Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_homography_warper_gradcheck(self):
        # generate input data
        batch_size = 1
        height, width = 16, 32  # small patch, otherwise the test takes forever
        eye_size = 3  # identity 3x3

        # create checkerboard
        board = utils.create_checkerboard(height, width, 4)
        patch_src = torch.from_numpy(board).view(
            1, 1, height, width).expand(batch_size, 1, height, width)
        patch_src = utils.tensor_to_gradcheck_var(patch_src)  # to var

        # create base homography
        dst_homo_src = utils.create_eye_batch(batch_size, eye_size)
        dst_homo_src = utils.tensor_to_gradcheck_var(
            dst_homo_src, requires_grad=False)  # to var

        # instantiate warper
        warper = tgm.HomographyWarper(height, width)

        # evaluate function gradient
        res = gradcheck(warper, (patch_src, dst_homo_src,),

        # evaluate function gradient
        res = gradcheck(
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_depth_warper(self):
        # generate input data
        batch_size = 1
        height, width = 8, 8
        cx, cy = width / 2, height / 2
        fx, fy = 1., 1.
        rx, ry, rz = 0., 0., 0.
        tx, ty, tz = 0., 0., 0.
        offset = 1.  # we will apply a 1unit offset to `i` camera

        pinhole_ref = utils.create_pinhole(fx, fy, cx, cy, height, width, rx,
                                           ry, rx, tx, ty, tz)
        pinhole_ref = pinhole_ref.expand(batch_size, -1)

        pinhole_i = utils.create_pinhole(fx, fy, cx, cy, height, width, rx, ry,
                                         rx, tx + offset, ty + offset, tz)
        pinhole_i = pinhole_i.expand(batch_size, -1)

        # create checkerboard
        board = utils.create_checkerboard(height, width, 4)
        patch_i = torch.from_numpy(board).view(1, 1, height, width).expand(
            batch_size, 1, height, width)

        # instantiate warper and compute relative homographies
        warper = tgm.DepthWarper(pinhole_i)
                                    scale=torch.ones(batch_size, 1))

        # generate synthetic inverse depth
        inv_depth_ref = torch.ones(batch_size, 1, height, width)

        # warpd source patch by depth
        patch_ref = warper(inv_depth_ref, patch_i)

        # compute error
        res = utils.check_equal_torch(
            patch_ref[..., :int(height - offset), :int(width - offset)],
            patch_i[..., int(offset):, int(offset):])

        # test functional
        patch_ref_functional = tgm.depth_warp(pinhole_i, pinhole_ref,
                                              inv_depth_ref, patch_i)
        res = utils.check_equal_torch(patch_ref, patch_ref_functional)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_local_homography_warper(self):
        # generate input data
        batch_size = 1
        height, width = 16, 32
        eye_size = 3  # identity 3x3

        # create checkerboard
        board = utils.create_checkerboard(height, width, 4)
        patch_src = torch.from_numpy(board).view(
            1, 1, height, width).expand(batch_size, 1, height, width)

        # create local homography
        dst_homo_src = utils.create_eye_batch(batch_size, eye_size)
        dst_homo_src = dst_homo_src.view(batch_size, -1).unsqueeze(1)
        dst_homo_src = dst_homo_src.repeat(1, height * width, 1).view(
            1, height, width, 3, 3)  # NxHxWx3x3

        # warp reference patch
        patch_src_to_i = tgm.homography_warp(
            patch_src, dst_homo_src, (height, width))
    def test_homography_warper(self, batch_size, device_type):
        # generate input data
        height, width = 128, 64
        eye_size = 3  # identity 3x3
        device = torch.device(device_type)

        # create checkerboard
        board = utils.create_checkerboard(height, width, 4)
        patch_src = torch.from_numpy(board).view(1, 1, height, width).expand(
            batch_size, 1, height, width)
        patch_src = patch_src.to(device)

        # create base homography
        dst_homo_src = utils.create_eye_batch(batch_size, eye_size).to(device)

        # instantiate warper
        warper = tgm.HomographyWarper(height, width)

        for i in range(self.num_tests):
            # generate homography noise
            homo_delta = torch.zeros_like(dst_homo_src)
            homo_delta[:, -1, -1] = 0.0

            dst_homo_src_i = dst_homo_src + homo_delta

            # transform the points from dst to ref
            patch_dst = warper(patch_src, dst_homo_src_i)
            patch_dst_to_src = warper(patch_dst, torch.inverse(dst_homo_src_i))

            # projected should be equal as initial
            error = utils.compute_patch_error(patch_dst, patch_dst_to_src,
                                              height, width)

            assert error.item() < self.threshold

            # check functional api
            patch_dst_to_src_functional = tgm.homography_warp(
                patch_dst, torch.inverse(dst_homo_src_i), (height, width))

            assert utils.check_equal_torch(patch_dst_to_src,
Ejemplo n.º 5
    """ A function that max pools an image with size kernel size.
    Assume that the stride is equal to the kernel size, and that the kernel size is even.

        im: [np.array of shape [H, W, 3]]
        kernel_size: integer
        im: [np.array of shape [H/kernel_size, W/kernel_size, 3]].
    stride = kernel_size
    ### START YOUR CODE HERE ### (You can change anything inside this block)

    return new_im
    ### END YOUR CODE HERE ###

if __name__ == "__main__":

    im = skimage.data.chelsea()
    im = utils.uint8_to_float(im)
    max_pooled_image = MaxPool2d(im, 4)

    utils.save_im("chelsea.png", im)
    utils.save_im("chelsea_maxpooled.png", max_pooled_image)

    im = utils.create_checkerboard()
    im = utils.uint8_to_float(im)
    utils.save_im("checkerboard.png", im)
    max_pooled_image = MaxPool2d(im, 2)
    utils.save_im("checkerboard_maxpooled.png", max_pooled_image)