def updateText( self ): debugMsg( "Current user input: " + self.userInput ) if not self.hideInput: self.userInputLabel.setText( self.userInput ) else: self.userInputLabel.setText( len( self.userInput ) * "*" ) return
def mouseDoubleClickEvent( self, event ): """ Ask password and move to the admin mode """ globalData = GlobalData() keyboard = ui.findForm( 'DigitKeyboard' ) keyboard.hideInput = True keyboard.raise_() keyboard.exec_() if keyboard.cancelled: return debugMsg( "User input: " + keyboard.userInput ) debugMsg( "Admin password: " + Settings().adminPassword ) if keyboard.userInput != Settings().adminPassword: return ui.hideForm( 'TopBar' ) ui.showForm( 'AdminTopBar' ) globalData.isAdmin = True return
def flushButtonClicked(self): """ processing click() on the Flush button """ debugMsg("Sending a test notification") GlobalData().application.sendNotification("something") debugMsg("Sent") QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, "Not implemented yet", "Not implemented yet") return
def showForm(formName, left=-1, top=-1, width=-1, height=-1): """ shows the required form """ theForm = findForm(formName) if width > 0 and height > 0: theForm.resize(width, height) theForm.setLayoutGeometry(width, height) debugMsg("Showing form '" + formName + "'") return
def buildCSSFilesList(path, cssFiles): """ builds a list of the .css files to be processed """ debugMsg("buildCSSFilesList(): processing " + path) for item in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isdir(path + item): buildCSSFilesList(path + item + '/', cssFiles) continue if item.endswith('.css'): cssFiles.append(path + item) debugMsg("Found CSS: " + path + item) continue return
def ru_morpher(imgpaths, width=500, height=600, num_frames=20, fps=10, \ out_frames=None, out_video=None, alpha=False, plot=False, obj=None, sessionid=None): """ Create a morph sequence from multiple images in imgpaths :param imgpaths: array or generator of image paths :param callback: callback function on each point """ oBack = {'status': 'ok', 'msg': ''} try: video = videoer.Video(out_video, fps, width, height) images_points_gen = load_valid_image_points(imgpaths, (height, width)) src_img, src_points = next(images_points_gen) iStep = 0 for dest_img, dest_points in images_points_gen: debugMsg("ru_morpher step {}".format(iStep)) morph(src_img, src_points, dest_img, dest_points, video, width, height, num_frames, fps, out_frames, out_video, alpha, plot, obj=obj, sessionid=sessionid, result_type="image") # Set the new source = old destination src_img, src_points = dest_img, dest_points iStep += 1 # Check if any faces could be found in the image if iStep == 0: # This means that the points could not be found on the image print('debug point #3 in: ru_morpher') # No points were found oBack['status'] = "error" oBack['msg'] = "Er kan geen gezicht gevonden worden in dit beeld" debugMsg(oBack['msg']) debugMsg("ru_morpher video.end") video.end() except: sMsg = get_error_message() DoError("ru_morpher: ") oBack['status'] = 'error' oBack['msg'] = sMsg finally: return oBack
def onConnectionStatus(self, host, isAlive): """ Called by ping agent. isAlive shows the current connection status """ if isAlive == utils.GlobalData().isConnected: return # The status has been changed self.connectionTimer.stop() utils.GlobalData().isConnected = isAlive if isAlive: # Connection restored # Check the connection every 5 minutes self.connectionTimer.start(5 * 60 * 1000) utils.debugMsg( "Connection restored. Switch interval to 5 minutes.") else: # Connection lost # Check the connection every 16 seconds self.connectionTimer.start(16 * 1000) utils.debugMsg("Connection lost. Switch interval to 10 seconds.") self.emit(SIGNAL("connectionStatus"), isAlive) return
def onNotification(self): """ Called when a notification has been received """ while self.socketFrom.hasPendingDatagrams(): datagramSize = self.socketFrom.pendingDatagramSize() datagram, host, port = self.socketFrom.readDatagram(datagramSize) values = parseNotification(str(datagram)) # Check that it is a correct diagramm if not values.has_key('kioskID') or not values.has_key('what'): # Unexpected diagramm utils.debugMsg("Unexpected diagram format. Skipping.") continue if values['kioskID'] == utils.GlobalData().uuid: # Self sent diagram utils.debugMsg("Self sent diagram. Skipping.") continue # emit a signal self.emit(SIGNAL("peerNotification"), values) return
def buildFormsList(path): """ Populates the kioskForms map """ global kioskForms debugMsg("buildFormsList(): processing " + path + "...") if not os.path.exists(path) or not os.path.isdir(path): raise Exception( "buildFormsList() expects a path. The '" + \ path + "' does not exist or is not a directory" ) if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' # Alter the list of pathes where modules are searched if not path in sys.path: sys.path.append(path) for item in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isdir(path + item): buildFormsList(path + item + '/') continue if item.endswith('.py'): debugMsg("Form file found: " + path + item) formName = item.replace('.py', '') if kioskForms.has_key(formName): raise Exception( "Form names clash detected. Name: " + \ formName ) # import the module and get the form class module = __import__(formName, globals(), locals(), ['*']) formClass = getattr(module, formName) kioskForms[formName] = formClass(path) # Dirty: update the utils global variable to have the messages # added to the list on the screen if formName == 'DebugBar': # ugly - I don't know how to update this variable from the # other module another way utils.debugWindow = kioskForms[formName] debugMsg("Form '" + formName + "' has been registered.") return
def applySkin(path, application): """ Searches for the skin files, processes them and applies them to the forms """ if not os.path.exists(path) or not os.path.isdir(path): raise Exception( "applySkin() expects a path. The '" + \ path + "' does not exist or is not a directory" ) if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' cssFiles = [] buildCSSFilesList(path, cssFiles) # The Application.css file must be applied first for fileName in cssFiles: if os.path.basename(fileName) == 'Application.css': # Apply the application CSS content = getCSSContent(fileName).strip() if len(content) != 0: application.setStyleSheet(content) debugMsg("Setting APPLICATION level CSS") break # Apply all the other CSS files for fullFileName in cssFiles: fileName = os.path.basename(fullFileName) if fileName == 'Application.css': continue formName = fileName.replace(".css", "") if not kioskForms.has_key(formName): message = "WARNING. Style sheet file " + fullFileName + \ " is skipped because the '" + formName + "'" \ " form is not registered" debugMsg(message) writeToLog(message) continue content = getCSSContent(fullFileName).strip() if len(content) != 0: kioskForms[formName].setStyleSheet(content) debugMsg("Setting CSS for '" + formName + "' form") return
def parsing(fp): if fp is None: return None ret = list() symbol = list() layerNum = 0 lineNum = sum(1 for line in fp) idx = 0 action = 0 while idx < lineNum: action = 0 line = fp.readline().strip() lib.debugMsg("------------------ %s ------------------------" % idx) # Empty line if not line or lib.isStartwith(S[0], line): idx += 1 continue # End of Attr. if lib.isStartwith(S[2], line): lib.debugMsg("POP "+str(line.split()[0])) t = symbol.pop() if t[1:] not in line.split()[0]: lib.debugMsg("Error") return None action = -1 # New Attr. elif lib.isStartwith(S[1], line): if (not lib.isEndwith(S[4], line)) and (not lib.isEndwith(S[3], line)): line = line + str(fp.readline().strip()) idx += 1 lib.debugMsg("PUSH " + str(line.split()[0])) if lib.isEndwith(S[3], line): lib.debugMsg("POP "+str(line.split()[0])) else: symbol.append(line.split()[0]) action = 1 sig, attrL = classisfy(removeSign(line)) ret.append([layerNum, sig, attrL]) idx += 1 layerNum += action lib.debugMsg(symbol) if symbol: lib.debugMsg("Error") return None return ret
def setFormArguments(formName, arguments): """ passes arguments to the required form """ findForm(formName).setArguments(arguments) debugMsg("Setting arguments for '" + formName + "' form") return
def hideForm(formName): """ hides the required form """ findForm(formName).hide() debugMsg("Hiding form '" + formName + "'") return
def applySingleLayout(path, startupForms, geometry): """ recursive function which parses a layout file """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception("Layout file '" + path + "' has not been found") globalData = GlobalData() # variables name -> value variables = { "WIDTH": str(globalData.screenWidth), "HEIGHT": str(globalData.screenHeight) } if utils.debug: variables["DEBUG"] = "1" else: variables["DEBUG"] = "0" f = open(path) for line in f: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue if line.startswith('#'): continue if line.upper().startswith('SET'): assignment = line[len('SET'):].strip() parts = assignment.split('=') if len(parts) != 2: raise Exception( "Unexpected line format: '" + line + \ "' in file '" + path + "'" ) varName = parts[0].strip() if variables.has_key(varName): raise Exception( "Variable '" + varName + \ "' is defined twice in file '" + path + "'" ) variables[varName] = substAndEvaluate(parts[1].strip(), variables) debugMsg( "Found variable '" + varName + \ "' in file '" + path + "'" ) continue if line.upper().startswith('STARTUP'): parts = line.split() if len(parts) != 2: raise Exception( "Unexpected line format: '" + line + \ "' in file '" + path + "'" ) formName = parts[1].strip() if not kioskForms.has_key(formName): raise Exception( "Unknown startup form '" + formName + \ "' in file '" + path + "'" ) if not formName in startupForms: startupForms.append(formName) debugMsg("Found STARTUP form '" + formName + "'") continue if line.upper().startswith('INCLUDE'): parts = line.split() if len(parts) != 2: raise Exception( "Unexpected line format: '" + line + \ "' in file '" + path + "'" ) fileName = parts[1].strip() if fileName.startswith('/'): # absolute path if not os.path.exists(fileName): raise Exception( "INCLUDE file '" + fileName + "' in '" + \ path + "' has not been found" ) applySingleLayout(fileName, startupForms, geometry) continue # relative path includedFileName = os.path.dirname(path) + '/' + fileName includedFileName = os.path.normpath(includedFileName) if not os.path.exists(includedFileName): raise Exception( "INCLUDE file '" + fileName + "' (" + \ includedFileName + ") in '" + path + \ "' has not been found" ) applySingleLayout(includedFileName, startupForms, geometry) continue if line.upper().startswith('GEOMETRY'): arguments = line[len('GEOMETRY'):].strip() if len(arguments) == 0: raise Exception( "Unexpected line format: '" + line + \ "' in file '" + path + "'" ) formName = arguments.split()[0] if not kioskForms.has_key(formName): raise Exception( "Unknown form '" + formName + \ "' geometry in file '" + path + "'" ) if geometry.has_key(formName): raise Exception( "GEOMETRY for '" + formName + \ "' has been defined twice.\nFirst: " + \ geometry[formName][0] + "\nSecond: " + \ path ) arguments = arguments[len(formName):].strip() parts = arguments.split(',') if len(parts) != 4: raise Exception( "Unexpected line format: '" + line + \ "' in file '" + path + "'" ) globalData = GlobalData() for index in range(0, 4): parts[index] = int(substAndEvaluate(parts[index], variables)) geometry[formName] = [path, parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3]] debugMsg("Found GEOMETRY for '" + formName + "'") continue raise Exception("Unexpected line '" + line + "' in " + path) f.close() return
def morph(src_img, src_points, dest_img, dest_points, video, width=500, height=600, num_frames=20, fps=10, out_frames=None, out_video=None, alpha=False, plot=False, obj=None, sessionid=None, result_type="zero"): """ Create a morph sequence from source to destination image :param src_img: ndarray source image :param src_img: source image array of x,y face points :param dest_img: ndarray destination image :param dest_img: destination image array of x,y face points :param video: facemorpher.videoer.Video object """ size = (height, width) stall_frames = np.clip(int(fps * 0.15), 1, fps) # Show first & last longer plt = plotter.Plotter(plot, num_images=num_frames, out_folder=out_frames) num_frames -= (stall_frames * 2) # No need to process src and dest image plt.plot_one(src_img) video.write(src_img, 1) # Produce morph frames! for percent in np.linspace(1, 0, num=num_frames): points = locator.weighted_average_points(src_points, dest_points, percent) src_face = warper.warp_image(src_img, src_points, points, size, result_type=result_type, bk_img=dest_img) end_face = warper.warp_image(dest_img, dest_points, points, size, result_type=result_type, bk_img=dest_img) # Check for a callback function if obj != None: debugMsg("morph calls mix_callback session={}".format(sessionid)) obj.mix_callback(sessionid, percent, points) else: debugMsg("morph has obj=None") average_face = blender.weighted_average(src_face, end_face, percent) average_face = alpha_image(average_face, points) if alpha else average_face plt.plot_one(average_face) video.write(average_face) plt.plot_one(dest_img) video.write(dest_img, stall_frames)