3]
                line = inputfile.next()

            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []

            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")

        if line[0:6] == "$atoms":
            print "parsing atoms"
            line = inputfile.next()
            self.atomlist = []
            while line[0] != "$":
                temp = line.split()
                at = temp[0]
                atnosstr = temp[1]
                while atnosstr[-1] == ",":
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    temp = line.split()
                    atnosstr = atnosstr + temp[0]
#                print "Debug:", atnosstr
                atlist = self.atlist(atnosstr)

                line = inputfile.next()

                temp = line.split()
                #                print "Debug basisname (temp):",temp
                basisname = temp[2]
                ecpname = ''
                line = inputfile.next()
                while (line.find('jbas') != -1 or line.find('ecp') != -1
                       or line.find('jkbas') != -1):
                    if line.find('ecp') != -1:
                        temp = line.split()
                        ecpname = temp[2]
                    line = inputfile.next()

                self.atomlist.append((at, basisname, ecpname, atlist))

# I have no idea what this does, so "comment" out
        if line[3:10] == "natoms=":
            #        if 0:

            self.natom = int(line[10:])

            basistable = []

            for i in range(0, self.natom, 1):
                for j in range(0, len(self.atomlist), 1):
                    for k in range(0, len(self.atomlist[j][3]), 1):
                        if self.atomlist[j][3][k] == i:
                                (self.atomlist[j][0], self.atomlist[j][1],
            self.aonames = []
            counter = 1
            for a, b, c in basistable:
                ncore = 0
                if len(c) > 0:
                    for i in range(0, len(self.ecp_lib), 1):
                        if self.ecp_lib[i][0]==a and \
                            ncore = self.ecp_lib[i][2]

                for i in range(0, len(self.basis_lib), 1):
                    if self.basis_lib[i].atname == a and self.basis_lib[
                            i].basis_name == b:
                        pa = a.capitalize()
                        basis = self.basis_lib[i]

                        s_counter = 1
                        p_counter = 2
                        d_counter = 3
                        f_counter = 4
                        g_counter = 5
                        # this is a really ugly piece of code to assign the right labels to
                        # basis functions on atoms with an ecp
                        if ncore == 2:
                            s_counter = 2
                        elif ncore == 10:
                            s_counter = 3
                            p_counter = 3
                        elif ncore == 18:
                            s_counter = 4
                            p_counter = 4
                        elif ncore == 28:
                            s_counter = 4
                            p_counter = 4
                            d_counter = 4
                        elif ncore == 36:
                            s_counter = 5
                            p_counter = 5
                            d_counter = 5
                        elif ncore == 46:
                            s_counter = 5
                            p_counter = 5
                            d_counter = 6

                        for j in range(0, len(basis.symmetries), 1):
                            if basis.symmetries[j] == 's':
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                              (pa, counter, s_counter, "S"))
                                s_counter = s_counter + 1
                            elif basis.symmetries[j] == 'p':
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                              (pa, counter, p_counter, "PX"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                              (pa, counter, p_counter, "PY"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                              (pa, counter, p_counter, "PZ"))
                                p_counter = p_counter + 1
                            elif basis.symmetries[j] == 'd':
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D 0"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D+1"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D-1"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D+2"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D-2"))
                                d_counter = d_counter + 1
                            elif basis.symmetries[j] == 'f':
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                      (pa, counter, f_counter, "F 0"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                      (pa, counter, f_counter, "F+1"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                      (pa, counter, f_counter, "F-1"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                      (pa, counter, f_counter, "F+2"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                      (pa, counter, f_counter, "F-2"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                      (pa, counter, f_counter, "F+3"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F-3"))
                            elif basis.symmetries[j] == 'g':
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "G 0"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "G+1"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "G-1"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                        (pa, counter, g_counter, "G+2"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, g_counter, "G-2"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                         (pa, counter, g_counter, "G+3"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                          (pa, counter, g_counter, "G-3"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                          (pa, counter, g_counter, "G+4"))
                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
                                          (pa, counter, g_counter, "G-4"))
                counter = counter + 1

        if line == "$closed shells\n":
            line = inputfile.next()
            temp = line.split()
            occs = int(temp[1][2:])
            self.homos = numpy.array([occs - 1], "i")

        if line == "$alpha shells\n":
            line = inputfile.next()
            temp = line.split()
            occ_a = int(temp[1][2:])
            line = inputfile.next()  # should be $beta shells
            line = inputfile.next()  # the beta occs
            temp = line.split()
            occ_b = int(temp[1][2:])
            self.homos = numpy.array([occ_a - 1, occ_b - 1], "i")

        if line[12:24] == "OVERLAP(CAO)":
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            overlaparray = []
            self.aooverlaps = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")
            while line != "       ----------------------\n":
                temp = line.split()
                overlaparray.extend(map(float, temp))
                line = inputfile.next()
            counter = 0

            for i in range(0, self.nbasis, 1):
                for j in range(0, i + 1, 1):
                    self.aooverlaps[i][j] = overlaparray[counter]
                    self.aooverlaps[j][i] = overlaparray[counter]
                    counter = counter + 1

        if (line[0:6] == "$scfmo"
                or line[0:12] == "$uhfmo_alpha") and line.find("scf") > 0:
            temp = line.split()

            if temp[1][0:7] == "scfdump":
                #                self.logger.warning("SCF not converged?")
                print "SCF not converged?!"

            if line[0:
                    12] == "$uhfmo_alpha":  # if unrestricted, create flag saying so
                unrestricted = 1
                unrestricted = 0

            self.moenergies = []
            self.mocoeffs = []

            for spin in range(unrestricted +
                              1):  # make sure we cover all instances
                title = inputfile.next()
                while (title[0] == "#"):
                    title = inputfile.next()

#                mocoeffs = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")
                moenergies = []
                moarray = []

                if spin == 1 and title[0:11] == "$uhfmo_beta":
                    title = inputfile.next()
                    while title[0] == "#":
                        title = inputfile.next()

                while (title[0] != '$'):
                    temp = title.split()

                    orb_symm = temp[1]

                        energy = float(temp[2][11:].replace("D", "E"))
                    except ValueError:
                        print spin, ": ", title

                    orb_en = utils.convertor(energy, "hartree", "eV")

                    single_mo = []

                    while (len(single_mo) < self.nbasis):
                        self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Coefficients",
                        title = inputfile.next()
                        lines_coeffs = self.split_molines(title)

                    title = inputfile.next()

#                for i in range(0, len(moarray), 1):
#                    for j in range(0, self.nbasis, 1):
#                        try:
#                            mocoeffs[i][j]=moarray[i][j]
#                        except IndexError:
#                            print "Index Error in mocoeffs.", spin, i, j
#                            break

                mocoeffs = numpy.array(moarray, "d")

        if line[26:49] == "a o f o r c e - program":
            self.vibirs = []
            self.vibfreqs = []
            self.vibsyms = []
            self.vibdisps = []

#            while line[3:31] != "****  force : all done  ****":

        if line[12:26] == "ATOMIC WEIGHTS":
            #begin parsing atomic weights
            self.vibmasses = []
            line = inputfile.next()  # lines =======
            line = inputfile.next()  # notes
            line = inputfile.next()  # start reading
            temp = line.split()
            while (len(temp) > 0):
                line = inputfile.next()
                temp = line.split()

        if line[5:14] == "frequency":
            if not hasattr(self, "vibfreqs"):
                self.vibfreqs = []
                self.vibfreqs = []
                self.vibsyms = []
                self.vibdisps = []
                self.vibirs = []

            temp = line.replace("i", "-").split()

            freqs = [self.float(f) for f in temp[1:]]

            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            syms = line.split()

            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            temp = line.split()
            irs = [self.float(f) for f in temp[2:]]

            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()

            x = []
            y = []
            z = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            while len(line) > 1:
                temp = line.split()
                x.append(map(float, temp[3:]))

                line = inputfile.next()
                temp = line.split()
                y.append(map(float, temp[1:]))

                line = inputfile.next()
                temp = line.split()
                z.append(map(float, temp[1:]))
                line = inputfile.next()

# build xyz vectors for each mode

            for i in range(0, len(x[0]), 1):
                disp = []
                for j in range(0, len(x), 1):
                    disp.append([x[j][i], y[j][i], z[j][i]])
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line[1:12] == "INPUT CARD>":

        # We are looking for this line:
        #           ...
        #           OPTTOL = 1.000E-04          RMIN   = 1.500E-03
        if line[10:18] == "OPTTOL =":
            if not hasattr(self, "geotargets"):
                opttol = float(line.split()[2])
                self.geotargets = numpy.array([opttol, 3.0 / opttol], "d")

        if line.find("FINAL") == 1:
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            # Has to deal with such lines as:
            #  FINAL R-B3LYP ENERGY IS     -382.0507446475 AFTER  10 ITERATIONS
            #  FINAL ENERGY IS     -379.7594673378 AFTER   9 ITERATIONS
            # ...so take the number after the "IS"
            temp = line.split()
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(float(temp[temp.index("IS") + 1]), "hartree", "eV"))

        # Total energies after Moller-Plesset corrections
        if line.find("RESULTS OF MOLLER-PLESSET") >= 0 or line[6:37] == "SCHWARZ INEQUALITY TEST SKIPPED":
            # Output looks something like this:
            #         E(0)=      -285.7568061536
            #         E(1)=         0.0
            #         E(2)=        -0.9679419329
            #       E(MP2)=      -286.7247480864
            # where E(MP2) = E(0) + E(2)
            # with GAMESS-US 12 Jan 2009 (R3) the preceding text is different:
            ##                     E(SCF)=       -76.0088477471
            ##                       E(2)=        -0.1403745370
            ##                     E(MP2)=       -76.1492222841
            if not hasattr(self, "mpenergies"):
                self.mpenergies = []
            # Each iteration has a new print-out
            # GAMESS-US presently supports only second order corrections (MP2)
            # PC GAMESS also has higher levels (3rd and 4th), with different output
            # Only the highest level MP4 energy is gathered (SDQ or SDTQ)
            while re.search("DONE WITH MP(\d) ENERGY", line) is None:
                line = inputfile.next()
                if len(line.split()) > 0:
                    # Only up to MP2 correction
                    if line.split()[0] == "E(MP2)=":
                        mp2energy = float(line.split()[1])
                        self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV"))
                    # MP2 before higher order calculations
                    if line.split()[0] == "E(MP2)":
                        mp2energy = float(line.split()[2])
                        self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV"))
                    if line.split()[0] == "E(MP3)":
                        mp3energy = float(line.split()[2])
                        self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp3energy, "hartree", "eV"))
                    if line.split()[0] in ["E(MP4-SDQ)", "E(MP4-SDTQ)"]:
                        mp4energy = float(line.split()[2])
                        self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp4energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Total energies after Coupled Cluster calculations
        # Only the highest Coupled Cluster level result is gathered
        if line[12:23] == "CCD ENERGY:":
            if not hasattr(self, "ccenergies"):
                self.ccenergies = []
            ccenergy = float(line.split()[2])
            self.ccenergies.append(utils.convertor(ccenergy, "hartree", "eV"))
        if line.find("CCSD") >= 0 and line.split()[0:2] == ["CCSD", "ENERGY:"]:
            if not hasattr(self, "ccenergies"):
                self.ccenergies = []
            ccenergy = float(line.split()[2])
            line = inputfile.next()
            if line[8:23] == "CCSD[T] ENERGY:":
                ccenergy = float(line.split()[2])
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line[8:23] == "CCSD(T) ENERGY:":
                    ccenergy = float(line.split()[2])
            self.ccenergies.append(utils.convertor(ccenergy, "hartree", "eV"))
        # Also collect MP2 energies, which are always calculated before CC
        if line[8:23] == "MBPT(2) ENERGY:":
            if not hasattr(self, "mpenergies"):
                self.mpenergies = []
            mp2energy = float(line.split()[2])
            self.mpenergies[-1].append(utils.convertor(mp2energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        # Extract charge and multiplicity
        if line[1:19] == "CHARGE OF MOLECULE":
            self.charge = int(line.split()[-1])
            self.mult = int(inputfile.next().split()[-1])

        # etenergies (used only for CIS runs now)
        if "EXCITATION ENERGIES" in line and line.find("DONE WITH") < 0:
            if not hasattr(self, "etenergies"):
                self.etenergies = []
            header = inputfile.next().rstrip()
            get_etosc = False
            if header.endswith("OSC. STR."):
                # water_cis_dets.out does not have the oscillator strength
                # in this table...it is extracted from a different section below
                get_etosc = True
                self.etoscs = []
            dashes = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            broken = line.split()
            while len(broken) > 0:
                # Take hartree value with more numbers, and convert.
                # Note that the values listed after this are also less exact!
                etenergy = float(broken[1])
                self.etenergies.append(utils.convertor(etenergy, "hartree", "cm-1"))
                if get_etosc:
                    etosc = float(broken[-1])
                broken = inputfile.next().split()

        # Detect the CI hamiltonian type, if applicable.
        # Should always be detected if CIS is done.
            self.cihamtyp = "saps"
            self.cihamtyp = "dets"

        # etsecs (used only for CIS runs for now)
        if line[1:14] == "EXCITED STATE":
            if not hasattr(self, "etsecs"):
                self.etsecs = []
            if not hasattr(self, "etsyms"):
                self.etsyms = []
            statenumber = int(line.split()[2])
            spin = int(float(line.split()[7]))
            if spin == 0:
                sym = "Singlet"
            if spin == 1:
                sym = "Triplet"
            sym += "-" + line.split()[-1]
            # skip 5 lines
            for i in range(5):
                line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            CIScontribs = []
            while line.strip()[0] != "-":
                MOtype = 0
                # alpha/beta are specified for hamtyp=dets
                if self.cihamtyp == "dets":
                    if line.split()[0] == "BETA":
                        MOtype = 1
                fromMO = int(line.split()[-3]) - 1
                toMO = int(line.split()[-2]) - 1
                coeff = float(line.split()[-1])
                # With the SAPS hamiltonian, the coefficients are multiplied
                #   by sqrt(2) so that they normalize to 1.
                # With DETS, both alpha and beta excitations are printed.
                # if self.cihamtyp == "saps":
                #    coeff /= numpy.sqrt(2.0)
                CIScontribs.append([(fromMO, MOtype), (toMO, MOtype), coeff])
                line = inputfile.next()

        # etoscs (used only for CIS runs now)
            if not hasattr(self, "etoscs"):
                self.etoscs = []
            statenumber = int(line.split()[-1])
            # skip 7 lines
            for i in range(8):
                line = inputfile.next()
            strength = float(line.split()[3])

        # TD-DFT for GAMESS-US
        if line[14:29] == "LET EXCITATIONS":  # TRIPLET and SINGLET
            self.etenergies = []
            self.etoscs = []
            self.etsecs = []
            etsyms = []
            minus = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            # Loop starts on the STATE line
            while line.find("STATE") >= 0:
                broken = line.split()
                self.etenergies.append(utils.convertor(float(broken[-2]), "eV", "cm-1"))
                broken = inputfile.next().split()
                sym = inputfile.next()  # Not always present
                if sym.find("SYMMETRY") >= 0:
                    header = inputfile.next()
                minus = inputfile.next()
                CIScontribs = []
                line = inputfile.next()
                while line.strip():
                    broken = line.split()
                    fromMO, toMO = [int(broken[x]) - 1 for x in [2, 4]]
                    CIScontribs.append([(fromMO, 0), (toMO, 0), float(broken[1])])
                    line = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
            if etsyms:  # Not always present
                self.etsyms = etsyms

        # Maximum and RMS gradients.
        if "MAXIMUM GRADIENT" in line or "RMS GRADIENT" in line:

            if not hasattr(self, "geovalues"):
                self.geovalues = []

            parts = line.split()

            # Newer versions (around 2006) have both maximum and RMS on one line:
            #       MAXIMUM GRADIENT =  0.0531540    RMS GRADIENT = 0.0189223
            if len(parts) == 8:
                maximum = float(parts[3])
                rms = float(parts[7])

            # In older versions of GAMESS, this spanned two lines, like this:
            #       MAXIMUM GRADIENT =    0.057578167
            #           RMS GRADIENT =    0.027589766
            if len(parts) == 4:
                maximum = float(parts[3])
                line = inputfile.next()
                parts = line.split()
                rms = float(parts[3])

            # FMO also prints two final one- and two-body gradients (see exam37):
            #   (1) MAXIMUM GRADIENT =  0.0531540    RMS GRADIENT = 0.0189223
            if len(parts) == 9:
                maximum = float(parts[4])
                rms = float(parts[8])

            self.geovalues.append([maximum, rms])

        if line[11:50] == "ATOMIC                      COORDINATES":
            # This is the input orientation, which is the only data available for
            # SP calcs, but which should be overwritten by the standard orientation
            # values, which is the only information available for all geoopt cycles.
            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
                self.atomnos = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                temp = line.strip().split()
                atomcoords.append([utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom") for x in temp[2:5]])
                atomnos.append(int(round(float(temp[1]))))  # Don't use the atom name as this is arbitary
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")

        if line[12:40] == "EQUILIBRIUM GEOMETRY LOCATED":
            # Prevent extraction of the final geometry twice
            self.geooptfinished = True

        if line[1:29] == "COORDINATES OF ALL ATOMS ARE" and not self.geooptfinished:
            # This is the standard orientation, which is the only coordinate
            # information available for all geometry optimisation cycles.
            # The input orientation will be overwritten if this is a geometry optimisation
            # We assume that a previous Input Orientation has been found and
            # used to extract the atomnos
            if self.firststdorient:
                self.firststdorient = False
                # Wipes out the single input coordinate at the start of the file
                self.atomcoords = []

            line = inputfile.next()
            hyphens = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()

            for i in range(self.natom):
                temp = line.strip().split()
                atomcoords.append(map(float, temp[2:5]))
                line = inputfile.next()

        # Section with SCF information.
        # The space at the start of the search string is to differentiate from MCSCF.
        # Everything before the search string is stored as the type of SCF.
        # SCF types may include: BLYP, RHF, ROHF, UHF, etc.
        # For example, in exam17 the section looks like this (note that this is GVB):
        #          ------------------------
        #          ROHF-GVB SCF CALCULATION
        #          ------------------------
        # GVB STEP WILL USE    119875 WORDS OF MEMORY.
        #     MAXIT=  30   NPUNCH= 2   SQCDF TOL=1.0000E-05
        #     NUCLEAR ENERGY=        6.1597411978
        # ITER EX     TOTAL ENERGY       E CHANGE        SQCDF       DIIS ERROR
        #   0  0      -38.298939963   -38.298939963   0.131784454   0.000000000
        #   1  1      -38.332044339    -0.033104376   0.026019716   0.000000000
        # ... and will be terminated by a blank line.
        if line.rstrip()[-16:] == " SCF CALCULATION":

            # Remember the type of SCF.
            self.scftype = line.strip()[:-16]

            dashes = inputfile.next()

            while line[:5] != " ITER":

                # GVB uses SQCDF for checking convergence (for example in exam17).
                if "GVB" in self.scftype and "SQCDF TOL=" in line:
                    scftarget = float(line.split("=")[-1])

                # Normally however the density is used as the convergence criterium.
                # Deal with various versions:
                #   (GAMESS VERSION = 12 DEC 2003)
                #     DENSITY MATRIX CONV=  2.00E-05  DFT GRID SWITCH THRESHOLD=  3.00E-04
                #   (GAMESS VERSION = 22 FEB 2006)
                #     DENSITY MATRIX CONV=  1.00E-05
                #   (PC GAMESS version 6.2, Not DFT?)
                #     DENSITY CONV=  1.00E-05
                elif "DENSITY CONV" in line or "DENSITY MATRIX CONV" in line:
                    scftarget = float(line.split()[-1])

                line = inputfile.next()

            if not hasattr(self, "scftargets"):
                self.scftargets = []


            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []

            line = inputfile.next()

            # Normally the iteration print in 6 columns.
            # For ROHF, however, it is 5 columns, thus this extra parameter.
            if "ROHF" in self.scftype:
                valcol = 4
                valcol = 5

            # SCF iterations are terminated by a blank line.
            # The first four characters usually contains the step number.
            # However, lines can also contain messages, including:
            #   * * *   INITIATING DIIS PROCEDURE   * * *
            values = []
            while line.strip():
                    temp = int(line[0:4])
                except ValueError:
                line = inputfile.next()

            # GAMESS has...
            #     REDUCED MASSES IN AMU.
            #                          1           2           3           4           5
            #       FREQUENCY:        52.49       41.45       17.61        9.23       10.61
            #    REDUCED MASS:      3.92418     3.77048     5.43419     6.44636     5.50693
            #    IR INTENSITY:      0.00013     0.00001     0.00004     0.00000     0.00003

            # ...or in the case of a numerical Hessian job...

            #     REDUCED MASSES IN AMU.
            #                          1           2           3           4           5
            #       FREQUENCY:         0.05        0.03        0.03       30.89       30.94
            #    REDUCED MASS:      8.50125     8.50137     8.50136     1.06709     1.06709

            # whereas PC-GAMESS has...
            #                          1           2           3           4           5
            #       FREQUENCY:         5.89        1.46        0.01        0.01        0.01
            #    IR INTENSITY:      0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000

            # If Raman is present we have (for PC-GAMESS)...
            #                          1           2           3           4           5
            #       FREQUENCY:         5.89        1.46        0.04        0.03        0.01
            #    IR INTENSITY:      0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000
            # RAMAN INTENSITY:       12.675       1.828       0.000       0.000       0.000
            #  DEPOLARIZATION:        0.750       0.750       0.124       0.009       0.750

            # If PC-GAMESS has not reached the stationary point we have
            #     *******************************************************
            #     *     THE VIBRATIONAL ANALYSIS IS NOT VALID !!!       *
            #     *******************************************************
            #                          1           2           3           4           5


            self.vibfreqs = []
            self.vibirs = []
            self.vibdisps = []

            # Need to get to the modes line
            warning = False
            while line.find("MODES") == -1:
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line.find("THIS IS NOT A STATIONARY POINT") >= 0:
                    warning = True
            startrot = int(line.split()[1])
            endrot = int(line.split()[3])
            blank = inputfile.next()

            line = inputfile.next()  # FREQUENCIES, etc.
            while line != blank:
                line = inputfile.next()
            if warning:  # Get past the second warning
                line = inputfile.next()
                while line != blank:
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    "This is not a stationary point on the molecular" "PES. The vibrational analysis is not valid."

            freqNo = inputfile.next()
            while freqNo.find("SAYVETZ") == -1:
                freq = inputfile.next().strip().split()[1:]
                # May include imaginary frequencies
                #       FREQUENCY:       825.18 I    111.53       12.62       10.70        0.89
                newfreq = []
                for i, x in enumerate(freq):
                    if x != "I":
                        newfreq[-1] = -newfreq[-1]
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line.find("REDUCED") >= 0:  # skip the reduced mass (not always present)
                    line = inputfile.next()
                if line.find("IR INTENSITY") >= 0:
                    # Not present if a numerical Hessian calculation
                    irIntensity = map(float, line.strip().split()[2:])
                    self.vibirs.extend([utils.convertor(x, "Debye^2/amu-Angstrom^2", "km/mol") for x in irIntensity])
                    line = inputfile.next()
                if line.find("RAMAN") >= 0:
                    if not hasattr(self, "vibramans"):
                        self.vibramans = []
                    ramanIntensity = line.strip().split()
                    self.vibramans.extend(map(float, ramanIntensity[2:]))
                    depolar = inputfile.next()
                    line = inputfile.next()
                assert line == blank

                # Extract the Cartesian displacement vectors
                p = [[], [], [], [], []]
                for j in range(len(self.atomnos)):
                    q = [[], [], [], [], []]
                    for k in range(3):  # x, y, z
                        line = inputfile.next()[21:]
                        broken = map(float, line.split())
                        for l in range(len(broken)):
                    for k in range(len(broken)):
                self.vibdisps.extend(p[: len(broken)])

                # Skip the Sayvetz stuff at the end
                for j in range(10):
                    line = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                freqNo = inputfile.next()
            # Exclude rotations and translations
            self.vibfreqs = numpy.array(self.vibfreqs[: startrot - 1] + self.vibfreqs[endrot:], "d")
            self.vibirs = numpy.array(self.vibirs[: startrot - 1] + self.vibirs[endrot:], "d")
            self.vibdisps = numpy.array(self.vibdisps[: startrot - 1] + self.vibdisps[endrot:], "d")
            if hasattr(self, "vibramans"):
                self.vibramans = numpy.array(self.vibramans[: startrot - 1] + self.vibramans[endrot:], "d")

        if line[5:21] == "ATOMIC BASIS SET":
            self.gbasis = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.find("SHELL") < 0:
                line = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            atomname = inputfile.next()
            # shellcounter stores the shell no of the last shell
            # in the previous set of primitives
            shellcounter = 1
            while line.find("TOTAL NUMBER") < 0:
                blank = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
                shellno = int(line.split()[0])
                shellgap = shellno - shellcounter
                gbasis = []  # Stores basis sets on one atom
                shellsize = 0
                while len(line.split()) != 1 and line.find("TOTAL NUMBER") < 0:
                    shellsize += 1
                    coeff = {}
                    # coefficients and symmetries for a block of rows
                    while line.strip():
                        temp = line.strip().split()
                        sym = temp[1]
                        assert sym in ["S", "P", "D", "F", "G", "L"]
                        if sym == "L":  # L refers to SP
                            if len(temp) == 6:  # GAMESS US
                                coeff.setdefault("S", []).append((float(temp[3]), float(temp[4])))
                                coeff.setdefault("P", []).append((float(temp[3]), float(temp[5])))
                            else:  # PC GAMESS
                                assert temp[6][-1] == temp[9][-1] == ")"
                                coeff.setdefault("S", []).append((float(temp[3]), float(temp[6][:-1])))
                                coeff.setdefault("P", []).append((float(temp[3]), float(temp[9][:-1])))
                            if len(temp) == 5:  # GAMESS US
                                coeff.setdefault(sym, []).append((float(temp[3]), float(temp[4])))
                            else:  # PC GAMESS
                                assert temp[6][-1] == ")"
                                coeff.setdefault(sym, []).append((float(temp[3]), float(temp[6][:-1])))
                        line = inputfile.next()
                    # either a blank or a continuation of the block
                    if sym == "L":
                        gbasis.append(("S", coeff["S"]))
                        gbasis.append(("P", coeff["P"]))
                        gbasis.append((sym, coeff[sym]))
                    line = inputfile.next()
                # either the start of the next block or the start of a new atom or
                # the end of the basis function section

                numtoadd = 1 + (shellgap / shellsize)
                shellcounter = shellno + shellsize
                for x in range(numtoadd):

        if line.find("EIGENVECTORS") == 10 or line.find("MOLECULAR OBRITALS") == 10:
            # The details returned come from the *final* report of evalues and
            #   the last list of symmetries in the log file.
            # Should be followed by lines like this:
            #           ------------
            #           EIGENVECTORS
            #           ------------
            #                       1          2          3          4          5
            #                   -10.0162   -10.0161   -10.0039   -10.0039   -10.0029
            #                      BU         AG         BU         AG         AG
            #     1  C  1  S    0.699293   0.699290  -0.027566   0.027799   0.002412
            #     2  C  1  S    0.031569   0.031361   0.004097  -0.004054  -0.000605
            #     3  C  1  X    0.000908   0.000632  -0.004163   0.004132   0.000619
            #     4  C  1  Y   -0.000019   0.000033   0.000668  -0.000651   0.005256
            #     5  C  1  Z    0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
            #     6  C  2  S   -0.699293   0.699290   0.027566   0.027799   0.002412
            #     7  C  2  S   -0.031569   0.031361  -0.004097  -0.004054  -0.000605
            #     8  C  2  X    0.000908  -0.000632  -0.004163  -0.004132  -0.000619
            #     9  C  2  Y   -0.000019  -0.000033   0.000668   0.000651  -0.005256
            #    10  C  2  Z    0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
            #    11  C  3  S   -0.018967  -0.019439   0.011799  -0.014884  -0.452328
            #    12  C  3  S   -0.007748  -0.006932   0.000680  -0.000695  -0.024917
            #    13  C  3  X    0.002628   0.002997   0.000018   0.000061  -0.003608
            # and so forth... with blanks lines between blocks of 5 orbitals each.
            # Warning! There are subtle differences between GAMESS-US and PC-GAMES
            #   in the formatting of the first four columns.
            # Watch out for F orbitals...
            # PC GAMESS
            #   19  C   1 YZ   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
            #   20  C    XXX   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.002249
            #   21  C    YYY   0.000000   0.000000  -0.025555   0.000000   0.000000
            #   22  C    ZZZ   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.002249   0.000000
            #   23  C    XXY   0.000000   0.000000   0.001343   0.000000   0.000000
            # GAMESS US
            #   55  C  1 XYZ   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
            #   56  C  1XXXX  -0.000014  -0.000067   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000
            # This is fine for GeoOpt and SP, but may be weird for TD and Freq.

            # This is the stuff that we can read from these blocks.
            self.moenergies = [[]]
            self.mosyms = [[]]
            if not hasattr(self, "nmo"):
                self.nmo = self.nbasis
            self.mocoeffs = [numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d")]
            readatombasis = False
            if not hasattr(self, "atombasis"):
                self.atombasis = []
                self.aonames = []
                for i in range(self.natom):
                self.aonames = []
                readatombasis = True

            dashes = inputfile.next()
            for base in range(0, self.nmo, 5):

                line = inputfile.next()
                # Make sure that this section does not end prematurely - checked by regression test 2CO.ccsd.aug-cc-pVDZ.out.
                if line.strip() != "":

                numbers = inputfile.next()  # Eigenvector numbers.

                # Sometimes there are some blank lines here.
                while not line.strip():
                    line = inputfile.next()

                # Eigenvalues for these orbitals (in hartrees).
                    self.moenergies[0].extend([utils.convertor(float(x), "hartree", "eV") for x in line.split()])
                    self.logger.warning("MO section found but could not be parsed!")

                # Orbital symmetries.
                line = inputfile.next()
                if line.strip():
                    self.mosyms[0].extend(map(self.normalisesym, line.split()))

                # Now we have nbasis lines.
                # Going to use the same method as for normalise_aonames()
                # to extract basis set information.
                p = re.compile("(\d+)\s*([A-Z][A-Z]?)\s*(\d+)\s*([A-Z]+)")
                oldatom = "0"
                for i in range(self.nbasis):
                    line = inputfile.next()

                    # If line is empty, break (ex. for FMO in exam37).
                    if not line.strip():

                    # Fill atombasis and aonames only first time around
                    if readatombasis and base == 0:
                        aonames = []
                        start = line[:17].strip()
                        m = p.search(start)
                        if m:
                            g = m.groups()
                            aoname = "%s%s_%s" % (g[1].capitalize(), g[2], g[3])
                            oldatom = g[2]
                            atomno = int(g[2]) - 1
                            orbno = int(g[0]) - 1
                        else:  # For F orbitals, as shown above
                            g = [x.strip() for x in line.split()]
                            aoname = "%s%s_%s" % (g[1].capitalize(), oldatom, g[2])
                            atomno = int(oldatom) - 1
                            orbno = int(g[0]) - 1
                    coeffs = line[15:]  # Strip off the crud at the start.
                    j = 0
                    while j * 11 + 4 < len(coeffs):
                        self.mocoeffs[0][base + j, i] = float(coeffs[j * 11 : (j + 1) * 11])
                        j += 1

            line = inputfile.next()
            # If it's restricted and no more properties:
            #  ...... END OF RHF/DFT CALCULATION ......
            # If there are more properties (DENSITY MATRIX):
            #               --------------
            # If it's unrestricted we have:
            #  ----- BETA SET -----
            #          ------------
            #          EIGENVECTORS
            #          ------------
            #                      1          2          3          4          5
            # ... and so forth.
            line = inputfile.next()
            if line[2:22] == "----- BETA SET -----":
                self.mocoeffs.append(numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d"))
                for i in range(4):
                    line = inputfile.next()
                for base in range(0, self.nmo, 5):
                    blank = inputfile.next()
                    line = inputfile.next()  # Eigenvector no
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    self.moenergies[1].extend([utils.convertor(float(x), "hartree", "eV") for x in line.split()])
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    self.mosyms[1].extend(map(self.normalisesym, line.split()))
                    for i in range(self.nbasis):
                        line = inputfile.next()
                        temp = line[15:]  # Strip off the crud at the start
                        j = 0
                        while j * 11 + 4 < len(temp):
                            self.mocoeffs[1][base + j, i] = float(temp[j * 11 : (j + 1) * 11])
                            j += 1
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.moenergies = [numpy.array(x, "d") for x in self.moenergies]

        # Natural orbitals - presently support only CIS.
        # Looks basically the same as eigenvectors, without symmetry labels.
        if line[10:30] == "CIS NATURAL ORBITALS":

            self.nocoeffs = numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d")

            dashes = inputfile.next()
            for base in range(0, self.nmo, 5):

                blank = inputfile.next()
                numbers = inputfile.next()  # Eigenvector numbers.

                # Eigenvalues for these natural orbitals (not in hartrees!).
                # Sometimes there are some blank lines before it.
                line = inputfile.next()
                while not line.strip():
                    line = inputfile.next()
                eigenvalues = line

                # Orbital symemtry labels are normally here for MO coefficients.
                line = inputfile.next()

                # Now we have nbasis lines with the coefficients.
                for i in range(self.nbasis):

                    line = inputfile.next()
                    coeffs = line[15:]
                    j = 0
                    while j * 11 + 4 < len(coeffs):
                        self.nocoeffs[base + j, i] = float(coeffs[j * 11 : (j + 1) * 11])
                        j += 1

        # We cannot trust this self.homos until we come to the phrase:
        # which either is followed by "ALPHA" or "BOTH" at which point we can say
        # for certain that it is an un/restricted calculations.
        # Note that MCSCF calcs also print this search string, so make sure
        #   that self.homos does not exist yet.
        if line[1:28] == "NUMBER OF OCCUPIED ORBITALS" and not hasattr(self, "homos"):
            homos = [int(line.split()[-1]) - 1]
            line = inputfile.next()
            homos.append(int(line.split()[-1]) - 1)
            self.homos = numpy.array(homos, "i")

            # Not unrestricted, so lop off the second index.
            # In case the search string above was not used (ex. FMO in exam38),
            #   we can try to use the next line which should also contain the
            #   number of occupied orbitals.
            if line.find("BOTH SET(S)") >= 0:
                nextline = inputfile.next()
                if "ORBITALS ARE OCCUPIED" in nextline:
                    homos = int(nextline.split()[0]) - 1
                    if hasattr(self, "homos"):
                            assert self.homos[0] == homos
                        except AssertionError:
                                "Number of occupied orbitals not consistent. This is normal for ECP and FMO jobs."
                        self.homos = [homos]
                self.homos = numpy.resize(self.homos, [1])

        # Set the total number of atoms, only once.
        # Normally GAMESS print TOTAL NUMBER OF ATOMS, however in some cases
        #   this is slightly different (ex. lower case for FMO in exam37).
        if not hasattr(self, "natom") and "NUMBER OF ATOMS" in line.upper():
            self.natom = int(line.split()[-1])

        if line.find("NUMBER OF CARTESIAN GAUSSIAN BASIS") == 1 or line.find("TOTAL NUMBER OF BASIS FUNCTIONS") == 1:
            # The first is from Julien's Example and the second is from Alexander's
            # I think it happens if you use a polar basis function instead of a cartesian one
            self.nbasis = int(line.strip().split()[-1])

            # Note that this line is present if ISPHER=1, e.g. for C_bigbasis
            self.nmo = int(line.strip().split()[-1])

        elif line.find("TOTAL NUMBER OF MOS IN VARIATION SPACE") == 1:
            # Note that this line is not always present, so by default
            # NBsUse is set equal to NBasis (see below).
            self.nmo = int(line.split()[-1])

        elif line.find("OVERLAP MATRIX") == 0 or line.find("OVERLAP MATRIX") == 1:
            # The first is for PC-GAMESS, the second for GAMESS
            # Read 1-electron overlap matrix
            if not hasattr(self, "aooverlaps"):
                self.aooverlaps = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")
                self.logger.info("Reading additional aooverlaps...")
            base = 0
            while base < self.nbasis:
                blank = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()  # Basis fn number
                blank = inputfile.next()
                for i in range(self.nbasis - base):  # Fewer lines each time
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    temp = line.split()
                    for j in range(4, len(temp)):
                        self.aooverlaps[base + j - 4, i + base] = float(temp[j])
                        self.aooverlaps[i + base, base + j - 4] = float(temp[j])
                base += 5

        # ECP Pseudopotential information
        if "ECP POTENTIALS" in line:
            if not hasattr(self, "coreelectrons"):
                self.coreelectrons = [0] * self.natom
            dashes = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()
            while header.split()[0] == "PARAMETERS":
                name = header[17:25]
                atomnum = int(header[34:40])
                # The pseudopotnetial is given explicitely
                if header[40:50] == "WITH ZCORE":
                    zcore = int(header[50:55])
                    lmax = int(header[63:67])
                    self.coreelectrons[atomnum - 1] = zcore
                # The pseudopotnetial is copied from another atom
                if header[40:55] == "ARE THE SAME AS":
                    atomcopy = int(header[60:])
                    self.coreelectrons[atomnum - 1] = self.coreelectrons[atomcopy - 1]
                line = inputfile.next()
                while line.split() <> []:
                    line = inputfile.next()
                header = inputfile.next()
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""
        # Number of atoms.
        # Example:            Empirical Formula: C H2 O  =     4 atoms
        if line.find("Empirical Formula:") > -1:

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.fupdate)
            #locate the component that beg        
            natom = int(line.split()[-2]) #second to last component should be number of atoms (last element is "atoms" (or possibly "atom"?))
            if hasattr(self, "natom"):
                assert self.natom == natom
                self.natom = natom
        # Extract the atomic numbers and coordinates from the optimized geometry
        # note that cartesian coordinates section occurs multiple times in the file, and we want to end up using the last instance
        # also, note that the section labeled cartesian coordinates doesn't have as many decimal places as the one used here
        # Example 1 (not used):
#    NO.       ATOM               X         Y         Z
#     1         O                  4.7928   -0.8461    0.3641
#     2         O                  5.8977   -0.3171    0.0092
#     3         C                  3.8616    0.0654    0.8629
#     4         O                  2.9135    0.0549   -0.0719
#     5        Si                 -0.6125   -0.0271    0.0487
#     6         O                  0.9200    0.2818   -0.6180
#     7         O                 -1.3453   -1.2462   -0.8684
#     8         O                 -1.4046    1.4708    0.0167
#     9         O                 -0.5716   -0.5263    1.6651
#    10         C                  1.8529    1.0175    0.0716
#    11         C                 -1.5193   -1.0359   -2.2416
#    12         C                 -2.7764    1.5044    0.2897
#    13         C                 -0.0136   -1.7640    2.0001
#    14         C                  2.1985    2.3297   -0.6413
#    15         C                 -2.2972   -2.2169   -2.8050
#    16         C                 -3.2205    2.9603    0.3151
#    17         C                  1.2114   -1.5689    2.8841
#    18         H                  4.1028    0.8832    1.5483
# ...
         # Example 2 (used):
#   ATOM   CHEMICAL          X               Y               Z
#     1       O          4.79280259  *  -0.84610232  *   0.36409474  *
#     2       O          5.89768035  *  -0.31706418  *   0.00917035  *
#     3       C          3.86164836  *   0.06535206  *   0.86290800  *
#     4       O          2.91352871  *   0.05485130  *  -0.07194851  *
#     5      Si         -0.61245484  *  -0.02707117  *   0.04871188  *
#     6       O          0.91999240  *   0.28181302  *  -0.61800545  *
#     7       O         -1.34526429  *  -1.24617340  *  -0.86844046  *
#     8       O         -1.40457125  *   1.47080489  *   0.01671181  *
#     9       O         -0.57162101  *  -0.52628027  *   1.66508989  *
#    10       C          1.85290140  *   1.01752620  *   0.07159039  *
#    11       C         -1.51932072  *  -1.03592573  *  -2.24160046  *
#    12       C         -2.77644395  *   1.50443941  *   0.28973441  *
#    13       C         -0.01360776  *  -1.76397803  *   2.00010724  *
#    14       C          2.19854080  *   2.32966388  *  -0.64131311  *
#    15       C         -2.29721668  *  -2.21688022  *  -2.80495545  *
#    16       C         -3.22047132  *   2.96028967  *   0.31511890  *
#    17       C          1.21142471  *  -1.56886315  *   2.88414255  *
#    18       H          4.10284938  *   0.88318846  *   1.54829483  *
#    19       H          1.60266809  *   1.19314394  *   1.14931859  *
#    20       H         -2.06992519  *  -0.08909329  *  -2.41564011  *
#    21       H         -0.53396028  *  -0.94280520  *  -2.73816125  *
#    22       H         -2.99280631  *   1.01386560  *   1.25905636  *
#    23       H         -3.32412961  *   0.94305635  *  -0.49427315  *
#    24       H         -0.81149878  *  -2.30331548  *   2.54543351  *
#    25       H          0.24486568  *  -2.37041735  *   1.10943219  *
#    26       H          2.46163770  *   2.17667287  *  -1.69615441  *
#    27       H          1.34364456  *   3.01690600  *  -0.61108044  *
#    28       H          3.04795301  *   2.82487051  *  -0.15380555  *
#    29       H         -1.76804185  *  -3.16646015  *  -2.65234745  *
#    30       H         -3.28543199  *  -2.31880074  *  -2.33789659  *
#    31       H         -2.45109195  *  -2.09228197  *  -3.88420787  *
#    32       H         -3.02567427  *   3.46605770  *  -0.63952294  *
#    33       H         -4.29770055  *   3.02763638  *   0.51281387  *
#    34       H         -2.70317481  *   3.53302115  *   1.09570604  *
#    35       H          2.01935375  *  -1.03805729  *   2.35810565  *
#    36       H          1.60901654  *  -2.53904354  *   3.20705714  *
#    37       H          0.97814118  *  -0.98964976  *   3.78695207  *
        if line.find("NUMBER    SYMBOL      (ANGSTROMS)     (ANGSTROMS)     (ANGSTROMS)") > -1:

            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Attributes", self.cupdate)
            self.inputcoords = []
            self.inputatoms = []
            blankline = inputfile.next()
            atomcoords = []
            line = inputfile.next()
           # while line != blankline:
            while len(line.split()) > 0:
                broken = line.split()
                xc = float(broken[2])
                yc = float(broken[4])
                zc = float(broken[6])
                line = inputfile.next()


            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.atomnos = numpy.array(self.inputatoms, 'i')
                self.natom = len(self.atomnos)

#read energy (in kcal/mol, converted to eV)
#       Example:           FINAL HEAT OF FORMATION =       -333.88606 KCAL =   -1396.97927 KJ
        if line[0:35] == '          FINAL HEAT OF FORMATION =':
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            self.scfenergies.append(utils.convertor(self.float(line.split()[5])/627.5095, "hartree", "eV")) #note conversion from kcal/mol to hartree

        #molecular mass parsing (units will be amu)
        #Example:          MOLECULAR WEIGHT        =
        if line[0:35] == '          MOLECULAR WEIGHT        =':
            self.molmass = self.float(line.split()[3])
	  #rotational constants (converted to GHZ)

#          A =    0.01757641   B =    0.00739763   C =    0.00712013
        #could also read in moment of inertia, but this should just differ by a constant: rot cons= h/(8*Pi^2*I)
        #note that the last occurence of this in the thermochemistry section has reduced precision, so we will want to use the 2nd to last instance
        if line[0:40] == '          ROTATIONAL CONSTANTS IN CM(-1)':
	    blankline = inputfile.next();
            if not hasattr(self, "rotcons"):
                self.rotcons = []
            broken = rotinfo.split()
            sol = 29.9792458 #speed of light in vacuum in 10^9 cm/s, cf. http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?c|search_for=universal_in!
            a = float(broken[2])*sol 
            b = float(broken[5])*sol
            c = float(broken[8])*sol
            self.rotcons.append([a, b, c]) 

        # Start of the IR/Raman frequency section.
# FREQ.        15.08        C 12 --  C 16           +7.9% (999.0%)     0.0%
# T-DIPOLE    0.2028        C 16 --  H 34           +5.8% (999.0%)    28.0%
# TRAVEL      0.0240        C 16 --  H 32           +5.6% (999.0%)    35.0%
# RED. MASS   1.7712        O  1 --  O  4           +5.2% (999.0%)     0.4%
# EFF. MASS7752.8338
# FREQ.        42.22        C 11 --  C 15           +9.0% (985.8%)     0.0%
# T-DIPOLE    0.1675        C 15 --  H 31           +6.6% (843.6%)     3.3%
# TRAVEL      0.0359        C 15 --  H 29           +6.0% (802.8%)    24.5%
# RED. MASS   1.7417        C 13 --  C 17           +5.8% (792.7%)     0.0%
# EFF. MASS1242.2114
        if line[1:10] == 'VIBRATION':
	    line = inputfile.next()
            self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Frequency Information", self.fupdate)
            if not hasattr(self, 'vibfreqs'):
                self.vibfreqs = []
            freq = self.float(line.split()[1])
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""

        if line[1:22] == "total number of atoms":
            if not hasattr(self, "natom"):
                self.natom = int(line.split()[-1])

        if line[3:44] == "convergence threshold in optimization run":
            # Assuming that this is only found in the case of OPTXYZ
            # (i.e. an optimization in Cartesian coordinates)
            self.geotargets = [float(line.split()[-2])]

        if line[32:61] == "largest component of gradient":
            # This is the geotarget in the case of OPTXYZ
            if not hasattr(self, "geovalues"):
                self.geovalues = []

        if line[37:49] == "convergence?":
            # Get the geovalues and geotargets for OPTIMIZE
            if not hasattr(self, "geovalues"):
                self.geovalues = []
                self.geotargets = []
            geotargets = []
            geovalues = []
            for i in range(4):
                temp = line.split()
                if not self.geotargets:
                line = inputfile.next()
            if not self.geotargets:
                self.geotargets = geotargets

        if line[40:58] == "molecular geometry":
            # Only one set of atomcoords is taken from this section
            # For geo-opts, more coordinates are taken from the "nuclear coordinates"
            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
            self.atomnos = []

            stop = " " * 9 + "*" * 79
            line = inputfile.next()
            while not line.startswith(stop):
                line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while not line.startswith(stop):
                line = inputfile.next()
            empty = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            empty = inputfile.next()
            while not empty.startswith(stop):
                line = inputfile.next().split()  # the coordinate data
                atomcoords.append(map(float, line[3:6]))
                while line != empty:
                    line = inputfile.next()
                # at this point, line is an empty line, right after
                # 1 or more lines containing basis set information
                empty = inputfile.next()
                # empty is either a row of asterisks or the empty line
                # before the row of coordinate data

            self.atomnos = numpy.array(self.atomnos, "i")

        if line[40:59] == "nuclear coordinates":
            # We need not remember the first geometry in the geo-opt as this will
            # be recorded already, in the "molecular geometry" section
            # (note: single-point calculations have no "nuclear coordinates" only
            # "molecular geometry")
            if self.firstnuccoords:
                self.firstnuccoords = False
                # This was continue (in loop) before parser refactoring.
                # continue
            if not hasattr(self, "atomcoords"):
                self.atomcoords = []
                self.atomnos = []

            asterisk = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            colmname = inputfile.next()
            equals = inputfile.next()

            atomcoords = []
            atomnos = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != equals:
                temp = line.strip().split()
                    utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom")
                    for x in temp[0:3]
                if not hasattr(self, "atomnos") or len(self.atomnos) == 0:

                line = inputfile.next()

            if not hasattr(self, "atomnos") or len(self.atomnos) == 0:
                self.atomnos = atomnos

        if line[1:32] == "total number of basis functions":
            self.nbasis = int(line.split()[-1])
            while line.find("charge of molecule") < 0:
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.charge = int(line.split()[-1])
            self.mult = int(inputfile.next().split()[-1])

            alpha = int(inputfile.next().split()[-1]) - 1
            beta = int(inputfile.next().split()[-1]) - 1
            if self.mult == 1:
                self.homos = numpy.array([alpha], "i")
                self.homos = numpy.array([alpha, beta], "i")

        if line[37:69] == "s-matrix over gaussian basis set":
            self.aooverlaps = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")

            minus = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            i = 0
            while i < self.nbasis:
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                header = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()

                for j in range(self.nbasis):
                    temp = map(float, inputfile.next().split()[1:])
                    self.aooverlaps[j, (0 + i):(len(temp) + i)] = temp

                i += len(temp)

        if line[18:43] == 'EFFECTIVE CORE POTENTIALS':
            self.coreelectrons = numpy.zeros(self.natom, 'i')
            asterisk = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line[15:46] != "*" * 31:
                if line.find("for atoms ...") >= 0:
                    atomindex = []
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    while line.find("core charge") < 0:
                        broken = line.split()
                            [int(x.split("-")[0]) for x in broken])
                        line = inputfile.next()
                    charge = float(line.split()[4])
                    for idx in atomindex:
                        self.coreelectrons[idx -
                                           1] = self.atomnos[idx - 1] - charge
                line = inputfile.next()

        if line[3:27] == "Wavefunction convergence":
            self.scftarget = float(line.split()[-2])
            self.scftargets = []

        if line[11:22] == "normal mode":
            if not hasattr(self, "vibfreqs"):
                self.vibfreqs = []
                self.vibirs = []

            units = inputfile.next()
            xyz = inputfile.next()
            equals = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != equals:
                temp = line.split()
                line = inputfile.next()
            # Use the length of the vibdisps to figure out
            # how many rotations and translations to remove
            self.vibfreqs = self.vibfreqs[-len(self.vibdisps):]
            self.vibirs = self.vibirs[-len(self.vibdisps):]

        if line[44:73] == "normalised normal coordinates":
            self.vibdisps = []
            equals = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            freqnum = inputfile.next()
            while freqnum.find("=") < 0:
                blank = inputfile.next()
                equals = inputfile.next()
                freqs = inputfile.next()
                equals = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                header = inputfile.next()
                equals = inputfile.next()
                p = [[] for x in range(9)]
                for i in range(len(self.atomnos)):
                    brokenx = map(float, inputfile.next()[25:].split())
                    brokeny = map(float, inputfile.next()[25:].split())
                    brokenz = map(float, inputfile.next()[25:].split())
                    for j, x in enumerate(zip(brokenx, brokeny, brokenz)):

                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                freqnum = inputfile.next()

        if line[26:36] == "raman data":
            self.vibramans = []

            stars = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            header = inputfile.next()

            blank = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line[1] != "*":
                blank = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
            # Use the length of the vibdisps to figure out
            # how many rotations and translations to remove
            self.vibramans = self.vibramans[-len(self.vibdisps):]

        if line[3:11] == "SCF TYPE":
            self.scftype = line.split()[-2]
            assert self.scftype in [
                'rhf', 'uhf', 'gvb'
            ], "%s not one of 'rhf', 'uhf' or 'gvb'" % self.scftype

        if line[15:31] == "convergence data":
            if not hasattr(self, "scfvalues"):
                self.scfvalues = []
                                    ])  # Assuming it does not change over time
            while line[1:10] != "=" * 9:
                line = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            tester = line.find(
                "tester")  # Can be in a different place depending
            assert tester >= 0
            while line[1:10] != "=" * 9:  # May be two or three lines (unres)
                line = inputfile.next()

            scfvalues = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.strip():
                if line[2:6] != "****":
                    # e.g. **** recalulation of fock matrix on iteration  4 (examples/chap12/pyridine.out)
                    scfvalues.append([float(line[tester - 5:tester + 6])])
                line = inputfile.next()

        if line[10:22] == "total energy" and len(line.split()) == 3:
            if not hasattr(self, "scfenergies"):
                self.scfenergies = []
            scfenergy = utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "hartree",

        # Total energies after Moller-Plesset corrections
        # Second order correction is always first, so its first occurance
        #   triggers creation of mpenergies (list of lists of energies)
        # Further corrections are appended as found
        # Note: GAMESS-UK sometimes prints only the corrections,
        #   so they must be added to the last value of scfenergies
        if line[10:32] == "mp2 correlation energy" or \
           line[10:42] == "second order perturbation energy":
            if not hasattr(self, "mpenergies"):
                self.mpenergies = []
            self.mp2correction = self.float(line.split()[-1])
            self.mp2energy = self.scfenergies[-1] + self.mp2correction
                utils.convertor(self.mp2energy, "hartree", "eV"))
        if line[10:41] == "third order perturbation energy":
            self.mp3correction = self.float(line.split()[-1])
            self.mp3energy = self.mp2energy + self.mp3correction
                utils.convertor(self.mp3energy, "hartree", "eV"))

        if line[40:59] == "molecular basis set":
            self.gbasis = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line.find("contraction coefficients") < 0:
                line = inputfile.next()
            equals = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            atomname = inputfile.next()
            basisregexp = re.compile(
                "\d*(\D+)")  # Get everything after any digits
            shellcounter = 1
            while line != equals:
                gbasis = []  # Stores basis sets on one atom
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                line = inputfile.next()
                shellno = int(line.split()[0])
                shellgap = shellno - shellcounter
                shellsize = 0
                while len(line.split()) != 1 and line != equals:
                    if line.split():
                        shellsize += 1
                    coeff = {}
                    # coefficients and symmetries for a block of rows
                    while line.strip() and line != equals:
                        temp = line.strip().split()
                        # temp[1] may be either like (a) "1s" and "1sp", or (b) "s" and "sp"
                        # See GAMESS-UK 7.0 distribution/examples/chap12/pyridine2_21m10r.out
                        # for an example of the latter
                        sym = basisregexp.match(temp[1]).groups()[0]
                        assert sym in [
                            's', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'sp'
                        ], "'%s' not a recognized symmetry" % sym
                        if sym == "sp":
                            coeff.setdefault("S", []).append(
                                (float(temp[3]), float(temp[6])))
                            coeff.setdefault("P", []).append(
                                (float(temp[3]), float(temp[10])))
                            coeff.setdefault(sym.upper(), []).append(
                                (float(temp[3]), float(temp[6])))
                        line = inputfile.next()
                    # either a blank or a continuation of the block
                    if coeff:
                        if sym == "sp":
                            gbasis.append(('S', coeff['S']))
                            gbasis.append(('P', coeff['P']))
                            gbasis.append((sym.upper(), coeff[sym.upper()]))
                    if line == equals:
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    # either the start of the next block or the start of a new atom or
                    # the end of the basis function section (signified by a line of equals)
                numtoadd = 1 + (shellgap / shellsize)
                shellcounter = shellno + shellsize
                for x in range(numtoadd):

        if line[50:70] == "----- beta set -----":
            self.betamosyms = True
            self.betamoenergies = True
            self.betamocoeffs = True
            # betamosyms will be turned off in the next
            # SYMMETRY ASSIGNMENT section

        if line[31:50] == "SYMMETRY ASSIGNMENT":
            if not hasattr(self, "mosyms"):
                self.mosyms = []

            multiple = {'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'e': 2, 't': 3, 'g': 4, 'h': 5}

            equals = inputfile.next()
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != equals:  # There may be one or two lines of title (compare mg10.out and duhf_1.out)
                line = inputfile.next()

            mosyms = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            while line != equals:
                temp = line[25:30].strip()
                if temp[-1] == '?':
                    # e.g. e? or t? or g? (see example/chap12/na7mg_uhf.out)
                    # for two As, an A and an E, and two Es of the same energy respectively.
                    t = line[91:].strip().split()
                    for i in range(1, len(t), 2):
                        for j in range(
                                multiple[t[i][0]]):  # add twice for 'e', etc.
                    for j in range(multiple[temp[0]]):
                            self.normalisesym(temp))  # add twice for 'e', etc.
                line = inputfile.next()
            assert len(mosyms) == self.nmo, "mosyms: %d but nmo: %d" % (
                len(mosyms), self.nmo)
            if self.betamosyms:
                # Only append if beta (otherwise with IPRINT SCF
                # it will add mosyms for every step of a geo opt)
                self.betamosyms = False
            elif self.scftype == 'gvb':
                # gvb has alpha and beta orbitals but they are identical
                self.mosysms = [mosyms, mosyms]
                self.mosyms = [mosyms]

        if line[50:62] == "eigenvectors":
            # Mocoeffs...can get evalues from here too
            # (only if using FORMAT HIGH though will they all be present)
            if not hasattr(self, "mocoeffs"):
                self.aonames = []
                aonames = []
            minus = inputfile.next()

            mocoeffs = numpy.zeros((self.nmo, self.nbasis), "d")
            readatombasis = False
            if not hasattr(self, "atombasis"):
                self.atombasis = []
                for i in range(self.natom):
                readatombasis = True

            blank = inputfile.next()
            blank = inputfile.next()
            evalues = inputfile.next()

            p = re.compile(r"\d+\s+(\d+)\s*(\w+) (\w+)")
            oldatomname = "DUMMY VALUE"

            mo = 0
            while mo < self.nmo:
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                nums = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                blank = inputfile.next()
                for basis in range(self.nbasis):
                    line = inputfile.next()
                    # Fill atombasis only first time around.
                    if readatombasis:
                        orbno = int(line[1:5]) - 1
                        atomno = int(line[6:9]) - 1
                    if not self.aonames:
                        pg = p.match(line[:18].strip()).groups()
                        atomname = "%s%s%s" % (pg[1][0].upper(), pg[1][1:],
                        if atomname != oldatomname:
                            aonum = 1
                        oldatomname = atomname
                        name = "%s_%d%s" % (atomname, aonum, pg[2].upper())
                        if name in aonames:
                            aonum += 1
                        name = "%s_%d%s" % (atomname, aonum, pg[2].upper())
                    temp = map(float, line[19:].split())
                    mocoeffs[mo:(mo + len(temp)), basis] = temp
                # Fill atombasis only first time around.
                readatombasis = False
                if not self.aonames:
                    self.aonames = aonames

                line = inputfile.next()  # blank line
                while line == blank:
                    line = inputfile.next()
                evalues = line
                if evalues[:17].strip():  # i.e. if these aren't evalues
                    break  # Not all the MOs are present
                mo += len(temp)
            mocoeffs = mocoeffs[0:(
                mo + len(temp)), :]  # In case some aren't present
            if self.betamocoeffs:
                self.mocoeffs = [mocoeffs]

        if line[7:12] == "irrep":
            ########## eigenvalues ###########
            # This section appears once at the start of a geo-opt and once at the end
            # unless IPRINT SCF is used (when it appears at every step in addition)
            if not hasattr(self, "moenergies"):
                self.moenergies = []

            equals = inputfile.next()
            while equals[
                    5] != "====":  # May be one or two lines of title (compare duhf_1.out and mg10.out)
                equals = inputfile.next()

            moenergies = []
            line = inputfile.next()
            if not line.strip(
            ):  # May be a blank line here (compare duhf_1.out and mg10.out)
                line = inputfile.next()

            while line.strip(
            ) and line != equals:  # May end with a blank or equals
                temp = line.strip().split()
                    utils.convertor(float(temp[2]), "hartree", "eV"))
                line = inputfile.next()
            self.nmo = len(moenergies)
            if self.betamoenergies:
                self.betamoenergies = False
            elif self.scftype == 'gvb':
                self.moenergies = [moenergies, moenergies]
                self.moenergies = [moenergies]