Ejemplo n.º 1
  def __init__(self, inDir, rrtmgp=False, sw=False):
    Read in timing.*.*.* files that were generated in either the 
    RRTMG or RRTMGP drivers, then calculate the moments (over the 
    number of iterations) for a given block size

    We assume a naming convention of timing.TRIAL.BLOCK_SIZE.MODEL 
    underneath inDir, where TRIAL is the trial number, BLOCK_SIZE is 
    the block size used in the computation, and MODEL is either 

    self.modelStr = 'RRTMGP' if rrtmgp else 'RRTMG'
    self.inFiles = sorted(glob.glob('%s/timing.*.*.%s' % \
      (inDir, self.modelStr)))

    self.allBlockSizes = \
      np.array([os.path.basename(inFile).split('.')[2] \
        for inFile in self.inFiles]).astype(int)
    self.blockSizes = np.unique(self.allBlockSizes)

    # wall clock search strings for the timing logs
    domain = 'sw' if sw else 'lw'
    if rrtmgp:
      self.clockStrings = \
        ['  gas_optics (%s)' % domain.upper(), 'rte_%s' % domain]
      self.clockStrings = ['  RRTMG (%s)' % domain.upper()]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, inArgs):
    - Time the difference between netCDF4 and xarray libraries

    - find pressure, temperature, spectral point, and h2o (if 
      necessary) corresponding to user specifications

    - print absorption coefficient at user-specified array coordinate

        self.ncFile = str(inArgs['ncFile'])
        self.userP = float(inArgs['in_pressure'])
        self.userT = float(inArgs['in_temp'])
        self.userH2O = float(inArgs['in_h2o'])
        self.userO2 = float(inArgs['in_o2'])
        self.molName = os.path.basename(self.ncFile).split('_')[0]
        self.h2o = True if self.molName in ['O2', 'CO2', 'N2'] else False
        self.o2 = True if self.molName == 'O2' else False

        # ironically, this cannot be frequency
        freq = float(inArgs['in_spectral'][0])
        units = inArgs['in_spectral'][1]
        if units not in ['cm-1', 'um', 'nm']:
            sys.exit('Please provide valid spectral unit [cm-1, um, nm]')

        if units == 'um': wnConvert = 1e4
        if units == 'nm': wnConvert = 1e7
        self.userWN = wnConvert / freq if units in ['um', 'nm'] else \

        # tolerance for float equality check in valueLocate() method
        tol = inArgs['tolerance']
        self.tol = 1e-5 if tol is None else float(tol)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, inDict):
    Not a whole lot happens in this constructor because we need to 
    extract information from the configuration file

    We are inheriting the wrapper combineBandmerge class only for 
    the bandmerge() method

        self.iniFile = inDict['config_file']
        self.nBands = 16
        self.nGpt = 256
        self.nProf = 42
        self.broadOnly = inDict['broadband_only']

        # for heating rate calculations
        self.heatFactor = 8.4391

        # each g-point has a weight. this is in the literature but
        # was also provided by Eli in
        # https://rrtmgp2.slack.com/archives/D942AU7QE/p1550264049021200
        # these will only be used if we're doing the by-band calculations
        self.gWeights = np.array([0.1527534276, 0.1491729617, \
          0.1420961469, 0.1316886544, 0.1181945205, 0.1019300893, \
          0.0832767040, 0.0626720116, 0.0424925000,0.0046269894, \
          0.0038279891, 0.0030260086, 0.0022199750, 0.0014140010, \
          0.0005330000, 0.0000750000])
    def __init__(self, inDict):
    Replace 1-angle flux and HR calculations with the fluxes computed 

      inDict -- dictionary with the following keys:
        reference_nc -- string, netCDF file with fluxes. Used in 
          RRTMGP runs. It is overwritten with new up and down 
          broadband fluxes.
        optmized_nc -- string, netCDF generated with 
          angle_optimize.py module. It contains downwelling and 
          upwelling g-point spectral fluxes.
        mv -- boolean, move the new netCDF to the Jupyter notebook 
          directory for comparison with LBLRTM
        notebook_path -- string, move netCDF to this path if mv is set

        self.refNC = inDict['reference_nc']
        self.optNC = inDict['optimized_nc']
        self.moveNC = inDict['mv']
        self.pathNB = inDict['notebook_path']

        # for heating rate calculations
        self.heatFactor = 8.4391
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, inFile):
    Parse the input .ini file (inFile) and return as a dictionary for 
    use in the rest of this module

      inFile -- string, full path to .ini file that specifies ...

      doSW -- boolean, process shortwave instead of longwave


        # standard library, but name depends on Python version
        if sys.version_info.major < 3:
            import ConfigParser
            import configparser as ConfigParser
        # endif Python version

        cParse = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        cpSections = cParse.sections()

        # loop over each field (of all sections) and keep the field and
        # associated value in returned object (self)
        for iCPS, cps in enumerate(cpSections):
            cItems = cParse.items(cps)
            for item in cItems:
                setattr(self, item[0], item[1])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def makeSymLinks(sources, targets):
  Loop over input files and make symbolic links for them

    for source, target in zip(sources, targets):
        if os.path.exists(target): os.unlink(target)
        os.symlink(source, target)
    # end link loop

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, lineFileDir=DEFBUILDDIR, \
      lnflPath=DEFLNFL, wnBounds=[0.0, 200000.0], \
      tape5Dir='%s/LNFL_input_files' % DEFBUILDDIR, \
      tape3Dir='%s/lnfl/TAPE3_files' % DEFBUILDDIR, \
    Constructor for genTAPE3 class -- where are ASCII line files, 
    what are the executable paths, where should output files go, etc.



      lineFileDir -- string, full path to line file build directory
        (where construction of a new line file is done 
         before releasing it); it is assumed that line_file/, 
         line_files_By_Molecule/, and lnfl/ subdirectories exist 
         underneath it
      lnflPath -- string, full path to LNFL executable to use
      wnBounds -- float array, 2-element array of starting and ending 
        wavenumbers for the TAPE3 files (25 cm-1 will be added to 
        each bound to include "relevant" line contributions)
      tape5Dir -- string, path to which TAPE5 files that will be 
        generated are written
      tape3Dir -- string, path to which TAPE3 files that will be 
        generated are written
      wvIso -- boolean, only process the water vapor isotopologues 
        (each of which has a separate line file)

        lfMolDir = '%s/line_files_By_Molecule' % lineFileDir
        pathCheck = [lineFileDir, lfMolDir, lnflPath]
        for path in pathCheck:

        # set some attributes necessary for the rest of the processing
        self.lineFileDir = str(lineFileDir)
        self.pathLNFL = str(lnflPath)
        self.mols = sorted(glob.glob('%s/*' % lfMolDir))
        self.nMols = len(self.mols)
        self.dirT5 = str(tape5Dir)
        self.dirT3 = str(tape3Dir)
        self.wnLims = list(wnBounds)
        self.isoH2O = bool(wvIso)

        # do the output dirs exist?
        for path in [tape5Dir, tape3Dir]:
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, inDict):
    `zenodo_request.py -h`

        self.url = inDict['url']
        self.tokenFile = inDict['access_token']

        self.localDir = inDict['local_dir']
        self.title = inDict['dataset_title']
        self.sandbox = inDict['sandbox']

        # these two attributes are always the same for uploads and are
        # linked with the user account associated with the access token
        # https://developers.zenodo.org/?python#requests
        self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
        self.depID = inDict['id_dep']

        # HTTP status codes for successful requests
        self.success = [200, 201, 202]

        # make sure we have data to upload

        # upload URL will always be the same
        domain = 'sandbox.zenodo' if self.sandbox else 'zenodo'
        self.url = 'https://%s.org/api/deposit/depositions' % domain

        # create list of dictionaries for authors/institutions
        authors = inDict['creators']
        affils = inDict['affiliations']
        if len(authors) != len(affils):
            print('Number of creators and affiliations must be equal.')
        # endif authors

        # one dictionary per author
        self.creators = []
        for c, a in zip(authors, affils):
            self.creators.append({'name': c, 'affiliation': a})

        # all uploads will probably be datasets, but eventually we can
        # add more flexibility
        self.type = 'dataset'

        # communities can be changed in the web interface
        # for now, let's just throw it into the AER archive
        self.communities = [{'identifier': 'aer'}]
Ejemplo n.º 9
  def __init__(self, inVars, trial=1, blockSize=100):
    Run a driver got a given block size and rename its GPTL timing 
    output. Block size by default is the number of RFMIP profiles

    self.driverExe = str(inVars['exe'])
    self.runDir = os.path.dirname(self.driverExe)
    self.iter = int(trial)
    self.blockSize = int(blockSize)
    self.topDir = os.getcwd()

    # making some assumptions here regarding driver name
    self.model = 'RRTMGP' if 'rrtmgp' in self.driverExe else 'RRTMG'
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, inDict):
    Read atmospheric specifications, write pressure ASCII files for
    each profile, select standard atmosphere, then write a CSV with
    O2 profiles in them for the profile pressures

        self.ncFile = inDict['nc_file']
        self.molCSV = inDict['csvMol']
        self.xsCSV = inDict['csvXS']
        inFiles = [self.ncFile, self.molCSV, self.xsCSV]
        for inFile in inFiles:

        self.outDir = inDict['out_dir']
        if not os.path.exists(self.outDir): os.makedirs(self.outDir)
Ejemplo n.º 11
  def __init__(self, inArgs, lnfl=False, lbl=False, lines=False):
    Build models as needed (one at a time) and replace paths in 
    ABSCO_tables.py configuration file if specified

    errOne = 'Please specify one of lnfl, lbl, or lines'
    modBool = np.array([lnfl, lbl, lines])
    if np.all(modBool): sys.exit(errOne)
    if np.where(modBool)[0].size > 1: sys.exit(errOne)

    # preprocessing
    compiler = inArgs['compiler']
    compiler = compiler.lower()
    if compiler not in ['ifort', 'gfortran', 'pgf90']:
      sys.exit('%s is not a supported compiler.' % compiler)

    iniFile = args.config_file
    if iniFile is not None: utils.file_check(iniFile)

    if lnfl:
      lnflDir = args.lnfl_path; utils.file_check(lnflDir)

    if lbl:
      lblDir = args.lblrtm_path; utils.file_check(lblDir)

    if lines:
      linesDir = args.lines_path; utils.file_check(linesDir)

    self.compiler = str(compiler)
    self.iniFile = None if iniFile is None else str(iniFile)
    self.lines = False

    self.topDir = str(inArgs['top_dir'])

    # LNFL: always single precision, LBLRTM: always double
    if lnfl:
      self.modelDir = str(lnflDir)
      self.modelStr = 'LNFL'
      self.doLNFL = True
      self.precision = 'sgl'
      self.makeStr = 'make_lnfl'
      self.pathStr = 'lnfl_path'
    elif lbl:
      self.modelDir = str(lblDir)
      self.modelStr = 'LBLRTM'
      self.doLBL = True
      self.precision = 'dbl'
      self.makeStr = 'make_lblrtm'
      self.pathStr = 'lbl_path'
    elif lines:
      self.modelDir = str(linesDir)
      self.pathStr = ['tape1_path', 'tape2_path', 'extra_params', \
        'xs_path', 'fscdxs']
      self.lines = True
      sys.exit('No model build chosen')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def srfAIRS(fileSRF='/nas/ASR/RC_Release_Benchmark_Tests/AIRS/' + \
  Read in and return the AIRS spectral response function from HDF5 
  file (amongst other parameters -- outDict output)


    outDict -- dictionary with following keys:
      wavenumber -- float array, wavenumbers of spectrum (NOT the 
        line centers; rather, the wavenumber associated with each 
        point in the SRF)
      FWHM -- float array, FWHM at each wavenum
      SRF -- float array (nWN x nFGrid)
      center_line -- float array, line centers (cm-1)

    fileSRF -- string, full path to static spectral response function 
      (SRF) HDF5 file. this was converted from HDF4 with h4toh5 


    import h5py


    h5Obj = h5py.File(fileSRF, 'r')
    center = h5Obj['freq'][:]
    srf = h5Obj['srfval'][:]
    fwGrid = h5Obj['fwgrid'][:]  # not entirely sure what this is...
    width = h5Obj['width'][:]

    # make arrays of repeated vectors such that (nWN x 1) and
    # (1 x nFGrid) can be added and multiplied to produce a full grid
    # of wavenumbers associated with the SRF
    nWN, nFGrid = srf.shape
    centerArr = np.tile(center, (1, nFGrid))
    widthArr = np.tile(width, (1, nFGrid))
    fwArr = np.tile(fwGrid, (nWN, 1))
    waveNum = centerArr + fwArr * widthArr

    return {'wavenumber': waveNum, 'FWHM': width, 'SRF': srf, \
      'center_line': center}
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, odDir, subset, profiles, bands, totalOD=False):
    Generate a netCDF for a given a subset of molecules and a set of
    ODInt files from LBLRTM that were generated with RTRefOD. The
    file will contain an (nLay x nWN x nProf) array of optical
    depths as well as pressure levels and spectral points
    (wavenumbers) used

    'all_molecule' subset ODs are the column-integrated ODs
    other, single-molecule subsets ODs are layer ODs

      odDir -- string, path to OD files generated with RTRefOD
      subset -- string, indicates what subset of molecules for which
        to create an OD netCDF
      profiles -- dictionary, output from
      bands -- nBands x 2 array of starting and ending wavenumbers
        for each band used in the RTRefOD.runLBL()

      totalOD -- boolean, compute column-integrated optical depth
        at each layer (default is to just store OD for a given layer)

        self.odDir = str(odDir)
        self.subStr = str(subset)
        self.profiles = dict(profiles)
        self.bands = np.array(bands)
        self.totalOD = bool(totalOD)

        self.nBands = bands.shape[0]
        self.chunkSize = 5000
        self.compressLev = 4

        # put the netCDF files in a separate subdirectory
        self.ncDir = 'OD_netCDF'
        if not os.path.exists(self.ncDir): os.makedirs(self.ncDir)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def profO2(self, iProfile):
    It is assumed that O2_profiles/* were generated with the default
    configuration of o2_profiles.py and thus follow a specific naming
    convention. these should be in version control.

    NOTE: we are using the altitudes from the O2 profiles
    (standard atmosphere calculation). calcAlt() altitudes are not

        import pandas as PD

        fileO2 = os.path.join('O2_profiles',

        dfO2 = PD.read_csv(fileO2)
        self.levelZ = dfO2['ALT']
        self.profileO2 = dfO2['O2'] * 1e6
        self.profile['molecules'] = \
          np.append((self.profile['molecules']), 'O2')
Ejemplo n.º 15
      default=np.exp(4.6), \
      help='Pressure threshold that separates troposphere and ' + \
    parser.add_argument('--band', type=int, nargs='+', \
      help='Number of band to plot. Default (band=None) is all bands.')
    parser.add_argument('--log_y', action='store_true', \
      help='Generate a semilog-y plot.')
    parser.add_argument('--broadband', action='store_true', \
      help='Generate a broadband plot for profiles (stats process ' + \
      'every band and broadband relatively quickly). WARNING: ' + \
      'broadband supercedes band, so if this is set, the only ' + \
      'result will be a broadband figure.')
    parser.add_argument('--out_dir', type=str, default=os.getcwd(), \
      help='Path to output directory in which PDF files are saved.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    conFile = args.config_file
    figOutDir = args.out_dir

    configDict = sw_compare.parseConfig(conFile)
    plotObj = refTestFluxCompare(configDict, outDir=figOutDir, \
      tPauseP=args.tropopause_pressure, bands=args.band, \
      yLog=args.log_y, broadband=args.broadband)

    if args.plot_stats: plotObj.statPDF()
    if args.plot_profiles: plotObj.profPDF()

# end main()
Ejemplo n.º 16
from FaceDetectionSSD import FaceDetectionSSD
from augmentation import augmentImage
from framsdb import FRAMSDatabase
import utils as u
import os, shutil
import cv2, numpy as np

BASE_DIR = "original"
OUTPUT_DIR = "faces"
BACKUP_DIR = "backup"
DATA_DIR = "data"

CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "config.txt")

u.file_check(CONFIG_FILE, "add_multiple_users.py", "Config file not found...")

configs = eval(u.read_txtfile(CONFIG_FILE)[0])
dbConfig = configs["db"]
host, user, passwd, dbname = dbConfig["host"], dbConfig["user"], dbConfig[
    "passwd"], dbConfig["db"]
print("[INFO] [recognize_multi.py] DB configs file loaded...")

users = os.listdir(BASE_DIR)
db = FRAMSDatabase(host, user, passwd, dbname)

    detector = FaceDetectionSSD()

    for user in users:
        sid, sclass, sname = user.split("_")
        source = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, user)
Ejemplo n.º 17
  parser.add_argument('-nc', '--profile_nc', action='store_true', \
    help='Write a netCDF that contains reference and test flux ' + \
    'and heating rate arrays (nBand x nCol x nLevel or nLayer).')
  parser.add_argument('--band', type=int, nargs='+', \
    help='Number of band to plot. Default (band=None) is all bands.')
  parser.add_argument('--log_y', action='store_true', \
    help='Generate a semilog-y plot.')
  parser.add_argument('--broad_only', action='store_true', \
    help='Only generate a broadband plot.')
  args = parser.parse_args()

  conFile = args.config_file
  pTrop = args.tropopause_pressure

  if conFile:
    cParse = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    cRefName = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_model')
    cRefMD = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_description')
    cTestMD = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_description')
    cTestName = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_model')
    aType = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'atmosphere')

    refFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'reference_path')
    testFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'test_path')
    profPrefix = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'profiles_prefix')
    statPrefix = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'stats_prefix')

    #fluxPrefix = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'fluxes_prefix')
Ejemplo n.º 18
                        help='Reduced k-distribution netCDF file.')
                        help='netCDF with correct encoding.')
    parser.add_argument('--shortwave', '-sw', action='store_true', \
                       help='Add some scalars from full SW k-distribution')
                        help='Name of modified k-dist netCDF')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    inFile = args.infile
    baseFile = args.baseline
    outFile = args.outfile

    strVars = [
        'gas_minor', 'gas_names', 'identifier_minor', 'minor_gases_lower',
        'minor_gases_upper', 'scaling_gas_lower', 'scaling_gas_upper'
    encode = {}
    for sv in strVars:
        encode[sv] = {
            'zlib': True,
            'complevel': 5,
            'char_dim_name': 'string_len'
Ejemplo n.º 19
def parseConfig(inFile):
  Read configuration file input into main() and extract necessary 
  information from it

    inFile -- string, full path to input configuration file

    dictionary with the following keys:
      ref -- string, full path to reference model netCDF (LBLRTM)
      test -- string, full path to test model netCDF (RRTMGP)
      stat -- string, prefix for stats PDF file
      prof -- string, prefix for profiles PDF file
      x -- string, x-axis label
      y -- string, y-axis label
      atm -- string, atmosphere type (e.g., Garand)
      forcing -- boolean, are forcing files being compared?

  # extract metadata from configuration file
  cParse = configparser.ConfigParser()
  cRefName = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_model')
  cRefMD = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_description')
  cTestMD = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_description')
  cTestName = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_model')
  aType = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'atmosphere')

  # flux files
  refFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'reference_path')
  testFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'test_path')
  utils.file_check(refFile); utils.file_check(testFile)

  # forcing files
  rForceFile = \
    cParse.get('Filename Params', 'reference_force_path')
  tForceFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'test_force_path')

  if len(rForceFile) > 0 and len(tForceFile) > 0:
    forcing = True
    forcing = False

  if forcing:
    utils.file_check(rForceFile); utils.file_check(tForceFile)
    refFile, testFile = compare.forcingDiff(refFile, testFile, \
      rForceFile, tForceFile, \
      repVars=['flux_dir_dn', 'band_flux_dir_dn'])

    cRefForceName = \
      cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_forcing_model')
    cRefForceMD = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_description')
    cTestForceName = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_forcing_model')
    cTestForceMD = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_description')

    xt = cRefForceName
    yt = '%s - %s' % (cTestForceName, cRefForceName)
    xt = cRefName
    yt = '%s - %s' % (cTestName, cRefName)
  # endif forcing

  statPrefix = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'stats_prefix')
  profPrefix = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'profiles_prefix')

  return {'ref': refFile, 'test': testFile, 'x': xt, 'y': yt, \
    'atm': aType, 'stat': statPrefix, 'prof': profPrefix, \
    'forcing': forcing}
Ejemplo n.º 20
  parser.add_argument('--band', type=int, nargs='+', \
    help='Number of band to plot. Default (band=None) is all bands.')
  parser.add_argument('--log_y', action='store_true', \
    help='Generate a semilog-y plot.')
  parser.add_argument('--diffuse', action='store_true', \
    help='Plot diffuse downwelling flux array instead of flux ' + \
    'from direct beam.')
  parser.add_argument('--broad_only', action='store_true', \
    help='Only generate a broadband plot.')
  parser.add_argument('--charts', action='store_true', \
    help='Plot panels relevant for CHARTS study (PROFILES ONLY).')
  parser.add_argument('--out_dir', type=str, default='.', \
    help='Path to output directory in which PDF files are saved.')
  args = parser.parse_args()

  conFile = args.config_file; utils.file_check(conFile)
  pTrop = args.tropopause_pressure
  doDif = args.diffuse
  figOutDir = args.out_dir

  configDict = parseConfig(conFile)

  # plot the test and reference upward and downward flux together
  # with the heating rates (and differences for each)
  inBand = None if args.band is None else np.array(args.band)-1
  if args.plot_profiles:
    if inBand is None:
      if args.charts:
        profCHARTS(configDict['ref'], configDict['test'], \
          configDict['y'], tPauseP=pTrop, \
Ejemplo n.º 21
def mark_attendance(db, attendance_dict):
    if len(attendance_dict.keys()) > 0:
        values = []
        for key in attendance_dict.keys():
            for val in attendance_dict[key]:
                dt = val["dt"].strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
                tm = val["dt"].strftime("%H:%M:%S")
                dist = val["dist"]
                values.append((key, 1,dt, tm, dist))

        rows = db.addAttendanceMulti(values)
        print(f"{rows} inserted....")

u.file_check(DISTANCE_FILE, "recognize_multi.py", "No User exists. Add a user...")
u.file_check(LABELS_FILE, "recognize_multi.py", "User names not found...")
u.file_check(CAM_FILE, "recognize_multi.py", "Cam file not found...")
u.file_check(CONFIG_FILE, "recognize_multi.py", "Config file not found...")

annoy_object = u.load_index(DISTANCE_FILE)
print("[INFO] [recognize_multi.py] Distance file loaded...")

labels = u.read_data(LABELS_FILE)["labels"]
print("[INFO] [recognize_multi.py] Labels file loaded...")

cam_links = u.read_txtfile(CAM_FILE)
print("[INFO] [recognize_multi.py] cam file loaded...")

configs = eval(u.read_txtfile(CONFIG_FILE)[0])
Ejemplo n.º 22
import time

start_time = time.time()

# settings
dataset = "salinasA"
feature = 'raw'   
classifiers = ["KNN","GaussNB","LDA","LR","KSVM","DT","RF","GB","MLR"]   
train_size = 0.01   
repeat_num = 1     
model_selection = True  
isdraw = True

if isdraw==True:

# run 
Cla_Acc_Mean,Cla_Acc_Std,Seg_Acc_Mean,Seg_Acc_Std,df_result = SHSIC(dataset,feature,classifiers,\

print("---------------------------Results Summary-----------------------------")
print("Dataset: "+ dataset)
print("Feature: "+ feature)
print("CLassifier: "+ str(classifiers))
print("The classification result is:")
print('The best classifier for ' + feature + ' feature is ' + str(classifiers[Seg_Acc_Mean.argmax()]) + '.')
print("Time cost is %.3f" %(time.time()-start_time))
Ejemplo n.º 23
import os, sys, argparse, glob
import subprocess as sub

import utils

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(\
  description='Generate a subdirectory structure for the PDFs ' + \
  'written by parallel_e2e.py and extract_mean_profile.py.')
parser.add_argument('--indir', '-d', type=str, \
  default='profile_plots/linear', \
  help='Directory to restructure.')
args = parser.parse_args()

# grab all of the PDFs to use in restructuring
inDir = args.indir; utils.file_check(inDir)
inFiles = sorted(glob.glob('%s/*.pdf' % inDir))
nFiles = len(inFiles)

# grab the substrings from each file that indicate the coefficients 
# that we used for the flux calculations
# we're making some assumptions about file naming convention here, 
# namely what we use in make_config_files.py
# e.g., for Band 15: lin_coeff_pos0.50_1.50_15.pdf
coeffs = []
for pdf in inFiles:
  split = pdf.split('_')
  combCoeff = ''.join(coeffs)
  for iSub, substr in enumerate(split):
    if ('pos' in substr) or ('neg' in substr):
      coeff = '%s_%s' % (substr, split[iSub+1])
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def readConfig(self):
    Read in the configuration file parameters that will be used with 
    the COMPARE module

    Kinda works like a second constructor

        # all of the valid affirmative entries for booleans in .ini file
        yes = ['y', 'ye', 'yes', 't', 'tr', 'tru', 'true']

        print('Reading %s' % self.iniFile)

        cParse = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        self.bandAvg = cParse.get('Computation', 'band_average')
        self.doPWV = cParse.get('Computation', 'pwv')

        self.refName = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_model')
        self.refDesc = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_description')
        self.testName = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_model')
        self.TestDesc = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_description')
        self.atmType = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'atmosphere')
        self.yLog = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'log')
        self.bands = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'bands')
        self.doStats = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'stats_plots')
        self.doProfs = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'prof_plots')

        self.refFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'reference_path')
        self.testFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'test_path')
        self.profPrefix = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'profiles_prefix')
        self.statPrefix = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'stats_prefix')

        self.csvFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'coefficients_file')
        self.outDir = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'output_dir')
        self.exe = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'solver')
        self.ncDir = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'netcdf_dir')

        # handle forcing parameters
        self.forcing = False
        self.rForceFile = \
          cParse.get('Filename Params', 'reference_force_path')
        self.tForceFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'test_force_path')

        self.rForceName = \
          cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_forcing_model')
        self.rForceDesc = \
          cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_description')
        self.tForceName = \
          cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_forcing_model')
        self.tForceDesc = \
          cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_description')

        if os.path.exists(self.rForceFile) and \
            self.forcing = True
            self.xTitle = self.rForceName
            yt = '%s - %s' % (cTestForceName, cRefForceName)

            self.refFile, self.testFile = \
              COMPARE.forcingDiff(self.refFile, self.testFile, \
              self.rForceFile, self.tForceFile)
            forceFile = self.rForceFile if not \
              os.path.exists(self.rForceFile) else self.tForceFile

            if forceFile != '':
                print('Could not find %s, forcing not done' % forceFile)
        # end forcing

        # check that everything that is required exists
        paths = [self.refFile, self.testFile, self.csvFile, \
          self.exe, self.ncDir]
        for path in paths:
        if not os.path.exists(self.outDir): os.makedirs(self.outDir)

        # for consistency with bandmerge() method -- the bandmerged
        # file is the same as the test netCDF file
        self.mergeNC = self.testFile

        # standardize boolean inputs
        self.doPWV = True if self.doPWV in yes else False
        self.bandAvg = True if self.bandAvg in yes else False
        self.yLog = True if self.yLog.lower() in yes else False
        self.doStats = True if self.doStats in yes else False
        self.doProfs = True if self.doProfs in yes else False

        # by default, plot all bands
        self.bands = np.arange(self.nBands) if self.bands == '' else \

        self.xTitle = self.refName
        self.yTitle = '%s - %s' % (self.testName, self.refName)

        # coefficients from RRTMG, which used PWV instead of transmittance
        # in the equation a0(ibnd) + a1(ibnd)*exp(a2(ibnd)*pwvcm)
        if self.doPWV:
            a0 = [1.66, 1.55, 1.58, 1.66, 1.54, 1.454, 1.89, 1.33, \
              1.668, 1.66, 1.66, 1.66, 1.66, 1.66, 1.66, 1.66]
            a1 = [0.00, 0.25, 0.22, 0.00, 0.13, 0.446, -0.10, 0.40, \
              -0.006, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00]
            a2 = [0.00, -12.0, -11.7, 0.00, -0.72,-0.243, 0.19,-0.062, \
              0.414, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00]
            self.coeffs = np.array([a0, a1, a2]).T

            # RRTMG hard codes the secant range to be between 1.5 and 1.8
            self.secMM = np.array([1.5, 1.8])
Ejemplo n.º 25
    parser.add_argument('--broadband', action='store_true', \
      help='Generate a broadband PDF.')
    parser.add_argument('--log_y', action='store_true', \
      help='Generate a semilog-y plot.')
    parser.add_argument('--cores', type=int, default=4, \
      help='Number of cores to use in parallelization.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    stats = args.stats
    profs = args.profiles
    if not stats and not profs:
        sys.exit('Please use --stats or --profs in arguments.')

    # grab all configuration (.ini) files
    inDir = args.indir
    iniFiles = sorted(glob.glob('%s/*.ini' % inDir))
    pTrop = args.tropopause_pressure
    difFlux = args.diffuse

    # for each ini file, generate a dictionary to be used in
    # pool functions
    inDicts = []
    for iniFile in iniFiles:
        if stats:
            cDict = configToDict(iniFile, tPauseP=pTrop, diffuse=difFlux)

        if profs:
            doBands = True if args.bands else False
            if doBands:
                # generate a zero-offset band array from the band list
Ejemplo n.º 26
def configToDict(inFile, tPauseP=np.exp(4.6), diffuse=False, \
  bands=None, broadband=False, yLog=False):
  Convert configuration file into a dictionary for input into either 
  poolStats() or poolProfs()

    inFile -- string, .ini file to parse and save into outDict

    outDict -- dictionary with the following keys:
      ref_name -- string, reference model name
      test_name -- string, test model name
      ref_desc -- string, reference model description
      test_desc -- string, test model description
      ref_file -- string, path to reference model netCDF
      test_file -- string, path to test model netCDF
      ref_force_file -- string, path to reference model forcing netCDF
      test_force_file -- string, path to test model forcing netCDF
      stat_prefix -- string, prefix for statistics PDF filename 
      profile_prefix --string, prefix for profile PDF filenames
      x_label -- string, label for x axes in plots (stats only)
      y_label -- string, label for y axes in profile and stats plots
      atm_type -- string, type of atmosphere provided by user into 
        LBLRTM to produce ref_file and test_file
      tpause_pres -- float, pressure at tropopause (tPauseP value)
      ini_file -- string, inFile
      diffuse -- boolean, generate plots for diffuse flux rather than 
        of direct beam flux (diffuse keyword value)
      forcing -- boolean, plot differences in ref and test forcing

      The dictionary will also contain the following fields, but they
      will probably only be used with the profile plots (poolProfs())

      bands -- int array, zero-offset list of bands to process (only 
        included if profile plotting is being done)
      broadband -- boolean, for profiles, make a page with broadband
        parameter differences
      log_y -- boolean, plot flux and HR profiles on a semilog plot
        (pressure is the log axis)

    tPauseP -- float, pressure at tropopause
    diffuse -- boolean, generate plots for diffuse flux rather than 
      of direct beam flux
    bands -- int array, zero-offset list of bands to process (only 
      necessary with profile plotting)
    broadband -- plot profiles for SW broadband
    yLog -- plot profiles on a log scale on the y axis (pressure)

    # extract metadata from configuration file
    cParse = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    cRefName = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_model')
    cRefMD = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'reference_description')
    cTestMD = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_description')
    cTestName = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'test_model')
    aType = cParse.get('Plot Params', 'atmosphere')

    # flux files
    refFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'reference_path')
    testFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'test_path')

    # forcing files
    rForceFile = \
      cParse.get('Filename Params', 'reference_force_path')
    tForceFile = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'test_force_path')

    # forcing keyword is True if both ref and test forcing files are
    # provided (still a lot of work to do here)
    forcing = True if rForceFile and tForceFile else False
    #  if forcing:
    #    cRefName, cTestName = sw_compare.compare.forcingDiff(\
    #      cRefName, cTestName, \
    #      inDict['ref_force_file'], inDict['test_force_file'])
    #  # endif forcing

    statPrefix = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'stats_prefix')
    profPrefix = cParse.get('Filename Params', 'profiles_prefix')

    xt = cRefName
    yt = '%s - %s' % (cTestName, cRefName)

    outDict = {'ref_name': cRefName, 'test_name': cTestName, \
      'ref_desc': cRefMD, 'test_desc': cTestMD, \
      'ref_file': refFile, 'test_file': testFile, \
      'ref_force_file': rForceFile, 'test_force_file': tForceFile, \
      'stat_prefix': statPrefix, 'profile_prefix': profPrefix, \
      'x_label': xt, 'y_label': yt, 'atm_type': aType, \
      'tpause_pres': tPauseP, 'ini_file': inFile, \
      'diffuse': diffuse, 'forcing': forcing}

    outDict['bands'] = bands
    outDict['broadband'] = broadband
    outDict['log_y'] = yLog

    return outDict
Ejemplo n.º 27
  parser.add_argument('--lw_template', type=str, default=REFNCLW, \
    help='Full path to netCDF that will be used as a template ' + \
    'on which the output LW netCDF will be based.')
  parser.add_argument('--sw_template', type=str, default=REFNCSW, \
    help='Full path to netCDF that will be used as a template ' + \
    'on which the output SW netCDF will be based.')
  parser.add_argument('-n', '--nccopy_path', type=str, \
    default='/nas/project/p1770/dependencies/bin/nccopy', \
    help='Full path to the nccopy executable in the C netCDF ' + \
    'library (must be version 4.3.0 or newer).')
  parser.add_argument('--upwelling', action='store_true', \
    help='For RFMIP only -- process upwelling fluxes and not ' + \
  args = parser.parse_args()

  lwDir = args.lw_dir; utils.file_check(lwDir)
  swDir = args.sw_dir; utils.file_check(swDir)

  ncMode = args.mode.lower()
  if ncMode not in MODES: sys.exit('Set mode to any of %s' % MODES)

  ncTempLW = args.lw_template; utils.file_check(ncTempLW)
  ncTempSW = args.sw_template; utils.file_check(ncTempSW)
  ncCopy = args.nccopy_path; utils.file_check(ncCopy)

  if ncMode == 'garand':
    # LW
#    rrtmgObj = rrtmg(lwDir, searchStr=args.search, profiles=ncMode, \
#      ncTemplate=ncTempLW, suffix=args.suffix, ncCopyPath=ncCopy)
#    rrtmgObj.writeNC()
#    print('LW done')
Ejemplo n.º 28
  def __init__(self, inFile, molActiveCheck=True, prompt_user=True):
    Parse the input .ini file (inFile) and return as an object for 
    use in makeABSCO class.  Also do some error checking and other 
    processes that are not directly related to running LNFL and LBLRTM

      inFile -- string, full path to .ini file that specifies paths 
        and filenames for...

      molActiveCheck -- boolean, run a test to determine for which 
        bands LNFL and LBLRTM should be run based on the user-input 
        ranges and whether the given molecules are active in the bands
    # Allow turning of interactive prompts for batch processing
    self.prompt_user = prompt_user

    # extract everything from config (.ini) file (inFile)
    self.configFile = str(inFile)

    # these intermediate subdirs should be underneath intdir, 
    # which can be an another file system
    self.lnfl_run_dir = os.path.join(self.intdir, self.lnfl_run_dir)
    self.lbl_run_dir = os.path.join(self.intdir, self.lbl_run_dir)
    self.tape3_dir = os.path.join(self.intdir, self.tape3_dir)
    self.outdir = os.path.join(self.intdir, self.outdir)

    # these guys should always be in the "source" directory -- the 
    # directory into which the ABSCO repo is cloned, which is assumed
    # to be the working dir
    gitDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    self.pfile = os.path.join(gitDir, self.pfile)
    self.ptfile = os.path.join(gitDir, self.ptfile)
    self.vmrfile = os.path.join(gitDir, self.vmrfile)
    self.xs_lines = os.path.join(gitDir, self.xs_lines)

    # let's pack all of the files into a single list
    self.paths = [self.pfile, self.ptfile, self.vmrfile, \
      self.extra_params, self.lnfl_path, \
      self.lbl_path, self.xs_path, self.fscdxs, self.xs_lines]
    self.outDirs = [self.lnfl_run_dir, self.lbl_run_dir, \
      self.tape3_dir, self.tape5_dir, self.outdir]

    # make sure paths exist before proceeding
    for path in self.paths: utils.file_check(path)

    # cross section molecules will have to be handled differently
    # from HITRAN molecules
    self.xsNames = ['CCL4', 'F11', 'F12', 'F22', 'ISOP', 'PAN', 'BRO']

    # these also have line parameters, but HITRAN recommends to use 
    # their XS coefficients in certain bands (see xsCheck() method).
    self.xsLines = ['CF4', 'SO2', 'NO2', 'HNO3']

    # these guys have continua that are affected by WV amount
    self.molH2O = ['CO2', 'N2', 'O2', 'H2O']

    # and these guys are neither HITRAN or XS molecules
    self.dunno = ['HDO']

    # O2 is a special case where we'll have to fix the VMR
    self.vmrO2 = np.array([0.19, 0.23]) * 1e6

    # read in pressures and do some quality control

    # XS or line parameter processing?

    # verification of molecules and associated bands to process
    # this should be called to limit unnecessary runs of LNFL and LBL

    # spectral degradation weight calculation

    # was the line parameter source HITRAN or AER Line Parameter Data?

Ejemplo n.º 29
        singleAtm['level_T'] = singleAtm['level_T'][iPosAlt]
        singleAtm['VMR'] = singleAtm['VMR'][:, iPosAlt]
    # end surface

    return singleAtm

# end singleProfile

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(\
      description='Read in JPL-provided netCDF with atmospheric ' + \
    parser.add_argument('--profiles_nc', '-p', type=str, \
      default='uv_benchmark_scenes.nc', \
      help='netCDF file with atmospheric conditions for a number ' + \
        'of profiles.')
    parser.add_argument('--index', '-i', type=int, \
      help='Zero-offset index for profile of interest.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    ncFile = args.profiles_nc
    atm = readProfiles(ncFile)
    iProf = args.index
    if iProf is not None: atm = singleProfile(atm, iProf)

# end main()
Ejemplo n.º 30
  default=os.getcwd(), help='Top-level directory (used in build)')
parser.add_argument('--molecules', '-m', type=int, nargs='*', \
  default=[27, 2, 6, 22, 24, 26], \
  help='List of zero-offset indices that correspond to molecule ' + \
  'numbers inferred from nc_file Atmosphere.Absorber.name array. ' + \
  'All molecule index options can be displayed with --mol_list')
parser.add_argument('--mol_list', '-ml', action='store_true', \
  help='List all available molecules and their indices to be ' + \
  'used with --molecules argument, then exit. Zero-offset.')
parser.add_argument('--profiles', '-p', type=int, nargs='*', \
  default=[0,1,2,3], \
  help='Zero-offset indices of profiles to model.')
args = parser.parse_args()

ncFile = args.nc_file
profiles = readProfiles(ncFile, ppmv=True)
nProf = profiles['VMR'].shape[0]

if args.mol_list:
    # it is assumed all molecules have the same molecule names array
    print('{0:<10s}{1:<10s}'.format('Index', 'Molecule'))
    for iMol, mol in enumerate(profiles['molecules'][0]):
        print('{0:<10d}{1:<10s}'.format(iMol, mol))
    print('{0:<10d}{1:<10s}'.format(iMol + 1, 'All Molecules'))
    print('Exiting after listing molecule indices')
# end mol_list

# build models if necessary; start with dictionary that is necessary
# for BUILD objects (see common/build_models.py)