def rlogin(): email = request.args.get('email') onepass = request.args.get('pin') if onepass is not None: p = executeSQL( 'select rid from resolvers where remail="%s" and rpin="%s"', True, email, onepass) if p is not None: return Response(response='Success', status=200) return Response(response='Failed', status=401) else: key = otp() with cts.app_context(): msg = Message( subject= "Single use resolver's pin for NIT Andhra Pradesh CTS login", sender=cts.config.get("MAIL_USERNAME"), recipients=[email], body= 'Single use pin: "%s" \n \n \n This is an auto generated mail. \n Please do not reply to this message or on this email address. \n For any query, please contact at [email protected] \n Do not disclose any confidential information to anyone.' % key) mail.send(msg) executeSQL('update resolvers set rpin="%s" where remail="%s"', True, key, email) return Response(response='Success', status=200)
def complaints(cid, token): vdata = rvalidate(token) exp = request.headers['exp'] is_resolved = request.headers['is_resolved'] # 0/1 is_valid = request.headers['is_valid'] # 0/1 if vdata is not None: executeSQL('insert into resolves values(%d, %s, %s, %s,"%s")', False, vdata[0], cid, is_valid, is_resolved, exp) return Response(response=json.dumps("success", indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str), status=200) else: return Response(response='Failed', status=401)
def test_getHistoryRowBlock(self): # create block rollc_before = utils.getMaxIdFromTable(dbHost, dbName, login, pas, "rollback_tx") name = utils.generate_random_name() block = "Div(Body: Hello)" data = { "ApplicationId": "1", "Name": name, "Value": block, "Conditions": "true" } self.call_contract("NewBlock", data) rollc_after = utils.getMaxIdFromTable(dbHost, dbName, login, pas, "rollback_tx") # change block id = funcs.get_object_id(url, name, "blocks", token) newValueBlock = block.replace("Hello", "new_var") data = {"Id": id, "Value": newValueBlock} self.call_contract("EditBlock", data) # test query = """SELECT id FROM "rollback_tx" WHERE table_name = '1_blocks' AND data='' AND id >= %s AND id <= %s""" % ( rollc_before, rollc_after) rollback_id = utils.executeSQL(dbHost, dbName, login, pas, query)[0][0] data = {"Table": "blocks", "ID": id, "rID": rollback_id} contract = self.contracts["getHistoryRow"] self.check_contract_with_data(contract["code"], data, block)
def tcomplaints(token): vdata = rvalidate(token) if vdata is not None: data = executeSQL( 'select * from teachers,complaints, tfiles where teachers.tid=tfiles.tid and tfiles.cid=complaints.cid and tfiles.cid not in (select cid from resolves)', False) return Response(response=json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str), status=200) else: return Response(response='Failed', status=401)
def myscomplaintsr(token): vdata = svalidate(token) if vdata is not None: data = executeSQL( 'select * from students,complaints, sfiles, resolves, resolvers where students.sid=sfiles.sid and sfiles.cid=complaints.cid and resolves.cid = complaints.cid and resolves.rid = resolvers.rid and students.sid = %d', False, vdata[0]) return Response(response=json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str), status=200) else: return Response(response='Failed', status=401)
def test_getHistoryRowMenu(self): # create menu rollc_before = utils.getMaxIdFromTable(dbHost, dbName, login, pas, "rollback_tx") name = utils.generate_random_name() menu = "This is new menu" data = {"Name": name, "Value": menu, "Conditions": "true"} self.call_contract("NewMenu", data) rollc_after = utils.getMaxIdFromTable(dbHost, dbName, login, pas, "rollback_tx") # change menu id = funcs.get_object_id(url, name, "menu", token) newValueMenu = menu.replace("new menu", "new_var") data = {"Id": id, "Value": newValueMenu} self.call_contract("EditMenu", data) # test query = """SELECT id FROM "rollback_tx" WHERE table_name = '1_menu' AND data='' AND id >= %s AND id <= %s""" % ( rollc_before, rollc_after) rollback_id = utils.executeSQL(dbHost, dbName, login, pas, query)[0][0] data = {"Table": "menu", "ID": id, "rID": rollback_id} contract = self.contracts["getHistoryRow"] self.check_contract_with_data(contract["code"], data, menu)
def tfiles(token): vdata = tvalidate(token) data = request.headers['data'] tags = request.headers['tags'] if vdata is not None: cid = executeSQL( 'select cid from complaints where cdata="%s" and tags="%s"', True, data, tags) if cid is None: executeSQL('insert into complaints(cdata,tags) values ("%s","%s")', True, data, tags) cid = executeSQL( 'select cid from complaints where cdata="%s" and tags="%s"', True, data, tags) time_now = present_date() executeSQL( 'insert into tfiles(tid,cid,ftime) values (%d,%d, "%s")', True, vdata[0], cid[0], time_now) return Response(response='Success', status=200) else: return Response(response='Failed', status=401)
def slogin(): email = request.args.get('email') onepass = request.args.get('pin') try: pos = email.index('@') except ValueError as e: return Response(response='Invalid', status=401) pass domain = email[pos:] if domain != "": return Response(response='Failed', status=401) sd = executeSQL('select sid from students where Semail="%s"', True, email) print(sd) if sd is None: executeSQL('insert into students (Semail) values("%s")', True, email) if onepass is not None: p = executeSQL( 'select sid from students where Semail="%s" and spin="%s"', True, email, onepass) if p is not None: return Response(response='Success', status=200) return Response(response='Failed', status=401) else: key = otp() with cts.app_context(): msg = Message( subject="Single use pin for NIT Andhra Pradesh CTS login", sender=cts.config.get("MAIL_USERNAME"), recipients=[email], body= 'Single use pin: "%s" \n \n \n This is an auto generated mail. \n Please do not reply to this message or on this email address. \n For any query, please contact at [email protected] \n Do not disclose any confidential information to anyone.' % key) mail.send(msg) executeSQL('update students set spin="%s" where Semail="%s"', True, key, email) return Response(response='Success', status=200)
def check(): data = executeSQL( 'show tables', False, ) return Response(response=json.dumps(data), status=200)