def __call__(self):
        """returns the total count based on the query"""
        awstat_pattern = api.portal.get_registry_record(
        # we depend on a properly configured url pattern
        # which is in the docs
        site = api.portal.get()
        path = self._relative_path()
        downloads = None
        self.request.response.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json")
        if self.context.portal_type == "File":
            downloads = counter("{0}/at_download/file".format(path),
        views = counter(path, awstat_pattern)
        hits = counter(path, awstat_pattern, hits=True)
        if views <= 0:
            json_data = json.dumps({'success':'false'})
            content_type = self.context.Type()
            creation_date = self.context.CreationDate()
            creation_date = site.toLocalizedTime(creation_date)
            modification_date = self.context.modified()
            modification_date = site.toLocalizedTime(modification_date)
            data = dict(success = "true",
                    creation_date = creation_date,
                    modification_date = modification_date,
                    page_views = views,
                    hits = hits,
                    content_type = content_type)
            if downloads:
                data['downloads'] = downloads
            json_data = json.dumps(data)

        return json_data
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def choose_word(self):

        if self.rand_order:
            self.word = self.words.sample(n=1)

            inx = self.word.index[0]

            self.w_hanzi = self.word.sim[inx]
            self.w_pinyin = self.word.pyt[inx]
            self.w_pinyin_num = self.word.pyn[inx]
            self.w_english = self.word.en[inx]
        elif not self.rand_order:
            from utils import counter

            inx = counter()

            # if inx > len(self.words)-1:
            # 	counter(reset=True)
            # 	inx = counter()

            self.w_hanzi = self.word.sim[inx]
            self.w_pinyin = self.word.pyt[inx]
            self.w_pinyin_num = self.word.pyn[inx]
            self.w_english = self.word.en[inx]
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def plot_emoticons(self, amount=10):
		data = utils.counter(self.get_all_emoticons())
		return utils.plot.hist(
			amount=max(amount, len(data)),
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _create_friends_list(self):
        # PATTERN_WITH = "(?<=with )(.*?)(?=\\s[@\\(]|$)"
        # a name starts with a capital letter
        #    I write full names without spaces
        _cappital_word = "[A-Z][A-Za-z]*"
        # names list is
        #     Name Name Name and Name
        #     which is - at least one
        #         where the last one (if there is more than one) follows "and"
        #         and any name which is not the first nor the last has space before and after itself
        _names_list = "((%s)( %s)*( and %s)*)" % (tuple([_cappital_word]) * 3)
        PATTERN_WITH = "(?<=with )" + _names_list
        PATTERN_FOR = "(?<=for )" + _names_list
        descriptions = '\n'.join(i.description for i in

        all_friends_raw = [i[0] for i in re.findall(PATTERN_WITH, descriptions)] \
            + [i[0] for i in re.findall(PATTERN_FOR , descriptions)]
        self._friends_unsorted = '\n'.join(all_friends_raw).replace(
            "and", "").split()

        self.friends_histogram = utils.counter(self._friends_unsorted)
        # counter object is a list of tuples (name, amount)
        self.friends_histogram.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

        self.friends = [i[0] for i in self.friends_histogram]
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def create_all_words(self):
		self.words = sum([
			for i in self.lines
			if i[MI("TYPE")] == MT(0) 
		], [])
		self.words_histogram = utils.counter(self.words)
		return self.words
Ejemplo n.º 6
def TTS(word):
    voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
    engine.setProperty('voice', voices[17].id)
    # setVolumn(0.25)
    if counter() == 0:


    return "ok"
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def plot_emojis(self, amount=5):
		# a = wp.d.get_all_emojis()
		# b = Counter(a)
		# c = list(b.items())
		# d = list(map(lambda x:[wp.utils.emoji.emoji_to_hex(x[0]), x[1]], c))
		data = list(map(
			lambda x: [ utils.emoji.emoji_to_hex(x[0]), x[1] ],
		return utils.plot.emoji_bar(
			sort=lambda x: x[1], # sort by the value of the word and not the amount
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def fit(self, pts, polys, recache=False):
        self._n = len(pts)
        self._surface = Surface(pts, polys)

        # check to see if the full K is cached
        dataset_hash = str(hash(pts.tostring())) + str(hash(
            polys.tostring())) + str(hash(self._m))
        cache_path = os.path.join(self.CACHE_DIR,
                                  dataset_hash + '_geodesic_K_cache.npz')
        if not os.path.exists(cache_path) or recache:
            print('Cache not found, computing K..')
            K = np.vstack([
                self._surface.geodesic_distance([i], m=self._m)
                for i in counter(range(self._n))
            self._K = (K + K.T) / 2.0
            np.savez(cache_path, geodesic_K=self._K)
            print('Loading K from cache..')
            self._K = np.load(cache_path)['geodesic_K']
Ejemplo n.º 9
def count(self, counter_value):
    return counter(counter_value)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def train():
    epoch = 200
    batch_size = 1
    lr = 0.0002
    crop_size = 4
    tar_db_a = "cameron_images.tgz"
    tar_db_b = "teresa_images.tgz"
    db_a_i = importer_tar.Importer(tar_db_a)
    db_b_i = importer_tar.Importer(tar_db_b)
    image_a_names = db_a_i.get_sorted_image_name()
    image_b_names = db_b_i.get_sorted_image_name()
    train_a_size = int(len(image_a_names) * 0.8)
    train_b_size = int(len(image_b_names) * 0.8)

    image_a_train_names = image_a_names[0:train_a_size]
    image_b_train_names = image_b_names[0:train_b_size]

    image_a_test_names = image_a_names[train_a_size:]
    image_b_test_names = image_b_names[train_b_size:]

    print("A train size:{},test size:{}".format(len(image_a_train_names),
    print("B train size:{},test size:{}".format(len(image_b_train_names),
    """ graph """
    # models
    generator_a2b = partial(models.generator, scope='a2b')
    generator_b2a = partial(models.generator, scope='b2a')
    discriminator_a = partial(models.discriminator, scope='a')
    discriminator_b = partial(models.discriminator, scope='b')

    #print("Discriminator shape:{}".format())

    # operations
    a_real = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, crop_size, crop_size, 3])
    b_real = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, crop_size, crop_size, 3])
    a2b_sample = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                shape=[None, crop_size, crop_size, 3])
    b2a_sample = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                shape=[None, crop_size, crop_size, 3])

    a2b = generator_a2b(a_real)
    b2a = generator_b2a(b_real)
    b2a2b = generator_a2b(b2a)
    a2b2a = generator_b2a(a2b)

    a_logit = discriminator_a(a_real)
    b2a_logit = discriminator_a(b2a)
    b2a_sample_logit = discriminator_a(b2a_sample)
    b_logit = discriminator_b(b_real)
    a2b_logit = discriminator_b(a2b)
    a2b_sample_logit = discriminator_b(a2b_sample)

    # losses
    #g_loss_a2b = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(a2b_logit, tf.ones_like(a2b_logit))
    #g_loss_b2a = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(b2a_logit, tf.ones_like(b2a_logit))

    g_loss_a2b = -tf.reduce_mean(a2b_logit)
    g_loss_b2a = -tf.reduce_mean(b22_logit)

    cyc_loss_a = tf.losses.absolute_difference(a_real, a2b2a)
    cyc_loss_b = tf.losses.absolute_difference(b_real, b2a2b)
    g_loss = g_loss_a2b + g_loss_b2a + cyc_loss_a * 10.0 + cyc_loss_b * 10.0

    #    d_loss_a_real = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(a_logit, tf.ones_like(a_logit))
    #    d_loss_b2a_sample = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(b2a_sample_logit, tf.zeros_like(b2a_sample_logit))
    #    d_loss_a = d_loss_a_real + d_loss_b2a_sample
    wd_a = tf.reduce_mean(a_logit) - tf.reduce_mean(b2a_logit)
    wd_b = tf.reduce_mean(b_logit) - tf.reduce_mean(a2b_logit)

    gp_a = gradient_penalty(a_real, b2a, discriminator_a)
    gp_b = gradient_penalty(b_real, a2b, discriminator_b)

    d_loss_a = -wd_a + 10.0 * gp_a

    d_loss_b = -wd_b + 10.0 * gp_b

    #    d_loss_b_real = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(b_logit, tf.ones_like(b_logit))
    #    d_loss_a2b_sample = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(a2b_sample_logit, tf.zeros_like(a2b_sample_logit))
    #    d_loss_b = d_loss_b_real + d_loss_a2b_sample

    # summaries
    g_summary = utils.summary({
        g_loss_a2b: 'g_loss_a2b',
        g_loss_b2a: 'g_loss_b2a',
        cyc_loss_a: 'cyc_loss_a',
        cyc_loss_b: 'cyc_loss_b'
    d_summary_a = utils.summary({d_loss_a: 'd_loss_a'})
    d_summary_b = utils.summary({d_loss_b: 'd_loss_b'})

    # optim
    t_var = tf.trainable_variables()
    d_a_var = [var for var in t_var if 'a_discriminator' in]
    d_b_var = [var for var in t_var if 'b_discriminator' in]
    g_var = [
        var for var in t_var
        if 'a2b_generator' in or 'b2a_generator' in

    d_a_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr,
    d_b_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr,
    g_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr, beta1=0.5).minimize(g_loss,
    """ train """
    ''' init '''
    # session
    config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    sess = tf.Session(config=config)

    # counter
    it_cnt, update_cnt = utils.counter()
    ''' summary '''
    summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./outputs/summaries/', sess.graph)
    ''' saver '''
    saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=5)
    ''' restore '''
    ckpt_dir = './outputs/checkpoints/'
        utils.load_checkpoint(ckpt_dir, sess)
        batch_epoch = min(train_a_size, train_b_size) // batch_size
        max_it = epoch * batch_epoch
        for it in range(, max_it):
            epoch = it // batch_epoch
            it_epoch = it % batch_epoch + 1

            # prepare data
            a_real_ipt = db_a_i.get_image(image_a_train_names[it_epoch])
            a_real_ipt = cv2.resize(a_real_ipt, (crop_size, crop_size),

            b_real_ipt = db_b_i.get_image(image_b_train_names[it_epoch])
            b_real_ipt = cv2.resize(b_real_ipt, (crop_size, crop_size),

            a_real_ipt = [a_real_ipt]
            b_real_ipt = [b_real_ipt]
            a2b_opt, b2a_opt =[a2b, b2a],
                                            a_real: a_real_ipt,
                                            b_real: b_real_ipt

            a2b_sample_ipt = a2b_opt
            b2a_sample_ipt = b2a_opt

            # train G
            g_summary_opt, _ =[g_summary, g_train_op],
                                            a_real: a_real_ipt,
                                            b_real: b_real_ipt
            summary_writer.add_summary(g_summary_opt, it)
            # train D_b
            d_summary_b_opt, _ =[d_summary_b, d_b_train_op],
                                              b_real: b_real_ipt,
                                              a2b_sample: a2b_sample_ipt
            summary_writer.add_summary(d_summary_b_opt, it)
            # train D_a
            d_summary_a_opt, _ =[d_summary_a, d_a_train_op],
                                              a_real: a_real_ipt,
                                              b2a_sample: b2a_sample_ipt
            summary_writer.add_summary(d_summary_a_opt, it)

            # display
            if it % 1 == 0:
                print("Epoch: (%3d) (%5d/%5d)" %
                      (epoch, it_epoch, batch_epoch))

            # save
            if (it + 1) % 1000 == 0:
                save_path =
                    sess, '%s/Epoch_(%d)_(%dof%d).ckpt' %
                    (ckpt_dir, epoch, it_epoch, batch_epoch))
                print('Model saved in file: % s' % save_path)

            # sample

#            if (it + 1) % 100 == 0:
#                a_real_ipt = a_test_pool.batch()
#                b_real_ipt = b_test_pool.batch()
#                [a2b_opt, a2b2a_opt, b2a_opt, b2a2b_opt] =[a2b, a2b2a, b2a, b2a2b], feed_dict={a_real: a_real_ipt, b_real: b_real_ipt})
#                sample_opt = np.concatenate((a_real_ipt, a2b_opt, a2b2a_opt, b_real_ipt, b2a_opt, b2a2b_opt), axis=0)
#                save_dir = './outputs/sample_images_while_training/' + dataset
#                utils.mkdir(save_dir)
#                im.imwrite(im.immerge(sample_opt, 2, 3), '%s/Epoch_(%d)_(%dof%d).jpg' % (save_dir, epoch, it_epoch, batch_epoch))
        save_path =
            sess, '%s/Epoch_(%d)_(%dof%d).ckpt' %
            (ckpt_dir, epoch, it_epoch, batch_epoch))
        print('Model saved in file: % s' % save_path)
Ejemplo n.º 11
                            for var in d_var))
    g_step = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize(
        g_loss, var_list=g_var)

    # summaries
    d_summary = utils.summary({wd: 'wd'})
    g_summary = utils.summary({g_loss: 'g_loss'})

    # sample
    f_sample = generator(z, training=False)
""" train """
''' init '''
# session
sess = utils.session()
# iteration counter
it_cnt, update_cnt = utils.counter()
# saver
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=5)
# summary writer
summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./summaries/celeba_wgan', sess.graph)
''' initialization '''
ckpt_dir = './checkpoints/celeba_wgan'
utils.mkdir(ckpt_dir + '/')
if not utils.load_checkpoint(ckpt_dir, sess):
''' train '''
    z_ipt_sample = np.random.normal(size=[100, z_dim])

    batch_epoch = len(data_pool) // (batch_size * n_critic)
    max_it = epoch * batch_epoch
Ejemplo n.º 12
def bootstrap_ridge(Rstim, Rresp, Pstim, Presp, alphas, nboots, chunklen, nchunks, dtype=np.single,
                    corrmin=0.2, joined=None, singcutoff=1e-10, normalpha=False, single_alpha=False,
                    use_corr=True, logger=logging.getLogger("ridge_corr")):
    """Uses ridge regression with a bootstrapped held-out set to get optimal alpha values for each response.
    [nchunks] random chunks of length [chunklen] will be taken from [Rstim] and [Rresp] for each regression
    run.  [nboots] total regression runs will be performed.  The best alpha value for each response will be
    averaged across the bootstraps to estimate the best alpha for that response.
    If [joined] is given, it should be a list of lists where the STRFs for all the voxels in each sublist 
    will be given the same regularization parameter (the one that is the best on average).
    Rstim : array_like, shape (TR, N)
        Training stimuli with TR time points and N features. Each feature should be Z-scored across time.
    Rresp : array_like, shape (TR, M)
        Training responses with TR time points and M different responses (voxels, neurons, what-have-you).
        Each response should be Z-scored across time.
    Pstim : array_like, shape (TP, N)
        Test stimuli with TP time points and N features. Each feature should be Z-scored across time.
    Presp : array_like, shape (TP, M)
        Test responses with TP time points and M different responses. Each response should be Z-scored across
    alphas : list or array_like, shape (A,)
        Ridge parameters that will be tested. Should probably be log-spaced. np.logspace(0, 3, 20) works well.
    nboots : int
        The number of bootstrap samples to run. 15 to 30 works well.
    chunklen : int
        On each sample, the training data is broken into chunks of this length. This should be a few times 
        longer than your delay/STRF. e.g. for a STRF with 3 delays, I use chunks of length 10.
    nchunks : int
        The number of training chunks held out to test ridge parameters for each bootstrap sample. The product
        of nchunks and chunklen is the total number of training samples held out for each sample, and this 
        product should be about 20 percent of the total length of the training data.
    dtype : np.dtype
        All data will be cast as this dtype for computation. np.single is used by default for memory efficiency,
        as using np.double will thrash most machines on a big problem. If you want to do regression on 
        complex variables, this should be changed to np.complex128.
    corrmin : float in [0..1]
        Purely for display purposes. After each alpha is tested for each bootstrap sample, the number of 
        responses with correlation greater than this value will be printed. For long-running regressions this
        can give a rough sense of how well the model works before it's done.
    joined : None or list of array_like indices
        If you want the STRFs for two (or more) responses to be directly comparable, you need to ensure that
        the regularization parameter that they use is the same. To do that, supply a list of the response sets
        that should use the same ridge parameter here. For example, if you have four responses, joined could
        be [np.array([0,1]), np.array([2,3])], in which case responses 0 and 1 will use the same ridge parameter
        (which will be parameter that is best on average for those two), and likewise for responses 2 and 3.
    singcutoff : float
        The first step in ridge regression is computing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the
        stimulus Rstim. If Rstim is not full rank, some singular values will be approximately equal
        to zero and the corresponding singular vectors will be noise. These singular values/vectors
        should be removed both for speed (the fewer multiplications the better!) and accuracy. Any
        singular values less than singcutoff will be removed.
    normalpha : boolean
        Whether ridge parameters (alphas) should be normalized by the Frobenius norm of Rstim. Good for rigorously
        comparing models with different numbers of parameters.
    single_alpha : boolean
        Whether to use a single alpha for all responses. Good for identification/decoding.
    use_corr : boolean
        If True, this function will use correlation as its metric of model fit. If False, this function
        will instead use variance explained (R-squared) as its metric of model fit. For ridge regression
        this can make a big difference -- highly regularized solutions will have very small norms and
        will thus explain very little variance while still leading to high correlations, as correlation
        is scale-free while R**2 is not.
    wt : array_like, shape (N, M)
        Regression weights for N features and M responses.
    corrs : array_like, shape (M,)
        Validation set correlations. Predicted responses for the validation set are obtained using the regression
        weights: pred =, wt), and then the correlation between each predicted response and each 
        column in Presp is found.
    alphas : array_like, shape (M,)
        The regularization coefficient (alpha) selected for each voxel using bootstrap cross-validation.
    bootstrap_corrs : array_like, shape (A, M, B)
        Correlation between predicted and actual responses on randomly held out portions of the training set,
        for each of A alphas, M voxels, and B bootstrap samples.
    valinds : array_like, shape (TH, B)
        The indices of the training data that were used as "validation" for each bootstrap sample.
    nresp, nvox = Rresp.shape
    bestalphas = np.zeros((nboots, nvox))  ## Will hold the best alphas for each voxel
    valinds = [] ## Will hold the indices into the validation data for each bootstrap
    Rcmats = []
    for bi in counter(range(nboots), countevery=1, total=nboots):"Selecting held-out test set..")
        allinds = range(nresp)
        indchunks = zip(*[iter(allinds)]*chunklen)
        heldinds = list(itools.chain(*indchunks[:nchunks]))
        notheldinds = list(set(allinds)-set(heldinds))
        RRstim = Rstim[notheldinds,:]
        PRstim = Rstim[heldinds,:]
        RRresp = Rresp[notheldinds,:]
        PRresp = Rresp[heldinds,:]
        ## Run ridge regression using this test set
        Rcmat = ridge_corr(RRstim, PRstim, RRresp, PRresp, alphas,
                           dtype=dtype, corrmin=corrmin, singcutoff=singcutoff,
                           normalpha=normalpha, use_corr=use_corr)
    ## Find weights for each voxel
        U,S,Vh = np.linalg.svd(Rstim, full_matrices=False)
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError, e:"NORMAL SVD FAILED, trying more robust dgesvd..")
        from text.regression.svd_dgesvd import svd_dgesvd
        U,S,Vh = svd_dgesvd(Rstim, full_matrices=False)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def bootstrap_ridge(Rstim, Rresp, Pstim, Presp, alphas, nboots, chunklen, nchunks,
                    corrmin=0.2, joined=None, singcutoff=1e-10, normalpha=False, single_alpha=False,
                    use_corr=True, logger=ridge_logger):
    """Uses ridge regression with a bootstrapped held-out set to get optimal alpha values for each response.
    [nchunks] random chunks of length [chunklen] will be taken from [Rstim] and [Rresp] for each regression
    run.  [nboots] total regression runs will be performed.  The best alpha value for each response will be
    averaged across the bootstraps to estimate the best alpha for that response.
    If [joined] is given, it should be a list of lists where the STRFs for all the voxels in each sublist 
    will be given the same regularization parameter (the one that is the best on average).
    Rstim : array_like, shape (TR, N)
        Training stimuli with TR time points and N features. Each feature should be Z-scored across time.
    Rresp : array_like, shape (TR, M)
        Training responses with TR time points and M different responses (voxels, neurons, what-have-you).
        Each response should be Z-scored across time.
    Pstim : array_like, shape (TP, N)
        Test stimuli with TP time points and N features. Each feature should be Z-scored across time.
    Presp : array_like, shape (TP, M)
        Test responses with TP time points and M different responses. Each response should be Z-scored across
    alphas : list or array_like, shape (A,)
        Ridge parameters that will be tested. Should probably be log-spaced. np.logspace(0, 3, 20) works well.
    nboots : int
        The number of bootstrap samples to run. 15 to 30 works well.
    chunklen : int
        On each sample, the training data is broken into chunks of this length. This should be a few times 
        longer than your delay/STRF. e.g. for a STRF with 3 delays, I use chunks of length 10.
    nchunks : int
        The number of training chunks held out to test ridge parameters for each bootstrap sample. The product
        of nchunks and chunklen is the total number of training samples held out for each sample, and this 
        product should be about 20 percent of the total length of the training data.
    corrmin : float in [0..1]
        Purely for display purposes. After each alpha is tested for each bootstrap sample, the number of 
        responses with correlation greater than this value will be printed. For long-running regressions this
        can give a rough sense of how well the model works before it's done.
    joined : None or list of array_like indices
        If you want the STRFs for two (or more) responses to be directly comparable, you need to ensure that
        the regularization parameter that they use is the same. To do that, supply a list of the response sets
        that should use the same ridge parameter here. For example, if you have four responses, joined could
        be [np.array([0,1]), np.array([2,3])], in which case responses 0 and 1 will use the same ridge parameter
        (which will be parameter that is best on average for those two), and likewise for responses 2 and 3.
    singcutoff : float
        The first step in ridge regression is computing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the
        stimulus Rstim. If Rstim is not full rank, some singular values will be approximately equal
        to zero and the corresponding singular vectors will be noise. These singular values/vectors
        should be removed both for speed (the fewer multiplications the better!) and accuracy. Any
        singular values less than singcutoff will be removed.
    normalpha : boolean
        Whether ridge parameters (alphas) should be normalized by the largest singular value (LSV)
        norm of Rstim. Good for rigorously comparing models with different numbers of parameters.
    single_alpha : boolean
        Whether to use a single alpha for all responses. Good for identification/decoding.
    use_corr : boolean
        If True, this function will use correlation as its metric of model fit. If False, this function
        will instead use variance explained (R-squared) as its metric of model fit. For ridge regression
        this can make a big difference -- highly regularized solutions will have very small norms and
        will thus explain very little variance while still leading to high correlations, as correlation
        is scale-free while R**2 is not.
    wt : array_like, shape (N, M)
        Regression weights for N features and M responses.
    corrs : array_like, shape (M,)
        Validation set correlations. Predicted responses for the validation set are obtained using the regression
        weights: pred =, wt), and then the correlation between each predicted response and each 
        column in Presp is found.
    alphas : array_like, shape (M,)
        The regularization coefficient (alpha) selected for each voxel using bootstrap cross-validation.
    bootstrap_corrs : array_like, shape (A, M, B)
        Correlation between predicted and actual responses on randomly held out portions of the training set,
        for each of A alphas, M voxels, and B bootstrap samples.
    valinds : array_like, shape (TH, B)
        The indices of the training data that were used as "validation" for each bootstrap sample.
    nresp, nvox = Rresp.shape
    valinds = [] # Will hold the indices into the validation data for each bootstrap
    Rcmats = []
    for bi in counter(range(nboots), countevery=1, total=nboots):"Selecting held-out test set..")
        allinds = range(nresp)
        indchunks = zip(*[iter(allinds)]*chunklen)
        heldinds = list(itools.chain(*indchunks[:nchunks]))
        notheldinds = list(set(allinds)-set(heldinds))
        RRstim = Rstim[notheldinds,:]
        PRstim = Rstim[heldinds,:]
        RRresp = Rresp[notheldinds,:]
        PRresp = Rresp[heldinds,:]
        # Run ridge regression using this test set
        Rcmat = ridge_corr(RRstim, PRstim, RRresp, PRresp, alphas,
                           corrmin=corrmin, singcutoff=singcutoff,
                           normalpha=normalpha, use_corr=use_corr,
    # Find best alphas
    if nboots>0:
        allRcorrs = np.dstack(Rcmats)
        allRcorrs = None
    if not single_alpha:
        if nboots==0:
            raise ValueError("You must run at least one cross-validation step to assign "
                             "different alphas to each response.")
       "Finding best alpha for each voxel..")
        if joined is None:
            # Find best alpha for each voxel
            meanbootcorrs = allRcorrs.mean(2)
            bestalphainds = np.argmax(meanbootcorrs, 0)
            valphas = alphas[bestalphainds]
            # Find best alpha for each group of voxels
            valphas = np.zeros((nvox,))
            for jl in joined:
                # Mean across voxels in the set, then mean across bootstraps
                jcorrs = allRcorrs[:,jl,:].mean(1).mean(1)
                bestalpha = np.argmax(jcorrs)
                valphas[jl] = alphas[bestalpha]
    else:"Finding single best alpha..")
        if nboots==0:
            if len(alphas)==1:
                bestalphaind = 0
                bestalpha = alphas[0]
                raise ValueError("You must run at least one cross-validation step "
                                 "to choose best overall alpha, or only supply one"
                                 "possible alpha value.")
            meanbootcorr = allRcorrs.mean(2).mean(1)
            bestalphaind = np.argmax(meanbootcorr)
            bestalpha = alphas[bestalphaind]
        valphas = np.array([bestalpha]*nvox)"Best alpha = %0.3f"%bestalpha)

    # Find weights"Computing weights for each response using entire training set..")
    wt = ridge(Rstim, Rresp, valphas, singcutoff=singcutoff, normalpha=normalpha)

    # Predict responses on prediction set"Predicting responses for predictions set..")
    pred =, wt)

    # Find prediction correlations
    nnpred = np.nan_to_num(pred)
    if use_corr:
        corrs = np.nan_to_num(np.array([np.corrcoef(Presp[:,ii], nnpred[:,ii].ravel())[0,1]
                                        for ii in range(Presp.shape[1])]))
        resvar = (Presp-pred).var(0)
        Rsqs = 1 - (resvar / Presp.var(0))
        corrs = np.sqrt(np.abs(Rsqs)) * np.sign(Rsqs)

    return wt, corrs, valphas, allRcorrs, valinds
Ejemplo n.º 14
	def get_features_ratio(self):
		ratio = {}
		ratio_description = {}

		# message ratio
		ratio_description["message"] = "[amount of messages from] user0 / user1"
		ratio["message"] = numpy.divide(*self.user_message_amount)

		# media ratio
		ratio_description["media"] = "[amount of media from] user0 / user1"
		ratio["media"] = numpy.divide(*self.user_media_amount)

		# words ratio
		ratio_description["words"] = "[amount of words sent by] user0 / user1"
		ratio["words"] = numpy.divide(*self.user_words_amount)

		# long_messages ratio
		ratio_description["long messages"] = "[amount of messages with more than 10 words from] user0 / user1"
		_long_messages = self.get_messages(lambda x:len(x[MI('M')].split())>=10)
		_long_messages_amount_per_user = list(map(
			# iterate all the users
			# and count how many long messages each of them has
			lambda u: len(list(filter(
				# iterate all the long messages
				# and filter out only messages by the user
				lambda m: m[MI('U')] == u,
		ratio["long messages"] = numpy.divide(*_long_messages_amount_per_user)
		del _long_messages
		del _long_messages_amount_per_user

		# messages with h
		ratio_description["messages with h"] = "[amount of messages with h by] user0 / user1"
		_messages_with_h = self.get_messages(P("H"))
		_messages_with_h_per_user = list(map(
			lambda u: len(list(filter(
				lambda m: m[MI('U')] == u,
		ratio["messages with h"] = numpy.divide(*_messages_with_h_per_user)
		del _messages_with_h
		del _messages_with_h_per_user

		ratio_description["conversations"] = "[amount of conversations started by] user0 / user1"
		_conversations_started = utils.counter([
				for c in self.chats
		ratio["conversations"] = numpy.divide(*[
			# get the conversation started by the user
				lambda x: x[0] == u,
			# get the amount of conversations
			for u in
			# keep the order of the users
		return ratio, ratio_description
Ejemplo n.º 15
def preprocess2d(mode='train'):
    Split up all 3d volumes into separate 2d slice images and store as separate files.
    Volumes are fetched from directory specified in config. 
    ## Generator to generate indices for slices.
    numgen = counter()
    dirpaths = [
    for p in dirpaths:
        if not os.path.exists(p):

    ## Processing
    start = time()
    for f in tqdm(os.listdir(config[f"{config['mode']}_volumes_path"]), desc=f"{config['mode']} 2d processing"):
        ## Get Volume matrices
        ct = sitk.ReadImage(os.path.join(config[f"{config['mode']}_volumes_path"], f), sitk.sitkInt16)
        ct_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(ct)

        seg = sitk.ReadImage(os.path.join(config[f"{config['mode']}_labels_path"], f.replace('volume', 'segmentation')), sitk.sitkUInt8)
        seg_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(seg)
        ## TODO: Change if looking for tumors
        ## Make all cancer labels to liverlabels (for liver segmentation, not tumor segmentation)
        liver_array = np.zeros_like(seg_array)
        lesion_array = np.zeros_like(seg_array)

        liver_array[seg_array >= 1] = 1
        lesion_array[seg_array > 1] = 1
        ## Clip upper and lower values of CT images
        ct_array[ct_array > config["upper"]] = config["upper"]
        ct_array[ct_array < config["lower"]] = config["lower"]

        ## Pick out relevant slices
        z = np.any(liver_array, axis=(1, 2))
        start_slice, end_slice = np.where(z)[0][[0, -1]]
        start_slice = max(0, start_slice - config["expand_slice"])
        end_slice = min(liver_array.shape[0] - 1, end_slice + config["expand_slice"])

        ct_array = ct_array[start_slice:end_slice, :, :]
        liver_array = liver_array[start_slice:end_slice, :, :]
        lesion_array = lesion_array[start_slice:end_slice, :, :]
        if ct_array.shape[0] != liver_array.shape[0]:

        ## Store each slice as .mat numpy array
        for i in range(ct_array.shape[0]):
            idx = next(numgen)
            slice_filename = "slice_{:05}".format(idx)
            segmentation_filename = "segmentation_{:05}".format(idx)
  [f"dst2d_slices_path"], slice_filename), 
                    ct_array[i, ...])
  [f"dst2d_labels_liver_path"], segmentation_filename),
                    liver_array[i, ...])
  [f"dst2d_labels_lesion_path"], segmentation_filename),
                    lesion_array[i, ...])

    print("Finished {} preprocessing in: {:02}s".format(config['mode'], time() - start))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def bootstrap_ridge(Rstim,
    """Uses ridge regression with a bootstrapped held-out set to get optimal alpha values for each response.
    [nchunks] random chunks of length [chunklen] will be taken from [Rstim] and [Rresp] for each regression
    run.  [nboots] total regression runs will be performed.  The best alpha value for each response will be
    averaged across the bootstraps to estimate the best alpha for that response.
    If [joined] is given, it should be a list of lists where the STRFs for all the voxels in each sublist 
    will be given the same regularization parameter (the one that is the best on average).
    Rstim : array_like, shape (TR, N)
        Training stimuli with TR time points and N features. Each feature should be Z-scored across time.
    Rresp : array_like, shape (TR, M)
        Training responses with TR time points and M different responses (voxels, neurons, what-have-you).
        Each response should be Z-scored across time.
    Pstim : array_like, shape (TP, N)
        Test stimuli with TP time points and N features. Each feature should be Z-scored across time.
    Presp : array_like, shape (TP, M)
        Test responses with TP time points and M different responses. Each response should be Z-scored across
    alphas : list or array_like, shape (A,)
        Ridge parameters that will be tested. Should probably be log-spaced. np.logspace(0, 3, 20) works well.
    nboots : int
        The number of bootstrap samples to run. 15 to 30 works well.
    chunklen : int
        On each sample, the training data is broken into chunks of this length. This should be a few times 
        longer than your delay/STRF. e.g. for a STRF with 3 delays, I use chunks of length 10.
    nchunks : int
        The number of training chunks held out to test ridge parameters for each bootstrap sample. The product
        of nchunks and chunklen is the total number of training samples held out for each sample, and this 
        product should be about 20 percent of the total length of the training data.
    corrmin : float in [0..1]
        Purely for display purposes. After each alpha is tested for each bootstrap sample, the number of 
        responses with correlation greater than this value will be printed. For long-running regressions this
        can give a rough sense of how well the model works before it's done.
    joined : None or list of array_like indices
        If you want the STRFs for two (or more) responses to be directly comparable, you need to ensure that
        the regularization parameter that they use is the same. To do that, supply a list of the response sets
        that should use the same ridge parameter here. For example, if you have four responses, joined could
        be [np.array([0,1]), np.array([2,3])], in which case responses 0 and 1 will use the same ridge parameter
        (which will be parameter that is best on average for those two), and likewise for responses 2 and 3.
    singcutoff : float
        The first step in ridge regression is computing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the
        stimulus Rstim. If Rstim is not full rank, some singular values will be approximately equal
        to zero and the corresponding singular vectors will be noise. These singular values/vectors
        should be removed both for speed (the fewer multiplications the better!) and accuracy. Any
        singular values less than singcutoff will be removed.
    normalpha : boolean
        Whether ridge parameters (alphas) should be normalized by the largest singular value (LSV)
        norm of Rstim. Good for rigorously comparing models with different numbers of parameters.
    single_alpha : boolean
        Whether to use a single alpha for all responses. Good for identification/decoding.
    use_corr : boolean
        If True, this function will use correlation as its metric of model fit. If False, this function
        will instead use variance explained (R-squared) as its metric of model fit. For ridge regression
        this can make a big difference -- highly regularized solutions will have very small norms and
        will thus explain very little variance while still leading to high correlations, as correlation
        is scale-free while R**2 is not.
    wt : array_like, shape (N, M)
        Regression weights for N features and M responses.
    corrs : array_like, shape (M,)
        Validation set correlations. Predicted responses for the validation set are obtained using the regression
        weights: pred =, wt), and then the correlation between each predicted response and each 
        column in Presp is found.
    alphas : array_like, shape (M,)
        The regularization coefficient (alpha) selected for each voxel using bootstrap cross-validation.
    bootstrap_corrs : array_like, shape (A, M, B)
        Correlation between predicted and actual responses on randomly held out portions of the training set,
        for each of A alphas, M voxels, and B bootstrap samples.
    valinds : array_like, shape (TH, B)
        The indices of the training data that were used as "validation" for each bootstrap sample.
    nresp, nvox = Rresp.shape
    valinds = [
    ]  # Will hold the indices into the validation data for each bootstrap

    Rcmats = []
    for bi in counter(range(nboots), countevery=1, total=nboots):"Selecting held-out test set..")
        allinds = range(nresp)
        indchunks = zip(*[iter(allinds)] * chunklen)
        heldinds = list(itools.chain(*indchunks[:nchunks]))
        notheldinds = list(set(allinds) - set(heldinds))

        RRstim = Rstim[notheldinds, :]
        PRstim = Rstim[heldinds, :]
        RRresp = Rresp[notheldinds, :]
        PRresp = Rresp[heldinds, :]

        # Run ridge regression using this test set
        Rcmat = ridge_corr(RRstim,


    # Find best alphas
    if nboots > 0:
        allRcorrs = np.dstack(Rcmats)
        allRcorrs = None

    if not single_alpha:
        if nboots == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "You must run at least one cross-validation step to assign "
                "different alphas to each response.")"Finding best alpha for each voxel..")
        if joined is None:
            # Find best alpha for each voxel
            meanbootcorrs = allRcorrs.mean(2)
            bestalphainds = np.argmax(meanbootcorrs, 0)
            valphas = alphas[bestalphainds]
            # Find best alpha for each group of voxels
            valphas = np.zeros((nvox, ))
            for jl in joined:
                # Mean across voxels in the set, then mean across bootstraps
                jcorrs = allRcorrs[:, jl, :].mean(1).mean(1)
                bestalpha = np.argmax(jcorrs)
                valphas[jl] = alphas[bestalpha]
    else:"Finding single best alpha..")
        if nboots == 0:
            if len(alphas) == 1:
                bestalphaind = 0
                bestalpha = alphas[0]
                raise ValueError(
                    "You must run at least one cross-validation step "
                    "to choose best overall alpha, or only supply one"
                    "possible alpha value.")
            meanbootcorr = allRcorrs.mean(2).mean(1)
            bestalphaind = np.argmax(meanbootcorr)
            bestalpha = alphas[bestalphaind]

        valphas = np.array([bestalpha] * nvox)"Best alpha = %0.3f" % bestalpha)

    # Find weights
        "Computing weights for each response using entire training set..")
    wt = ridge(Rstim,

    # Predict responses on prediction set"Predicting responses for predictions set..")
    pred =, wt)

    # Find prediction correlations
    nnpred = np.nan_to_num(pred)
    if use_corr:
        corrs = np.nan_to_num(
                np.corrcoef(Presp[:, ii], nnpred[:, ii].ravel())[0, 1]
                for ii in range(Presp.shape[1])
        resvar = (Presp - pred).var(0)
        Rsqs = 1 - (resvar / Presp.var(0))
        corrs = np.sqrt(np.abs(Rsqs)) * np.sign(Rsqs)

    return wt, corrs, valphas, allRcorrs, valinds
def main(epoch, batch_size, lr, z_dim, bottle_dim, i_c, alpha, n_critic,
         gpu_id, data_pool):

    with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu_id):  #Placing the ops under devices

        generator = models.generator  #Generator Object
        discriminator = models.discriminator_wgan_gp  #Discriminator Object

        # inputs Placeholders
        real = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 28, 28, 1])
        z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, z_dim])

        # generate fake data with the generator
        fake = generator(z, reuse=False)

        # Obtaining scores , means and stds for real and fake data from the discriminator
        r_logit, r_mus, r_sigmas = discriminator(real,
        f_logit, f_mus, f_sigmas = discriminator(fake,

        #Obtaining wasserstein loss and gradient penalty losses to train the discriminator
        wasserstein_d = losses.wgan_loss(r_logit, f_logit)
        gp = losses.gradient_penalty(real, fake, discriminator)

        #We obtain the bottleneck loss in the discriminator
        #Inputs to this function are bottleneck layer mus and stds for both real and fake data. i_c is the
        #the information constriant or upperbound. This is an important paramters
        bottleneck_loss=losses._bottleneck_loss(real_mus=r_mus, fake_mus=f_mus,\

        #This used in lagrangian multiplier optimization. This is paramters also get updated adaptivly.
        #To read more about duel gradient desenet in deep learning please read -
        #Initialize with the zero

        beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([]), name="beta")

        #Combined both losses (10 is the default hyper paramters given by the paper
        # - )
        d_loss = -wasserstein_d + gp * 10.0 + beta * bottleneck_loss

        #We said b also should adaptively get updated. Here we maximize the beta paramters with follwoing function
        #Please refer to the VDB paper's equation (9) understand more about the update
        beta_new = tf.maximum(0.0, beta + alpha * bottleneck_loss)

        #This is the main difference from the pytoch implementation. In tensorlfow we have a static graph. S
        # to update the beta with above menitoned function we have to use tf.assign()
        assign_op = tf.assign(beta, beta_new)  #beta.assign(beta_new)

        #This is the generator loss
        #As described in the paper we have a simple loss to the generator which uses mean scores from
        #the generated samples
        f_logit_gen, f_mus_gen, f_sigmas_gen = discriminator(
            fake, gen_train=True, bottleneck_dim=bottle_dim)
        g_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(f_logit_gen)

        #Assigning two optimizers to train both Generator and the Discriminator
        d_var = tf.trainable_variables('discriminator')
        g_var = tf.trainable_variables('generator')

        d_step = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize(
            d_loss, var_list=d_var)
        g_step = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize(
            g_loss, var_list=g_var)

    # Tensorbored summaries for  plot losses
    wd = wasserstein_d
    d_summary = utils.summary({wd: 'wd', gp: 'gp'})
    g_summary = utils.summary({g_loss: 'g_loss'})
    beta_summary = utils.b_summary(beta)
    #beta_summary = utils.summary({beta: 'beta'})

    #sess= tf.Session()

    config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True,
    with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
        # iteration counter
        it_cnt, update_cnt = utils.counter()
        # saver
        saver = tf.train.Saver(
        )  #Use to save both generator and discriminator paramters
        # summary writer
        summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./summaries/mnist_wgan_gp',
        ''' Checking for previuosly trained checkpints'''
        ckpt_dir = './checkpoints/mnist_wgan_gp'
        utils.mkdir(ckpt_dir + '/')
        if not utils.load_checkpoint(ckpt_dir, sess):

        #Starting the training loop
        batch_epoch = len(data_pool) // (batch_size * n_critic)
        max_it = epoch * batch_epoch
        for it in range(, max_it):

            # which epoch
            epoch = it // batch_epoch
            it_epoch = it % batch_epoch + 1

            # train D
            for i in range(
            ):  #Fist we train the discriminator for few iterations (Here I used only 1)
                # batch data
                real_ipt = data_pool.batch('img')  #Read data batch
                z_ipt = np.random.normal(size=[batch_size,
                                               z_dim])  #Sample nosice input

                d_summary_opt, _ =[d_summary, d_step],
                                                real: real_ipt,
                                                z: z_ipt
                                            })  #Discriminator Gradient Update
                beta_summary_opt =
                #_ =[d_step], feed_dict={real: real_ipt, z: z_ipt})
      [assign_op], feed_dict={
                    real: real_ipt,
                    z: z_ipt
                })  #Adpatively update the beta parameter

            summary_writer.add_summary(d_summary_opt, it)
            summary_writer.add_summary(beta_summary_opt, it)

            # train the geenrator (Here we have a simple generator as in normal Wgan)
            z_ipt = np.random.normal(size=[batch_size, z_dim])
            g_summary_opt, _ =[g_summary, g_step],
                                        feed_dict={z: z_ipt})
            #_ =[g_step], feed_dict={z: z_ipt})
            summary_writer.add_summary(g_summary_opt, it)

            # display training progress
            if it % 100 == 0:
                print("Epoch: (%3d) (%5d/%5d)" %
                      (epoch, it_epoch, batch_epoch))

            # saving the checpoints after every 1000 interation
            if (it + 1) % 1000 == 0:
                save_path =
                    sess, '%s/Epoch_(%d)_(%dof%d).ckpt' %
                    (ckpt_dir, epoch, it_epoch, batch_epoch))
                print('Model saved in file: % s' % save_path)

            #This is to save the  image generation during the trainign as tiles
            if (it + 1) % 100 == 0:
                z_input_sample = np.random.normal(size=[100,
                                                        z_dim])  #Noise samples
                f_sample = generator(z)
                f_sample_opt =,
                                        feed_dict={z: z_input_sample})

                save_dir = './sample_images_while_training/mnist_wgan_gp'
                utils.mkdir(save_dir + '/')
                    utils.immerge(f_sample_opt, 10,
                                  10), '%s/Epoch_(%d)_(%dof%d).jpg' %
                    (save_dir, epoch, it_epoch, batch_epoch))
Ejemplo n.º 18
                return decision, (person, persons[1])

                f"{} perdeu a vez por passar uma decisão inválida!")

    return decision, (person, )

def on_decision(decision):
    print("Decisão escolhida:",, end="\n\n")

def on_dead(person):
    print(f"{} morreu! Fim de jogo!")

while persons.alive:
    system("cls || clear")  # Clear terminal in Windows/Linux

    person = persons[counter()]

    print(f"Vez de {} - {person.stats}!", end="\n\n")
    decision, arguments = person.make_decision(decisions)

def train():
    epoch = 200
    batch_size = 1
    lr = 0.0002
    crop_size = 128
    load_size = 128
    tar_db_a = "cameron_images.tgz"
    tar_db_b = "teresa_images.tgz"
    db_a_i = importer_tar.Importer(tar_db_a)
    db_b_i = importer_tar.Importer(tar_db_b)
    image_a_names = db_a_i.get_sorted_image_name()
    image_b_names = db_b_i.get_sorted_image_name()
    train_a_size = int(len(image_a_names) * 0.8)
    train_b_size = int(len(image_b_names) * 0.8)

    image_a_train_names = image_a_names[0:train_a_size]
    image_b_train_names = image_b_names[0:train_b_size]

    image_a_test_names = image_a_names[train_a_size:]
    image_b_test_names = image_b_names[train_b_size:]

    print("A train size:{},test size:{}".format(len(image_a_train_names),
    print("B train size:{},test size:{}".format(len(image_b_train_names),
    """ graph """
    # models
    generator_a2b = partial(models.generator, scope='a2b')
    generator_b2a = partial(models.generator, scope='b2a')
    discriminator_a = partial(models.discriminator, scope='a')
    discriminator_b = partial(models.discriminator, scope='b')

    # operations
    a_real_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                               shape=[None, load_size, load_size, 3],
    b_real_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                               shape=[None, load_size, load_size, 3],
    a_real = utils.preprocess_image(a_real_in, crop_size=crop_size)
    b_real = utils.preprocess_image(b_real_in, crop_size=crop_size)

    a2b = generator_a2b(a_real)
    b2a = generator_b2a(b_real)
    b2a2b = generator_a2b(b2a)
    a2b2a = generator_b2a(a2b)

    a_logit = discriminator_a(a_real)
    b2a_logit = discriminator_a(b2a)
    b_logit = discriminator_b(b_real)
    a2b_logit = discriminator_b(a2b)

    # losses
    g_loss_a2b = -tf.reduce_mean(a2b_logit)
    g_loss_b2a = -tf.reduce_mean(b2a_logit)

    cyc_loss_a = tf.losses.absolute_difference(a_real, a2b2a)
    cyc_loss_b = tf.losses.absolute_difference(b_real, b2a2b)
    g_loss = g_loss_a2b + g_loss_b2a + cyc_loss_a * 10.0 + cyc_loss_b * 10.0

    wd_a = tf.reduce_mean(a_logit) - tf.reduce_mean(b2a_logit)
    wd_b = tf.reduce_mean(b_logit) - tf.reduce_mean(a2b_logit)

    gp_a = gradient_penalty(a_real, b2a, discriminator_a)
    gp_b = gradient_penalty(b_real, a2b, discriminator_b)

    d_loss_a = -wd_a + 10.0 * gp_a
    d_loss_b = -wd_b + 10.0 * gp_b

    # summaries
        g_loss_a2b: 'g_loss_a2b',
        g_loss_b2a: 'g_loss_b2a',
        cyc_loss_a: 'cyc_loss_a',
        cyc_loss_b: 'cyc_loss_b'
    utils.summary({d_loss_a: 'd_loss_a'})
    utils.summary({d_loss_b: 'd_loss_b'})
    for variable in slim.get_model_variables():
        tf.summary.histogram(, variable)
    merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

    im1_op = tf.summary.image("real_a", a_real_in)
    im2_op = tf.summary.image("a2b", a2b)
    im3_op = tf.summary.image("b2a2b", b2a2b)
    im4_op = tf.summary.image("real_b", b_real_in)
    im5_op = tf.summary.image("b2a", b2a)
    im6_op = tf.summary.image("b2a2b", b2a2b)

    # optim
    t_var = tf.trainable_variables()
    d_a_var = [var for var in t_var if 'a_discriminator' in]
    d_b_var = [var for var in t_var if 'b_discriminator' in]
    g_var = [
        var for var in t_var
        if 'a2b_generator' in or 'b2a_generator' in

    d_a_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr,
    d_b_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr,
    g_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr, beta1=0.5).minimize(g_loss,
    """ train """
    ''' init '''
    # session
    config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    sess = tf.Session(config=config)

    # counter
    it_cnt, update_cnt = utils.counter()
    ''' summary '''
    summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./outputs/summaries/', sess.graph)
    ''' saver '''
    saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=5)
    ''' restore '''
    ckpt_dir = './outputs/checkpoints/'
        utils.load_checkpoint(ckpt_dir, sess)
        batch_epoch = min(train_a_size, train_b_size) // batch_size
        max_it = epoch * batch_epoch
        for it in range(, max_it):
            epoch = it // batch_epoch
            it_epoch = it % batch_epoch + 1

            # read data
            a_real_np = cv2.resize(
                db_a_i.get_image(image_a_train_names[it_epoch % batch_epoch]),
                (load_size, load_size))
            b_real_np = cv2.resize(
                db_b_i.get_image(image_b_train_names[it_epoch % batch_epoch]),
                (load_size, load_size))

            # train G
                         a_real_in: [a_real_np],
                         b_real_in: [b_real_np]

            # train discriminator
  [d_a_train_op, d_b_train_op],
                         a_real_in: [a_real_np],
                         b_real_in: [b_real_np]

            # display
            if it % 100 == 0:
                # make summary
                summary =,
                                       a_real_in: [a_real_np],
                                       b_real_in: [b_real_np]
                summary_writer.add_summary(summary, it)
                print("Epoch: (%3d) (%5d/%5d)" %
                      (epoch, it_epoch, batch_epoch))

            # save
            if (it + 1) % 1000 == 0:
                save_path =
                    sess, '{}/epoch_{}_{}.ckpt'.format(ckpt_dir, epoch,
                print('###Model saved in file: {}'.format(save_path))

            # sample
            if (it + 1) % 1000 == 0:
                a_test_index = int(
                b_test_index = int(
                a_real_np = cv2.resize(
                    (load_size, load_size))
                b_real_np = cv2.resize(
                    (load_size, load_size))

                [a_opt, a2b_opt, a2b2a_opt, b_opt, b2a_opt, b2a2b_opt
                 ] =[a_real, a2b, a2b2a, b_real, b2a, b2a2b],
                                  a_real_in: [a_real_np],
                                  b_real_in: [b_real_np]

                sample_opt = np.concatenate(
                    (a_opt, a2b_opt, a2b2a_opt, b_opt, b2a_opt, b2a2b_opt),
                [im1_sum,im2_sum,im3_sum,im4_sum,im5_sum,im6_sum] = \
                             feed_dict={a_real_in: [a_real_np], b_real_in: [b_real_np]})

                summary_writer.add_summary(im1_sum, it)
                summary_writer.add_summary(im2_sum, it)
                summary_writer.add_summary(im3_sum, it)
                summary_writer.add_summary(im4_sum, it)
                summary_writer.add_summary(im5_sum, it)
                summary_writer.add_summary(im6_sum, it)

                save_dir = './outputs/sample_images_while_training/'
                    im.immerge(sample_opt, 2, 3),
                    '{}/epoch_{}_it_{}.jpg'.format(save_dir, epoch, it_epoch))

        save_path =
            sess, '{}/epoch_{}_{}.ckpt'.format(ckpt_dir, epoch, it_epoch))
        print('###Model saved in file: {}'.format(save_path))
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def compute_P(self):
        Winds = self._Winds
        nonWinds = self._nonWinds
        n = self._M.shape[0]
        # pull out part of M for unselected points
        M_aa = self._M[nonWinds,:][:,nonWinds].tocsc()
        # pull out part of M that crosses selected and unselected points
        M_ab = self._M[Winds,:][:,nonWinds]

        if self._nnz_row is not None:
            if self._sparse_direction == 'cols':
                self._threshold = self._nnz_row * (n-self._l) // self._l
                self._threshold = self._nnz_row
            from sksparse.cholmod import cholesky
            solve_method = 'cholmod'
        except ImportError:
            solve_method = 'spsolve'

        # compute Pprime, part of the dense interpolation matrix
        if self._threshold is None:
            if solve_method == 'spsolve':
                Pprime = sparse.linalg.spsolve(M_aa, -M_ab.T)
            elif solve_method == 'cholmod':
                Pprime = cholesky(M_aa).solve_A(-M_ab.T)
            # compute P, the full dense interpolation matrix
            P = np.zeros((n, self._l))
            P[nonWinds,:] = Pprime.todense()
            P[Winds,:] = np.eye(self._l)
            Pnnz = n * self._l

            if self._soft_p is not None:
                # don't force P to be exactly identity for known points,
                # allow it to fudge a little
                print("Softening P..")
                M_bb = self._M[Winds,:][:,Winds]
                soft_eye = sparse.eye(self._l) * self._soft_p
                to_invert = (M_bb + soft_eye +
                soft_factor = np.linalg.inv(to_invert) * self._soft_p
                P =

            # Compute the sparse bha
            if solve_method == 'cholmod':
                chol_M_aa = cholesky(M_aa)

            if self._sparse_direction == 'rows':
                thresh = THR_ROWS(k=self._threshold)
                Prows = np.empty(self._threshold*(n-self._l)+self._l, dtype=int)
                Pcols = np.empty(self._threshold*(n-self._l)+self._l, dtype=int)
                Pvals = np.empty(self._threshold*(n-self._l)+self._l)
                thresh = THR(k=self._threshold)
                Prows = np.empty(self._threshold*self._l+self._l, dtype=int)
                Pcols = np.empty(self._threshold*self._l+self._l, dtype=int)
                Pvals = np.empty(self._threshold*self._l+self._l)
            chunk_size = 64  # min(self._l // self._njobs, 64)
            chunks = self._l // chunk_size + ((self._l % chunk_size) > 0)

            for chunk in counter(range(chunks)):
                start = chunk*chunk_size
                end = min(((chunk+1)*chunk_size, self._l))
                if solve_method == 'spsolve':
                    sol = sparse.linalg.spsolve(M_aa, -M_ab.T[:, start:end].toarray())
                elif solve_method == 'cholmod':
                    sol = chol_M_aa.solve_A(-M_ab.T[:, start:end].toarray())

                if self._sparse_direction == 'rows':
                    if self._fit_group:
                        l_i = 0
                        for l in range(start,end):
                            thresh.fit_partition(sol[:, l_i])
                            Prows[l*self._threshold:(l+1)*self._threshold] = nonWinds[thresh._idxs]
                            Pvals[l*self._threshold:(l+1)*self._threshold] = thresh._vals
                            l_i += 1
                        l_i = 0
                        for l in range(start,end):
                  [:, l_i])
                            Prows[l*self._threshold:(l+1)*self._threshold] = nonWinds[thresh._idxs]
                            Pvals[l*self._threshold:(l+1)*self._threshold] = thresh._vals
                            l_i += 1

            if self._sparse_direction == 'rows':
                cols, vals = thresh.get_best_k()
                Prows[:(n-self._l)*self._threshold] = np.repeat(nonWinds[np.arange(n-self._l)],self._threshold)
                Pcols[:(n-self._l)*self._threshold] = cols
                Pvals[:(n-self._l)*self._threshold] = vals
                lastnonWindElement = (n-self._l)*self._threshold
                Pcols[:self._l*self._threshold] = np.repeat(np.arange(self._l),self._threshold)
                lastnonWindElement = self._l*self._threshold

            # add the identity for indices in W
            Prows[lastnonWindElement:] = Winds
            Pcols[lastnonWindElement:] = np.arange(self._l)
            Pvals[lastnonWindElement:] = 1.0

            P = sparse.csr_matrix((Pvals,(Prows, Pcols)), shape=(n,self._l))
            Pnnz = P.nnz

        # save values
        self._nnz = Pnnz
        self._P = P