Ejemplo n.º 1
def textline_extract(image, prediction, threshold=0.3):
    h, w, _ = image.shape
    cls = np.array(prediction[0])
    regr = np.array(prediction[1])
    cls_prod = np.array(prediction[2])
    anchor = utils.gen_anchor((int(h / 16), int(w / 16)), 16)
    bbox = utils.bbox_transfor_inv(anchor, regr)
    bbox = utils.clip_box(bbox, [h, w])
    #score > 0.7

    fg = np.where(cls_prod[0, :, 1] > threshold)[0]
    select_anchor = bbox[fg, :]
    select_score = cls_prod[0, fg, 1]
    select_anchor = select_anchor.astype('int32')
    #filter size
    keep_index = utils.filter_bbox(select_anchor, 16)
    select_anchor = select_anchor[keep_index]
    select_score = select_score[keep_index]
    select_score = np.reshape(select_score, (select_score.shape[0], 1))
    nmsbox = np.hstack((select_anchor, select_score))
    keep = utils.nms(nmsbox, 0.3)
    select_anchor = select_anchor[keep]
    select_score = select_score[keep]
    #text line
    textConn = text_connect.TextProposalConnector()
    text = textConn.get_text_lines(select_anchor, select_score, [h, w])
    text = list(text.astype('int32'))
    return text
    def textline_extract(self,image):
        assert len(image.shape) == 3
        h,w,c= image.shape
        #zero-center by mean pixel
        m_img = image - utils.IMAGE_MEAN

#         m_img = np.expand_dims(m_img,axis=0)
        p_data0 = {'inputs_1':m_img}
        param = {"instances":[p_data0]}
        predict_request = json.dumps(param,cls=NumpyEncoder)
        start = time.time()

        response = requests.post(self.server_url, data=predict_request)
        prediction = response.json()['predictions'][0]
#         result = self.basemodel.predict(m_img)
        cls  = np.array(prediction['output0'])
        regr = np.array(prediction['output1'])
        cls_prod = np.array(prediction['output2'])
        cls = np.expand_dims(cls,axis=0)
        regr = np.expand_dims(regr,axis=0)
        cls_prod = np.expand_dims(cls_prod,axis=0)
        anchor = utils.gen_anchor((int(h/16),int(w/16)),16)

        bbox = utils.bbox_transfor_inv(anchor,regr)
        bbox = utils.clip_box(bbox,[h,w])

        #score > 0.7
        fg = np.where(cls_prod[0,:,1]>self.threshold)[0]
        select_anchor = bbox[fg,:]
        select_score = cls_prod[0,fg,1]
        select_anchor = select_anchor.astype('int32')

        #filter size
        keep_index = utils.filter_bbox(select_anchor,16)

        select_anchor = select_anchor[keep_index]
        select_score = select_score[keep_index]
        select_score = np.reshape(select_score,(select_score.shape[0],1))
        nmsbox = np.hstack((select_anchor,select_score))
        keep = utils.nms(nmsbox,0.3)
        select_anchor = select_anchor[keep]
        select_score = select_score[keep]

        #text line
        textConn = text_connect.TextProposalConnector()
        text = textConn.get_text_lines(select_anchor,select_score,[h,w])
        end = time.time()

        text = list(text.astype('int32'))

        return text
    def textline_extract(self,image):
        assert len(image.shape) == 3
        h,w,c= image.shape
        #zero-center by mean pixel
        m_img = image - utils.IMAGE_MEAN

        m_img = np.expand_dims(m_img,axis=0)

        start = time.time()
        result = self.basemodel.predict(m_img)
        cls,regr,cls_prod  = result

        anchor = utils.gen_anchor((int(h/16),int(w/16)),16)

        bbox = utils.bbox_transfor_inv(anchor,regr)
        bbox = utils.clip_box(bbox,[h,w])

        #score > 0.7
        fg = np.where(cls_prod[0,:,1]>self.threshold)[0]
        select_anchor = bbox[fg,:]
        select_score = cls_prod[0,fg,1]
        select_anchor = select_anchor.astype('int32')

        #filter size
        keep_index = utils.filter_bbox(select_anchor,16)

        select_anchor = select_anchor[keep_index]
        select_score = select_score[keep_index]
        select_score = np.reshape(select_score,(select_score.shape[0],1))
        nmsbox = np.hstack((select_anchor,select_score))
        keep = utils.nms(nmsbox,0.3)
        select_anchor = select_anchor[keep]
        select_score = select_score[keep]

        #text line
        textConn = text_connect.TextProposalConnector()
        text = textConn.get_text_lines(select_anchor,select_score,[h,w])
        end = time.time()

        text = list(text.astype('int32'))

        return text
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _detect(image):

        :param image: numpy array image, h,w,c
        :return: text location,a list which contains a list of x, y coors, prob. with shape (#lines, 9)
        h, w, c = image.shape
        image = image - config.IMAGE_MEAN
        image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)  # batch_sz, h, w, c

        _, regr, cls_prob = infer_model.predict(image)

        anchor = utils.gen_anchor((int(h / 16), int(w / 16)), 16)
        bbox = utils.bbox_transfor_inv(anchor, regr)
        bbox = utils.clip_box(bbox, [h, w])

        fg = np.where(cls_prob[0, :, 1] > 0.7)[0]
        select_anchor = bbox[fg, :]
        select_score = cls_prob[0, fg, 1]
        select_anchor = select_anchor.astype(np.int32)

        keep_index = utils.filter_bbox(select_anchor, 16)

        # nsm
        select_anchor = select_anchor[keep_index]
        select_score = select_score[keep_index]
        select_score = np.reshape(select_score, (select_score.shape[0], 1))
        nmsbox = np.hstack((select_anchor, select_score))
        keep = utils.nms(nmsbox, 0.3)
        select_anchor = select_anchor[keep]
        select_score = select_score[keep]

        # text line
        textConn = TextProposalConnectorOriented()
        text = textConn.get_text_lines(select_anchor, select_score, [h, w])
        return text
Ejemplo n.º 5
infer_model = ctpn_model.create_ctpn_model()

cls, regr, cls_prob = infer_model.predict(image)

anchor = utils.gen_anchor((int(h / 16), int(w / 16)), 16)
bbox = utils.bbox_transfor_inv(anchor, regr)
bbox = utils.clip_box(bbox, [h, w])

fg = np.where(cls_prob[0, :, 1] > 0.7)[0]
select_anchor = bbox[fg, :]
select_score = cls_prob[0, fg, 1]
select_anchor = select_anchor.astype(np.int32)

keep_index = utils.filter_bbox(select_anchor, 16)

# nsm
select_anchor = select_anchor[keep_index]
select_score = select_score[keep_index]
select_score = np.reshape(select_score, (select_score.shape[0], 1))
nmsbox = np.hstack((select_anchor, select_score))
keep = utils.nms(nmsbox, 0.3)
select_anchor = select_anchor[keep]
select_score = select_score[keep]

#text line
textConn = TextProposalConnectorOriented()
text = textConn.get_text_lines(select_anchor, select_score, [h, w])

################### recognition ##########################
                if text_flag:
                    grnd = {}
                elif sen_score[i] < sen_score_thr or np.mean(
                        EN_score[i, men_dict['idx']]) < en_score_thr:
                    grnd = {}
                    heatmap = np.average(EN_heat[i, men_dict['idx'], :],
                                         weights=EN_score[i, men_dict['idx']],
                    img_embd = np.average(IMG_embd[i, men_dict['idx'], :],
                                          weights=EN_score[i, men_dict['idx']],
                    orig_img_shape = img_info_batch[i][1]
                    bbox_dict = utils.heat2bbox(heatmap, orig_img_shape)
                    bbox, bbox_norm, score = utils.filter_bbox(
                        bbox_dict=bbox_dict, order='xyxy')
                    grnd = {
                        'bbox': bbox,
                        'bbox_norm': bbox_norm,
                        'bbox_score': score,
                        'heatmap': heatmap,
                        'sen-img-score': sen_score[i],
                        'men-img-score': EN_score[i, men_dict['idx']],
                        'grounding_features': img_embd

                men_dict = {
                    mention: {
                        'grounding': {
                            orig_img_id: grnd