Ejemplo n.º 1
def miner_policy(params, step, sL, s):
    # print('miner_policy')
    # params = params[0]
    timestep = s['timestep']
    s = s['s'] # wrap state for backwards compatibility
    s['network'] = utils.getNetwork(params)
    clover_intentions = []
    cloverCount = len(s['clovers'])
    timestep = timestep + s['previous-timesteps']
    for node in utils.get_nodes_by_type(s, 'miner'):
        miner = s['network'].nodes[node]
        miner_pct_online = market_settings['miner_pct_online'] # miner always online
        hash_rate = miner['hashrate']
        is_active = miner['is_active']

        num_hashes = (hash_rate*60*60)*miner_pct_online*is_active
        clovers = utils.mine_clovers(num_hashes, timestep, cloverCount, rarity, market_settings)
        for clover in clovers:
            clover_intention = {
                "user": node,
                "intention": "sell",
                "clover": clover

    # print('end-miner_policy')
    return {'clover_intentions': clover_intentions}
Ejemplo n.º 2
def player_policy(params, step, sL, s):
    # print('player_policy')
    # params = params[0]
    active_players = []
    clover_intentions = []
    timestep = s['timestep']
    s = s['s'] # wrap state for backwards compatibility
    s['network'] = utils.getNetwork(params)
    cloverCount = len(s['clovers'])
    timestep = timestep + s['previous-timesteps']
    # iterate through players in a given timestep period and their individual logics
    for node in utils.get_nodes_by_type(s, 'player'):
        player = s['network'].nodes[node]
        # is the player active in this timestep (probabalistic function)
        if player_active():
            # number of hashes calcuated by this player during the period
            # assuming timestep of 1 hour
            num_hashes = player['hashrate'] \
                         *60*60 \
                         * player['player_active_percent']
            # returns an array of all rare clovers mined during the period
            rare_clovers = utils.mine_clovers(num_hashes, timestep, cloverCount, rarity, market_settings)
            # TODO: add function for generating non-sym pretty clovers via UI            
            for clover in rare_clovers:
                clover_intentions.append({"user": node, "clover": clover})
    # print('end-player_policy')
    return {'clover_intentions': clover_intentions, 'active_players': active_players}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def with_network(s, params, updater):
    # print("with_network")
    state = s['s']
    state['network'] = utils.getNetwork(params)

    state = updater(state)

    utils.saveNetwork(state['network'], params)
    state['network'] = None
    # print("end-with_network")
    return ('s', state)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def make_final_state_graph(results, graphsize=(15,8)):
    num_results = len(results)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(graphsize[0]*num_results, 2*graphsize[1]))
    axs = fig.subplots(2, num_results)

    for (i, res) in enumerate(results):
        params = res['simulation_parameters']['M']

        final_state = res['result'][-1]['s']
        g = utils.getNetwork(params)
        miners = utils.get_nodes_by_type(final_state, 'miner')
        players = utils.get_nodes_by_type(final_state, 'player')

        cols_to_graph = ['eth-spent', 'eth-earned', 'supply']

        plot_data = [
                "nodes": players,
                "title": "Final Balance (ETH & CLV) of Players",
                "x_label": "Player",
                "axis": (axs[0] if len(results) == 1 else axs[0,i])
                "nodes": miners,
                "title": "Final Balance (ETH & CLV) of Miners",
                "x_label": "Miner",
                "axis": (axs[1] if num_results == 1 else axs[1,i])

        for plot in plot_data:
            if (len(plot['nodes']) > 0):
                df = pd.DataFrame([g.nodes[player] for player in plot['nodes']])
                df[['eth-spent', 'eth-earned', 'supply']].plot(kind='bar', ax=plot['axis'], secondary_y='supply')
            plot['axis'].set(xlabel=plot['x_label'], ylabel='ETH', title=plot['title'])
            ax_2y = plot['axis'].twinx()
            ax_2y.set_ylabel("CloverCoin", labelpad=32)
Ejemplo n.º 5
# Used for debug to get more episodes, one is actually for current day.
daysAhead = 0
startDate = date.today() - timedelta(daysBack)
endDate = date.today() + timedelta(daysAhead)
# End of debug section

with open("config.yaml") as config:
    configData = yaml.load(config, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

url = "http://" + configData['host'] + "/api/calendar/?apikey=" + configData['apiKey'] + \
    "&unmonitored=true&start=" + \
    startDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "&end=" + endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

jsonResponse = requests.get(url).json()
for item in jsonResponse:
    network = getNetwork(item['series'], configData)
    if network in configData['networks']:
        showSeason = "{:02d}".format(item['seasonNumber'])
        showEpisode = "{:02d}".format(item['episodeNumber'])
        print("Adding: " + item['series']['title'] + " " + "S" + showSeason +
              "E" + showEpisode + " from " + network)
        # Make directories/files as needed
        if not path.exists(configData['basePath'] + "/" +
            os.mkdir(configData['basePath'] + "/" + item['series']['title'])
        if not path.exists(configData['basePath'] + "/" +
                           item['series']['title'] + "/Season " + showSeason):
            os.mkdir(configData['basePath'] + "/" + item['series']['title'] +
                     "/Season " + showSeason)
        if not path.exists(configData['basePath'] + "/" +
                           item['series']['title'] + "/Season " + showSeason +
Ejemplo n.º 6
    configData = yaml.load(config, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

url = "http://" + configData['host'] + \
    "/api/series/?apikey=" + configData['apiKey']
    print ('Usage: addVirtual.py <partial title of show to add>')

jsonResponse = requests.get(url).json()
found = False
for item in jsonResponse:
    if sys.argv[1].lower() in item['title'].lower():
        found = True
        network = getNetwork(item, configData)
        if network in configData['networks']:
            if not path.exists(configData['basePath'] + "/" + item['title']):
                os.mkdir(configData['basePath'] + "/" + item['title'])
            for season in range(1, item['seasonCount']+1):
                showSeason = "{:02d}".format(season)
                if not path.exists(configData['basePath'] + "/" + item['title'] + "/Season " + showSeason):
                    os.mkdir(configData['basePath'] + "/" +
                             item['title'] + "/Season " + showSeason)
                for episode in range(1, item['seasons'][season-1]['statistics']['totalEpisodeCount']+1):
                    showEpisode = "{:02d}".format(episode)
                    print ("Adding: " + item['title'] + " " + "S" +
                           showSeason + "E" + showEpisode + " from " + network)
                    if not path.exists(configData['basePath'] + "/" + item['title'] + "/Season " + showSeason + "/" + network + "_S" + showSeason + "E" + showEpisode + ".mp4"):
                        copyfile(configData['dummyFile'], configData['basePath'] + "/" + item['title'] +
Ejemplo n.º 7
def market_activity_policy(params, step, sL, s):
    # print('market_activity_policy')
    # params = params[0]
    timestep = s['timestep']
    s = s['s'] # wrap state for backwards compatibility
    s['network'] = utils.getNetwork(params)
    g = s['network']
    timestep = timestep + s['previous-timesteps']
    def get_sells(playerId):
        owned_clovers = utils.get_owned_clovers(g, playerId) #TODO: check performance
        owned_clovers_for_sale = []
        owned_clovers_not_for_sale = []
        for clover in owned_clovers:
            if g.nodes[clover]['price'] > 0:
        for_sale_ratio = 1 if len(owned_clovers) == 0 else len(owned_clovers_for_sale)/len(owned_clovers)
        desired_ratio = g.nodes[playerId]['desired_for_sale_ratio']
        to_sell = []
        if for_sale_ratio < desired_ratio:
            for cloverId in owned_clovers_not_for_sale:
                new_ratio = len(to_sell + owned_clovers_for_sale)/len(owned_clovers)
                if rand() < ((desired_ratio - new_ratio)/desired_ratio):
                        'playerId': playerId,
                        'cloverId': cloverId,
                        'intent': 'toSell'
        return to_sell

    all_clovers_for_sale = utils.get_clovers_for_sale(s)

    # shuffle the clovers potentially for sale
    gas_fee = market_settings['register_clover_cost_in_eth'] * s['gasPrice']

    def get_buys(playerId, all_clovers_for_sale):
        # print('get_buys')
        to_buy = []
        hourly_attention_rate = math.floor(market_settings['hourly_attention_rate_for_buying_clovers'])
        sample_size = hourly_attention_rate if len(all_clovers_for_sale) > hourly_attention_rate else len(all_clovers_for_sale)
        random_clovers = sample(all_clovers_for_sale, sample_size)
        for random_clover_id in random_clovers:
            random_clover = g.nodes[random_clover_id]
            price = random_clover['price']
            price = price + gas_fee
            subjectivePrice = utils.getSubjectiveValue(s, random_clover_id, random_clover, playerId, market_settings, timestep, params)
            market_buying_propensity = g.nodes[playerId]['market_buying_propensity']
            _rand = rand()
            if (subjectivePrice > price and market_buying_propensity > _rand):
                # remove clover from subsequent possible clovers
                    'playerId': playerId,
                    'cloverId': random_clover_id,
                    'intent': 'toBuy'
        # print('end-get_buys')
        return to_buy
    # for each player
    # scan some assortment of clovers for sale (more of the recent ones)
    # if there are any clovers for sale below the subjective price
    # then buy them
    # scan some assortment of user's own clovers (more of the older ones)
    # set them for sale at the subjective price

    handleClovers = []
    for playerId in utils.get_nodes_by_type(s, 'player'):
        if player_active():
            handleClovers = handleClovers + get_sells(playerId) + get_buys(playerId, all_clovers_for_sale)
    # if we shuffle them here, the desire to buy will be different from calculated here
    # we could remedy this by moving the entire operation into the state update function
    # but then we will either have to run the loop on all players twice
    # or we won't be using the policy at all....
    # would rather sacrifice the fact that players are doing all their own buys and sells
    # at once instead of interspercing them, because it simplifies the appraisal so much
    # : (
    #     shuffle(clover_intentions)
    # print('end-market_activity_policy')
    return {'market_intentions': handleClovers}