Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_bad_manifest():
    # not abs path in
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["manifest"]["$BASE_DIR"] = "not_absolute"
        with pytest.raises(BluepySnapError):

    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["manifest"]["$COMPONENT_DIR"] = "$BASE_DIR/$NETWORK_DIR"
        with pytest.raises(BluepySnapError):

    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["components"]["other"] = "$COMPONENT_DIR/$BASE_DIR"
        with pytest.raises(BluepySnapError):

    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["components"]["other"] = "something/$COMPONENT_DIR/"
        with pytest.raises(BluepySnapError):

    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["components"]["other"] = "/something/$COMPONENT_DIR/"
        with pytest.raises(BluepySnapError):
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_invalid_config_edges_file():
    with copy_circuit() as (_, config_copy_path):
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            del config['networks']['edges'][0]['edges_file']
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path))
        assert errors == {Error(Error.FATAL, 'Invalid "edges_file": None')}

        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            config['networks']['edges'][0]['edges_file'] = '/'
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path))
        assert errors == {Error(Error.FATAL, 'Invalid "edges_file": /')}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_invalid_config_nodes_file():
    with copy_circuit() as (_, config_copy_path):
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            del config["networks"]["nodes"][0]["nodes_file"]
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path))
        assert errors == {Error(Error.FATAL, 'Invalid "nodes_file": None')}

        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            config["networks"]["nodes"][0]["nodes_file"] = "/"
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path))
        assert errors == {Error(Error.FATAL, 'Invalid "nodes_file": /')}
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_no_config_edges_population():
    with copy_circuit() as (_, config_copy_path):
        expected = {Error(Error.FATAL, 'No "populations" defined in config "edges"')}
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            del config["networks"]["edges"][0]["populations"]["default"]
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path), bbp_check=True)
        assert errors == expected

        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            del config["networks"]["edges"][0]["populations"]
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path), bbp_check=True)
        assert errors == expected
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_get_filepath_point():
    with copy_config() as config_copy_path:
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
                "point_neuron_models_dir"] = "$COMPONENT_DIR/point_neuron_models"

        circuit = Circuit(config_copy_path)
        nodes = create_node_population(str(TEST_DATA_DIR / "nodes_points.h5"),
                                       "default", circuit)
        test_obj = test_module.NeuronModelsHelper(circuit.config["components"],

        node_id = 0
        assert nodes.get(node_id,
                         properties=Node.MODEL_TEMPLATE) == "nml:empty_bio"
        actual = test_obj.get_filepath(node_id)
        expected = Path(
        assert actual == expected

        node_id = 1
        assert nodes.get(
            properties=Node.MODEL_TEMPLATE) == "nml:/abs/path/empty_bio"
        actual = test_obj.get_filepath(node_id)
        expected = Path("/abs/path/empty_bio.nml")
        assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_invalid_edge_population_type():
    with copy_circuit() as (_, config_copy_path):
        fake_type = "fake_type"
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            config["networks"]["edges"][0]["populations"]["default"]["type"] = fake_type
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path), bbp_check=True)
        assert errors == {Error(Error.WARNING, "Invalid edge type: {}".format(fake_type))}
def test_no_config_edges():
    with copy_circuit() as (_, config_copy_path):
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            del config['networks']['edges']
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path))
        assert errors == {
            Error(Error.FATAL, 'No "edges" in config "networks"')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_ok_circuit():
    errors = test_module.validate(str(TEST_DATA_DIR / 'circuit_config.json'))
    assert errors == set()

    with copy_circuit() as (_, config_copy_path):
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            config['networks']['nodes'][0]['node_types_file'] = None
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path))
        assert errors == set()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_no_bio_component_dirs():
    dirs = ['morphologies_dir', 'biophysical_neuron_models_dir']
    for dir_ in dirs:
        with copy_circuit() as (_, config_copy_path):
            with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
                del config['components'][dir_]
            errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path), True)
            # multiplication by 2 because we have 2 populations, each produces the same error.
            assert errors == {BbpError(Error.FATAL,
                                       'Invalid components "{}": {}'.format(dir_, None))}
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_invalid_bio_alternate_morphology_dir():
    with copy_circuit() as (circuit_copy_path, config_copy_path):
        component = "neurolucida-asc"
        fake_path = str(circuit_copy_path / "fake/path")
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            config["networks"]["nodes"][0]["populations"]["default"]["alternate_morphologies"] = {
                component: fake_path
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path), True)
        assert errors == {
            BbpError(Error.FATAL, 'Invalid components "{}": {}'.format(component, fake_path))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_edges_population_not_found_in_h5():
    with copy_circuit() as (circuit_copy_path, config_copy_path):
        edges_file = circuit_copy_path / "edges.h5"
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            config["networks"]["edges"][0]["populations"]["fake_population"] = {}
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path), bbp_check=True)
        assert errors == {
                "populations not found in {}:\n{}".format(edges_file, "\tfake_population\n"),
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_bad_manifest():
    # 2 anchors would result in the absolute path of the last one : misleading
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["manifest"]["$COMPONENT_DIR"] = "$BASE_DIR/$NETWORK_DIR"
        with pytest.raises(BluepySnapError):

    # same but not in the manifest
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["components"]["other"] = "$COMPONENT_DIR/$BASE_DIR"
        with pytest.raises(BluepySnapError):

    # relative path with an anchor in the middle is not allowed this breaks the purpose of the
    # anchors (they are not just generic placeholders)
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["components"]["other"] = "something/$COMPONENT_DIR/"
        with pytest.raises(BluepySnapError):

    # abs path with an anchor in the middle is not allowed
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["components"]["other"] = "/something/$COMPONENT_DIR/"
        with pytest.raises(BluepySnapError):

    # unknown anchor
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["components"]["other"] = "$UNKNOWN/something/"
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_biophysical_in_library(self):
        with copy_circuit() as (circuit_copy_path, config_copy_path):
            with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
                config["networks"]["nodes"][0]["nodes_file"] = "$NETWORK_DIR/nodes_quaternions.h5"
            nodes_file = circuit_copy_path / 'nodes_quaternions.h5'
            with h5py.File(nodes_file, 'r+') as h5f:
                data = h5f['nodes/default/0/model_type'][:]
                del h5f['nodes/default/0/model_type']
                                   data=np.zeros_like(data, dtype=int))
                                   data=np.array(["biophysical", ], dtype=h5py.string_dtype()))

            circuit = Circuit(str(config_copy_path))
            assert isinstance(circuit.nodes['default'].morph,  test_module.MorphHelper)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_no_alternate_morph_files():
    with copy_circuit() as (circuit_copy_path, config_copy_path):
        nodes_file = str(circuit_copy_path / "nodes.h5")
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            config["networks"]["nodes"][0]["populations"]["default"]["alternate_morphologies"] = {
                "neurolucida-asc": config["components"]["morphologies_dir"]
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path), bbp_check=True)
        assert errors == {
                "missing 1 files in group morphology: default/0[{}]:\n\tmorph-A.asc\n".format(
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_not_biophysical_population(self):
        with copy_circuit() as (circuit_copy_path, config_copy_path):
            with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
                config["networks"]["nodes"][0]["nodes_file"] = "$NETWORK_DIR/nodes_quaternions.h5"
            nodes_file = circuit_copy_path / 'nodes_quaternions.h5'
            with h5py.File(nodes_file, 'r+') as h5f:
                data = h5f['nodes/default/0/model_type'][:]
                del h5f['nodes/default/0/model_type']
                                   data=np.zeros_like(data, dtype=int))
                                   data=np.array(["virtual", ], dtype=h5py.string_dtype()))

            with pytest.raises(BluepySnapError):
                circuit = Circuit(str(config_copy_path))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_parse():
    actual = test_module.Config.parse(
        str(TEST_DATA_DIR / 'circuit_config.json'))

    # check double resolution and '.' works: $COMPONENT_DIR -> $BASE_DIR -> '.'
    assert actual['components']['morphologies_dir'] == str(TEST_DATA_DIR /

    # check resolution and './' works: $NETWORK_DIR -> './'
    assert actual['networks']['nodes'][0]['nodes_file'] == str(TEST_DATA_DIR /

    # check resolution of '../' works: $PARENT --> '../'
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["manifest"]["$PARENT"] = "../"
            config["components"]["other"] = "$PARENT/other"

        actual = test_module.Config.parse(config_path)
        assert (actual['components']['other'] == str(
            Path(config_path.parent / "../other").resolve()))

    # check resolution of '../' works in a path outside manifest
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["components"]["other"] = "../other"

        actual = test_module.Config.parse(config_path)
        assert (actual['components']['other'] == str(
            Path(config_path.parent / "../other").resolve()))

    # check resolution without manifest of '../' works in a path outside
    # i.e. : self.manifest contains the configdir even if manifest is not here
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            for k in list(config):
            config["something"] = "../other"
        actual = test_module.Config.parse(config_path)
        assert actual["something"] == str(
            Path(config_path.parent / "../other").resolve())

    # check resolution with multiple slashes
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["something"] = "$COMPONENT_DIR/something////else"
        actual = test_module.Config.parse(config_path)
        assert actual["something"] == str(
            Path(config_path.parent) / 'something' / 'else')

    # check resolution with $ in a middle of the words
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["something"] = "$COMPONENT_DIR/somet$hing/else"
        actual = test_module.Config.parse(config_path)
        assert actual["something"] == str(
            Path(config_path.parent) / 'somet$hing' / 'else')

    # check resolution with relative path without "." in the manifest
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            config["manifest"]["$NOPOINT"] = "nopoint"
            config["components"]["other"] = "$NOPOINT/other"
        actual = test_module.Config.parse(config_path)
        assert actual["components"]["other"] == str(
            Path(config_path.parent) / 'nopoint' / 'other')

    # check resolution for non path objects
    with copy_config() as config_path:
        with edit_config(config_path) as config:
            for k in list(config):
            config["string"] = "string"
            config["int"] = 1
            config["double"] = 0.2
            # just to check because we use starting with '.' as a special case
            config["tricky_double"] = .2
            config["path"] = "./path"

        actual = test_module.Config.parse(config_path)

        # string
        assert actual["string"] == "string"
        # int
        assert actual["int"] == 1
        # double
        assert actual["double"] == 0.2
        assert actual["tricky_double"] == 0.2
        # path
        assert actual["path"] == str(
            Path(config_path.parent / "./path").resolve())
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_ok_edge_population_type():
    with copy_circuit() as (_, config_copy_path):
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            config["networks"]["edges"][0]["populations"]["default"]["type"] = "chemical"
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path), bbp_check=True)
        assert errors == set()
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_invalid_config_nodes_type_file():
    with copy_circuit() as (_, config_copy_path):
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            config['networks']['nodes'][0]['node_types_file'] = '/'
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path))
        assert errors == {Error(Error.FATAL, 'Invalid "node_types_file": /')}
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_no_config_components():
    with copy_circuit() as (_, config_copy_path):
        with edit_config(config_copy_path) as config:
            del config['components']
        errors = test_module.validate(str(config_copy_path))
        assert errors == {Error(Error.FATAL, 'No "components" in config')}