Ejemplo n.º 1
    def action(self, resource, context, form):
        email = form['username'].strip()
        password = form['password']

        # Check the user exists
        root = context.root
        user = root.get_user_from_login(email)
        if user is None:
            message = ERROR(u'The user "{username}" does not exist.',
            goto = context.get_referrer()
            return context.come_back(message, goto)

        # Check the password is right
        if not user.authenticate(password, clear=True):
            message = ERROR(u'The password is wrong.')
            goto = context.get_referrer()
            return context.come_back(message, goto)

        # Check user is enabled
        ac = resource.get_access_control()
        if not user.get_property('is_enabled') and \
            not ac.is_admin(user, resource):
            message = ERROR(u"""Your account isn't validated,
                please contact the webmaster""")
            goto = context.get_referrer()
            return context.come_back(message, goto)

        # Check user has confirm is registration
        if user.get_property('user_must_confirm'):
            message = ERROR(u"""Your account has not been confirmed.""")
            goto = '/users/%s/;confirm_registration' % user.name
            return context.come_back(message, goto)

        # We log authentification
        if resource != context.root:
            shop = get_shop(resource)
            if shop.get_property('log_authentification'):
                logs = shop.get_resource('customers/authentification_logs')
                user.set_property('last_time', datetime.now())

        # Set cookie
        user.set_auth_cookie(context, password)

        # Set context
        context.user = user

        # Come back
        referrer = context.get_referrer()
        if referrer is None:
            goto = get_reference('./')
            path = get_uri_path(referrer)
            if path.endswith(';login'):
                goto = get_reference('./')
                goto = referrer

        return context.come_back(INFO(u"Welcome!"), goto)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_options(cls):
     shop = get_shop(get_context().resource)
     enumerates_folder = shop.get_resource("enumerates")
     return [
         {"name": res.name, "value": res.get_property("title")}
         for res in enumerates_folder.search_resources(cls=EnumerateTable)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def action(self, resource, context, form):
        email = form['username'].strip()
        password = form['password']

        # Check the user exists
        root = context.root
        user = root.get_user_from_login(email)
        if user is None:
            message = ERROR(u'The user "{username}" does not exist.',
            goto = context.get_referrer()
            return context.come_back(message, goto)

        # Check the password is right
        if not user.authenticate(password, clear=True):
            message = ERROR(u'The password is wrong.')
            goto = context.get_referrer()
            return context.come_back(message, goto)

        # Check user is enabled
        ac = resource.get_access_control()
        if not user.get_property('is_enabled') and \
            not ac.is_admin(user, resource):
            message = ERROR(u"""Your account isn't validated,
                please contact the webmaster""")
            goto = context.get_referrer()
            return context.come_back(message, goto)

        # Check user has confirm is registration
        if user.get_property('user_must_confirm'):
            message = ERROR(u"""Your account has not been confirmed.""")
            goto = '/users/%s/;confirm_registration' % user.name
            return context.come_back(message, goto)

        # We log authentification
        if resource != context.root:
            shop = get_shop(resource)
            if shop.get_property('log_authentification'):
                logs = shop.get_resource('customers/authentification_logs')
                user.set_property('last_time', datetime.now())

        # Set cookie
        user.set_auth_cookie(context, password)

        # Set context
        context.user = user

        # Come back
        referrer = context.get_referrer()
        if referrer is None:
            goto = get_reference('./')
            path = get_uri_path(referrer)
            if path.endswith(';login'):
                goto = get_reference('./')
                goto = referrer

        return context.come_back(INFO(u"Welcome!"), goto)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def backoffice_tabs(self):
        context = self.context
        site_root = context.site_root
        user = context.user
        shop = get_shop(site_root)

        tabs = []
        is_site_root = site_root == context.resource
        # Go home
        active = is_site_root and context.view_name in (None, 'view')
        tabs.append({'name': '/',
                     'label': MSG(u'Go home'),
                     'icon': 'house-go',
                     'class': active and 'active' or None})
        # Open backoffice
        tabs.append({'name': shop.get_property('shop_backoffice_uri'),
                     'label': MSG(u'Backoffice'),
                     'icon': 'cog',
                     'class': None})
        # Site root access control
        ac = site_root.get_access_control()
        # New resource
        active = is_site_root and context.view_name == 'website_new_resource'
        view = site_root.get_view('website_new_resource')
        if view and ac.is_access_allowed(user, site_root, view):
            tabs.append({'name': '/;website_new_resource',
                         'label': MSG(u'Create a new resource'),
                         'icon': 'page-white-add',
                         'class': active and 'active' or None})
        # Logout
        tabs.append({'name': '/;logout',
                     'label': MSG(u'Log out'),
                     'icon': 'action-logout',
                     'class': active and 'active' or None})
        return tabs
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: user.py Proyecto: hforge/shop
 def set_user(self, email=None, password=None):
     context = get_context()
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     # Calculate the user id
     user_id = self.get_next_user_id()
     # Add the user
     cls = shop.user_class
     user = cls.make_resource(cls, self, user_id)
     # Set the email and paswword
     if email is not None:
         user.set_property('email', email)
     if password is not None:
     # Set default group
     root = context.root
     query = [PhraseQuery('format', 'user-group'),
              PhraseQuery('name', 'default')]
     search = root.search(AndQuery(*query))
     documents = search.get_documents()
     group = documents[0]
     group = root.get_resource(group.abspath)
     user.set_property('user_group', str(group.get_abspath()))
     user_is_enabled = group.get_property('user_is_enabled_when_register')
     user.set_property('is_enabled', user_is_enabled)
     # Return the user
     return user
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_options(cls):
     shop = get_shop(get_context().resource)
     enumerates_folder = shop.get_resource('enumerates')
     return [{
         'name': res.name,
         'value': res.get_property('title')
     } for res in enumerates_folder.search_resources(cls=EnumerateTable)]
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: user.py Proyecto: hforge/shop
    def send_confirm_url(self, context, email, subject, text, view):
        # XXX We override send_confirm_url to send mail
        # without setting subject with host, to use shop_uri
        # and not backoffice_uri (Since webmaster click from backoffice uri)
        # and to use good from_addr

        # Set the confirmation key
        if self.has_property('user_must_confirm'):
            key = self.get_property('user_must_confirm')
            key = generate_password(30)
            self.set_property('user_must_confirm', key)

        # Build the confirmation link
        shop = get_shop(context.resource)
        base_uri = shop.get_property('shop_uri')
        confirm_url = get_reference(base_uri)
        path = '/users/%s/%s' % (self.name, view)
        confirm_url.path = Path(path)
        confirm_url.query = {'key': key, 'username': self.get_login_name()}
        confirm_url = str(confirm_url)
        text = text.gettext(uri=confirm_url, key=key)
        # Get from_addr
        site_root = context.site_root
        if site_root.get_property('emails_from_addr'):
            user_name = site_root.get_property('emails_from_addr')
            user = self.get_resource('/users/%s' % user_name)
            from_addr = user.get_title(), user.get_property('email')
            from_addr = context.server.smtp_from
        # Subject
        subject = u'[%s] %s' % (base_uri, subject.gettext())
        # Send email
        context.root.send_email(email, subject, from_addr=from_addr,
                                text=text, subject_with_host=False)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def sort_and_batch(self, resource, context, results):
        shop = get_shop(context.resource)
        start = context.query['batch_start']
        # Get sort by from query or from shop default configuration
        size = shop.get_property('categories_batch_size')
        if context.uri.query.has_key('sort_by'):
            sort_by = context.query['sort_by']
            sort_by = shop.get_property('shop_sort_by')
        if context.uri.query.has_key('reverse'):
            reverse = context.query['reverse']
            reverse = shop.get_property('shop_sort_reverse')
        # Get documents
        items = results.get_documents(sort_by=sort_by, reverse=reverse,
                                      start=start, size=size)

        # FIXME This must be done in the catalog.
        if sort_by == 'title':
            items.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x.title, y.title))
            if reverse:

        # Access Control (FIXME this should be done before batch)
        user = context.user
        root = context.root
        allowed_items = []
        for item in items:
            resource = root.get_resource(item.abspath)
            ac = resource.get_access_control()
            if ac.is_allowed_to_view(user, resource):
                allowed_items.append((item, resource))

        return allowed_items
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def action(self, resource, context, form):
     root = context.root
     to_addr = resource.get_property('to_addr')
     subject = MSG(u'Message from form: "%s"' % resource.get_title()).gettext()
     text = []
     handler = resource.handler
     get_value = handler.get_record_value
     from_addr = to_addr
     for record in handler.get_records_in_order():
         name = get_value(record, 'name')
         datatype = get_value(record, 'datatype')
         value = form[name]
         # XXX Render on datatype ?
         if datatype == 'product':
             shop = get_shop(resource)
             site_root = resource.get_site_root()
             product = context.root.get_resource(value)
             base_uri = shop.get_property('shop_uri')
             end_uri = site_root.get_pathto(product)
             value = get_reference(base_uri).resolve(end_uri)
         elif datatype == 'email':
             # XXX Set from_addr
             from_addr = value
         title = get_value(record, 'title')
         text.append('*%s* \n\n %s' % (title, value))
     text = '\n\n\n'.join(text)
     root.send_email(to_addr, subject, from_addr=from_addr, text=text,
     return resource.get_property('final_message')
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def set_user(self, email=None, password=None):
     context = get_context()
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     # Calculate the user id
     user_id = self.get_next_user_id()
     # Add the user
     cls = shop.user_class
     user = cls.make_resource(cls, self, user_id)
     # Set the email and paswword
     if email is not None:
         user.set_property('email', email)
     if password is not None:
     # Set default group
     root = context.root
     query = [
         PhraseQuery('format', 'user-group'),
         PhraseQuery('name', 'default')
     search = root.search(AndQuery(*query))
     documents = search.get_documents()
     group = documents[0]
     group = root.get_resource(group.abspath)
     user.set_property('user_group', str(group.get_abspath()))
     user_is_enabled = group.get_property('user_is_enabled_when_register')
     user.set_property('is_enabled', user_is_enabled)
     # Return the user
     return user
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_namespace(self, resource, context):
     namespace = {'category': resource.get_title()}
     shop = get_shop(resource)
     # Check resources
     if len(context.query['products'])>3:
         return {'error': MSG(u'Too many products to compare')}
     if len(context.query['products'])<1:
         return {'error': MSG(u'Please select products to compare')}
     # Get real product resources
     products_to_compare = []
     products_models = []
     products = shop.get_resource('products')
     for product in context.query['products']:
             product_resource = products.get_resource(product)
         except LookupError:
             product_resource = None
         if not product_resource:
             return {'error': MSG(u'Error: product invalid')}
         product_model = product_resource.get_property('product_model')
     # Check if products models are the same
     if len(set(products_models))!=1:
         return {'error': MSG(u"You can't compare this products.")}
     # Build comparator namespace
     namespace['error'] = None
     namespace['products'] = []
     namespace['nb_products'] = len(products_to_compare)
     namespace['nb_products_plus_1'] = len(products_to_compare) +1
     for product in products_to_compare:
         # Base products namespace
         ns = product.get_small_namespace(context)
     # Comporator model schema
     model = products_to_compare[0].get_product_model()
     if model:
         # Get model schema
         keys = []
         comparator = {}
         schema_resource = model.get_resource('schema').handler
         get_value = schema_resource.get_record_value
         for record in schema_resource.get_records_in_order():
             if get_value(record, 'visible') is False:
             name = get_value(record, 'name')
             title = get_value(record, 'title')
             comparator[name] = {'name': name,
                                 'title': title,
                                 'values': []}
         for product in products_to_compare:
             model_ns = model.get_model_namespace(product)
             for d in model_ns['specific_list']:
         # fetch info keys in order
         namespace['comparator'] = [comparator[key] for key in keys]
         namespace['comparator'] = []
     return namespace
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_namespace(self, resource, context):
     shop = get_shop(resource)
     order = shop.get_resource('orders/%s' % context.query['id'], soft=True)
     # ACL
     ac = resource.get_access_control()
     if not order or (order.get_property('customer_id') != context.user.name
             and not ac.is_admin(context.user, resource)):
         msg = ERROR(u'Your are not authorized to view this ressource')
         return context.come_back(msg, goto='/')
     # Build namespace
     namespace = order.get_namespace(context)
     # States
     namespace['state'] = {'title': states[order.workflow_state],
                           'color': states_color[order.workflow_state]}
     # Other
     namespace['order_name'] = order.name
     namespace['is_payed'] = order.get_property('is_payed')
     namespace['is_sent'] = order.get_property('is_sent')
     # Bill
     has_bill = order.get_resource('bill', soft=True) is not None
     namespace['has_bill'] = has_bill
     # Payments
     payments = shop.get_resource('payments')
     # Shipping
     shippings = shop.get_resource('shippings')
     # Prices
     for key in ['shipping_price', 'total_price']:
         namespace[key] = format_price(order.get_property(key))
     # Messages
     messages = order.get_resource('messages')
     namespace['messages'] = messages.get_namespace_messages(context)
     # Payment view
     payments = shop.get_resource('payments')
     payments_records = payments.get_payments_records(context, order.name)
     namespace['payments_view'] = []
     for payment_way, payment_record in payments_records:
         record_view = payment_way.order_view
         if record_view:
             payment_table = payment_way.get_resource('payments').handler
             record_view = record_view(
             view = record_view.GET(order, context)
     # Shipping view
     shippings = shop.get_resource('shippings')
     shipping_way = order.get_property('shipping')
     shipping_way_resource = shop.get_resource('shippings/%s/' % shipping_way)
     shippings_records = shippings.get_shippings_records(context, order.name)
     if shippings_records:
         last_delivery = shippings_records[0]
         record_view = shipping_way_resource.order_view
         view = record_view.GET(order, shipping_way_resource,
                       last_delivery, context)
         namespace['shipping_view'] = view
         namespace['shipping_view'] = None
     return namespace
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def action(self, resource, context, form):
     root = context.root
     to_addr = resource.get_property('to_addr')
     subject = MSG(u'Message from form: "%s"' %
     text = []
     handler = resource.handler
     get_value = handler.get_record_value
     from_addr = to_addr
     for record in handler.get_records_in_order():
         name = get_value(record, 'name')
         datatype = get_value(record, 'datatype')
         value = form[name]
         # XXX Render on datatype ?
         if datatype == 'product':
             shop = get_shop(resource)
             site_root = resource.get_site_root()
             product = context.root.get_resource(value)
             base_uri = shop.get_property('shop_uri')
             end_uri = site_root.get_pathto(product)
             value = get_reference(base_uri).resolve(end_uri)
         elif datatype == 'email':
             # XXX Set from_addr
             from_addr = value
         title = get_value(record, 'title')
         text.append('*%s* \n\n %s' % (title, value))
     text = '\n\n\n'.join(text)
     return resource.get_property('final_message')
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def get_options(cls):
     shop = get_shop(get_context().resource)
     enumerates_folder = shop.get_resource('enumerates')
     table = enumerates_folder.get_resource(cls.enumerate_name)
     return [
         cls.get_kw(table, record)
         for record in table.handler.get_records_in_order()
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def action_add_message(self, resource, context, form):
     shop = get_shop(resource)
     order = shop.get_resource('orders/%s' % form['id'])
     messages = order.get_resource('messages')
     messages.add_new_record({'author': context.user.name,
                              'private': False,
                              'message': form['message']})
     order.notify_new_message(form['message'], context)
     context.message = INFO(u'Your message has been sent')
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: skin.py Proyecto: hforge/shop
 def get_lazy_current_category(self, context):
     here = context.resource
     shop = get_shop(here)
     here = context.resource
     if isinstance(here, shop.category_class):
         return here.get_title()
     elif isinstance(here, shop.product_class):
         return here.parent.get_title()
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def get_table_columns(self, resource, context):
     base = [('checkbox', None)]
     shop = get_shop(resource)
     if shop.get_property('registration_need_email_validation') is True:
         return (base +
                 self.table_columns +
                 [('account_state', MSG(u'Mail confirmé'))])
     return (base +
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def get_lazy_current_category(self, context):
     here = context.resource
     shop = get_shop(here)
     here = context.resource
     if isinstance(here, shop.category_class):
         return here.get_title()
     elif isinstance(here, shop.product_class):
         return here.parent.get_title()
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def get_options(cls):
     from utils import get_shop
     context = get_context()
     # Search shop
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     # Get options
     resource = shop.get_resource('countries-zones').handler
     return [{'name': str(record.id),
              'value': resource.get_record_value(record, 'title')}
                 for record in resource.get_records()]
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def init_resource(self, *args, **kw):
     Folder.init_resource(self, *args, **kw)
     # XXX ctime (Should be done in ikaaro)
     self.set_property('ctime', datetime.now())
     # Currency
     shop = get_shop(self)
     devise = shop.get_property('devise')
     self.set_property('devise', devise)
     # Workflow
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def get_options(cls):
     options = []
     context = get_context()
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     addresses = shop.get_resource('addresses').handler
     for address in addresses.search(user=context.user.name):
           {'name': str(address.id),
            'value': addresses.get_record_value(address, 'title')})
     return options
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def get_options(cls):
     from utils import get_shop
     context = get_context()
     # Search shop
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     # Get options
     resource = shop.get_resource('countries-zones').handler
     return [{
         'name': str(record.id),
         'value': resource.get_record_value(record, 'title')
     } for record in resource.get_records()]
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def to_text(cls, name, languages):
     here = get_context().resource
     # XXX Hack for icms-update (context.resource is None)
     if here is None:
         return None
     if name is None:
         return None
     shop = get_shop(here)
     enumerates_folder = shop.get_resource("enumerates")
     table = enumerates_folder.get_resource(cls.enumerate_name)
     record = table.handler.search(name=name)[0]
     values = [table.handler.get_record_value(record, "title", lang) for lang in languages]
     return u" ".join(values)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def get_nb_products(self, only_public=False):
     root = self.get_root()
     shop = get_shop(self)
     abspath = self.get_canonical_path()
     query = [PhraseQuery('parent_paths', str(abspath)),
              PhraseQuery('format', shop.product_class.class_id)]
     if shop.get_property('hide_not_buyable_products') is True:
         context = get_context()
         group_name = get_group_name(shop, context)
         query.append(NotQuery(PhraseQuery('not_buyable_by_groups', group_name)))
     if only_public is True:
         query.append(PhraseQuery('workflow_state', 'public'))
     return len(root.search(AndQuery(*query)))
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def get_options(cls):
     options = []
     context = get_context()
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     addresses = shop.get_resource('addresses').handler
     for address in addresses.search(user=context.user.name):
             addresses.get_record_value(address, 'title')
     return options
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def get_query(self, context):
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     query = Table_AddEditRecord.get_query(self, context)
     # Test the id is valid
     id = query['id']
     resource = shop.get_resource('addresses')
     handler = resource.get_handler()
     record = handler.get_record(id)
     if record is None:
         context.query = query
         raise FormError, MSG(u'The {id} record is missing.', id=id)
     # Is authorized ?
     self.is_allowed_to_edit_record(resource.handler, context)
     # Ok
     return query
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def get_query(self, context):
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     query = Table_AddEditRecord.get_query(self, context)
     # Test the id is valid
     id = query['id']
     resource = shop.get_resource('addresses')
     handler = resource.get_handler()
     record = handler.get_record(id)
     if record is None:
         context.query = query
         raise FormError, MSG(u'The {id} record is missing.', id=id)
     # Is authorized ?
     self.is_allowed_to_edit_record(resource.handler, context)
     # Ok
     return query
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def get_value(cls, name, default=None):
     if name is None:
         return None
     here = get_context().resource
     # XXX Hack for icms-update (context.resource is None)
     if here is None:
         return None
     shop = get_shop(here)
     table = shop.get_resource("enumerates/%s" % cls.enumerate_name)
     records = table.handler.search(name=name)
     if len(records) == 0:
         # XXX Should not happen
         # Enumerate has been deleted
         return None
     record = records[0]
     return cls.get_kw(table, record)["value"]
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def get_nb_products(self, only_public=False):
     root = self.get_root()
     shop = get_shop(self)
     abspath = self.get_canonical_path()
     query = [
         PhraseQuery('parent_paths', str(abspath)),
         PhraseQuery('format', shop.product_class.class_id)
     if shop.get_property('hide_not_buyable_products') is True:
         context = get_context()
         group_name = get_group_name(shop, context)
             NotQuery(PhraseQuery('not_buyable_by_groups', group_name)))
     if only_public is True:
         query.append(PhraseQuery('workflow_state', 'public'))
     return len(root.search(AndQuery(*query)))
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def to_text(cls, name, languages):
     here = get_context().resource
     # XXX Hack for icms-update (context.resource is None)
     if here is None:
         return None
     if name is None:
         return None
     shop = get_shop(here)
     enumerates_folder = shop.get_resource('enumerates')
     table = enumerates_folder.get_resource(cls.enumerate_name)
     record = table.handler.search(name=name)[0]
     values = [
         table.handler.get_record_value(record, 'title', lang)
         for lang in languages
     return u' '.join(values)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def get_value(cls, name, default=None):
     if name is None:
         return None
     here = get_context().resource
     # XXX Hack for icms-update (context.resource is None)
     if here is None:
         return None
     shop = get_shop(here)
     table = shop.get_resource('enumerates/%s' % cls.enumerate_name)
     records = table.handler.search(name=name)
     if len(records) == 0:
         # XXX Should not happen
         # Enumerate has been deleted
         return None
     record = records[0]
     return cls.get_kw(table, record)['value']
Ejemplo n.º 32
Archivo: forms.py Proyecto: hforge/shop
 def get_namespace(self, datatype, value):
     context = get_context()
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     product_class = shop.product_class
     widget = PathSelectorWidget(self.name,
                 action=self.action).to_html(datatype, value)
     if value is not None:
         product = context.resource.get_resource(value, soft=True)
         product = None
     if product is None or not isinstance(product, product_class):
         viewbox = None
         viewbox = product_class.viewbox.GET(product, context)
     return {'widget': widget,
             'value': value,
             'viewbox': viewbox}
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def make_payment(self, resource, mode, amount, customer,
                   devise=None, order=None):
     # Auto incremental name for payments
     name = self.make_reference()
     payment_way = get_payment_way(self, mode)
     order_abspath = str(order.get_abspath()) if order else None
     # Devise
     if devise is None:
         shop = get_shop(resource)
         devise = shop.get_property('devise')
     # Payment configuration
     kw = {'amount': amount,
           'customer_id': customer.name,
           'devise': devise,
           'order_abspath': order_abspath}
     # Create order
     cls = payment_way.payment_class
     return resource.make_resource(name, cls, **kw)
Ejemplo n.º 34
Archivo: user.py Proyecto: hforge/shop
 def address(self):
     # XXX We should have a default address ?
     context = get_context()
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     addresses_h = shop.get_resource('addresses').handler
     records = addresses_h.search(user=self.name)
     if len(records) == 0:
         return None
     record = records[0]
     addresse = addresses_h.get_record_namespace(record.id)
     addr = u''
     for key in ['address_1', 'address_2', 'zipcode', 'town', 'country']:
             addr += u'%s ' % addresse[key]
         except Exception:
             # XXX Why ?
             addr += u'XXX'
     return addr
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def address(self):
     # XXX We should have a default address ?
     context = get_context()
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     addresses_h = shop.get_resource('addresses').handler
     records = addresses_h.search(user=self.name)
     if len(records) == 0:
         return None
     record = records[0]
     addresse = addresses_h.get_record_namespace(record.id)
     addr = u''
     for key in ['address_1', 'address_2', 'zipcode', 'town', 'country']:
             addr += u'%s ' % addresse[key]
         except Exception:
             # XXX Why ?
             addr += u'XXX'
     return addr
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def action_show_payment_form(self, resource, context, form):
     shop = get_shop(resource)
     order = shop.get_resource('orders/%s' % context.query['id'], soft=True)
     # ACL
     if not order or order.get_property('customer_id') != context.user.name:
         msg = ERROR(u'Your are not authorized to view this ressource')
         return context.come_back(msg, goto='/')
     payments = shop.get_resource('payments')
     payments_records = payments.get_payments_records(context, order.name)
     for payment_way, payment_record in payments_records:
         record_view = payment_way.order_view
         if record_view:
             payment_table = payment_way.get_resource('payments').handler
             record_view = record_view(
             return record_view.action_show_payment_form(resource, context, form)
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def get_sidebar_resource(self, context):
     # Show sidebar
     here = context.resource
     shop = get_shop(here)
     site_root = here.get_site_root()
     if isinstance(here, site_root.shop_class):
         return site_root.get_resource('shop/shop-sidebar', soft=True)
     elif isinstance(here, shop.product_class):
         return site_root.get_resource('product-sidebar')
     elif isinstance(here, shop.category_class):
         cat = here
         sidebar = None
         while cat.name != 'categories' and sidebar is None:
             sidebar = cat.get_resource('sidebar', soft=True)
             cat = cat.parent
         if sidebar:
             return sidebar
         return site_root.get_resource('category-sidebar')
     return NeutralSkin.get_sidebar_resource(self, context)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def backoffice_tabs(self):
        context = self.context
        site_root = context.site_root
        user = context.user
        shop = get_shop(site_root)

        tabs = []
        is_site_root = site_root == context.resource
        # Go home
        active = is_site_root and context.view_name in (None, 'view')
            'name': '/',
            'label': MSG(u'Go home'),
            'icon': 'house-go',
            'class': active and 'active' or None
        # Open backoffice
            'name': shop.get_property('shop_backoffice_uri'),
            'label': MSG(u'Backoffice'),
            'icon': 'cog',
            'class': None
        # Site root access control
        ac = site_root.get_access_control()
        # New resource
        active = is_site_root and context.view_name == 'website_new_resource'
        view = site_root.get_view('website_new_resource')
        if view and ac.is_access_allowed(user, site_root, view):
                'name': '/;website_new_resource',
                'label': MSG(u'Create a new resource'),
                'icon': 'page-white-add',
                'class': active and 'active' or None
        # Logout
            'name': '/;logout',
            'label': MSG(u'Log out'),
            'icon': 'action-logout',
            'class': active and 'active' or None
        return tabs
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def get_options(cls):
     context = get_context()
     # Search shop
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     # Get options
     countries = shop.get_resource('countries').handler
     if hasattr(cls, 'zone'):
         records = countries.search(zone=str(cls.zone))
         records = countries.get_records()
     options = []
     for record in records:
         enabled = countries.get_record_value(record, 'enabled')
         if enabled is False:
         options.append({'name': str(record.id),
                         'value': countries.get_record_value(record, 'title')})
     return options
Ejemplo n.º 40
Archivo: skin.py Proyecto: hforge/shop
 def get_sidebar_resource(self, context):
     # Show sidebar
     here = context.resource
     shop = get_shop(here)
     site_root = here.get_site_root()
     if isinstance(here, site_root.shop_class):
         return site_root.get_resource('shop/shop-sidebar', soft=True)
     elif isinstance(here, shop.product_class):
         return site_root.get_resource('product-sidebar')
     elif isinstance(here, shop.category_class):
         cat = here
         sidebar = None
         while cat.name != 'categories' and sidebar is None:
             sidebar = cat.get_resource('sidebar', soft=True)
             cat = cat.parent
         if sidebar:
             return sidebar
         return site_root.get_resource('category-sidebar')
     return NeutralSkin.get_sidebar_resource(self, context)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def onenter_paid(self):
     context = get_context()
     root = context.root
     shop = get_shop(self)
     site_root = context.site_root
     uri = context.uri.resolve('/%s' % site_root.get_pathto(self))
     kw = {'order_name': self.name,
           'order_uri': uri}
     # Send confirmation to customer
     customer_id = self.get_property('customer_id')
     user = root.get_user(customer_id)
     to_addr = user.get_property('email')
     subject = mail_confirmation_payment_title.gettext(**kw)
     body = mail_confirmation_payment_body.gettext(**kw)
     root.send_email(to_addr, subject, text=body)
     # We send email to inform shop administrator
     subject = mail_notification_payment_title.gettext(**kw)
     text = mail_notification_payment_body.gettext(**kw)
     for to_addr in shop.get_notification_mails():
         root.send_email(to_addr, subject, text=text)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def get_items(self, resource, context):
     shop = get_shop(resource)
     abspath = resource.get_canonical_path()
     query = [
         PhraseQuery('parent_paths', str(abspath)),
         PhraseQuery('format', shop.product_class.class_id),
         PhraseQuery('workflow_state', 'public')]
     # Is buyable ?
     if shop.get_property('hide_not_buyable_products') is True:
         group_name = get_group_name(shop, context)
         q = PhraseQuery('not_buyable_by_groups', group_name)
     # Add query of filter
     for key, datatype in self.get_search_schema().items():
         value = context.query[key]
         if value and issubclass(datatype, IntegerRange):
             query.append(RangeQuery(key, value[0], value[1]))
         elif value:
             query.append(PhraseQuery(key, value))
     return context.root.search(AndQuery(*query))
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def get_options(cls):
     context = get_context()
     # Search shop
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     # Get options
     countries = shop.get_resource('countries').handler
     if hasattr(cls, 'zone'):
         records = countries.search(zone=str(cls.zone))
         records = countries.get_records()
     options = []
     for record in records:
         enabled = countries.get_record_value(record, 'enabled')
         if enabled is False:
             'name': str(record.id),
             'value': countries.get_record_value(record, 'title')
     return options
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def onenter_open(self):
     context = get_context()
     shop = get_shop(self)
     root = context.root
     site_root = context.site_root
     # Build email informations
     uri = context.uri.resolve('/%s' % site_root.get_pathto(self))
     kw = {'order_name': self.name,
           'order_uri': uri}
     # Send confirmation to customer
     customer_id = self.get_property('customer_id')
     user = root.get_user(customer_id)
     to_addr = user.get_property('email')
     subject = mail_confirmation_creation_title.gettext(**kw)
     body = mail_confirmation_creation_body.gettext(**kw)
     root.send_email(to_addr, subject, text=body)
     # Send confirmation to the shop
     subject = mail_notification_title.gettext(**kw)
     body = mail_notification_body.gettext(**kw)
     for to_addr in shop.get_notification_mails():
         root.send_email(to_addr, subject, text=body)
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def send_confirm_url(self, context, email, subject, text, view):
        # XXX We override send_confirm_url to send mail
        # without setting subject with host, to use shop_uri
        # and not backoffice_uri (Since webmaster click from backoffice uri)
        # and to use good from_addr

        # Set the confirmation key
        if self.has_property('user_must_confirm'):
            key = self.get_property('user_must_confirm')
            key = generate_password(30)
            self.set_property('user_must_confirm', key)

        # Build the confirmation link
        shop = get_shop(context.resource)
        base_uri = shop.get_property('shop_uri')
        confirm_url = get_reference(base_uri)
        path = '/users/%s/%s' % (self.name, view)
        confirm_url.path = Path(path)
        confirm_url.query = {'key': key, 'username': self.get_login_name()}
        confirm_url = str(confirm_url)
        text = text.gettext(uri=confirm_url, key=key)
        # Get from_addr
        site_root = context.site_root
        if site_root.get_property('emails_from_addr'):
            user_name = site_root.get_property('emails_from_addr')
            user = self.get_resource('/users/%s' % user_name)
            from_addr = user.get_title(), user.get_property('email')
            from_addr = context.server.smtp_from
        # Subject
        subject = u'[%s] %s' % (base_uri, subject.gettext())
        # Send email
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def get_title(cls):
     shop = get_shop(get_context().resource)
     enumerates_folder = shop.get_resource('enumerates')
     table = enumerates_folder.get_resource(cls.enumerate_name)
     return table.get_title()
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def get_products(self, context, product_format, categories=[], excluded_products=[]):
        shop = get_shop(self)
        table = self
        if self.get_property("use_shop_configuration"):
            table = shop.get_resource("cross-selling")
        if table.get_property("enabled") is False:

        root = context.root
        products_quantity = table.get_property("products_quantity")

        # Base query
        query = [PhraseQuery("format", product_format), PhraseQuery("workflow_state", "public")]
        # Do not show now buyable products
        group_name = get_group_name(shop, context)
        q = PhraseQuery("not_buyable_by_groups", group_name)
        # Excluded products query
        if excluded_products:
            exclude_query = [PhraseQuery("abspath", str(abspath)) for abspath in excluded_products]
            if len(exclude_query) > 1:
                exclude_query = OrQuery(*exclude_query)
                exclude_query = exclude_query[0]
        # Filter on product title
        filter_text = table.get_property("filter_text")
        if filter_text:
            query.append(PhraseQuery("title", filter_text))
        # Categories query
        mode_categories = table.get_property("categories")
        if mode_categories == "current_category":
            query_categorie = [PhraseQuery("parent_paths", str(x.get_abspath())) for x in categories]
            if len(query_categorie) > 1:
            elif len(query_categorie) == 1:
        elif mode_categories == "one_category":
            query.append(PhraseQuery("parent_paths", table.get_property("specific_category")))
        # Show reductions ?
        promotion = table.get_property("show_product_with_promotion")
        if promotion in ("0", "1"):
            query.append(PhraseQuery("has_reduction", bool(promotion)))

        # Product model
        product_model = table.get_property("product_model")
        if product_model:
            query.append(PhraseQuery("product_model", product_model))
        # Tags
        if table.get_property("tags"):
            query.append(OrQuery(*[PhraseQuery("tags", x) for x in table.get_property("tags")]))

        # Selection in cross selling table
        handler = table.handler
        get_value = handler.get_record_value
        ids = list(handler.get_record_ids_in_order())
        names = []
        for id in ids[:products_quantity]:
            record = handler.get_record(id)
            path = get_value(record, "name")
            products_quantity -= 1
            resource = self.get_resource(path, soft=True)
            if resource is None:
                log_warning("Error cross selling, %s" % path)
            elif resource.get_property("state") == "public":
                yield resource

        if products_quantity <= 0:

        if names:
            names_query = [PhraseQuery("name", name) for name in names]
            if len(names_query) > 1:
                names_query = OrQuery(*names_query)
                names_query = names_query[0]

        # Complete results
        sort = table.get_property("sort")
        if sort == "random":
            # Random selection
            results = root.search(AndQuery(*query))
            # XXX It's not relevant to make a random cross selling
            # with more than 1000 products
            brains = list(results.get_documents(size=1000))
            for brain in brains[:products_quantity]:
                yield root.get_resource(brain.abspath)
        elif sort == "last":
            results = root.search(AndQuery(*query))
            brains = list(results.get_documents(sort_by="ctime", reverse=True, size=products_quantity))
            for brain in brains:
                yield root.get_resource(brain.abspath)
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def get_item_classes(self):
     context = get_context()
     shop = get_shop(context.resource)
     return (shop.product_class, )
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def get_namespace(self, resource, context):
        root = context.root
        # Get user
        user = resource
        # Get user class
        shop = get_shop(resource)
        group = user.get_group(context)
        # Build namespace
        namespace = {}
        infos = []
        for key, title in [('gender', MSG(u'Gender')),
                           ('firstname', MSG(u'Firstname')),
                           ('lastname', MSG(u'Lastname')),
                           ('email', MSG(u'Email')),
                           ('user_language', MSG(u'User language')),
                           ('phone1', MSG(u'Phone1')),
                           ('phone2', MSG(u'Phone2'))]:
            infos.append({'title': title,
                          'value': user.get_property(key),
                          'public': True})
        # Is enabled ?
        value = bool_to_img(user.get_property('is_enabled'))
        infos.append({'title': MSG(u'Enabled ?'),
                      'value': value,
                      'public': True})
        # Group
        infos.append({'title': MSG(u'Group'),
                      'value': group.get_title(),
                      'public': True})
        # Schema
        schema = group.get_resource('schema').handler
        for record in schema.get_records():
            name = schema.get_record_value(record, 'name')
            title = schema.get_record_value(record, 'title')
            public = schema.get_record_value(record, 'is_public')
            infos.append({'title': title,
                          'value': user.get_property(name),
                          'public': public})
        namespace['infos'] = infos
        # Customer connections
        namespace['connections'] = []
        accept = context.accept_language
        connections = shop.get_resource('customers/authentification_logs').handler
        for record in connections.search(user=user.name):
            ts = connections.get_record_value(record, 'ts')
            dt = format_datetime(ts, accept)
        # Customer payments
        payments = shop.get_resource('payments')
        namespace['payments'] = payments.get_payments_informations(
                                    context, user=user.name)
        # Customer orders
        namespace['orders'] = []
        query = PhraseQuery('customer_id', user.name)
        results = root.search(query)
        nb_orders = 0
        for brain in results.get_documents():
            order = root.get_resource(brain.abspath)
            nb_orders += 1
                  {'id': brain.name,
                   'href': resource.get_pathto(order),
                   'amount': order.get_property('total_price')})
        namespace['nb_orders'] = nb_orders
        # Customer addresses
        namespace['addresses'] = []
        addresses = shop.get_resource('addresses').handler
        for record in addresses.search(user=user.name):

        return namespace
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def action(self, resource, context, form):
        shop = get_shop(resource)
        root = context.root
        site_root = resource.get_site_root()

        # Check the new password matches
        password = form['password'].strip()
        if password != form['password_check']:
            context.message = ERROR(u"The two passwords are different.")
        if shop.get_property('registration_need_email_validation') is False:
            msg = MSG(u'Your inscription has been validaded.')
            msg = MSG(u'Your inscription has been validaded, '
                      u'you will receive an email to confirm it.')

        # Do we already have a user with that email?
        email = form['email'].strip()
        user = root.get_user_from_login(email)
        if user is not None:
            context.message = ERROR(u'This email address is already used.')

        # Add the user
        users = root.get_resource('users')
        user = users.set_user(email, password)

        # Set user group (do it befor save_form for dynanic schema)
        group = self.get_group(context)
        user.set_property('user_group', str(group.get_abspath()))

        # Save properties
        user.save_form(self.get_schema(resource, context), form)

        # Save address in addresses table
        if group.get_property('hide_address_on_registration') is False:
            kw = {'user': user.name}
            addresses = shop.get_resource('addresses')
            for key in [
                    'gender', 'lastname', 'firstname', 'address_1',
                    'address_2', 'zipcode', 'town', 'country'
                kw[key] = form[key]
            kw['title'] = MSG(u'Your address').gettext()

        # Clean cart, if another user already login before
        cart = ProductCart(context)

        # Set the role
        site_root.set_user_role(user.name, 'guests')

        # We log authentification
        shop = get_shop(resource)
        logs = shop.get_resource('customers/authentification_logs')
        user.set_property('last_time', datetime.now())

        # Send confirmation email
        need_email_validation = shop.get_property(
        user.send_register_confirmation(context, need_email_validation)

        # User is enabled ?
        user_is_enabled = group.get_property('user_is_enabled_when_register')
        user.set_property('is_enabled', user_is_enabled)

        # Create modules if needed
        search = context.root.search(is_shop_user_module=True)
        for brain in search.get_documents():
            shop_user_module = root.get_resource(brain.abspath)

        # If user not enabled, send mail to webmaster to validate user
        if user_is_enabled is False:
            subject = MSG(
                u'A customer must be validated in your shop').gettext()
            shop_backoffice_uri = shop.get_property('shop_backoffice_uri')
            body = registration_notification_body.gettext(
            for to_addr in shop.get_property('order_notification_mails'):
                root.send_email(to_addr, subject, text=body)

        # If need_email_validation or user not enable redirect on Welcome
        if need_email_validation is True or user_is_enabled is False:
            goto = '%s/welcome/' % context.get_link(group)
            return context.come_back(msg, goto=goto)

        # Do authentification
        # Set cookie
        user.set_auth_cookie(context, form['password'])

        # Set context
        context.user = user

        # Redirect
        shop = get_shop(resource)
        if form['goto']:
            goto = context.query['goto']
        elif resource == shop:
            goto = './;addresses'
        elif resource.class_id == shop.product_class.class_id:
            goto = './'
            goto = '/users/%s' % user.name
        return context.come_back(msg, goto)
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def get_products(self,
        shop = get_shop(self)
        table = self
        if self.get_property('use_shop_configuration'):
            table = shop.get_resource('cross-selling')
        if table.get_property('enabled') is False:

        root = context.root
        products_quantity = table.get_property('products_quantity')

        # Base query
        query = [
            PhraseQuery('format', product_format),
            PhraseQuery('workflow_state', 'public')
        # Do not show now buyable products
        group_name = get_group_name(shop, context)
        q = PhraseQuery('not_buyable_by_groups', group_name)
        # Excluded products query
        if excluded_products:
            exclude_query = [
                PhraseQuery('abspath', str(abspath))
                for abspath in excluded_products
            if len(exclude_query) > 1:
                exclude_query = OrQuery(*exclude_query)
                exclude_query = exclude_query[0]
        # Filter on product title
        filter_text = table.get_property('filter_text')
        if filter_text:
            query.append(PhraseQuery('title', filter_text))
        # Categories query
        mode_categories = table.get_property('categories')
        if mode_categories == 'current_category':
            query_categorie = [
                PhraseQuery('parent_paths', str(x.get_abspath()))
                for x in categories
            if len(query_categorie) > 1:
            elif len(query_categorie) == 1:
        elif mode_categories == 'one_category':
        # Show reductions ?
        promotion = table.get_property('show_product_with_promotion')
        if promotion in ('0', '1'):
            query.append(PhraseQuery('has_reduction', bool(promotion)))

        # Product model
        product_model = table.get_property('product_model')
        if product_model:
            query.append(PhraseQuery('product_model', product_model))
        # Tags
        if table.get_property('tags'):
                    PhraseQuery('tags', x) for x in table.get_property('tags')

        # Selection in cross selling table
        handler = table.handler
        get_value = handler.get_record_value
        ids = list(handler.get_record_ids_in_order())
        names = []
        for id in ids[:products_quantity]:
            record = handler.get_record(id)
            path = get_value(record, 'name')
            products_quantity -= 1
            resource = self.get_resource(path, soft=True)
            if resource is None:
                log_warning('Error cross selling, %s' % path)
            elif resource.get_property('state') == 'public':
                yield resource

        if products_quantity <= 0:

        if names:
            names_query = [PhraseQuery('name', name) for name in names]
            if len(names_query) > 1:
                names_query = OrQuery(*names_query)
                names_query = names_query[0]

        # Complete results
        sort = table.get_property('sort')
        if sort == 'random':
            # Random selection
            results = root.search(AndQuery(*query))
            # XXX It's not relevant to make a random cross selling
            # with more than 1000 products
            brains = list(results.get_documents(size=1000))
            for brain in brains[:products_quantity]:
                yield root.get_resource(brain.abspath)
        elif sort == 'last':
            results = root.search(AndQuery(*query))
            brains = list(
            for brain in brains:
                yield root.get_resource(brain.abspath)
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def get_widgets(self, resource, context):
     if get_shop(resource) == resource.parent:
         return self.widgets
     return [self.shop_configuration] + self.widgets