def main(): progname = '' args = get_opt(progname) ra_deg = 360.0 * (args.ra[0] + args.ra[1]/60. + args.ra[2]/3600.)/24.0 if(args.raerr != None): raerr = (args.raerr/3600.)*360./24.0 # Convert to degrees raerr_str = ' +/- '+str(raerr) else: raerr_str = '' if(args.dec[0] < 0): sgn = -1. else: sgn = 1. dec_deg = sgn * (np.abs(args.dec[0]) + args.dec[1]/60. + args.dec[2]/3600.) if(args.decerr != None): decerr = args.decerr/3600. # Convert to degrees decerr_str = ' +/- '+ str(decerr) else: decerr_str = '' print 'RA = ', ra_deg, raerr_str, ' deg ' print 'Dec = ', dec_deg, decerr_str, ' deg ' # Convert nominal values of ra and dec to l and b here just for show c = coord.ICRSCoordinates(ra=ra_deg, dec=dec_deg, unit=(, l = c.galactic.l.degrees b = c.galactic.b.degrees print 'l = ', c.galactic.l.degrees, ' deg = ', c.galactic.l.radians, ' rad' print 'b = ', c.galactic.b.degrees, ' deg = ', c.galactic.b.radians, ' rad' if(args.xpbdoterr != None): xpbdoterr = ' +/- '+str(args.xpbdoterr) else: xpbdoterr = '' print 'Xpbdot = ', args.xpbdot, xpbdoterr if(args.pmerr != None): pmerr = ' +/- '+str(args.pmerr) else: pmerr = '' print 'PM = ',, pmerr, ' mas/yr' # convert pb to seconds args.pb =, args.pb) # convert velocity/ velocity error to kpc/s # No need to convert R0, which is already in R0 args.v0 =, args.v0) args.v0err =, args.v0err) # convert pm to rad/s = (, /, 1.0) if(args.pmerr != None): args.pmerr = (, args.pmerr)) /, 1.0) # Check whether all error bars required are given for distance and proper # motion. If they are, go ahead with the random number generation thing. # If not, just do a quick straight calculation of the pbdot correction. if((args.pmerr != None) & (args.xpbdoterr != None) & (args.raerr != None) & (args.decerr != None)): # For each of the varying parameters (dist, pm, v0, R0), generate # args.niter gaussian deviates, with mean = value and sigma = error xpbdot = np.random.normal(args.xpbdot, args.xpbdoterr, args.niter) pm = np.random.normal(, args.pmerr, args.niter) v0 = np.random.normal(args.v0, args.v0err, args.niter) R0 = np.random.normal(args.R0, args.R0err, args.niter) ra = np.random.normal(ra_deg, raerr, args.niter) dec = np.random.normal(dec_deg, decerr, args.niter) # Plot distributions for each parameter: fig_param = plt.figure() # xpbdot ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(321) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(xpbdot, bins=32) bin_size = (bin_val[1]-bin_val[0]) bin_val = bin_val[0:len(bin_val)-1] + bin_size/2. ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=1.4, color='blue') A, mu, sig = utils.fitgauss(bin_val, hist) #ax_param.plot(bin_val, utils.gaussian(bin_val, A, mu, sig), color='red') ax_param.set_xlabel('Difference in orbital decay ($10^{14}$ s/s)') # proper motion ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(322) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(pm, bins=32) bin_size = (bin_val[1]-bin_val[0]) bin_val = bin_val[0:len(bin_val)-1] + bin_size/2. ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=1.4, color='blue') ax_param.set_xlabel('Proper motion (mas/yr)') # v0 ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(323) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(v0, bins=32) bin_size = (bin_val[1]-bin_val[0]) bin_val = bin_val[0:len(bin_val)-1] + bin_size/2. ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=1.4, color='blue') ax_param.set_xlabel('Solar velocity (km/s)') # R0 ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(324) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(R0, bins=32) bin_size = (bin_val[1]-bin_val[0]) bin_val = bin_val[0:len(bin_val)-1] + bin_size/2. ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=1.4, color='blue') ax_param.set_xlabel('Galactocentric distance (kpc)') # RA ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(325) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(ra, bins=32) bin_size = (bin_val[1]-bin_val[0]) bin_val = bin_val[0:len(bin_val)-1] + bin_size/2. ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=1.4, color='blue') ax_param.set_xlabel('Right ascension (deg)') # Dec ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(326) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(dec, bins=32) bin_size = (bin_val[1]-bin_val[0]) bin_val = bin_val[0:len(bin_val)-1] + bin_size/2. ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=1.4, color='blue') ax_param.set_xlabel('Declination (deg)') # Run calcuation of pbdot correction through each iteration and build # up array of values for pbdot correction #for i_iter in np.arange(args.niter): sys.stdout.write('\n {0:<7s} {1:<7s} {2:5s} {3:<10s}\n'.format('Iter', '% done', 'n_bad', 'n_negative')) dist_array = [] n_bad = 0 n_negative = 0 n_step_worked = 0 for i_iter in np.arange(args.niter): c = coord.ICRSCoordinates(ra=ra[i_iter], dec=dec[i_iter], unit=(, l = c.galactic.l.radians b = c.galactic.b.radians n_tries = 0 sgn_guess = 1.0 dist_guess = args.distguess dist_trial = -1.0 try: # while(dist_trial < 0.001 and n_tries <= 25): dist_trial = newton(pc.dist_func, dist_guess, args=(l, b, v0[i_iter], R0[i_iter], pm[i_iter], args.pb, xpbdot[i_iter])) # n_tries += 1 # sgn_guess *= -1.0 # dist_guess = args.distguess + sgn_guess*np.ceil(float(n_tries)/2.0)*args.stepguess except RuntimeError: n_bad+=1 else: # If there are no errors, then append to array # if(dist_trial > 0.000001 and n_tries <= 25): if(dist_trial > 0.001): dist_array.append(dist_trial) # if(n_tries > 1): # n_step_worked += 1 else: n_negative += 1 # dist_array.append(pc.get_dist_pbdot(ra[i_iter], dec[i_iter], # pm[i_iter], xpbdot[i_iter], # args.pb, # v0=v0[i_iter], # R0=R0[i_iter], # dist_guess=args.distguess)) if(np.fmod(i_iter, 16)==0): display_status(i_iter, args.niter, n_bad, n_negative) dist_array = np.array(dist_array) print '\nNumber of Runtime Errors = ', n_bad print 'Number of times stepping guess value worked = ', n_step_worked # Create histogram of pbdot correction, and fit a gsaussian to it. # Extract median (mean?) and sigma as our final value and error. if(args.distlim == None): distlim = (np.amin(dist_array)-0.1*np.abs(np.amin(dist_array)), np.amax(dist_array)+0.1*np.abs(np.amax(dist_array))) else: distlim = (args.distlim[0], args.distlim[1]) dist_pdf, bin_val = np.histogram(dist_array, range=distlim, bins=96, density=True) bin_size = bin_val[1]-bin_val[0] dist_x = bin_val[0:len(bin_val)-1] + 0.5*bin_size #fig_pbdot = plt.figure() #ax_pbdot = fig_pbdot.add_axes([0.12, 0.1, 0.8, 0.85]) #ax_pbdot.plot(pbdot_x, pbdot_pdf, linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=1.4, # color='blue') # Get upper limit from distance distribution # dist_med, dist_min, dist_max = \ dist_upper = get_pdf_prob(dist_x, dist_pdf, prob_intervals, norm=True, upper=True) #, \ plot_pdf(dist_x, dist_pdf, \ ### weights=alpha_weights, \ xlabel='Distance (kpc)', \ ylabel='Probability density',\ prob_lines=dist_upper,\ # prob_lines=np.append(dist_min, dist_max),\ prob_linestyle=['dashed','dashdot','dotted'] #, \ # 'dashed','dashdot','dotted'], \ ) print " " print "DISTANCE (kpc): " print " 68%: < ", dist_upper[0] print " 95%: < ", dist_upper[1] print " 99%: < ", dist_upper[2] print " " # plt.axvline(dist_med) # dist_err_high = np.abs(dist_max-dist_med) # dist_err_low = np.abs(dist_min-dist_med) #A, pbdot_corr, pbdot_corr_err = utils.fitgauss(pbdot_x, pbdot_pdf) #ax_pbdot.plot(pbdot_x, utils.gaussian(pbdot_x, A, pbdot_corr, pbdot_corr_err), #linestyle='solid', linewidth=1.4, color='red') plt.savefig('dist_pbdot.pdf') #print 'Corrected Pbdot = ', pbdot_corr, ' +/- ', pbdot_corr_err # print 'Distance (kpc) = ', dist_med, ' -', dist_err_low[0], \ # ' +', dist_err_high[0] # print 'Distance peak = ', dist_x[np.argmax(dist_pdf)] # pbdot_new = args.pbdot + pbdot_corr_med #pbdot_corr_err_mean = np.mean(np.array([pbdot_corr_err_low[0],pbdot_corr_err_high[0]])) #pbdot_new_err = np.sqrt(args.pbdoterr**2.0 + pbdot_corr_err_mean**2.0) # pbdot_new_err_low = np.sqrt(args.pbdoterr**2.0 + pbdot_corr_err_low**2.0) # pbdot_new_err_high = np.sqrt(args.pbdoterr**2.0 + pbdot_corr_err_high**2.0) # print 'Pbdot new (median and mean error) = ', pbdot_new, ' +/- ', pbdot_new_err # print 'Pbdot new range (68%) = ', pbdot_corr_min[0], ' , ', pbdot_corr_max[0] # pbdot_new_mid = np.mean(np.array([pbdot_new - pbdot_new_err_low[0], pbdot_new + pbdot_new_err_high[0]])) # print 'Pbdot new (using midpoint between ranges) = ', pbdot_new_mid, ' - ', pbdot_new_mid - (pbdot_new-pbdot_new_err_low[0]), ' + ', (pbdot_new+pbdot_new_err_high[0])-pbdot_new_mid # print 'Pbdot new (median corr and asymmetric error) = ', pbdot_new, ' - ', pbdot_new_err_low[0], ' + ', pbdot_new_err_high[0] else: c = coord.ICRSCoordinates(ra=ra_deg, dec=dec_deg, unit=(, l = c.galactic.l.radians b = c.galactic.b.radians dist_pbdot = newton(pc.dist_func, args.distguess, args=(l, b, args.v0, args.R0,, args.pb, args.xpbdot)) #pbdot_new = args.pbdot - pbdot_corr print '\nWill not calculate final uncertainties...\n' print 'Distance (kpc) = ', dist_pbdot return
def main(): progname = "" args = get_opt(progname) ra_deg = 360.0 * (args.ra[0] + args.ra[1] / 60.0 + args.ra[2] / 3600.0) / 24.0 if args.raerr != None: raerr = (args.raerr / 3600.0) * 360.0 / 24.0 # Convert to degrees raerr_str = " +/- " + str(raerr) else: raerr_str = "" if args.dec[0] < 0: sgn = -1.0 else: sgn = 1.0 dec_deg = sgn * (np.abs(args.dec[0]) + args.dec[1] / 60.0 + args.dec[2] / 3600.0) if args.decerr != None: decerr = args.decerr / 3600.0 # Convert to degrees decerr_str = " +/- " + str(decerr) else: decerr_str = "" print "RA = ", ra_deg, raerr_str, " deg " print "Dec = ", dec_deg, decerr_str, " deg " # Convert nominal values of ra and dec to l and b here just for show c = coord.ICRSCoordinates(ra=ra_deg, dec=dec_deg, unit=(, l = c.galactic.l.degrees b = c.galactic.b.degrees print "l = ", l, " deg" print "b = ", b, " deg" if args.disterr != None: derr = " +/- " + str(args.disterr) else: derr = "" print "dist = ", args.dist, derr, " kpc" if args.pmerr != None: pmerr = " +/- " + str(args.pmerr) else: pmerr = "" print "PM = ",, pmerr, " mas/yr" print "Pbdot = ", args.pbdot if args.pbdoterr != None: print "Pbdot error = ", args.pbdoterr # convert pb to seconds args.pb =, args.pb) # Check whether all error bars required are given for distance and proper # motion. If they are, go ahead with the random number generation thing. # If not, just do a quick straight calculation of the pbdot correction. if ( (args.disterr != None) & (args.pmerr != None) & (args.pbdoterr != None) & (args.raerr != None) & (args.decerr != None) ): # For each of the varying parameters (dist, pm, v0, R0), generate # args.niter gaussian deviates, with mean = value and sigma = error dist = np.random.normal(args.dist, args.disterr, args.niter) pm = np.random.normal(, args.pmerr, args.niter) v0 = np.random.normal(args.v0, args.v0err, args.niter) R0 = np.random.normal(args.R0, args.R0err, args.niter) ra = np.random.normal(ra_deg, raerr, args.niter) dec = np.random.normal(dec_deg, decerr, args.niter) # Plot distributions for each parameter: fig_param = plt.figure() # distance ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(321) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(dist, bins=32) bin_size = bin_val[1] - bin_val[0] bin_val = bin_val[0 : len(bin_val) - 1] + bin_size / 2.0 ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle="steps-mid", linewidth=1.4, color="blue") A, mu, sig = utils.fitgauss(bin_val, hist) # ax_param.plot(bin_val, utils.gaussian(bin_val, A, mu, sig), color='red') ax_param.set_xlabel("Distance (kpc)") # proper motion ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(322) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(pm, bins=32) bin_size = bin_val[1] - bin_val[0] bin_val = bin_val[0 : len(bin_val) - 1] + bin_size / 2.0 ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle="steps-mid", linewidth=1.4, color="blue") ax_param.set_xlabel("Proper motion (mas/yr)") # v0 ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(323) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(v0, bins=32) bin_size = bin_val[1] - bin_val[0] bin_val = bin_val[0 : len(bin_val) - 1] + bin_size / 2.0 ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle="steps-mid", linewidth=1.4, color="blue") ax_param.set_xlabel("Solar velocity (km/s)") # R0 ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(324) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(R0, bins=32) bin_size = bin_val[1] - bin_val[0] bin_val = bin_val[0 : len(bin_val) - 1] + bin_size / 2.0 ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle="steps-mid", linewidth=1.4, color="blue") ax_param.set_xlabel("Galactocentric distance (kpc)") # RA ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(325) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(ra, bins=32) bin_size = bin_val[1] - bin_val[0] bin_val = bin_val[0 : len(bin_val) - 1] + bin_size / 2.0 ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle="steps-mid", linewidth=1.4, color="blue") ax_param.set_xlabel("Right ascension (deg)") # Dec ax_param = fig_param.add_subplot(326) hist, bin_val = np.histogram(dec, bins=32) bin_size = bin_val[1] - bin_val[0] bin_val = bin_val[0 : len(bin_val) - 1] + bin_size / 2.0 ax_param.plot(bin_val, hist, linestyle="steps-mid", linewidth=1.4, color="blue") ax_param.set_xlabel("Declination (deg)") # Run calcuation of pbdot correction through each iteration and build # up array of values for pbdot correction # for i_iter in np.arange(args.niter): sys.stdout.write("\n {0:<7s} {1:<7s} \n".format("Iter", "% done")) pbdot_corr_array = [] for i_iter in np.arange(args.niter): pbdot_corr_array.append( pc.get_pbdot_corr( ra[i_iter], dec[i_iter], pm[i_iter], dist[i_iter], args.pb, v0=v0[i_iter], R0=R0[i_iter] ) ) if np.fmod(i_iter, 16) == 0: display_status(i_iter, args.niter) pbdot_corr_array = np.array(pbdot_corr_array) # Create histogram of pbdot correction, and fit a gsaussian to it. # Extract median (mean?) and sigma as our final value and error. if args.corrlim == None: corrlim = ( np.amin(pbdot_corr_array) - 0.1 * np.abs(np.amin(pbdot_corr_array)), np.amax(pbdot_corr_array) + 0.1 * np.abs(np.amax(pbdot_corr_array)), ) else: corrlim = (args.corrlim[0] * 10.0 ** (-12), args.corrlim[1] * 10 ** (-12)) pbdot_pdf, bin_val = np.histogram(pbdot_corr_array, range=corrlim, bins=192, density=True) bin_size = bin_val[1] - bin_val[0] pbdot_x = bin_val[0 : len(bin_val) - 1] + 0.5 * bin_size # fig_pbdot = plt.figure() # ax_pbdot = fig_pbdot.add_axes([0.12, 0.1, 0.8, 0.85]) # ax_pbdot.plot(pbdot_x, pbdot_pdf, linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=1.4, # color='blue') pbdot_corr_med, pbdot_corr_min, pbdot_corr_max = get_pdf_prob( pbdot_x, pbdot_pdf, prob_intervals, norm=True ) # , \ plot_pdf( pbdot_x, pbdot_pdf, ### weights=alpha_weights, \ xlabel="$\\dot{P}_{b, corr}}$", ylabel="Probability density", prob_lines=np.append(pbdot_corr_min, pbdot_corr_max), prob_linestyle=["dashed", "dashdot", "dotted", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"], ) plt.axvline(pbdot_corr_med) pbdot_corr_err_high = np.abs(pbdot_corr_max - pbdot_corr_med) pbdot_corr_err_low = np.abs(pbdot_corr_min - pbdot_corr_med) # A, pbdot_corr, pbdot_corr_err = utils.fitgauss(pbdot_x, pbdot_pdf) # ax_pbdot.plot(pbdot_x, utils.gaussian(pbdot_x, A, pbdot_corr, pbdot_corr_err), # linestyle='solid', linewidth=1.4, color='red') plt.savefig("pbdot_new.png") print "" print "Original Pbdot = ", args.pbdot print "" # print 'Corrected Pbdot = ', pbdot_corr, ' +/- ', pbdot_corr_err print "Pbdot correction = ", pbdot_corr_med, " +", pbdot_corr_err_high[0], " -", pbdot_corr_err_low[0] print "Pbdot correction peak = ", pbdot_x[np.argmax(pbdot_pdf)] pbdot_new = args.pbdot - pbdot_corr_med # pbdot_corr_err_mean = np.mean(np.array([pbdot_corr_err_low[0],pbdot_corr_err_high[0]])) # pbdot_new_err = np.sqrt(args.pbdoterr**2.0 + pbdot_corr_err_mean**2.0) pbdot_new_err_low = np.sqrt(args.pbdoterr ** 2.0 + pbdot_corr_err_low ** 2.0) pbdot_new_err_high = np.sqrt(args.pbdoterr ** 2.0 + pbdot_corr_err_high ** 2.0) # print 'Pbdot new (median and mean error) = ', pbdot_new, ' +/- ', pbdot_new_err # print 'Pbdot new range (68%) = ', pbdot_corr_min[0], ' , ', pbdot_corr_max[0] pbdot_new_mid = np.mean(np.array([pbdot_new - pbdot_new_err_low[0], pbdot_new + pbdot_new_err_high[0]])) print "Pbdot new (using midpoint between ranges) = ", pbdot_new_mid, " - ", pbdot_new_mid - ( pbdot_new - pbdot_new_err_low[0] ), " + ", (pbdot_new + pbdot_new_err_high[0]) - pbdot_new_mid print "Pbdot new (median corr and asymmetric error) = ", pbdot_new, " - ", pbdot_new_err_low[ 0 ], " + ", pbdot_new_err_high[0] else: pbdot_corr = pc.get_pbdot_corr( args.ra, args.dec,, args.dist, args.pb, v0=args.v0, R0=args.R0, verbose=True ) pbdot_new = args.pbdot - pbdot_corr print "\nWill not calculate final uncertainties...\n" print "Original Pbdot = ", args.pbdot print "Corrected Pbdot = ", pbdot_new return