Ejemplo n.º 1
freq = freq1[::-1]
LOfreq = 5150 # MHz
freq = LOfreq - freq

#get the on board filter normalized attenuation
fref = 1400 # MHz
fname = 'SXBP-1430-75+___Plus25degC.S2P'
data = utils.readminicircuitdata(filterfolder + fname)
freqfilt = data[0]
gainfilt = data[1]
attenatfref = np.interp([fref],freqfilt,gainfilt)
print 'attenat ref = ' , attenatfref
normedgain = gainfilt - attenatfref

#get the cable loss from data
meascable = utils.getjacquesmeas(filterfolder+'/scope_46.csv',filterfolder+'/scope_47.csv')

#interpolate the gains to add them:
newgainlnb = np.interp(freqfilt,freq,gainlnb)
newgaincable =  np.interp(freqfilt,meascable[0],meascable[1])

totgain = newgainlnb + normedgain + newgaincable

gainlin = np.power(10, (totgain)/10)
#newgainlin = gainlin[ (freqfilt > 500 ) & (freqfilt <2000)]
newgainlin = gainlin
sum = np.sum(newgainlin)*(freqfilt[1]- freqfilt[0])*1e6
print 'sum = ' , sum
print 'sum dB = ' , 10*np.log10(sum)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        data = utils.readminicircuitdata(basefolder + fname)
        freq = data[0]
        gain = data[1]
        attenatfref = np.interp([fref],freq,gain)
    allgainnp = np.ndarray(shape=(len(allgain),len(allgain[0])))
    counter = 0
    for gain in allgain:
        allgainnp[counter] = gain
        counter +=1
    meangain = np.mean(allgainnp,axis=0)
 #print allgain

    measdata = utils.getjacquesmeas(basefolder+'/scope_42.csv',basefolder+'/scope_43.csv')
    plt.plot(freq,meangain,'k',lw=2,label='average const.')
    plt.plot(measdata[0]*1000,measdata[1],'r',lw=2,label='meas. data')

###       for the board filter (helix)     #####
if typeoffilter == 'boardhelix':
    fname = 'CBP-B1230C+_Plus25DegC.s2p'
    data = utils.readminicircuitdata(basefolder + fname)
    freq = data[0]
    gain = data[1]
    attenatfref = np.interp([fref],freq,gain)
    plt.plot(freq,gain - attenatfref,label='board filter helix')
Ejemplo n.º 3
lnagain = []
for sn in snarray:
    fgainname = datafolder2 + 'wenteqS21'+ sn + '.csv'
    data = utils.readcsv(fgainname)

# get the on board filter data (CBP-B1230C+_Plus25DegC.s2p)
fref = 1400 #MHz freq to be normalized to (because resistor calibration was done at this frequency)
fname = '/CBP-B1230C+_Plus25DegC.s2p'
boardfilter = utils.readminicircuitdata(basefolder + fname) # (return [freq,gain])
attenatfref = np.interp([fref],boardfilter[0],boardfilter[1])
boardfilter[1] = boardfilter[1] - attenatfref # normalize the gain to the reference frequency

#get the biasT filter from data
measbiast = utils.getjacquesmeas(basefolder+'/scope_42.csv',basefolder+'/scope_43.csv')

#get the cable loss from data
meascable = utils.getjacquesmeas(basefolder+'/scope_43.csv',basefolder+'/scope_44.csv')

#we interpolate w.r.t. the constructor data:
freq = boardfilter[0]
newmeasbiast = np.interp(freq,measbiast[0]*1000,measbiast[1])
newmeascable = np.interp(freq,meascable[0]*1000,meascable[1])

totgains = []
gainbw = np.array([])
for lnag in lnagain:
    newgain = np.interp(freq,lnag[0],lnag[1])
    totgain = newgain + boardfilter[1]+ newmeasbiast + newmeascable
#    totgain = newgain + boardfilter[1] + newmeasbiast + newmeascable