Ejemplo n.º 1
    def compute_point_xy(self):

        in_str = self.input_seed + "point"
        x_hash = utils.hash_sha512(in_str)

        self.point_x = int(x_hash, 16) % self.prime_p

        end = False
        while not end:
            ring = Integers(self.prime_p)
            tmp  = power_mod(self.point_x, 3, self.prime_p) + \
                   self.coeff_a * self.point_x + self.coeff_b

            y = ring(tmp)

            if not utils.is_quadratic_residue(y, self.prime_p):
                x_hash = utils.hash_sha512(x_hash)
                self.point_x = int(x_hash, 16) % self.prime_p

                sq_root = int(y.square_root())

                if sq_root % 2 == 0:
                    self.point_y = sq_root
                    self.point_y = self.prime_p - sq_root

                end = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def compute_point_xy(self):

        in_str = self.input_seed + "point"
        x_hash = utils.hash_sha512(in_str)

        self.point_x = int(x_hash, 16) % self.prime_p
        end = False
        while not end:
            ring = Integers(self.prime_p)
            tmp  = power_mod(self.point_x, 3, self.prime_p) + \
                   self.coeff_a * self.point_x + self.coeff_b

            y = ring(tmp)
            if not utils.is_quadratic_residue(y, self.prime_p):
                x_hash = utils.hash_sha512(x_hash)
                self.point_x = int(x_hash, 16) % self.prime_p

                sq_root = int(y.square_root())

                if sq_root % 2 == 0:                        
                    self.point_y = sq_root
                    self.point_y = self.prime_p - sq_root

                end = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def compute_coeff_b(self, prime_p, in_seed, curve_index):
        in_str = "b" + str(curve_index) + in_seed
        result = utils.hash_sha512(in_str)
        result_int = int(result, 16)

        return (result_int % prime_p)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def compute_coeff_b(self, prime_p, in_seed, curve_index):

        in_str = "b" + str(curve_index) + in_seed
        result = utils.hash_sha512(in_str)
        result_int = int(result, 16)

        return (result_int % prime_p)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def compute_coeff_a(self, a_type, prime_p, in_seed, curve_index):

        if a_type == 'fixed':

            in_str = "a" + in_seed
            result = utils.hash_sha512(in_str)
            result_int = int(result, 16)
            return (result_int % prime_p)

        elif a_type == 'random':

            in_str = "a" + str(curve_index) + in_seed
            result = utils.hash_sha512(in_str)
            result_int = int(result, 16)
            return (result_int % prime_p)

        elif a_type == 'efficient':

            return (prime_p - 3)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def generate_sloth_input(self):

        img_data = utils.read_binary_file(self.image_filepath)
        tw_data = utils.read_binary_file(self.tweets_filepath)

        img_tw_bytes = bytearray(img_data + tw_data)

        ret_val = utils.hash_sha512(img_tw_bytes)

        return ret_val
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def check_commitment(self, expected_comm):

        sloth_input = self.generate_sloth_input()

        comm = utils.hash_sha512(sloth_input)

        if comm == expected_comm:
            return True
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def generate(self):

        sloth_input = self.generate_sloth_input()

        self.commitment = utils.hash_sha512(sloth_input)

        prime_p = self.generate_prime_p(sloth_input)

        s_int = self.generate_s_int(sloth_input, prime_p)

        flip_mask   = pow(2, self.sloth_prime_len / 2) - 1
        ro_func_exp = (prime_p + 1) / 4

        for i in xrange(self.sloth_num_iter):
            s_int = (s_int ^ flip_mask) % prime_p
            s_int = self.ro_function(s_int, ro_func_exp, prime_p)

        self.witness    = utils.hex_strip(s_int)
        self.sloth_hash = utils.hash_sha512(self.witness)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def generate(self):

        sloth_input = self.generate_sloth_input()

        self.commitment = utils.hash_sha512(sloth_input)

        prime_p = self.generate_prime_p(sloth_input)

        s_int = self.generate_s_int(sloth_input, prime_p)

        flip_mask = pow(2, self.sloth_prime_len / 2) - 1
        ro_func_exp = (prime_p + 1) / 4

        for i in xrange(self.sloth_num_iter):
            s_int = (s_int ^ flip_mask) % prime_p
            s_int = self.ro_function(s_int, ro_func_exp, prime_p)

        self.witness = utils.hex_strip(s_int)
        self.sloth_hash = utils.hash_sha512(self.witness)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def compute_coeff_a(self, a_type, prime_p, in_seed, curve_index):

        if a_type == 'fixed':
            in_str = "a" + in_seed
            result = utils.hash_sha512(in_str)
            result_int = int(result, 16)
            return (result_int % prime_p)
        elif a_type == 'random':

            in_str = "a" + str(curve_index) + in_seed
            result = utils.hash_sha512(in_str)
            result_int = int(result, 16)
            return (result_int % prime_p)

        elif a_type == 'efficient':

            return (prime_p - 3)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def check_commitment(self, expected_comm):

        sloth_input = self.generate_sloth_input()

        comm = utils.hash_sha512(sloth_input)

        if comm == expected_comm:
            return True
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def generate_sloth_input(self):

        img_data = utils.read_binary_file(self.image_filepath)
        tw_data  = utils.read_binary_file(self.tweets_filepath)
        img_tw_bytes = bytearray(img_data + tw_data)

        ret_val = utils.hash_sha512(img_tw_bytes)

        return ret_val
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def generate_s_int(self, sloth_input, prime_p):

        num_hashes = self.sloth_prime_len / 512

        s_hex = ""
        for i in xrange(num_hashes):
            s_hex += utils.hash_sha512(sloth_input + "seed" + str(i))

        s_int = int(s_hex, 16)
        s_int = s_int % prime_p

        return s_int
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def generate_s_int(self, sloth_input, prime_p):

        num_hashes = self.sloth_prime_len / 512

        s_hex = ""
        for i in xrange(num_hashes):
            s_hex += utils.hash_sha512(sloth_input + "seed" + str(i))

        s_int = int(s_hex, 16)
        s_int = s_int % prime_p

        return s_int
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def generate_prime_p(self, sloth_input):

        # We divide with 512 because we are using sha512 hash function
        num_hashes = self.sloth_prime_len / 512

        p0_hex = ""
        for i in xrange(num_hashes):
            p0_hex += utils.hash_sha512(sloth_input + "prime" + str(i))

        p0_int = int(p0_hex, 16)
        p1_int = p0_int | pow(2, self.sloth_prime_len - 1)

        prime_p = utils.next_prime_3_mod_4(p1_int)

        return prime_p
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def generate_prime_p(self, sloth_input):

        # We divide with 512 because we are using sha512 hash function
        num_hashes = self.sloth_prime_len / 512

        p0_hex = ""
        for i in xrange(num_hashes):
            p0_hex += utils.hash_sha512(sloth_input + "prime" + str(i))

        p0_int = int(p0_hex, 16)
        p1_int = p0_int | pow(2, self.sloth_prime_len - 1)

        prime_p = utils.next_prime_3_mod_4(p1_int)

        return prime_p
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def verify(self, expected_comm, expected_hash, expected_wit):

        sloth_input = self.generate_sloth_input()

        self.commitment = utils.hash_sha512(sloth_input)

        if self.commitment != expected_comm:
            self.verification = self.COMMIT_FAIL
            return False

        wit_hash = utils.hash_sha512(expected_wit)
        if wit_hash != expected_hash:
            self.verification = self.WITNES_FAIL
            self.witness_hash = wit_hash
            return False

        prime_p = self.generate_prime_p(sloth_input)

        s_int = self.generate_s_int(sloth_input, prime_p)

        flip_mask   = pow(2, self.sloth_prime_len / 2) - 1

        inv_val = int(expected_wit, 16)
        for i in xrange(self.sloth_num_iter):
            if inv_val % 2 == 0:
               inv_val = pow(inv_val, 2, prime_p)
                inv_val = prime_p - pow(inv_val, 2, prime_p)
            inv_val = (inv_val ^ flip_mask) % prime_p

        if inv_val != s_int:
            self.verification = self.HASH_FAIL            
            return False

        self.verification = self.ALL_PASSED
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def verify(self, expected_comm, expected_hash, expected_wit):

        sloth_input = self.generate_sloth_input()

        self.commitment = utils.hash_sha512(sloth_input)

        if self.commitment != expected_comm:
            self.verification = self.COMMIT_FAIL
            return False

        wit_hash = utils.hash_sha512(expected_wit)
        if wit_hash != expected_hash:
            self.verification = self.WITNES_FAIL
            self.witness_hash = wit_hash
            return False

        prime_p = self.generate_prime_p(sloth_input)

        s_int = self.generate_s_int(sloth_input, prime_p)

        flip_mask = pow(2, self.sloth_prime_len / 2) - 1

        inv_val = int(expected_wit, 16)
        for i in xrange(self.sloth_num_iter):
            if inv_val % 2 == 0:
                inv_val = pow(inv_val, 2, prime_p)
                inv_val = prime_p - pow(inv_val, 2, prime_p)
            inv_val = (inv_val ^ flip_mask) % prime_p

        if inv_val != s_int:
            self.verification = self.HASH_FAIL
            return False

        self.verification = self.ALL_PASSED
        return True