Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_version(self):
        # Return version if it is cached.
        if self._version is not None:
            return self._version

        if self.is_https():
            server_cert, server_key, ca = self.get_server_certificate_files()
            client_cert, client_key = self.get_client_certificate_files(ca)
            self._version = utils.http_get('localhost', self.port, method='POST', url='/server/version', key_file=client_key, cert_file=client_cert)
            self._version = utils.http_get('localhost', self.port, method='POST', url='/server/version')
        return self._version
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_version(self):
        # Return version if it is cached.
        if self._version is not None:
            return self._version

        if self.is_https():
            server_cert, server_key, ca = self.get_server_certificate_files()
            client_cert, client_key = self.get_client_certificate_files(ca)
            self._version = utils.http_get('localhost', self.port, method='POST', url='/heartbeat',
                                           key_file=client_key, cert_file=client_cert, ca_cert=ca)
            self._version = utils.http_get('localhost', self.port, method='POST', url='/heartbeat')
        return self._version
Ejemplo n.º 3
def kegg_weblink_pathway(path, dataset_string):
    url = 'www.kegg.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?' + dataset_string
    resp = utils.http_get(url, https=True)
    for line in resp.text.split("\n"):
        line = line.strip()
        if line.startswith("<img src=\"/tmp/mark_pathway"):
            img_url = 'www.kegg.jp' + line.split("\"")[1]
            img_name = img_url.split("/")[-1]

    img_data = utils.http_get(img_url, https=True).content
    with open(path + '\\' + img_name, 'wb') as handler:
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_version(self):
        # Return version if it is cached.
        if self._version is not None:
            return self._version

        if self.is_https():
            server_cert, server_key, ca = self.get_server_certificate_files()
            client_cert, client_key = self.get_client_certificate_files(ca)
            common_name = NuclideCertificatesGenerator.get_common_name(server_cert)
            self._version = utils.http_get(common_name, self.port, method='POST', url='/heartbeat',
                                           key_file=client_key, cert_file=client_cert, ca_cert=ca)
            self._version = utils.http_get('localhost', self.port, method='POST', url='/heartbeat')
        return self._version
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, url, attempts=NUMBER_OF_ATTEMPTS, quiet=False):
     self.url = url
     inmate_result = http_get(url, number_attempts=attempts, quiet=quiet)
     self.__inmate_found = inmate_result is not None
     if self.__inmate_found:
         inmate_doc = pq(inmate_result.content)
         self.__columns = inmate_doc('table tr:nth-child(2n) td')
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def depth(self, coin):

        :param coin: str
        :type coin: str
            "code": 0, // 状态码
            "msg": "Success", // 提示语
            "data": {
                "asks": [
                    ['0.00000210', '12867.7080'],
                    ['0.00000209', '123770.4725'],
                    ['0.00000208', '162688.6625']
                ], //asks 委卖单[价格, 委单量],价格从高到低排序 [str, str]
                "bids": [
                    ['0.00000195', '893.0000'],
                    ['0.00000193', '22826.6243'],
                    ['0.00000192', '90270.4217']
                ], //bids 委买单[价格, 委单量],价格从高到低排序 [str, str]
                "date": 1506047161 //时间戳
        params = 'coin=%(coin)s' % {'coin': coin}
        return http_get(self.__url + BitZMarket.DEPTH_RESOURCE + '?' + params)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def depth(self, symbol):
        # type: (str) -> dict

        :param symbol:
            'bids': [
                # [bid_price, bid_volume]
                # [float, float]
                [0.010104, 1129.16], # bid_1
                [0.010103, 1000.0], # bid_2
                [0.010102, 1000.0], # bid_3
            'asks': [
                # [ask_price, ack_volume]
                # [float, float]
                [0.0102, 10000.0], # ask_1
                [0.0106, 2799.02], # ask_2
                [0.010694, 1000.0] # ask_3
            'rawBids': None,
            'rawAsks': None,
            'id': 0,
            'seq': 0
        params = 'symbol=%(symbol)s' % {'symbol': symbol}
        return http_get(
            self.__url + AllCoinMarket.DEPTH_RESOURCE + '?' + params, False)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_vids(sid="", eid="", category="", vtid=""):
	vids = []
	vid_list_url = get_vid_list_url(sid=sid, category=category, vtid=vtid)
	res = utils.http_get(vid_list_url)
	json_data = json.load(res)

	status = int(json_data['status'])
	while status == 0: # more to fetch
		last_id = vids[-1]['id']
		vid_list_url = get_vid_list_url(sid=sid, category=category, vtid=vtid, before=last_id)
		res = utils.http_get(vid_list_url)
		json_data = json.load(res)
		status = int(json_data['status'])

	return vids
Ejemplo n.º 9
def login(request):
    data = {'ret_code': 0, 'ret_data': {}}
        if request.method == 'POST':
            req_data = json.loads(request.body)
            req_data = request.GET

        jscode = req_data['jscode']
        sess = utils.http_get(config.JSCODE_SESSION_URL + jscode)
        if 'openid' in sess:
            sess_key = utils.save_session(sess)
            if sess_key:
                data['ret_code'] = 1
                data['sess_key'] = sess_key
                data['msg'] = 'save session error.'
            mark.info('%s\t%s\t%s\tlogin' %
                      (sess['openid'], utils.getuip(request),
                       time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
            data['msg'] = 'fetch session error'

    except Exception as err:
        data['msg'] = 'program or internet error.'

    res = json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
    return HttpResponse(res, content_type="application/json")
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def crawl(self, url):
        #get novel page
        html = utils.http_get(url, encode="gbk")
        html = self.parser.to_utf8(html)
        #html = utils.gbk_to_utf8(html)
        novel = self.parser.parse_novel_page(url, html)
        list_url = novel['list_url']

        html = utils.http_get(list_url, encode='gbk')
        html = self.parser.to_utf8(html)
        chapter_list = self.parser.parse_list_page(list_url, html)
        novel['chapter_list'] = chapter_list
        novel["chapters"] = len(chapter_list)
        novel['update_time'] = time.time()
        novel["last_chapter"] = chapter_list[-1]["url"]
        return novel
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, url, attempts=NUMBER_OF_ATTEMPTS, quiet=False):
     self.url = url
     inmate_result = http_get(url, number_attempts=attempts, quiet=quiet)
     self.__inmate_found = inmate_result is not None
     if self.__inmate_found:
         inmate_doc = pq(inmate_result.content)
         self.__columns = inmate_doc('table tr:nth-child(2n) td')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_department_list(access_token):
    url = 'https://%s/department/list?' % API_ADDR
    args = {
        'access_token': access_token
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _get_encrypt_datas(self, start_date, end_date, keywords):
        :start_date; str, 2018-10-01
        :end_date; str, 2018-10-01
        :keyword; list, ['1', '2', '3']
        request_args = {
                'name': keyword,
                'wordType': 1
            }] for keyword in keywords]),

        url = 'http://index.baidu.com/api/SearchApi/index?' + urlencode(
        html = utils.http_get(url, self.cookies)
        datas = json.loads(html)
        uniqid = datas['data']['uniqid']
        encrypt_datas = []
        for single_data in datas['data']['userIndexes']:
        return (encrypt_datas, uniqid)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_access_token(corp_id, secret):
    url = 'https://%s/gettoken?' % API_ADDR
    args = {
        'corpid': corp_id,
        'corpsecret': secret
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_access_token(corp_id, secret):
    url = 'https://%s/gettoken?' % API_ADDR
    args = {
        'corpid': corp_id,
        'corpsecret': secret
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_user(access_token, userid):
    url = 'https://%s/user/get?' % API_ADDR
    args = {
        'access_token': access_token,
        'userid': userid
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_jsapi_ticket(access_token):
    url = 'https://%s/get_jsapi_ticket?' % API_ADDR
    args = {
        'access_token': access_token,
        'type': 'jsapi'
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_jsapi_ticket(access_token):
    url = 'https://%s/get_jsapi_ticket?' % API_ADDR
    args = {
        'access_token': access_token,
        'type': 'jsapi'
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def delete_department(access_token, department_id):
    url = 'https://%s/department/delete?' % API_ADDR
    args = {
        'access_token': access_token,
        'id': department_id
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_user_id(access_token,code):
    url = 'https://%s/user/getuserinfo?' % API_ADDR
    args = {
        'access_token': access_token,
        'code': code
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def execute():
    grader_father = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) + os.path.sep + "..")
    data_dir = grader_father + os.path.sep + "data" + os.path.sep + "app"
    logger.debug("downloader starting!")
    while True:
        data = get_app_list()
        for _id, link in data:
            logger.debug("id: %s, link: %s" % (_id, link))
            filename = link.split("/")[-1]
            dst = data_dir + os.path.sep + filename
            if not os.path.exists(dst):
                http_get(link, dst)
                logger.info("Installer Downloaded: " + dst)
                logger.info("Installer exists: " + dst)

Ejemplo n.º 22
def get_department_list(access_token, fetch_child=True, parentid=1):
    url = 'https://%s/department/list?' % API_ADDR
    args = {
        'access_token': access_token,
        'fetch_chiild': fetch_child,
        'id': parentid
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def get_department_detail_userlist(access_token, department_id,
    url = 'https://%s/user/list?' % API_ADDR
    args = {
        'access_token': access_token,
        'department_id': department_id,
        'fetch_child': fetch_child
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def scrape_season_list():
	season_list = []

	html = utils.http_get("/en/videos/all_videos/")
	soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
	for year in soup.find("select", id="filter-by-year").find_all("option"):
		if year.attrs['value'] != "":

	return season_list
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def query(self, type, tag, page_limit=40, page_start=0):
     resp = utils.http_get(
         self.API, {
             'type': type,
             'tag': tag,
             'sort': 'recommend',
             'page_limit': page_limit,
             'page_start': page_start
     return json.loads(resp)['subjects'] if resp else None
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def get_balance(self):
     # type: () -> dict
     params = {
         'accesskey': self.__access_key,
         'nonce': str(int(time.time() * 1000))
     params['signature'] = build_exx_sign(params, self.__secret_key)
     param_str = 'accesskey=%(accesskey)s&nonce=%(nonce)s&signature=%(signature)s' % params
     return http_get(self.__url + ExxTrade.BALANCE_RESOURCE + '?' +
Ejemplo n.º 27
def deploy_ci(client, project, install):
    """Deploys a package by downloading the latest CircleCI artifact using ci:<user>/<repo>
    Requires the CIRCLECI environment variable be set with an access token
    url = "https://circleci.com/api/v1.1/project/github/%s?circle-token=%s" % (
        project, os.environ['CIRCLECI'])
    build = http_get(url).json()[0]["build_num"]
    url = "https://circleci.com/api/v1.1/project/github/%s/%s/artifacts?circle-token=%s" % (
        project, build, os.environ['CIRCLECI'])

    for file in http_get(url).json():
        if install and file["pretty_path"].endswith("-install.zip"):
            url = file["url"]
        elif not install and file["pretty_path"].endswith("-upgrade.zip"):
            url = file["url"]

    temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    download_file(url + "?circle-token=%s" % (os.environ['CIRCLECI']),
    client.deploy_package(project + ".zip", temp)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def thumb(self, url):
     content = utils.http_get(url, timeout=self.TIMEOUT)
     if not content: return None
         img = Image.open(StringIO(content))
         thumb_data = StringIO()
         img.save(thumb_data, 'JPEG')
         return thumb_data.getvalue()
     except IOError, e:
         print('PIL error: ' + str(e))
         return None
def scrape(slug):
	episode_list = []

	response = utils.http_get(slug + '?fields=true')
	json_data = json.load(response)

	for ep in json_data['episodes']:
		new_ep = make_ep_obj(ep)
		new_ep.showImage = json_data['show']['image']['showImage']


	return sorted(episode_list, key=lambda k: k.get_episodeNumber())
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def get_open_orders(self, currency, order_type):
     # type: (str, str) -> list
     params = {
         'accesskey': self.__access_key,
         'currency': currency,
         'nonce': str(int(time.time() * 1000)),
         'pageIndex': '1',
         'type': order_type
     params['signature'] = build_exx_sign(params, self.__secret_key)
     param_str = 'accesskey=%(accesskey)s&currency=%(currency)s&nonce=%(nonce)s&pageIndex=%(pageIndex)s&type=%(' \
                 'type)s&signature=%(signature)s' % params
     return http_get(self.__url + ExxTrade.OPEN_ORDERS_RESOURCE + '?' +
Ejemplo n.º 31
def kegg_map_api(ko_list):
    if len(ko_list) == 0:
        return []
    pathway_list = []
    api_url = 'rest.kegg.jp/link/pathway/'
    for ko in ko_list:
        resp = utils.http_get(api_url + ko, https=False)
        if resp.text.startswith(ko):
            for line in resp.text.splitlines():
                path_id = line.split('\tpath:')[1].strip()
                if path_id.startswith('ko'):
            pathway_list = []
    return pathway_list
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def cancel_order(self, currency, order_id):
     # type: (str, str) -> bool
     params = {
         'accesskey': self.__access_key,
         'currency': currency,
         'id': str(order_id),
         'nonce': str(int(time.time() * 1000))
     params['signature'] = build_exx_sign(params, self.__secret_key)
     param_str = 'accesskey=%(accesskey)s&currency=%(currency)s&id=%(id)s&nonce=%(nonce)s&signature=%(signature)s' % params
     result = http_get(self.__url + ExxTrade.CANCEL_RESOURCE + '?' +
     if result['code'] == 100:
         return True
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def get_captcha( self ):
        rand = random.random()
        link = self.captcha_URI + str( rand ) + '&' + self.session
        print "Downloading captcha image...",
        img  = utils.http_get( link, self.booking_URI )
        print 'OK'

        f    = open( 'captcha.png', 'wb' )
        f.write( img )
        webbrowser.open( 'captcha.png' )

        return raw_input( 'Captcha text: ' )
Ejemplo n.º 34
def get_department_detail_userlist(access_token,
    url = 'https://%s/user/list?' % API_ADDR
    args = {'access_token': access_token, 'department_id': department_id}
    # 可选分页参数处理
    if offset != None:
        args['offset'] = offset
    if size != None:
        args['size'] = size
    if order != None:
        args['order'] = order

    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def k_line(self, coin, k_type):

        :param coin:
        :type coin: str
        :param k_type:
        :type k_type: str, 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 1d
        [[timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume]] [[int, float, float, float, float, float]]
            [1517063160000, 2.24e-06, 2.24e-06, 2.24e-06, 2.24e-06, 100.0],
            [1517063220000, 2.24e-06, 2.27e-06, 2.24e-06, 2.24e-06, 1790],
            [1517063280000, 2.24e-06, 2.24e-06, 2.24e-06, 2.24e-06, 100.0]
        params = 'coin=%(coin)s&type=%(type)s' % {'coin': coin, 'type': k_type}
        ret = http_get(self.__url + BitZMarket.K_LINE_RESOURCE + '?' + params)
        if 'code' in ret and ret['code'] == 0:
            return json.loads(ret['data']['datas']['data'])
Ejemplo n.º 36
def download_chaper(imgs_url,dst_dir):
	if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):

	# imgs_url = Parse.get_imgs_url(chp_url)
	for img_url in imgs_url:

		img_name = img_url[img_url.rfind("/") + 1:]
		img_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, img_name)

		if os.path.exists(img_path):
			print "skip:%s"%img_path

		img_context = http_get(img_url)

		with open(img_path,"wb") as f:
		print "download %s:%s"%(img_url, img_path)
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def order(self, order_type, currency, price, amount):
     # type: (str, str, str, str) -> str
     params = {
         'accesskey': self.__access_key,
         'amount': amount,
         'currency': currency,
         'nonce': str(int(time.time() * 1000)),
         'price': price,
         'type': order_type
     params['signature'] = build_exx_sign(params, self.__secret_key)
     param_str = 'accesskey=%(accesskey)s&amount=%(amount)s&currency=%(currency)s&nonce=%(nonce)s&price=%(' \
                 'price)s&type=%(type)s&signature=%(signature)s' % params
     result = http_get(self.__url + ExxTrade.ORDER_RESOURCE + '?' +
     if result['code'] == 100:
         return result['id']
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 38
def kegg_id_api(operation, identifer):
    if len(identifer) == 0:
        return ''
    if operation == 'conv':
        api_url = 'rest.kegg.jp/conv/genes/'
        query_url = 'ncbi-geneid:' + str(identifer)
    elif operation == 'conv_uniprot':
        api_url = 'rest.kegg.jp/conv/genes/'
        query_url = 'up:' + str(identifer)
    elif operation == 'ko':
        api_url = 'rest.kegg.jp/link/ko/'
        query_url = str(identifer)
        logger.warning('operation' + operation + 'not found.')

    kegg_list = []
    resp = utils.http_get(api_url + query_url, https=False)
    if resp.text.startswith(query_url):
        keggs = resp.text.strip().split('\n')
        for kegg in keggs:
    return kegg_list
def scrape():
	show_list = []

	response = utils.http_get('shows?take=-1')
	json_data = json.load(response)

	for show in json_data['payload']:
		new_show = classes.Show()
		new_show.slug = show['slug']
		new_show.title = show['title']
		new_show.drm = show['drm']
		new_show.episodeCount = show['episodeCount']
		new_show.description = show['description']
		new_show.showImage = show['image']['showImage']
		new_show.genre = show['genre']

		if new_show.drm is True:

		if new_show.episodeCount > 0:

	return sorted(show_list, key=lambda k: k.get_title())
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def depth(self, currency):
        # type: (str) -> dict

        :param currency: bcc_btc, spc_qtum
        :return: dict
                'timestamp': 1516520422,
                'asks': [
                    # [sell_price, sell_quantity] [str, str]
                    ['0.008600', '51200.00'], # ask_3
                    ['0.008500', '1187.62'], # ask_2
                    ['0.008479', '4234.88'] # ask_1
                'bids': [
                    # [buy_price, buy_quantity] [str, str]
                    ['0.008200', '3508.67'], # bid_1
                    ['0.008125', '6606.25'], # bid_2
                    ['0.008124', '30000.00'] # bid_3
        params = 'currency=%(currency)s' % {'currency': currency}
        return http_get(self.__url + ExxMarket.DEPTH_RESOURCE + '?' + params)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def crawl_content(self, url):
     html = utils.http_get(url, encode='gbk')
     html = self.parser.to_utf8(html)
     content = self.parser.parse_content_page(url, html)
     return content
Ejemplo n.º 42
def web_index():
	return utils.http_get(config.msg_index_url).split()
Ejemplo n.º 43
#!/usr/bin/env python

import config

import utils

def web_index():
	return utils.http_get(config.msg_index_url).split()

def parse_index(index):
	s = set()
	for f in index:

	return s

if __name__ == "__main__":
		l = open(config.logdir + "/" + config.msg_index)
		local = parse_index(l)
	except IOError:
		local = set()

	web = parse_index(web_index())
	diff_web = web - local
	for d in reversed(sorted(diff_web)):
		print "Getting", d
		msg = utils.http_get(config.base_url + d)
		utils.write_file(config.logdir + "/" + d, msg)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def handle(self, *args, **options):

             Copies all data from each API endpoint of the server's CookCountyJail
             database onto the caller's local machine. 

             NOTE: For the time being, cloning the whole database is impossible;
             the 'courtdate' and 'housinghistory' API endpoints aren't functional 
             as it stands: each will stall for about 4 minutes before giving up with 
             a 504 error if you try to query them with 'limit=0', which is the default.
            Thus it's recommended to either supply an '--api' flag excluding those two 
            APIs (e.g. 'countyinmate, courtlocation, housinglocation'), or to supply a 
             '--limit' flag with some large number (e.g. '2000'). 

             For best results, you might want to do both, in two separate runs:
             "./manage.py clone_db -a 'countyinmate, courtlocation, housinglocation' "
             And then:
             "./manage.py clone_db -a 'courtdate, housinghistory' -l 2000 "
             You could just see how high you can increase that limit before it fails.

        base_url = "http://cookcountyjail.recoveredfactory.net/api/1.0/"
        suffix = "?format=json&limit=0"
        exclude = []  
        # ordereddict mapping APIs with:
        # --> a Django model that can be used to create an object; and,
        # --> a set of identifying filters needed to initialize that object
        api_map = collections.OrderedDict([
            ('countyinmate', (CountyInmate, ['jail_id'])),
            ('courtlocation', (CourtLocation, ['location'])),
            ('housinglocation', (HousingLocation, ['housing_location'])),
            ('courtdate', (CourtDate, ['date', 'inmate', 'location'])),
            ('housinghistory', (HousingHistory, ['inmate', 'housing_location']))
        # dict mapping an identifying filter with:
        # --> a key to index into our json object with, whose
        #     value is the value that will be used to initialize 
        #     the object we'll create with our foreign model
        # --> an API to use to get a model and initializing filters;
        #     these will be used to create the foreign object 
        foreign_map = {
            'inmate' : ('inmate_jail_id', 'countyinmate'),
            'location' : ('location', 'courtlocation'),
            'housing_location' : ('location_id', 'housinglocation')

         # set a limit if necessary
        if options['limit']:
            suffix = '?format=json&limit=%s' % options['limit']

        # build a list of excluded APIs if necessary
        if options['api']:
            for k in api_map.keys():
                if k not in options['api'].split(', '):

        # iterate over our APIs
        for api in api_map.keys():

            # if '--api' flag was given, but this API wasn't included, ignore it.
            if api in exclude:

            # for each API, get the model we'll use to re-create all of its data            
            model = api_map[api][0]

            # for each API, get the identifying filters we'll need to initialize each object of this type
            identifiers = api_map[api][1]

            # query our server to get all the data of a particular API
            result = http_get("%s%s%s" % (base_url, api, suffix), number_attempts=1, quiet=False, retrieval_msg="retrieving from API:")
            if result:

                # parse the json we get back into a dictionary of keys and values
                json_results = json.loads(result.text)

                # all our data is stored inside the 'objects' attribute
                for json_obj in json_results['objects']:

                    # this a dict of filters we'll use to initialize our object, when we create it.
                    # if we have foreign keys to deal with, we'll have to first get_or_create
                    # an object based on those foreign keys.
                    filters = {}

                    # but if there's only one filter, the model doesn't have any foreign keys,
                    # so it's a simpler case.
                    if len(identifiers) == 1:

                        # here, we basically just mindlessly copy the value from the json object
                        # into our dict of filters
                        filters = {identifiers[0]: json_obj[identifiers[0]]}

                        # otherwise, iterate through the filters
                        for i in identifiers:

                            # if we have defined an attribute as requiring foreignkey
                            # lookup, we get to work. 
                            if i in foreign_map.keys():
                                json_key = foreign_map[i][0]
                                foreign_api = foreign_map[i][1]
                                foreign_model = api_map[foreign_api][0]
                                foreign_key = api_map[foreign_api][1][0]

                                # do a foreign key lookup; this means doing get_or_create to instantiate
                                # the object before including it as an attribute of our object;
                                # note that we take the first match if there are multiple
                                    foreigner, created = foreign_model.objects.get_or_create(
                                            **{foreign_key: json_obj[json_key]})
                                except MultipleObjectsReturned:
                                    foreigner = foreign_model.objects.filter(
                                            **{foreign_key: json_obj[json_key]})[0]

                                # include the result with our list of filters
                                filters[i] = foreigner


                                # if an attribute isn't defined in our map above as a foreign key, 
                                # it would get pulled from the json object like normal. 
                                filters[i] = json_obj[i]

                    # here, we actually create our object, again taking the first
                    # available, if there are multiple
                        obj, created = model.objects.get_or_create(**filters)
                    except MultipleObjectsReturned: 
                        obj = model.objects.filter(**filters)[0]

                    # now that we've created our object, we take all the 
                    # remaining attributes from our json object, and
                    # reassign them to our new django object.
                    for k, v in json_obj.iteritems():

                        # if the value is None, it stays None; 
                        # if we already assigned the key in filters, don't reassign; 
                        # if key is not part of our model, don't bother assigning it (e.g. 'resource_uri', '_state')
                       if k not in filters.keys() and v is not None and \
                                k in [a for a in obj.__dict__ if not a.startswith('_')]:
                            setattr(obj, k, v)

                    # finally, we're done.
Ejemplo n.º 45
#!/usr/bin/env python

import config

import utils

def web_index():
	return utils.http_get(config.msg_index_url).split()

def parse_index(index):
	s = set()
	for f in index:

	return s

if __name__ == "__main__":
		l = open(config.logdir + "/" + config.msg_index)
		local = parse_index(l)
	except IOError:
		local = set()

	web = parse_index(web_index())
	diff_web = web - local
	for d in reversed(sorted(diff_web)):
		print "Getting", d
		msg = utils.http_get(config.msg_url + d)
		utils.write_file(config.logdir + "/" + d, msg)
Ejemplo n.º 46
def get_department_detail_userlist(access_token, department_id, fetch_child=0):
    url = "https://%s/user/list?" % API_ADDR
    args = {"access_token": access_token, "department_id": department_id, "fetch_child": fetch_child}
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 47
def get_department_list(access_token):
    url = 'https://%s/department/list?' % API_ADDR
    args = {'access_token': access_token}
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def delete_department(access_token, department_id):
    url = 'https://%s/department/delete?' % API_ADDR
    args = {'access_token': access_token, 'id': department_id}
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 49
def get_user(access_token, userid):
    url = "https://%s/user/get?" % API_ADDR
    args = {"access_token": access_token, "userid": userid}
    url += urlencode(args)
    return http_get(url)
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
             Copies all data from each API endpoint of the server's CookCountyJail
             database onto the caller's local machine. 

             NOTE: For the time being, cloning the whole database is impossible;
             the 'courtdate' and 'housinghistory' API endpoints aren't functional 
             as it stands: each will stall for about 4 minutes before giving up with 
             a 504 error if you try to query them with 'limit=0', which is the default.
            Thus it's recommended to either supply an '--api' flag excluding those two 
            APIs (e.g. 'countyinmate, courtlocation, housinglocation'), or to supply a 
             '--limit' flag with some large number (e.g. '2000'). 

             For best results, you might want to do both, in two separate runs:
             "./manage.py clone_db -a 'countyinmate, courtlocation, housinglocation' "
             And then:
             "./manage.py clone_db -a 'courtdate, housinghistory' -l 2000 "
             You could just see how high you can increase that limit before it fails.

        base_url = "http://cookcountyjail.recoveredfactory.net/api/1.0/"
        suffix = "?format=json&limit=0"
        exclude = []

        # ordereddict mapping APIs with:
        # --> a Django model that can be used to create an object; and,
        # --> a set of identifying filters needed to initialize that object
        api_map = collections.OrderedDict([
            ('countyinmate', (CountyInmate, ['jail_id'])),
            ('courtlocation', (CourtLocation, ['location'])),
            ('housinglocation', (HousingLocation, ['housing_location'])),
            ('courtdate', (CourtDate, ['date', 'inmate', 'location'])),
            ('housinghistory', (HousingHistory, ['inmate',

        # dict mapping an identifying filter with:
        # --> a key to index into our json object with, whose
        #     value is the value that will be used to initialize
        #     the object we'll create with our foreign model
        # --> an API to use to get a model and initializing filters;
        #     these will be used to create the foreign object
        foreign_map = {
            'inmate': ('inmate_jail_id', 'countyinmate'),
            'location': ('location', 'courtlocation'),
            'housing_location': ('location_id', 'housinglocation')

        # set a limit if necessary
        if options['limit']:
            suffix = '?format=json&limit=%s' % options['limit']

        # build a list of excluded APIs if necessary
        if options['api']:
            for k in api_map.keys():
                if k not in options['api'].split(', '):

        # iterate over our APIs
        for api in api_map.keys():

            # if '--api' flag was given, but this API wasn't included, ignore it.
            if api in exclude:

            # for each API, get the model we'll use to re-create all of its data
            model = api_map[api][0]

            # for each API, get the identifying filters we'll need to initialize each object of this type
            identifiers = api_map[api][1]

            # query our server to get all the data of a particular API
            result = http_get("%s%s%s" % (base_url, api, suffix),
                              retrieval_msg="retrieving from API:")
            if result:

                # parse the json we get back into a dictionary of keys and values
                json_results = json.loads(result.text)

                # all our data is stored inside the 'objects' attribute
                for json_obj in json_results['objects']:

                    # this a dict of filters we'll use to initialize our object, when we create it.
                    # if we have foreign keys to deal with, we'll have to first get_or_create
                    # an object based on those foreign keys.
                    filters = {}

                    # but if there's only one filter, the model doesn't have any foreign keys,
                    # so it's a simpler case.
                    if len(identifiers) == 1:

                        # here, we basically just mindlessly copy the value from the json object
                        # into our dict of filters
                        filters = {identifiers[0]: json_obj[identifiers[0]]}

                        # otherwise, iterate through the filters
                        for i in identifiers:

                            # if we have defined an attribute as requiring foreignkey
                            # lookup, we get to work.
                            if i in foreign_map.keys():
                                json_key = foreign_map[i][0]
                                foreign_api = foreign_map[i][1]
                                foreign_model = api_map[foreign_api][0]
                                foreign_key = api_map[foreign_api][1][0]

                                # do a foreign key lookup; this means doing get_or_create to instantiate
                                # the object before including it as an attribute of our object;
                                # note that we take the first match if there are multiple
                                    foreigner, created = foreign_model.objects.get_or_create(
                                        **{foreign_key: json_obj[json_key]})
                                except MultipleObjectsReturned:
                                    foreigner = foreign_model.objects.filter(
                                        **{foreign_key: json_obj[json_key]})[0]

                                # include the result with our list of filters
                                filters[i] = foreigner


                                # if an attribute isn't defined in our map above as a foreign key,
                                # it would get pulled from the json object like normal.
                                filters[i] = json_obj[i]

                    # here, we actually create our object, again taking the first
                    # available, if there are multiple
                        obj, created = model.objects.get_or_create(**filters)
                    except MultipleObjectsReturned:
                        obj = model.objects.filter(**filters)[0]

                    # now that we've created our object, we take all the
                    # remaining attributes from our json object, and
                    # reassign them to our new django object.
                    for k, v in json_obj.iteritems():

                        # if the value is None, it stays None;
                        # if we already assigned the key in filters, don't reassign;
                        # if key is not part of our model, don't bother assigning it (e.g. 'resource_uri', '_state')
                        if k not in filters.keys() and v is not None and \
                                 k in [a for a in obj.__dict__ if not a.startswith('_')]:
                            setattr(obj, k, v)

                    # finally, we're done.
def scrape_ep(slug):
	ep = json.load(utils.http_get(slug))

	new_ep = make_ep_obj(ep)
	return new_ep