def _create_archives(self, D_archive): """ Given `D_archive`, a dictionary whose keys are datetime objects representing 10-minute bins and whose values are lists of files, create one archive per completed bin and then delete the files. """ create_dirs(self.output_dir) # Don't touch the most recent 10-minute bin; it may still be active file_bins = sorted(D_archive.iterkeys())[:-1] for key in file_bins: file_list = D_archive[key] # Process the files before archiving self._process_files(file_list) # Create the file archive prefix = format(key, self.file_fmt) archive_name = '{}.{}'.format(prefix, self.api.hostname) archive_path = join(self.output_dir, archive_name)'Creating archive %s', archive_name) self._archive_files(file_list, archive_path) # Remove the now-archived files for file_path in file_list: self._remove_file(file_path)
def main(): # capture the config path from the run arguments # then process the json configuration file try: args = get_args() config = process_config(args.config) except: print("missing or invalid arguments") exit(0) # create the experiments dirs create_dirs([ config['result_dir'], config['checkpoint_dir'], config['checkpoint_dir_lstm'] ]) # save the config in a txt file save_config(config) sess_centralized = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto()) data = DataGenerator(config) model_vae = VAEmodel(config, "Centralized") model_vae.load(sess_centralized) trainer_vae = vaeTrainer(sess_centralized, model_vae, data, config) # here you train your model if config['TRAIN_VAE']: if config['vae_epochs_per_comm_round'] > 0: trainer_vae.train() if config['TRAIN_LSTM']: # create a lstm model class instance lstm_model = lstmKerasModel("Centralized", config) # produce the embedding of all sequences for training of lstm model # process the windows in sequence to get their VAE embeddings lstm_model.produce_embeddings(model_vae, data, sess_centralized) # Create a basic model instance lstm_nn_model = lstm_model.lstm_nn_model lstm_nn_model.summary() # Display the model's architecture # checkpoint path checkpoint_path = lstm_model.config['checkpoint_dir_lstm']\ + "cp_{}.ckpt".format( # Create a callback that saves the model's weights cp_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint( filepath=checkpoint_path, save_weights_only=True, verbose=1) # load weights if possible # lstm_model.load_model(lstm_nn_model, config, checkpoint_path) # start training if config['lstm_epochs_per_comm_round'] > 0: lstm_model.train(lstm_nn_model, cp_callback) sess_centralized.close()
def calibrate(self, calibration_dir): create_dirs([self.debug_dir]) self.calibration_dir = calibration_dir # Load saved calibration parameters. try: self.load() return except: pass # Get calibration images. img_paths = sorted(glob(join(self.calibration_dir, '*'))) # Prepare object points. objpoint = np.zeros((self.nx * self.ny, 3), np.float32) objpoint[:, :2] = np.mgrid[0:self.ny, 0:self.nx].T.reshape(-1, 2) # Need to match 3D coordinates to 2D image coordinates. objpoints = [] # 3d coordinates. imgpoints = [] # 2d coordinates. # Corner extraction termination criteria. criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001) corners_dims = (self.ny, self.nx) for img_path in img_paths: img = cv2.imread(img_path) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Find the chess board corners ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, corners_dims, None) # If found, add object points, image points (after refining them) if ret is True: corners = cv2.cornerSubPix(gray, corners, (11, 11), (-1, -1), criteria) imgpoints.append(corners) objpoints.append(objpoint) # Draw and display the corners img = cv2.drawChessboardCorners(img, corners_dims, corners, ret) ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera( objpoints, imgpoints, gray.shape[::-1], None, None) self.calib_params = {'mtx': mtx, 'dist': dist} print('[d] Successfully calibrated camera params to', self.debug_dir)
def main(): """Runs the main deep learning pipeline.""" try: args = get_args() config = process_config(args.config) except: print('Missing or invalid arguments.') exit(0) print('Create experiment directories.') create_dirs([ config.callbacks.tensorboard_log_dir, config.callbacks.checkpoint_dir ]) # TODO Refactor this print('Create partitions and labels.') partition = {} all_ids = [ filename.split('.')[0] for filename in os.listdir('data') if filename.endswith('.npy') ] partition['train'] = all_ids[50:] partition['validation'] = all_ids[:50] labels_ids = [ filename.split('.')[0] for filename in os.listdir('data') if filename.endswith('.npy') ] labels_values = [1 if 'swipe_positive_right' in filename \ else -1 if 'swipe_positive_left' in filename \ else 0 for filename in os.listdir('data') if filename.endswith('.npy')] labels = dict(zip(labels_ids, labels_values)) print('Create the training and validation data generators.') training_generator = DeepSwipeDataGenerator(config, partition['train'], labels) validation_generator = DeepSwipeDataGenerator(config, partition['validation'], labels) data_generator = (training_generator, validation_generator) print('Create the model.') model = DeepSwipeModel(config) print('Create the trainer') trainer = DeepSwipeTrainer(model.model, data_generator, config) print('Start training the model.') trainer.train()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.bpf_filter = kwargs.pop('bpf_filter') self.data_type = kwargs['data_type'] self.capture_iface = kwargs.pop('capture_iface') self.capture_seconds = kwargs.pop('capture_seconds') self.pcap_dir = kwargs.pop('pcap_dir') self.pps_limit = kwargs.pop('pps_limit') if (self.capture_iface == 'any') and ('linux' not in platform): self.capture_iface = None self.capture_process = None create_dirs(self.pcap_dir) self.packet_limit = self.capture_seconds * self.pps_limit super(TcpdumpCapturer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def restore_snapshot(folder: Path, json_path: Path): snapshot = json.load(str(json_path)) current_files = { file for file in folder.rglob("*")} missing_files = { filename for filename, filepath in snapshot["files"].items() if filename not in current_files } if missing_files: print("The following files are missing:") print(*missing_files, sep="\n") # TODO: only create deepest dirs to avoind unnecessary IO create_dirs(snapshot["folders"].values()) for filename, snap_filepath in snapshot["files"].items(): if filename in missing_files: continue move(current_files[filename], snap_filepath)
def main(): """Scrape content of and store in SQLite3 database.""" # Load config with open(Args['config'], "rt") as configfile: config = json.load(configfile) # Download genomes if not Args['nogenomes']: genome_categories = config['CAZYGENOMES'] if Args['noarchaea']: del genome_categories['archaea'] if Args['nobacteria']: del genome_categories['bacteria'] if Args['noeukaryotes']: del genome_categories['eukaryotes'] if Args['noviruses']: del genome_categories['viruses'] if len(genome_categories.keys()) > 0: utils.create_dirs(Args['output']) protein_dfs = [] taxids_dfs = [] for cat in genome_categories.keys(): print(f"Download genome category {cat}", file=sys.stderr) proteins, taxids = download.download_genomes(config, cat) protein_dfs.append(proteins) taxids_dfs.append(taxids) print("Write protein list to SQLite3 database", file=sys.stderr) pd.concat(protein_dfs) \ .to_sql("genomes", sqlite3.connect(Args['output']), index=False, if_exists=Args['tablemode']) print("Write taxid list to SQLite3 database", file=sys.stderr) pd.concat(taxids_dfs) \ .to_sql("taxids", sqlite3.connect(Args['output']), index=False, if_exists=Args['tablemode']) else: print( "All genome categories were excluded from downloading. At " "least one genome category must be enabled.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if not Args['notaxonomy']: ncbitaxa.update_taxonomy(Args['updateNCBItaxonomy']) unique_taxids = pd.concat(taxids_dfs)['taxid'].unique() ncbitaxa.infer_taxonomy_lineage(unique_taxids) \ .to_sql("ncbitaxonomy", sqlite3.connect(Args['output']), index=False, if_exists=Args['tablemode'])
def setup(args): """Prepare training session: read configuration from file (takes precedence), create directories. Input: args: arguments object from argparse Returns: config: configuration dictionary """ config = args.__dict__ # configuration dictionary if args.config_filepath is not None:"Reading configuration ...") try: # dictionary containing the entire configuration settings in a hierarchical fashion config.update(utils.load_config(args.config_filepath)) except: logger.critical( "Failed to load configuration file. Check JSON syntax and verify that files exist" ) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1) # Create output directory initial_timestamp = output_dir = config['output_dir'] if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): raise IOError( "Root directory '{}', where the directory of the experiment will be created, must exist" .format(output_dir)) output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, config['experiment_name']) formatted_timestamp = initial_timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") config['initial_timestamp'] = formatted_timestamp if (not config['no_timestamp']) or (len(config['experiment_name']) == 0): output_dir += "_" + formatted_timestamp utils.create_dirs([output_dir]) config['output_dir'] = output_dir # Save configuration as a (pretty) json file with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'configuration.json'), 'w') as fp: json.dump(config, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=True)"Stored configuration file in '{}'".format(output_dir)) return config
def _check_point_to_csv(self, send_segment, now): # Writes files to the "input" directory so the pusher will find them, # archive them, and send them out. # The input directory may not have been created yet create_dirs(self.input_dir) segment_data = self.log_node.parsed_data.pop(send_segment, []) if not segment_data: return file_name = '{}_{}.csv.gz'.format(send_segment.strftime(self.file_fmt), now.strftime(self.file_fmt)) file_path = join(self.input_dir, file_name) with gz_open(file_path, 'wt') as outfile: writer = DictWriter(outfile, CSV_HEADER) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(self._format_item(x) for x in segment_data)
def main(mode, size=128, file_path=None): df_images = load_images(mode) df_new = pd.DataFrame(columns=['image_id'] + [str(i) for i in range(size**2)]) df_new.image_id = df_images.image_id for i in range(len(df_images)): img = df_images.iloc[i, 1:].values.reshape(137, 236).astype( np.uint8) / 255.0 img = 1 - img img = crop_resize(img, size=size) df_new.iloc[i, 1:] = img.reshape(-1) df_new = df_new.reset_index().drop('index', axis=1) if file_path: assert file_path.endswith('feather') create_dirs(file_path) df_new.to_feather(file_path)
def prep_jobs_agg(jobs, dir_agg): dir_agg_stats = dir_agg + "stats/" create_dirs([dir_agg_stats]) path_input = dir_agg + "merged.hdf5" for job in jobs: if "q" in job.keys(): job['name'] = job['stat'] + str(job['q']) else: job['name'] = job['stat'] path_output = dir_agg_stats + job['name'] + ".hdf5" job['path_input'] = path_input job['path_output'] = path_output job['path_index'] = dir_agg + "index.p" job['path_varnames'] = dir_agg + "varnames.p" return jobs
def __init__(self, root="data", name='cora', num_parts=1, final_parts=1, augumentation=None, transform=None, pre_transform=None): self.num_parts = num_parts self.final_parts = final_parts self.augumentation = augumentation self.root,, self.data_dir = download_data(root=root, name=name) utils.create_dirs(self.dirs) super().__init__(root=self.data_dir, transform=transform, pre_transform=pre_transform) path = osp.join(self.data_dir, "processed", self.processed_file_names[0]), self.slices = torch.load(path)
def _get_file_logger(self): # Output file logger - outputs once per minute file_dir = environ.get(ENV_NVZFLOW_LOG_DIR, DEFAULT_NVZFLOW_LOG_DIR) create_dirs(file_dir) file_handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler( join(file_dir, 'nvzflow.log'), when='m', interval=1, backupCount=int( environ.get(ENV_NVZFLOW_LOG_LIMIT, DEFAULT_NVZFLOW_LOG_LIMIT)), utc=True, ) file_logger = logging.getLogger('nvzflow_reader_ouput') file_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s')) file_logger.addHandler(file_handler) return file_logger
def main(): # create folders to save train resources log_dir = utils.create_dirs(FLAGS.log_dir_path, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.learning_rate) # load dataset print('Loading description dataset...') dataset = polyu.description.Dataset(FLAGS.dataset_path) print('Loaded') # train train(dataset, log_dir)
def main(url): config = configparser.RawConfigParser()"scraper.conf") handler = PageHandler(requester=Requester, parser=TextParser, scrap_config=config) text = handler.handle(url) path = create_dirs(url) with open(path + ".txt", 'w', encoding="utf-8") as out: out.write(text)
def main(workspace=None): pwd = utils.work_base_folder cnt_polygon_folder = os.path.join(pwd, utils.cnt_polygon_folder) stage1_folder = os.path.join(pwd, utils.stage1_folder) arcpy.env.workspace = "in_memory" arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True utils.create_dirs([stage1_folder, arcpy.env.workspace]) targets = utils.list_folder_sorted_ext( os.path.join(pwd, cnt_polygon_folder), ".shp") for j in targets: # We need give a full path, otherwise ArcGIS will look for it in workspace. orig = os.path.join(pwd, cnt_polygon_folder, j) q = utils.relocate(orig, stage1_folder) # Main geoprocessing routine execute(orig, q, arcpy.env.workspace) print("OK")
def initialize_pipeline(connection): """ Begins the data collection pipeline. """ gather_parameters = prompt_dispatcher(connection, 'gather_parameters_func') subject_num = gather_parameters('What is the subject number?') motion_num = gather_parameters('What is the motion?') trial_num = gather_parameters('What is the trial number?') data_path = create_dirs(subject_num, HAND_MOTIONS[motion_num], trial_num) if not prompt_dispatcher(connection, "Is this a valid path?")(data_path): return close_connection(connection) prompt_dispatcher(connection, "Prepare for data collection.")() record_data(connection, data_path, HAND_MOTIONS[motion_num])
def main(): # capture the config path from the run arguments # then process the json configuration file try: args = get_args() config = process_config(args.config) except: print("missing or invalid arguments") exit(0) # create the experiments dirs create_dirs([config['result_dir'], config['checkpoint_dir'], config['checkpoint_dir_lstm']]) # save the config in a txt file save_config(config) # create tensorflow session sessions = [] data = [] model_vaes = [] vae_trainers = [] lstm_models = [] model_vae_global = VAEmodel(config, "Global") sess_global = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto()) for i in range(1, 10): sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto()) sessions.append(sess) data.append(generator_fl(config, i)) model_vaes.append(VAEmodel(config, "Client{}".format(i))) model_vaes[-1].load(sessions[-1]) vae_trainers.append(vaeTrainer(sessions[-1], model_vaes[-1], data[-1], config)) lstm_models.append(lstmKerasModel("Client{}".format(i), config)) model_vae_global.load(sess_global) trainer_vae_global = vaeTrainer(sess_global, model_vae_global, data[0], config) lstm_model_global = lstmKerasModel("Global", config) client_weights = [0.1] * 8 client_weights.append(0.2) aggregator = Aggregator(vae_trainers, trainer_vae_global, lstm_models, lstm_model_global, config, client_weights) aggregator.aggregate_vae() aggregator.aggregate_lstm()
def main(): # create the experiments directory ckpt_dir = os.path.join(args.exp_dir, args.exp_name) results_dir = os.path.join(ckpt_dir, 'results') create_dirs([ckpt_dir, results_dir]) # create tensorflow session sess = tf.Session() print("\nSession is created!") # create instances of the model, data generator, logger, and trainer module = import_module("model." + args.model_name) model = module.create_model(args) if args.is_train or args.is_test: data = DataGenerator(args) logger = Logger(sess, args) trainer = Trainer(sess, model, data, logger, args) if args.is_train: trainer.train() if args.is_test: trainer.test()
def main(args): """entry of training or evaluation""" print("== tf version: {} ==".format(tf.__version__)) # check FLAGS correctness and directories check_flags(FLAGS) create_dirs(FLAGS) # build graph """One thing that I learned is to build model before l loading data. Loading data won't be very troublesome. But building model will.""" print("[IRS] creating model and building graph ...") model = IRSModel(flags=FLAGS) # data loader print("[IRS] loading dataset ...") dataloader = DataLoader(flags=FLAGS) # run training print("[IRS] start running training ...") train(flags=FLAGS, model=model, dataloader=dataloader)
def main(): # create folders to save train resources log_dir = utils.create_dirs(FLAGS.log_dir_path, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.learning_rate) # load polyu dataset print('Loading PolyU-HRF dataset...') polyu_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.polyu_dir_path, 'GroundTruth', 'PoreGroundTruth') dataset = polyu.Dataset( os.path.join(polyu_path, 'PoreGroundTruthSampleimage'), os.path.join(polyu_path, 'PoreGroundTruthMarked'), split=(15, 5, 10), patch_size=FLAGS.patch_size, label_mode=FLAGS.label_mode, label_size=FLAGS.label_size) print('Loaded') # train train(dataset, log_dir)
ix = np.where(label == g) ax.scatter(x[ix, 0], x[ix, 1], label=g, s=20) ax.legend() plt.savefig(join(save_path, 'tSNE_plot.png'), dpi=1024) print('saving 2D vis to %s' % join(save_path, 'tSNE_plot.png')) if __name__ == '__main__': argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument('--exp_id', required=True, help='experiment id') argparser.add_argument('--datasets', required=True, help='dataset_name') args = argparser.parse_args() log_dir = 'logs/%s/%s' % (args.datasets, args.exp_id) res_dir = 'results/%s/%s' % (args.datasets, args.exp_id) create_dirs([res_dir]) # X = np.loadtxt(join(data_root, dataset_name+'.txt')) y = np.loadtxt(join(config.data_root, args.datasets + '_label.txt'), dtype='int') if config.formt == 'npy': x = np.load(join(res_dir, 'encoding.npy')) else: x = np.loadtxt(join(res_dir, 'encoding.txt'), dtype='float') x = x.squeeze() x_emb = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(x) color_plot(x_emb, y, res_dir)
from import Graph_DFS_code_from_file from model import create_model from train import train from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold import sys import os import torch torch.set_printoptions(threshold=10_000) if __name__ == '__main__': args = Args() args = args.update_args() create_dirs(args) random.seed(123) # graphs = create_graphs(args) # random.shuffle(graphs) # graphs_train = graphs[: int(0.80 * len(graphs))] # graphs_validate = graphs[int(0.80 * len(graphs)): int(0.90 * len(graphs))] graph_list = create_graphs(args) with open( os.path.join(args.dataset_path, args.graph_type, 'graph_label.dat'), 'rb') as f: graph_label_list = pickle.load(f)
def save(self): create_dirs([self.debug_dir]) self.warper.reset(M=self.M) pickle.dump(self.M, open(self.perspective_transform_file, 'wb')) print('[i] Succesfully saved perspective tranform params to', self.perspective_transform_file)
def __check_mlstats_dirs(self): '''Check if the mlstats directories exist''' create_dirs(COMPRESSED_DIR)
def create_standard_dirs(self): ''' create all the necessary folders for one inspection ''' building_dir = os.path.join(self.root, if not os.path.exists(building_dir): os.mkdir(building_dir) dir_list = ['3drecon', self.inspect_no, 'misc', 'reports'] create_dirs(dir_list, building_dir) inspect_sub_dirs = ['flightlog', 'img_handheld_ir', 'img_handheld_rgb', 'img_handheld_survey', 'img_m210rtkv2_x7_others', 'results'] inspect_dir = os.path.join(building_dir, self.inspect_no) create_dirs(inspect_sub_dirs, inspect_dir) self.others_dir = os.path.join(inspect_dir, 'img_m210rtkv2_x7_others') others_sub_dirs = ['raw', 'raw_SD'] #may add more sub folders later on create_dirs(others_sub_dirs, self.others_dir) results_sub_dirs = ['all_results_drone_rgb', 'img_drone_rgb', 'all_results_handheld_rgb', 'img_handheld_rgb'] self.result_dir = os.path.join(inspect_dir, 'results') create_dirs(results_sub_dirs, self.result_dir) self.facade_drone_dirs = ['facade'+str(i) for i in self.facade_list_drone] self.facade_dir_process = os.path.join(self.result_dir, 'img_drone_rgb') self.facade_dir_raw = os.path.join(self.others_dir, 'raw') self.facade_result = os.path.join(self.result_dir, 'all_results_drone_rgb') if self.handheld: self.facade_hhl_dirs = ['facade'+str(i) for i in self.facade_list_handheld] self.facade_dir_handheld = os.path.join(self.result_dir, 'img_handheld_rgb') self.facade_result_handheld = os.path.join(self.result_dir, 'all_results_handheld_rgb') for folder in [self.facade_dir_handheld, self.facade_result_handheld]: create_dirs(self.facade_hhl_dirs, folder) for facade_dir in self.facade_hhl_dirs: #create folder to store filtered images inside each facade folder overlay_dir = os.path.join(self.facade_result_handheld, facade_dir, 'overlay') if not os.path.exists(overlay_dir): os.mkdir(overlay_dir) for folder in [self.facade_dir_process,self.facade_dir_raw,self.facade_result]: create_dirs(self.facade_drone_dirs, folder) for facade_dir in self.facade_drone_dirs: #create folder to store filtered images inside each facade folder overlay_dir = os.path.join(self.facade_result, facade_dir, 'overlay') if not os.path.exists(overlay_dir): os.mkdir(overlay_dir) if self.thermal: result_dirs = ['all_results_handheld_ir', 'all_results_drone_ir', 'img_drone_ir', 'img_handheld_ir'] create_dirs(result_dirs, self.result_dir) for name in ['all_results_drone_ir', 'img_drone_ir']: folder = os.path.join(self.result_dir, name) create_dirs(self.facade_drone_dirs, folder) thermal_dirs = ['ir', 'rgb'] for facade_dir in self.facade_drone_dirs: parent_dir = os.path.join(self.facade_dir_raw, facade_dir) raw_dir = os.path.join(self.others_dir, 'raw_SD') create_dirs(thermal_dirs, parent_dir) create_dirs(thermal_dirs, raw_dir)
def __create_download_dirs(self, mailing_list): # Remote archives are retrieved and stored in compressed_dir. # Local compressed archives are left in their original location. if mailing_list.is_remote(): create_dirs(mailing_list.compressed_dir)
from utils import process_config, create_dirs, get_args from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib def get_available_gpus(): local_device_protos = device_lib.list_local_devices() return [ for x in local_device_protos if x.device_type == 'GPU'] print(get_available_gpus()) # load VAE model config = process_config('PX4_config.json') # create the experiments dirs create_dirs([config['result_dir'], config['checkpoint_dir']]) # create tensorflow session sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True)) # create your data generator data = DataGenerator(config) # create a CNN model model_vae = VAEmodel(config) # create a CNN model trainer_vae = vaeTrainer(sess, model_vae, data, config) model_vae.load(sess) # here you train your model if config['TRAIN_VAE']: if config['num_epochs_vae'] > 0: trainer_vae.train()
fpr_list.append(fpr_temp) tpr_list.append(tpr_temp) precision_list.append(precision_temp) recall_list.append(recall_temp) auroc_list.append(auroc_temp) aupr_list.append(aupr_temp) plot_roc_curve(fpr_list, tpr_list, './result/DanQ_JASPAR/') plot_pr_curve(precision_list, recall_list, './result/DanQ_JASPAR/') header = np.array([['auroc', 'aupr']]) content = np.stack((auroc_list, aupr_list), axis=1) content = np.concatenate((header, content), axis=0) write2csv(content, './result/DanQ_JASPAR/result.csv') write2txt(content, './result/DanQ_JASPAR/result.txt') avg_auroc = np.nanmean(auroc_list) avg_aupr = np.nanmean(aupr_list) print('AVG-AUROC:{:.3f}, AVG-AUPR:{:.3f}.\n'.format(avg_auroc, avg_aupr)) if __name__ == '__main__': # Parses the command line arguments and returns as a simple namespace. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') parser.add_argument('-e', '--exe_mode', default='train', help='The execution mode.') args = parser.parse_args() # Selecting the execution mode (keras). create_dirs(['./result/DanQ_JASPAR/']) if args.exe_mode == 'train': train() elif args.exe_mode == 'test': test()
def _create_download_dirs(self): # Remote archives are retrieved and stored in output_dir. # Local compressed archives are left in their original location. if self.mailing_list.is_remote(): create_dirs(self.mailing_list.compressed_dir)
auroc_list.append(auroc_temp) aupr_list.append(aupr_temp) plot_roc_curve(fpr_list, tpr_list, './result/') plot_pr_curve(precision_list, recall_list, './result/') header = np.array([['auroc', 'aupr']]) content = np.stack((auroc_list, aupr_list), axis=1) content = np.concatenate((header, content), axis=0) write2csv(content, './result/result.csv') write2txt(content, './result/result.txt') avg_auroc = np.nanmean(auroc_list) avg_aupr = np.nanmean(aupr_list) print('AVG-AUROC:{:.3f}, AVG-AUPR:{:.3f}.\n'.format(avg_auroc, avg_aupr)) if __name__ == '__main__': # Parses the command line arguments and returns as a simple namespace. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') parser.add_argument('-e', '--exe_mode', default='train', help='The execution mode.') args = parser.parse_args() # Selecting the execution mode (keras). create_dirs(['./result', './result/model']) if args.exe_mode == 'train': train() elif args.exe_mode == 'test': test()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.data_type = kwargs['data_type'] self.pcap_dir = kwargs.pop('pcap_dir') create_dirs(self.pcap_dir) super(TcpdumpPusher, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __check_mlstats_dirs(self, compressed_dir): '''Check if the mlstats directories exist''' create_dirs(compressed_dir)
def __check_mlstats_dirs(self, compressed_dir): """Check if the mlstats directories exist""" create_dirs(compressed_dir)