Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_body(package):
    result = [
        'pragma Style_Checks (Off);',
        'pragma Warnings (Off, "*is already use-visible*");',
        'pragma Warnings (Off, "*redundant with clause in body*");', '',
        'with Interfaces.C;         use Interfaces.C;',
        'pragma Unreferenced (Interfaces.C);',
        'with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings;'
        'pragma Unreferenced (Interfaces.C.Strings);', '',
        'package body {} is'.format(fmt_name(package.name)), ''

    for elt in package.elements:
        if not is_wrapper_needed(elt):

        # In that case, we do not expose the C declaration. The user
        # should use the wrappers.
        include(get_prototype(elt, decl=True), result, indent=True)

        def callback(tr, subp):
            include(tr.wrapper_body(subp), result, indent=True)

        transform_fixpoint(elt, callback)

    result.append('end {};'.format(fmt_name(package.name)))

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def decodeNumber16(self):
     bstr = self.body
     c = 0
     i = 0
     while i < len(bstr):
         ca = bstr[i]
         if utils.include(ca, "0", "9") or utils.include(ca, "a", "f"):
             self.board.cell[c] = int(ca, 16)
         elif ca == "-":
             self.board.cell[c] = int(bstr[i + 1:i + 1 + 2], 16)
             i += 2
         elif ca == "+":
             self.board.cell[c] = int(bstr[i + 1:i + 1 + 3], 16)
             i += 3
         elif ca == "=":
             self.board.cell[c] = int(bstr[i + 1:i + 1 + 3], 16) + 4096
             i += 3
         elif ca == "%":
             self.board.cell[c] = int(bstr[i + 1:i + 1 + 3], 16) + 8192
             i += 3
         elif ca == ".":
             self.board.cell[c] = -2
         elif ca >= "g" and ca <= "z":
             c += int(ca, 36) - 16
         c += 1
         if c >= len(self.board.cell):
         i += 1
     self.body = self.body[i + 1:]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def decodeArrowNumber16(self):
     c = 0
     i = 0
     bstr = self.body
     while i < len(bstr):
         ca = bstr[i]
         if utils.include(ca, "0", "4"):
             ca1 = bstr[i + 1]
             self.board.cell[c] = (int(ca, 16),
                                   int(ca1, 16) if ca1 != "." else -2)
             i += 1
         elif utils.include(ca, "5", "9"):
             self.board.cell[c] = (int(ca, 16) - 5,
                                   int(bstr[i + 1:i + 1 + 2], 16))
             i += 2
         elif ca == "-":
             self.board.cell[c] = (int(bstr[i + 1:i + 1 + 1],
                                       16), int(bstr[i + 2:i + 2 + 3], 16))
             i += 4
         elif ca >= "a" and ca <= "z":
             c += int(ca, 36) - 10
         c += 1
         if c >= self.rows * self.cols:
         i += 1
     self.body = bstr[i + 1:]
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __checkXRC(self):
     for base_cls in  self.__class__.__bases__:
         cls_name = base_cls.__name__
         if cls_name.startswith('xrc'):
             include(self, XrcCtrlMixin)
         include(self, CtrlMixin)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def decode(self):
     c = 0
     i = 0
     bstr = self.body
     board = self.board
     while i < len(bstr):
         ca = bstr[i]
         if utils.include(ca, '0', '8'):
             self.board.cell[c] = [int(ca, 10)]
         elif ca == '9':
             self.board.cell[c] = [1, 1, 1, 1]
         elif ca == '.':
             self.board.cell[c] = [-2]
         elif utils.include(ca, 'a', 'f'):
             num = int(bstr[i:i + 2], 36)
             val = []
             if 360 <= num < 396:
                 num -= 360
                 val = [0, 0]
                 val[0] = int(num / 6)
                 num -= val[0] * 6
                 val[1] = num
             elif 396 <= num < 460:
                 num -= 396
                 val = [0, 0, 0]
                 val[0] = int(num / 16)
                 num -= val[0] * 16
                 val[1] = int(num / 4)
                 num -= val[1] * 4
                 val[2] = num
             elif 460 <= num < 476:
                 num -= 460
                 val = [0, 0, 0, 0]
                 val[0] = int(num / 8)
                 num -= val[0] * 8
                 val[1] = int(num / 4)
                 num -= val[1] * 4
                 val[2] = int(num / 2)
                 num -= val[2] * 2
                 val[3] = num
             self.board.cell[c] = [v if v != 0 else -2 for v in val]
             i += 1
         elif utils.include(ca, 'g', 'z'):
             c += int(ca, 36) - 16
         if self.board.cell[c] != None:
         c += 1
         if c >= self.rows * self.cols:
         i += 1
     self.body = bstr[i + 1:]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def Service__init__():
    ### Setting db                                 ###
    db = momoko.Pool(**config.DB_SETTING)
    future = db.connect()
    tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().add_future(future, lambda f: tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop())
    ### Setting Service                            ###
    Service.db = db
    Service.log = log
    Service.form_validation = form_validation
    ### Importing Service Module                   ###
    include(Service, "./service", ["base.py"], True, False,)
    Service.Permission = T()
    include(Service.Permission, "./permission/", ["base.py"], True, True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def decode(self):
     ec = 0
     i = 0
     bstr = self.body
     while i <= len(bstr):
         ca = bstr[i]
         if utils.include(ca, "0", "9") or utils.include(ca, "a", "f"):
             self.board.excell[ec] = int(bstr[i:i + 1], 16)
         elif ca == "-":
             self.board.excell[ec] = int(bstr[i:i + 2], 16)
             i += 2
         elif ca == ".":
             self.board.excell[ec] = -2
         elif "g" <= ca <= "z":
             ec += int(ca, 36) - 16
         ec += 1
         if (ec >= len(self.board.excell)):
         i += 1
     self.body = bstr[i + 1:]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def wrapper_body(self, subp):

        result = []

        wrapper_fn = self.wrapper_fn(subp)
        include(get_prototype(wrapper_fn), result)

        call_args = {arg.name: arg.name for arg in subp.args}

        is_fnct = isinstance(subp, Function)

        local_vars = []
        wrapper_body = []

        if is_fnct:
            return_variable = LocalVariable('Return_Value', subp.return_type,

        for arg in subp.args:
            if arg.type in self.from_types:
                (vars, new_arg_name) = self.convert_arg(arg)
                call_args[arg.name] = new_arg_name

        if local_vars:
            longest_name = max(len(var.name) for var in local_vars)
            for var in local_vars:
                wrapper_body.append('{}{} : {}{};'.format(
                    INDENT, var.name.ljust(longest_name), var.type,
                    ' := {}'.format(var.value) if var.value else ''))


        # Generate the call to the C subprogram.
        call = subp.name
        if subp.args:
            call = '{} ({})'.format(
                call, ', '.join(call_args[arg.name] for arg in subp.args))

        if is_fnct:
            wrapper_body.append('{}{} := {};'.format(INDENT,
            if subp.return_type in self.from_types:
                wrapper_body.append('{}return {};'.format(
                    INDENT, return_variable.name))
            wrapper_body.append('{}{};'.format(INDENT, call))

        wrapper_body.append('end {};'.format(wrapper_fn.name))

        include(wrapper_body, result)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def decode4Cell(self):
     c = 0
     i = 0
     bstr = self.body
     bd = self.board
     for i in range(len(bstr)):
         ca = bstr[i]
         if utils.include(ca, "0", "4"):
             bd.cell[c] = int(ca, 16)
         elif utils.include(ca, "5", "9"):
             bd.cell[c] = int(ca, 16) - 5
             c += 1
         elif utils.include(ca, "a", "e"):
             bd.cell[c] = int(ca, 16) - 10
             c += 2
         elif utils.include(ca, "g", "z"):
             c += int(ca, 36) - 16
         elif ca == ".":
             bd.cell[c] = -2
         c += 1
         if c >= len(bd.cell):
     self.body = self.body[i + 1:]
Ejemplo n.º 10
from tornado import web
from tornado.web import URLSpec as url
from sockjs.tornado import SockJSRouter

from settings import settings
from utils import include
from apps.main.views import UbernowRequestHandler

# Register SocjJsRouter Connection
SockjsWebsocketRouter = SockJSRouter(UbernowRequestHandler, '/ubernow')

urls = [
    url(r"/static/(.*)", web.StaticFileHandler,
        {"path": settings.get('static_path')}),
urls += include(r"/", "apps.main.urls")

urls = urls + SockjsWebsocketRouter.urls
Ejemplo n.º 11
from tornado import web
from tornado.web import URLSpec as url
from sockjs.tornado import SockJSRouter

from settings import settings
from utils import include
from apps.main.views import UbernowRequestHandler

# Register SocjJsRouter Connection
SockjsWebsocketRouter = SockJSRouter(UbernowRequestHandler, '/ubernow')

urls = [
    url(r"/static/(.*)", web.StaticFileHandler,
        {"path": settings.get('static_path')}),
urls += include(r"/", "apps.main.urls")

urls = urls + SockjsWebsocketRouter.urls

Ejemplo n.º 12
 def callback(tr, subp):
     include(tr.wrapper_body(subp), result, indent=True)
Ejemplo n.º 13
from tornado import web
from tornado.web import URLSpec as url
# from sockjs.tornado import SockJSRouter

from settings import settings
from utils import include
# from apps.webapp.views import LogWebsocketHandler

# # Register SocjJsRouter Connection
# SockjsWebsocketRouter = SockJSRouter(LogWebsocketHandler, '/log')

urls = [
    url(r"/static/(.*)", web.StaticFileHandler,
        {"path": settings.get('static_path')}),
urls += include(r"/", "apps.webapp.urls")

# urls = urls + SockjsWebsocketRouter.urls