def test_test_example(example, tmpdir): """kipoi test ..., add also output file writing """ if example in {"rbp", "non_bedinput_model", "iris_model_template"} \ and sys.version_info[0] == 2: pytest.skip("example not supported on python 2 ") example_dir = cp_tmpdir("example/models/{0}".format(example), tmpdir) args = [ "python", "./kipoi/", "test", "--batch_size=4", example_dir ] if INSTALL_FLAG: args.append(INSTALL_FLAG) returncode = assert returncode == 0 if example == 'pyt': # python interface, write also the output file output_file = os.path.join(example_dir, 'preds.h5') kipoi.cli.main.cli_test("test", args[3:] + ["-o", output_file]) assert os.path.exists(output_file) preds = HDF5Reader.load(output_file) assert 'inputs' in preds assert 'metadata' in preds assert 'preds' in preds
def test_preproc_example(example, tmpdir): """kipoi preproc ... """ if example in {"rbp", "non_bedinput_model", "iris_model_template" } and sys.version_info[0] == 2: pytest.skip("example not supported on python 2 ") if example in {"extended_coda", "kipoi_dataloader_decorator"}: # extended_coda will anyway be tested in models pytest.skip( "randomly failing on circleci without any reason. Skipping this test." ) example_dir = cp_tmpdir("example/models/{0}".format(example), tmpdir) # example_dir = "example/models/{0}".format(example) tmpfile = str(tmpdir.mkdir("output", ).join("out.h5")) # run the args = [ "python", os.path.abspath("./kipoi/"), "preproc", "../", # directory "--source=dir", "--batch_size=4", "--num_workers=2", "--dataloader_args=test.json", "--output", tmpfile ] if INSTALL_FLAG: args.append(INSTALL_FLAG) returncode =, cwd=os.path.realpath(example_dir + "/example_files")) assert returncode == 0 assert os.path.exists(tmpfile) data = HDF5Reader.load(tmpfile) with open(example_dir + "/dataloader.yaml", "r") as f: ex_descr = yaml.load(f) if example not in {"pyt", "sklearn_iris"}: assert data["inputs"].keys( ) == ex_descr["output_schema"]["inputs"].keys() if example == 'pyt': args[-1] = tmpfile + "2.h5" with, "example_files")): kipoi.cli.main.cli_preproc("preproc", args[3:])
def test_predict_activation_example(example, tmpdir): """Kipoi predict --layer=x with a specific output layer specified """ if example in {"rbp", "non_bedinput_model", "iris_model_template" } and sys.version_info[0] == 2: pytest.skip("rbp example not supported on python 2 ") if example in {'kipoi_dataloader_decorator'}: pytest.skip( "Automatically-dowloaded input files skipped for prediction") example_dir = cp_tmpdir("example/models/{0}".format(example), tmpdir) # example_dir = "example/models/{0}".format(example) print(example) print("tmpdir: {0}".format(tmpdir)) tmpfile = str(tmpdir.mkdir("output").join("out.h5")) # run the args = [ "python", os.path.abspath("./kipoi/"), "predict", "../", # directory "--source=dir", "--layer", predict_activation_layers[example], "--batch_size=4", "--num_workers=2", "--dataloader_args=test.json", "--output", tmpfile ] if INSTALL_FLAG: args.append(INSTALL_FLAG) returncode =, cwd=os.path.realpath(example_dir + "/example_files")) assert returncode == 0 assert os.path.exists(tmpfile) data = HDF5Reader.load(tmpfile) assert {'metadata', 'preds'} <= set(data.keys()) if example == 'pyt': args[-1] = tmpfile + "2.h5" with, "example_files")): kipoi.cli.main.cli_predict("predict", args[3:])
def test_cli_test_expect(tmpdir): """kipoi test - check that the expected predictions also match """ example = 'pyt' example_dir = cp_tmpdir("example/models/{0}".format(example), tmpdir) # fail the test args = [ "python", "./kipoi/", "test", "--batch_size=4", "-e", os.path.join(example_dir, "wrong.pred.h5"), example_dir ] if INSTALL_FLAG: args.append(INSTALL_FLAG) returncode = assert returncode == 1 # succeed kipoi.cli.main.cli_test("test", [ "--batch_size=4", "-e", os.path.join(example_dir, "expected.pred.h5"), example_dir ])
def test_decorator_env_loading(tmpdir): mdir = cp_tmpdir("example/models/kipoi_dataloader_decorator", tmpdir) assert merge_deps([mdir], source='dir') == \ Dependencies(conda=['python=2.7', 'scikit-learn'], pip=['kipoi', 'scikit-learn', 'tqdm'], conda_channels=['defaults'])
def test_predict_example(example, tmpdir): """kipoi predict ... """ # TODO - test -out # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "/home/avsec/projects-work/kipoi/kipoi/", line 60, in <module> # main() # File "/home/avsec/projects-work/kipoi/kipoi/", line 56, in main # command_fn(args.command, sys.argv[2:]) # File "/home/avsec/bin/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kipoi/", line 273, in cli_predict # pred_batch = model.predict_on_batch(batch['inputs']) # File "/home/avsec/bin/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kipoi/", line 22, in predict_on_batch # raise NotImplementedError # NotImplementedError # _________________________ if example in {"rbp", "non_bedinput_model", "iris_model_template" } and sys.version_info[0] == 2: pytest.skip("rbp example not supported on python 2 ") if example in {'kipoi_dataloader_decorator'}: pytest.skip( "Automatically-dowloaded input files skipped for prediction") example_dir = cp_tmpdir("example/models/{0}".format(example), tmpdir) # example_dir = "example/models/{0}".format(example) if example == "rbp": file_format = "tsv" else: file_format = "hdf5" print(example) print("tmpdir: {0}".format(tmpdir)) tmpfile = str(tmpdir.mkdir("output").join("out.{0}".format(file_format))) # run the args = [ "python", os.path.abspath("./kipoi/"), "predict", "../", # directory "--source=dir", "--batch_size=4", "--num_workers=2", "--dataloader_args=test.json", "--output", tmpfile ] if INSTALL_FLAG: args.append(INSTALL_FLAG) returncode =, cwd=os.path.realpath(example_dir + "/example_files")) assert returncode == 0 assert os.path.exists(tmpfile) if file_format == "hdf5": data = HDF5Reader.load(tmpfile) assert {'metadata', 'preds'} <= set(data.keys()) else: data = pd.read_csv(tmpfile, sep="\t") assert list(data.columns) == [ 'metadata/ranges/chr', 'metadata/ranges/end', 'metadata/ranges/id', 'metadata/ranges/start', 'metadata/ranges/strand', 'preds/0' ] if example == 'pyt': args[-1] = tmpfile + "out2.{0}".format(file_format) with, "example_files")): kipoi.cli.main.cli_predict("predict", args[3:])
def test_preproc_example(example, new_dataloader_kwargs_format, tmpdir): """kipoi preproc ... """ if example in {"rbp", "non_bedinput_model", "iris_model_template" } and sys.version_info[0] == 2: pytest.skip("example not supported on python 2 ") if example in {"extended_coda", "kipoi_dataloader_decorator"}: # extended_coda will anyway be tested in models pytest.skip( "randomly failing on circleci without any reason. Skipping this test." ) example_dir = cp_tmpdir("example/models/{0}".format(example), tmpdir) # example_dir = "example/models/{0}".format(example) tmpfile = str(tmpdir.mkdir("output", ).join("out.h5")) if example in {"rbp"} and new_dataloader_kwargs_format: if example == "rbp": dataloader_args = [ "intervals_file=intervals.tsv", "fasta_file=hg38_chr22.fa", "preproc_transformer=../dataloader_files/encodeSplines.pkl", "gtf_file=gencode_v25_chr22.gtf.pkl.gz", "tarOget_file=targets.tsv" ] elif example == "extended_coda": dataloader_args = [ "intervals_file=intervals.tsv", "input_data_sources={'H3K27AC_subsampled':''}", "batch_size=4" ] # run the args = [ "python", os.path.abspath("./kipoi/"), "preproc", "../", # directory "--source=dir", "--batch_size=4", "--num_workers=2", "--dataloader_args" ] + dataloader_args + ["--output", tmpfile] else: # run the args = [ "python", os.path.abspath("./kipoi/"), "preproc", "../", # directory "--source=dir", "--batch_size=4", "--num_workers=2", "--dataloader_args=test.json", "--output", tmpfile ] if INSTALL_FLAG: args.append(INSTALL_FLAG) returncode =, cwd=os.path.realpath(example_dir + "/example_files")) assert returncode == 0 assert os.path.exists(tmpfile) data = HDF5Reader.load(tmpfile) with open(example_dir + "/dataloader.yaml", "r") as f: ex_descr = yaml.load(f) if example not in {"pyt", "sklearn_iris"}: assert data["inputs"].keys( ) == ex_descr["output_schema"]["inputs"].keys() if example == 'pyt': args[-1] = tmpfile + "2.h5" with, "example_files")): kipoi.cli.main.cli_preproc("preproc", args[3:])