Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _broadcast_database(self):
        """Load the positions, replica_states, u_kl, proposed, and accepted from root node database."""
        if self.mpicomm.rank == 0:
            positions = self.database.last_positions
            replica_states = self.database.last_replica_states
            u_kl = self.database.last_u_kl
            Nij_proposed = self.database.last_proposed
            Nij_accepted = self.database.last_accepted
            iteration = self.database.last_iteration
            iteration += 1  # Want to begin with the NEXT step of repex
            parameters = self.database.parameters
            positions, replica_states, u_kl, Nij_proposed, Nij_accepted, parameters, iteration = None, None, None, None, None, None, None

        positions = self.mpicomm.bcast(positions, root=0)
        self.replica_states = self.mpicomm.bcast(replica_states, root=0)
        self.u_kl = self.mpicomm.bcast(u_kl, root=0)
        self.iteration = self.mpicomm.bcast(iteration, root=0)
        self.Nij_proposed = self.mpicomm.bcast(Nij_proposed, root=0)
        self.Nij_accepted = self.mpicomm.bcast(Nij_accepted, root=0)
        self.parameters = self.mpicomm.bcast(parameters, root=0)  # Send out as dictionary
        self.parameters = dict_to_named_tuple(self.parameters)  # Convert to named_tuple for const-ness
        self.sampler_states = [SamplerState(self.thermodynamic_states[k].system, positions[k], self.platform) for k in range(len(self.thermodynamic_states))]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def extend(self, n_iter):
     """Extend an existing repex run and modify its database.
     n_iter : int
         How many repex iterations to append.
     This function is MPI aware and only makes database changes on the root 
     value = self.parameters.number_of_iterations + n_iter
     if self.mpicomm.rank == 0:
         self.database._store_parameter("number_of_iterations", value)
     self.parameters = self.parameters._asdict()  # Make dict for mutability
     self.parameters["number_of_iterations"] = value  # extend
     self.parameters = dict_to_named_tuple(self.parameters)  # Convert to namedtuple for const-ness
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, thermodynamic_states, sampler_states=None, database=None, mpicomm=None, platform=None, parameters={}):
        """Create a ReplicaExchange simulation object.
        thermodynamic_states : list of ThermodynamicState objects
            List of thermodynamic states to simulate.
        sampler_states : list of SamplerState objects, optional?
            List of MCMC sampler states to initialize replica exchange simulations with.
        database : Database object, optional
            Database to use to write/append simulation data to.
        mpicomm : mpicomm implementation, optional?
            Communicator (real or dummy) implementation to use for parallelization.
        platform : simtk.openmm.Platform, optional, default None
            Platform to use for execution.

        Use ReplicaExchange.create() to create a new repex simulation.  
        To resume an existing ReplicaExchange (or subclass) simulation,
        use the `resume()` function.  In general, you will not need to
        directory call the ReplicaExchange() constructor.
        if mpicomm is None:
            self.mpicomm = dummympi.COMM_WORLD
            self.mpicomm = mpicomm

        self.platform = platform
        self.database = database
        self.thermodynamic_states = thermodynamic_states
        self.n_states = len(self.thermodynamic_states)
        self.n_atoms = self.thermodynamic_states[0].system.getNumParticles()        
        if sampler_states is not None:  # New Repex job
            self.sampler_states = sampler_states
            self.parameters = self.process_parameters(parameters)  # Fill in missing parameters with defaults
            if self.mpicomm.rank == 0:  # Store the filled-in parameter namedtuple
            self.parameters = dict_to_named_tuple(self.parameters)  # Convert to namedtuple for const-ness
        else:  # Resume repex job
        self.current_timestep = self.parameters.timestep
        self.n_replicas = len(self.thermodynamic_states)  # Determine number of replicas from the number of specified thermodynamic states.

        # Check to make sure all states have the same number of atoms and are in the same thermodynamic ensemble.
        for state in self.thermodynamic_states:
            if not state.is_compatible_with(self.thermodynamic_states[0]):
                raise ValueError("Provided ThermodynamicState states must all be from the same thermodynamic ensemble.")
        if self.database is not None:
            self.database.ncfile.repex_classname = self.__class__.__name__
            # Eventually, we might want to wrap a setter around the ncfile

        logger.debug("Initialized node %d / %d" % (self.mpicomm.rank, self.mpicomm.size))
        citations.display_citations(self.parameters.replica_mixing_scheme, self.parameters.online_analysis)