Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    cfg = utils.getcfg([
        'serve.conf', '~/.webserver/serve.conf', '/etc/webserver/serve.conf'])
    utils.initlog(cfg.get('log', 'loglevel'), cfg.get('log', 'logfile'))
    addr = (cfg.get('main', 'addr'), cfg.getint('main', 'port'))

    engine = cfg.get('server', 'engine')
    if engine == 'apps':
        import apps
        ws = http.WebServer(apps.dis, cfg.get('log', 'access'))
    elif engine == 'wsgi':
        import app_webpy
        ws = http.WSGIServer(app_webpy.app.wsgifunc(), cfg.get('log', 'access'))
    else: raise Exception('invaild engine %s' % engine)

    server = cfg.get('server', 'server')
    if server == 'gevent':
        from gevent.server import StreamServer
        ws = StreamServer(addr, ws.handler)
    elif server == 'thread':
        ws = ThreadServer(addr, ws.handler)
    else: raise Exception('invaild server %s' % server)

    try: ws.serve_forever()
    except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(as_mod=False):
    global optdict
    optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'bc:dhjs:')
    optdict = dict(optlist)
    if '-h' in optdict:
        print main.__doc__

    cfgpathes = ['cves.ini', '/etc/cves.ini']
    if '-c' in optdict:
        cfgpathes.insert(0, optdict['-c'])
    utils.cfg = utils.getcfg(cfgpathes)

    utils.initlog(utils.cfg.get('log', 'level'), utils.cfg.get('log', 'file'))

    echo = utils.cfg.has_option('db', 'echo') and utils.cfg.getboolean('db', 'echo')
    utils.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(utils.cfg.get('db', 'url'), echo=echo)
    utils.sess = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=utils.engine)()

    if '-j' in optdict:
        return cron_job()
    elif '-b' in optdict:
        return built_db()

    application = web_main()
    if as_mod: return application
    return bottle.run(app=application, host=app.config['baseurl'].hostname,
                      port=app.config['baseurl'].port, reloader=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
durain [-c configfile] [-h]
* -c: config file
* -h: show help
    optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "c:f:l:h")
    optdict = dict(optlist)
    if "-h" in optdict:
        print main.__doc__

    cfg = utils.getcfg(optdict.get("-c", ["durian.conf", "~/.durian.conf", "/etc/durian/durian.conf"]))
    utils.initlog(cfg.get("log", "loglevel"), cfg.get("log", "logfile"))
    import http

    if cfg.has_section("pool"):
        http.connector.max_addr = cfg.getint("pool", "maxaddr")
    addr = (cfg.get("main", "addr"), cfg.getint("main", "port"))

    import proxy, manager

    p = proxy.Proxy(accesslog=cfg.get("log", "access"))
    p.application = manager.setup(p)
    if cfg.getboolean("log", "verbose"):
        p.VERBOSE = True

    import midware

    if cfg.has_section("auth"):
        auth = midware.Auth()
        if cfg.has_option("auth", "userfile"):
            auth.loadfile(cfg.get("auth", "userfile"))
        elif cfg.has_option("auth", "username"):
            auth.add(cfg.get("auth", "username"), cfg.get("auth", "password"))
    if cfg.has_section("cache"):
        store = None
        if cfg.get("cache", "engine") == "memory":
            store = midware.MemoryCache(cfg.getint("cache", "size"))
        if store:

        StreamServer(addr, p.handler).serve_forever()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: main.py Proyecto: yegle/cves
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@date: 2011-05-05
@author: shell.xu
@version: 0.8.1
import os, sys, web, base64, getopt
from os import path
from web.contrib.template import render_mako
import utils
from mgr import *

cfg = utils.getcfg(['cves.conf', '/etc/cves.conf'])
web.config.cfg = cfg
DEBUG = not path.isfile('RELEASE')
web.config.debug = DEBUG
web.config.rootdir = path.dirname(__file__)
web.config.db = web.database(**dict(cfg.items('db')))
web.config.render = render_mako(
    directories = ['templates'],  imports = ['import web'],
    default_filters = ['decode.utf8'], filesystem_checks = DEBUG,
    module_directory = None if DEBUG else '/tmp/mako_modules',
    input_encoding = 'utf-8', output_encoding = 'utf-8')

def serve_file(filepath):
    class ServeFile(object):
        def GET(self):
            with open(filepath, 'rb') as fi:
                return fi.read()
    return ServeFile
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'c:hp:')
    optdict = dict(optlist)
    if '-h' in optdict:
        print main.__doc__
    cfg = utils.getcfg(optdict.get('-c', [
        '/etc/lxcweb/lxcweb.conf', 'lxcweb.conf']))
    utils.initlog(cfg.get('log', 'loglevel'), cfg.get('log', 'logfile'))

    if cfg.has_section('lxc'):
        lxc.global_configfile = cfg.get('lxc', 'config')
        lxc.default_lxcpath = cfg.get('lxc', 'lxcpath')
        lxc.sudoflag = cfg.getboolean('lxc', 'sudo')

    # if web.config.rootdir: os.chdir(web.config.rootdir)
    static_path = None
    for p in ['static', '/usr/share/lxcweb/static']:
        if path.isdir(p):
            static_path = p
    assert static_path is not None, "static path not exist."

    app = web.application((
        '/static/(.*)', serve_path(static_path),
        # info actions
        '/', serve_file(path.join(static_path, 'home.html')),
        '/list.json', lxcweb.ListJson,
        '/info/(.*).json', lxcweb.InfoJson,
        '/ps/(.*).json', lxcweb.PsJson,
        '/ps/.*', serve_file(path.join(static_path, 'ps.html')),
        '/config/(.*).json', lxcweb.ConfigJson,
        '/config/.*', serve_file(path.join(static_path, 'config.html')),

        # image actions
        '/clone/(.*)/(.*)', lxcweb.Clone,
        '/create/(.*)', lxcweb.Create,
        '/destroy/(.*)', lxcweb.Destroy,
        '/export/(.*)', lxcweb.Export,
        '/import/(.*)', lxcweb.Import,

        # container actions
        '/start/(.*)', lxcweb.Start,
        '/stop/(.*)', lxcweb.Stop,
        '/shutdown/(.*)', lxcweb.Shutdown,
        '/reboot/(.*)', lxcweb.Reboot,
        '/freeze/(.*)', lxcweb.Freeze,
        '/unfreeze/(.*)', lxcweb.Unfreeze,

        # runtime actions
        '/attach/(.*)', lxcweb.Attach,

    kw = {}
    port = int(optdict.get('-p') or cfg.getint('main', 'port'))

    if cfg.has_section('ssl'):
        keyfile = cfg.get('ssl', 'key')
        certfile = cfg.get('ssl', 'cert')
        if path.exists(keyfile) and path.exists(certfile):
            kw = {'keyfile': keyfile, 'certfile': certfile}

    if cfg.has_section('users'):
            cfg.get('users', 'username'), cfg.get('users', 'password')))
    from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
    print 'service port :%d' % port
    WSGIServer(('', port), app.wsgifunc(), **kw).serve_forever()