Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_image_path_from(source_dir, target_dir):
    Get image paths from source and target directory
    source_images = extract_image_path([source_dir])
    target_images = extract_image_path([target_dir])

    assert len(source_images) == len(
        target_images), "Number of images in %r is not the same as %r" % (
            source_dir, target_dir)
    return (source_images, target_images)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def train(self, x_path_dir, y_path_dir, epochs, train_steps, learning_rate, epochs_to_reduce_lr, reduce_lr, output_model, output_log, b_size):
        Train data
        # Check output directory
        # suffix for clafification on type
        if output_model:


        # Load data
        x_filenames = extract_image_path([x_path_dir])
        y_filenames = extract_image_path([y_path_dir])

        # Scalar
        tf.summary.scalar('Learning rate', self.learning_rate)
        tf.summary.scalar('MSE', self.mse)
        tf.summary.scalar('MS SSIM', self.ssim)
        tf.summary.scalar('Loss', self.cost)
        tf.summary.image('BSE', self.Y)
        tf.summary.image('Ground truth', self.Y_clear)
        merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

        sess, saver = self.init_session()
        writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(output_log, sess.graph)

        l_rate = learning_rate
            for epoch_i in range(epochs):
                if ((epoch_i + 1) % epochs_to_reduce_lr) == 0:
                    l_rate = l_rate * (1 - reduce_lr)
                if self.verbose:
                    print("\n------------ Epoch : ",epoch_i+1)
                    print("Current learning rate {}".format(l_rate))

                # Training steps
                for i in range(train_steps):
                    if self.verbose:
                        print_train_steps(i+1, train_steps)
                    x_batch, y_batch = get_batch(b_size, self.image_size, x_filenames, y_filenames)

                    sess.run(self.optimizer, feed_dict={ self.X: x_batch, self.Y_clear: y_batch, self.learning_rate: l_rate, self.batch_size: b_size })

                    if i % 50 == 0:
                        summary = sess.run(merged, {self.X: x_batch, self.Y_clear: y_batch, self.learning_rate: l_rate, self.batch_size: b_size})
                        writer.add_summary(summary, i+ epoch_i*train_steps)
                if self.verbose:
                    print("\nSave model to {}".format(output_model))
                saver.save(sess, output_model, global_step=(epoch_i+1)*train_steps)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            saver.save(sess, output_model)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test(self, X_path, Y_path, save_output=False):
        Test output of model on new batch of inputs versus ground truth
        saves output of model as image and saves difference between pixelwise difference as image

        # produces list of file names from directory paths
        print(save_output, "print")
        X = extract_image_path([X_path])
        Y = extract_image_path([X_path])

        sess, _ = self.init_session()

        # scalar errors for each image
        MSE = np.zeros((len(X)))
        SSIM = np.zeros((len(X)))
        cost = np.zeros((len(X)))

        # combine images into one error image
        total_signed_error_image = np.zeros((self.image_size,self.image_size))
        total_abs_error_image = np.zeros((self.image_size,self.image_size))
        total_MSE_image = np.zeros((self.image_size,self.image_size))

        # extracts and predicts one image at a time
        for i in range(len(X)):

            input_image = extract_n_normalize_image(X[i])

            # dimensions are (batch size, height, width, RGB channels)
            x_image = np.reshape(np.array([input_image]), (1, self.image_size, self.image_size, 1))
            y_image = np.reshape(np.array([input_image]), (1, self.image_size, self.image_size, 1))
            output_image = sess.run(self.Y, feed_dict = {self.X: x_image})

            y_truth = extract_n_normalize_image(Y[i])
            # print(output_image.shape, "y_truth")
            # erases trivial dimensions from output
            y_pred = np.reshape(np.array([output_image]), (self.image_size, self.image_size))

            error_image = y_truth-y_pred
            abs_error_image = np.absolute(error_image)
            squared_error_image = (np.square(error_image))
            signed_error_image = error_image

            total_abs_error_image += abs_error_image
            total_signed_error_image += signed_error_image
            total_MSE_image += squared_error_image
            # SSIM[i] = tf.image.ssim_multiscale(Image.fromarray(y_image[0,:,:,0]), Image.fromarray(y_image[0,:,:,0]), 1)
            # SSIM[i] = tf.image.ssim_multiscale(y_image[0,:,:,0], y_image[0,:,:,0], 1)
            MSE[i] = np.average(squared_error_image)
            cost[i] = self.alpha*SSIM[i] + (1 - self.alpha)*MSE[i]

            if save_output:
                imsave(save_output+str(i)+"_true.png", y_pred )
                # imsave(save_output+str(i)+"_mse", mse)

        if save_output:
            imsave(save_output+"comb_MSE.png", total_MSE_image)
            imsave(save_output+"comb_SignedError.png", total_signed_error_image/leg)

        # return {"cost": np.average(cost),"MSE": np.average(MSE),"SSIM": np.average(SSIM),"MSE_IMAGE": total_MSE_image/len(X),"ABS_ERROR_IMAGE": abs_error_image/len(X), "SIGNED_ERROR_IMAGE": total_signed_error_image/len(X) }
        return {"cost": np.average(cost),"MSE": np.average(MSE),"MSE_IMAGE": total_MSE_image/len(X),"ABS_ERROR_IMAGE": abs_error_image/len(X), "SIGNED_ERROR_IMAGE": total_signed_error_image/len(X) }