def test_gpu(gpu_id=[0]): if len(gpu_id) > 0 and torch.cuda.is_available(): os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(gpu_id[0]) device = torch.device('cuda') else: device = torch.device('cpu') print(device) pose_size = 72 beta_size = 10 np.random.seed(9608) pose = torch.from_numpy(get_theta('00001'))\ .type(torch.float64).to(device) betas = torch.from_numpy(get_beta('00001')) \ .type(torch.float64).to(device) trans = torch.from_numpy(get_trans('00001')).type(torch.float64).to(device) outmesh_path = './smpl_torch.obj' model = SMPLModel(device=device) result = model(betas, pose, trans) verts_numpy = result.cpu().numpy() faces_numpy = model.faces'../../resault/verts.npy', verts_numpy)'../../resault/faces.npy', faces_numpy)
def smplTest(): smpl = smpl_torch.SMPLModel(device) pose = torch.from_numpy(get_theta('00000')).type(torch.float64).to(device) beta = torch.from_numpy(get_beta('00000')) \ .type(torch.float64).to(device) trans = torch.from_numpy(get_trans('00000')).type(torch.float64).to(device) res = smpl(beta, pose, trans) J = smpl.J_regressor J = print(J)
def get_ellipse(x, y): a = np.column_stack((x, y)) a = a - np.repeat(a.mean(axis=0), a.shape[0]).reshape(a.shape[1], a.shape[0]).T # mean center (w, v) = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(a.T)) i = np.nonzero((-w).argsort()==0)[0][0] # indices for the top 2 eigenvalues j = np.nonzero((-w).argsort()==1)[0][0] xy = (np.mean(x), np.mean(y)) width = np.sqrt(w[i]) * 2 height = np.sqrt(w[j]) * 2 unit = np.array([1, 0]) vi = v[:,i] #vi = vi / norm(vi) # already normalized theta = utils.get_theta(vi, unit) angle = utils.rad_to_deg(theta) return (xy, width, height, angle)
def get_ellipse(x, y): a = np.column_stack((x, y)) a = a - np.repeat(a.mean(axis=0), a.shape[0]).reshape( a.shape[1], a.shape[0]).T # mean center (w, v) = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(a.T)) i = np.nonzero( (-w).argsort() == 0)[0][0] # indices for the top 2 eigenvalues j = np.nonzero((-w).argsort() == 1)[0][0] xy = (np.mean(x), np.mean(y)) width = np.sqrt(w[i]) * 2 height = np.sqrt(w[j]) * 2 unit = np.array([1, 0]) vi = v[:, i] #vi = vi / norm(vi) # already normalized theta = utils.get_theta(vi, unit) angle = utils.rad_to_deg(theta) return (xy, width, height, angle)
def smpl_plot(): smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel('../smpl/model.pkl') np.random.seed(9608) pose = get_theta('00000') beta = get_beta('00000') trans = get_trans('00000') smpl.set_params(beta=beta, pose=pose, trans=trans) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') mesh = Poly3DCollection(smpl.verts[smpl.faces], alpha=0.05) mesh.set_edgecolor((0.3,0.3,0.3)) mesh.set_facecolor((0.7,0.7,0.7)) ax.add_collection3d(mesh) J = print(J) print(J.shape, type(J)) print(smpl.J_regressor.shape) for j in range(len(J)): pos1 = J[j] ax.scatter3D([pos1[0]], [pos1[1]], [pos1[2]], label=f"{j}") plt.legend()
def main(img_path, json_path=None): input_img, proc_param, img = preprocess_image(img_path, json_path) # Add batch dimension: 1 x D x D x 3 input_img = np.expand_dims(input_img, 0) # Theta is the 85D vector holding [camera, pose, shape] # where camera is 3D [s, tx, ty] # pose is 72D vector holding the rotation of 24 joints of SMPL in axis angle format # shape is 10D shape coefficients of SMPL device = torch.device('cuda', 0) smpl = SMPL('../../smpl/model_cocoplus.pkl', obj_saveable=True).to(device) pose = get_theta('00001') beta = get_beta('00001') vbeta = torch.tensor(np.array([beta])).float().to(device) vpose = torch.tensor(np.array([pose])).float().to(device) vcam = torch.tensor([0.9, 0, 0]).expand((1, 3)).float().to(device) verts, joints, _ = smpl(vbeta, vpose, get_skin=True) pred_kp = batch_orth_proj_idrot(joints.cpu(), vcam.cpu()) r = torch.ones((1, 3)) verts, joints, r = verts.cpu().numpy(), pred_kp.cpu().numpy(), vcam.cpu( ).numpy() print(img.shape) print(type(joints), type(verts), type(r)) print(joints[0].shape, verts[0].shape, r[0].shape) visualize(img, proc_param, joints[0], verts[0], r[0])
joint_y = torch.matmul(verts[:, :, 1], self.joint_regressor.t()) joint_z = torch.matmul(verts[:, :, 2], self.joint_regressor.t()) joints = torch.stack([joint_x, joint_y, joint_z], dim=2) if get_skin: return verts, joints, Rs else: return joints if __name__ == '__main__': device = torch.device('cuda', 0) smpl = SMPL('../../smpl/model_cocoplus.pkl', obj_saveable=True).to(device) pose = get_theta('00002') pose[:3] = 0 beta = get_beta('00002') cam = np.array([0.9, 0, 0]) vbeta = torch.tensor(np.array([beta])).float().to(device) vpose = torch.tensor(np.array([pose])).float().to(device) vcam = torch.tensor(np.array([cam])).float().to(device) verts, j, r = smpl(vbeta, vpose, get_skin=True) smpl.save_obj(verts[0].cpu().numpy(), './mesh.obj') verts_numpy = verts.cpu().numpy() faces_numpy = smpl.faces'../../resault/verts.npy', verts_numpy)'../../resault/faces.npy', faces_numpy)
def b_n(k, s): return( get_lambda(S)+get_mu()+k*get_theta(S)+s )
def a_n(k): return( -get_lambda(S) * (get_mu()+k*get_theta(S)) )