Ejemplo n.º 1
    def control_attitude(self, quad_att_des, quad_dcm, quad_omega, J):
        quad_att = np.vstack(
        phi, theta, _ = quad_att.squeeze()
        omega = quad_omega
        omega_hat = hat(omega)
        wx, wy, wz = quad_omega.squeeze()

        L = np.array([
            [1, np.sin(phi)*np.tan(theta), np.cos(phi)*np.tan(theta)],
            [0, np.cos(phi), -np.sin(phi)],
            [0, np.sin(phi)/np.cos(theta), np.cos(phi)/np.cos(theta)]
        L2 = np.array([
            [wy*np.cos(phi)*np.tan(theta) - wz*np.sin(phi)*np.tan(theta),
            wy*np.sin(phi)/(np.cos(theta))**2 \
             + wz*np.cos(phi)/(np.cos(theta))**2,
            [-wy*np.sin(phi) - wz*np.cos(phi), 0, 0],
            [wy*np.cos(phi)/np.cos(theta) - wz*np.sin(phi)*np.cos(theta),
            wy*np.sin(phi)*np.tan(theta)/np.cos(theta) \
             - wz*np.cos(phi)*np.tan(theta)/np.cos(theta),
        b = np.vstack((wx, 0., 0.))
        e2 = L.dot(omega)
        e1 = quad_att - quad_att_des
        s = self.cfg.controller.Ke*e1 + e2
        s_clip = np.clip(s/self.cfg.controller.chattering_bound, -1, 1)
        M = (J.dot(nla.inv(L))).dot(
            -self.cfg.controller.Ke*e2 - b - L2.dot(e2) \
            - s_clip*(self.cfg.controller.unc_max + self.cfg.controller.Ks)
        ) + omega_hat.dot(J.dot(omega))
        return M
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def logger_callback(self, t, quad_att_des, f_des):
     load_att = np.vstack(rot.dcm2angle(self.load.dcm.state.T)[::-1])
     quad_pos = [None]*self.cfg.quad.num
     quad_vel = [None]*self.cfg.quad.num
     quad_att = [None]*self.cfg.quad.num
     anchor_pos = [None]*self.cfg.quad.num
     distance_btw_quad2anchor = [None]*self.cfg.quad.num
     # check_dynamics = [None]*self.cfg.quad.num
     for i, (link, quad) in enumerate(
             zip(self.links.systems, self.quads.systems)
         quad_pos[i] = self.load.pos.state \
             + self.load.dcm.state.dot(link.anchor) \
             - link.len*link.uvec.state
         quad_vel[i] = self.load.vel.state \
             + self.load.dcm.state.dot(
             ) \
             - link.len*hat(link.omega.state).dot(link.uvec.state)
         quad_att[i] = np.array(rot.dcm2angle(quad.dcm.state.T))[::-1]
         anchor_pos[i] = self.load.pos.state \
             + self.load.dcm.state.dot(link.anchor)
         distance_btw_quad2anchor[i] = \
                 (quad_pos[i][0][0] - anchor_pos[i][0][0])**2 \
                 + (quad_pos[i][1][0] - anchor_pos[i][1][0])**2 \
                 + (quad_pos[i][2][0] - anchor_pos[i][2][0])**2
         if distance_btw_quad2anchor[i] < 0.1 or distance_btw_quad2anchor[i] > 1.:
         # check_dynamics[i] = np.dot(
         #     links[f'link{i:02d}']['uvec'].reshape(-1, ),
         #     links[f'link{i:02d}']['omega'].reshape(-1,)
         # )
     distance_btw_quads = self.check_collision(quad_pos)
     return dict(time=t, **self.observe_dict(), load_att=load_att,
                 anchor_pos=anchor_pos, quad_vel=quad_vel,
                 quad_att=quad_att, quad_pos=quad_pos,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_grasp_map(contacts, normals, num_facets, mu, gamma):
    """ Compute the grasp map given the contact points and their surface normals

    contacts : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh vertices on which the fingers will be placed
    normals : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh normals at the contact points
    num_facets : int
        number of vectors to use to approximate the friction cone.  these vectors will be along the friction cone boundary
    mu : float 
        coefficient of friction
    gamma : float
        torsional friction coefficient

    :obj:`numpy.ndarray` grasp map
    step = 2 * np.pi / num_facets
    up = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    grasp_maps = []
    for num in range(len(contacts)):
        R = look_at(normals[num], up)
        p = contacts[num]
        G = np.zeros((num_facets + 1, 6))
        for i in range(num_facets):
            f_finger = np.array(
                [np.sin(step * i) * mu,
                 np.cos(step * i) * mu, 1])
            f_object = np.dot(R, f_finger)
            torque = np.dot(np.dot(hat(p), R), f_finger)
            G[i, :3] = f_object
            G[i, 3:] = torque
            # print("f_object is: ", f_object)
            # print("torque is: ", torque)
            # print G[i,:]
        G[num_facets, :] = np.append(np.zeros((3, 1)),
                                     np.dot(R, np.array([0, 0, 1])))

        G = G.T
        # print(G)
        # print np.linalg.matrix_rank(G)
    # print(np.concatenate(grasp_maps ,axis = 1))
    return np.concatenate(grasp_maps, axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def set_dot(self, moment):
     self.dcm.dot = self.dcm.state.dot(hat(self.omega.state))
     self.omega.dot = nla.inv(self.J).dot(
         moment - hat(self.omega.state).dot(self.J.dot(self.omega.state))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def set_dot(self, ang_acc):
     self.uvec.dot = hat(self.omega.state).dot(self.uvec.state)
     self.omega.dot = ang_acc
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def set_dot(self, acc, ang_acc):
     self.pos.dot = self.vel.state
     self.vel.dot = acc
     self.omega.dot = ang_acc
     self.dcm.dot = self.dcm.state.dot(hat(self.omega.state))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def set_dot(self, t, quad_att_des, f_des):
        m_T = self.load.mass
        R0 = self.load.dcm.state
        omega = self.load.omega.state
        omega_hat = hat(omega)
        omega_hat_square = omega_hat.dot(omega_hat)

        S1_set = [None] * self.cfg.quad.num
        S2_set = [None] * self.cfg.quad.num
        S3_set = [None] * self.cfg.quad.num
        S4_set = [None] * self.cfg.quad.num
        S5_set = [None] * self.cfg.quad.num
        S6_set = [None] * self.cfg.quad.num
        S7_set = [None] * self.cfg.quad.num

        for i, (link, quad) in enumerate(
            zip(self.links.systems, self.quads.systems)
            l = link.len
            rho = link.anchor
            q = link.uvec.state
            w = link.omega.state
            m = quad.mass
            R = quad.dcm.state
            u = f_des[i] * R.dot(self.e3)

            m_T += m
            q_hat_square = (hat(q)).dot(hat(q))
            q_qT = self.eye + q_hat_square
            rho_hat = hat(rho)
            rhohat_R0T = rho_hat.dot(R0.T)
            w_norm = np.sqrt(w[0]**2 + w[1]**2 + w[2]**2)
            l_w_square_q = l * w_norm * w_norm * q
            R0_omega_square_rho = R0.dot(omega_hat_square.dot(rho))

            S1_temp = q_qT.dot(u - m*R0_omega_square_rho) - m*l_w_square_q
            S2_temp = m * q_qT.dot(rhohat_R0T.T)
            S3_temp = m * rhohat_R0T.dot(q_qT.dot(rhohat_R0T.T))
            S4_temp = m * q_hat_square
            S5_temp = m * rhohat_R0T.dot(q_qT)
            S6_temp = rhohat_R0T.dot(
                q_qT.dot(u + m*self.g) \
                - m*q_hat_square.dot(R0_omega_square_rho) \
                - m*l_w_square_q
            S7_temp = m * rho_hat.dot(rho_hat)
            S1_set[i] = S1_temp
            S2_set[i] = S2_temp
            S3_set[i] = S3_temp
            S4_set[i] = S4_temp
            S5_set[i] = S5_temp
            S6_set[i] = S6_temp
            S7_set[i] = S7_temp
        S1 = sum(S1_set)
        S2 = sum(S2_set)
        S3 = sum(S3_set)
        S4 = sum(S4_set)
        S5 = sum(S5_set)
        S6 = sum(S6_set)
        S7 = sum(S7_set)

        J_bar = self.load.J - S7
        J_hat = self.load.J + S3
        J_hat_inv = np.linalg.inv(J_hat)
        Mq = m_T*self.eye + S4
        A = -J_hat_inv.dot(S5)
        B = J_hat_inv.dot(S6 - omega_hat.dot(J_bar.dot(omega)))
        C = Mq + S2.dot(A)

        load_acc = nla.inv(C).dot(Mq.dot(self.g) + S1 - S2.dot(B))
        load_ang_acc = A.dot(load_acc) + B
        self.load.set_dot(load_acc, load_ang_acc)

        M = [None]*self.cfg.quad.num
        for i, (link, quad) in enumerate(
                zip(self.links.systems, self.quads.systems)
            l = link.len
            rho = link.anchor
            q = link.uvec.state
            q_hat = hat(q)
            m = quad.mass
            R = quad.dcm.state
            u = f_des[i] * R.dot(self.e3)
            R0_omega_square_rho = R0.dot(omega_hat_square.dot(rho))
            D = R0.dot(hat(rho).dot(load_ang_acc)) + self.g + u/m

            link_ang_acc = q_hat.dot(load_acc + R0_omega_square_rho - D) / l

            M[i] = self.control_attitude(

        return dict(quad_att_des=quad_att_des, quad_moment=M, f_des=f_des)
def get_grasp_map(vertices, normals, num_facets, mu, gamma):
    defined in the book on page 219.  Compute the grasp map given the contact
    points and their surface normals

    vertices : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh vertices on which the fingers will be placed
    normals : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh normals at the contact points
    num_facets : int
        number of vectors to use to approximate the friction cone.  these vectors
        will be along the friction cone boundary
    mu : float
        coefficient of friction
    gamma : float
        torsional friction coefficient

    :obj:`numpy.ndarray` grasp map

    B1 = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 1, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1, 1],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    B2 = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 1, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1, 1],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    g1 = np.zeros((4,4))
    g1[:3, :3] = hat(normals[0])
    g1[:3, 3] = vertices[0]
    g1[3, 3] = 1

    #g1 = np.linalg.inv(g1)
    g1 = g_inv(g1)
    G1 = np.matmul(adj(g1).T, B1)

    g2 = np.zeros((4,4))
    g2[:3, :3] = hat(normals[0])
    g2[:3, 3] = vertices[0]
    g2[3, 3] = 1

    g2 = np.linalg.inv(g2)

    G2 = np.matmul(adj(g2).T, B2)

    G = np.zeros((6,8))
    G[:,:4] = G1
    G[:,4:] = G2

    return G