Ejemplo n.º 1
def eigen_drop(matrix, sol, lambd):
    """ Fitness function """
    matrix = np.array(matrix)
    matrix[sol, :] = 0
    matrix[:, sol] = 0

    eigval_pert = utils.get_max_eigenvalue(matrix)

    return lambd - eigval_pert
Ejemplo n.º 2
def netshield(A, k, al_out=None):
    Perform the NetShield algorithm

    A: 2D numpy array
        Adjancency matrix of graph to be immunised
    k: Integer
        Number of nodes to remove from graph
    al_out: Integer
        Optional, already removed nodes or nodes that should be ignored. Not intended for direct callers
    Tuple of 1D numpy array and float
        First is indices of selected nodes
        Second is eigendrop

    n = A.shape[0]

    shieldvalue = 0

    if (k < 1):
        return np.array([], dtype=np.int64), 0

    lambd, u = utils.get_max_eigen(A)

    # Compute individual Shield score of each node
    v = (2 * lambd - A.diagonal()) * np.square(u)

    n = A.shape[0]
    S = np.zeros(n, dtype=bool)

    # Add vertices greedily
    for _ in range(k):
        B = A[:, S]
        b = B.dot(u[S])
        score = v - (2 * b * u)
        score[S] = -1

        if al_out is not None:
            score[al_out] = -1

        i = np.argmax(score)
        S[i] = True
        shieldvalue += score[i]

    A_pert = np.array(A)
    A_pert[S, :] = 0
    A_pert[:, S] = 0

    eigdrop = lambd - utils.get_max_eigenvalue(A_pert)

    return np.where(S)[0], eigdrop
def _netshield_plus_mo_qp(adj, b, epsilon, context):
    """ Peforms actual NetShield algorithm """

    adj = np.array(adj)
    n = adj.shape[0]
    selected = np.zeros(n, dtype=bool)
    degrees = adj.sum(axis=0)
    m = context['model']
    m.setParam('OutputFlag', False)

    variables = context['variables']

    m.addConstr(context['degree_term'] <= epsilon)

    for i in range(1, int(np.ceil(n / b)) + 1):
        max_select = min(i * b, n)

            eigval, eigvec = context['computed_eigen'][selected.tobytes()]
        except KeyError:
            eigval, eigvec = utils.get_max_eigen(adj)
            eigvec[selected] = 0
            context['computed_eigen'][selected.tobytes()] = eigval, eigvec

        obj = context['obj_func'](adj, variables, eigval, eigvec)
        m.setObjective(obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE)

        add_variables = quicksum(variables)
        constr_add = m.addConstr(add_variables >= selected.sum() + 1)
        constr_max = m.addConstr(add_variables <= max_select)


        if m.Status == GRB.INFEASIBLE:

        for i, v in enumerate(m.getVars()):
            if v.x == 1 and not selected[i]:
                selected[i] = True
                m.addConstr(variables[i] == 1)


        adj[selected, :] = 0
        adj[:, selected] = 0

    if selected.sum() == 0:
        return np.where(selected)[0], 0, 0

    eigval_pert = utils.get_max_eigenvalue(adj)
    drop = context['eigenvalue_ori'] - eigval_pert
    cost = degrees[selected].sum()

    return np.where(selected)[0], drop, cost
def netshield(adj, k, al_out=None):
    Perform the NetShield algorithm with QP solver

    A: 2D numpy array
        Adjancency matrix of graph to be immunised
    k: Integer
        Number of nodes to remove from graph
    al_out: Integer
        Optional, already removed nodes or nodes that should be ignored. Not intended for direct callers

    Tuple of 1D numpy array and float
        First is indices of selected nodes
        Second is eigendrop

    eigval, eigvec = utils.get_max_eigen(adj)
    n = adj.shape[0]

    if k == 1:
        m = Model("lp")
        m = Model("qp")
    m.setParam('OutputFlag', False)

    variables = [
        m.addVar(name="x_{}".format(i), vtype=GRB.BINARY) for i in range(n)

    obj = _build_objective_qd(adj, variables, eigval, eigvec)

    const = quicksum(variables) == k

    m.setObjective(obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE)
    m.addConstr(const, "c1")

    if al_out is not None:
        for c in np.where(al_out)[0]:
            m.addConstr(variables[c] == 0)


    out = np.array([i for i, v in enumerate(m.getVars()) if v.x == 1])

    adj_pert = np.array(adj)
    adj_pert[out, :] = 0
    adj_pert[:, out] = 0

    eig_drop = eigval - utils.get_max_eigenvalue(adj_pert)

    return out, eig_drop
def netshield_mo(adj, e_delta):
    Perform the NetShield multiobjective algorithm via the epsilon constraint method.
    Epsilon values used range from 0 to sum of all degrees of the vertices in the input graph

    A: 2D numpy array
        Adjancency matrix of graph to be immunised.
    e_delta: Integer
        By how much to increase the epsilon value after each step.

    List of dictionaries that form the approximated Pareto front. Dictionaries have the following keys:
        solution: 1D numpy array
            indices of selectec vertices
        evaluation: tuple of (float,int)
            eigendrop, cost.


    eigval, eigvec = utils.get_max_eigen(adj)
    degrees = adj.sum(axis=0)
    max_cost = degrees.sum()
    n = adj.shape[0]

    e_delta = min(max(e_delta, 1), max_cost)

    m = Model("qp")
    m.setParam('OutputFlag', False)

    variables = [
        m.addVar(name="x_{}".format(i), vtype=GRB.BINARY) for i in range(n)

    obj = _build_objective_qd(adj, variables, eigval, eigvec)

    constr = LinExpr()
    constr.addTerms(degrees, variables)
    m.setObjective(obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE)

    solutions = [{'solution': np.array([]), 'evaluation': (0, 0)}]
    unique = set()

    for i in range(int(np.ceil(max_cost / e_delta)) + 1):
        epsilon = min(i * e_delta, max_cost)
        epsilon_constr = m.addConstr(constr <= epsilon, "c1")

        out = np.array([i for i, v in enumerate(m.getVars()) if v.x == 1])

        if out.shape[0] > 0 and out.tobytes() not in unique:
            adj_pert = np.array(adj)
            adj_pert[out, :] = 0
            adj_pert[:, out] = 0

            eig_drop = eigval - utils.get_max_eigenvalue(adj_pert)
            cost = degrees[out].sum()

            solution = {'solution': out, 'evaluation': (eig_drop, cost)}



    return _get_non_dominated(solutions)
def netshield_plus_mo(adj, b, e_delta):
    Perform the NetShield+ multiobjective algorithm via the epsilon constraint method.
    Epsilon values used range from 0 to sum of all degrees of the vertices in the input graph

    A: 2D numpy array
        Adjancency matrix of graph to be immunised.
    b: Integer
        Batch size. How many nodes are removed in one step.
    e_delta: Integer
        By how much to increase the epsilon value after each step.

    List of dictionaries that form the approximated Pareto front. Dictionaries have the following keys:
        solution: 1D numpy array
            indices of selectec vertices
        evaluation: tuple of (float,int)
            eigendrop, cost.


    max_cost = adj.sum()
    solutions = []
    unique = set()
    n = adj.shape[0]
    degrees = adj.sum(axis=0)

    # Dict that contains needed that can be reused over all calls to netshield information
    # model: Gurobi QP model
    # obj_func: Gurobi objective function
    # variables: Gurobi variable objects
    # degree_term: Constraint of cost <= epsilon
    # computed_eigen: Contains all unique eigendecompositions for found solutions.
    #   Often the same (intermediate) solutions are found during the whole process
    #   This caches the result to avoid many same eigendecompositions that are computationally expensive.
    # eigenvalue_ori: Original eigenvalue of input graph

    context = {}

    if b == 1:
        context['model'] = Model('lp')
        context['obj_func'] = _build_objective_linear
        context['model'] = Model('qp')
        context['obj_func'] = _build_objective_qd

    context['variables'] = [
        context['model'].addVar(name="x_{}".format(i), vtype=GRB.BINARY)
        for i in range(n)

    context['degree_term'] = LinExpr()
    context['degree_term'].addTerms(degrees, context['variables'])
    context['computed_eigen'] = dict()
    context['eigenvalue_ori'] = utils.get_max_eigenvalue(adj)

    # Loop over all epsilon values
    for i in range(int(np.ceil(max_cost / e_delta)) + 1):
        epsilon = min(i * e_delta, max_cost)
        print('epsilon: ', epsilon)
        solution, drop, cost = _netshield_plus_mo_qp(adj, b, epsilon, context)

        if solution.tobytes() not in unique:
                'solution': solution,
                'evaluation': (drop, cost)

    return _get_non_dominated(solutions)