Ejemplo n.º 1
def process_update(request, conn=None, **kwargs):

    if not request.POST:
        return HttpResponseNotAllowed('Methods allowed: POST')

    images = json.loads(request.body)

    additions = []
    removals = []

    for image in images:
        image_id = image['imageId']

                (long(image_id), long(addition),)
                for addition in image['additions']

                (long(image_id), long(removal),)
                for removal in image['removals']

    # TODO Interface for createTagAnnotationsLinks is a bit nasty, but go
    # along with it for now
    createTagAnnotationsLinks(conn, additions, removals)

    return HttpResponse('')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def process_update(request, conn=None, **kwargs):

    if not request.POST:
        return HttpResponseNotAllowed('Methods allowed: POST')

    images = json.loads(request.body)

    additions = []
    removals = []

    for image in images:
        image_id = image['imageId']

        ) for addition in image['additions']])

        ) for removal in image['removals']])

    # TODO Interface for createTagAnnotationsLinks is a bit nasty, but go
    # along with it for now
    createTagAnnotationsLinks(conn, additions, removals)

    return HttpResponse('')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def process_update(request, conn=None, **kwargs):
    if request.method == "POST":
        tagSelector = request.POST.getlist('tag-selector')
        serverSelectedPost = request.POST.getlist('serverselected')
        checkedPost = request.POST.getlist('imagechecked')

        # Convert the posted data into something more manageable
        # tokenTags = { tokenName: tagId }
        tokenTags = {}
        for tokenTag in tagSelector:
            tokenName,tagId = tokenTag.rsplit(r'_', 1)
            tokenTags[tokenName] = long(tagId)

        # serverSelected = { imageId: [tokenName]}
        serverSelected = {}
        for s in serverSelectedPost:
            imageId,tokenName = s.split(r'_',1)
            serverSelected.setdefault(long(imageId), []).append(tokenName)
        # checked = { imageId: [tokenName] }
        checked = {}
        for c in checkedPost:
            imageId,tokenName = c.split(r'_', 1)
            # Ignore submissions from unmapped tokens
            if tokenName in tokenTags:
                checked.setdefault(long(imageId), []).append(tokenName)

        # Get the list of images that may require operations as they have some selections or checks
        imageIds = list(set(serverSelected.keys() + checked.keys()))

        additions = []  # [(imageID, tagId, tokenName)]
        removals = []   # [(imageId, tagId, tokenName)]
        # Create a list of tags to add on images and one to remove tags from images
        for imageId in imageIds:

            # Not every image will have both of these so have to default to empty list
            checkedTokens = []
            selectedTokens = []

            # If there are checked checkboxes for this image
            if imageId in checked:
                checkedTokens = checked[imageId]

            # If there are server selected tokens for this image
            if imageId in serverSelected:
                selectedTokens = serverSelected[imageId]

            # Add any tokens (for addition) that are not preexisting (checked - serverSelected)
            additionsTokens = list(set(checkedTokens) - set(selectedTokens))
            # Add any tokens (for removal) that are prexisiting but not checked (serverSelected - checked)
            removalsTokens = list(set(selectedTokens) - set(checkedTokens))

            # Resolve tokenNames to tagIds, but keep tokenNames as the client needs these back to update the table
            for tokenName in additionsTokens:
                # Resolve tokenName to a tagId
                tagId = tokenTags[tokenName]
                additions.append((imageId, tagId, tokenName))

            for tokenName in removalsTokens:
                # Resolve tokenName to a tagId
                tagId = tokenTags[tokenName]
                removals.append((imageId, tagId, tokenName))
        #TODO Return success/failure of each addition/removal
        #TODO The success/failure need not contain the tagId like these additions/removals do, html will be indexing so will need to change there also.
        createTagAnnotationsLinks(conn, additions, removals)
    successfulUpdates = {'additions': additions, 'removals': removals}
    # We only need to return a dict - the @render_response() decorator does the rest...
    return successfulUpdates
Ejemplo n.º 4
def process_update(request, conn=None, **kwargs):

    if not request.POST:
        return {"error": "need to POST"}

    tagSelector = request.POST.getlist('tag-selector')
    serverSelectedPost = request.POST.getlist('serverselected')
    checkedPost = request.POST.getlist('imagechecked')

    # Convert the posted data into something more manageable:

    # Mappings between token and tags
    # tokenTags = { tokenName: tagId }
    tokenTags = {}
    for tokenTag in tagSelector:
        tokenName,tagId = tokenTag.rsplit(r'_', 1)
        tokenTags[tokenName] = long(tagId)

    # tokens (with current token->tag mappings) that are already applied
    # serverSelected = { imageId: [tokenName]}
    serverSelected = {}
    server_selected_tag_ids = {}
    for s in serverSelectedPost:
        tag_or_token, imageId, token_name_or_tag_id = s.split(r'_',2)
        if tag_or_token == 'token':
            serverSelected.setdefault(long(imageId), []).append(
        elif tag_or_token == 'tag':
            server_selected_tag_ids.setdefault(long(imageId), []).append(

    # tokens that are checked
    # checked = { imageId: [tokenName] }
    checked = {}
    # unmatched tags that are checked
    # checked_tag_ids = { imageId: [tagId]}
    checked_tag_ids = {}
    for c in checkedPost:
        tag_or_token, imageId, token_name_or_tag_id = c.split(r'_', 2)
        if tag_or_token == 'token':
            # Ignore submissions from unmapped tokens
            if token_name_or_tag_id in tokenTags:
                checked.setdefault(long(imageId), []).append(
        elif tag_or_token == 'tag':
            checked_tag_ids.setdefault(long(imageId), []).append(

    # Get the list of images that may require operations as they have some
    # selections (could be being removed) or checks (could be being added)
    imageIds = list(set(serverSelected.keys() +
                        server_selected_tag_ids.keys() +

    # tokenName can be None in these to denote a unmatched tag
    additions = []      # [(imageID, tagId, tokenName)]
    removals = []       # [(imageId, tagId, tokenName)]

    # Create a list of tags to add on images and one to remove tags from
    # images
    for imageId in imageIds:

        # Not every image will have both of these so have to default to
        # empty list
        checkedTokens = []
        selectedTokens = []

        # If there are checked checkboxes for this image
        if imageId in checked:
            checkedTokens = checked[imageId]

        # If there are server selected tokens for this image
        if imageId in serverSelected:
            selectedTokens = serverSelected[imageId]

        # Add any tokens (for addition) that are not preexisting
        # (checked - serverSelected)
        additionsTokens = list(set(checkedTokens) - set(selectedTokens))
        # Add any tokens (for removal) that are prexisiting but not
        # checked (serverSelected - checked)
        removalsTokens = list(set(selectedTokens) - set(checkedTokens))

        # Resolve tokenNames to tagIds, but keep tokenNames as the client
        # needs these back to update the table
        for tokenName in additionsTokens:
            # Resolve tokenName to a tagId
            tagId = tokenTags[tokenName]
            additions.append((imageId, tagId, tokenName))

        for tokenName in removalsTokens:
            # Resolve tokenName to a tagId
            tagId = tokenTags[tokenName]
            removals.append((imageId, tagId, tokenName))

        # Now do the same for the tag fields

        # Not every image will have both of these so have to default to
        # empty list
        checked_tags = []
        selected_tags = []

        # if there are checked unmapped tag checkboxes for this image
        if imageId in checked_tag_ids:
            checked_tags = checked_tag_ids[imageId]

        # If there are server selected unmapped tags for this image
        if imageId in server_selected_tag_ids:
            selected_tags = server_selected_tag_ids[imageId]

        # Add any tags (for addition) that are not prexisting
        additions_tags = list(set(checked_tags) - set(selected_tags))
        # Add any tags (for removal) that are prexisting, but not checked
        removals_tags = list(set(selected_tags) - set(checked_tags))

        for tag_id in additions_tags:
            additions.append((imageId, tag_id, None))

        for tag_id in removals_tags:
            removals.append((imageId, tag_id, None))

    # TODO Problem is that unmatched tags are being marked for addition
    # even if they are already tagged

    #TODO Return success/failure of each addition/removal
    #TODO The success/failure need not contain the tagId like these
    # additions/removals do, html will be indexing so will need to change
    # there also.
    createTagAnnotationsLinks(conn, additions, removals)

    successfulUpdates = {'additions': additions, 'removals': removals}

    # We only need to return a dict - the @render_response() decorator does
    # the rest...
    return successfulUpdates